• ! . . wy . - - .. . . I OF I ORNL:P 1287 ſ . . . . . . L' . SO 13.2 0436 t. T 4 O EEEEE r . TI ? . : So.. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any infurmation, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. olyp -/287 CONF-65 otor-8 RELEASE OF FISSION PRODUCTS FROM REACTOR FUELS TO PO DI AJUN< 4 we Ým medicine whether in law released the short warum:n. c p window DURING TRANSIENT ACCIDENTS SIMULATED IN TREAT G. W. Parker, R. A. Lorenz, and J. G. Wilhelm Oak Ridge National Laboratory The purpose of the ORNL fission-product-release experiments conducted in the TREAT reactor is to study the release of radio- active material from fuel during a reactor transient in which the fuel cladding fails or the fuel melts or vaporizes rapidly as a result of a nuclear accident. The objectives of this program are to measure and interpret the release of fission products as a function of fuel type, cladding, atmosphere, burn- up, and transient characteristics. The extent of reaction of water (steam) with metal cladding and with VO, fuel is determined in experiments having a water or steam environment. Experimental Method The experiments are performed so that metal-clad UO, pellets ure enclosed in a high pressure autoclave and the specimen and autoclave are electrically preheated to the selected initial. conditions. Immediately after the reactor transient, a valve is opened to allow gas to flow from around the fuel specimen at a controlled rate into a second autoclave which is initially evacuated. A diffusion tube and membrane filters collect samples Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. under contract with the Union Carbide Corporatio *Visiting scientist from Karlsruhe Center for Nuclear Research and Development, Karlsruhe, West Germany. PATENT CLEARANCE OPTAINED. RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPHOVE, "ROCEDURES ARE ON FILE IN 15.1. PNG SECTION, . 2 of suspended particles. The various components are then analyzed radiochemically for fission products. Those experiments which use large amounts of water contain a condenser and water-collection traps in place of the diffusion tube. Six experiments have been performed to date; four used low pressure argon or steam-air mixtures around the fuel specimen and two used 1000 psia steam atmosphere. The first four experi- ments have been reported in detail in progress reports. -,- Figure 1 shows the flow diagram for the low pressure experiments. In these experiments the fuel specimens were preheated electrically to 800°c resulting in approximately 45 psia gas pressure in the fuel autoclave. The reactor transient was performed and 12 seconds later the valves were opened allowing the transient- generated aerosol to flow slowly (47 cc/min) through the 0.195 in. inside diameter diffusion tube, through a series of membrane filters, and into the gas-collection autoclave. Figure 2 shows the arrangement of the fuel specimen and heater within the fuel autoclave. The flow diagram for the high pressure steam experiments is shown in Fig. 3. In these experiments 25 ml of water was placed in the fuel autoclave below the fuel specimen. The fuel autoclave was heated to 285°C (1000 psia steam pressure) and the fuel specimen to approximately 330°C. At the peak of the reactor transient the first valve was opened allowing steam to flow rapidly into the condenser. Noncondensbble gases (hydrogen, xenon, etc.) passed through the water traps and filters into the . . . ... . . . .. . . .. . - . gas-collection autoclave. Suspended particles were collected on membrane filters and iodine compounds were adsorbed on a series of charcoal-loaded fiberglass papers. Twenty minutes later the second valve was opened allowing argon gas to sweep slowly through the fuel autoclave to flush remaining gases and volatile material into the gas-collection autoclave. .......... The first two experiments were performed in argon atmos- ..... phere for simplicity of operation and interpretation, as well --. .. . as permitting comparison of results with the many other in-pile and out-of-pile fission-product-release experiments being con- ducted by others using inert atmospheres, Succeeding experi- ments have been designed to simulate various conditions which might be encountered with pressurized water or boiling water - - ....... - - - - Ilong. - . . reactors. Future experiments will be conducted with fuel specimens submerged in water, and burnup will be increased to thousands of . . ... . Mwd T. - - -. ..- Experiment Operating Conditions . .. .. Table 1 presents a summary of the six experiments. TI . . .-', .. 2 - , ... . - . "Volatile fission product" values in the table represent an average of 1, Te, and Cs release results for the four experi- ments using preirradiated fuel and it is an average of mixed I, Br, Xe, and Kr for the two experiments which receivad no preirradiation. This is a rough comparison of fission product release and serves only to illustrate the wide range of release observed. The specimen cladding was type 347 stainless steel or Zircaloy-2 and was 0.035 in. thick in all experiments. The Voz --- . * * 4 pellets were 0.4 in. dia and their density was 95% of the theoretical value. The weight of UO, in each experiment was approximately 31 grams and the uranium was 10% enriched. The first four experiments used a batch of pellets which contained 2% of metal contaminants, most of which was tungsten. The second batch, employed in the last two experiments, contained only approximately 300 rpm of impurities. The irradiations for fission product buildup were made in the ORR and approximately 3 weeks decay was allowed before the TREAT reactor transient was performed. The rate of specimen heating during the transient is shown in Fig. 4. The stainless steel temperatures were measured with thermocouples and the UO, temperatures were calculated assuming no heat loss. Significant heat loss does occur from the UO2 during the time required for the transient. For example, the heat input was greater than 300 cal/g UO, ior all experiments and only 280 cal/g should result in complete melting. In three experiments no signs of fuel melting were observed and this is attributed to greater heat loss than anticipated, resulting from slower heat input (Exp. 1) or improved heat transfer in high pressure steam (Exps. 5 and 6). Experiments in Which the Fuel Melted Meltin of UOz occurred in three experiments (2, 3, and 4). Figures 5, 6, and 7 are photographs of the fuel specimens from these experiments. Melted stainless steel can be seen in the bottom of the alumina crucibles. The loose pieces of UO, broke of£ juring disassembly of the equipment. A thin shell of unmelted UO, remained at the relatively cool pellet surface. Ten percent (Exp. 2) to 50 percent (Exp. 3) of the UC, flowed out of the pellet shell in a foamy or porous form which had a bulk density of approximately 1/2 of the original UO, density. Figure 8 shows sections of the top pellet of Exp. 2. Swelling occurred in this pellet and in others that melted. Stainless-steel-clad to, specimens preirradiated to ~10 Mwd/T were used in experiments 3 and 4 with low pressure steam-air atmospheres. The results were essentially identical in regard to extent of fuel melting and change of atmosphere. Approximately 75% of the o: originally present in the fuel autoclaves was consumed (38 cza3 , STP) and this suggests that more oxidation night have occurred if more oxygen had been available to the heated fuel specimen. The melted stainless steel cladding did not appear to be greatly oxidized, for example. The distribution of fission products and Voz was also essentially identical for the two experiments and the results 72 were averaged for presentation in Table 2. All fission products and UO, were determined individually and where the distribution of two or more was similar the results were averaged for this table and for other tables in this paper. Because of the short preliminary irradiation for fission product buildup in Experiments 3 and 4, some of the short half- life fission products formed during the transient interfered · with the determination of the behavior of the isotopes of interest. The contribution of these transient-formed isotopes was corrected for, based on their behavior and distribution observed in Experiment 2 and the correction was greatest for ysr and 14 °Ba because of the volatile precursors of these isotopes. In general, results from Experiments 3 and 4 show that the release of fission products from transient-melted fuel is considerably less than that from fuel in experiments simulating loss-of- coolant accidents with longer heating periods. The large amount of +49Te in the stainless steel is believed to be the result of alloying. A large amount of the three volatile fission products, I, Te, and Cs appears to have deposited in the alumina heater. As in all low pressure experiments, only 50 to 60% of the aerosol in the fuel autoclave entered the gas transport zone and was sampled by the gas-collection system. All the low pressure experiments showed a mean primary particle size (not agglomerate size) of approximately 0.054, which is similar to that observed in other vo: melting experiments. The distribution of material in Exp. 2 is summarized in Table 3. This experiment employed stainless-steel-clad UO, in low pressure argon and there was no irradiation previous to the reactor transient. The release and transporċ of fission products occurred during and immediately after the reactor transient when the fuel was heated. At that time the elements of each fission product mass chain were a mixture of recently formed short half- life isotopes. Radiochemical analysis was performed by analyzing for the radioactive isotope of each mass chain which dominated after several weeks of decay. For example, the most abundant elements of mass 89 were 89Br and 89Kr at the time of the transient .! . . ... . . . . Y-1. - . . - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - heating, but three weeks later these had decayed to Ysr, which was the isotope selected for radiochemical analysis. Results for the various mass chains were found to be divisible into three groups depending on the chemical and physical characteristics of the elemental forms existing at the time of the transient. These groups are called "volatile isotopes," "alloying isotopes," and non-volatile material," and the results within each group were similar and were averaged for this table. The "volatile isotopes" are mostly halogens and rare gases and their release was somewhat greater than 1311, 129Te, or 137cs observed in Experiments 3 and 4. The "alloying isotope" group was found in high concentration in the cladding probably because of alloying between the Sn, sb, and stainless steel. There was very little release of the "non-volatiles." - - .. . Upmelted, Intact-Fuel Experiments Experiment 1 (Fig. 9) was identical to the preceding experi- ment (Exp. 2), except that the reactor period was longer. The slower heating permitted greater heat loss and the UO, therefore did not reach the melting point. Based upon melting of a molybdenum wire placed between the two pellets, the maximum UO, temperature was estimated to be 2700 + 100°c. The pellets were essentially unchanged except for extensive surface cracking. Figure 10 is a section of the lower pellet and grain growth was less than 20% in the interior. The distribution of fission products and UO2 in Exp. 1 is shown in Table 4. The same grouping of isotopes is used as for ies* . 8 8 Exp. 2. In the "non-volatile material" group, UO, had the lowest release. The "volatile isotope" release was surprisingly large considering the small change in the U02. Distribution of the "alloying isotopes" was nearly the same as for Exp. 2 in which 65% of the UO, melted. Experiment 5 (Fig. 11) had stainless-steel-clad itofuel with a preirradiation burnup of 7 Mwd/ton exposed to 1000 psia tiiose which had previously resulted in melting of specimens in low pressure atmospheres. Melting of the UO, did not occur probably because of the combined effects of better conductive cooling to the cooler cladding held in firm contact with VOZ by high external pressure, better convective cooling by the high pressure steam, and greater radiation cooling to the cooler alumina crucible. The stainless steel cladding melted, oxidized heavily, and slumped down into a cauliflower-like mass. The oxidized cladding completely covered and adhered to the UO2 pellets which appeared to be unchanged from their original condition. The melted and oxidized cladding was very similar in appearance to stainless steel cladding heated slowly to its melting point in low pressure steam experiments previously con- ducted out-of-pile. 3 A metallographic section of the upper pellet is shown in Fig. 12. The hottest portion of the UO, was at the top below the end-cap, as evidenced by grain growth and plastic flow which occurred there. The original end clearance between pellets and end caps was approximately 0.090 in. so the helium-filled gap provided insulation in this area. Cladding in contact with the pellet sides provided better cooling. Both stainless steel and stainless steel oxide were in contact with UO2, but there was no evidence of reaction with the UOz. Based on comparisons of grain growth and pellet distortion, it was concluded that the UO, in this experiment reached a higher maximum temperature than the fuel in Experiment 1 which also did not melt. The extent of reaction between stainless steel cladding and water during the transient was determined by two methods: col- lecting and measuring the hydrogen produced during the transient oxidation, and analysis of a sample of the cladding to determine the ratio of unoxidized to oxidized stainless steel. Previous metal-water reaction studies utilizing transient heating methods . . ". have assumed that the only reaction which occurred was Fe + H2O - FeO + H2. Recent studies at ORNL and ANL show that oxidation of other components of stainless steel occurs. For example, examination of stainless steel exposed to steam at 1500°c for several hours showed no unoxidized Fe, Cr, or Ni and that the Fe formed mostly Fe304. Therefore the percent of oxidation was calculated for both limited reaction (Fe - Feo) and complete reaction (Fe, Cr, Ni – Fe304, Cr2O3 , Nio). The method of chemical analysis involved dissolving the partially oxidized - cladding from the lower pellet in hydrochloric acid and measuring the hydrogen release for comparison with that from other samples of unoxidized stainless steel. From this analysis the metal- water reaction was found to be 34% complete assuming that the oxygen-consuming reaction was (Fe - Feo) or 22% complete assuming : 10 that the higher state of oxidation represented complete reaction. Measurement of the hydrogen produced during the experiment itself verified this extent of reaction. The amount of stainless steel oxidation found in Experiment 5 was approximately three times that observed in transient metal-water reaction studies with specimens immersed in water conducted by ANL, and is probably a result of slower cooling of the metal exposed to the gas phase. The distribution of fission products and UO, in Experiment 5 is given in Table 5. The release of fission products was ex- ceptionally small, especially when compared with Experiment i (the other experiment that gave unmelted intact UO2). The lower release may be attributed to the cooling and sealing effect of the oxidized, adherent cladding produced in the high pressure steam atmosphere. Of the material carried out of the fuel auto- clave during steam release and argon purging, most of the 15tI and Cs were found in the water in the main water trap, and most of the 129Te was found on the walls of the condenser tubing and main water trap. The distribution of 1511 removed from the fuel autoclave by the steam release and argon purge is shown graphically in Fig. 13 where the components are shown according to the sequence of their exposure to the flowing gas stream. Of this 1341, 18% was found on the walls of the condenser and water traps, 79% was in the condensate in the main water trap (the second water trap was dry), 0.06% was on the membrane filters, and 2.5% in the charcoal-loaded papers. In contrast to the low pressure experi- ments in which 10 condensation occurred, there were very few . . . .. i i 11 n , m erineisiin : tri .,.-' uc-.- icann... L w . .-. .-.-.-. particles on the first membrane filter. The first membrane filter (1.24 pore size) was apparently 100% efficient for the particles present, since filters 2 through 5 (0.454 pore size) did not show a decrease in activity. The charcoal papers were 1/32 in. thick fiberglass mats loaded with charcoal. Twenty- seven charcoal papers were used in series and these showed an orderly decrease in activity in the first 16 papers, indicating equal fractional adsorption of iodine-containing material on each charcoal paper. The calculated iodine penetration through each filter was 70% for the linear part of the graph. From the experience of other experimenters, the 15 LI released from fuel occurs in the elemental 12 (vapor) form, in forms associated with filterable particles, and as filter- penetrating forms including organic compounds such as CHz I. Based on experience in other experiments, all the elemental In (easily collected in condensate or deposited on cool metal . . . . . surfaces) was collected in the condenser and water traps. There -... was very little particulate -I activity and all of it was --.. N e verwinnin' .... ..-:--... collected on the first membrane filter. No elemental I2 reached the charcoal papers. Instead, a penetrating iodine compound was found to have been adsorbed on the charcoal papers. To help verify these conclusions, the filter pack (membrane filters and charcoal papers) was tested with a high purity elemental iodine source under conditions approximating the humidity, flow rate, and total gas flow employed in Experiment 5. The iodine contained 1341 tracer with added carrier, and volatile i susivieniniwerweni-internatinait compounds were removed by evacuation while the source was cooled. Figure 14 displays the results obtained and it shows that two different iodine forms were adsorbed on the charcoal papers. The penetration of each charcoal paper by elemental I, was only 0.01%. Only a very small amount of iodine penetrated the first 2 charcoal papers, and this iodine was apparently in a compound form of which 93% penetrated each charcoal paper. Fragmented, Unmelted Fuel Experiment Experiment 6 was performed in 1000 psia steam and it was the only experiment in which a Zircaloy-2 clad fuel specimen was used. The operating conditions and reactor transient were identical to those used in Experiment 5, but the condenser tubing plugged so that steam was not released from the fuel autoclave and the argon purge did not occur. Pressure in the fuel autoclave remained above 1000 psia for 23 minutes following the transient. The uo, and Zircaloy cladding were found fragmented and dispersed within the alumina heater after the . fuel autoclave was disassembled. Figure 15 is a photograph of the fragmented specimen and Fig. 16 is a section of the upper end cap and an intact portion of the UO, pellet. The Voz appears. to have reached approximately the same maximum temperature as in Experiment 5, based on grain growth and upward swelling or flowing of the VO2. Extensive oxidation of the Zircaloy-2 is evident. Material that had flowed can be observed at the edge of the pellet. Figure 17 is a photomicrograph of this area and the fluid material appears to be a mixture of Zircaloy-2 zirconium oxide, and UO2. This type of reaction or mixing has 13 4.5 been observed previously in two different types of out-of-pile melting experiments. 4,5 Metallurgists reported that the cladding was weakened and that loss of UO, grain boundary integrity occurred in this experiment but not in Experiment 5. The cause of the fragmentation is not known, but the above-mentioned weaknesses probably contributed to the breakup. Oxidation of the Zircaloy-2 cladding, excluding the end caps, was estimated to be more than 30% complete based on metallographic examination. Hydrogen formed during the reaction was lost through a leak in the equipment. Fission product and UO, distribution in Experiment 6 is shown in Table 6. No material was released from the fuel auto- clave because of the plugged condenser tubing. The release of fission products from fuel and cladding was considerably greater than from the unfragmented fuel in Experiment 5. The extent of release in Experiment 6 may have been influenced by the longer exposure to high pressure steam-hydrogen mixture (hydrogen released during metal-water reaction) but it was probably higher because of the fragmented fuel and cladding. - - - - -.-.- . .. .. . .. . ... - -- i - .. . - ..- - . -. ....5-. ... ... .. . . . .. Conclusions . . A . L Approximately one-third of the 1311, 129Te, and 137cs were released from UO, and stainless steel cladding in transient- heated experiments which used 45 psia steam-air atmospheres where 75% of the UO, melted (Exps. 3 and 4). In-pile loss-of-coolant type experiments performed by other ORNL experimenters have shown considerably greater release of these isotopes from the fuel zone. twistina LXmas 14 Release values averaged 95% for a variety of low-pressure atmospheres when the fuel was held molten for 5 min. In three of the transient experiments, the UO, fuel specimen was heated close to the melting point, but did not melt. The release of fission products from fuel and cladding in these experiments were: 20% of mixed halogens and rare gases in low pressure argon atmosphere (Exp. 1); 0.5% of the I, Te, and Cs in high pressure steam where the melted and oxidized cladding adhered to the UO, pellets (Exp. 5); and 10% of the I, Te, and Cs in high pressure steam where the Zircaloy-2 cladding and UO, fragmented (Exp. 6). Release of high pressure steam and collection of con- densate was performed in Exp. 5. Of the 1511 carried in the steam release, 79% was collected in the water and 2.5% was in a penetrating form that was collected in a filter pack (a series 131 of membrane filters and charcoal-loaded papers). In the 1000 psia steam experiments, oxidation of stainless 'steel cladding was approximately three times greater than for specimens exposed under water by ANL. The partially oxidized stainless steel cladding adhered to the UO, pellets, but there was no evidence of reaction between UO, and the stainless steel or its oxides. With Zircaloy-2 cladding in high pressure steam there was definite mixing or reaction between Zircaloy, zirconium oxide, and UO2. 15 Experiments in Progress Experiments are being constructed which will simulate startup transient reactor accidents. This type of accident is considered to be one of the most probable and serious of transient accidents. In the type of accident to be studied, metal-clad UO2 under water is transient-heated into the UO, vaporization range resulting in rapid expulsion of steam from the reactor tank (fuel autoclave) followed by a long after-heat period in which steam is slowly evolved. The use of after-heat with slow steam evolution should be a realistic simulation for maximum fission product release. :16 References 1. G. W. Parker, R. A. Lorenz, and C. E. Miller, Jr., Nucl. Safety Semiann. Program Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1963, ORNL-3547, pp. 25-42. 2. G. W. Parker, et al., Nucl. Safety Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. June 30, 1964, ORNL-3691, pp. 16-28. 3. G. W. Parker and J. G. Wilhelm, Nucl. Safety Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1964, ORNL-3776, pp. 37-40. 4. G. W. Parker, et al., Nucl Safety Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. June 30, 1962, ORNL-3319, pp. 27, 28. 5. G. W. Parker, et al., Nucl. Safety Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1962, ORNL-3401, pp. 18-21. 6. W. E. Browning, Jr., et al., Nucl. Safety Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1964, ORNL-3776, pp. 109-115. TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF TREAT FISSION PRODUCT RELEASE EXPERIMENTS RELEASE OF VOLATILE F. P. FROM UO, AND CLAD FUEL MELTED FUEL AND CLADDING FRAGMENTED TOTAL FISSION HEAT AND PREHEAT TO SPECIMEN, Cal/g VO2 REACTOR PERIOD, msec. INITIAL PRESSURE, psia AWN EXPERIMENT ATMOSPHERE ELECTRICAL PREHEAT OF SPECIMEN, °C CLADDING VO, BATCH NO. BURNUP, MWD/T BURNUP, UND/T 50% 65% 315 ARGON S.S. 008 30% 75% 346 74 S.S. 008 0.2 30% 75% 335 77 53 3% Steam- 97% Air 30% Steam- 70% Air S.S. 008 0,2 17 20% 309 108 39 ARGON S.s. 00 10% on a W 327 78 1000 STEAM Zr-2 1350 NNE N | 13 0.5% 330 1000 STEAM S.S. 310 7 TABLE 2. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL IN TREAT EXPERIMENTS 3 AND 4: LOW PRESSURE STEAM-AIR, TRACE PREIRRADIATION, 75% MELTED LOCATION 131, 129Te PERCENTAGE IN EACH LOCATION 137CS 106Ru 89sr 140Ba 95zr 144ce UO2 UO, FUEL + S.S. CLADDING 60 79 66 95 98 (0.25) 98.3 (0.24) (S.S. CLADDING) 9 (0.8) (0.2) ALUMINA HEATER (1 25 13 28 2.3 0.4 0.43 AUTOCLAVE LINER 6.8 18 5.6 5.1 1.5 1.1 0.8 FUEL AUTOCLAVE WALLS (1 6.3 0.6 0,7 - - 0.7 - - - - 0.001 - - - - 0.46 - - - 0.001 - - 0.5 - 1.1 0.15 0.5 GAS TRANSPORT ZONE FILTERS (MEMBRANE) GAS-COLLECTION AUTOCLAVE 0.02 0.15 0.01 0.001 0 0.2 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00008 0.05 A irA T E V + --- - SAP .- .- ' - . -- - . - . - . -.-. .- . ' ' . .... . . . .. .. . .. . . . - - - - - . - - - - - - TABLE 3. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL IN TREAT EXPERIMENT 2: LOW PRESSURE ARGON, NOT PREIRRADIATED, 65% MELTED PERCENTAGE IN EACH LOCATION VOLATILE ISOTOPES ALLOYING ISOTOPES NON-VOLATILE MATERIAL MASS 89 (Br + kr) MASS 131 (Sn + Sb) MASS 95 (Rb + Br) MASS 137 (I + Xe) MASS 129 (Sn + Sb) MASS 103 (MO + Tc) LOCATION UO2 46 92 99.5 UO, FUEL + S.S. CLADDING (S.S. CLADDING) (1.7) (18) (0.5) 6.7 19 ALUMINA HEATER (1000°c) METAL HEAT REFLECTORS 0.3 5.5 0.45 0.04 FUEL AUTOCLAVE WALLS (170°c) 11.0 1.0 0.06 : GAS TRANSPORT ZONE 13.8 0.04 0.02 FILTERS (MEMBRANE) 2.2 0.003 0.12 0.02 GAS-COLLECTION AUTOCLAVE 14.8 0.0005 TABLE 4. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL IN TREAT EXPERIMENT 1: LOW PRESSURE ARGON, NOT PREIRRADIATED, NOT MELTED PERCENTAGE IN EACH LOCATION LOCATION VOLATILE ISOTOPES MASS 89 (Br + Kr) MASS 137 (I + Xe) ALLOYING ISOTOPES MASS 131 (Sn + Sb) MASS 129 (Sn + Sb) NON-VOLATILE MATERIAL MASS 95 (Rb + Sr) MASS 103 (Mo + Tc) UO, 77 92 UO2 FUEL + S.S. CLADDING (S.S. CLADDING) 99.9 (0.03) (1.0) (25) ALUMINA HEATER (1000°c) 3.7 6.6 0.06 20 METAL HEAT REFLECTORS 2.1 0.6 . 0.0003 FUEL AUTOCLAVE WALLS (2 3.1 1.0 0.005-0,00001. 5.5 0.06 0.004-0.0001 GAS TRANSPORT ZONE FILTERS (MEMBRANE) 0.35 0.1 0.004-0.00001 GAS-COLLECTION AUTOCLAVE 8.1 0.02-0.00005 - nevromasimmerein m'a ------- --- - - - . . - . . . . . . . -..- . -. . Y . - - - . . . - - ... . . ... :-... 4. .. .... /....,-, TABLE 5. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL IN TREAT EXPERIMENT 5: 1000 psia STEAM (RELEASED), TRACE PREIRRADIATION, NOT MELTED PERCENTAGE IN EACH LOCATION 129Te 1370s 89sr LOCATION 131, 95zr VOZ . 14oBa 144ce Ru UO, FUEL + S.S. CLADDING (S.S. CLADDING) 99 (5.3) 99.6 (1.1) 99.9 (2.1) 99.99 (0.12) 99.998 (0.1) 0.5 0.3 0.06 ALUMINA HEATER (400°C) FUEL AUTOCLAVE WALLS (300°c) 0.0006 0.046 0.004 0.006 0.0014 0.002 0.0009 0.0004 21 MAIN WATER TRAP WALLS 0.02 0.09 0.0005 0.00004 WATER IN WATER TRAP 0.12 0.0007 0.01 0.0009 SECOND WATER TRAP 0.008 0.002 0.0005 0.0008 0.0001 0.00002 MEMBRANE FILTERS 0.0001 0.0001 0.00005 CHARCOAL FILTERS 0.0001 0.0036 0.0001 GAS-COLLECTION AUTOCLAVE 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.00001 TABLE 6. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIAL IN TREAT EXPERIMENT 6: 1000 psia STEAM (RETAINED), TRACE PREIRRADI ATION, FUEL AND CLADDING FRAGMENTED PERCENTAGE IN EACH LOCATION 131, 129Te 137cs LOCATION 103Ru 89sr 106Ru 140Ba 95zr UO, 144ce 97.7 98.9 VO2 + 2r-2 CLADDING (Zr-2 CLADDING) 90 (2.5) 95 (11) 77 (5) (10) (7) N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ALUMINÁ HEATER (400°c) 2.6 4.4 1.7 21 2.1 0.11 4.8 METAL HEAT REFLECTORS 0.06 0.5 0.11 0.2 AUTOCLAVE WALLS AND SPACER (300°C) 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.07 0.05 0.0002 WATER IN AUTOCLAVE 0.01 0.004 0.2 0.07 23 FIGURE CAPTIONS Fig. 1. Flow Diagram for Fission Product Release Under Transient Reactor Conditions (For Low Pressure Gas Atmospheres). Fuel Autoclave Assembly for Fission Product Release Fig. 2. Experiments Under Transient Reactor Conditions. Fig. 3. Flow Diagram for TREAT Fuel Melting Experiments (For High Pressure Steam Atmospheres). Fig. 4. Comparison of Transient Heating Rates for Fission Fig. 5. Product Release Experiments. Fuel Specimen From TREAT Experiment 2; 65% of the UO, Melted in Argon Atmosphere. Fig. 6. Fuel Specimen and Alumina Heater From TREAT . Experiment 3 in Which 75% of the UO, Melted in 3% Steam - 97% Air Atmosphere. Fig. 7. Fuel Specimen and Alumina Heater From TREAT Fig. 8. Experiment 4 in which 75% of the UO, Melted in 30% Steam-70%'Air Atmosphere. Metallographi Metallographic Sections of Upper Pellet From Experiment 2 Showing Porous Melted UO, in the Interior. Fuel Specimen From TREAT Experiment l in Which the UO, was Heated to 2700°c £ 100°C in Argon Atmosphere. Metallographic Sections of Lower Pellet From Experiment 1 Showing Little Change in UOStructure. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. 24 Figure Captions (continued) Fig. 11. Fuel Specimen From TREAT Experiment 5 in Which the Stainless Steel Cladding was Oxidized and Adhered to the Unmelted UO, Pellets in 1000 psia Steam. Fig. 12. 13. Metallographic Section of the Upper Pellet From Experiment 5 (1000 psia Steam) Showing Grain Growth and Plastic Flow of the UO2. Distribution of 1311 in Steam Released in Experiment 5. Distribution of 1341 in the Elemental I, Test of the TREAT Filter Pack. Fuel Specimen From TREAT Experiment 6 Showing · Fragmented Zircaloy-2 Cladding and UO, Resulting From Transient Heating in 1000 psia Steam. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. Metallographic Section of the Upper Pellet From Experiment 6 (1000 psia Steam) Showing Grain Growth and Plastic Flow of the UO, and Oxidation of the Zircaloy-2 Cladding. Photomicrograph of the UO, Pellet Edge From Experiment 6 (1000 psia Steam) Showing Mixing of Zircaloy-2, Zirconium Oxide, and UOz. Fig. 17. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-1445R - GAS COLLECTION AUTOCLAVE (FULL VACUUM ORIGINALLY) FILTERS VACUUM TESTING VALVE _GAS COLLECTION SYSTEM EVACUATION VALVE VACUUM TESTING GAGE DE EXPLOSIVE VALVE -FLOW CONTROLLER -FLOW RESTRICTOR PRESSURE CELL Y AF DIFFUSION SYSTEM FILL VALVE (FILL WITH 47 psia Ar AT 25°C) --AEROSOL TRANSPORT ZONE DIFFUSION SYSTEM - 10 FUEL AUTOCLAVE FILL VALVE - DIFFUSION TUBE - THERMOCOUPLE AND HEATER · WIRE SEALING GLANDS . . . . - EXPLOSIVE VALVE de . .. . .. -GAS OUTLET TUBE . .... .. en . . .. FUEL AUTOCLAVE (ORIGINAL FILL 25 psia Ar AT 25°C) FUEL AUTOCLAVE SYSTEM ---• -,. - -'. . ,., .. . vvv Flow Diagram for Fission Product Release Under Transient Reactor Conditions. n Figol. (For Low Pressure Gas Atmospheres) A n. - - - ::.- UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-650 - FUEL AUTOCLAVE STAINLESS STEEL CLADDING -CLADDING THERMOCOUPLES - HEATER THERMOCOUPLE - AUTOCLAVE THERMOCOUPLE 1 - UO2 FUEL METAL HEAT REFLECTORS - ALUMINA HEATER SUPPORT tag.2. Fuel Auto Fuel Autoclave Assembly For Fission Product Release Experiments Under Transient Reactor Conditions. ORNL-DWG 65-3358 GAS-COLLECTION AUTOCLAVE | B 101 CHARCOAL-FILLED FILTERS illil MEMBRANE FILTERS achimb > FLOW RESTRICTOR PRESSURE CELL- SECOND WATER FIRST WATER TRAP ARGON TANK- - EXPLOSIVE VALVE NO. 1 FLOW RESTRICTOR DIDII CONDENSER . . . . EXPLOSIVE VALVE NO. 2 . . . - - . - . . . - G - - IN . - --- - .- - - .*... - -- . -- - - - ' M - + w - . - FUEL AUTOCLAVE- - + ' L atura mai are un * - 4FUEL SPECIMEN Inklim on or restriction . .- . Flow Diagram for TREAT Fuel Melting Experiments. - ** (For High Pressure Steam Atmospheres) - " ---Cicati - ORNL-DWG 64-7116R 2800 APPROXIMATE UO2 FUEL TEMPERATURE, CALCULATED ASSUMING NO HEAT LOSS 2400 ZOPEN THERMOCOUPLES M TEMPERATURE (°C) OPEN AT 6.7 sec MEASURED STAINLESS STEEL CLADDING TEMPERATURE ------ EXPERIMENT 1 ----EXPERIMENT 3 EXPERIMENT 4 TIME.(sec) Comparison of Transient Heating Rates for Fission Product . Release Experiments. . . . . . • • Fig. 5 ا ... . .... . . . .- . -. منم . مه سهمممممممه مساله من نی مهنده . .. .. منها 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 . - - Fig. 6 :: ... ۰۰::: :: :: ۱۰ نی ،مد، ۰ ۰۰ . ۱۱:.. از مدینه وند . - - - ملتاعسم ... مه مه ... -- 15 دوره ۰ة ج معه | .. و . ***..; op . .. -":-"***** - . . Fig. 7 mer .. Ś han di convient : . . - . . . . - - . .- - . . . . 92 ON : . . V Join TE . . TO .. - VW VALVL Fig. 8 1 . . .. Y . Fig. 9 .... ... .. maitemente .