. : . I OF . : .. .. . min ' $ ? i f J.' 1226 ? . . . : EEEEEEE 125 L4 ILS MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 .. : : :; ! Y: : . .."! :- * . Vici . - 9 ...-.- -* 'm | * .. -. .....-- .... .. :........... - wow www. ................... LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. 1 ......... - -., . A > A . . .11 1. - ORNL-D 1226 (Paper to be presented at International Conference on the Study of Nuclear Structure with Neutrons, Antwerp, Belgium, July 19-23, 1965) 1969 ; 11 196 CONF-650706-7 MASTER outobelloa, expcoon behall of the work. Neither ..or while LEGAL NOTICE This raport me propaned us an account of Government spoopored work, Neltbor eso Vaited Bata, por la comuuton, vor was porno acting og behall of the Commisioa: A. Mukos may inrranty or reprenoualloa, axprend or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complemeus, or whulscu; of the labormation contained in this report, or that tan we of way Information, apparatus, method, or procura dincloued la tuo report may not latringo printly owind righto; or B. Assurer any llabilluas with repect to the use of, or for denne resulting from the um of way information, apparatus, motbod, or procou dixclound la to report. Au ured in the above, "person acting oa beball of the Commalukan" lacludes any on. ployee or coalractor of the Commission, or employs of auch matractor, to the extent that much eaploys or contractor of the Commissloa, or employms of such cootractor prepara., diacomulaatou, or provides accouto, may lalormation purmuest to ployment or contract with the Commiuloa, jo kin employment with such contractor. Session V B (N. Starfelt) Neutron Capture Cross Sections from 5 to 100 keV R. L. Macklin and J. H. Gibbons Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Terınessee, USA Introduction We have recently reviewed the available experimental data on neutron capture applicable to calculations of slow stellar nucleosynthesis [1]. The techniques involved point up useful systematic regularities in the capture data as well as regions of inadequacy of both available data and techniques. Nuclides with Resolved Resonances Among the lighter nuclides and a few close to closed nuclear shells capture in resolved compound nucleus resonances has been observed . by activation, scintillator tank and other techniques [2-6). The . contribution of each resonance to capture in a broad neutron spectrum S... " (slowing down spectrum, thermal spectrum at stellar temperatures, etc.) can be written approximately as Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. PATENT. CLEARANOE OBTAINED, RELEASH TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES rr 'ng (barn - eV) where k? = 0.004818 ( .00895) Eres barns-?, A is the "atomic weight" of the target nucleus Eme is the resonant neutron energy (lab kev) 2J + 1 by = 2(21 +1) J is the spin of the compound state formed I is the spin of the target nucleus n I, is the radiative width of the resonance (ev) In is the laboratory neutron width of the resonance (ev) I is the total width of the resonance (ev) (usually I = In + Ty in our range of interest) n ' For very thin samples An is directly measured as the area under the resonance in a plot of observed cross section versus energy. In most experiments (and applications) important self-shielding effects must be taken into account. While ela!orate Monte Carlo computer techniques are coming into use for this purpose, simpler methods are available for not too thick circular discs [7]. The self-shielding effects depend on knowledge of other parameters (than A, and Eres, such as the neutron width which are generally available from transmission measurements of total cross section. For many of the p-wave resonances that make their appearance in keV range neutron capture the necessary parameters are not so generally available; in fact a careful search with the highest resolution is often required even to observe resonances in transmission for which capture is prominent at low resolution. Table III of reference I summarizes individual capture area measurements in the 5-200 keV range. The combination of capture, transmission, and more recently, resonance capture gamina ray studies provide enough information to point up the incompleteness of theories of the average properties of resonances. In particular, empirical evidence is accumulating that average radiative widths and level densities may have an additional strong dependence (of the order of a factor of two) on parity. This shows up in comparisons of S-wave and p-wave resonance statistics Elements and Isotopes with Unresolved Resonances Most of the heavier elements have neutron resonance spacings less than a few kilovolts. Data are now available for most heavy elements, but unfortunately only in a few cases are they available for individual isotopes. The majority of these data were derived from liquid scintillator [9], lead slowing down time spectrometer [6], or Moxon-Rae detector measurements (10,11]. The average behavior of resonances has been intensively studied over the past decade and is well formulated in terms of strength functions, Porter-Thouas distri- butions, and particularly important for the case of average capture cross sections, the ratio of radiative width to level spacing. We have largely followed the formulation given in an earlier paper [9], which LL .. A . . need not be repeated here. Briefly this treatment assumes only s-wave I and p-wave contributions are important in our energy range, or alternatively that d-wave and higher contributions tend to be offset by inelastic scattering competition. Otier assumptions for which experimental confirme- tion is weak are the parity independence of the radiative width, I've and level spacing. The effect of relaxing these assumptions would be to give more fitting parameters and it is to be emphasized that even with the four main parameters used (Tv, Dobs, sº and st, the capture cross section fits are not unique. For instance, the tin isotope capture curves have been fitted with very small p-wave strength functions. Obs Equally good fits can be obtained with moderately large p-wave strength functions (which incidentally, agree better with optical model calcu- lations) by adjusting the other parameters T, and DohaAverage resonance parameters are summarized in Table II of reference 1. Actually, one can empirically fit most of these cases with even fewer parameters. First, the cases fitted with strength function parameters were used to test empirical fitting functions such as one suggested in reference 9. This was modified to include an asymptotic 1/v behavior at low energy. A good fit (well within the errors) was found in the 10-100 keV range with essentially one free parameter for most heavy elements. The fitting function was with E in lab kev and B = (0.508 - 0.0044 2) Z being the atomic number. S EV N - '.- ' , ' '. .." 1'7.' " With this fitting function nearly all the gaps in the periodic table from iron to bismuth could be filled in. Exceptions are the radioactive elements (TC and Pm), the rare gases (Kr and Xe), and four cases (Te, Ce, Nd and Ti), in which there have not been adequate measure- ments, Values of the constant c derived for various elements are included in Table I of reference l. A few of the cross section curves show an excess near 100 keV, probably attributable to a high d-wave strength function. These cases occur near tungsten in the periodic table and tungsten shows the most definite effect (see curve in reference 9). Problem Areas and Techniques A great deal of progress has been made in our ability to measure kilovolt neutron capture in the past eight years or so. Earlier measure- ments were mostly limited to the activation technique. The large liquia scintillator permitted measurements of nearly all the natural elements, and those isotopes available in nearly gram-mole quantities. The Moxon-Rae detector (11), chiefly through better time resolution (about 2 ns vs. 18 ns for a large liquid scintillator), has enabled smaller samples of isotopes to be used, in favorable cases as little as a gram. Recent developments stemming from the suggestions of H. Maier-Leibnitz (12,13) promise factors of 5 to 10 higher capture gamma ray detector efficiency. By applying a weighting function depending on pulse height alone, any gamma detector can be given the special properties of the 5 Moxon-Rae detector. Further development of pulsed Van de Graaff and Linear Electron accelerators promises still higher neutron fluxes. Thus at this time further attention is being given to improving the accuracy of capture cross section standards in anticipation of being able to make measurements on nearly all stable isotopes. Further developments of technique will probably be required before we can hope to extend the measurements to short lived radioisotopes, though some results are already becoming available for 23°U and 232Th. - -- -- -- . , m u References 1. R. L. Macklin and J. H. Gibbons, Rev. Moz. Phys. 31, 166 (1965). 2. R. L. Henkel and H. H. Barschall, Phys. Rev. 80, 145 (1950). 3. F. Cabbard, R. H. Davis, and T. W. Bonner, Phys. Rev. 114, 201 (1959). 4. R. L. Macklin, P. J. Pasma, and J. H. Gibbons, Phys. Rev. 135, B695 (1964). 5. R. C. Block anå M. C. Moxon, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. II, 8, 513 (1963). 6. S. P. Kapchigashev and Yu. P. Popov, Atomaya Energia 15, 120 (1963). 7. R. L. Macklin, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 26, 213 (1964). H. E. Jackson, Phys. Rev. Letters 11, 378 (1963). 9. J. H. Gibbons, R. L. Macklin, P. D. Miller, and J. H. Neiler, Phys. Rev. 122, 182 (1961). 10. M. C. Moxon and E. R. Rae, Neutron Time-of-Flight Methods, ed. by J. Spaepen (EURA L'OM, Brussels, 1961). 11. R. L. Macklin, J. H. Gibbons, and T. Inada, Nuclear Physics 43, 353 (1963). 12. H. Maier-Leibnitz, "Proposed method for Obtaining a Weighted Average over a Spectrum" (11-22-63). 13. F. Rau, Nucleonik 5, 191 (1963). 24 9/ 9 / 65 DATE FILMED oria- - L ..me . astma - END T e k entaminen ei ole ennetamine ***.t.ro *** im r onin.