* 7 . -ti. : : . - I OF I ORNL P 1331 . ----- . i .. - 4 S MSO 3.2 i 136 WE |1:25 .14 ILLE " . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 Orm -8-15%, J. Mol. Biol. JUN 24 1965 Elfects of UV-irradiation on macromolecular synthesis in Escherichia coli* CFSTI PRICES H.C. $ 2.00; MN 50 P. A. Swenson and R. B. Setlow Biology Division, Oak Ridge National laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. -LEGAL NOTICE - The report no prepared u un account of Governmeal sponso.ad work. Neither the United malo, nor the Conostor, por uw persoo Acthys on behalf of the Comission: A. You may nruty or represcatadoa, expressed or lopunt, nu respect to the accu- racy, completaru, or wafalms of the tubormation contained us while report, or that the we of way luformation, wentu, method, or proces daclound laws report may not infringe printly owned plechts; or B, AURA Way Habuuan nu nopect to the um of, or for dansgos rewing frou the um ol uy laboraattoo, apparatus, method, or procon dieci As dood in the door, parnou kun on ball of the Communelon" Lacludes way mo plome or wounctor of the Commiulon, or doplor of nuck coatriclor, lobo extrot that soch employee or coolinctor of the Commission, or ereploys of much cootractor preparus, disnainal, or provides accouto, wag taformation par was to Mo daployment or contract will be consistoo, or we saployment mu ruch contractor. This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least months prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. RENDRASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. * Present address: Zoology Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.A. TI Running head: - - Send proof to: . ; X 1. INTRODUCTION : untraviolet irrmation kills bacteria and characteristically results in a lag in DNA synthesis (Kelner, 1953). The inhibition of DNA synthesis 18 temporary for radiation resistant strains but is permanent for sensitive strains It is obvious that many factors contribute to the sensitivity of microorganisms to ultraviolet radiation. For ezample, the base composition would be expected to determine the numbers and proportions of photoproducts formed by irradiation. In general, the higher the thymine content of DNA, the greater the sensitivity for colony inhibition (Haynes, 1965). Dimers formed be cween adjacent pyrimidine residues are important photoproducts in cells and can account for a large fraction of lethal biological damage that is produced by ultraviolet irradiation (Setlow, 1964a, b; Smith, 1964; Wacker, 1963). Probably more important than the number of dimers or other photoproducts is the capacity of the cells to repair the damage (reviews in Hollaender, 1960; Sobels, 1963). In both radiation sensitive and resistant strains of E. coli, pyrimidine dimers seem to act as blocks to DNA synthesis (Setlow, Swenson & Carrier, 1963). It is felt that the sensitive strains lack the ability to repair this damage and a few dimers, formed by very low doses, are lethal whereas the radiation resistant strains are able to excise dimers from their DNA (Setlow & Carrier, 19642; Boyce & Howard-Flanders, 1964) as part of a repair process -leading to resumption of DNA synthesis -- a necessary step 10 colony formation (Setlow & Carrier, 1964a). In this paper we examine, for several sensitive and resistant strains of E. coli B some of the factors that influence the inhibition of DNA synthesis by u.v. irradiation and some factors related to the repair of u•v. lesions. The quantitative analysis of the inhibition of DNA synthesis is described in terms of a model in which a pyrimidine dimer acts as a complete block to DNA synthesis. Finally we show the consequence of u.v. irradiation to RNA and protein synthesis in radiation resistant and sensitive strains. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Bacterial strains. The strains we have used and some oť their characteristics (Hill & Simson, 1961; Hill & Feiner, 1964) are listed in Table 1. All strains, with the exception of B/r (ORNL) were graciously T-1 supplied by Ruth Hill. Growth of cells.-E. coli cells were grown at 37°C in M-99 medium supplemented with 0.25% casamino acids. Cultures growing exponentially (aivision time 34 $ 2 min) at a concentration of 2 x 200 cells/ml, were diluted ten-fold into M-9 medium minus glucose for irradiation. Irradiation Two milliliter samples of a stirred cell suspension in Becknan quartz cuvettes were irradiated with ultraviolet radiation from a large quartz monochromator 11luminated by a 500-watt mercury arc. The incident intensity, about 10 ergs/mm/sec, was measured with a calibrated photocell and the average intensity through the sample was calculated according to Morowitz (1950). Photoreactivating light (4050 A) from the monochromator was passed through a Corning No. 3850 filter before 12luminating cell suspensions so as to filter out any scattered light of wavelength less than 3600 Å. The intensity, 1440 ergs/mm/sec, was measured with a calibrated thermcpile and breaker amplifier. Radioisotope incorporation.--Incorporation of high specific activity PH-labeled thymidine, uridine and leucine into acid insoluble materials was taken to be a measure of the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein respectively. The micromethod of van Tubergen & Setlow (1961) was used. For thymidine incorporation (Boyce & Setlow, 1962) each reaction tube at 37°c contained 5 w (H)thymidine (6 c/mM; 1 mc/m2), 10 ul adenosine (2.5 mg/mi), ml 0.5% casamino acids, 20 m2 of 4% glucose and 200 ml of cell suspension in M-9 medium - the latter added at zero time. At intervals duplicate 10 u samples were removed and gently blown into drops of water on stainless steel planchets. To each drop was added to drop of 2% formalin to stop incorporation and the planchet was dried at 65°c on a slide warmer. The acid-soluble materials were removed by immersing the planchets for 20 minutes in 3:1 alcohol-acetic acid followed by 2 minutes each in 95, 80, 70, 50 and 30% ethyl alcohol and finally water. They were then dried and counted in a windowless gas-flow counter. For (H)uriaine and leuci.ne incorporation, the media were the same as for thymidine incorporation except for a different tritiated precursor and the omission of adenosine. Specific activities weze uridine: 6.8 c/mM, .. mc/ml; leucine: c/MM, 0.5 mc/m2. In the (PH)leucine experiments, the 20 ml samples were blown into a drop of 1 M d-1 leucine in .001 N HM. After the acid and alcohol washes and drying the planchets were further processed to remove adsorbed leucine as follows: 10 minutes in . Chromatographic assay of thymine dimers. These procedures have been described elsewhere in detail (Wulff, 1963; Setlow, Swenson & Carrier 1963). It is important to note that the two-dimensional system used in this work (Butanol/7,0; (NE_) 50, /sodium acetate (H20) does not resolve the dimers TT and UT. The latter arises from CT by deamination during acid hydrolysis of the irradiated DNA. The racioactivity in UT is about logo of that in TT (Setlow, Carrier & Boillum, 1965a). 3. RESULTS and DISCUSSION DNA synthesis.-Figure I shows the effects of a low dose of 2650 Å radiation on DNA synthesis in various strains of E. coli. These strains fall into three categories with respect to ultraviolet-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis. The DNA synthesis of the sensitive strains, B., and S- 1 B y is permanently inhibited. Synthesis in strains Ba-z78849 is markedly inhibited for a period of time and when synthesis resumes it is at a slower rate than for unirradiated cultures. On the other hand, in strains B and B/r one observes only a short delay in DNA synthesis followed by resumption of synthesis at a near normal rate. The remainder of this paper will be devoted to strains Banten, and B, B/r -- the extreme cases for ultraviolet effects on DNA synthesis. DNA synthesis in sensitive strains.-In a previous paper Setlow, Swenson & Carrier (1963) showed for strain Ban that a dose of 5 ergs/mm causes complete inhibition of DNA synthesis, but that a small amount of synthesis occurs before cessation is complete. As the dose is increased this residual synthesis becomes smaller and at 200 ergs/mm it is negligible. Because the inhibition was photoreactivable {: about the same extent to which ****** **** . . w dimers were monomerized and because dimers inhibit in vitro polymerization of DNA (Bollum & Setlow, 1963), a model was considered in which a dimer is assumed to act as a complete block to further polymerization along a DNA template. Since dimer formation is probably a random process in a DNA strand, the everage distance over which synthesis can take place before reaching a block becomes smaller as the dose is increased and more dimers are formed. - The model assumes that 1) polymerization takes place at a constant rate along a template; 2) a dimer in the template stops polymerization at the position of the dimer; and 3) initiation of polymerization aŭ the origin takes place only if polymerization has gone to the end of the template. Figure 2 shows the expected synthesis for particular distribution of dimers in e population that starts at the template origin at time zero. In any irradiated, exponentially growing culture a more complicated system exists than that shown in Fig. 2 because 1) the biücks are distributed randomly along the template; 2) the templates are not synchronized but are in various stages of completion at the start of an experiment; and 3) some templates will receive no blocks because of statistical fluctuations and hence will complete a round of polymerization and continue to increase exponentially. Thus, to use the above model to compute the expected polymerization from a known average number of blocks per template , we must average the simple picture in Fig. 2 over these factors. The details of the analysis appear in Appendix 1. In Fig. 3 are shown the curves derived from the model by assuming a known average number of blocks in a DNA synthetic unit. Also plotted are data taken from experiments similar to those shown in Fig. 1. The experimental data fit the model reasonably well if we identify 2 ergs/rom? . at 2650 Å as representing an average of one block per template. Chromatographic analysis of hydrolysates of DNA from cells irradiated with higher doses shows that 2 ergs/mom produces an average of one pyrimidine dimer every 200 u along a single strand of DNA (Setlow, Carrier & Bollum, 19650). If our assumptions were correct we would conclude that the unit of DNA synthesis in E. coli Baaz is 200 u in length. Cairns (1963) used radioautographic data and obtained the length of the E. coli chromosome as 1000 w. The difference between the two numbers is reasonable because our initial assumptions are only approximations. For example (a) only dimers in particular sequences may be blocks, (b) there may be a very small probability of going around each block, and (c) synthesis may resume from the chromosome origin even though polymerization has been blocked further up the template. In any event the mean lethal dose at 2650 Å (2 ergs/min for k = 1) for cessation of DNA synthesis is only twice that for colony formation in Bar -- a result indicating the close relationship between the two properties. We have compared the relative efficiencies of several wavelengths for inhibiting DNA synthesis by using the above method of analysis on the experimental data at these wavelengths. Table 2 shows the results of this comparison. Wavelength 2650 Å 18 the most efficient; if we assign it a value of 1.00 per incident quantum, 2390 Å and 2805 Å have values of .41 and .50 respectively. DNA synthesis in resistant strains - The effects of various wavelengths in producing delays in DNA synthesis for B/r were also studied. On a conventional linear plot (see Fig. 1), it is difficult to determine the M wysp o : per la commemorgen 10 length of complete inhibition. To obtain a less ambiguous interpretation, DNA synthesis, in counts per minute, were plotted vs. 2+/+-1 (see Appendix 2) where t 1s the time at which the measurement was taken and 1 is the division time. Ca such a plot the data for unirradiated cultures should fall on a straight line through the origin. If yov. Irradiation inhibits DNA synthesis in each bacterium for a finite time, t, the data should fall on a straight line of decreased slope wiiuse intercept on the abscissa is 2'0/" -1, whereas 1f the rate of synthesis per bacterium were decreased or only some bacteria affected one would observe a straight line through the origin with reduced slope. Figure 4 shows typical data for the inhibition of DNA synthesis by various wavelengths of u•v. The points for the non-irradiated sample fit a straight line fairly well (in most cases the fit is better than that in Fig. 4). These data and those in Fig. I show that DNA synthesis is stopped by irradiation of resistant strains, as it is in sensitive strains, and that synthesis resumes before incorporation equal to a normal division (34 min or (2%-) = 1] has been attained. Thus resumption of synthesis in B and B/r but some other type of repair mechanism. This conclusion does not necessarily hold for strains B5-3°8:12 If the only effect of irradiation were the delay of synthesis, the slopes of the incorporation curve: in Figure 4 should be related to the delay time (Appendix 2). It is apparent that this is not true. For example, incorporation after 200 ergs/rom? is much less for 2805 Å than for 2390 Å even though the two wavelengths produce about the same delays. The differences between simple theory and experiment are brought out by comparing the slopes X of the incorporation curves of Fig. 4 and slopes calculated from the observed delay times (Table 3). At low coses synthesis is more rapid than expected on the model. The same result is apparent in the data shown in Fig. I since the absolute difference between irradiated and unirradiated - . - . - 1 cultures remains constant whereas the simple model would predict a constant ratio at large times. Thus the irradiated cultures tend to catch up with the unirradiated ones. The explanation for the phenomenon is not known but could be that the rate of polymerization increases or that the chromosome origin reinitiates earlier. Moreover DNA synthesis is aberrant after irradiation (Pettijohn & Hanawalt, 1964) and new growth points seem to be initiated when synthesis resumes (Hewitt & Billen, 1964). At high doses some of the bacterial DNA no longer participates in replication (Hewitt & Billen, 1964; Doudney, 1965). The above observations emphasize the fact that DNA synthesis is not a sufficient condition for colony formtion. The relative sensitivity of the inhibition of DNA synthesis to different wavelengths may be assessed by comparing the effects of these wavelengths on the delay in synthesis and on the slopes of the incorporation curves (Fig. 5). The data, corrected for quantum energies, are summarized in Table 4. They indicate that the relative sensitivities are similar for both sensitive and resistant strains, are in between the absorption spectra of DNA and thymiaine as is the action spectrum for dimerization of thymines in E. coli DNA (Wulff, 1963). · The action spectrum differs significantly frou that for synthesis delay in M. radiodurans -- a high GC organism (Setlow & Boling, 1965). A further indication that DNA synthesis does not necessarily imply colony survival comes from a comparison of strains 8 and B/r. Strain B is 2 more sensitive but it has a significantly shorter delay time (Fig. 6). Both streing excise dimers into the acid-soluble phase of cells but B does so wore rapidly (Setlow & Carrier, 1964a). The delay times for DNA synthesis are comparable to the excision times for doses less than 200 ergs/mom but at higher doses this may not be true. These results indicate that dimers are blocks to DNA synthesis in resistant as well as sensitive strains . Preliminary data indicate that during the delay period the DNA of strain B contains more single chain breaks than does that of B/r (Setlow & Carrier, 19640). Recovery in non-nutrient medium.-E. coli cells have at least two ways of repairing DNA danaged by u.v. radiation. One is by direct photoreactivation-- a process in which photoreactivating enzyme with visible or long wave length u.v. Illumination monomerizes dimers (review by J. K. Setlow, 1965), the other involves excision of dimers as parts of oligonucleotides. Dimer excision occurs rapidly in B/r cells suspended in nutrient medium and slowly in non-nutrient medium but not at all in Be- under the same conditions (Setlow & Carrier, 1964a). We have tested the ability of B/r to repair its DNA synthesizing capacity when held at 37°C in a medium containing no energy source. The Irradiated suspension was divided into 3 parts. One part was used to measure (H) thymidine incorporation immediately after u.V.-irradiation. A second part was held for 30 minutes at 37°C and a third at 0°C for 30 minutes in M9 minus glucose and before addition of (A) thymidine. A similar set of incorporation experiments was carried out with non-irradiated cells. Figure 7 shows that repair does occur under non-nutrient conditions at 37°C and even a slight amount of 0°C and that the holding conditions have no - - - --- - -- - ---- 12 significant effect on nonirradiated cells. Similar results are found for strain B. During the repair time about 30% of the dimers are excised (Setlow & Carrier, 1964e). Shuster (1964) has found a similar recovery in E. coli 15 tº in the absence of t.bymine. Photoreactivation. Monomerization of dimers by photoreactivation occurs in both Bea and B/r and the u.v. inhibition of DNA synthesis 18 photoreversed to about the same extent as the monomerization (Setlow, Swenson & Carrier, 1963). We attempted to answer the question: Assuming that synthesis is blocked by dimers, can the photoreactivating enzyme operate on a dimer which 18 actually blocking DNA synthesis? Cells of Bali unable to carry out dark repair, were used. They were irradiated with a dose of 10 ergs/wo? and then allowed to synthesize up to a block, following which the cells were 11luminated with the photoreactivating light. Figure 8 shows that 34 minutes of growth after u.v. drastically reduces the ability of photoreactivation to stimulate additional DNA synthesis. However dimers are split at near normal rates by photoreactivating light under these conditions (Setlow & Carrier, 1964), although there is no evidence that all the dimers are monomerized. The photoreactivability of colony formation is similar to that found for the inhibition of DNA synthesis in Fig. 8. Chloramphenicol. everal studies have appeared in which chloramphenicol, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, has been shown to prevent the resumption of DNA synthes16 in irradiated cells (Harold & Ziporin, 1958; Drakulic & : Errera, 1959), and although we have not found this to be the case, it was of Interest to determine, by use of chloramphenicol, whether protein synthesis 18 necessary for the excision of thymine dimers from the DNA of irradiated cells. When chloramphenicol 18 used at a concentration of 5 wom/mi, protein synthesis 16 Inhibited completely in E. coli and DNA synthesis 18 mich reduced (Fig. 9). Figure 9 also shows that 50 ergs/nom? delays DNA synthes18 for 15 minutes and that in the presence of chloramphenicol (added immediately after Irradiation) a slightly larger delay occurs followed by a resumption of synthesis parallel to that of an unirradiated culture. Table 5 shows that chloramphenicol, at 5 uom/ml, does not affect the excision of dimers from the DNA of irradiated cells. On the other hand, acridine orange added after u.V.-Irradiation definitely increases the lag in DNA synthesis and also slows down the rate of dimer excision (Setlow, 1964). In E. coli 15 Tº the absence of thymine from the medium does not stop dimer excision (Shuster and Boyce, 1964) nor inhibit completely the recovery of the ability to synthesize DNA when thymine is added back to the medium (Shuster, 1964). All these data provide further evidence that the excision of dimers is a necessary step in the rapid resumption of DNA synthesis in resistant strains. - - .. Effects on RNA and protein synthesis.We now compare effects of uov. on DNA and RNA and protein synthesis in sensitive and resistant cells. Figure 10a shows that following a dose of 6 ergs/mm RNA synthesis in Bog proceeds nearby exponentially for 30 minutes and then continues linearly. . The point at which the rate becomes constant is approximately the time at which DNA synthesis almost ceases. A dose of 25 ergs/mm allows only a slight amount of DNA synthesis; RNA synthesis proceeds approximately linearly for 50 minutes or so and then decreases slightly. Even following a dose of -.-............ ... . ... . ..... 200 ergs/com considerable RNA synthesis occurs -- at first linearly for 30 or 40 minutes and then at a somewhat slower rate. Protein synthesis (718. 10b) 18 less sensitive than RNA synthesis, especially at the low doses since following 6 and 25 erga/wom the rate of protein synthesis 18 . constanily increasing albeit at rates considerably less than that of the control. A dose of 200 ergs/vom reduces protein synthesis by approximately the same amount as RNA synthesis. The order of increasing resistance to U.V.-irradiation, DNA-, RNA-, protein synthesis is the expected one on current views of macromolecular synthesis in vivo and fits the following interpretation. A few dimers inhibit DNA synthesis but they are so far apart that the transcription of RNA from DNA templates is not affected. Since DNA synthesis is inhibited RNA continues at.a constant rate but the rate of incorporation of label into protein increases with time because the total amount of RNA, but not necessarily messenger RNA, increases. At high ultraviolet doses (200 ergs/mm) the average distance between dimers 1s small (2 m) and RNA and protein syntheses are affected. Data for strain B are presented in Fig. 1).. A dose of 200 ergs/mum? was used, sufficient to block DNA synthesis completely for about 50 minutes. RNA synthesis is at a roughly constant rate until 50 minutes, the time at which DNA synthesis resumes. Then the rate of synthesis increases in an exponential fashion. The rate of protein synthesis appears to be linked to the rate of RNA synthesis. The picture for B/r 18 almost identical to that for B. These data are similar to those obtained with 32p-incorporation into the nucleic acids and s into the protein of irradiated E. coli B and 15 T" (Hanawalt & Setlow, 1960). ..... .. .. memore emm L . Famo-**, wyros a mano.maris per promotion ..... . .... 4. GENERAL DISCUSSION The effects of uiv. Irradiation on macromolecular syntheses and on colony survival of various strains and mutants of E. coli depend markedly on the mutant strain (review by Adler, 1965). As far as DNA synthesis 18 concerned the mutants of E. coll B may be divided into three classes (Hg. 1). Other strains of E. coli are similar to two of these three classes. Strain 15T“ (Hanawalt & Setlow, 1960) and the resistant strains of E. coli K-12 (Howard-Flanders, 1965) are similar to strain B and B/r, whereas the sensitive strains seem to be 21ke Be-3°8:22. The results of Rörsch et al. (1962) Indicate no induced lag in DNA synthesis, as measured by p-uptake, in either resistant or sensitive mutants of E. coli B. This result is in flagrant disagreement with the above observations. The mutant Boy seems anomalous because its DNA syuthesis 18 blocked by low doses yet it excises dimers and shows host cell reactivation. It was speculated that this mitant is deficient in steps that fix the excised region of DNA (Setlow & Carrier, 1964a). This mutant seems to have many properties in common with the recombinationless mutants of K-12 (Clark & Margulies, 1965; Clark et al., 1965). Since the experimental data on the numbers of u•Vo-induced dimers in the various mutants of E. coli Bor K-12 show no significant differences (Setlow, Swenson & Carrier, 1963; Setlow & Carrier, 1964a; Boyce & Howard - Flanders, 1964) among them, the big differences in sensitivity do not seem to arise from different numbers of photoproducts but from differences in molecular repair mechanisms. This notion 18 strengthened by the following argument. DNA syathesis in the very sensitive strains 18 blocked by only resina e Vinario tecnica or p - -- - - 16 --- -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - . waren a small number of dimers (~10) in the bacterial chromosome whereas the resistant cells recover from the effects of 1000 or more dimers. The time It takes for synthesis to resume 18 approximately the same as the time it takes for the dimers to be excised from the bacterial DNA, and the various treatments that effect colony formation -- such as photoreactivation, liquid holding restoration (see for example Jagger et al., 1964) and acriflavin (Alper, 1963; Witkan, 1963) also affect DNA synthesis and excision in similar ways. (In sensitive strains there is no exc1.8ion, DNA synthesis does not resume, and the cells do not form colonies.) The data are consistent with the idea that dimers act as blocks (but not necessarily absolute blocks, to synthesis of DNA and they are extraordinarily effective because DNA 18 synthesized on very long templates. Doses that stop DNA synthesis in the sensitive strains have no immediate effect on RNA or protein synthesis. Such effects are only observed at large doses when the number of dimers per wit length of DNA becomes large (200 ergs/cm², 1 dimer per 100 daltons). If DNA synthesis resumes so does RNA and protein synthesis. It is noteworthy that u.v. irradiation of l-even phages, with doses similar to those used in this work, results in the inhibition of the synthesis of phage DNA but does not affect the rate of appearance of phage-specific enzymes (vidaver & Kozloff, 1957; Flaks et al., 1959; Dirksen et al. 1960; Delihas, 1961). The simplicity of the above interpretation should not blind us to the fact that DNA synthesis is a necessary but not sufficien: condition to cellular reproduction nor to the fact that there are u.V.-induced photoproducts other than a imers in DN (Smith, 1964; Setlow, 1964a; Wacker, 1963). However ELS none of these products have been shown to be photoreactivable. As we pointed out above, excision 18 more rapid and DNA synthesis resumes quicker in strain B than in B/r but the latter shows higher colony survival. The difference in colony-forming sensitivity between B and B/r seems to depend on the fact that, after reasonable doses of u.v., B does not divide but forms long non-septate fllaments, or snakes, and as a result does not form a colony (van de Putte, et al., 1963). After small u.v. doses the filaments eventually divide and form macroscopic colonies and at these doses fllament formation 18 photoreactivable (Deering, 1958). Further evidence that the overall repair process (in which excision is probably an early step) is not 100 percent efficient 18 that even strain B/r 18 photoreactivable (Kelner, 1949) -- repair tig" monomerization is more efficient than repair by excision. It has not been demonstrated that DNA synthesis stops at a pyrimidine dimer. Therefore while it is tempting to suppose that the explanation for the results in Fig. 5 18 that the growing point of the chromosome is not . accessible to the photoreactivating enzyme, we could also imagine that a random, noncomplementary synthesis took place around a dimer as occurs in vitro (Bollum & Setlow, 1963) and that synthesis stopped because large parts of adjacent strands were not complimentary. In the latter case monomerization of dimers would not lead to further DNA synthesis. Despite the various complications mentioned above it seems that the most useful description, at the level of a first approximation, of the lethal effects of uove on microorganisms 18 that it forms dimers in the DNA, that such dizers act as blocks to DNA synthesis, and that unless they are removed . inte ativities by some repair mechanism the organism dies. 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Biophysical J. Z 589. Wulff, D. L. (1963). Biophysical J. % 355. *** . Hope to mpo ***... FOOTNOTES -Pyrimidine dimers are adjacent pyrimidine residues in a polynucleotide that are joined together at the 5, 6 positions. Thymine dimers are particular members of the class of pyrimidine dimers. The relative nuniers of dimers In irradiated E. coll DNA 18 TT: 50%; CT: 40%: CC: 10% (setlow, Carrier & Bollum, 1965). 29 medium: (Roberts, et al., 1955) NA, C1, 1 gm; Ne.HPO4, 6 gm; KE POLO 3 gm; Naci, 5 gm; MgSO4, 0.1 gm; glucose, 4 gre; 1,0, 1 liter. . . . . . . . . . ---... ... ... ... . ... ... ... . ciasto... . V 4 22 Table 1 Some characteristics of the bacterial strains Host cell* reactivation Ability to** excise dimers Strain ~ 1/e dose for killing (ergs/com?, 254 m) 500* B/T high high Bool I + II 1 Bs.3 negligible negligible negligible uw 6 low B5-11 B5-12 negligible Data in columns 2 and 3 from Hill & Simson (1961), 6111 & Feiner (1964) and H11 (1964). Data in column 4 from Setlow & Carrier (1964 & unpublished). *Host cell reactivation refers to the ability of bacteria to reactivate 4.V.-irradiated TI phage. **Excision of dimers is measured as the decrease in dimers in the acid insoluble fraction of cells and their appearance in the acid soluble fraction. *Not exponential survival. Table 2 The number of blocks to synthesis from the analysis in Appardix 1 and data such as shown in Figure 3 Wavelength. (8) Dose (ergs/mm) Blocks to synthes16 Blocks per erg/nm Relative value for incident quantum Strain Bs-1 2805 4 1.5 0.38 0.25 ( .32) . Avg 0.50 2650 vun 0.5 0.5 ůů 0.5 ota ancora 0.5 20 0.7 1.0 0.5 Avg (0.60) 24.5 1.00 2390 ܟ ܐ 0.25 0.18 ( .22) Avg 0.42 Strain Bs-11 2650 uno ino Avg (0.63) ... - Table 3 A comparison of the observed and calculated relative slopes of the (R)thymidine incorporation curves in Fig. 4. The calculated slopes are obtained from a model in which u.v. only stops DNA synthesis for a finite time but does not affect the rate of synthesis along a chromosome. The model does not agree with observations. Observed slope Calculated slope Wavelength (A) Dose . (ergs/m?) 2390 0.84 0.54 206 0.69 0.35 2650 0.78 0.51 0.54 0.36 106 2805 100 0.75 0.49 200 0.30 0.33 ... og to m mer. 25 Table 4 The relative effects, per incident quantum, of several wavelengths on the inhibition of DNA synthesis in sensitive and resistant strains of E. coli. (Data from Table 2 and Fig. 5; absorption from Beavan, Holiday, & Johnson, 1955; sensitivity of thymine dimerization in polyt from Deering and Setlow, 1963). Relative sensitivity Relative Wavelength Sensitive (Brand sensitivity Relative absorption DNA Thymidine Resistant (B/r) (delay) (slope) IT dimerization 0.29 0.52 2390 2650 0.41 1.00 0.50 0.57 1.00 0.60 0.40 1.00 0.58 0.61 1.00 0.56 1.00 1.00 2800 0.64 0.44 -----.. . . . 26 Table 5 The effect of chloramphenicol (5 ugm/mi) on the excision of dimers from the acid insoluble fraction of E. coli B following 200 ergs/mm, 2650 Å. Activity in dimers Time Counts per min Activity in thymine (with chloramphenicol) (without chloramphenicol) (min) ÚT + TT T o 0.129 68.6 12.3 53,200 45,600 0.027 0.132 0.026 0.026 u 40 0.6 43,700 0.002 g 0.000 Cells labeled with (H) thymidine were irradiated, transferred to nonradioactive medium and grown for the indicated times. Approximately equal volume samples - were collected by centrifugation and separated into acid-soluble and insoluble - . ' fractions. Each fraction WELS hydrolised in formic acid, chromatographed and - . the dimer and thymine regions counted. - - * - - women met options porno gay ramonequin mon...!" Appendix 1 We use an oversimplified model to derive an expression for the effect of random blocks on DNA synthesis in sensitive strains of E. coli. Assume: 1) Synthesis takes place on a template of length lo. It starts at the origin at time zero and procedes at a cons cant rate until it reaches lo at the division time a at which time the number of templates doubles. 2) If there is a block, synthesis takes place up to the block and stops 3) The blocks are randomly distributed among the templates and along the length of a template. We use the following terminology l = length along template do = length of template t = time q- division time R = average blocks per template n = actual blocks' along a template. If there are actually a blocks along lo, the probability of finding none of them in l 18 (1-6/2.)", and the probability of going a distance between l' and bread without encountering a block is proportional to the differential of the above expression. pleyae - ( ; s'blabae 1 thus the amount of synthesis in q 18 given by o facerea The probability of finding n blocks if the average number 18 k 18 the Poisson expression P(n) - -*/ 01 Thus the expected synthesis in r 18 Pla) srother - M8 le.2) (a+2)! R o p (2+1)! R 26-337 And te relative syathesis 18 compared to a template with no blocks 18 l-e-R Rei. Synthter - - .. .- For times tsp -.-- - .. Rel. Syathtasy * .docx - . .- .. - For times t 2q we may take, with negligible loss in accuracy, the wirradiated templates as having synthesized 2%-1 templates. The only irradiated templates that continue growing are those with no blocks, i.e. Plo) - R. After 't = 9 they synthesize 23/1-2. Thus ••..- postpay na . memper my per to = (1-e By + 8 +R(2+/-2) Rel. Synthezo - (5) 2 -1 We gain no further insight into the problem but more algebraic complexity by considering an unsynchronized group of templates such as we are actually dealing with. The solutions of our problem using an unsynchronized start gives results that are within about 20% of those given by Eqs. 4 ani 5 -- a difference much smaller than the uncertainties in assumption 2. Appendix 2 In an exponentially growing culture the amount of synthesis, or uptake of radioactive label R 11 pool sizes remain constant, 18 given by No v.v. R = a(at/T . 1). (6) where a 18 a constant dependent on specific activity, DNA per cell, and the number of cells at time zero. If, as a result of irradiation, DNA synthesis ceases for a time to and then resumes at the same rate as existed before irradiation - Biala (t=to)/ - 1) tyto u.v. . (7) RO ts to (If the bacteria are to survive, and have the normal amount of DNA per cell, we expect at some time to find 7 less than the normal division time.) If we plot R versus 2*/ -, Eq. (6) gives a slope a. By adding and subtracting a 2-to/t to Eq. 7 we obtain w.v. R = 22-to/7 (at/) + a(zeto/* - 1). A graph of R versus (25/1 - 1) now has a slope u•v. slope - a2-tolt : (8) W Figure Legends Feu 1 - The incorporation of (PH)thymidine by several strains of E. coll given small doses of ultraviolet radiation (2650 Å). Fig. 2 - A model to explain the inhibition of DNA synthesis in ultraviolet- Irradiated E. coli Bg- and B-2 for particular distributions of dimers .: Fig. 3 - DNA synthesis as a function of time in irradiated sensitive strains of E. coli. The solid curves are theoretical curves for the indicated average number of blocks (k) per template as worked out in Appendix 1. Time is in units of the generation time of mirradiated cultures and synthesis in irradiated cultures is given as percentage of mirradiated cultures. Fig. 4 - Incorporation of (H) thymidine into irradiated cultures of E. coli B/r versus 2/t 1 where t is time and T 18 the generation time (34 min) of unirradiated cultures. Fig: 5 - Dose-effect curves for inhibition of DNA synthesis in B/r by several wavelengths. The data are taken from Fig. 4: a) delay in synthesis ; b) relative slope after synthesis has resumed. The dashed lines indicate the level at which the data in Table 4 were obtained. Fig. 6 - Inhibition and recovery from v.v. irradiation (2650 Å) by strains B and B/r as indicated by their ability to incorporate (a)thymidine. Hg. I - Liquid holding recovery of DNA synthesis in B/r as measured by incorporation 02 (H)thymidine. Cell suspensions were irradiated (200 ergs/mm², 2650 A) and held for 30 minutes in growth medium without . glucose or casamino acids at the temperatures indicated. At time zero nutrients and (PA) thymidine were added to cells and all suspensions put at 37°C. Fig. 8 - Photoreactivation (PR) of DNA, synthesis (CH)thymidine incorporation] in E. coli B : a) 10 min illumination of cells with photoreactivating light immediately following exposure to u.v. (10 ergs/mom, 2650 A); b) following u.v. irradiation, synthesis was allowed to take place for 34 min before Illuminating for 10 min with photoreactivating light. F18. 9 - Resumption of DNA synthesis by ultraviolet irradiated E. coli B cells in the presence of chloramphenicol (CAP) at a concentration of 5 uom/mi. Fig. 10 - DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in ultraviolet (2650 A) irradiated E. coli B. as indicated by incorporation of tritiated precursors, thymidine, uridine and leucine . MADE IN U.S.A. Fig. 21 - DNA, RNA and protein syathesis in ultraviolet Irradiated E. coli B as indicated by incorporation of tritiated precursors, thymidine uridine and leucine Chantex ORTHS SENTIMETER 46 1510 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. 00000000 011001 100000UITIIL 02120DWODiamin TITImIOVI UDVIDIVIDUUUUUUUUUUUUUU OI00 DI QWO1000000 JUTOTTWW001001th 000110MM mw0002DIMNO 1000m licDUIDUUUUUUUUUUULIINIT TOIMITIRDIM11mW .III ITUUUNNID WUUDIO 2002DO100 DONO . . 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