. I OF | ORNL P 1528 I • ||1:25 || 1.4 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNL. P. 1528 Con F-651101-10 CONTAMINATED FILTER REMOVAL EQUIPMENT* ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL SEP 16 1965 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Charles A. Hahs MASTER Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS The filter removal system recently designed for the Thorium-Uranium . Fuel Cycle Development Facility (TUFCDF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provides containment and shielding adequate to protect personuel maintain- ing this system, and it eliminates the need for any physical contact with contaminated filters. The filters are completely isolated from connecting air ducts before they are disconnected from the air stream for removal from the pits to ensure containment of alpha particles on the filter media. The cells for TUFCDF are served by one ventilation system and the hot off-gas from the tank pits is removed by a separate system. It is antic- ipated that the absolute filters for both the cell ventilation system and the hot of-gas system will become highly radioactive. Therefore, dispos- able sheet-steel enclosures were designed to contain the filters. These sheet-steel enclosures are housed in concrete-shielded pits located out- side the main building. This location permits the 16-ton filter-removal carrier used to shield the filter enclosures when they are removed from the pits to be maneuvered into position with a mobile crane. The concrete-shielded pits for the filter enclosures are all the same size, and the pipes that extend into each end of the pit are flanged and anchored in the concrete to support the valves and clamping devices that connect the filter enclosures to the ductwork. A typical filter pit installation is illustrated in Fig. 1. All of the sheet-metal enclosures for the filters in both the cell ventilation system and the hot off-gas system are the same size so that they may be removed by the same filter-removal carrier. However, the . arrangement of filters within each enclosure is not the same in each installation. The filter arrangement within the hot off-gas enclosures is designed to direct the air stream through two roughing filters and four high-efficiency absolute filters. The gas passing through these stedet ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL *Research sponsored by the United States Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . IL amme om. 63-2007 ORKL - ALC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL HYDRAULIC PUMP CONNECTION South ::. YS in Land -GUIDE RAILS DOP TEST I CONNECTOR FILTER CLOSURE WW' NIMIOA L wwwwwwwwwwww HYDRAULIC CYLINDER ALAMPING DEVICE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww L ) TW 2 * Wiki WS > SPRINGS 18DLAD *.47 mai FILTER i A ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ... . . . . . . . . . . .., EN 1 Fig. 1. Typical Filter Pit Installation . . P *- H ORNL - AEC - OSFICIAL filters joins the air from the cells or the facility, and the combined gas 18 then passed through filter enclosures in the cell ventilation sys-, tem that direct it through two banks of three absolute filters. All these filters are rated at 1000 cfm. When a filter enclosure is to be removed from one of the concrete-... shielded pits, the removal carrier is positioned on the concrete edges . of the pit above the enclosure to be removed. The sheet-steel enclosure . or container has sliding closure plates that serve as gate valves and . permit both ends of the container to be closed before breaking the seal, effected with foam-rubber gaskets, between the clamping device and the . filter enclosure. When the filter enclosure is elevated into the re- moval carrier, a sealing plate 18 remotely attached to the end of the enclosure. This procedure ensures that no surface that has been ex- posed to the air stream contaminates the atmosphere when the unit is removed from the carrier. The filter-removal carrier positioned for removal of a filter enclosure is illustrated in Fig. 2. The design for the mechanical components of this filter removal system has been kept simple to minimize fabrication costs. The clamp- ing devices that are bolted to the pipe flanges at each end of the filter pit are constructed from standard flanged bellows with additional springs added between flanges to increase the spring rate of the assem- bly. The universal action of the bellows assembly allows the sealing surface of the clamping device to conform to the attitude of the flange on the filter enclosure. This flexibility allows large tolerances in fabrication of the filter enclosure and permits use of standard con- struction tolerances for the pits. Two hydraulic cylinders on each of the bellows assemblies are used to retract the clamping devices when the filter enclosure is to be installed or removed from the filter pit. All four hydraulic cylinders are connected to a pump located above the pits. Rails are provided in the filter pits and in the carrier to guide the filter enclosure as it is elevated from the pit into the carrier by the crane. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL OINAEC -0ELICIA ..,:. FILTER REMOVAL CARRIER · ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - Official LIFTING EYE- TUOING SHEAR ACCESS PORT VIEWING WINDOW PORT SEAL PLATE WATCR FILL PLUO -3° STEEL PLATE -1/2" STEEL PLATE O* WATER LIFTING DEVICE EXTENSION FILTER ENCLOSURE SEAL PLATE GASKET CORNER QUIDE PIN WATER FIL.L PLUG- - QUIDE LUG SEAL PLATE - CONCRETE SLAB- QUIDE SLEEVE . CLOSURE PLATE SHAFT EXTENSION ? GUIDE RAIL AS -AUTOMATIC LIFTING DEVICE 1 ... HYDRAULIC SERVICE- LINE . .. FILTER CLAMPINO DEVICE - - .-- --- BELLOWS SPRING -- DOP TEST CONNECTION INC VAS HYDRAULIC CYLINDER SAS – FILTER ENCLOSURE En 1 . W • ST ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL | - AEC - OFFICIAL . . . 9 H UP Fig. 2. Filter-Removal Carrier Positioned for Removal of a Filter Enclosure Y KILI ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL The efficiency of both banks of absolute filters may be checked . by connecting a NRL-type DOP (ai-octyl-phthalate) aerosol generator to the filter enclosure. These tests will be made before and after the filter enclosures are installed in the filter pits. Pretesting the units in a test atand provides a check on f1ltration efficiency as well as the dimensional accuracy required to insure proper fit within the filter pits. The filtration efficiency of a prototype filter en- ; closure was measured and found to be 99.99% efficient for two banks of absolute filters la series. Each bank exhibited an efficiency of better than 99.97%. - - - - ORNI ~ AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 7 . Onth Dwo. 16-2017 - HYDRAULIC PUMP CONNECTION GUIDE RAILS YET gy. FILTER- 2. . CLOSURE PLATES r | . HYDRAULIC CYLINDER L CAMPING DEVICE her S + 22 T * SPRINGSD . LA SIL de in O Fig. 1. Typical Filter Pit Installation ca 4 FILTER REMOVAL CARRIER- LIFTING EYE- TUOINO SHEAR ACCESS PORT A VIEWING WINDOW PORT SEAL PLATE WATER TILL PLUO - 3* STEEL PLATE - 1/2" STEEL PLATE - * WATER LIFTING DEVICE EXTENSION FILTER ENCLOSURE RAL PLATE MASKET - CORNER QUIDE PIN WATER FILL PLUG - QUIDE LUG SEAL PLATE- CONCRETE SLAD . -GUIDE SLEEVE CLOSURE PLATE SHAFT EXTENSION QUIDE RAIL- AUTOMATIC LIFTING DEVICE HYDRAULIC SERVICE- LINE FILTER CLAMPING DEVICE . BELLOWS -- SPRINO DOP TEST CONNECTION HYDRAULIC CYLINDER MA FILTER ENCLOSURE * . - Fig. 2. Filter-Removal Carrier Positioned for Removal of a Filter Enclosure E. WY 7 .. END DATE FILMED 10/26/ 65 O . 22 * 2 W W .