mama I OFI ORNL P 1516 17 25.1 ] 4 - . .. L . * . - * 3.6 " 1140 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNU-P-1816 Corf650512-14 SEP 16 1965 SOME PROBLEMS IN THE DESIGN OF AV 8th ORDER POWER OPTIMIZED COIL J. N. Luton, Jr. Investigators have been concerned for some time with the design of magnet coils to produce a given field with a minimum of power. now called Fabry factors, which relate the flux density produced by air-cored coils of various shapes to the power consumed by them. Bitter, Gauster, Gaume, and others have extended this work of the power op- timization of coils. RMLEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Efforts at producing fields of desired shapes also have a long history. For instance, Helmholtz and Maxwell, respectively, originated and 2 and 3-coil systems for producing fields uniform in space. One approach to the problem, described in a systematic way by Garrett,' is to express the field as a series of zonal harmonics and then to control the coficients of the series. For points along the coil axis, the series RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT · IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACI'S for the flux density takes the simple form B = A + A2 ( )2 +43 1 579 + ! ....... where 2, the axial distance from the coil center, is less than the coil inner radius a: A 4th order system, such as a Helmholtz pair, is characterized by having the coefficient Ag = 0, a 6th order system by A, = A = 0, etc. Neglecting the changes in the higher order coefficients, the field becomes more uniform as the coil geometry is changei to make more coefficients vanish. "Researtile seasoned xe the rorátiAtomic Energy Commission under contract Properties of Current Systems with Special Reference to the IBM 7090, ORNL-3318 (November 19, 1962). -LEGAL NOTICE - TM, report me prepared u wa mtovat of Oorenmeat spookord work. Heltber Who Valled suaus, for the Countıslon, nor may person acung on behalf of the Commission: n. Maker way miraty or representation, expreid or implied, muh respect to the accu- rasy, completno, or whoels of the information coolalod u We report. or tal de vie of way lafortualion, appuntu, methodo or procesi di cloned in Wo report may not infringe printly one richua; or B. Annei wy lladulluar wu neprct to the one of, or for dumugto resdung from ide um. itu laformation, apparatu, authod, or proceu daclound in to report. Au und in the above, pornou acting on behalf of the Conoscolon" facludes way en. plo: " or contractor of the Commission, or employee of much contractor, to the extent wat ral employee or contractor of the Comalostoa, or employee of such coalractor prepares, di.manaus, or provides access to say Information purnit to Wo eaplojoamat or contract vlu the conmiooloa, or No employment wild such contractor. . In some cases, it would be desirable to have a field which 18 both strong and uniform over a large volume, i.e., we desire a power- optimized coil of high order. Gauster and Garrett' have derived a method and written a computer code for finding the current density distribution which produces the maximum field strength for a given power under the restriction that the coil be of a certain order. The present paper describes some work built on this base aime i at producing a field of about 60 kg, homogeneous over a 12" sphere, with a solenoid which consumes 7 Mw. The coil weight was first fixed by cost considerations at approxi- mately 7000 lbs. This corresponds to a volume factor v = (ar - 1) B . . . . . os 100. (a = outer diameter/inner diameter; B = coil length/inner . . . . . diameter). The field homogeneity optimization procedure was performed ,. , with various B values and showed that a flat optimum for the Fabry .,. me*:, factor G occurred at :B = 3.0. For this optimization procedure it was to m i -.. initially assumed that the coil is composed of sixty flat "pancakes"),4 of equal axial thickness and uniform current density. The resulting : .. ein • . . ness. ...vai axial current density distribution for an 8th order coil is given in Fig. 1. Figure 2 shows, for coils of several orders, curves of constant magnitude of the flux density B, these curves being the intersections of the. B = constant axisymmetrical surfaces with the z-r plane. The 0.1% eve L - .. W. F. Gauster and M. 'W. Garrett, Thermonuclear Div. Semiann. Progr. Rept. Apr. 30, 1964, ORNL-3652, pp. 105-12. . In a two-layer pancake, & conductor spirals inwardly in one plane to the inner surface of the coil, crosses to the adjacent plane, and spirals in this plane back to the outer surface of the coil. Any number of such conductors may be wound symmetrically into a pancake. *J. N. Luton, Jr., Thermonuclear Div. Semiann. Prog. Rept. Oct. 31, 1965, ORNL-3564, pp. 121-25. m contours are shown, that is, inside the volume limited by the surfaces B = 1.001 and B = 0.999, the flux density deviates less than 0.1% from its value at the coil center. In each case the volume increases appreciably as the order 18 increased, and the magnitude of the field at the coil center decreases by a small amount. For example, the field strength decreases 2.8% when the order le raised from 6 to 8, whereas for the same step the volume enclosed by the contours of Fig. 2 increases by about 72%. For this reason, and because of certain practical differences which later appeared, it was decided to construct a coil which would approach as closely as possible the 8th order current distribution of Fig. 1. . . Based on the axial separations of the peaks and dips of the 1* V8 z curves (Fig. 1.), an actual width of conductor was next chosen. In order to be compatible with the cross-sectional area demanded by the current and voltage capacities of the existing power supply, the actual width selected was larger than the width used in the 60-pancake coil. The coil was then reoptimized using the actual widths of pancakes. The resulting current densities are shown normalized in Table 1 in column "Desired 1*". Since large tubular conductors of nonstandard size cannot be purchased in small quantities, it is not economically, feasible to purchase a separate conductor size for each of the desired i* values specified in Table 1. However, many "effective" conductor sizes can be obtained by winding a pancake from conductors of a fixed axial width but with different radial heights. Since coils of large diameter require several parallel water paths for sufficient cooling, the above "mixing" can conveniently be done. In this way many different current densities can be achieved with only a few different conductor sizes. Thus, if mis the number of water paths and n the number of conductor sizes, then the number N of different average current densities • which can be provided 18 just the number of combinations of n different things taken m at a time with repetitions of items being permitted, that 18, N.On + m-] (n + m - 1)! m! ( In + m - 1) – m)! In our case, with seven water paths, three conductor sizes give a sufficiently large number of current density possibilities (N = 36). In some instances, it is desirable to adjust current density in axial steps of one conductor width instead of steps of one two-layer pancake. This may be done by the splicing, at the cross-over, of conductors of differing radial thickness, still using the scheme of "mixing" conductors described above. However, it might be accomplished more advantageously by mixing, conductors in the type of three-layer pancake previously described." In such a pancake, each water path • appears in exactly two layers, the middle layer and one or the other of the outer layers. The average current density of each of the outer layers can therefore be independently controlled, and the current density of the middle layer is the average of the current densities of the two outer layers, weighted by the number of water paths in the respective outer layers. Thus, if one outer layer has a current density of 1, different from that of the other outer layer, in, then the current density of the middle layer is 24+ mzizi (2) omy 3 1 and so can be varied between the limits of 1, and so by the proper choice of m, and mg, the number of water paths in the respective outer layers. 21 1 -5. . Two three-layer pancakes were used to achieve the eighth-order solenoid of Table 1,. one as described above and one with constant current density. The field contours for the eighth-order "actual case" of Table 1 are shown in Fig. 3. The contours of the actual case are quite com- parable to those of the ideal case, except for the 0.01% contours, which are drastically distorted. The addition of an extra turn and a 129 amp shunt to pancake number 2 changes the contours to those shown in Fig. 4, which in every case are nearly exactly those calculated for the current density distribution of Fig. 1. The final arrangement of shunts will not be determined until after the coil has been constructed, in the hopes that manufacturing tolerances may also be compensated. FIGURE LIST Caption Page 3 Photo No. ORNL-DWG-64-11802 : Eighth : . . · ORNL-DWG-55-4381 Fig. 1. Current Density Distribution for Ideal .Eighth-Order Solenoid with 60 Pancakes Fig. 2. IBI Contours with 0.1% Errors, for Power Optimized Coils of Order 2,4,6, and 8. Ideal Gases: js = 100, B Chosen to Maximize the Fabry Factor. ORAL-DWG-64-11806 : Fig. 3. Constant B Contours for the Actual Eighth- Order Solenoid. Fig. 4. Constant IBI Contours for the Actual 8th Order Solenoid with Shunt. ORNL-DWG-65-4382 TABLE LIST . . . Table 1. Normalized Current Densities for an Eighth- Order. Solenoid with Conductor Width of 1.02 in. . . wa . . -.- .-. - .- .-.-.- - I. - a..- n........ ....... . . Table 1. Normalized Current Densities for an Eighth-Order Solenoid with Conductor Width of 1.02 in. 1*. 1/max Pancake Layer No. Desired 1* Actual 1* 0.511 0.519 0.833 0.814 º 0.488 0.496 º 0.715 0.870 0.715 0.899 0.999 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.870 0.898 0.698 0.715 0.543 0.544 O 418 0.409 0.323 0.307 The coil is symmetrical, about its midplane, which lies between layers 1 and i'. ... .. ORNL-DWG 64-4802 END OF COIL MIDPLANE OLLI I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 PANCAKE NUMBER (AXIAL DISTANCE 20 22 24 26 28 30 , figurel ORNL-DWG 65-4384 2nd ORDER, B = 2.7 8th ORDER, B = 3.0 ♡ 70.999 0.82 .999 <1.001 4th ORDER, B= 2.9 p*= /, 0.999. 6th ORDER, B = 3.0 0.999) 0.999 O 0.2 0.8 1.0 0.4 0.6 z* = ?lo, 1B1 Contours with 0.1% Errors, for Power Optimized Coils of Order 2, 4, 6, and 8. Ideal Cases; v= 100, B Chosen to Maximize the Fabry Factor. figure 2 an ORNL-DWG 64- 41806 L 0; = 6.75 in. (COMPUTATIONAL INNER RADIUS) 4.01 m oo= 6.5 in. (PHYSICAL INNER RADIUS) 0.99 - iBi > Bo -1B1 < B. 0.999) 11.001 .0001 (0.999 1.01 H0.9999 r (in.) 3 - 0.9999; 1.001 T 1.0001 1.000 1/0.99 0.9999 1.00040 10.999 10 z (in.) figure 3 I . : CO. $ 9 . ORNL-DWG 65-4382 Z169,=6.75-in. (COMPUTATIONAL INNER RADIUS) 1.01 0.99 0.9991 1.001 0.gggg r (in.) 10.9999 21- 1.001 1B > Bo- ---Bl< B. Ng = 34.55 (CASE SA!! 1.0001 ΓACTUAL Δα's SYMMETRICAL CROSSOVERS _SHUNT OF 147 amp, 37v (0.48 kg) 10.9999 10.999 3 4 5 z (in.) 6 7 8 9 1 2 TP.G. NO. 2- 10 Constant Bl Contours for the Actual 8 th Order Solenoid. figure 4 TW * : w END . . . H4 the i DATE FILMED 11/ 19 /65 ... ... . .