- ::.. V - - - - - - . - .. .-- ... . . I 1 . .. os . . : . . * . TOFI ORNLP 1266 -- ... . U . : • • . . . - . 1 . . . INT Il 4 5 850 T56 9115 |.25 14 16 - , MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNU P-42tto FORNI-AEC - OFFICIAL (COWF-650414-6) JUN 2 4 Tove - A$C - Official Paper presented at the 19th AEC Metallographic Group Meeting, .itie Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 20–22, 1965 HYDRIDE AND BASAL POLE FIGURES IN ZIRCALOY-2 BY QUANTITATIVE METALIOGRAPHY* M. L. Picklesimer and P. L. Rittenhouse Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee printly owned rtphta; or yub the Commission, or his employment with much contractor, dianominauer, or provides accuu to, nay tnformation purtat to his employment or contract fach employ. 0. contractor of the Completion. Or Graplayne of such coulructor properek, ployee or coairactor of the Comminion, or employee of such contractor, to the extent As used to the above, "parkoo actions on behalf of the Commissica" Lacludct any on- use of cay Laformation, apparatus, method, or pracen disclosed in this report. 2. Asmuts way labiuiles with respect to the one of, or for damages resulting from the of any information, appuntua, method, or procou declerod la telo roport may not Infringe racy, completenen, or woulons of the information coataldod to this report, or that the we A. Makas any warranty or reprenotation, expressed or implied, with respect to the areu- Sutos, por the Commission, nor any poi no acuto on behalf of the Commission: The report me propuid u an account of Government sponsored mork, Nolthor the Valled at - LEGAL NOTICE - SUMMARY A technique has been developed for rapidly determining by quanti-... tative metallography the pole figure of hydride places in Zircaloy-2 and the basal pole figure of close-packed-hexagcnal metals. Approxi- . mately 200 trace angles are measured on each of three orthogonal sur- faces, and smoothed histograms of the data are plotted. A trial-and- error approximation is made using these data to determine the pole figure. An eyepiece goniometer equipped with electrical read-out is used to measure and record the angle between specific reference dircc- : : tions and the traces of the hydride plates on the specimen surfaces. Sier A polarized light metallurgical microscope equipped with a sensitive 'tint plate and electrical read-out of stage angle is used for locating and recording the basal plane trace in close-packed-hexagonal metals. The trace angle data in both determinations are collected on an x-y recorder with a remote pen action at a rrte of 500 to 800 points per * hour. Normally, the pole figure can be determined with sufficient ....accuracy in less than two hours on metallographically prepared specimens. . it,::, ; :*i ; .' TNY ? Research sponsored by the U. 8. Atomic Energy Commission under 0. contract with Uniow Carbide Corporation. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL tot 18 ! PATENT CLEARANCE CETATED. RELEASE TO !!..) 4.131.5: THE PUBLIC IS APPFOOD. PROCEDURES ARE ON EILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTION, .... The techniques will permít an easier quantitative study of preferred orientation ir. close-packed-hexagonal metals and deteruination of the interrelationships between stress axis, crystallographic preferred orientation, and stress orientation of precipitated hydrides in · Zircaloy-2. wialiso - JJV-INIO: ... .. . INTRODUCTION · Two very important pieces of information necessary in the proper : utilization of Zircaloy-2 in reactor service, whether for fuel cladding or pressure tubing, are the crystallographic preferred orientation in the gpecific material used and the preferred orientation of hydrides : precipitated under stress during cooling. Both can drastically affect::. the mechanical properties of the material in service, and must be con- sidered in the design specifications. We have previously shown the ... interrelationships in Zircaloy-2 between fabrication practice, crystal-1... lographic preferred orientation, and anisotropy of yield and ultimate strengths, ductility, reduction of area, and formability. The data led to the conclusion that the maximum permissible design stress of Zircaloy-2 can be increased by at least 50% by controlling texture to. fit the stress geometry encountered in service. Marshall and Louthan2. : have shown that appreciable amounts of hydrides can be precipitated perpendicular to the applied stress in Zircaloy-2 so that the ductility may be reduced to essentially zero; other conditions can make the same amount of hydrides innocuous. We have shown that in annealed Zircaloy-2. ..the hydrides will be stress-oriented during precipitation only if the applied tensile stress is parallel to a concentration of basal poles in nithe crystallographic texture. For such studies, And for future evalu- ations of such materials, both the crystallographic and bydride textures COSISATION must be determined. You- . - . .. ... . . . .. A . . . . . . . . . . . ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL . . . . If App{ICABILE) ORNL - AEC - OFFICI Crystallographic preferred orientation can be determined by X-ray diffraction techniques but these methods are time consuming in both specimen preparation and data collection and analysis. The preferred orientation of hydride particles cannot be determined by X-ray diffrac- tion techniques and some other method is necessary. We desired a rapid semiquantitative method for both determinations, using equipment and personnel available in most metallurgical laboratories, and that could be used for quality control in production operations as well. If the pro- .cedure and equipment were sufficiently simple, we believed that more m'investigators would be willing and able to justify the expense of .. obtaining the texture data which are se rery important in the corre- - lation of properties and experimental variables in such anisotropic materials as zirconium, titanium, magnesium, and beryllium. The two-surface trace technique“ has been used for many years for determining deformation systems and habit planes of precipitates in large-grained or single crystal specimens. It seemed likely to us that $1999., this technique could be extended to precipitate traces which did not intersect two surfaces and would be the most likely approach to a solution of the probl.em. In addition, it would require orily a polar1z- ing metallurgical microscope equipped with an eyepiece goniometer and a rotating stage, equipment available in most metallographic labora- tories. . DEVELOPMENT OF THE ANALYSIS Consider a single plane which intersects three mutually orthogonal 2 surfaces, each of which contains a reference direction orthogonal to the o reference directions in the other two. In fabricated sheet and plate, ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 11.00 SATION ORNL AEC - Ofrica . ison h *tra .. . obijen van the reference directions are taken as the rolling direction (RD), the transverse direction (TWD), and the normal direction (ND). The surfaces to be examined are those perpendicular to these directions and are designated the R, 7, and Ñ planes, respectively. Similarly, in tubing the reference directions may be the axial (AD), circumferential (CD), and radial (RD) directions, and the planes designated as Ā, C, and R, "respectively. The angles that the traces of the Intersecting plane . make with the reference directions in the surfaces are designated Q, . B, and y, respectively. The relationships of the coordinate system used are shown in Fig. 2. The mathematical expression relating the engles between the traces ... of the intersecting plane and the reference directions in all three surfaces, as defined in Fig. 1, can be shown to be M . . have . . - . . - - . - - - . . - tan a tan 8 tany w 1, - . .. - - - - - - : - 1.e., wubstitute the values in x, y, and z for the tangeats and an identity is obtained: - . . . i X Lel. (2) Y Z X secondaria This function shows that the determination of any two of the three trace angles is sufficient to determine the orientation of the inter- secting plane in space relative to the defined axes. Since the three traces can be paired three times, there are three possible experimental evaluations of the spatial orientation of the plane. In a real, polycrystalline specimen having a second phase precipi- tated as thin sheets or discs, the number of particles, that will ei,. ORN-AEC - OFFICIAL ws --... OUT!CATION - . . · ORNI - AIC - OFFICIA intersect any two of the orthogonal surfaces will be quite small and.. preparation of a suitable specimen for the two-surface analysis will be almost impossible. A set of microstructures of hydrides in Zircaloy-2 18 shown in Fig. 2 to 1llustrate the point. However, if.. the particles have a preferred orientation in the matrix, the traces of these particles on the surfaces must also show a preferred orienta- tion. If the trace angles of a sufficient number of particles are measured relative to the reference directions on each of three sur- faces, the data should permit the determination of the concentration of the poles of the precipitate planes on a conventional pole figure. · Consider now the traces made on the three orthogonal surfaces by a plane whose pole 18 at 0, 0, of the pole figure (spherical coordinate system meusured from the normal direction). The pole of the plane lies on a great circle through the RD that intersects the à plane trace at a point 90° from the trace of the intersecting plane in the surfece of the à plene. Similarly, the traces and intersection points in the T and Ñ planes can be located. Thus, the pole of any plane that produces a given trace on a reference surface must lie somewhere on a great i circle that passes through the normal to that surface and Intersects the trace of the reference surface at an angle equal to the angle the .trace makes with the reference direction. For example, consider the : trace made on the à plane of Fig. 1. The pole of the plane must be on a great circle that passes through the rolling direction and makes the angle a. with the normal direction, as shown in Fig. 3. Poze concen- trations can then be summed along each great circle path and plotted i as normalized numbers of traces vs trace angles to yield plots such as 1. shown in Fig. 4. -2. W " Ansive dci : Y: 4444 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL .. w o . LNT! Yodini. wor.... ... . . . . . . . !.ASS1517ATION 6.. 31:10-31-INHO I. Alternately, the concentrations of poles in the pole figure can be represented by a two dimensional array of numbers in @ and • . . These concentrations of poles will yield concentrations, or traces in. @, B, and y by the relationships tan a = tan o sino, . tan B = cot UBC e, and . : (3) tan = cot O. - - .. . . . .. - . - In theory, the two dimensional array of numbers in @ and can be determined from any two of the trace curves in d, B, and y, permitting three separate solutions to the po.'e figure. In practice, we have been unable to derive a relationship that would permit direct calculation of the pole concentrations in 0 and 6 from traces in A, B, and y. Instead, a trial-and-error procedure has been developed that usually produces a solution of sufficient accuracy in three successive approximations. In this procedure, the trace angles are measured and recorded on the three orthogonal surfaces by the tech- niques discussed in the section entitled "Experimental Procedure." The number of traces in each 5 to 10° Increment of angle (a, b, or y) are counted, that number is divided by the total number of traces counted on that surface, and the fractional number so obtained 18 plotted at the 9. center of that angular interval. A smooth curve is then drawn through the histogram of the data. Typical curves are shown in Fig. b. ' It must be emphasized that the value of the ordinate at any given angle 18 that . i of the fraction of traces .contained in the angular increment centered on that angleg 1.c., in Fig. h, the value of 0.16, at the angle a = 10° ORNI ~ AEC - OFFICIAL : . .-9.813.10TION ORNL - AEC - OFFICI means that that fraction of the total traces 1s contained in the angular : Interval from Q = 7.5° to a = 12.5°. To obtain a normalized Intensity s age on niin että se mas www www.mimo mestarian en -4ebe curve of the traces, the fractional numier observed per increment of angle is divided by the fractional number contained in the same incre-.. ment of angle for a specimen in which the planes are randomly oriented. If the increment of angie chosen 18 5°, the random fractional number 18 then 0.0555 (1.000 divided by the number of incrementsIn 90°; 1.e., 1.000 divided by 18). The pole figure is derived by trial-and-error approximations from *. the normalized Intensity curves for the three sets of traces in the following fashion. A great circle net 18 drawn on one quadrant of the pole figure from a Wulff net for the trace angles a and B, as shown in Fig. 5a. The norralized intensity curves for the traces in a and B are converted to curves for pole zones in a and B by simple reflection, since the zone of the poles that can make a given trace 18 90° to that trace. By inspection of the normalized intensity curves, intensity numbers are assigned to each 10° Increment of A and B along the great circle paths. For a first trial, the number read from the normalized Intensity curve of pole zones in a and B is used. Then, a number at each of the intersections of the great circle net is obtained by... multiplying the assigned numbers for the two great circles meeting at ģthat intersection. This 18 then the first trial pole figure. Its accuracy 1s checked by suming the average polę intensity of each increment along a constant value of a, dividing that sum by the number ; of increments summed, and comparing the number bo obtained to that on ORNI ~ AEC - OFFICIAL 11 : .. ."1 .:: 8 ORNE ACC - Officia .. Similarly, the poie intensities are summed along, constant values : of B. If there 18 disagreement, the numbers assigned ti te intersec- tions must be adjusted so tnat agreement is obtained. Since the array of numbers assigned to the net of intersections is sumied in both & and ..., B, the location of the adjustment is readily seen. The adjusted array is summed and compared to the experimental curves, and the array 13 again adjusted as necessary. Usually, the proper array of numbers 18 obtained on the second adjustment. A typical sequence of approxima- tions is shown in Fig. 6. The entire procedure is repeated for the - great circle nets in Q and y, and in 4 and B, shown in Figs. 50 and 5c. ;. • The solution obtained from the net in O. and B is used as the first in • trial array for the other solutions. A correct quantitative solution : 18 obtained when the pole figure satisfies all three solutions. In practice, we find it expedieat to overlay the three solutions and draw a composite pole figure from them (Fig. 5a). Sufficient accuracy is usually obtained and shown by suming the composite figure. Il greater accuracy 18 required, the composite figure can guide the adjustments of the separate art'øys. : EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT. rasni The equipment required for determining the data necessary for the hydride pole figure 18 a metallurgical microscope equipped with a Pilar micrometer-goniometer eyepiece for reading the angles between the reference direction and the hydride traces. For the determination of : the crystallographic basal pole figure, the microscope must have a ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL graduated rotating stage and be fitted for. polarized light examination ENB: I'Y PINE ............... .. .si : . ... ::CLASSIFICATION :ill Apri'iSAVE!"... : ORNL - AEC - Orri ... using a sensitive tint plate.* In both cases, a mechanical (x-y) stage is also required. While the above equipment will permit determination of the neces- sary data, a much more convenient and rapid determination can be made 1f the eyepiece goniometer and the rotating stage are equipped with electrical readout, and the signals are fed to an x-y recorder with a remotely operating pen. A schematic diagram of suitable circuits 18 shown in Fig. 7. The mititurn potentiometers are mechanically coupled to the goulometer and the rotating stage by shop modifications and shop manufactured mounting brackets suitable for the particular Items being used. The hairlide slide of the goniometer eyepiece is fitted with a s NYA. thin, transparent plastic strip on which parallel lines have been traced by inking or cutting with a fine knife. The spacing of the lines should be such that no more than one-half turn of the micrometer screw is required to place one of the lines on the hydride being measured and the lines should be parallel to the moving hairline of the : * :: micrometer. A reference grid of 16 to 25 squares can be projected onto the specimen surface through the objective by placing a transparent : grid of suitable size (also prepared by inking or cutting with a knife) in the filter position of the microscope. The reference grid aids 1n : keeping track of which hydrides have been measured and recorded. :: In the use of the x-y recorder, the x-axis records the angular reading of the goniometer or microscope stage, and the y-axis signal 5 18 stepped a:ter each point is recorded so that successive points are 10.. 5 - 31.NL v com ww. sp ? ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL .. .. .. "The sensitive tint plate produces a path difference of one wave- .. .. length between the ordinary and extraordinary rays, causing anisotropic l grains of different orientations to be colored: different shades of red to blue, depending on the ellipticity produced by the grain surface.' 10 ORNL - ACC - OFFICIA displaced in the y-direction and do not print as a dot on the chart. It is convenient for blind operation if the necessary power supplies, the remote pen switch, and the y-axis indexing switch are located in one box. A typical record from the x-y recorder 13 shown in Fig. 8, along with the histogram of data from it. With such equipment, the operator can measure and record 500 to 800 traces per hour without appreciable strain, For the basal plune trace determinations, the polarizing system of the microscope must be accurately aligned with the optical train, . : and a high-quality sensitive tint plate must be used. Á standard upright microscope is the most convenient for use in this technique. A large grain or single crystal of known orientation and close-packed- hexagonal crystal structure* should be used for checking the microscope alignment and calibrating the color point of the rotatioù at which the basal plane trace of the known specimen is aligned with the north- south cross hairs of the eyepiece of the microscope." It also serves to calibrate the color sense of the operator. In present-day polariz- ing metallurgical microscop::8, it will usually be found that the basal plane trace of the reference specimen 18 parallel to the north-south cross hair of the microscope at the "visual purple" point in the color change from blue to red as the stage is rotated in the clockwise direc- tion. With precise alignment of the optical system, the trace direction of the basal plane of a grain can be determined readily to 1/2° if the basal plane lies more than about 10° away from the surface being examined. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL referably of the same material as the specimen. It may be of a Zader different close-packed-hexagonal metal but the critical color may be i somewhat different. (.47%!!!!1099 · ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL 11 EXPERIMENTAL PROCI DURE Awhin... REIN... on Hydride Pole Figures After careful identification of the fabrication directions, three metallographic specimens are prepared by normal techniques of polish- ing and etching. The examination surfaces should be the R, T, and. Ñ planes as defined in Fig. 1. While the hydrides can be seen in the etched specimen, it is preferable, for both ease of microscopic exami- nation and for positive identification of the hydrides in the micro- structure, that the specimen be anodized at 28 to 30 v in an electrolyte composed of 40 ml glycerine, 120 ml absolute ethyl alcohol, 70 ml water, 20 ml lactic acl.a., 10 ml phosphoric acid, and 4 g citric acid. The matrix is then colored purple to blue and the hydrides are colored a golden yellow. . . i . : The specimen is aligned on the mechanical stage of the microscope 80 that it can be translat. d in the reference direction and 90° to that direction. The microscope stage 18 rotated and locked at the position at which the reference direction of the particular surface is aligned with the moving hairline of the goniometer eyepiece. This is then the zero position of angle, and the electrical readout of the system is zeroed to it. The magnification is selected so that all of the hydrides are clearly resolved and no more than 50 to 75 hydrides are contained in the area of measurement.. . Trace angles are then measured by rotating the goniometer eye- piece to align one of the moving hairlines with the long direction of the Ivdride particle and the angular position 1. read and recorded. The procedure 18 repeated until all of the hydrides in that field of AINARC - OFFICIAL CLAS'17:58TION AEC - OFFICIAL 12 measurement are counted and measured, another field 18 similarly INIO.. examined, and the procedure is repeated until a minimum of 200 hydride traces have been recorded for each of the three surfaces. Care should .... be taken to ensure that representative fields are examined so that the . . recorded data is a representative sample oï the entire surface. In our practice, we have found it convenient to project a reference grid of 16 squares through the objective onto the specimen surface, count all particles lying within a given square and all those inte secting the right-hand and lower sides, ignoring those intersecting the left-hand, and top sides, and then moving to the next square to the right or below. In this way, no hydride is counted twice, and fewer will be missed. For most of the hydride pole figures determined to date, we have found that the solution obtained from the data of the R and T planes was sufficiently accurate 1f the, normalized intensity curves for the Ñ plane were used only to guide the construction of the isointensity lines of the pole figure. A typical solution for such a case 16 shown in Fig. 4. In fully annealed, unstressed Zircaloy-2, such as for Fig. 4, the hydride poles are strongly concentrated around the normal direction, regardless of the crystallographic texture of the matrix material, and the trace data in the Ñ plane are of dubious value. Many of the hydride plates appear in the Ñ plane as "blobs" to which no trace direction can be assigned. Thus, the trace date in Fig. 4 for this plane must be in error (no blobs Included), and we have found no satisfactory way of allowing for this Inherent error. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . .. OINL - AEC - OFFICI . ' However, in those materials having hydride pole concentrations away from the fabrication directions, all three solutions should be used for the construction of the final pole figure, for each has greatest precision in one area of the pole figure, different from the other two, and each has a "blind spot" in which less accurate data are obtained. A set of solutions typical for such a materia. is presented in Fig. 9. Basal Pole Figures · Three specimens are metallographically prepared and anodized as were the specimens for the hydride trace determinations. The micro- scope 18 set up for polarized light examination at a magnification Home - such that only 25 to 50 grains of the specimen will be included in the memories are made. Pield of view. A large grain or single crystal specimen of known enen i orientation 1s placed on the microscope stage and used to check the alignment of the optical system and the color point of basal plane trace alignment with the north-south cross hair of the microscope eye- piece. The test specimen is then placed on the microscope stage and its reference direction is aligned with the mechanical stage. The electrical readout system and stage angle are zeroed at a convenient position of stage rotation. The grain to be measured 18 selected and the stage rotated until the proper color is seen on clockwise rotation d 3 of the stage, colors going from blue to red. The stage angle is then 21*1x:2- 2 1. read and recorded. All grains within the field are similarly measured, and a new field 18 examined. A minimum of 200 traces per surface is required to give reasonably accurate results. Further operation and data collection and analysis are performed as in the case for the ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL hydride gure determination. 14 ... ·ORNL NEC - OFFICIA Care must be taken that the proper type of sampling of fields of measurement is used. If an average or "macro" pole figure is desired, fields of measurement must include surface areas as well as center areas (through the thickness of the specimen). If the basal poles are not concentrated near the normal direction, a fourth specimen should be prepared (the second Ñ plane specimen) so that such data will be obtained from both the surface and the center of the plate or sheet. If "micro- texture" data is desired, that is, the variation of texture between the surface and the center of sheet, plate, or tubing, care must be taken to ensure that the data for all three examination planes are taken at the same elevations from the surface and center. The basal plane trace cannot be determined by this technique 1f the basal plane of the particular grain is within about 10° of the surface of examination. If only a few such grains are encountered, ignoring them will make at most a small difference in the final. pole figure. If many are encountered on a particular surface, it may be desirable. to prepare another specimen whose surface of examination contains the rolling direction and cuts the normal and transverse directions at 45°. The data are collected and analyzed in the usual way, but the final computation of a pole figure is somewhat more difficult since all three surfaces are not orthogonal and one of the trace curves lies on a great 4: circle at 45° on the pole figure. 141 CONCLUSIONS A technique has been developed for determining pole figures of hydrides precipitated in Zircaloy-2 and for determining the crystallo- graphic basal pole figure of the matrix. Each determination requires CL4551!!CTION ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - 15 ORNL - ACC - OFFICIA! only about 2 hr per material after metallographic preparation of three specimens of particular orientations. Such determd nations are compar- able in accuracy to pole figures obtained by X-ray diffraction in the case of crystallographic texture, and permit determination of data which cannot be obtained by the x-ray diffraction techniques, 1.6., microtexture, and hydride textures. The technique should be extensible to optically anisotropic, uniaxial materials; and to such alloys as permit the formation of Widmanstätten precipitates of sheet, disc, or needle form by suitable heat treatment. - - - --- - . - - . - - - . . - 24-HH ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ViDiigo - DIV-INIO 16 LIST OF REFERENCES .. ; . .. 1. P. L. Rittenhouse and M. L. Picklesimer, Metallurgy of Zircaloy-2 Part I. The Effects of Fabrication Variables on the Aniso trony of Mechanical Properties, ORNL-2944 (Oct, 13, 1960); Metallurgy of Zircaloy-2 Part II. The Effects of Fabrication Variables on the Preferred Orientation and Anisotropy of Strain Behavior, ORNI-2948 (Jan. 11, 1961). 2. R. P. Marshall and M. R. Louthan, Jr., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals 56, 693–700 (1963). 3. P. L. Rittenhouse and M. L. Picklesimer, The Effect of Pre- , : ferred Orientation and Stress on the Directional Precipitation of Hydrides in Zircaloy-2, ORNL-TM-844 (June 1964).. 4. R. F. Mehl and D. W. Smith, Trans. AIME 113, 203 (1934). Also C. S. Barrett, Structure of Metals, Ch. II, p. 40, 1st ed., McGraw- 1111 Book Company, Inc., New York, 1943. 5. S. L. Cauling and W. G. Pearsall, Trans. AIME 209, 939 (1957). 6. M. L. Picklesimer, Anodizing as a Metallographic Technique for Zircuuium-Base Alloys, ORNL-2296 (April 26, 1957). ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL INS!!ATION MT 17 :OINL-ALLOrucu LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1 (ORNL-DWG-65-3957). Reference System for Surfaces, Direc- tions, and Traces. Flg. 2 (a) Y-55458, (b) Y-55450, (c) Y-55457. Photomicrographs of Hydrides in R, T, and Ñ Planes of Zircaloy-2. Schedule 18, annealed, unstressed. Bright field. 200x. Fig. 3 (ORNL-DWG-65-3956). Pole Positions and Trace Angles in the Pole' Figure. Fig. 4 (ORNL-DWG-65-3960). Typical Trace Data and Pole Figure for Hydrides in Zircaloy-2. Schedule 18, annealed, unstressed. Fig. 5 (ORNL-DWG-65-3959). Great Circle Nets for Pole Figure Determination. Fig. 6 (ORNL-DWG-65-3961). Illustration of Trial Solution Method of Pole Figure Determination. Fig. 7 (ORNL-DWG-65-3958). Schematic Diagram of Electrical Circuits for Microscope Accessory Systems. Fig. 8 (ORNL-DWG-65-3963). Typical X-Y Recorder Record of Trace Data. Fig. 9 (ORNL-DWG-65-3962). Pole Figure Solutions from 08, ay, and By Nets and Composite Solution. Schedule 18, annealed, nyárides precipitated under 20,000 psi stress parallel to the transverse direction. ORNI ~ AEC - OFFICIAL ole . B Ref RD RIT 2 t TD .. Ref TD :! Figlio ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . . . , - . .. . . . , , ....... . diary ORNI -AEC - OFFICIAL .:...: बबब 5aow, बबबबबबबबबबब ४० ] .:. . . .. . . २ . Y । .. ....... . .. ... .! T rain ..२ ८..:H Fre T.. Ri. "Nira-. F ... ... ' . . . ........ . - om - :: - :" in. Kinni : :. rimeimimoria ;, nir - ;: .; menom a p ... . .... ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL-DWG 65-3956 90° 90° Fig 3 90° s y . . .ve ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL : . ORNL-DWG 65-3960 Ñ Plane 12] T Plano SC %) TRACES INCLUDED IN 5 DEG. INCREMENTS Ř Plane RD Q (dog) 7ig4 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL-DWG. 65-3959 ND NO ND RD . .. RD . . L .. 7795 . . ORNI-AEC ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORAL-OMG oww O-DO Mormellat pane Zamo Se 2013.0_ INTENSITY NUMBER ASSIGNMENT B-DES 5+ : -1 8 -5.5-5.5_-3- 2- 16 ND 1841-8-55-55-33-27- 1 6 2 / 4 2 3 2 2 1 1 8 55 bo No Won 4 3 2 2 151 16 12 8 12 6 5 • • • • • 8 ON NO- OOO OO O 00000 FIRST TRIAL ARRAY ADJUSTED ARRAY 0000 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 7196 ORNI - ACC - Officiai ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL wrivaliser at d er die beste mensen met lange Selama t rr martawa *** F 110 V Remote Pen Indexing Rotating Solenoid (17°) X-Y Recorder Y-Axis X-Axis Eyepiece :. Goniometer or Microscope Stage SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS FOR MICROSCOPE ACCESSORY SYSTEMS I! .. ". r. sonen. ORNI - A - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL-DWG 65-3963 RBD TA 1. ::1:: IM . I I TEL . 101 olmar I 1 HiiHii Tom I.li ::: . IIKON 11:18 BES UTI ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Fiz Scom . . . . - -. . - - - - . - - - . - - - . . . - ... . . .. - - - .. - - - . - . . GSM- ! COMPOSITE AVERAGE 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 a (deg) a-B B-y . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ---...--.-.------- ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL .. 3 : 1 . 12 ... 2172 nr Oct * . I. 77 . . SI . 1. 1 . . . S 11 . . . END DATE FILMED ! 4 / 12 /66 . r - -. . . L - - - - - - - . - -*ev