W . I OFI ORNL P 1504 . i : *4. • . . 2:1:::13: 엘에 ​의의 ​|1:25 | .4 LG . .. w MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 WP V! 9 . A . I CN ST LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. Aires w - ORAL-P-Noy . L .- . lined 1 - Con 651101-17 SEP 1 6 1965 THOMAL STRESS CONSIDERATIONS in the MOLTEN SALT REACTOR EXPERIMENT* Chailes H. Gabbard** Reactor Division, ORAL, Oak Ridge, Tenues.ee Alexander Houtzeel EURATONI on loan to ORNL Reactor Division . The ulten Salt ficactor i3 & 10-10w experimental fluid-fueled reactor which is designed to olerate at 1200°F. The reactor system is fabricateå of Hastelloy "N" which at high tempera tuse has excellent mechanical and corrosion properties. During operation the reactor 18 subjected to three types of operation which involve thermal cycling of the equipment. In starting from cold conditions, the reactor system is first electrically heated to 1200°F while circulating hellum. The piping and equipient is then filled with salt at 1200°F and circulation is started. Finally reactor power is raised to the operating level. The system desigr. pressure 1s 50 psi and most of the component wall thicinesses are re.latively thin and have fast temperature response so that thermal stress is not a problem. However the fuel and coolant : pumps, the freeze flanges, and the coolant piping penetrations through the containment vessel wall were found to have relatively high thermal RELEASED POR ANNOUNCEZENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AFSTRACTS stresses. These stresses result from both high steady-state thermal gradients and high thermal inertia which produces thermal stress during temperature transients. The freeze flange design requires a steep thermal gradient to produce a ring of frozen salt which seals the flange. The fuel pump is also subjected to radiation heating. from the fuel salt and from fission product gases released in the pump expansion chamber. *Research sponsored by the USAEC under contract with Union Carbide Corpo- ration. “ANS paper sponsored by P. N. Haubenreich - LEGAL NOTICE The report wu papurod u nocou o correspondered with Mether the Ontw Namo, nor the Commission, nor many porn netting a Wall Centendons A. Makeo way warrior promotion, card or implied, ma pot do norte rrey, completoww.ow oons of the wormation comes to reporting at alam away formation, part, w ird, men derimod Momport may not merindo potram med syntes or . 3. Aasumse any liabilities with respect to the nao ct, or for damages recutting from the wang tertio, arm, metal, am decidir Ao wewe na the shora, sporna setting on ww w ametoa to metodo mundo. | ployee or contracter of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that wool play or omtrector the C enter, tagus a mesa contratto per desnudas, a mente nonne M, Ney Wormation para wa Maplegue a continet ma de Document, or Memployment will rector. bacim.caid This heating causes changes in the temperature distribution as the reactor power is changed. The thermal stresses in these various components were all calcu- lated by the same basic procedure. The temperature history of the particular component was determined using a heat transfer computer program or, in the case of the cell penetrations, by actually measuring the temperature distributior.. The pump and cell penetration structures were simulsted by connecting two cylinders and a conical shell at a common joint, and the freeze flange structure was similated by connecting a cylinder to a flat plate. The boundary conditions of the structure and the compatibility conditions of the connection were described using the equations of Stanek1:2,3 and Witt4,5 for the moments, membrane forces, shear forces, deflections, and slopes of the various members. These equations were solved simultaneously, and the stress profiles for each member of the structure were then calculated using the resulting coefficients and the above moment, membrane force, and shear force equations. The operating temperature of these components is in the creep range, and the maximum stresses are in the plastic range so that the life of the various components was based on low cycle fatigue. Although the ASME Nuclear Code does not specifically apply, an effort was made to comply with the intent of this code. The plastic stains were evaluated for each type thermal cycle and the estimated number of cycles to failure was obtained from thermal fatigue data. The permissible numbers of cycles were obtained by applying a safety factor of ten to the values obtained above. The life of each component was estimated by the procedure outlined in the ASME Nuclear Code for accumulating the effects of several types of cycles. -3- The original goal was to design for 100 heating and 500 power cycles. With air cooling of the fuel pump bowl, the pumps met this criterion.6 The coolant piping penetrations were modified to reduce the thermal gradients at the pipe connection after the calculations showed an insulilcient life for the original design. In the freeze flanges, where the steep thermal gredient is required, the calculations indicated a life less than the lo heating cycles. However the life was stili adequate for the projected MSRE operation. A test flange is being thermal cycled to confirm the predicted life, and no damage is evident after more than 100 cycles. .... . .... . . . nimese --....... 1. F. J. Stanek, Stress Analysis of Cylindrical Shells, ORNL CF 58-9-2 (July 22, 1959). F. J. Stanek, Stress Analysis of Conical Shells, 1 2. 3. ORNL CF 58-6-52 (August 28, 1958). F. J. Stanek, Stress Analysis of Flat Circular Plates, ORNL CF 57-11-111 (November 25, 1959). F. J. Witt, Thermal Stress Analysis of Cylindrical Shells, ORNL CF 59-1-33 (March 26, 1959). F. J. Witt, Thermal Stress Analysis of Conical Shells, 4. 5. ORNL CF 61-5-80 (July 7, 1961). C. H. Gabbard, Thermal-Stress and Strain-Fatigue Analysis of the . MSRE Fuel and Coolant Pump Tanks, ORNL IM-78 (October 3, 1962). .. .. . --...... ...miminimas END . . 1 . AVE DATE FILMED (10/ 20 / 65 . WWW w . 7 . Limi WL