/ . 2 . i ., I OF I ORNL P 1260 . 1.0 1.25 L4 LE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 Феүi Jно 0.581 - AIC - OFFICIAL JUN 24 1968 THE DECOMPOSITION RATES OF CERIA IN VACUUM BETWEEN 1100 AND 1700* CESTI PRICES OENLAIC-OFFICIAL NOT RELEASE - OFFICIAL H.C. $1.00 ; MN 50 - Coi vuot tu . " - " Henry Inouye Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee wemasompa 2: JURIS 'ON FILE IN RECEIVING SECTION. Ceria exists as a single nonstoichiometric phase between Ce02.00 and Ce01.72 at temperatures above 665°C. Retireen these composition limits the oxygen dissociation pressure decreases in several orders of magnitude. For example, at 1169°C the dissociation pressure oi Ce01.98 is approximately 10-8 atm and decreases to 10-17 atm at Ce0-.12. (ref 1) Although the above data predict that ceria compositions near Ce02.00 will decompose in vacuums of the order of 10-20 atm, the kinetics of the decomposition are not known. The purpose ci this study was to measure the decomposition rates between 1100 and 1200 °C at pressures of approximately 10 -20 atm and from the i’esults to estimate the rates for temperatures as high as 1700°C. RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT PROCEDURE IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS The ceria was supplied as pellets 0.250 in. in diameter and 0.20 in. 1 long which weighed approximately 0.76 g each. The sample was placed on a platinum pan which was in turn suspended irom one arm of a Sartorius micro- balance. The pellet was brought to temperature at a system pressure of 0.3 to 0.5 torr of air to avoid premature decomposition. While heating to the test temperature, the pellet lost weight but stabilized at a con- stan value after a few hours at temperature. This weight was taken as the starting weight of the specimen. ORAL - AEC - OFFICIAL *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ORN! - AIC - OFFICIAL ay naman ang arawer management options The test commenced upon decreasing the pressure. Within 15 min of activating the diffusion pumps the pressure was lowered from approximately 0.3 to 10-5 torr and was in the low 10-6 torr after filling a liquid O!!!1 - AIC - OFFICIAL nitrogen cold trap and 1 hr of operation. The specimen weight change was continuously recorded ană could be read within +10 ug. After this high vacuum exposure, the specimen was reoxidized with air by increasing the system pressure to between 0.3 ana 2.5 torr. RESULTS The weight losses recorded for three separate pellets at 1100, 1150, and 1200°C and in vacuums from 1 x 10-7 to 2 x 10-6 torr (1.3 x 10-20 to : 2.6 x 10-9 atm) are shown in Fig. 1. The test at 1200°C was repeated by reexposing the oxidized pellet used for the initial run to the high vacuum. The reproducibility in this test was excellent (solid circles). These curves show that the decomposition rates of ceria increase with temperature but decrease with time. As these tests progressed, an unidentified brownish deposit developed in the cooler parts of the furnace. This obser- vation, plus the fact that the pellet weight was not restored to its original value upon reoxidation in 0.3 torr air, indicates that some vaporization occurred under the test conditions. The de composition rates can be expressed by equations in which the weight change is a function of time to an exponent. The exponent, n, was determined to be 0.45, 0.49, and 0.60 at 1100, 1150, and 1200°C, respectively, with an average value of 0.51. Therefore, the rate equation can be written 8.3: Aw = kt2/2, Tri viisi-ir-irido where OXYL-AI-OPFICIAL Aw = weight loss (ug• cm“?) t = exposure time (hr) k = decomposition ratr, constant ligocm- hr-/2) Plots of Aw vs t1/2 were straight lines with slopes of k as shown in Fig. 2. From a log k vs 1/t plot, k values for several temperatures were estimated and are tabuiated in Table 1. CONCLUSIONS The present results show that the decomposition rates of ceria in vacuums are proportional to t1/2 and increase exponentially rith temperature: OKNL - AEC - OFFICIAL RETERENCES ORHE-AEC - OFFICIAL 2D.J.M. Bevan and J. Kordis, "Mixed Oxides of the Type Moz (Fluorite) – M203. I: Oxygen Dissociation Pressures and Phase Relationships in the System CeO2-Ce203 at High Temperatures," I. Inorg. Ivucl. Chem. 26(9), 1509–1523 (1964). ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL torr. 1700 1500 1400 1300 1200 1150 1100 (°C) Temperature & In vacuums of approximately 10-6 Ceria at Various Tenperatures Table I. The Decomposition Bates of 105 2850 204 690 123 63 Rate Constant - k lugaroom-2.n-1/2* 20 OkiXl-AEC-OFFICIA! ----- OfXI-AC-OFFICIEL - --- -- --- ---------..... ........ .. . -- -...-... -- -.. .. - - - - - ----- - - . . FIGURE LEGENDS ORHL-AEC - OFFICIAL Figure 1. The Thermal Stability of Cerium Oxides in Vacuums of 10-6 to 0.3 Torr. Figure 2. The Decomposition Rates of Ceria from 1100 to 1200°C. ONL - AEC - OFFICIAL . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-11477 (x10 ههههههههههههههه 1100 °C Assistastaas saskaras 200 ug/cm2 AT 125 hr ** 0.020 bonbondow Ad 1150 °C 22.000 d ed 'Ammindesberg WEIGHT CHANGE (149/cm2) : 0.3 torr AIR ADDED ooo of of soome noooooooooo yen 1200 °C ocorotonpost O 0 10 20 30 0.3 torr AIR ADDED T 40 50 60 70 80 TIME (hr) 90 | UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-11476 p lasma memandangan, mandarina matat 1100 °C andan sonra da desta tend Santos k=-20 M _692902600200 1150 °C WEIGHT CHANGE (p g/cm2) k=-63 co 1200 cm oporoordanoqonood k=-123 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 figal END LA w 1 . DATE FILMED 5 / 12 /66 - . . - . A!!! {