'R . . v , . .... . .. TOFT ORNL P 1522 1 . ... .. - 1 에 ​MLS ILLA Ite m m00 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 aci. CELL WT " M i 14 . " MY " . I L . WATU SA hen WI . Wy 1 ." I yi S . ; . 1 . 14 Nu . . . . . . . 1 . N N ! . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any. person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to | the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, | method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Comraission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . . V . . " 14 . 1 2 . "", 13 . .. : ** TI . $ L EV 7 - . 20, 11 1 IT " . TA . of 9 $ - < M ** . . All . .. ' . . . IT ' '71 . YA . 1 . . - SEP 16 1965 ORNL. P.152:2 CONF-650919-3 - ALKYLBENZENE SULFONATE (ABS) CONTROL FOR THE FOAM SEPARATION PROCESS* . : ܒܐ . 4 ... . W. R. Laing and E. C. Lynn 1 * . " . T - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee » - , . . . . . . . . * RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEZENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACT'S . . ..." . i. E - . . *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under co atract with the Union Carbide Corporation . . . -vi . ? - . . ' 7 . S gi i . --isan ... - -- ---- .. In nuclear fuel reprocessing the spent fuel elements are dissolved, the unused uranium 18 recovered, and the - radioactive fission products are concentrated. A byproduct of these operations is thousands of gallons of slightly · radicactive process waste water. It is not practical to ::::: concentrate or store these large volumes of water, 80 . . processes have been developed to remove radioactive com- ponents. Some of the methods which have been used are caustic-carbonate scavenge, ion exchange, and dilution. In a search for better decontamination methods, ... workers at Radiation Applications, Inc., found that strontium · was concentrated by alkylbenzene sulfonate foam (4). Alkyl- benzene sulfonate or ABS is' the general name for the surface active agents used in synthetic detergents. A specific alkylbenzene sulfonate, which will be mentioned later, is dodecylbenzene sulfonate or DBS. This discovery lead to the development of the Foam Separation Process by Radiation Applications, Inc., and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2). : :.: In this process (Fig. 1) the waste water is mixed with grundite clay, and 2-9 ppm of iron is added. The pH is adjusted to 11.3 with NaOH and Na,coz. The precipitate and particulate matter are removed in a suspended bed sludge column. Dodecylbenzene sulfonate is added to give a con- . centration of 60-100 ppm. The water then flows to a counter- current foam column where air is bubbled through the column to generate foam. The foam is removed and broken with a basket centrifuge. The DBS level of the foam concentrate 18 : 2000 ppm. The column effluent 18 10-30 ppm. Fig. 1 . . . - - - - ORNL DWG. 64-7834 FOAM CONDENSATE LOW-LEVEL-WASTE FEED ,.. . GRUNDI TE CLAY :: (-250 mesh fired at 600°C for 20 min.). FOAM ALMOST CLEAR EFFLUENT und wommen Fe 3+ -9 ppm Toporomom cresce FOAMING AGENT DBS*, 60 ppm SLUDGE BED pH = 11.3: .. . • .::::, ... . . ... . OR .. REMOVAL OF SLUDGE . ....:-; .. ;. ... ;. PRECIPITANT: NaOH, 5 x 10-3 M Na2CO3; 5 x 10-3 M DECONTAMINATED PRODUCT . ::....... ... *DBS = Dodecylbenzene sulfonate figuretat 1 ...?.. --:;. : . " . ... ... . 2 .-A.,-';' . . . malam ini dimana 1, 4. Fig. 2 .. - - - -- - The effectiveness of the removal of fission product radionuclides is shown in figure 2. Decontamination factor is defined as the concentration of radioisotope in the feed stream divided by the concentration in the column effluent. The principal element to be removed from the waste water is Sr, and its decontamination factor is 3500. A pilot plant was built to demonstrate the effective. .. ness of this process. It operated successfully from June, 1964 through December, 1964. The Technicon AutoAnalyzer was used to provide process control for the DBS concentration during the operation of the pilot plant. The procedure used for this analysis 18 called the Methylene Blue Method (3) and consists of the following steps: 1. React DBS with methylene blue. 2. Extract the DBS-methylene blue complex into chloro- form. 3. Scrub the chloroform extract with wash solution. . 4. Measure the absorbancy of the chloroform phase at : 625 mu. This method, when done by hand, requires considerable time because the extraction of the DBS-methylene blue complex into chloroform is not complete in a single extraction. It .. requires three extractions with fresh chloroform, and this is followed by a wash of the organic phasei . The flow diagram for the AutoAnalyzer, method is shown in figure 3.. Sample (1-8 ppm DBS) is picked up by the sempler, mixed with methylene blue and then with chloroform. : ; - . : :. .. . - '. 0 Fig. 3 ... . + - . + y := : . : .... - . 11 . - - ORNL-LR-Dwg 64-8531 . . . . . : : .. . ... ...... . : DECONTAMINATION OF SPIKED ORNL LOW-LEVEL WASTE BY FOAM SEPARATION PROCESS FEED: 0.005M EACH NOOH; Na2CO3; GRUNDITE CLAY 1/2 lb/1000 gal.. - VARIABLE Ca... 85 Sr 2 OVERALL 100 3500 220 DECONTAMINATION FACTORS SLUDGE COLUMN FOAM COLUMN 50 16 21 0.85 2.3 0.85 :.. . 1.8 3.8 ". 4.3 137CS 18 60 CO 2 !O6RU - 7 144ce 24 100 .. .. . .:' ....... – .. ...', .. > . : . .. .. :...Tim.. ? -;-;-.:.:. :.:.7?. ... . ...... .. . . *.. ent en el mom . : :...: :in : . . . . . . .. ...! - - - .. . . : . ... "... TIOMNIC ICON AutoAnalyzer METHOD ALKYLBENZENE SULFONATE (ABS) Reference Concentration Range det. Le Type Sample Foam Separation Process Dato_July 14, 1965 Signaturo. Affiliation ORN methodology + ::: : •. Upper al : Tube Size (inches) SAMPU Rate: 40 per hour 0.056 sample . .. extraction column 0.056 air , 10.065 methylene blue * * -. TOTOJOTTOTO 0.081 chloroform ***** - - - - . . .... 33. i . ii... 10.081 chloroform - . 0.110 Plowcell , WASTE @ B i modified : PROPORTIONING PUMP . . . . ." · · - - ..." M All tubing is Acidflex * RECORDER: COLORIMETER 15 mm Tubular Ilc 650 my Filters 1 . 1 . figure 3 1 K' 1 . - * - • It then goes to the extraction column where the DBS-methylene blue complex 18 extracted into the organic phase. Following the extraction column 18 a phase separator where the aqueous and a portion of the organic is sent to waste. The re- : mainder of the organic is pumped through the flow cell, and the absorbancy is measured. This flow diagram is slightly different from the standard AutoAnalyzer ABS flow diagram (1). The scrub . of the chloroform phase has been eliminated. With the higher ABS concentrations in the Foam Separation Process, it 18 not necessary to use the scrub section. The sampler is operated at 40 samples per hour with water in every other cup. The rate by hand using the recom- : mendod procedure is fouü per hour. All reagents are the same as in the standard AutoAnalyzer flow diagram. The equipment has operated satisfactorily except for a tendency for the nipples to slip out of the acidflex pump tubes that are in contact with chloroform. This problem was solved by wiring the nipples in place. · A calibration curve using 3, 5, and 8 ppm DBS is shown 'in figure 4. Absorbancy paper is used on the recorder, and a p.lot of DBS concentration vs. absorbancy should give a straight line. The slope of this line will be the calibra- . : tion factor in ppm DBS/ abs. unit. The absorbancy of a ... sample multiplied by this factor will give ppm DBS. Control of the pH of the sample dilution is necessary with this flow diagram. The optimm pH range 18 8-10. Below pH 7 there is a loss in sensitivity and broadening of the recorder peaks. If phenolphthalein is added to the : sample dilution and it is ad justed to light pink with acid or base, the pH will be in the correct range. . Fig. 4 .. . .. .. . . ! .. : . . . :.. * . . ; . . ...... :*: . . ***** ... . .. . ** imeinen train de baie...'. 1 n si- ...ito tocantins de sains........ ........ .. . ..... .. . .... 8 ppm . cod. oi .. . :ren I 1 D D C ::- * ABSORBANCY figured... DBS STANDARDS CDC 1. . 1 L ORNL - DWG. 65-7521 . ... C - .-9. A comparison of some synthetic DBS solutions by the Auto- Analyzer and by hand are shown below: Comparison of Synthetic DBS Solutions Actual DBS Conc. ppm Solution No. Found by AA Found by. : Hand :. .. 20 21 80 . 19 80 ..... 2050 79 2000: . 1950 " During the operation of the pilot plant we analyzed about 2000 samples. The speed and accuracy. were satisfactory. .: . ... . . . - .. ... .. . . 10. ..... References 1. Anon., Technicon AutoAnalyzer Methodology, Alkylbenzene Sulfonates, Technicon Controls, Inc., Chauncey, New York, 1963. 2. Davis, 'W., Jr., Kibbey, A. H., and Schonfeld, E., . "Laboratory Demonstration of the Two Step Process for Decontaminating Low Radioactivity Process Waste Water by Scavenging - Precipitation and Foam Separation," ORNL-3811, in press. Farber, L., Editor, Standard Methods for the Examination . of Water and Waste Water, lith ed., Albany, N. Y., Boyd. Printing Co., 1960, p. 246. 4. Schonfeld, E., Sanford, R., Mazzella, G., Ghosh, D., and Mook, S., "The Removal of Strontium and Cesium . From Nuclear Waste Solutions by Foam Separation," : · 140-9577, July, 1960. . 3. . Thennam . . . I ? . 1 - - . 1 END - - - 2 $ $ . . - .. .. :: 1. . 16 .- - ht DATE FILMED | 10/15/65 .