: . . Lorem C . . ) . i is. :. 12 1 en I OFI ORNL P 1256 L. . : .. 1 . . . , 4 . . " . ] . . . ini. . . ... . . . 1.0 国美容 ​EEEEEEE . . . La. . 11:25 11.4 L6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 1 . . ver k ondig war vonimisoimmer Fentan yang menciptannien totesine LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: e A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. .. . - - - - - 11. - - i. - . - - . . . - . . ; .. S .ORNO -1957 CONE-6505252 MAO -, - . + : :- (To be presented at the International Conference on the Internal Conversion Process, Nashville, Tennessea, May 10 - 13, 1965) ORNE AEC - Official obo :.:. A SURVEY OF E1 TRANSITIONS IN THE RARE-EARTH REGION W.B. Ewbank, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Abstract A review of the lifetimes and conversion properties of all predominantly El-transitions in rare-earth nuclei has confirmed the correlation between the . gamma-ray hindrance and the observed anomalies in internal conversion coef- ficients.. It is further shown that the anoinalies occur only in those transitions . . . . for which internal conversion is allowed by the interaction of orbital electrons with the nucleon spin-current inside the nucleus. The coefficients for conversion of a transition in the K shell and in the L1, L2 subshells are shown to be increased by about the same factor over their theoretical values. · . . . In the rare-earth region of the periodic table there are several nuclei in . which E1 transitions exhibit anomalous conversion coefficients.1,2 The enhance-. ... .... ment of K-, Ly- and Ly-conversion is observed to be as high as ten times the theoretical values. In order to establish the cause of the observed anomalies, a survey of all predominantly-E1 transitions in the rare-earth region was made. The data on measured conversion coefficients were analyzed into groups consistert with, . . . . PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TOE THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES . ARE ON FILE IN THE RESUVING SECTION, *Research sponsored by the U. $. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. : ORNL-AEC-OFFICIAL i. : . -2. the penetration-conversion picture developed by Church and Weneser, 3 and by Nilsson and Rasmussen, 4 and Kramer and Nilsson.5 ORNE OMEC - OFFICIAL . The penetration-matrix-element formalism may be used to distinguish three ..ways in which the nucleus may give up energy: 1. Photon emission 2. "Normal" internal conversion (which takes place in the neighborhood of the nucleus, but does not include con- tributions due to electron penetration into the nuclear volume) 3. Penetration-conversion, in which the electron must be present inside the nucleus ime The latter will be most sensitive to details of the distribution of nuclear charge and bath magnetism throughout the nucleus. the .... Three interactions which affect the penetration-conversion have been considered .. in Refs. 3 - 5: 3a. The nuclear charge ar ons . . 3b. The intranuclear currents .. . . 3c. The nucleon spin-currents . „ Since the operators which describe these interactions are different, they will generally : . impose different sets of selection rules on the nuclear transition. In Refs. 3 - 5, the selection rules for E1 transitions between Nilsson states have been derived for each of the penetration-conversion operators. These are shown - - in Table I. For simplicity, only those possibilities allowed for each operator, but not allowed for normal photon emission, are listed. If normal photon emission is.. LE . . allowed, then it will be of little importance that a penetration interaction also causes . ORNI- AEC - OFFICIAL ! AEC - OFFICIAL transitions. When the normal processes are highly forbidden, however, the pene- on aina orainataan harian tration effects assume their greatest importance. The data used in this survey are listed in Table II. For each transition, VE the table includes the Nilsson quantum numbers of the initial and final states, the .i. .'. . factor Fw by which the transition is hindered from the Weisskopf estimate, and the" :- : wwmavá. . ." enhancement factor by which the observed conversion intensity exceeds that calçu- w memberi per lated by Sliv and Band6 for a pure E1 transition. (Possible M2-admixtures have n a not been considered.) All E1 transitions in nuclei with neutron number between 90, and 112 are included if both the half-life and at least one conversion coefficient or : :, itinda atalmashindwartaw · ratio is known. Since ratios Lj:L2:L3 are measured more frequently than absolute L-subshell conversion coefficients, the ratios L1/L2 and L2/L7 have been tabulated " . . ,..1 .. ::.:.:. ... h rather than a I, and on. This procedure has been empirically justified by the. observation that Lz conversion coefficients are approximately normal, while anom- alous conversion appears to be most important for ai, and al.: Presumably; this: W stems from the fact that K-, Ly- and Ly-conversion involve electron transitions of the type 51/26-1/2, while Lg-conversion always involves the P3/2 orbital . . ' electron. For cases where all three have been measured, UK, L1/L3 and L2/L3 are: seen to have approximately the same ewhancement factor. The enhancement factors (observed/theoretical) for the transitions in Table II are plotted as a function of photon hindrance in Fig. 1. To avoid confusion, the errors have not been put on the points of this graph, although they are shown on subsequent an figures. ORNC-AEC - OFFICIAL ?. . The procedure now is to display separately the group of transitions that ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL obey the selection rules for each operator so as to isolate the operator that is responsible for the large conversion anomalies for Fw about 106. . . . . . Emission of E1 photons is forbidden by the asymptotic selection rules on :... Nilsson quantum numbers for all the transitions in Table II. The total probability for internal conversion is evidently forbidden to about the same degree, since most.: of the conversion coefficients are normal as shown in Fig. 1.. None of the operators discussed by'Refs. 1 - 3 for El transitions will allow Jak >i. The transitions from Table II which have AK = 2, +3 are shown in Fig. 2. Although the data scatter somewhat, there appears to be no systematic enhancement .. 'ii: ... of the conversion for these transitions. ... .. Transitions for which penetration-conversion is allowed by the operators . involving nuclear charge (3a) or intranuclear currents (3h) are shown in Fig. 3. For : a wide range of hindrance factors there appear to be no anomalous conversion effects that can be attributed to these kinds of penetration conversion. The greatest enhance- ment is really only an upper limit for the ratio K/L3 in 15?gd. A careful measuremeni. ..... of the relative intensity of the 2.14-keV conversion electrons from this transition would . . .. remove the one ambiguity in this picture. Transitions for which penetration-conversion is allowed by the nucleon spin- currerts (3c) in the nucleus are summarized in Fig. 4. The.errors shown on each point : .. . represent those assigned by the experimenters. Points without error bars may be uncertain by a large factor. For the transitions in Fig. 4 a definite correlation between enhancement and hindrance can be seen. Beginning at about Fw = 105 the enhancement factor increases from unity to nearly ten for Fw = 6 x 106. The 0.32 transition in OANL=AEC - OFFICIAL ... - -5 -5- ... : . - . ... -..--con ::. . . . :... - AEC - OFFICIAL ;, .. ".. 177hf may represent a maximum hindrance for this class of transition in the rare- earths. For transitions in nuclei with higher or lower mass number, the hindrance: factor is lower. (This apparent maximum gamma-ray hindrance has been discussed; by Vergnes.' Precise measurements of Qx and the L-subshell ratios for the 0.321 ......::::: : gamma in 177Hf would be very interesting.' More data on the three transitions in 175 Lu would also be useful. The apparently low enhancement factor for the 0.145 transition from the 0.396 level in 175Lu may be the result of imprecisely-known . branching ratios for the three de-exciting gamma rays. Improvements could also be made in the precision of other ineasurements in Fig. 4. The hindrance factors for some other El transitions in this group are included - on the figure as a guide to their probably conversion anomalies. The only significant .. 1. anomaly among these other transitions may arise for the 0.006 transition in 181Ta. Unfortunately, the low energy prohibits any K-or L-subshell results for this transition: The remaining E1 transitions with | Ks 1 from this survey are placed in Fig. 5) : The group at the left are allowed by a second-order term in the nucleon spin-current interaction. No conversion enhancement can be inferred for this class of transitions 16 . within the small range of hindrance values shown. The 0.086 transition in 155Gū at the :::::.. right of Fig. 5 involves An = 3, which cannot be expected from the interactions con ... sidered here. The conversion coefficients are quite close to their expected theoretical : :* .... values. ir : ., ... ..!.. ni i i.. OANL - AEC - OFFICIAL ... 1 1 . ... . . ... -6- .. . ; References :.'. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 1. C.J. Herrlander and G.T. Ewan, to be published, "Conference on the Role .. of Atomic Electrons in Nuclear Transformations," Warsaw 1963, G.T. Ewan, priv. comm. :.:.:.,::... : . : ,, . 2. Adopted values for branching ratios, half-lives and conversion-electron ratios have been taken from recently-revised Nuclear Data Sheets (published by the .. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1964-1965). .:. :.:.:: 3. E. L. Church and J. Weneser, Nucl. Phys. 28, 602 (1961). 4. S. G. Nilsson and J.O. Rasmussen, Nucl. Phys. 5, 617 (1958)... I . ' . -5. G. Kramer and S. G. Nilsson, Nucl. Phys. 35, 273 (1962). . . . . ., :: 6. L. A. Sliv and I.M. Band, Coefficients of Internal Conversion of Gamma Radiaa: tion, Part 1: K-Shell (1956), Part 2: L-Shell (1958), Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute, Leningrad; Issued in the U.S.A. as Reports 57 ICC K1 (1957) and 58 ICC L1 (1958), Physics Department, Univer- sity of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, . 7. M.N. Vergnes, Nucl. Phys. 39, 273 (1962). - .:. . : . . . ... : ... .. ... ::::... : OANL - AEC - OFFICIAL . ...: . . :- . S · - . .. . - e Figure 1. Enhancement of observed QK, Lj/L2 or L2/L3 over theoretical El value plotted as a function of the hindrance of the photon half-life . over the Weisskopf estimate. Data are included for all £1 transi- tions in rare-earth nuclei. :::ORNL-AEC - OFFICIAL : . .. ... :. zoak enhancement x .3. +123 id . mi + Tover) (E1) = 873.3 fs o o . X+o XO LLLL o - . . Enhancement . .. . . . .. X . O o to 8+ O ... O .. . : O ++x 8 +* tx . 10 -OX Oxt ............... . xoto 008 . . . الا .. i .. - O'RNL - AEC - OFFICIAL liididiri-will- odes Nuwe Hindrance :. Fw .. . ....... . .. .. ::? Figure 2. Enhancement factors for El transitions with AK >1. The enhance- ment of the observed QK, L1/Lz or L2/L3 over the theoretical El . value is plotted as a function of the hindrance of the photon half-life. over the Weisskopf estimate. . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL < :: i O K enhancemen X 123 . i. . . .. . . L2/L3 .-:.. . . .... . ..... -,--... . . . . - - - .. -- -- - to -- . .. LILULILI :::::...... :.:.:. OK =12 :: OK - #3 ": U . :: .: . . Enhancement ii. ... m Otxt 10txt Axor -- - b+* .' LI 173 Lu 0.124 5/2 1/2 (541) – 7/27/2(404) ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL golio 10° Hindrance: : 100- Figure 3. Enhancement factors for E1 transitions allowed by penetration interactions involving the nuclear charge or intranuclear current (Selection rules in Table I b). The enhancement of the observed .. ax, L1/L3 or L2/Lg over the theoretical El value is plotted as a function of the hindrance of the photon half-life over the Weisskopf estimate. ORNL-AEC - OFFICIA! OK -3 enhancement . и x + 12/13 :: IIIII 0.064 (KIL_3) Enhancement +X0- X ::: + O O : LLLLLL O . OANL - AEC - OFFICIAL 0.1L 103 103 * 104 Hindrance 105 104 105 home deco vie loire la community . Whiline para mantenenti i l. ORNL - AEC -0$FICIAL Figure 4. 'Enhancement factors for E1 transitions allowed by penetration inter- · actions involving the nucleon spin-current (Selection rules in Table I c). . The enhancement of the observed ik, L1/L3 or L2/Lz over the theo- retical E1 value is plotted as a function of the hindrance of the photon. half-life over the Weisskopf estimate. RNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . . . 1 .. . ak onnoncomont X LV3 ". .in na. .. ----Le - 175 Lu (4396 0977H 0.321 . . To 0.02 177L4 0.150 . Enhancement f I 175 Lu 0:283 04 TX . to O ''Hf 0.0726 177HF 0.208 LU 0.145 . : LLLLLLLL 161. in 17946 : 0.102 0.217 0.006 . . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIA .ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ...0.1 1034 1045 i 100 $6 1067 1074 finna thinnen'. .. Figure 5. Enhancement factors for E1 transitions with AK S1, but forbidden by all selection rules in Table 1. The enhancement of the observed, QK, L1/L9 or L2/L3 over the theoretical El value is plotted as a: function of the hindrance of the photon half-life over the Weisskopf: estimate. OKNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . .. .- ** - .- - . 13 00 OK enhancement .. X LKs +423 :.:. . :.: 10 C - . ' :;:: - : Enhancement. 1556d 0.086 3/2 3/2 (651-- 3/2 3/2 (521) .An3 . - II: - - ORNE - AEC - OFFICIAL O . 103 10 *Hindrance 1082 104 105 1 06 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Table I. Asymptotic Selection Rules for E1 Transitions Δ2 ΔΛ. a. Photon emission or "normal" conversion 1 1 0 +1 0 - 1 b. Penetration-conversion by nuclear charge or intranuclear currents - gioi sº là + 1 + 2 £ 1 $ 2 - 1 ܝܺ ܘ ܘܝܽܘ c. Penetration-conversion by nucleon spin- currents (first-order term) 1 | ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL INTE 1 AN TO 111 IN LU BLANK PAGE . ..... .- ."- ... IVILIQ - V - INYO : : VIÐ1110 - 53V - INYO .:: ... ...Level.. (MeV). TABLE IV: PREDOMINANTLY-EI TRANSITIONS IN RARE-EARTH NUCLEI wccorAssignments .y Sélection. Initial Final Hindran (ns)(MeV) Rule Type - di Ki Na Toko Nole (Table 1) Enhancement in e ): F, . -- _ _ .. 47/13: Loh ..: :... . .. . . ; . . . . ::. 153EU 5/2 572 1.0. . None 5/2 5/2 5/2 3/2 3.2 411 5/2.532 5/2 532 3/2 411 5/2 512 5/2 5/2 532 413 413 532 5.5(4) <5.5(3) 2.7(3) 0.9 155EU 5/2 5/2 None b 1.3 1.5 2. 1.7.6 8.7(4) 1556d 3/2 , 5 5/2 3/2 None None 3.0(5) 4.2(5) 1.5(4) 9.5(3) 1.4.2 3/2 j.j : 1.1 0.8 . 3/2 1.0 1.2. 1576d 159Tb 3/2 1.42 <4(K/L3) <1.4 1.0(6) 5/ 2 5/2 53 2. 3.4(5) 2.5(5) 3.6(4) 0.9 161Tb 7/2 72 523 7/2 3/2 411 5,2 3/2 52 52 413 7/2 3/2 41 5/2 5/2 5/2 413 3/2 3/2 411 0.9 0.075 0.14 0.075 0.097 <1 0.097 0.104 <0.4 0.104 0.246 1.2 .0.142 0.086 5.0 0.026 0.086 0.105 1.0 0.045 0.105 0.064 460 0.064 0.363 0.16 0.225 0.305 0.363 0.418 0.87 0.102 0.284 0.361 0.482 <0.2 0.165 0.482 0.026 28 0.026 0.075 3.0 0.075 0.379. 50 · 0.063 0.240 0.261 0.425 2600 0.296 0.308 0.351 0.45 0.172 0.273 0.351 0.124 75000. 0.124 0.396 3.3 0.145 0.283 2.0 AK = -2 AK = -2 None 3.414) . 9.8(5) 2.5(5) <1.0(3) 1.3 5/2 5,2 532 0.9 b 161 Dy 5/2 3/2 7/2 5/2 3/2 7/2 523 521 523 b. 1697m None 1.0 1711m 712 72 523 17346 712 7/2 633 173LU 175LU 5/2 912 1/2 9:2 541 594 5/2 5/2 · 642 None 4.7(3) 1.1 0.9 5/2.5/2 642 4.9(4) 0.82 1.12 12 0.938 . 7/2 404 7.1(4) 411 AK = -3 9.4(8) 5/2 AK = -3 1.1(8) 0.9 7/2 --3 1.1(9) 1.18 12 1.04 11 0.98 10 AK = -3 5.1(8) 1.13 7. 1.06 11 1.08 10 912 5/2 7.0(4) 0.6 7/2 5.3(4) 0.7(KL) 0.7 --- - 5/2 6.6(6) 0.6 7/2 7/2 404 Ak = +3 +3 7.7(8) 0.87 2 0.81 0.84 !12 7/2 404 1.3(6) 1.0 - 9.2 9.7(5) : -1.5. 1.5 . 2.4 . Ć 1.7(6) Sir - OFFICIAL 92 92 624 1.5 2 . 712 712 404c 3 .2(6): 256 2. ji 3 112 7/2 514 1.4(5): 1.4 4 1.5 2 1.54 972 ☺ 3.1(4) : 0.9 2. 1.18.11 1.13 11 7/2 6.2(6) 76 . 9/ 2 9/2 624 C. 712 7/2 404, c . 1.9(5) :-:-"1.8.::. 7/12 5/2 402 AK ---2-----2.7(6). 1.5.: 0.9 7 0 in 'n . . : .iii.. .i i i . 20 -...2;.. ar .. . ... ;: .. .. . . . . . . : i .. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 3.64) . ... . . .. . 17746 177 LU : 177HF 0.104 0.150 0.321 | 0 4.5 0.104' 72 72 514 120 0.1509 / 29/2 514 0.67 0.072 9/2. 9/2 624 ; : 0.208 0.321 1.8: 0.217 7/2 7/2 514 1400 -0.031 9/ 2 9/2 514 570 0.072 9/2 972 514 0 0 0 Late 8.7(4):....... . ... . 179Hf 179T 187Re 0.217 0.031 0.206 - . . . .. °Blank lines imply the same quantum numbers as on the preceding line. Power-of-ten multiplier in parentheses: 1.3(6) = 1.3 x 106 :: . END DATE FILMED 9/9/65 -- - - - --- - A - -