. f . - - - TOFT. ORNL P 1324 . .. - p ľ , .. . . O . EEEFEFEE . 1125 LALE . . . ļ MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BURE AU OF STANOAROS - 1963 * C much LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . - ORNU -P-1324 CONF-650407-66. ILDERS BEHAVIOR OF RADIOIODINE IN THE CONTAINMENT MOCKUP FACILITY* 3+961 LONAC G. W. Parker W. J. Martin G. E. Creek C. J. Barton Reactor Chemistry Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee brancinha Introduction - Description of Equipment The Containment Mockup Facility (CMF) is a relatively small versatile facility located within a hot cell for determination of fission product release from irradiated fuel materials and for study of the transport properties of the resulting fission product aerosols. The facility, shown in Fig. 1, and the numerous modifications of its instrumentation that have been made since its . inception have been discussed in a series of progress reports (1-4). Important features of the equipment are the furnace where metal-clad Uoc fuel elements are heated by means of high-frequency (normally 2 megacycle) induction heating; a 180-liter stainless steel tank where the fission product aerosol can be held in air or steam-air under an initial 30 psig pressure for any desired length of time, and a number of devices for sampoing the tank atmosphere. Details of the complex filter pack used to determine the distribution of radioiodine in the aged tank aerosol are shown in Fig. 2. Several variables affecting the behavior of radioiodine in the CMF have been studied in a series of release tests initiated with the use of 1311 tracer and extended to other fission products released from U02. Details of previous tests in this series were given in a previous report (3). The earlier tests were all performed in air (i.e., in the absence of steam), while the present part of the series was primarily directed toward a study of the behavior of iodine in a mixture of steam and air at about 30 psig or in a similar steam-air mixture with mixed hydrocarbon gases. In all tests the 1311 tracer was prepared with enough 1271 carrier to provide a total iodine concentration of approximately 2 mg/m in the CMF tank. The experiments were conducted essentially as described in the above-mentioned report (3) except that when steam pressure was desired before the iodine release, 22 psia was added to the tank, followed by air in amounts just sufficient to reach ~ 45 psia. The presence of steam in the containment prior to the release of fission products provides realistic accident simulation according to most accident models for pressurized-water reactors. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE ACT with THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON EILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTION, -LEGAL NOTICE- TWI report no prepared wa mccount of component spoorond work. Molchor the Valled statos, kor the Conalulon, por ww pornod acting on behalf of the Counsafon: A. Mos uyninaty or reprenotatou, read or inplied, we rupect to w. icry. racy, completeness, or wanaw of the taformation contained lado roport, or that the we of way la formation, appunto, methodha or procmi dieclound ta tus report may not infringe prinuly ownd der or B. imam ulladiuuan no nepoct to the wool, or for denne renibg Irom the un ol way laloration, appentue, whos, or process dinclound in Worsport. Ao wad lo the above, "per on the a betalt of the Conniesion" include my tn. ployee or contractor of the coun ten, of employee of much contractor, to the adent that orca ou play. or contractor of the Connolonor emploru a much contractor proper, dianninal, or provides acuto, may taformation purnum ho Me onploynnt or contract with the Conoston, or Me employment mul much contractor. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG. 64-4999 AIR -- WATER AIR WATER VACUUM -- VACUUM .8888 -VENT DE VENT - STEAM DVENTU se WASH SOLUTION LINE COUNTER to TO NUCLEI Lesezee coopoo Q10 o F DISTILLE ... O WASH TANK ® 20 LITER CARBOY JU GAL. S.S. HOLD-UP TANK ☺ COOLING BATH CRUCIBLE AND SAMPLE © INDUCTION HEATER COIL QUARTZ TUBE ROTAMETER CHARCOAL TRAP O VACUUM PUMP ANDERSON "IMPACTOR" SAMPLER 3 ORIFICE ® SOLENOID VALVE © MILLIPORE FILTER AND CHARCOAL MILLIPORE FILTER RASHIG RING TRAP CHARCOAL TRAP ROUGHING FILTER 9 ABSOLUTE FILTER 20 COPPER SCREENS (3 : CHARCOAL PAPER (3) ~ CHARCOAL CARTRIDGES 23 ABSOLUTE FILTER COPPER SCREENS (4) 3 PLALINIZED ALUMINA SO DIFFUSION TUBE (Ag lined Cu tubing) DIFFUSION TUBE (rubber tubing) 3 DIFFUSION TUBE (charcool-lined S.S. tube ) 29 SAMPLER HOLES ♡ FAN * CUTAWAY, SHO: .NG PLATE OUT SAMPLER ................. .-.. - @ . lolx . . SAMPLE ARGON DRAIN Fig. 1. Schematic Diagram of the Confinemer in Pacility (CMF). OAHLOWG 65.4 POSITION 1, Q @ FROM TANK TO BACK-UP COLO TRAD AND EXHAUST 33' 6 TANDEM FILTER PACK TANDEM FILTER PACK ROUGH FILTER ABSOLUTE FILTER SILVER SCREENS CHARCOAL PAPER FILTERS TEFLON BUSHING CHARCOAL CARTRIDGE THERMOCOUPLE WELL © Ag-PLATED DIFFUSION TUBE © CONNECTOR CHARCOAL LINED DIFFUSION TUBE TO ROTAMETERS, COLO TRAPS, AND EXHAUST Fig. 2. Filter Pack with Diagram of Tandem Diffusion Tube Arrangements. Iodine Behavior in Air and in Steam and Air In run 6-11 (labeled run E in the previous progress report (3), but included in Table 1 for comparison), only 30 psia of air was present in the containment tank when the iodine tracer was vaporized by heat applied with a gas torch. Air flowed past the sample in the furnace tube to displace the iodine into the containment tank. A fan was operated for 1 min to obtain complete mixing of the aerosol in the tank. After 4 hr retention in the tank under air pressure, the excess air and any accompanying airborne iodine was displaced in three separate steps through separate filter packs for determination of the distribution of oxidation states and forms of the radioiodine. The first step was depressurization of tha tank; the second was an argon sweep of the tank; and the third was an air sweep. Finally, the effectiveness of the charcoal adsorption system was calculated, and the percent penetration for a given bed depth was recorded. The observed value of 13% of the total iodine displaced from the containment tank was significantly higher than expected. Desorption during the two sweep steps accounted for approximately half the total. sieme con m'n mietinte: "..Invoice in H Iodine Deposition and Desorption in the Containment Mockup Facility Table 1. Percent of Total. Iodine Released Sicam-Air Run 6-256 Run 8.40 Stcam-Air and Organics Run 9-10% Run 10.9€ Run: 6-11° Run 7-160 Run 10-28' Iodinc held in conta inmcr.t tank Retained on tank walls 79.6 60.8 38.2 18.3 24.4 : 20.9 19.3 52.9 34.9 43.5 47.3 54.0 Collector in steam condensate 58.2 95.7 79.6 72.2 92.2 61.8 Total reter:tion 66.2 82.6 Iodinc scmoved from lank 12.9 2.4 8.5 6.2 By pressure rcicase 14.6 3.0 2.4 13.3 1.2 15.9 7.2 By argon displacement 15.7 0.3 0.5 1.2 1.7 1.8 2.6 By air sweep 32.1 14.6 13.3 27.0 2.6 Total semoved, airbornc 6.5 1.9 0.8 2.2 6.1 0.9 lodine removed on test samples 1.7 Distribution of airbornc iodine from tank 8.16 0.1 0.5 1.5 0.01 0.3 0.03 2.3 5.3 0.8 6.4 2.6 8.5 9.1 2.0 16.3 3.0 0.4 0.4 15.8 1.7 Retained on filters Retaincd on silver 'copper screens Retained on charcoal papers Retained in charcoal contridges Penctration loss throuch, in. charcoal 2.0 0.3 9.1 16.4 0.6 . 2.3 6.6 3.8 0.17 0.3 0.8 0.5 0.01 21 0.3 1.6 Pen:tralinziodinc (% of inventory) 0.5 2.5 1.2 lodine was relcased to the ccata insient sholl filled with filtered air only at 30 psia (containscrit line at full p:cSSUIC, 4 hr). Plodine selcasco in strap. (20 psia) and oi: (20 psia) under conditions providing a lari:et amount of condensate (contaist.eni tisac ut full pressure, 4 hr). Clodinc released in sican (~21 psia) and oir in 21 psia) and held in con!ainment 18 hs. "An undefcrinincd amount of organic material, accione, and solid Co, was inadvertently included in the jodine tracer pocparaliosis. Rolcase was with steam (~20 psia) and air (~20 psia); held in containment Sir. Cir. 9-10 (secam, ^22 psia; nir, ~22 psia; contain:cnt !imc, 5 hr) and 10.7 (stcan, ~22 psia; air, ~22 psia; contain:.:(.nl tio, 16 :r) 500 cm o! mixed hydrocarbons gxepared by hydrolysis of UC-UC, were cided. "In 10-2E, VO, was relied above the iodiac is acos which in turn was released when the motion UO, mixiurc licated a quarta a::.; 'ul to i::. .:lting or softoning point. Released with steam (?2 psia) and air (22 psia); Ihr containment tinc. Pono organic membranc filter which probably scacled with and sclained some molecular iodine in addition to particulate iudins. -4- In the first of the steam-air experiments, run 6-25, an unexpected accumulation of condensate occurred in the furnace tube. The water had to be boiled cut with the iodine, and all but 2.6% of the iodine was retained in the tank. Initially, the results suggest a rather effective washout for the steam condensation process. However, it is believed, instead, that most of the iodine in this case was transferred into the tank in water droplets instead of in a rue gaseous form and that it was readily adsorbed on the tank walls in this form, thus accounting for tlie 60% tank retention (two to three times as much as in subsequent runs) observed for this run. Correspond ingly low (2.6%) airborne values were obtained in this run. In run 8-4, the excess steam condensate was controlled by the use of tank insulation and heating wires. In this run the aerosol was held 18 hr in the containment tank before displacement through the filter pack system. Only 1.7% of the iodine was desorbed by the air sweep, but a total of 6.5% was displaced by the three steps: pressure letdown, argon gas displacement, and air sweep. In comparing the charcoal adsorption behavior of the airborne iodine i or these two runs with that in air, it appears that the amount of iodine penetrating 0.75 in. of charcoal was three times greater in the first run than in the secona (0.3% for 8-4 compared to 0.08% for 6-25 and 0.01% for 6-11). Gas sample data i'or the three runs (Fig. 3) show about a factor of 10 reduction in airborne iodine concentration for run 6-11 but only a factor of about 3 reduction in the steam runs over the 5-hr period. Over a longer period, run 8-4 showed a sight continuous increase in airborne iodine concentration in the interval between 8 and 18 hr. Thus, it can be inferred that a dry metal surface is a better iodine adsorber than a wet one, and the presence of steam in containment either enhances the production of penetrating iodine forms or the high humidity correspondingly diminishes the adsorption on charcoal. Iodine Behavior in Steam-Air Mixtures Containing Organic Gases There has been much speculation about the origin of 'penetrating forms" of radioiodine encountered in various nuclear safety studies; however, no strong case has been advanced for a correlation of the presence of a particular organic gas (such as methane) with the production of this form of iodine. Methyl iodide has been consistently shown to be one of the principal components of the organic iodine fraction. While it appears in some cases that radioiodine has reacted directly in some way with organic materials in the air, the energetics of the reaction of iodine with hydrocarbons are not favorable since the C-H bond strength exceeds the C-I bond strength. The reaction of the methyl radical with free iodine in solution, on the other hand, has been frequently used as a method of removing this organic species in radiation chemistry studies. Attempts to induce the methane-iodine reaction at 200°C in a 10,000 curie cobalt irradiation facility were unsuccessful. Examination of the rate of formation of free methyl radicals indicated that only trace quantities o: methyl iodide could be expected. The mechanism by which the penetrating iodine forms are produced remains to be demonstrated, but it 18 likely that it involves an adsorption-desorption activation or local reaction of iodine with organic materials on metal surfaces. .. . ORNL-OWG 65-1316 ... 106 . ... ... .. .. . L RUN 6-11 (AIR) .. .... RUN 6-25 (STEAM-AIR) .... .. . .. BIJ ACTIVITY (dis/min) START (PRESSURE RELEASE .. ..... . RUN 8-4 (STEAM-AIR) . . . . - . . . . 106 0 240 480 720 960 1200 1440 TIME FROM MELTDOWIN OR RELEASE (min) 1600 . Fig. 3. Change in Iodine Concentration in the CMF Atmosphere. The third series of experiments conducted in the CMF provided for the addition of a mixture of hydrocarbon gases derived from the hydrolysis oi uranium carbide (mainly Uc) by the method described by Bradley and Ferris (2). This mixture was relatively high in methane (~ 75% by volume), and it contained hydrogen and more than 30 additional hydrocarbons, most of which were present in only trace amounts. Mixtures of this type have been carefully analyzed (ó), and it was felt that they represent a reasonable substitute for accident-generated organic vapors for which there is no presently available description or approximate analysis. . Run 7-16, in which the codine tracer was found to have been prepared with both acetone and cos inadvertently present in the ampul, is included in this series. In the subsequent runs (9-10, 10-7, and 10-28), 0.5 liter (STP) of the above-mentioned mixture of hydrocarbons was added to the 180 liters of steam and air in the containment shell at 30 psig and 110°C. The hydrocarbon gas was heated to a variable extent as the iodine sample was vaporized. In run 10-28, where to was melted, more intensive heating of the gas mix ture occurred than in the other experiments. A comparison of the results of runs 7-16, 9-10, and 10-7 (summarized in Table 1), all of which were made with molecular iodine released into an atmosphere of steam, air, and organic compounds, shows that the amount of iodine collected by . the condensate varied very little, from 47 to 58%. tank walls varied only from 19 to 24%. The amount retained on the . . . . . ... In the 10-28 (with voz aerosol) 32% of the iodine remained airborne after 9 hr. Of this arnount, 14.6% Was transferred in the pressure-letdown step and 15.7% in the following argon displacement. Only 1.8% was removed by the air sweep, indicating relatively little desorption during this operation. ... . .. ... . .. Iodine Deposition on Test Samples ". - . ' . Results of an earlier study of plateout of radioiodine on typical reactor surface materials in the CMF were reported in the previous progress report (4). In that test, only air was present as the carrier gas, and tracer 1311 was used in the absence of voz. . . . . . . . . Additional plateout studies have been performed during the experiments described in Table 1, which, wi th one exception (run.6-11), were conducts with steam-air mixtures in the containment tank. Most of the plateout tests described l.ere were conducted at surface temperatures in the range 100 to 3000c. Data on deposition in air obtained in run 6-11 with unheated surfaces are shown ir. Fig. 4. . . . . . . . . In run 6-25 (Fig. 5) the test samples were not heated, except by the surrounding steam. These samples were therefore initially at about 100ºC and they quickly cooled (in about 1 hr) to room temperature. The amount of iodine plateout was determined as a function of exposure time, starting with a few minutes and extending to about 4 hr. A decided minimum found in the plateout on stainless steel was a surprise, and this phenomenon is not readily explained. The relative deposition of iodine was a factor of 3 or 4 lower than on mila steel. The deposition on painted samples was about 50% lower than on mild steel. Run 7-16, which was the first of the series in which the tank atmosphere contained organic gases in addition to steam and air, showed the same dirference in deposition of iodine on stainless steel and on the other surfaces, as in the previous experiments. In this case the painted steel actually slightly exceeded. the mild steel in total uptake of iodine, as shown in Fig. 6. The temperature profile was similar to that in run 6-25. A decided minimum in the stainless steel deposition curve seems to indicate that subtle effects were probably important. In run 8-4, the tank temperature started at 110°C and dropped, due to added insulation, slowly to 65° in 2 hr and to 30° in 10 hr. The milå steel samples were exposed for periods ranging from a few minutes to about 18 hr. The amount of iodine deposited on these samples continued to increase during the entire interval. The other two sample positions were occupied by two parallel sets of stainless steel cylinders, of which one set was exposed at intervals up to 7 hr and the other set up to 18 hr. A curious resemblance in the two curves (Fig. 7) showed that time alone was not the controlling effect for deposition on stainless steel but that geometrical position had an important bearing. In each case the sample specimens near the tank wall were lower than expect:d by a factor of about ORNL-OWG 65-1317 ORNL-OWG 64 - 780ER 109 STEEL PAINTED STEEL MILO STEEL PAINTED STEEL 1341 ACTIVITY (dis/min) 'STAINLESS STEEL 134, ACTIVITY (dis/min) STAINLESS STEEL 5x109 106 LIT 0 40 80 120 TIME (min) 160 . 200 240 N . 2 . TIME (hr) : Fig. 4. Deposition of Radioiodine on Test Samples in Run 6-ll. Fig. 5. Deposition of Radioiodine on Test Samples in Run 6-25. 10. This seems to indicate that either steam condensation washed iodine oil these samples or that they just did not receive the same exposure. A rather important difference between stainless steel and mild steel was again apparent. In run 9-10 (Fig. 8) painted steel at 120°C exceeded the uptake of mila steel at 200 and 300° by a factor of about 3. In turn, the deposition of iodine on mild steel exceeded that on the stainless steel specimens by about a factor of 8. In this run and in run 10-7 (Fig. 9), the specimens were heated during the first 1-1/2 hr or until the steam condensation had been about completed. In run 10-7 the solid steel specimens at 300°C exceeded the stainless steel in relative iodine uptake by a factor of about 20, while at 200° the factor was only a little more than 10. The uptake at 300°C on mild steel was unexpectedly higher than at 200° by almost a factor of 2. This behavior is not reproducible, as shown by the results of run 10-28, Fig. 10. It may have been due to the fact that these specimens were allowed to remain in the tank for several hours after the heating was discontinued. The amount of iodine adsorbed by the test samples is given in Table 2 as percent of inventory and in terms of deposition velocity (7). ORML-grid 05.1313 ORNL-DWG 64-7505 MILD STEEL MILO STEEL PAINTED STEEL X Kes/min) STANLESS STEEL 1315 ACTIVITY (Gis/min) ÖN L- STAINLESS STEEL - PLATE-OUT SAMPLES s! 2 os 0 50 100 150 200 TIME (min) 250 300 350 360 . 1200 240 460 720 TIME (min) Fig. 6. Deposition of Radioiodine on Test Samples in Run 7-15. Fig. 7. Deposition of Radioiodine on Test Samples in Run 8-4. Differentiating Iodine Forms by Means of a Complex Filter Pack Plots of the distribution of iodine in successive silver scre' ns and charcoal papers, obtained after changing atmospheric conditions in the CMF iodine release and fuel melting tests from air to a steam-air mixture, suggested that some oí the components of the filter pack were either undergoing changes in capacity or were experiencing saturation to some extent for a given form of iodine. The nature of the problem is illustrated in the curves shown in Figs. ll and 12. intraeus Diffusion data in the charcoal-lined tubes also showed anomaries, apparently resulting from the presence of water vapor, and the tubes were subsequently heated to approximately 100°C. In order to prevent condensation of water in the filter pack, it was wrapped with electrical tapes to heat it to about 100°C, beginning with run 10-28. Silver-lined diffusion tubes were connected to charcoal- lined tubes in the tandem arrangement shown in Fig. 2, and also with the order oſ OANL OWG 65.1320 ORNL OWG 64.9742 51106 PAINTED STEEL 120°C 200.C MILO STEEL more MILO STEEL o'l actnmir (csts.) WE ACTITY (dis/min) TEMPERATURE _ 200 .. STAINLESS STEEL TEMPERATURE (°C) - STAINLESS STEEL 3 4 SAMPLE NUMBER 5 6 INSIDE TANK WALL DISTANCE FROM TANK WALL (cm) Impeg 0 1 13. 17- 2125mg 3 4 5 6 SAMPLE NUMBER i 7 2 Fig. 8. Deposition of Radioiodine on Heated Samples in Run 9-10. Fig. 9. Deposition of Radioiodine on Heated Test Samples in Run 10-7. OANL - OWG 65.1323 31108 OANL-OWG 65-1322 ARGON SWEEP - UNHEATEO MILO STEEL I HEATED MILO STEEL 300°C HEATEO HILO STEEL 200°C A PRESSURE RELEASE BIJ ACTIVITY (Gisimin) BI! ACTIVITY (Gisimin UNKCATED STAINLESS STEEL HEATED STAIFİLESS STEEL - 200°C AIR SWEEP CL TAI:K WALL HEATED STAINLESS STEEL 300°C 5cm 4cm 1 4 cm 4 cm - 4 cm med 5 6 4cm 3 2 4 2 3 7 8 4 5 6 SCREEN NUMBER Fig. 10. Deposition of Radioiodine on Heated Test Samples in Run 10-28. Fig. 11. Distribution of Radioiodine on Silver Screens in Run 10-28. to condhatjanticitetan antara satu t uuassa St Lumia. Table 2. Deposition of Radioiodine on Test Samples. Stainless Steel Painted Steel Run No. Time of Deposition (min) Average Concentration (mg/mº) Percent of lodinc Inventory on Sample Deposition Velocity. Ve (cm/sec) Blild Steel Percent of Deposition Iodine Inventory on Velocity, V& Sample (cm/sec) Percent of lodinc on Inventory on Sample Deposition Velocity, V (cm/sec) x 10-3 * 10-3 x 10-3 · 6-110 1.1 0.062 2.59 1.1 41.2 0.84 35.4 220 1.0 0.15 6.32 0.22 0.19 8.4 6-250 7-166 '316 1.8 0.031 0.54 0.079 1.5 0.081 1.6 - 10- 1080 1.0 0.19 1.7 0.22 2.0 9-10% 1.2 0.21 5.5 305 1.2 0.0072 0.14 0.073 1.4 9-10° 9-104 305 1.2 0.0078 0.16 0.051 0.98 10-76 963. 1.1 0.18 1.7 963 1.3 0.0017 0.033 0.11 0.75 10-90 10-94 963 1.1 0.0054 0.038 0.13 0.94 10-286 134 1.4 0.015 0.83 0.13 6.9 10-28° 134 1.4 0.49 0.089 3.6 0.012 0.0071 10-280 134 1.4 0.29 0.071 2.9 Run 6-11 was in air; all schoors were in stcam-a is. B~ 30°C on 6-cm? surface. Temperature variable: 110 to 30°C during cooling. C200°C on 8-cm? surface. (300°C on 8-cm? surface. -11. OANL-OWG 65-1324 108 ORNL-OWO 65-1325 SILVER LINED TUBES ECHARCOAL LINED TUBE) (TOP POSITION! 3F (BOTTOM POSITION) 3 7x10% dis/min TOTAL: 515.8x107 dis/min TOTAL: 1 REACTIVE 10DINE PENETRATING IODINE _ 70% 30% ARGON SWEEP IS, ACTIVITY (dis/min) PRESSURE RELEASE IODINE ACTIVITY (dis/min) be AIR SWEEP 6 CHARCOAL PAPER NUMBER 0 120 40 80 120 0 40 60 DISTANCE FROM TUBE ENTRANCE (cm) Fig. 12. Distribution of Radiolodine on Charcoal Papers in Run 10-7. Fig. 13. Data for Tandem Diffusion Tube in Position 4 after Charcoal Paper in Run 3.0-7. the tubes reversed, to see if any form of iodine penetrated both tubes. In general, it was found that a larger fraction of the iodine passed through the silver tube than deposited on it; however, the heated-charcoal tube was highly efficient in either position. Typical curves are shown in Fig. 13. The corrective measures for sampling iodine in steam-containing atmospheres have been found satisfactory for the charcoal-containing portionsof the sampler; however, the silver deposition results are frequently still erratic. ntrenman master na Diffusion tube distribution data are compared in Table 3 for runs 9-10, 10-7, and 10-28. The last test was the only one in which V02 was vaporized. The data are presented graphically in Figs. 14 to 16. The silver-lined tube retains the reactive iodine fairly efficiently, both Iz and HI, and it will also retain iodine attached to very small particles (< 200 A diam). The only other form that could be present at this point is the unreactive gaseous, or penetrating form. Therefore, the distribution between the silver-lined tube and the charcoal- lined tube was interpreted as suggesting a rather definite measure of the ene tinira a Shisha katikanovar -12- Table 3. Distribution of Iodine on Complex Filter Pack Determined by its Retention in Tandem Diffusion Tubes. Run Run Run 10-28 lodine Diouibution 9.100 10-70 _ _ 11' : 23 Gas-borne lodino reaching charcoal papers (% of Inventory) 0.65 0.90 lodine collectod by charcoal from sido stroam coloro charcoal papers (fraction in otro am) amount of penetrating iodino (% of inventory: product of above values) 0.26 0.70 0.99 lodine collected by charcoal from side stream after charcoal papors (traction in stream) "Seo Tablo 3.1 for run conditions. Acrosol had passod through a roughing flltor, absoluto flitor, and ollvor scroono bolore roaching this sampio polno in the complox filter pack (position No. 3 in Fig. 3.11). Amount of iodine in sample stream that penetratod a sllver-lined diffusion tubo and was rota ined by a charcoal. Uned diffusion tubo and by charcoal bods, · "Acrosol had passed through charcoal papors in addition to components Ustod in b above, bcforo roaching this sampic point (nurilion No. 4 in Fig. 3.11). concentration of these two varieties of iodine. On this basis, the fraction of iodine penetrating the silver-lined tube and collected in the charcoal-lined tube as well as the amount of iodine collected in charcoal beds downstream from the diffusion tubes is taken as the fraction in the penetrating form. This division is shown in Table 3. The amount of iodine in this form, expressed as percent of inventory, ranged from 2.5% in 9-10 to 7% in 10-7 and to 21% in 10-28. The reason for these differences is not obvious. Variations in the heating time and in the aging time of the aerosol in the tank containing steam, gaseous hydrocarbons, and, in one experiment, vaporized fuel particles may be responsible for this unexplained behavior. hindi marans en A second method of measuring the distribution of iodine forms at different stages in the l'ilter pack was devised to check its efficiency. Side streams were removed from the filter pack in the manner described above, but these streams were passed through small composite filter packs that had the same arrangement of components as the large filter pack samples. The distribution of iodine in the side-stream filter pack that sampled the main stream just before it passed into the charcoal cartridges (No. 4 position in Fig. 2) is shown in the form of block diagrams in Figs. 17 to 19 for runs 9-10, 10-7, and 10-28, respectively. Similar data obtained in run 10-28 from the filter pack that sampled the gas stream before passing through the charcoal papers (No. 3 position in Fig. 2) are shown in Fig. 20. These data are summarized in Table 4. Comparison of the distribution of iodine in the side-stream filter pack for min 10-28, before the charcoal papers, with similar data in Table 3 shows excellent agreement, 94% in anvratanenin sa kasa ORALOWG 64.9748 ORNOWE 64.9747 1010 OD . . . . _ . PRESSURE RELEASE _ . . . . . . . . . . O . . . PRESSURE RELEASE . . 108 ARGEN SWEEP .. . . ARSON TRANSFER . . ACTO AIR SWEEP AIR TRANSFER 131, ACTIVITY (Cs/min) 134ACTIVITY tis/min) VITUTITTIM MINTITUTION . . . 771 TUTULMUUTTUNUTRIT. » _ _ AMINTE 12 - - Wy - - 2 IIIIII ._. _09 FILTER 2nd ABS PAPER CHARCOALS SILVER SCREENIS ROUGH wille FILTER 181 ABS .FILTER 103 DEV 103 ROUGH & 181 ABS SCREENS PAPER 2nd ABS FILTER CHARCOAL CARTRIDGE 3rd ABS FILTER CHARCOAL FILJER SCREENS 2 nd SILVER 3rd ABS FILTER . and SILVER SCREENS FRJER SILVER CHARCOALS CARTRIDGE Fig. 14. Distribution of Radioiodine in Composite Filters in Run 9-10. Fig. 15. Distribution of Radioiodine in Composite Filters in Run 10-7. case (Table 4) vs 90% (Table 3). It appears, therefore, that the two sampling methods gave comparable values for the fraction of iodine in the penetrating form in this experiment. Unfortunately, similar data were not obtained at the No. 3 position in runs 9-10 and 10-7. On the basis of a comparison of the results of these two experiments and those obtained in run 10-28, it appears that the presence of vaporized particles from the VO2 meltdown enhanced the ratio of penetrating iodine to reactive iodine by a factor of 3 to 8. bicara... The ratio of the amounts of iodine in the penetrating form found in the charcoal papers and the charcoal cartridges of the larger filter pack varied widely in these tests. inimestesso live in -14- Table 4. Distribution of Iodine in Complex Filter Packs Determined by Filter Packs in Sample Side Streams. lodino Distribution Run 9.109 Astar Charcoal Papora Run 10.90 'Altor Charcoal Papors Run 10-289 Aller Charcoal Boforo Charcord Paporo Papers 2.3 9.1 6.6 23 Gas-borne lodino in main stream (% of Eventory) 72 26 Iodine rola ined on silver acroons (roactive form) in side-stoam pack (% in stream) . 23 Iodine rota ined on charcoal papora (mixed forms) in sido-stream pack (% in stream) 0 .......... 42. ... 88 88 Iodine rotained in charcoal bodo (penetrating form) in side-stream pack (% in stream) 0.66 6.76 0.26 Amount of penetrating iodino (% of Inventory - fraction of charcoal. retained lodino in side stoarn X% of inventory in main stream) "See Table 1 for run conditions. Soo also footnotos in Tablo 3. These values ro present only part of the penetraung lodine s inco tho charcoal pa pora rotain a fraction of tho sodino in this form. Thoso valuos are the total amount of penetrating iodino reaching the charcoal papers in tho complex fullor pock. ST- OANL OWO 66-1526 ORM -CWC 63-1927 __ _ _ _ PRESSURE RELEASE _ _ PRESSURE RELEASE ARCON TRANSFER d ARGON SWEEP MIR TRANSFER 1911 ACTIVITY (dismini) 1311 ACTIVITY (dis/min) AIR SWEEP WW -LA 1 WITATII will 105 2 : U a TOJ Wii 151 Ass FULTER STER VILE SILVER SCREENS V CHARCOAL PAPER 2nd AGS FHJER 300 ABS CARTRIDGE 2nd SLVER SCREENS TOJ CHARCOALA 360 FIUJER 18 ABS FILTER SILVER SCREENS PAPER V FILTER 3rd ABS CHARCOAL CARTRIDGE 2nd Ass o FILTER 2nd SILVER SCREENS FILTER ROUGH CHARCOAL Fig. 16. Total 1311 Activity of Filter Compact in Run 10-28. Fig. 17. Total 1371 Activity of Composite Filter in Position 4 After Charcoal Peper in Run 9-10. ORXONG 65.1329 ORAL-OWG 63-1328 1. 1 PRESSURE RELEASE D 108 PRESSURE RELEASE ROON SWEEP : ARGON SWEEP AIR SWEEP DO SIR SWEEP 1394 ACTIVITY (dis/min) iris · IST ACTIVITY (05/min) > . ilma V . 1 W . . . . . . . 102 ISI ABS FILTER SILVER SCREENS CHARCO:L PAPER UL 2nd SILVER SCREESIS 2nd beds FRTER CHARCCAL CARTRIDGE FILTE SI:VERIIL SCREEI:S PAPER YU CHARCOAL CHARCOALS CARTRIDGE and LOS SCREENS FILTER 2nd SEVER Ist ABS WIN Fig. 18. Total 1311 Activity of Composite Filter after Charcoal Papers in Run 10-7. Fig. 19. Total 13). I Activity of Filter 1 in Position 4 in Run 10-28. wlo. ORNL. ONU 65.1330 PRESSURE RELEASE AROON SWEEP AIR .. SWEEP- ..... . CINVITY (dis/min) MATW . . . . . . . . . il . be FILTER SILVER SCREENS CHARCOAL PAPERS and ABS FILTER CARTRIDGES 2nd SILVER SCREENS 1 st ABS bell CHARCOAL Fig. 20. Tctal ISSI Activity of Filter 1 in Position 3 in Run 10-28. Behavior of Simulated Fission Products Released from Molten or Oxidized Uo, Initial observations on the behavior of various fission products, including radioiodine, released from a synthetically compounded V02 fuel pellet mixture were reported earlier (3). The overpowering incentive to use simulants of real fission products was pointed out by Roagers (6) who calculated that it would be necessary to melt 2600 lb of UO2 irradiated to the 10,000 MWD/ton level to provide an iodine concentration of 100 mg/m” in the CSE containment vessel (30,000 ft3). Similarly, it would require about 117 lb of UO2 to give the same iodine concen- tration in the NSPP (1.350 ft3). At present, only the ORNL In-Pile Fuel Melting Facility and the Containment Mockup Facility can accomodate the radiation level required to produce high (i.e., "realistic") concentrations of airborne fission products. It is, therefore, imperative that attention be directed toward obtaining useful information from.. simulant type sources in the NSPP and the CSE (see papers 9 and 27 in these proceedings). It is necessary to compare the behavior of fission products from irradiated fuel with that of simulated fission products in order to give confidence in the validity of results obtained by use of simulated fuel. -17- Results of Melting and Oxidizing Tests with Simulated vo, muel Three experiments have been performed with specially prepared simulated 102 fuel. Two of the tests involved melting of stainless steel or Zircaloy-clad specimens. In the third test, (2-24) the Zircaloy-clad fuel was heated to a temperature below the VO2 melting point, followed by complete oxidation of the mildly pyrophoric Zr-ZrO2-CO2 solid mixture to ZrO2-U308 powder in air as the residue cooled below 1000°c. Total release data and the transport behavior of the released fission products appear to correlate well with thut expected from real irradiated fuel under similar ambient conditions (air or helium). A comparison of the release and distribution of fission product elements obtained in the three simulant runs with results of a fourth run performed with highly irradiated UO2 is shown in Table 5, together with data obtuined in a similer experiment (10-28) in which molecular iodine was released into a steam-air atmosphere containing vaporized 102-stainless steel particles. The atmosphere present during aging of fission products in the run with highly irradiated UO2 contained air but no steam in contrast to simulant runs where the tank contained steam and air under pressure. Consequently, comparisons of transport behavior may be of questionab.le value. The principal effect of the absence of steam seemed to be a reduction in the total amount of iodine revained in the tank by a factor of about 3. This fraction (65%) remained largely airborne and was collected on the complex filter pack at the end of the aging period, as shown in Table 5. Details of the iodine distribution found in two of the simulation runs and the high-burnup UO, experiment are given in Table 6, together with the distributioi. of other fission products and plutonium (high-burnup fuel run only). A large fraction of the cesium was found in the steam condensate out very little of the tellurium, ruthenium, and strontium was "washed out" of the vessel atmosphere by the condensing steam. Very little of the fission product activity, except in iodine, reached the filters when steam was present and a large part of that was retained by the roughing filter. As was mentioned above, direct comparison of transport behavior of simulated and "real" fission products in a steam-air atmosphere must await further experimentation. Production of "Penetrating" Iodine During_tra Melting of Simulated High Burnup vo, Fuel . The last line in Table 5 shows the amount of 'penetrating" iodine that was estimated by means of the ratio of the "reactive" iodine on the silver-plated diffusion tube at position 3 (see Fig. 2) following silver screen in the large filter pack to the amount of nonreactive iodine adsorbed by the charcoal-lined diffusion tube downstream from the silver section. In all the simulant runs the percentage of penetrating iodine was unexpectedly low as compared to results obtained in the tracer type run, 10-28. However, the presence of mixed hydro- carbon gases in the tank atmosphere during this run leaves doubt concerning the cause of the different iodine behavior. Future experiments are planned for further comparisons of simulated and "real" fission product iodine behavior under more nearly comparable conditions. . ... ... Sur. ntegrantreiben t tar man hi ' -; Table 5. Comparison of Iodine Distribution in Fission Product Simulation Experiments with that of Iodine Released from High-Burnup Uo Atmosphere Run No. Steam-air + Organics 10-28, vo, with trace iodine Steam-air Air 12-9, vo, simulant 3-5, 7000 MWD/ton Uog Steam-Air 2:24, Zr-clad 3-25, Zr simulant clal oxidized simulant melted 5.5 15 steam, 12 air 15 stean, 12 air 15 steam, 12 air 33.7 - 56.0 27.2 25.2 15.2 57.6 72.8 8.7 48.5 57.2 89.7 14.6 1.7 Aging time of aerosol in containment tank (hr) Pressure (psig) 15 steam, 15 air Iodine held in containment tank (%) Retained on tank walls 18.3 Collected in steam condensate Total Retained Iodine Removed from tank By pressure release By argon displacement 15.7 By air sweep 1.8 Total removed 32.1 Iodine removed on test samples 0.2 Distribution of airborne iodine from tank Retained on filters Retained on silver or copper screens 9.1 Retained on charcoal papers 16.3 Retained in charcoal cartridges 6.6 Penetration through 1.5 in. of charcoal 0.2 Penetration through 3/4-in. of charcoal 0.5 Amount in penetrating form 21.0 .4.4 1.8 7.9 0.09 65.2 65.2 rrioso! 1.1 6.0 2.6 9.7 1.4 0.03 0.05 3.9 52.7 0.15 4.6 6.0 4.1 0.1 1.6 0.72 3.2 2.4 0.9 0.002 0.02 1.3 4.5 0.001 0.08 0.3? 0.16 0.77 0.02 0.02 0.7 0.8 -18- Table 6. Release and Distribut-on of Fission Products from Melting of Sinulated Vo, Fucl and High Burnup (7000 Mua/ton) UO Location Iodine Cesium 3.5a 12-96 3-211€ 3-5 12-9 Release as Percent of Total in Sample Tellurium Ruthenium 3-28 3-5 12-9 3-28 3-5 12-9 3-27 Plutonium 3-5 12- 9 3 -5 Strontium 12- 0.4 25.2 Furnace tube Aerosol tank Condeni te 2.0 33. 7 56.0 2.5 8.1 71.6 6.2 3.0 13.9 15.1 43.6 26.2 2.5 17.6 46.3 44.2 0.3 6.9 0.8 0.001 0.007 27.5 0.0006 0.07 1.3 0.001 0.35 0.04 0.12 0.001 0.0006 0.12 0.001 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 Filter pack Roughing filter 3.4 0.5 0.1 16.5 0.8 0.02 6.2 0.1 0.01 0.0008 0.0004 0.02 0.0001 0.002 Absolute filter 0.5 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.002 0.04 0.008 0.05 0.01 0.00003 0.0002 0.003 Ag or cu 52.7 2.6 6.2 10-6 Charcoal paper 4.1 2.4 0.15 1st Charcoal 4.4 0.9 0.7 2nd Charcoal 0.07 0.02 0.02 3rd Charcoal 0.01 0.001 0.002 4th Charcoal 0.002 0.0002 0.0002 5th Charcoal 0.0005 0.0001 2nd Absolute 0.00003 0.000.1 2nd Copper screens 0.000005 0.0001 Misc. backup traps 0.002 0.0000!! 0.0001 Total Release 91.0 ~ 300 92.3 36.6 62.5 88.1 55.0 6.0 8.4 28.8 0.001 0.54 0.16 0.001 0.01 a. Run 3-5 was made with Yvw Mird/ton burnup 10, fuel in air. b. Run 12-9 was made with simulated 10,000 Mwd/ton burnup UO2 fuel ina steam-air atmosphere. c. Run 3-25 was made with simulated 10,000 Mua/ton burnup V02 fuel melted in steam and helium and with stead-air atmosphere in the tank. 0.05 -19- -20- Preparation of Simulated High-Burnup vo, Fue... The approach that was selected for preparation of simulated high-burnup VO2 fuel was to mix the required amounts of solid f'ission product elements, including iodine, telluriun, cesium, rutheniu, strontium or bariu, and moly- bdenum with V02 powder and then to form the mixture into pellets. Tellurium, rutheniu, and molybdenum were introduced as the metals aiter irradiating in the Oak Ridge Research Rear and allowing the short-lived activities to decay. Tie remaining elements excu_ü l'or icaine were used in the 'crl of oxiüc or cardonates and they were mixed with suitable quantities of radioisotopes. Inactive icainc in the form of HI was mixed with a slurry of the oxides and carbonates. The slurry was mixed with part of the VO2 powder, dried carefully, and then mixed thoroughly with the remainder of the UO, by use or a tumbler. A hydraulic press was used to press -he mixture into 10-gram pellets with a thin coating of stearic acid as a die lubr-want. Two of the pressed pellets, having a cinc: vy in the range 60 to 30% of theoretical, were ejected from the die directly into the fuel capsule which was then closed with a press-fit lid. The low dersity or the cold-pressed fuel pellet may be considered objectionable because of a greater release rate at sub-relting temperatures as compared to release from high-density UO2 fuel. The der.sity aizierence is considered to be of little signiiicance in fuel melting experiments. High temperature sintering is not practical because of the vola tility of several of the fission product elements such as iodine, cesium, and telluriw. Vibrational compaction has been used at Hanford (see paper 27, these proceedings) to produce simulated fuel pellets but details of the process are not presently availaole. . ... ....oso . . Conclusions on the Use of Fission Product Simulants ... . .. Further comparisons of fission product release and transport from real and simulated fuel materials are highly desirable, but, on the basis of available information, it seems practical to simulate high burnup UO2 fuel. ., Behavior of Pure Methyl Iodide in the CMF ... ... -. . .ir Since it was felt that many different and definitive questions could come answered by the direct observation of the behavior of pure radioactivity-106c methyl iodiae in the CMF, an experimental demonstration was carried out uncer conditions approximately duplicating those of the current simulated fuel meltdown tests. .. them.co do time. Humor » invite met Labeled methyl iodide was prepared by isotopic exchange. In earlier experiments, it was demonstrated that an efficient exchange could be conducted between accurately measured small amounts of inactive methyl iodide and the essentially weightless radioiodine (Nal311, ~ 20 micrograms per curie) dissolved in ethyl alcohol. In this particular case, a yield of 500? oi the 1.311 as methyl iodide vas obtained after six days contact time between 100 millicuries of Nat^bI and about 800 micrograms of methyl iodide. Since all of the mass of methyl iodide is recovered with that part becoming isotopically labeled, the lirial speciiic activity of the product is readily established. For the purposes of the C.F, niet g no this . -21- poroxinitely 50 millicuries of iodine as thus exchanged and then extracted Wichti-accine Iron which it was carefully distilled by heliw purging at about 3500. small amount of vaporized n--decare vas trapped in a con-cooled bath and tric bulk of the methyl iodiảe was retained in a cmall liquid nitrogen-cooled cuirless stcel gas holder. The double valvei gas holcer was then fitted to the C.crd i heliu. purge line was attached to aid in displacing the radioactive product into the pressurized vessel. i fir By Coconut Charcoal = CO!:) 71::on of ethy? "cide Retention Iron c Diiii'crcnt widities In order to conduct a complete test or methyl iodide response to a simulated mitdown environment, including both steam and vaporized VO2-Í'uei componerts, a Pue? mclting experiment was conducted with unirradiated Zr-2 clad UO2 while the 1511-? scled methyl iodide (400 micrograms) was admitted to the pressurized tank ct 15 los gauge of steam and 15 lbs gauge oz' air at 120°c. The normal procedure of discontinuing artiricial heating (by stoppind the Ilow O scene into the tark) and periitting spontaneous cooling of the tank and its conter.is was followed. GPS suples were withdrawn at intervals to follow changes in aircorne iodine concentration and successive samples oſ the stearcondensate were also removea. These were analyzed by selective extraction to supply information on the extent of water solubility and hydrolysis of methyl iodide. At the end of the usual 5-hr aging period, the pressurized tank atmosphere, Süturated with water vapor at about 30°C, was vented through duplicate filter pücks of the types shown in Fig. 2. However, one of the packs was heated to about 70°C while the other was lei't unheated. Approximately 4-in thickness of coconut charcoal was tested in each half of the stream and this was backed up by ö in. of 5% morpholine-inpregnated coal-based charcoal (BPL). It was expected that some breakthrough of methyl ioa ide might occur, especially on the unheated filter pack, and that the morpholine-impregnated coal-based charcoal might be exposed to reasonable activity levels, thereby üilording i test of its value for use in backing up ordinary charcoal beas. Results The results of the test are summarized in Table 7. It is clear that no significant changes, such as deposition, adsozption or decomposition, occured in che methyl iodide at 120°C in steam and that very little (0.2) was dissolved in the condensate. Only 15% OI' the iodine in the condensate was round to be aydrolyzed or otherwise inextractaole with CC14 from a solution to which a reducing agent (sodiun bisulfite) had been added. Thus, 99.8% remained airborne and was displaced through the charcoal filter beds by the pressuir letàown, argon displacement, and air sweep cycles. The absorption profile through the charcoal (Fig. 21) was surprisingly zound to be exponential and, at first glance, this raised some question about üze reported effect or high humidity on the retention of methyl iodide by coconut charcoal. Sone after-thought and simple calculations, however, showed that only -22- Table 7. Distribution of Iodine Activity from Tagged Methyl Iodide Released in the Cir Location of Activity Percent Total Activity Retained on tank walls 0.095 0.oosa Collected in steam condensate Total retention 0.188 zodine removed from tank By pressure release 51.5 By argon displacement 48.2 0.08 99.8 By air sweep Total renved, "airborne" "Airborne" I, from tank on filterso Ag/Cu screens Charcoal papers 0.004 0.028 21.4 Charcoal cartridges 73.04 Penetration through 3/4" charcoal (~ 1 hr run) 2.21 99.9 Penetrating iodine a. The iodine collected in the steam condensate was 85% CCl4 extractable in the presence of reducing agents. Assumed to be 85% as organic iodide. b. Total on rough and first absolute filters. T . +- -23- the first of the five charcoal cartridges was exposed to any significant amount of water vapor and even this one was apparently not saturated. A test run later at a similar humidity showed that the first cartridge gained only about 10% in weight while about 30% is required to saturate charcoül at this temperature. The succeeding cartridges retained a little more than half as much water as the first cartridge. Thus, the dehydration effect of the charcoal prevented a determination of its iodine-retention ability in the preser.ce of humid air. Since the high retention behavior of the coconut charcoal ::: uvented much penetration to the morpholine-impregnated backup charcoal (Fig. 22), nothing was learned in this experiment about its retention of methyl iodide in the presence of high humidity. There were some interesting variations between the performance of heated and unheated filter packs, especially in regard to retention of methyl iodide by the charcoa" papers. This difference is apparently the best indication we obtained of the ecoct of saturation with water vapor. In the unheated pack the charcoal papers retained only about 0.1% of the methyl iodide wise in the heated unit the retention was almost 40% in six layers which provided the approximate equivalent of a 1/1o-in.-thick charcoal bed. The overall distribution throughout the filter pack can best be shown by reference to tre block diagrams, Figs. 23 and 24, in which the heated and unheated streams are compared. It was also of interest that while the total amount remained small, the heated silver retained almost in times as much iodine as did the unheated silver. This perhaps may be interpreted as an indication of partial decomposition of methyl iodide on the silver at the elevated temperature. In continuing this program, the effect of saturation of the charcoal with water vapor will be considered along with a study oi the effect of heating the charcoal ked to lower the humidity. The substitution of impregnated charcoals, both coal-base and coconut, will be tested at varying loadings of methyl iodide. . . --, --- Livi. -*, - . w . - - *.*' ' - .1 2 . *. .- 1 4 the minimalistin'... * Trilhante i . n . wildlier I 150oC ibo icbois MODEL ! سینما و - در 2 -Core O 07 ACCOM Charcoal Cartridges Fig. 21. Distribution of Iodine Activity on TESSUNG .8 2 PEAT 2 li wei olson ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL -25- W A aa jooo Fig. 22. Distribution of Iodine Activity in Backup Charcoal Cartridges - ..... :..: : ! 2 - •!'••• . ORNL CI . 1 . C C :.: C . . : ON LIVER ZTÉS:: : : ::ccizio el DE Eis winter SEMCO INDUSTRIES, INC. Doi 10. MASS. MADE IN U.S.A. ...- . . . DO - . D .I O - ESSURE BEBE NOTATEATE- " : : ر ہنے P3ذن مند - • : : PC350TET3755 .. .Hein.. as:52 بأجمہمراہ زن رہ جو :. T ::::: ::::::.. . DI CONNE - Ar-: : Urfriarssenco.... . $ NO. 4-4C.10 SEMCO.GRAPH PAPER SEMI-LOGARITHMIC 4.2/2 INCH CYCLES X 10 DIY, PER INCH (70 DIV.) 7. - . 1: 1 .:.-: .: .- C :: ::... . . -. - - .-. ...... I . . . de 1 . LH: me the momento .. . : ....... |_ omt AZ ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL e sterinis stimmtheir minds 2022 i t W 10,00 so: Yr * i Ben Waist th e criminat vain minutes KourFCL & ESSER"CO. I. 131 doom 10666 solboo ROUGH FILTER ZL 11 FIRST REL FILTER THI SILVER SCREENS 12:01 CHARCOAL PAPOES - Secondo PICTC . -26- Соеогр CARTIDES Fig. 23. Distribution of Todine Activity inRoom Temperature Filter Pack. • - ictimai . . . There Ec 11 SEXO SVCCO? Back-up. CARTRIDGES -------- To l ongobyt::-r.::: 77 cow - SEMI-LOGARITHMIC 7 CYCLES X 60 DIVISION'S KEUFFEL & CSSER CO. 49 6 MADE IN U.S.A. c" **** I 13 dip.m . 10/ rockdooo 1Qo doo Could FILTER 121 ua.. ' L .. MODEL . TITTITTITI .. . . FIRST AEG FILTER TOZZZZT27 INTTTTITTO' IT! ittit . here - 315 TEENS I! 1110-I 17'11.1 Sil 4 CHAlcone PAPGES 7522717111111 . ... . L *** ! Secono AEC FILTER 777 TILEELL . CHARCOAL CARTRIDGES . 1817073 S THIRD ABC PicTEL. . SECOND SIEVER SCREEN . BACK-Up. CARTRIDGES - 27. PRESS.ORG Pack. Activity in Heated Filter Fig. 24. Distribution of Iodine . ORUL - AEC - OFFICIAL ON -28- References Orin 1. C. J. Barton, G. W. Parker, G. E. Creek, and W. J. Martin, "Fission Product Transport Evaluation", ORNL-3483, p. 33, Septeraber 1963. G. W. Parker, G. E. Creek, W. J. Martin, R. A. Lorenz and C. J. Barton, "Properties of Fission Product Aerosols Produced by Overheated Reactor Fuels", ORNL-3547, p. 3, March 1964. 3. G. W. Parker, R. A. Lorenz, G. E. Creek, J. G. Wilhelm, W. J. Martin, and C. J. Barton, "Release and Transport or voz Fission Products in the Confine- ment Mockup Facility", ORNL-3691, p. 3, November 1964. 4. G. W. Parker, W. J. Martin, G. E. Creek, and C. J. Barton, "Behavior of Radioiodine in the Containment Mockup Facility", ORNL-3776, p. 57, March 1965. in 6. M. J. Bradley and L. M. Ferris, Inorg. Chem. 3, 730 (1964). A. J. Horton and J. L. Botts, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 18, 97 (1964). A. C. Chamberlain et al., "Report of Aerosol Group, Part I. Physical Chemistry of Iodine and Removal of Iodine from Gas Streams ", AERE-R-4286, April 1963; J. Nucl. Energy: Part A and B (Reactor Science and Technology) 17, 519 (1963). e ² . . . ORH-AEC - OFFICIAL END + - - DATE FILMED 18 / 30 /65 2 Lu .1 - . .