. . . 50 A . - .. I OFI ORNL P 1263 ' " 1 . EEL . . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 444.*.: CFSTI PRICES />o3 1. o bily H.C. S 1.60;MN_,50 ORN2-P-1263 This paper was submitted for publication in the open literature at least & Fonths prior to the issuance date of this Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.E.C. has no evi- dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a preprint. THE NEW ASME SECTION III NUCLEAR PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Pentru informati e opanowa Towar porno indir T reatment JUN 24 1988 Presented at Joint Symposium on "Advanced Technology in Nuclear Reactor als and Fabrication", of New York Sections of American Welding Society and American Nuclear Society, New York, May 12, 1964. by Edward C. Miller, Oak Ridge National Laboratory*, Oak Ridge, Tennessee * Operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. MASTER - - - Appreciation of the significance and limitations of the new ASME Section III - - ... Nuclear Pressure Vessel Code requires some review of the history of the Boller Code Itself. It had its inception almost half a century ago when an alarming increase in the frequency and severity of explosions of power and marine boilers accompanied by increases in operating temperatures and press Porno, sures, prompted the adoption of many different sets of boiler rules by - - - - - - - - : various states, municipalities, and other jurisdictions. The situation be- - T. - - - ? - - - came chaotic and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers was asked - -- - - . 3 to establish a uniform set of rules for construction of power boilers. An A.S.M.E. Boiler Code Committee prepared a uniform Boller Code which was widely adopted-both voluntarily and as a legal document and a remark- 21 We . able decrease in boiler failures resulted. Over the years, the Code has LEGAL NOTICE me MOLFOR PUBLIO REFERRED . FAX .. arsim, o spalmam This report mo prepared as an account of Govorament sponsored work. Neithor the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person roting on behalf of the Commissions A. Makos any warranty or representation, oxpressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usofulnose of the information contained in this report, or that the use. of any information, Apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this roport may pot infringe privately owned rights, or B. Assumos any llabilities with rospect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or procesu disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person soting on behalf of the Commission" includes way om- ployce'or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the extant that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor proparos, disseminates, or provides acceso to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or blo employment with such contractor. wered ECT CONTACTO RELASYD FOR ANNOUNCERTANI).. . IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS not, it and does not w. ..... ... , iirise.Write monitoriza..iwi!: prinsidonnaroon si y a. ... Santorini' son primis in his - 2 - ST - - kept pace with the development of power boilers and has also been extended to cover other types of pressure containment, including unfired pressure vessels and, more recently, nuclear vessels. The Code is widely accepted today as a standard for the safe construction of pressure-containing equipment. It is, nevertheless, a set of minimum rules, not a design manual, and it still requires the exercise of sound, responsible professional engineering competence, integrity, and judgment in the design, construction, and operation of pressure equipment-require- SAL - ments which are not always apparent to the general public, the regulatory J authorities, and, in some cases, to engineers themselves. It does not provide detailed rules for operation, maintenance, or periodic Inspection and repair of vessels, leaving much of this to the operating and regulatory agencies. It does not attempt to provide rules to insure against failures due to service-induced deterioration, but it does provide some recom- mendations for the consideration of environmental conditions. .. .no... ...... ........... ve ..... .. .. .. ...... - 3 - The adoption of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 promised a much greater participation by private industry in the atomic energy program, particularly in nuclear power production, and it became apparent that this would in- volve the use of nuclear-related pressure-containing equipment in situations paralleling the non-nuclear applications traditionally covered by the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The ASME Code Committee appointed a task group to study and recommend its proper participation in this field, which resulted in the formation in March of 1955, of a Special Committee on Nuclear Power-now the Subcommittee on Nuclear Power. Initially, this group did not attempt to write a separate Nuclear Code Section; rather, it provided for the construction of nuclear vessels by formulating Code "Case Interpretations" which provided additional rules permitting nuclear vessels to be built to the general requirements of either Section I, Power Boilers, or Section VIII, Unfired Pressure Vessels. The Cases were revised frequently, which provided flexibility and permitted the rules to keep pace - 4 - with the rapid developments and practical applications of nuclear technology. As experience with the Case Interpretation method accumulated, the ASME Code Committee decided to prepare a separate Code Section for nuclear vessels. This went through some three or four draft revisions in two or three years, and the 1963 edition of Section III was finally issued in early 1964. Some of the differences in philosophy between the Nuclear Section III of - the Code and the conventional Sections I and VIII, should be mentioned. The special rules in Section III which apply to materials, fabrication, and Inspection of nuclear equipment result largely from differences in design concepts and design criteria. A basic requirement ce Sections I and VIII is that the wall thickness of a vessel should be such that the hoop stress does not exceed the allowable stress, although it is recognized that higher localized and secondary bending stresses generally exist in other parts of a vessel, so Sections I and VIII allow a fairly generous safety factor and impose some general design restrictions, thereby avoiding the requirement - 5 - of detailed stress analysis. In some cases this approach is overly con- servative, but it may not be adequate in the event of extremely severe thermal, cyclic stress, or design configurations. By way of contrast, a principal objective in Section III has been a change in design rules to permit the use of higher allowable stresses without reducing basic safety levels. This is accomplished by requiring detailed stress analyses of the vessels and by basing allowable stresses on different categories of stress. Section III employs the maximum shear stress theory rather than the maximum stress basis of Sections I and VIII. The maximum shear stress at a given point is one-half the algebraic difference between the largest and smallest of the three principal stresses at that point. The theory states that yielding . in a component occurs when this maximum shear stress value equals the maximum shear stress which would occur at the yield point in a tensile test. To simplify the calculations, Section III adopts a term, "stress Intensity", which is defined as twice the maximum shear stress, and is directly com- one per rinn. , *; : i n thepi... .... ..and . I mini minn ir, . *...rimisoreni . Nem :,. iii. s rise wedding... . ...rrriinadmiert. 1.1'.:: 12 -6- parable to the stress values found from tensile tests. The Nuclear Code Section divides different types of stresses into: (1) primary stresses, including general and local primary membrane stress and primary bending stress; (2) secondary stresses; and (3) peak stresses (see Table I). For the temperature ranges up to 700 or 890°F, presently covered by Section III, the principal, or general primary membrane stress intensity, Pm (somewhat analagous to maximum design or permissible hoop stress in other Code Sections) is limited to a stress intensity limit, Sme which is 2/3 the yield strength or 1/3 of the ultimate strength, whichever . is less. This contrasts the lesser of 5/8 the minimum yield strength or . . 1/4 the minimum ultimate strength used for ferrous materials in the Unfired Pressure Vessel Code. It has been established analytically and experi- mentally that the local primary membrane stress Intensity (P1) may be safely limited to 1.5 times the design stress intensity limit (1.5 Sml, as can the sum of the primary membrane and bending stress intensities (Pm + Pb or P, +P). - . - - - - - . - 7 - Also, the sum of the primary and secondary stress intensities (Pm + Pb+Q or Py + Pb+Q) may be safely limited to 3 times the stress intensity limit (35m). Section III provides means for considering fluctuating stress- low cycle fatigue-on the basis of a modified Goodman diagram. Creep and stress rupture are not involved as design stress criteria in the current edition of Section III, but Code Case 1331, "Nuclear Vessels in High Temperature Service", does permit the design of nuclear vessels to Section III for operation at higher temperatures. Now let me emphasize that this design concept is acceptable and validi . only if one has confidence in the physical integrity of the vessel, as established by the quality of fabrication and inspection. The design A. criteria do not provide excess safety factor margins for unverified structural discontinuities, fabrication errors, or material or weld defects. Confidence in the knowledge of the maximum size and distribution of possible defects is particularly important in cyclic operation and in regions of high thermal stresses, as well as in radioactive services where periodic inspection is -- "Traspor t inera"...** ** My NX-A wanita .matapos;1.: , .!.:. --**----...dd r em - 8 - difficult or impossible. These place premiums on the quality of materials and fabrication, on the verification of this quality through inspection, and on design to facilitate this inspection. . - - Section III groups pressure vessels in nuclear service into three general classes. Class A vessels include reactor vessels, calandria vessels, vessels which contain primary coolant, and any other vessels where acces- sibility for periodic examination is limited by radioactivity considerations or where severe cyclic operations are encountered. Class B vessels are those generally known as containment vessels, the Code does not require that containment vessels be used, it simply provides rules for the con- struction of steel containment vessels when they are used. Class C vessels are nuclear-related vessels generally designed to the requirements: of Section VIII, which do not fall in the categories of Classes A or B. This paper is limited largely to requirements of Class A vessels. Section III requires that a design specification be prepared for each Class : I---- -- - IRO . Mas ».3in1,1772,197, M IMI+ )- 11.7'... Vww .mi x -.:. 15.teleminen !........... ........ - 9- A vessel, specifying the functions, design requirements, classification, and operating conditions on which the design, construction, and inspection requirements are to be based. This design specification is the responsibility of the owner; and requires certification of compliance by a registered pro- fessional engineer experienced in pressure vessel design. A stress report is also required for each vessel to include the stress calculations and pressure part design drawings necessary to establish compliance with the design specification; this report also requires certification by a registered professional engineer. A detailed manufacturer's data report is required, including certification that the materials, fabrication methods, and in- spection techniques are in accordance with the Code Section, the design specifications, and the design drawings. Materials authorized for use in Section III are presently limited to a re- . latively small number of carbon steels, low alloy steels, and high alloy steels most frequently used in nucleai vessel construction. More materials ....... ......., 7.3. ini... Mimi nimeni ingemin i min me ...... . Vio L'incoron, NY:;. ,;,,;. ...;, ... p ov.com. a r - 10 - will be added as the need develops, but the task of accumulating-and sometimes experimentally developing-the data needed to establish safe design stress intensity and yield strength values over the desired range of temperatures is a substantial one. Several additional materials, parti- cularly nickel-base alloys and some special steels for which material specifications are not yet available-have been incorporated into new Case Interpretations permitting their use in Section III. Other features of Section III include provisions for verification of material quality by supplementary inspection and nondestructive testing. Test coupons are generally required, subjected to the same cycle of heat treat- ment which the fabrication itself will undergo, and tested to determine com- pliance with Code and specification requirements. Ultra sonic inspection is required for all plates for reactor vessels, for plates 4 in. and thicker for other Class A vessels, and for the bond between the cladding and the base plate of certain materials. The ultrasonic ....... ......... 145 **** - 11 - standards reject defects which continue during movement of the transducer 2 in. in any direction. Repair of rejected plates by welding is permitted under some circumstances. Forgings and bars in similar applications are also subjected to similar ultrasonic examination, and, in addition, ring, flange, and other hollow forgings require ultrasonic examination by the shear wave technique, whose reference standard is a groove 1 in. long and 3% of the nominal forging thickness in depth. Forgings are also required to be examined on all sur- faces by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods, Castings require radiographic examination, and castings over 12 in. thick must also be examined ultrasonically. Castings also require examination by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods. Subject to certain limitations, they may be repaired by welding. Pipe, tubes, and fittings are classed into Group A which normally confines reactor coolant during operation, and Group B which includes all other h . . . - 12 - .1 .... . . . .. tubular products. Group B does not require supplementary nondestructive . examination, but Group A products require full-length examination by an applicable method of radiographic, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, or eddy current examination. Charpy V-notch impact tests at stated temperatures are required for certain carbon steel, alloy steel, and chromium alloy steel materials. Test re- ' . . quirements are based on two considerations—the material specifications and the temperature limits imposed by hydrostatic testing and service pres- surization, using the NDT+ 60°F concept, with the NDT impact values related to specification minimum yield strengths. A 15 ft-lb minimum average is required for materials with specification yield strengths less than 30,000 psi, 20 ft-lb for 35,000 to 45,000 psi yield strengths, 30 ft-lb for 45,000 to 75,000 psi, and 35 ft-lb for bolting with yield strengths over 75,000 psi. This is under review, however, and will probably be modified to be consistent with newer developments in the field. *.24. m i n .: Mag.ro for ne ws riding a wire.com ninyo namin, Bir ising for. .. INILASTUT. Hvorbim....., : . - 13 - To facilitate the design and inspection of welded joints, the weld joint categories of Fig. 1 have been adopted. Category A Includes longitudinal welded joints, welded joints in a sphere or a formed flat head or surface, and certain circumferential welded joints; Category B Joints include most other circumferential welded joints; Category C welded joints are largely flange connections; and Category D joints are nozzle-type joints. Category A joints require full-penetration, double-welded or equivalent, butt joints and also require full radiography. Category B joints require XTHN1 SAYLI full penetration and full radiography. Plates or elements which do not lie in the same plane are limited to an offset angle of 30%. Category C joints, Illustrated in Fig. 2, are designed for full radiography, bụt may OGLASI sometimes require special radiographic techniques and, in some cases, partial ultrasonic inspection. Category D joints, Fig. 3, require full- penetration welds, radiography-sometimes with special techniques, and, in some cases, ultrasonic examination. - 14 - Special fabrication requirements of Section III include certification of materials by the vessel manufacturer if he is required to perform tests after fabrication and heat treatment, complete and accurate identification of materials in all stages of fabrication, and examination of edges of material shapes as fabrication progresses, sometimes by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination. Welding requirements are similar to those of other sections of the Code, except that essentially all welds are required to be completely radio- graphed. Section III contains some supplementary welding procedure qualifications, and some additional essential variables for certain types of welding such as tube sheet joints and weld overlay cladding. Special certifications are required to establish that the additional tests and examinations of materials have been made. The duties of the inspector in verification of material quality, dimensional . checks, heat treatment practice, hydrostatic tests, and post-weld heat n !..,9... Wanit. *. .. o der manicure . .pr.6h.'. .* : op die weten wo mas ...'':rin.. ... . ....... . .... .. mm . - 15 - treatment, are spelled out in some detail, as are the requirements for the Inspection of welds and checking the welding procedure and welding operator performance qualifications. The term Inspection is used to designate the responsibilities of the authorized inspector; examination covers the actions performed by nondestructive testing operators. Requirements for radiographic examination of welded joints are similar to those of Sections I and VIII; all three sections have recently adopted a new type of penetrameter which provides improved equivalent sensitivity for weld thicknesses over 1-1/2 in., and for wall thicknesses less than 1/2 in., the penetrameter sensitivity is based on a slit 1/4 in. long by 0.010 in. wide. Ultrasonic examination is required for certain materials, certain Category C and D joints, and in conjuncion with the recently accepted electroslag welding techniques; but, in most other cases it is not yet mandatory or a permissible alternate to radiography. Magnetic particle and liquid penstrant examinations, where required, follow ASTM procedures: - 16- with minor Code modifications. Acceptance standards call for the removal of cracks and linear defects, and place restrictions on the size and fre- quency of aligned inclusions and nonlinear defects . Use of a new document such as the Section III Nuclear Pressure Vessel Code will certainly reveal shortcomings, inadequacies, and errors in it. The Subcommittee is already considering a number of possible changes, .. additions, and interpretations. To improve the Code still further, will require a considerable feed-back from users, who are urged to relay their experiences, problems, and suggestions in writing to the Secretary of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Committee. " imming...... ......... . . ... ............. i i cereins............. .com - 1.7 - ... . . TABLE BASIC STRESS INTENSITY LIMITS Categories Tabulated Sy value Stress Intensity Limit in terms of Yielu Strongsh Ulrimato Tonsile Strongth (S) (Sy) : Cenoral primary membrane stress inlcnsity, < Local primary membrado stress igicosity, 1.5 Sam ES, < su Ppi . . . .. ---- .. 2.5 m .-. Primary membrane plus bending stress intensity, [Pm (or Pi) + Pol Primary plus secondary slrcos intensily, Pom (or P.) + PA+ .and 3 SON < 2 Sy e su .................. .... .. . Fig. 1. Welded Joint Categories: ... in Schematic Pressure Vessel . . .. . --- ..... ......... ...... organet . - - - - : ;s: 12 12 5 / 23 / 66 DATE FILMED . f Y END ' :. .- . i vincendislik kinnitusvirtu Se * a sw.