". A .. i | OF I ORNL P 1505 : 1 C i . . * . 1 . FEEFE EFE INI 1 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 Pte ! 9.. 1. On " . ,," ". ' " , . 11 . 22 ta x i " - 1 . . -<. .. . - 12 LE : * 2 le monde LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: i A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. --- inition TS 1 1. I'mi 11. 4 - . C . NA ORNr-Porov CONF-651101-18 0 Summary for presentation at the 1965 Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Washington, D. C., November 15–18, 1965. ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL SEP 1 6 1965 MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR PREDICTING COATED-PARTICLE BEHAVIOR* ..ORN.AE - • Si J. W. Prados** and J. L. Scott Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee . internet MASTER R We have developed a mathematical model for predicting stresses and strains in pyrolytic-carbon coatings surrounding fuel microspheres under irradiation. These stresses arise from differential thermal expansion of the fuel particle against the coating, fuel swelling, fission-gas release, damage from recoils, and anisotropic dimensional changes in pyrolytic carbon resulting LE ---www nea from thermal expansion and fast-neutron damage. With this model, .. we can evaluate the relative merits of low- or high-density fuel - .. particles, single- or multiple-layer coatings, and low or high RELEASED POR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACT'S values for coating thickness, density, and strength. Details of the model and a computer program, STRETCH, for performing the necessary calculations have been reported elsewhere. 2 We have performed calculations with this model to investigate the effects of configuration and environment on the expected service life of coated particles typical of those of interest in current reactor technology. 2, 3, 4, 5 Conditions investigated have included the following: fuel particle radius, .100 ; single- and two-layer coatings with total thicknesses from 100 to 200 m; -1 Tn ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL * Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission • under Contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. **Speaker. LEGAL NOTICE - AEC - OFFICIAL - - .. TU. report w propund um 100ml of Gover sponsord wort, Maider the UMM matau, nor the Commission, wory pro scuns a hall of the Contatou A. Makao My minuty or poprosentation, aprend or implied, ma rect to the moy, completion, or wetenus of the Helarustuu autod in the report, or the three ol may information, Amuratu, with or moun melawan Aurapart may not be minately owned notes ar 8. As may tahluss with monet to the wed, or for denne monthung from the w of my budounen, wanto, method, o parcon coclauod in ho rto . As word in the above, "perman acting a hand of the Command.com" motorina may mga plegno ar contractor of the Commission, womplesso nulla corretor, to their mod nyployee or contractor of the Constantin, plus at wall content Manarna, dondates, or montan noon w, we were the per la playa contrar vide the Counterton, or wo employment will media contractor - . . . - - - - --- - ORNI - AEC-OFFICIAL inner-coating porosity from 15 to 50%; fuel material, 102 and (UC2) with varying enrichmenta; tuel density, 90 and 100% of theoretical; Irradiation temperature, 250 to 1450°C; fast neutron doses, 0 to 4 x 1021 neutrons/cm²; fuel burnup, 0 to 50 at. 26; fission-gas release from fuel, 1 and 100%. The results of these calculations lead us to the following predictions. 1. Two distinct modes of coating failure may occur: (a) fail- ure initiated at the inner surface from combined effects of fuel- particle swelling and fission-gas pressure and (b) failure initiated at the outer surface from anisotropic thermal expansion and fast-neutron damage in the pyrolytic carbon. 2. For enriched-uranium-based fuel particles, operating to high burnup, failure will normally occur by the first mode above. To ensure adequate coating life, free volume of 2 to 3% of the fuel volume per atom percent burnup expected, should be provided. . Free volume may be obtained by use of a low-density fuel, a porous inner coating which densifies rapidly when subjected to fission- recoil bombardment, by manufacturing techniques which provide empty space between fuel and coating, or by a combination of these. 3. For fuels with low-uranium enrichment or high-thorium content, failure may occur by the second mode above; that is, from fast neutron damage in the coating, before fuel swelling or . .. fission-gas pressure become significant. Hence, there is an incentive to use isotropic outer coatings in such cases; however, .... free volume must still be provided in accordance with the burnup ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL expected. ORNL - ACC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 4. Increasing outer-coating thickness beyond the level at which the ratio of its inner to outer diameter 18 2/3 will not appreciably increase its life, provided that the inner surface 18 : adequately protected against fission recoils. : 5. The release of gaseous Pission products from the fuel has 3 a minor effect on coating life, so long as adequate free volume is . . . provided (see 2 above), and coating rupture stress 18 above about 20,000 psi. This effect is illustrated in Fig. 1. Hence, the use of a low-density fuel particle to help provide free volume should have little adverse effect on coated-particle life in spite of attendant higher fission-gas-release rates. . . S . . • References w . . - 1. J. W. Prados and J. L. Scott, Analysis of Stress and Strain in Spherical Shells of Pyrolytic Carbon, USAEC 'Report ORNL-3553, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, June 1964. 2. E. S. Bomar and R. J. Gray, "Thorium-Uranium Carbide for Coated-Particle Graphite Fuels," pp 703–28 in International Symposium on Compounds of Interest in Nuclear Reactor Technology, ed. by J. T. Waber, P. Chiotti, and W. N. Miner, AIME Metallurgical Society, 1964. 3. R. W. Dayton, Ji H. Oxley, and C. W. Townley, "Ceramic Coated-Particle Nuclear Fuels," J. Nucl. Mater. 11, 1–31 (1964). 4. W. V. Goeddel, "Development and Utilization of Pyrolytic- Carbon-Coated Fuel for the High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor," Nucl. Sci. Engr. 20, 201—18 (1964). 5.-J. B. Sayers, K. S. B. Rose, J. A. Coobs, G. P. Hausner,.. and C. Vivante, "The Irradiation Behavior of Coated Particle Fuels," pp 912-62 in Symposium on Carbides in Nuclear Energy, Harwell, England, November 57, 1963, Macmillan, London, 1964. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL FIL CIAL ORNI- ENCENE DIELICENCO 83949 HARƏ M3OST310 9M-DAE .On · A3T3MIDJIM . .., ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL m .a .u ni OGAM stress, inger-surface of outer coating, pasi) ... - . * . 3 - . . mm 0. 7. . - - . . i. - 10 CO . It , " moon! L difuel. Particle .: HINIHIHIHNINIAI :: II. Y . .. ... C 1 . . 1 C ... U ' D .. .... . ... ...... Typical Coated Particle. Pg 1. Coating Stress as a Function of Fuel Burnup for . . . . . .. -.. ..... O ... ... .. . - - . .. . Hidual Reuters > . . .. ... id 26. .. . .... .. T D . . 11 . . C - . - . . . - . A . -... GAS RELE ." . . ... . . . • - - . . . . .. . . . . . •.•. . 1 .'". C . . . . . . - - - . . ... . . . .. . -- .. mant. S :: * END SAATLAR,Mg DATE FILMED 10/ 20 / 65 "a de dos