i . . î . . · ht i I OF I ORNL P 1252 . .. I ' I E . LI . 1.1.4 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 90 Orne-p_1252 MASTER - -- JUN 24.96! CFSTI PRICES 17191130 - 337 1:139 H.C. $ 3.00; MN-50 CORRELATION OF COMPOSITION WITH THE MICROSTRUCTURES OF ARC-CAST THORIUM CARBIDES*, ** By Mildred J. Bradley and T. M. Kegley, Jr. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee -LEGAL NOTICE - THI raport me propers au mocant of Goveransat sponsored work, Nollber the United Mal.., nor the Commissloo, sor may persoa acties on behalf of the Commission: A. Yakes day marunty or reprenotatoa, express or implied, with respect w the accue racy, completamı, or wefalines of the laboracion contaiand la the report, or that the we ol way lalor nation, appanntwe, method, or proceso d closed to the report may not lalrlar printols omand schla; or B. AIMMI nay Ilabiliuos with repoot lo ha un of, or for damages resulting from the un of any labormation, apparatuur, method, or proceso d! soloud la la report, As wand in the above, "partoo MCHAG od bolall of the Commision" includes may on ploys or contrieur of a Commisslon, or employu of such contractor, to the extent that buch omploys or contractor of the Commission, or employw of much contractor preparat, dionomiasts, or provides accoue to, may taforms How pernaat to do employant or costruit with the Coanisalo, or his employmat with such contractor. NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASEDENCIALE USHURUTION den olen e n en meer ditampi syarah dan l nge.com 46MEUURI SA Onafhenti meron naman how to starte mwa Stellen in RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT nus IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS "esearch sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Jaion Carbide Corporation. **For review by the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. b.. ..., ... ORNL - KEC - OFTICIAL ... diidiiii. CORRELATION OF COMPOSITION WITH THE MICROSTRUCTURES OF ARC-CAST THORIUM CARBIDES Tiigriidedo -530 Mildred J. Bradley and T. M. Kegley, Jr. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ABSTRACT Arc-cast thorium carbide specimens with total-C/Th etom ratios varying from 0.8 to 2.1 (4 to 10 wt % carbon) were prepared for metallographic examination, and the microstructures correlated with the chemical analyses, the X-ray diffraction analyses, and the hydrolysis products. The thorium monocarbide phase was found over a range of composition from about Thco.4 (4.6% C) to at least Thco.37 (4.0%. c) and probably lower. The maximum combined-c/Th atom ratio obtained by arc-melt- ing with graphite electrodes was 1.95 (9.2% c) rather than the theoretical 2.00 (9.4% C). Specimens with compositions from Thco.99 to ThС.88 (4.9 to 8.9% C) were two-phase mixtures of the mono- and dicarbides. There was no evidence for any significant range of composition for the dicarbide. A new metallographic procedure contributed significantly to the study.' A solution of equal parts of nitric acid (70%) and water was used to passivate and etch thorium dicarbide and two-phase thorium dicarbide-monocarbide specimens. Ad- vantages of this technique over air etching are: (1) clearer microstructures; (2) specimens can be observed directly in air (no protective oil film is neces- sary); and (3) specimens can be examined more deliberately than air-etched speci- mens which continue to react rapidly with moisture even under an wil film. Single- phase thorium monocarbide specimens were prepared for metallographic examination by an attack-polish procedure, using dilute nitric acid and 0.3 4 alumina, followed by etching in a solution of 50 parts 70% HNO2, 50 parts water, and 2 parts con- 17101310- 334 - 1;1330 centrated HCL. INTRODUCTION Previous investigators of the thorium-carbon system have generally used "air-etching" (exposure of the polished suriace to the moisture in ambient air) to reveal the microstructures (1-5). While air-etching does reveal some micro- structural features, the results are not as distinctive as in the chemical etch- ing of metals. In addition the specimen must be hurriedly examined immediately after preparation since the moisture from the air reacts continually with the specimen. A new procedure using nitric acid to passivate and etch thorium di- carbide gives much clearer microstructures than those developed by air-etching (6,7). This paper describes the application of the new nitric acid procedure to the metallography of arc-cast specimens with total-C/Th atom ratios varying from 1.0 to 2.1 (4.9 to 20 wt% carbon). An attack-polish procedure and HNO, -H,0-HCI etcluant were developed for single-phase thorium monocarbide specimens with com- positions of ThCo.8 and Thco.9 (4.0 and 4.6% carbon). Samples of these same carbide specimens were used in extensive chemical studies of their hydrolysis properties (8), and were also carefully characterized by chemical and X-ray dir- fraction analyses. THORIUM CARBIDE SPECIMENS Carbide preparation.--Most, specimens were prepared by arc-melting high-purity thorium metal and spectroscopic grade carbon in a 50 vol % argon--50 vol % helium atmosphere using graphite electrodes to avoid tungsten contamination.“ Specimen 08!:i-.8.CC - OFFICIAL “Attempts to prepare thorium dicarbide with tungsten electrodes resulted in speci- mens containing as much as 6 wt % tungsten. + THC -1A was arc-melted with a tungsten electrode in an argon atmosphere. Buttons were melted until visual examination showed that all the carbon had dissolved in the melt, and then were melted an additional four times (2-min melts) to ensure 1:13idi) - OD1 50 complete reaction. Mixtures containing less than 8.5 wt% carbon picked up about 0.1 wt aso carbon from the graphite electrodes during melting, while those initially containing 9.4% carbon or higher usually lost carbon (Table I). Specimen THC-3H was heat-treated in a graphite crucible for 65 hr at 1600°C using a Brew High Vacuum Furnace, No. 424B. Chemical and X-ray diffraction analysis.--Analyses for thorium, total carbon, free carbon, oxygen (<0.07 wt %), and nitrogen (40 to 172 ppm), and the major car- bide constituents identified by X-ray analysis are given in Table II. The maximum combined-C/Th atom ratio was 1.95, rather than the theoretical 2.00. Increasing the carbon concentration above Thc2.95 resulted in a mixture of ThC,.95 and free carbon. Specimen ThС,-1A also contained 6.1% tungsten as an impurity from the tungsten electrode. The specimens prepared with graphite electrodes contained 10 to 100 ppm tungsten. By spectrographic analyses these spécimens contained about 6 ppm calcium, 3 ppm iron, 2 ppm aluminum, 2 ppm magnesium, and 1 ppm copper. All other metallic impurities were less than 1 ppm. The monocarbide and di- carbide (ThC, 05) X-ray powder patterns were the same as those reported by Kempter and Krikorian (9). In the X-ray diffraction analysis of nixtures, there was no detectable change in the monocarbide portion of the pattern as the total- c/Th atom ratio increased from 1.0 to 1.5 or in the dicarbide portion as the ratio increased from 1.5 to 2.1. The lattice parameter of thorium monocarbide vias 5.346 Å in the Thc2.01 specimen, 5.345 Å in ThC..92, and 5.340 Å in ThCo.81 (10). No thorium metal was detected by X-ray analysis of the Thco.81 or the ThC., 92 speci- mens. Thorium mcaocarbide was detected in the Thc, .38 specimen, but not in specimens with combined-c/th atom ratios of 1.91 or higher. The 6 wt % tungsten impurity in 0:11!! -;.!C - OFICIA! Table 1. Carbon Contamination of Thorium Carbides from the Graphite Electrodes 971313:0 - 334 - 15:30 Carbon (wt %) In Original Th-C Mixture In Arc-Cast Carbide Specimen Tac-4A 3.98 4.00 Thc-10A 4.61 4.50 4.90 Tac-7A 4.86 THC-2A 4. Tac-8D 5.00 5.21 6.15 6.88 Tac-5A Thc-3A 4.92 5.85 6.76 7.65 8.52 8.76 8.96 THC-6A Thc2-58 Thc2-4 Thcz-3 ThC2-6 7.88 8.40 8.78 8.91 9.23 9.38 9.38 Thc2-8B 9.28 9.98 Thcz-? 10.22 specimen ThС-1A could not be detected by X-ray analyses of the original specimen; however, after hydrolyzing the specimen and dissolving the resultant thorium oxide in 6 M HCl, half of the tungsten was recovered ai unreacted w,c. One diffraction line which could have been attributed to WC was also observed in the X-ray powder pattern of this residue. It is not known which chemical species of tungsten (W, W,C, or wc) hydrolyzed. The following is a synopsis of the analytical procedures used in the present Investigation. X-ray powder patterns were determined with a Debye-Scherrer 0:21!-7.EC - OFFICIAL ATAU Table II. Composition of Thorium Carbides Elemental Analysis wt% Total Free C C Carbined- c/Ta Atom Ratio ORI!!MEC - OFFICIAL ppm X-Ray Powder Pattern Thc Tac, os Specimen Th ThC-4A 4.00 125 0.81 So Thc-10A 95.74 95.14 94.90 4.61 0.01 0.07 0.02 272 0.92 THC-7A 4.86 126 0.99 TAC-2A 94.80 0.03 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.03 1.01 ThC-8D 94.67 93.67 Inc-5A 5.00 5.21 6.15 6.88 6.92 7.88 8.40 S S S W M s 93.06 92 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.02 0.10 1.06 1.27 1.42 1.42 1.64 1.76 93.07 92.10 91.60 0.02 0.01 57 M S 91.26 8.78 1.84 Thc-3A ThC-3 THC-6A ThC2-5B ThC7-4 ThC23 Thc2-6 Thc2-8B TC -7 THC,-34. 91.02 1.88 1.95 8.91 9.23 9.28 9.98 9.07 70.76 90.66 89.97 86.0 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.05. 0.09 0.06 0.33 0.90 0.908 1.92 2.95 - 44 45 -1.88 as, strong; M, moderate; W, weak; and T, trace. "Lattice parameter, 5.340 Å. "Lattice parameter, 5.345 A. "Lattice parameter, 5.346 Å. especimen ThC-3A after heat-treating 65 hr at 1600°C. Specimen contains 6.1% tungsten. Samount of carbon combined with the tungsten is not precisely known. "Plus a few, faint, unidentified, extra lines. ORN-KEC - OFFICIAL t . 0316 -1.50 - 0781018L 114.59-mm-diameter powder camera using Cu K-a radiation. Thorium was determined by burning 1 g (Thc) to 2 g (Thco) of carbide, which had been crushed to -10 -50 mesh particles, and determining the weight of Tho, at 950°C on a thermobalance. The weight of Tho, must be measured at high temperatures since the finely divided powder, even after heating at 1250°C, gained weight upon cooling through surface sorption resulting in a significant error (W2%) in the thorium anwlysis. The method for analyzing specimen Incg-lA which contained 6% tungsten was different: the specimen was hydrolyzed, the resulting thorium dioxide dissolved in 6 N HCI, the residue removed by filtration, and the filtrate analyzed gravimetrically for thorium by precipitation as the oxalate. Total carbon in all samples was deter- mined by burning 0.78 (Thcz) to 1 & (THC) of carbide, which had been crushed to -10 +50 mesh particles, in pure oxygen at 1000°C for 2 hr (11). The effluent gases were first passed through copper oxide (650°C) to ensure complete combus- tion to Con, then through an Anhydrone trap to remove the water, and finally an Ascarite and Anhydrone trap to sorb the cog. Carbon was determined by weighing as cog. Complete combustion was not routinely achieved with larger particles because the Tho, product formed a protective layer over the carbide. The comous- tion tube must be cooled below 450°C before introducing the sample, since the thorium carbides ignite in oxygen at ~550°C. Free carbon was determined after dissolving 1.5 to 3.0 g of caroide as -10 +100 mesh particles in refluxing 6 M HC1 and filtering through a Leco disposable filtering crucible (No. 528-30, Laboratory Equipment Corp., St. Joseph, Michigan) (11). The residue was washed with acetone and ether to disso).ve any wax, dried, and the carbon determined as co, in the Leco apparatus. A fluorination procedure was used for the oxygen analysis (12). In the analysis of thorium carbides for nitrogen, 200 to 250 mg of crushed carbide was dissolved in 9 M H2PO2--2.5 M H2SO4 (11). The solution was then made basic, the resulting ammonia steam-distilled into a receiver con- .-. S 0!!:L-DEC-OFFICIAL taining dilute sulluric acid, and the ammonia determined spectrophotometricaliy . with sodium phenate (13). Trungsten was determined by neutron activation after first dissolving the carbide in nitric acid containing a trace of hydrofluoric acid (14). While this was the procedure actually used, for future analyses of specimens containing >3% tungsten we recommend the gravimetric procedure used for uranium-tungsten-carbide (15). Neutron activation is still the best method 2:1!1 - 160 - 0TICIAL for low concentrations of tungsten. Hydrolysis of thorium carbide --The two thorium carbides yielded distinctly different gaseous products when reacted with water at 25 to 99°c (8). Thorium monocarbide produced mostly methane, and also two moles of hydrogen for each Thorium dicarbide (ThC7.95) produced Ca- to Cg-hydrocarbons, wax, and hydrogen. The preponderance of hydrocarbons with an even numoer of carbon atoms in the gas from the hydrolysis of the dicarbide is to be expected because of the presence of discrete Cg units in the dicarbide crystal lattice (16). Carbon spacing in the thorium monocarbide lattice has not been studied, but the carbon is probably present as single C units as in uranium monocarbide (17), which also yields methane when hydrolyzed (18). The total volume of gas evolved decreased from 110 ml/g to 49 ml/g as the c/m atom ratio increased from 0.81 to 1.95 (Fig. 1); there was no further change in volume as the total-c/mn atom ratio increased above 1.95. Specimens with compositions between Thc and Thc, os gave the pro- ducts expected for ThC-Thc2.95 binaries, showing a regular decrease in the amount of methane and increase in the amount of Co- to Cg-hydrocarbons as the c/ma atoui ratio increased (Fig. 2). Within experimental error, specimen ThC2 -7 with a total-c/Th atom ratio of 2.14 (combined-c/Th, 1.95) zave the same products as specimen Thc2-6 (ThC2.95). Fifteen percent of the carbon in Thc,..2 (specimen C-2A) was found as Cz- to Cg-hydrocarbons (8), which are 'dicarbide products, vs. only 5% from ThCo.92 (8) and 8% from UC..97 (18). This indicates that Thcy.cz 0!:'{-}.!C - OIFICIEL :... na ce... . i - . .... , 4 VOLUME OF GAS EVOLVED (m/¢ c577) _C O-C-0-0 : re .. - : .-. . . 1 2 : ::... ....... Fig. 1. Vol wie oł Gos bulv Thorium Carbirics. ;.? lopez wysis al 80°C o As-Cast Our!!~ :.66.057721. - - - - - . .. - - - -- - - "* ". ::...-..... L inn. nr. :-. 1-- : :: :. .. .:.***. ..! I' m inna . eu s ********** ******* ORNL DWG. 65.2847 --- mo OMO HYDROCEV C Co-C2 HYDXCCARSONS b0- () II- III INH1EW - .- . - - - era morr....! olo o 4 12 14 16 1 2 TOTAL-C/Th ATOM RATIO .... Thorse como a caseous Product Fig. 2. Gaseous Products from the Thorium Carbides. drolysis at 80°C OI AS-Cast probably contains a little thorium dicarbide. A complete discussion of the 1:131:29 no 31*7;100 hydrolysis properties of the specimens used in this study is given in Ref. 8. METALLOGRAPHIC PROCEDURES Specialized procedures were required for the metallographic preparation of thorium carbides because of their strong tendency to hydrolyze. Metallographic preparation of thorium dicarbide and two-phase_monocarbide- dicarbide specimens.--The procedures used in the metallographic preparation of thorium dicarbide and monocarbide-dicarbide mixtures were similar to procedures previously developed for (m2, U)c(6,7). Fragments of the arc-melted specimens were mounted in epoxy resin and then rough-ground on 320-, 400-, and 600-grit silicon carbide papers using either absolute ethyl alcohol or silicone oil as the lubricant. The specimens were then either vibratorily polished 6 to 12 hr within a "dry" box using a silicone oil-0.3 w alumina slurry on a nylon cloth, or were mechanically polished 3 min outside the dry box using an absolute ethyl alcohol.-0.3 u alumina suspension on a wheel covered with a nylon cloth and operated at 100 to 200 rpm. Direct exposure of the active polished surface to the moisture contained in room air was avoided by immediately washing the surface with absolute ethyl alcohol and then immersing it in a solution of equal parts of nitric acid (70%) and water without allowing the alcohol to evaporate completely. After immersion in the nitric acid solution for 1 min, specimens were washed with ethyl alcohol and dried with an air dryer. Inomersion in the nitric acid, solution produces a passive film on the thorium carbides which retards reaction with moisture. While this treatment gives only limited protection, it does protect the surface from moisture for about an hour which is sufficient for microscopic observation. 07.-lic - OFFICIEL TIT::0 - 331 - 1:930 The nitric acid solution also served as an etchant for specimens which con- sisted of mixtures of thorium mono- and dicarbides. Although the dicarbide was not appreciably etched by the nitric acid solution when viewed under bright field illumination, its microstructure was satisfactorily revealed under polarized light. Single-phase thorium monocarbide was not etched by the nitric acid. The nitric acid technique just described possesses several advantages over the air etching technique customarily used (1-5): (1) clearer microstructures are obtained; (2) specimens can be observed directly in air without immersing them in oil to minimize the reaction with moisture; and (3) specimens can be examined more deliberately than air etched specimens which continue to react rapidly with the moisture in the air even under an oil film. Metallographic preparation of single-phase thorium monocarbide specimens.-- Thorium monocarbide was more difficult to prepare for metallography than either the dicarbide or monocarbide-dicarbide mixtures. During polishing thorium mono- carbide behaved rather toughly and it was necessary to use an attack-polish procedure to remove grinding scratches. Specimens were mounted in epoxy resin, ground on 320-, 400-, and 600-grit silicon carbide papers using ethyl alcohol as - the lubricant, rough polished 3 to 5 min using 0.5 w diamond compound and fairly -. -. - .. heavy pressure on a Metcloth wheel, and finally attack-polished 3 min using 0.34 alumina and dilute nitric acid (9 parts water to 1 part 70% HNOZ) on a Microcloth . wheni operated at 100 to 200 rpm. The specimen was then etched by immersing for 5 min in a solution of 50 parts HNO, (70%), 50 parts water, and 2 parts concentrated HC1. One problem in using this etchant is that the polished surface must be fairly free of pits and crevices since the HINO, -H, 0-HCl etchant attacks thorium monocarbide along the edges and at pits and crevices. During the etching a dark. blue film forms which must be removed by rubbing the specimen with a cotton swab in running distilled water. After washing, the specimen was dried with an air ORNL - REC - OFFICIAL dryer. This attack-polish procedure yielded a polished surface which appeared to be free of scratches. Yet, etching this surface with most et chants always uncovered polishing scratches which could not be removed even by repeated cycles of polish- ing and etching. These scratches were quite fine, and were undoubtedly produced in the last polishing stage. The HNO2-H20-HCl etchant, which acted somewhat as a chemical polish, removed most of the polishing scratches and also satisfactorily delineated the grain boundaries. Therefore, this etchant was employed even thrugha crevices, which were always present in the single-phase thorium monocarbide. MICROSTRUCTURES OF THE THORIUM CARBIDES Photomicrographs at 1000x of arc-cast thorium carbides with total-c/Th atom ratios varying from 0.8 to 2.1 (4 to 10 wt % c) are shown in Figs. 3 to 17. Specimens with compositions of ThCo.81 and ThCo.92 were single-phase, carbon- deficient thorium monocarbide (Figs. 3 and 4). These specimens were difficult polishing. The Thco.99 and ThC7.01 specimens (4.9 and 5.0% c) contained signi- ficant amounts of thorium dicarbide which was not detected by X-ray diffraction analysis, in addition to the thorium monocarbide matrix (Fig. 5). Specimens with compositions from Thco.99 to Thc,.88 (4.9 to 8.9% c) were two-phase mixtures of the mono- and dicarbides (Figs. 5 to 13). Bright field illumination was slightly. better for detecting small amounts of thorium dicarbide in the monocarbide matrix, while near the dicarbide end of the range small amounts of monocarbide could be detected only under polarized light as a general cloudiness of the microstructure. Specimen Thc2-6 (total-c/Th, 1.96; combined 1.95) was single-phase, high-purity thorium dicarbide (Fig. 14), while specimen Thc2-8B (total-c/Th, 1.98; combined, 1.91) which had a similar total-carbon content was a mixture of dicarbide and a trace or graphite (Fig. 15). Twins were observed throughout the arc-cast Oni!l-!EC - OFFICIAL Y-S7A6417 OS::L*1.1.C - O:FIC1..1 NCHES 100x GU Fig. 3. As-cast Thco.81 (4.00% C; specimen THC-44) showing single-phase thorium monocarbide. Free metal was not observed. Bright field illumination, nitric-hydro- chloric etch. Y-59746 INCHES 1.001 1000X 1.002 Fig. 4. As-cast Taco.92 (4.61% C; specimen TC-10A) showing single-phase thorium monocarbide. Free metal was not observed. Bright field illumination, nitric-hydro- chloric etch. OCIL - AEC - OFFICIAL 15 1:131150- !1!ii liyo Y INCHES 7:15) . .001 1000 x Fig. 5. As-cast Thc1.01 (5.00% C; specimen ThC-2A) showing thorium monocarbide matrix with dicarbide platelets under bright field illumination. The specimen contaias a significant amount of thorium dicarbide impurity which was not detected by X-ray dilfraction analysis. The micro- structure of as-cast Taco.99 (4.86% C; specimen THC-7A) was virtually identical with this. Nitric etch. i ' in 1: 7.56 Y-56164 00 ... .... INCHES .001 1000X Fig. 6. As-cast ThC1.06 (5.21% C; specimen ThC-8D) showing thorium monocarbide matrix with dicarbide platelets under bright Iield illumination. Thorium dicarbide was detected by X-ray diffraction analysis of this specimen. Note the dicarbide at the grain boundaries which could be caused by nonequilibrium freezing since there is a minimum in the liquidus at ~6% carbon (1). Nitric etch. 09:1-8.50 - 0:FICIEL 16 on L-MEC - OFFICIAL 0 hominismis. * Y-5432210 .001_INCHES it. . . : .. 1000x ... *** Sa .."'*- * . . E 00 6002 . 1.. Fig. 7. As-cast Thc1.27 (6.15% C; specimen THC-5A) showing thorium monocarbide (dark) and dicarbide (light) under bright field illumination. This composition is close to the minimum in the liquidus (1) and the specimen has almost no material in the grain boundary. Nitric etch. . INCHES 1.001 . " 1000X á'' Fig. 8. As-cast Thcz.42 (6.88% C; specimen THC-3A) showing thorium monocarbide (dark) and dicarbide (light) under bright field 11lumination. Note the monocarbide at the grain boundaries which could be caused by nonequilibrium freezing since there is a minimum in the liquidus at 26% carbon (1). Nitric etch. ORI:L - AEC - OFFICIAL . tay." Y-56714 697 17131110 - 33; -1;730 INCHES 1.001 alwina'sindiin . "!inft.noy. ICCCX "OVU timoliy aton IS US...int r i. Il Fig. 9. Inca no heat-treated 65 hr at 1600°C and rapidly furnace-cooled (6.92% C; specimen ThC-3H) showing thorium monocarbide (dark) and dicarbide (light) under brigat field illumination. There is no indication of any sesqui- carbide as is formed in the uranium-carbon system under these conditions (20). Nitric etch. INCHES . . 1.001 1000 x . C Fig. 20. As-cast ThС2.64 (7.88% C; specimen ThC-6A) showing thorium dicarbide "light) and monocarbide (dark) under bright field illumination. Note the twinned structure of the room temperature stable, C-centered monoclinic dicarbide within the equiaxed grain structure of the high-temperature face- centered cubic form. The thorium monocarbide platelets do not cross the dicarbide-twinning boundary indicating that they did not precipitate from the solid solution until after the di- carbide transformation had occurred; 1.e. that the cubic ThC2.64 solid solution 18 stable at least to the transiorma- tion point. Nitric etan. 021!L-210-02Fictiil 18 Y53531) Qalib mAEC - OFFICIAL SI ordinario c INCHES 1.003 odinome siis ..........--------............ 1000 X -002 . nien Fig. 11. As-cast ThC:.76 (8.40% C; specimen Thc2-5B) showing thorium dicarbide matrix with monocarbide under polarized Light. The monocarbide is only faintly visible under bright field illumination. Nitric etch. : 1 . . .. Y-53535 -,. .. -, --- --- INCHES i e or --- 1 1.001 I imamen 1000x .. von -002 imamente Fig. 12. As-cast THC7.84 (8.78% C; specimen THC2-4) showing thorium dicarbide matrix with monocarbide. The mono- carbide can barely be detected under bright field illumina- tion, but shows up as a cloudiness under polarized light at 1000X when compared with Fig. 14. Nitric etch. ORNI-KEC - OFFICIAL 1/101330- mangertopropanoption from uto .com ' INCHES .... . 17:30 W .001 re... .::* sc... : x0001 i .. . 2000|| condom on l ine Fig. 13. As-cast ThC, 88 (8.91% C; specimen ThС,-3) showing thorium dicarbide matrix with a trace of monocarbide. The monocarbide is not visible under bright field illumina- tion but shows up as a cloudiness under polarized light at 1000X when compared with Fig. 14. Thorium monocarbide was detected by X-ray diffraction analysis of this specimen. Nitric etch. - - - - - - - -- minim . . INCHES U X0001 1.002 nominato de ser Fig. 14. As-cast Thc2.95 (9.23% C; specimen ThC2-6) showing high purity, single-phase thorium dicarbide under polarized light. The twinned structure disappeared when the specimen was heat-treated at 2350°C (21). No thorium monocarbide was detected by X-ray diffraction analysis of this specimen. Nitric etch. ORK-7.0C-OFFICI:.. 071:1-6EC - OFFICIAL Y-56172 001 .002 INCHES 2006 1005 poodi 250 la) . . Y-56178 INCHES Panor ". kwamen... .001 1000X .002 (b) Fig. 15. As-cast ThC1.98 (9.28% C; specimen Thcg-8B) showing thorium dicarbide with a combined-C/Th atom ratio of 1.91 and a trace of graphite under bright field illumina- tion (a) and under polarized light (b). The graphite shows up more clearly under bright field illumination. No thorium monocarbide was detected by X-ray diffraction analysis. Nitric etch. Onil-LEC - OFFICIEL .;.:. T.:. 1.1.1.. thorium dicarbide phase. They probably were formed when the high-temperature, 1:101:) -33%-15:00 iace-centered cubic structure transformed to the room temperature C-centered monoclinic structure as the specimens cooled from the melt (4, 19). The thorium monocarbide platelets do not cross the dicarbide twin boundary, indicating that the cubic Thc, 6L to Thc, .89 solid solutions are stable to the dicarbide trans- formation point (Figs. 20-13). Large amounts of graphite as a thorium dicarbide- graphite eutectic were observed in the specimen with a total-C/Th atom ratio of 2.14 (9.98% C; combined-c/Th, 1.95) (Fig. 16). Bright field illumination revealed the graphite in thorium dicarbide better than polarized light. Specimen Thcg-IA, which contained 6% tungsten, consisted of grains of relati.vely high purity thorium dicarbide with a eutectic structure at the grain boundaries which had precipitated into graphite and the tungsten-containing phase as it cooled from the melt (Fig. 17). . .. ... . .. .. . - ---- ----- --... ... ... PHASES PRESENT IN ARC-CAST THORIUM CARBIDES The metallographic and X-ray diffraction studies showed that the thorius monocarbide phase exists over a range of composition from ThС:0.94 to ThCo.8; and probably lower. Specimens with c/Th atom ratios lower than 0.81 were not examined in this study; however, other investigators have reported that the monocarbide phase extends to ThCo.7 (1, 22, 23) and possibly as low as ThC0.56 (24). The break in the lattice parameter vs. composition curve places the upper limit for the monocarbide phase at about Thcool (Fig. 18) rather than the theoretica.. 1.00. This agrees well with the metallographic studies in which 5 to 8% thoriwn . åicarbide impurity was found in specimens with the Thc, 90+0.01 composition. While thorium dicarbide was not detected by X-ray diffraction analysis of these specimens, afte: hydrolysis 15% of the carbon was found as Co- to Cg-hydrocarbons, which are dicarbide products, compared with only 5% Prom Thco.87 (8). *Note that in the hydrolysis of uranium carbide mixtures a few of the C units from the monocarbide reacted with other carbon units to form Ca - to Cg-hydrocarbozs (18). Therefore, one cannot conclude that Thco.37 contains 2% dicarbide because it selds 5% Cg- to cg-hydrocarbons, however, one can conclude that ThС2.00 probably ccrtuins 5% more dicarbide than does ThC, 8, because it yields 10% more Co- to Cg-hydrocarbons. ORI:L-BEC - OFFICIEL 22 C:FICI.it 01.:![*1.10 : Y-567101 SONI X0001 ***Amon the to see ..... ...!" .. INCHES . 1000X :. .::1 rodinama t brachiisen 6.002 m. c aron wemaseminte voimassamittaristot de income (b) Fig. 16. As-cast ThС2.14 (9.98% C; specimen Thc2-7) showing primary thorium dicarbide with a combined-cm atom ratio of 1.95 and a thorium dicarbide-graphite eutectic under bright field illumination (a) and under polarized light (b). Nitric etch. 1:17!!:)-1. 1:101::0 - 03 V31130 : Y-56631: INCHES .coi 1000X 1.002 Fig. 17. As-cast Th.000.00C2.04 (9.1% C, 6.1% W; specimen Thcg-1A) showing grains of thorium dicarbide with E eutectic structure at the grain boundaries which preci- pitated into graphite and the tungsten-containing phase as the specimen cooled from the melt. Chemical and X-ray dif- Traction analysis indicated that at least hall OL the tungs- ten was present as W2C. Bright field illumination, nitric etch. 7:!311:0-07-1:30 ORK. TO CE2853 ( @pi. ..... . . . . .. . .. ----- ..., I n i . ----- ---- - wym. - 5.340 C ' C C 0 ---C-C-- . --- ---- ------- 5.34.4 LATTICE PARAMETER 5.342 _IL 5.340 : 5.336. 7 - 0e -- 0. 9 4 0 COMUNID-C/Th / 1.2 - 1.3 N RATIO . Fig. 18. Variation of the Lattice Parameter of Arc-Case Thorium Mono- carbide with Composition. :::L-KEC - OFFICIEL ORTL - AEC - :FICI/L 25 . Wilhelm and Chiotti (1) and Street and Waters (22) have reported that Thó 95 is about the upper limit for the monocarbide phase. The monocarbide lattice 17111:0 - OIV w 1.710 parameter was 5.346 Å for arc-cast Thc,00+0.07 which is exactly the same value as found by Kempter and Krikorian (9) and Nevitt (24). Lower values have been reported by Wilhelm and Chiotti (5.34 Å) (1), Street and Waters (5.335 Å for ThС.05) (22) an . Henny, Jones, and Hill (5.344 Å) (23); however, all these specimens were prepared by sintering thorium metal and graphite powders. The lattice parameter of 5.340 Å for the arc-cast ThCo.81 specimen prepared for this study is somewhat larger than the 5.33 Å extrapolated from the data of Nevitt (24) for arc-cast specimens which had been annealed at 950°C, and considerably larger than the 5.31 Å extrapolated from specimens which were not arc-melted (1, 22, 23). Additional studies of the variation of the thorium monocarbide lattice para- meter with composition and heat-treatment are needed to clarify this region of the phase diagram. The maximum combined-C/Th atom ratio obtained by arc-melting with graphite electrodes was 1.95 rather than the theoretical 2.00, indicating that thorium di- carbide is slightly carbon deficient. Material of this composition has been prepared which was single-phase by both metallographic and X-ray diffraction examination. Specimens with total-c/Th atom ratios greater than 1.95 always contained free carbon by metallographic and chemical analysis. Scaife and Wylie (25) reported a maximum combined-c/Th ratio of 1.95 for specimens prepared by heating thorium oxide and sugar charcoal at 2170°C. One may calculate from Kempter and Krikorian's (9) data that the combined c/Th atom ratio of their material was 1.95 iż one assumes that the missing 0.4% in their analytical summation was oxygen present as oxide, or 1.88 1f the missing 0.4% was an error in the thorium analysis. In some studies of thorium dicarbide, the specimens contained so much free carbon (4, 19, 26) that it is doubtful if the analyses would be sufficiently accurate to differentiate between a combined-c/Th atom ratio of 1.95 and 2.00, since the Ori!!-HEC - OFFICI:! 26 amount of combined carbon is determined by the difference between the total and Tree carbon. As the amount of free carbon increases (and necessarily also the total carbon), the combined carbon becomes a small difference between two large ORAL-AEC - OFICIAL numbers instead of a large difference between a large and a small number. Dupli- cate free carbon analyses show much greater variation when specimens contain 2 wt or more free carbon than when they contain less than 1% (20). Specimens with compositions from Thce through ThC, .88 were two-phase mix- tures of thorium monocarbide and thorium dicarbide by metallographic, X-ray dif- fraction, and hydrolysis examination. There was no detectable shift in any of the X-ray diffraction lines in the dicarbide powder pattern as the composition of the mixture changed. We found no evidence to support the belief of Langer, et al (4) in a wide range of composition for thorium dicarbide. In general our results were consistent with the phase diagram proposed by Wilhelm and Chiotti (1) except that we found 1.95 as the maximum combined-C/Th atom ratio. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the advice and support of L. M. Ferris and R. J. Gray during the course of this work. We wish to thank members of the ORNL Metals and Ceramics Division for their aid in this study: B. C. Leslie for the metallographic preparation and photomicrographs of many of the specimens, R. E. McDonald and L. Queener for arc-melting the carbides, and J. P. Hammond aza C. Hamby for heat-treating specimen THC-3H. The ORNL Analytical Chemistry Division provided analyses: X-ray analyses by R. L. Sherman; and most of the chemical analyses by the group of W. R. Laing. We are also indebted to J. F. Land, RNL Chemical Technology Division, for the thermogravimetric analyses ozi the carbides for thorium. O??!! - 1.FC-OFFICI! REFERENCES 05!L - AEC ** 0710146 1. H. A. Wilhelm and P. Chiotti, Trans Am. Soc. Metals 42, 1295 (1950). 2. N. Brett, D. Law, and D. T. Livey, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 13, 44 (1960). 3. Ĝ. B. Engle, F. D. Carpenter, W. V. Goeddel, and D. L. Menken, Meta lography . 01 Carbide Fuel Compounds, GA-2067 (1961). 4. S. Lenger, N. Baldwin, P. Gantzel, F. Kester, and C. Hancock, Studies in the Thoriun-Carbon Binary System in J. T. Waber, P. Chiotti, and W. N. Miner, Ed., Nuclear Metallurgy, Volume X, International Symposium on Compounds of Interest in Nuclear Reactor Technology, IMD Special Report No. 13, The Metallurgical Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1964, pp. 359-386. 5. N. M. Griesnauer, M. S. Farkas, and F. A. Rough, Thorium and Thorium-Uranium Compounds as Potential Thermal Breeder Fuels, BMI-1690 (1964). 6. T. M. Kegley, Jr. and B. C. Leslie, Metallographic Preparation of Dicarbides of Thorium and Thorium-Uranium, to be published in J. Nuclear Materials. 7. T. M. Kegley, Jr. and B. C. Leslie, Metallographic Preparation of Dicarbides of Thorium and Thorium-Uranium, paper presented at 18th AEC Metallography Group Meeting, Atomics International, Canoga Park, California, June 22-24, 1964; paper will be available in the published proceedings; issued also as ORNL-TM-949. 8. M. J. Bradley and L. M. Ferris, Hydrolysis of Thorium Carbides Between 25 and 99°C, to be published in J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 9. C. P. Kempter and N. H. Krikorian, J. Less-Cormon Metals 4, 419 (1962). 10. R. L. Sherman, ORNL Analytical Chemistry Division, private communication to M. J. Bradley. 11. W. R. Laing, ORNL Analytical Chemistry Division, personal communication to M. J. Bradley.. 12. G. Goldberg, A. S. Meyer, Jr., and J. C. White, Anal. Chem. 32, 314 (1960). 13. ^. B. Crowther and R. S. Large, Analyst 81, 64 (1956). 14. R. R. Rickard and E. I. Wyati, ORNL Analytical Chemistry Division, personal communication to M. J. Bradley. Ori!!-4.50 - OFFICIAL .... .... ------...--.--. ....- 28 a 971310- 33V - 11:30 15. M. J. Bradley and L. M. Ferris, The Effect of Tungsten on the Hydrolysis of Uranium Dicarbide, to be published in Inorg. Chem. 4, May, 1965. 16. E. B. Hunt and R. E. Rundle, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 73, 4777 (1951). 17. A. E. Austin, Acta. Cryst. 12, 159 (1959). M. J. Bradley and L. M. Ferris, Inorg. Chem. 3, 189 (1964). N. A. Hill and O. B. Cavin, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 47, 360 (1964). 20. M. J. Bradley, unpublished data. 21. J. L. Cook, ORNL Metals and Ceramics Division, private communication to T. M. Kegley, Jr. and M. J. Bradley. 22. R. S. Street and T. N. Waters, The Variation vith Carbon Content of the Lattice Parameter of Thorium Monocarbide, AERE-M 1114 (1962). 23. J. Henny, J. W. S. Jones, and N. A. Hill, Cell Size Variations in Thoriwa . Monocarbide, AERE-R 4456 (1963). 24. M. V. Nevitt, Argonne National Laboratory, personal communication to M. J. Bradley, October 21, 1964. 25. D. E. Scaife and A. W. Wylie, The Preparation of Thorium Carbide and Som. Aspects of the High Temperature Decontamination of Irradiated Carbide s'uels, Australian Atomic Energy Symposium, Melbourne University Press 1958, p. 175. 26. P. K. Gantzel and N. L. Baldwin, Acta Cryst. 17, 772 (1964). 0 :::( -;?C-07::C!!! -. . . . . ... 2.. . - 5 / 12 / 66 DATE FILMED END de ... Woowwwwins ..::;.;*' *Learn mom and Au t omotive Ar ts