. . . / . - I OFT ORNE P 1532 - for - EEEFEES - .25 .1.4 LLE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ** NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 - T. 1 ANT 1 w . 4, 4 Y - **M * - - . - - - . W L Stedbi LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ... ** - 0 € F . . . . . . . - 1. th & . ORNL. P. 1532 CONF-651101-12 F .. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL SEL1 699 MASTER ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL LABORATORY HOT-CELL EQUIPMENT: I. SAMPLE PREPARATION APPARATUS FOR THE MOLTEN SALT REACTOR EXPERIMENT* MIRE W. L. Maddox and F. E. Haga ** Analytical Chemistry Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee . : D ... . .. .. .. .... * -. . . -- · RELEASED POR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACI'S moment . . . ... *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract win the Union Carbide Corporation. **Present Address: Southern Railway Co., 25 Spring St., Atlanta, Georgia. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEG - OFFICIAL caii isi CFFICIAL Samples will be taken for chemical analysis from the MSRE by dipping from the reactor fuel pump bowl with a small, wire-handled copper "ladle" which has been bydrogen-fired to ensure ti at tre salts do not wet its surface. When the , ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ladle is lifted out of the circ.lating sali mixture its contents promptly. freeze. The sample 18 then a crystalline muss weighing about 10 grams, which solidly fills the lower portion of the ladle. Two of these ladles--one empty; the other, fill--are shown in Fig. l. The sampling arrangement at the reactors requires that the ladle be subsequently placed inside a heavy, carefully : machined cylindrical transport container, the lower end of which is shown in Fig. 1. "This container must be handled so that it does not become highly contaminated or mechanically danaged. In the analytical hot cells, the ladle must be removed from the transport container and then the sample from the ladle, -- - - Further, the sample must be red': ued to a powder and thoroughly mixed before it is parcelled out for various ana iyses. Model 8 manipulators, which are used in the HRLAL (High. Radiation Level Analytical Laboratory) (4) must have accessories 10 do the work invol::ed in these operations. We have therefore developed a group of specialized apparatus for the MSR program. These are described here in the order of their use on a sample. TRANSPORT CONTAINER MACHINE The trarısport container is removed from its shipping cask in the HRIAL unloading cell and placed on a carriage for'transfer to a work cell via the intercell cor.veyer. This carriage is part of the transport-container machine (Fig. 2) which unscrews the transport container, holds the separated parts while the ladle is removed, and screws the parts back together. Only the carriage has to be touched by the (probably contaminated) slave hands in a work cell. In this way the risk of contaminating the transport container is greatly decreased. Alignment of the carriage with a mating power unit is ORNI ~ AEC - OFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL easily obtained by means of two steel pins that protrude from the end of the motor mounting plate. A chuck fastened to the motor shaft has a pin that engages one of the slots in the bottom piece (Fig. 1) of the transport con- tainer as the carriage and power unit are pushed together. The chuck 18 tightened just enough to hold the bottom piece horizontal after it 18 un- screwed from the top. The carriage (holding the top piece) is pushed aside ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL while a ladle is being removed; it is pushed back and held in place by a manipulator until the threads are engaged to rejoin the container. A clutch on the carriage holds the upper end of the transport container and protects the motor from overloading. When the clutch slips, a switch cuts off the power and lights an indicator on the control box to show that the container is closed. LADIE CUTTER The ladle 18 removed from the transport container and set into a cut- off machine (Fig. 3) where it is cut in two in line with the top of the encased. salt. The severed top with its attached wire loop is discarded; the part containing the salt is then sealed inside a copper pulverizer/mixer capsule. A capsule was designed for this purpose by the Analytical Instrumentation Group. Its application was described in the 10th Conference Proceedings) MIXER MILL A new model "8000" Spex Mixer/Mill", introduced since the initial work was done on this program, is shown in Fig. 4. We have modified the Mixer Mi... for remote use by adding large knurled knobs and a "cradle" to its capsule clamp. These add greatly to the ease of using the machine remotely. One of the most difficult maneuvers of the whole series of operations on these samples was to hold the capsule in place while tightening the clamp on it. The cradle now holds the capsule in place and the large knobs are easily OANL - AEC - OFFICIAL . . .. itens os rolled against the manipulator 'ingers to adjust the clamp jaws. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Provision is made for remc é replaceinent of the v-belt by splitting the ::....os small pulley (Fig. 4) and makir... an access door in the side of the cabinet. An Allen wrench which fits the aded screws that hold the split pulley to- gether is also used as part of the door latch. This ensures that a wrench will be available when belt-chariging is required. POWDER-77. ANSFER SHAKER After a sample is pulverized, the copper capsule is taken from the Mixer Mill, opened by unscrewin: a square-headed plug (Fig. 5), end joined to a polyethylene bottle. The oint is made partly by pressing and partly by screwing the bottle over the sharp and tapered threads of the nipple on the end of the copper capsule. The reason for such a joint 1s twofold: first, to prevent a tmospheric contamin: tion of the finely divided &alt, and second, to make sure that none of the powder is lost during its transfer from the capsule to the polyethylene bot:: le. The transfer is effected on a powder- transfer shaker (Fig. 5), which comprises an orbital sander, stripped of its sanding face, mounted on a weighted base, and provided with a clamp in which the capsule is held by metal-to-metal contact while the polyethylene bottle is held firmly by spring pressure from underneath. A short period of shaking suffices to transfer most (usuá.ly about 90 per cent) of the salt to the polyethylene bottle. Shaking vigor is controlled by a silicon controlled rectifier. . . Once the powder has been removed, a copper capsule is resealed and discarded. GENERAL COMMENTS · Large round knobs, deeply inurled and with several holes drilled along the radii for the insertion of u lever when necessary, make excellent tools for applying a twist with model 8 munipulators. Such knobs, made as large as is ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNE - AEC - OFFICIAL reasonable for the application at hand, have been used advantageously on the MSRE analytical equipment. A modified drill-press vise and the T-slotted tool shown in Fig. 5 have proved useful, respectively, in aligning the copper capsules for initial assembly and for removing the plugs following sample crushing. The spindle shown inserted in the copper capsule in Fig. 5 has been used on occasion to open used capsules in order to inspect the results of sample crushing. These machines have been extensively tested in a mock-up "hot" cell. and in the HRZAL. No outstanding difficulties have been encountered, so we are confident that their performance will be adequate. Current drawings and more detailed information regarding the sample preparation apparatus are available. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are grateful to several of our colleagues in the Analytical Instru- mentation and General Hot Analyses groups for valuable suggestions during the design, fabrication, and testing of this equipment. In particular, we wish to acknowledge the contributions of D. J. Fisher and M. J. Gaitanis. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL با ۱۱۰ ه ا ر ر . . زدار ادا UKNI - AL - OFFICIAL REFERENCES ini and I. T. Corbin, W. R. Winsbro, C. E. Lamu, and M. ** Construction of ORNL High-Radiation Level Analyt; P) 11th Conf. Hot Lads. and Eqpt., New York, N.Y., 1 M. J. Gaitanis, C. E. Lamb, and L. T. Corbin, "Alto Labs. Solidified Molten Salt Reactor Fuel Samples, " Pri and Eqpt., Washington, D.C., Nov. 26-28, 1962, po ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL 1. 2. 3. Spex Industries, Inc., Metuchen, N. J., catalog 1 binin birinim mettere our commentaire comme '.- : nti > condicionimit.co ب با ۱۰۰ ها در . از دارا. ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL 11 • 11 dan semasa kawaida - . = = . .' PS 2 - - . ☺ - PR c " U ? ana --- - - . - - - - - = - - - in : - - - - . :- ::.- . a I SU YR . " - -- - 14 ! . . DA RIDGE NATIONAO DLABORATORIO = - -. . . 2 Ili -- . . + . = kr 1 :- 11 l " :- Y , . / 52. ' si . . - , -. 22 - - F. : 7 4777 . - - - - - - - . - = 1 . 7 - . 11. ore 1. Sampling Ladles and Transport Container. Ladle in center is filled with 79. 2 * i. .. - . 1- - . - 19 RS . ' * -::: BY * F . TI --- - . - - I'. - - 12 HI "" 4 2 TA . . &.' TW --- XRI . . IT 1 + - .- ; - -. . -- -. . 2 . = . .. 1- - . . . - . ' '17. . . . - - - - . : * - . - - - - -.- .- - -- - - . . . . - - . .. 9 # 19 . w i . . - 1 LH . 1. 1 1 1 11 . " ! - - useita eitti m et Lii mv.m ... which . .. i . VW * 4 * ** - P T . 3 . . H ook more national.canca iii' . **Pigure 2. Transport Container Machine. Fully assembled, with container in place... - I : Law - roz :-- : - 4 & - 1. - - - Ladle Cutter. ? 2. Figure 3. . . م . . . . . . . | H : ۰۰:۰۰ : - ۰ .. = ي : . دهند. معلشان احمد مدنننتنتمكننا ان نلفت نامه . . OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY ::!::..: ، .. ہو اور . ... .... .. .. سموه .. ... ... .. مممممم م ......مه ...... ... R E - - -- --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - * - . - - - -- . V ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL CRNL Photo No. 68251 . Figure 4. Modified Spex 8000 Mixer Mill. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORN-AC - REAISLAI ܂ ܚ. . ܫܟ݁ܚܳܐ ܬ݁ܕܫܢܺܝܳܬ݁ܽܛܐܝܐܝܚ ; - ܝ ܚ . ܢ. ܀ ܚ ܂ܝ ܙ…ܝܙ ܚ ܚܙܝ . . ܙ . ܀ ; . 11 ܙ ܀ ܙ ܕ ܙ ܪܝ ܪ ܪ ܂ ܀ ܀ ܀ ܀ ܀ ** ܀ ܀ ܀ ܀ ܀ - - wakva & curam ܀ ܐ ܝܺܣ ܀ ܕ.܂ ܐ ܀ ' ܕ : ' ܂ ܕ ' ܂ ܪ ' - ". - . . ܃ ܀ ܂ ܂ . ، ܀ ܕ .܂ ܐ . ܂ ?. . . . . ܂ .. . . . .܂ ܀ ܀ -: . 1... ܕ ܕܘܺܫܺܝܺܫܳܝܺܫܟ݁ܪܺ ' ܪ ܪܫܕܝ ܪ ' ܫܫܨܕ. ܨܪܘܝܢܟ ܝܕܫ .. ܕܢ ܢ ܚܕܚܢ ، ، ܆ - . - ' . . ، ܐܗ .* ܫܕ ܕܒܕ !VI]I330 - JIV - INIO IYIDISJO-OV - INIO . - ORNL Photo No. 62746 Figure 5. Powder Transfer Shaker and CapsulaAlignment Vise. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . . moncmc-.--com- ... . * 2 to help andere mense 4 n Here n the road . . VA - - .: : . * -. 7. : --- W FLEX AV . . 4. 2 4 . . 1 FFS PRC - w 2 2 . HP . . . wie :*: : .. . . . 4. ULM 7. LI STY .. " , - i !! 1 VW - - END * --- - :: . - - - III . - 7 , 1- - - .. cytote" ". - - . .- - - .- - DATE FILMED 10/ 15/65 11 + - - 10:00