" .. : : . I OFT ORNLP 1216 : 1 . . i 1 . + . . . 2 . : : 벨 ​wind . 4. mais 11:25 1.4 TL MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 TIM MAY 5 7988 FO OF Rey part expressed o to thelo rope -LEGAL NOTICE- The report we propered win account of Government spoonored wort. Medtkor the United Hautes, sor the Cocaniutos, por my parton actos a bowl of the Comantistas: A. Makes wynranty or reputation, emprened or implied, with respect to the accu- noy, capion, or untilos a tbe information contabond to the report, or that the we of way inkomation, appunto, method, or procoas declared to dla roport may not lafrioco printaly orond meta; or B. ARDI Lay Labatas with respect to the roof, or for denneue resulthy troca the und way to formation, appunto, menthod, or procuu discloud b the report As wund to be abort, sporton acetog og budall of the Commissioo" tacladu, my on- plogue or catructor of the Commission, or omployers of mal contractor, to the extent that Rock employee or cotractor of the Commis100, or employee of much contractor propers, denumirates, or provides accuse to, may taformation pornnt to be deploymeat or contract wil the Coomington, or hin employment with each contructor. C with the Union Carbide Comporation, *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract R ibowit. RELLEST DISTAEUTION i jlis Dobrice OV FILE IN RECEWINA OF PATENT WTEREST NOT FØR PUBLIC REVEASE OFFICAD EMADE. OFFICIAU ; ED.; REPOXT Oak Ridge, Tennessee Oak Ridge National Laboratory Analytical Chemistry Division E. Ricci, R. L., Hahn, J. E. Strain, and F. F'. Dyer . SHE ACTIVATION ANALYSIS* Coff. 456405-45 ORAL P_1216 ARE ON EILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTION. THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TO IWIAI 'anni .... .. 2 et : INTRODUCTION The advantages of the use of He sons in activation analysis for low-Z elements have been pointed out by ilerkowitz and Mahony (8). Because many reactions of the particles with low-2 elements are exoergic, and because the Coulomo barriers of these elements are relatively low, the energy of the She ions does not need to be hien. Conversely, if the atomic number of the matrix is large enough, the raatrix interference becomes negligible because the low-energy He ions cannot overcome the Coulomb barrier of the matrix nuclei. The above authors and Demilat (2) have analyzed oxygen by the reactions 160 >Hle, p)?y and 160(*Hle, a) 28 ve per 18 : (1) in several matrices and report limits of detection in the range of parts per billion (0.2.0.). All hese interesting features of 3He activation analysis led Markowitz and Mahony to suggest the possibility of constructing a small, reasonably-priced, 8 m.e.v. cyclotron for the activation analysis. Our work attempts to extend the study of He irradiations in several directions: (a) Radioactivation of oxygen leading to short-lived nuclides, as well as to 1.8-br. -OF. (b) Activation analysis for other light elements, such as beryllium, carbon, nitrogen, and fluorine. (c)' Determination of neutron yields for light elemento (lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, and oxygen) exposed to She irradiation, to investigate the applicability of the small she cyclotron as a neutron source. THEORY Charged-Particle Activation The production of radionuclide B in a thin target by the interaction of nuclei A with a beam of charged particles can be characterized by the expression (4), D = Inot (thin target). - * (2) . pere, D is the number of disintegrations per second (dps) of nuclide B at saturation; I, the number of charged particles per second (equivalent to ú current) in the beam; n, the number of atoms of nuclide A per mg of target; C, the cross section, in cm, for the nuclear reaction A + B; and t, the thickness of the target in me/cm. In veneral, o is a function of the energy of the charged particles; however, the energy of the beam is degraded only slightly in a thin target so that o in Equation 2 can be considered constant. Contrastingly, in a target of thickness greater than the range, R, of the charged particles (t > R), the observed disintegration rate, D, should be expressed as D = Inles dt (thick target) (3) where on represents the variation of cross section with thickness. The integral of 0+at in Equation 3, which we may call the integral cross section, depends upon properties of the target material, as well as upon the characteristics of the nuclear reaction being studied. By using particle- energy limits (E) for the integral cross section, we can write E op (de/QE)DE (4) where og represents the variation of cross section with particle energy (the excitation function), åt/ae is the negative reciprocal of the stopping power of the target for the charged particles, and the interval E to o accounts for the energy lost by the particles in travelling distance R. From Equation 4, we see that we can calculate integral cross sections from the excitation function for a given nuclear reaction; values of the stopping power, or of the variation of range with energy, are known for many materials (3). We can also measure the integral cross section of each material, for a given reactioa, by using Equation 3.. For the purposes of activation analysis, however, we wish to circumvent these somewhat tedious determinations. Let us define an average cross section. Yo CR . Jö 07åt J 16 Jo PR at = lowlanlam or(at/aE)E (at/aE)ac (5) 70 E (6) - If we introduce the expression for the stopping power (4) in Equation 5, a further simple approximation leads to: OE ELE JE ELE Then, ő is practically independent of any properties of the target material, and is constant for a given nuclear reaction and a fixed energy interval, E to 0. Thus, õ is a satisfactory parameter for use in activation analysis. From the definition of ö in Equation 5, Equation 3 can be rewritten as D = Ingla dt = InGR (7) To determine 7 for a particular reaction in a given material, we obviously must know the range of the charged particles in that material. The accurate measurement of 5 for one material enables us to determine the integral cross: section, or, for all materials. To illustrate that ö does not vary much with changes in target material, we calculated 7 for the reaction 160 + 3H1e - 185 for several targets, from data given in References 8 and 3. The resulting relative values of 7, cal- culated from Equation 5, and normalized with respect to the value for beryllium, are plotted vs. atomic number, 2, in Figure 1. From 2 = 4 to 2 = 95, ő changes (Figure 1) by 8%. In fact, ö changes by only 3% for Z values from 4 to 57. OW . Comparator Method The fact that ő is approximately independent of properties of the target material makes possible the use of the comparator technique of activation analysis. For example, by Equation I, we can determine nye the number of 100 nuclei per me of unknown sample, x, by comparison with a stan. dard, s, that contains a known amount of oxygen, ne. Separate irradiations of unknown and standard are performed so that the initial kinetic energy of the charged particles impinging on each sample is constant. Thus, ő for the giver reaction has the same value for both unknown and standard. Then from Equation 7, 1 ano n I R (8) Sss independent of . The counting rates of -°F. in the unknown (a) and the standard (a ) are obtained in the experiment. Use of a calibrated Faraday cup in the irradiations determines Ix and Is. The values of Ny and Rs are known (3). Therefore, n, is determined. Note that by choosing a standard such that the major constituents of both standard and unknown matrix bave similar atomic number, we can be assured that the error introduced in Equa- tion 8 by taking Ô to be constant is small. The important conclusion to be drawn from this equation is that the comparator method of charged particle activation analysis can certainly be applied to many analytical problems without our having any detailed information about ē. Sensitivities the number of atoms of nuclide A per mg of target is given by n = 10-9pN / .. (9) where I is the weight fraction, in p.p.b., of nuclide A in the target, N is Avogadro's number, and w is the gram-atomic weight of A, expressed in mg... Let us now define the sensitivity, S = D/f in dps/p.p.b. (10) It is clear from Equations 7, 9, and 3.0 that for a given reaction and for fixed beam current and bombarding energy, (11) S = 10^'IN ÖR/W = KÖR where K is constant; therefore, s/R is also constant. Furthermore, if we assume that we can detect a minimum disintegration rate of 100 dps, we can define the limit of detection, C, in p.p.b. as C = 100/5 = 100/(KÕR) (12) Thus, we see that S and C both depend upon the range, R. Once ő has been determined for a given reaction in one target matrix, S and C can be calcu- lated for any other target matrix by simply substituting the appropriate range-value in Equations 11 and 12. We see then that charged-particle acti- vation analysis, used either in the determination of sensitivities or in the comparator method, reduces to almost the simplicity of neutron activation analysis (7). From Equation 2, we may obtain expressions analogous to Equations 11: and 12, respectively, for the sensitivity, se and the detection limit, Ces in thin target irradiations. . EXPERIMENTAL The irradiations were performed at the ORNL 5.5 m.e.v. Van de Graalt accelerator. Energies up to 10 m.e.v. were attainable by acceleration of doubly ionized the particles. The highest beam currents were about 0.05 amp. The targets were of four types: (a) thick discs of quartz (0.065 in.) and zirconium oxide (0.02 in.) were used to determine oxygen-analysis pora- meters, (o) thin foils of beryllium, teflon, mylar, and nylon (0.00025 - 0.00075 in.) were irradiated to measure cross sections and detection limits for reactions of low-z elements with She sons, (c) targets of lithium bydride, beryllium, boron, and carbon (0.02 - 0.08 in.) were irradiated with 5 and 10 . m.e.v. She ions to measure neutron yields, and (a) discs of carbon, aluminum, and copper (0.04 in.) were used as monitors to measure the neutrons and gamma rays proäuced by the targets (c). Tae nuclides produced in the irradiation with Ble ions were 21c(20.5 min), 23.0( 10.0 min), 240 (72 sec), 150 (124 sec), 177 (66 sec), ana 185 (110 min). These nuclides are all positron emitters; then, the 0.511 m.e.v. annihilation gamma rays were counted with a 3 in. x 3 in. NaI(12) crystal and multichannel analyzer. Since no chemical separations were performed, decay curve analysis of the data was made by means of Cumming's least-squares code (1) on the IBM 7090 computer. The counting rates of +40 and +'F were resolved before the computer analysis, by using the 2.31 m.e.v. gamma ray of *4o. All disinte- gration rates were calculated by Heath's method (5). In the neutron-yiela determinations, a BF, counter was employed; it was calibrated with a neutron source (isotropic) of americium and boron. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Since no enriched isotopes were irradiated in our experiments, the pro- . duction of a particular radionuclide by irradiation of an elerent may be due to more than one nuclear reaction; for example, 12 c(He, c) *7c and 1301 Bre, an)l2c ox 270(3ge, pm) 285, 270(>1e, 2n)28Ne-> 189, 160(3He, p) 285 and 160(3pe,m) 2816-> 185. ... . ............... I . LT -8. Only the last two Teactions, however, are explicitly pointed out when results are reported. In all other cases, just the reaction thought to be the most. important is mentioned. The errors introduced in our experiments were estimated and are always expressed as percent standard deviations. Jorrors attributed to experimento involving thick and thin targets and monitors are those due to counting statistics, decay-curve analysis, uncertainties in decay parameters, she beam-intensity measurements and, when used in the calculations, counting efficiencies and ranges. The largest errors, those from counting and decay- curve analysis combined, were normally obtained from the output of the CLSQ program (1). These were then propagated, in each case, with an overall error of + 5%, attributed to all the other effects. In general, then, the final standard deviation is given for each particular measurement in the tables of results. Thick-Target Experiments Results for the thick targets of zirconium oxide and quartz are listed in Table I. The detection limits, C, are interestingly very low, even when (Table I) . they are calculated for a minimum detectable disintegration rate of 100 dps, . a value that is somewhat conservative. The C values are also in agreement with . sensitivities reported by Markowitz and Mahony (8) for the reactions -60 - LOF. It is worth pointing out that the detection limit for the reaction 100-150. is quite close to that of the reactions producing 1°F; therefore, in many analyses, it will be possible to measure the short-lived 250(2.07 min) rather than 10F(110 min), with equivalent sensitivity, but with net gain in analysis speed and efficiency. -9- The ranges, R, for 10 m.e.v. die ions in zirconium oxide and quartz were calculated from range-energy tables (3). Their values are 0.043 mom and 0.064 mm, respectively. It should be noted that, although these ranges are used in Equation 3 for thick targets, they correspond, for all practical purposes, to thin layers; therefore, She activation analysis normally tests only a small thickness of the sample. The ranges of Table I are actually the thicknesses traversed by a He ion of 10 m.e.v. initial energy, until its energy is degraded to the threshold energy of the reaction involved. For an exoergic reaction, the range of Table I is simply the total thickness traversed by a 10 m.e.v. He particle in the given matrix. Results for the reactions 100 - LOF, in quartz and zirconium oxide; show that the values s/R are the same for both targets, as predicted by Equation 11. The linear plot of C vs 1/R is shown in Figure 2; each straight line has been . (Figure 2) ... calculated according to Equation 12 with the data of Table I. The dependence S of the limit of detection, c, on the atomic number, 2, of the matrix for the reactions on thick targets of Table I, is shown in Figure 3, constructed from (Figure 3; data of Figure 2 and Reference 3. We see that, since the range increases with atomic number, C decreases with increasine; 2. Tain-Target Experiments Table II presents an intercomparison of detection limits for reactions (Table II) of He lons with low-z elements. These results have been calculated from excitation-function experiments, which involved irradiations of thin foils of beryllium, mylar, teflon, and nylon. The energy intervals in the table -10- VILK . show the respective kinetic energies of the 'He ions entering and leaving a particular target foil. The Ce values are thin-target detection :.: limits. These results have been normalized (c) to constant thick- ness (2 mg/cm"), so that a comparison of detection limits can be made. The Co values are only approximate because variations of cross section with thickness have been ignored. Table II shows that the corresponding Ch values for 130 and OF are about one order of magnitude larger than those for the thick targets. Preliminary, but very interesting conclusions may be drawn from Table II: (a) the detection limits of Bhe analyses for low-Z elements, by assay of both short and long-lived nuclides, are very satisfactory; they range from parts per million down to parts per billion. (b) He reactions of com- parable sensitivities, on different elements, lead often to the same radio- nuclide; thus, interferences may be important in matrices containing two or more low-Z elements. (c) Only trends of variation for detection limits with He energy may be inferred from Table II; however, it is clear from Equations 2, 3, and 12, that the C and Ce values are functions of cross section. The last two conclusions immediately suggest the necessity for excitation curves for all these reactions. Neutron Production Total neutron yields measured with the BF, counter are listed in Table III. (Table III) The yields obtained for lithium, beryllium, and boron compare favorably with those obtained with electrostatic neutron-generators. These generators operate by the reaction 3a(a, n) *He induced by ~ 150 k.e.v. deuterons on a metallic tar- get, on which tritium gas has been adsorbed. The generator yields are normally given for a maximum attainable deuteron current of 500-600 i amp, while the -11.. data of Table III are calculated for 100 u amp. Moreover, the neutron output from a tritium target decays to about 1/3 of its original value after one hour of irradiation (7), due to depletion of tritium on its surface; the neutron outputs of the reactions on the targets of Table III are obviously independent of time. It must be pointed out, however, that the he-produced neutrons are not monoenergetic as are those from neutron generators. Never- theless, this very characteristic may be of interest to fast-neutron activa- tion analysts, since it gives them some control (by choosing target) over the neutron energies. In a preliminary experiment, aluminum, copper, and carbon monitors were activated with the neutrons and garuma rays produced "by irradiating targets of lithium hydride, beryllium, and boron with He ions of 5 and 20 m.e.v. The nuclear reactions are 27A1(n,p)-IME, 63cu(n, 2n)62cu, ana 12c(7,n)21c. Relative results are given in Table IV. The numbers are: (Table IV) court rates, normalized to the lithium results; therefore, comparisons may be made only within each column. The results for aluminum show the same trend as those given in Table III; we expect this agreement, since the alu- minum threshold is low (1..91 m.e.v.). The copper-monitor results show that lithium produces the largest amount of high energy neutrons (threshold = 21.0 m.e.v.). The threshold for the reaction 12c(n, 2n) 42c, 20.3 m.e.V., cannot be reached by neutrons produced by irradiating lithium, beryllium, or boron with 10 m.e.v. She ions (8). Therefore, the carbon-monitor results are attributed to the reaction 2c(y,n)--c, which has a threshold of 18.7 m.e.v. Gamma rays from (He,y) and high-cross-section (3He, cy) reactions may easily reach this energy, since the Q's for these reactions on lithium, berylliw, and boron ere generally larger than * 10 m.e.V., reaching the value of + 26.3 m.e.v. i . .. -12- for "Belhe, y)-c. (The excitation curve for the reaction (y,n) on copper is less than 2 tenth (9,6) that for the (n, 2n) reaction.) 'The neutron and zemma-ray yield results raise the interesting possibility of using the He cyclotron as a source of neutrons and high-energy samma rays for fast- neutron and photoactivation analyses, or for other purposes. . 4.-. ' -13- REFERENCES 1. Cumming, J. B., in "Applications of Computers to Nuclear and Radio- chemistry," ed. G. D. O'Kelley, Natl. Acad. Sci. - Natl. Research Council, nucl. Sci, Ser. NAS-NS 3107, 25 (1963). Demildt, A. C., Anal. Chem. 35, 1228 (1963). Dernilat, A. Co, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Rept. UCRL- 10647 (1963). Friedlander, G., Kennedy, J. W., and Miller, J. M., "Nuclear and Radio- chemistry," 2nd. ed., J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1964. 5. Feath, R. L., U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Rept. IDO-16880 (1964). 6. Hughes, D. J., and Schwartz, p. B., Brookhaven Nati. Laboratory Rept. BNL-325 (1958). 7. Lyon, W. S., Jr. (ed.), "Guide to Activation Analysis," D. Van Nostrand, Co., Inc., Princeton, 1964. 8. Markowitz, S. S., and Mahony, J. D., Anal. Chem. 34, 329 (1962). 9. Montalbetti, R., Katz, I., and Goldemberg, J., Phys. Rev. 91, 659 (1953). UNCLASSIFIED ORNL.-DWG. 64.-104 RELATIVE ő FIG.1 - 0.85.20 40 60 do 100 - - - -- - . . . - - . . . : M .- . - .- entiende recientes de la cuisine sans UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-40464 R, mg/cm2 14.0 0.75 0.5 0.4. 0.3 0.25 TT - A/R , cm²/mg (X C, p. p. b. . (X 10-3) ㅜ ​' . | 양 ​'ade dos abs ods olo ole 'ond4 0 30 28 1 18 2 | . AR, cm² /mg R, mg/cm2 .. FIG. 2. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG. 64-10463 - 6, p.p.b. !ㅜㅜ ​- 110 (X 10-1) 150 - 140 (X 10-3) 1 TTT - 187 Lidille © 20 40 60 80 100 .... ..... . : ' fia F16,3 ..... ...... Table I. Sensitivities and Detection Limits for activation Analysis of Trick Targets Containing Oxygen (20 m.e.v. ile sons)" . natungunnaranemomme Range (R) Detection Limit (c) P.13.b. H. e.V Estimated Standard Deviation Cris ... Target zroz: .............................leg............ apne........... mg/cm² 0.7 24.3 Sensitivity Per Unit Range Sensitivity (S/R) (s) (m3/ m dps(p.p.b.)+(11:32/cm) -?dns/y.m.b. a ps/n.n.bom 0.06;5 0.0472 0.803 19.5 . 2120 .... 14 . Reaction_ _n.e.v. 160(3tie,an)240 -8.3 160(3xe, 0,250 +1.9 160(>1e, 20) 120 -5.3 . 16031ie,p)281 .+2.07 8160 ( 3xe, n) 18ves?87 3.0 ) Zroa 14 12.9 5.12 53.8 : 0.144. .......... leto 1.75" 2.35 14 ................ .. .. ... ... . Sio, 17.0. . 1.72 3.4:1 of 5 .* -. Svalues calculated for an irradiation interval of one hall-life and a Sple-beam current of 200 u anp. . These errors apply to the respective values of S/R, S, and C. Table II. Detection Limits for Activation Analysis of Thin Foils Containing Low-Z Elements Detection . Limit Normalized Detection Limit Estimated Standard Energy Interval m.e.v. (C) Reaction 2.9.b. Deviation p.p.b. 49.8 † 5% 50.6 87.8 14 4.4 - 3.7 88.2 117 31.2 48.0. 14 $ 5% 20.9 159 14 207 1950 812 14 - 1410 931 -- 17 - - 772 772 AI- 1 +27% 1120 Be(She, n) 220 5.0 - 3.6 20.0 - 9.3 120(3#e, )22c 9.5 - 9.1 120(3 le, pn 3230 9.5 - 9.1 12cf3le, n) 740 4.4 - 3.7 9.5 - 9.1 2410( 388, c1231 2.8 - 0 24( 33e, y)277 2.8 -0 1601378,Q) 250 4.4 - 3.7 9.3 - 8.5 1.60(3xle, pn) 275 9.3 - 8.5 160(38e,p) 285 2 4.4 - 3.7 4260 (3Ele, n) 28:12-289.7 - 9.3 1979( 3ue, on) ? 9.5 - 9.1 197( 3le, aj28 4.1 - 3.2 9.5 - 9.2 dm A 2120 359 93.1 17 6% tor A 323% **, . * 172 +36% 149 81,5 (8.8) 151 84.9 28.6 (4.1) .. 1+ + 5%. 207 68.5 : $ 5% +37% 4.1 - 3.2 . 2410 3620 3590 1+ 2370 2420 $ 5% 1580 14. 1+ 108 72.4 avalues calculated for an irradiation interval of one half-11fe and a 3he-beam current of 100 4 amp. " ...mors apply only to the respective values of Cp For the purpose of comparison the thick target detection limits for 10 m.e.v. .. particles are given. They have been calculated from Figure 2 for mylar (R = 14.17 mg/cm). . :-) Table III. Heutron Yields izom. Sze-Induced Reactions in 10-2 TCK 12.cets Neutro: Yielda sec Target 10 ..e.v. He Isins ..liüium (LH) beryllium 5 .e.v. e Ions' 4,10 x 2020 5.59 x 2010 . 2.84 * 2020 . .. : : Boron · carbon oxygen (Zroz) : 3.78. X 1012:. 2.07 x 2021 3.66 x 2020 2.28 x 2010 3.90 x 209 6.49 x 208 100 e calculated for a Bue-beam current of 200 y'amp. The standard deviations of these results are 1, 3%; they include variations .: od duplicate experirrenésoro te experirents, propagated with long-counter cali- bration errors. 1 Halle IV. bezu:14s 01. 0itos experients Tasick 3e-mergy Relative Relative Iveutron Yields "Gamma-ray Yields Above Threshold for "Above Threshold. Aluminum and Copper For Carbon Target m.c.v. 1.itiiium (115) 20 beryllium Al cu 1.00 : 1.00 1.00 (1.3** 204, (2.3 x 204) e (5.5 x 102, 1.420 .. 0.77 0.26 0.90 :.0.92 4.10 . 0.18 : : 0.01 : 0.16 0.05 - .. bozon beryllium . .5. 5 boron 0.05 Amhe estimated standard deviations of these results are < 20%. Prick targets of carbon and oxygen (2:0,) were also irradiated viti 10 m.e.v. Dhe ions. The resulting counting rates were much smaller than those for the targets shown in the Table when irradiated under similar conditions. Ernese numbers indicate experimental disintegration rates, in aps/(u amp Bye), obtained during irradiations on . IlH C iframe that in the more time itine r ari e to END -- - - - . . -- TAA * DATE FILMED 5 / 9 /66 . .-, . . . , .