C F is . 1 . O - | OF . ORNLP 1503 : . . : .. . was a . EFEFE EFE . - . . . . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 in 1 S . M y heart S I. TI TNT I . . 1 M C EN 1 .. m - .. wow..5. .. . .. vas ......... ...-... .. - ---. en...-meje. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. " "-, . . - "... -- rrr m e nervo - -- w SS " .. ! . I 11 . ." - 17 L. 14 12 . S . ORNCP Noz - . . SEP 1 6 1965 Conf.651101-16 PREDICTED AND OBSERVED NUCLEAR CHARACTERISTICS of THE MOLTEN SALT REACTOR EXPERIMENT* VUN $ J. R. Engel, P. N. Reubenreich, and B. E. Prince Oak Ridge National Laboratory . The MSRE is a unique reactor incorporating features of proposed molten-salt thermal breeders. Its fuel is a mixture of fluoride salts which circulates at 1200 gpm through a core of channeled, unclad graphite. Although the mechanical, chemi- T. IT cal and metallurgical aspects of the MSRE rest on a broad base of technology reaching back to the Aircraft Reactor Experiment.. more on w des och B. A totely of my falorretto, moy, completo Thus report w dress with the Cowdentom, or womployment with mucha contractor. n g Habilita v paratus, plogna or contractor of the Commission, or tes, or pronous mocow to adoration permat to Waploss of contract mogna a contacter of the Commission, or aplogue of met woordtot, to the extent that na wod ta dhe above, pesma notte a hall at the counterton" module nga ong wedoration, appunta, method, or prosous droloond na , or wetlas of the detonado contatood ta modo o proceedinoloned to this report progaredu a noun o Governo A. Makes mytuty of mortados, presund or implied, more poct to the moor- tan, nor do Condeston, nor my person methog a boat the Coundation LEGAL NOTICE ce to the wool, omni tempus rudthung trom the plogu o mal de reports de roparts of t sponsored worth Wetter to Dettol tractor proper ....................... io... to tetrting he wo (1954); the predicted nuclear characteristics were untested by experiment before the reactor began nuclear operation on June 1, 1965. Experiments carried out in June thus tested the ability of today's calculational methods and neutron data to predict . the characteristics of an unusual new system. Results are RELEASED POR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACI'S gratifying. . !'. . In the first nuclear experiment, the 2350 was brought up E. to the minimum critical concentration at 1200°F by the addition of 235UF 4 - LlF concentrate to carrier salt. (For experimental purposes the carrier salt contained 0.5 mole % 238UF4.) The critical 2350 concentration had been predicted by calculations i . using a multigroup, one-dimensional diffusion code, MODRIC, with thermal group cross sections obtained from cell calculations - VA by the THERMOS code and fast group cross sections calculated U by GAM-2. The geometrical approximations in MODRIC were checked : Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . : : : . : .. Load -2- by using a two-dimensional, two-group code, Equipoise-3, with group cone tants for each region from MODRIC. The calculations predicted that 65.1 kg 2350 in the 1980-liter circulating system would make the reactor critical at 1200°F, with fuel not circulating and with rods withdrawn. Criticality was first attained with 61.4 kg 2350 at 1181°F and one rod slightly inserted. Corrected to the reference conditions, the critical loading would have been 61.5 kg, 5.5% below the prediction (equivalent to 1.4% 8k/k error). Subsequently 79 capsules of concentrate, each containing 858 235U, were added to the circulating fuel. At the same time measurements were made of concentration coefficient of reactivity, temperature coefficient, pressure coefficient and cortrol rod worth. Total worth of the three control rods was predicted by Exterminator, a multigroup, two-dimensional code, using four groups: a thermal group, a fast group and two epithermal groups covering the important gadolinium resonances. (The poison elements are G4203 - Al2O3.) The ratio of the worth of one rod to the worth of three, and the fractional worth of partially inserted rods had been computed by Equipoise-3. These ratios were used with the total worth from Exterminator to give a predicted worth over their operating range of 5.16% 8k/k for . three rods and 2.18% $k/k for one rod with the others withdrawn. The identical value, 2.18% 6k/k, was obtained for one rod by integration of rod sensitivities measured during the 2350 additions. m askintetani di natura -3- ndecske a mutl cara neko merkatar anda hana humana The addition of the capsules showed a 235U concentration coefficient of reactivity of 0.25 (8k/k)/8c/c); 0.248 had been calculated by the MODRIC criticality searches. The temperature coefficients of reactivity were computed by multigroup calculations in which GAM-1 was used to calculate slowing down spectra and THEROS was used in cell calculat:lons : which separated the effects of the salt and the graphite on the thermal spectrum. Results were -3.7 x 10-5 °F-2 for the graphite, -3.3 x 10-5 °Fºl for the fuel salt, or -7.0 x 10-5 °F~1 total. The observed coefficient was -7.6 x 10-5 °F~1. A spray device in the fuel pump bowl (used to strip xenon) results in gas entrainment in the circulating fuel when the pump bowl level is abnormally low. This gives rise to a pressure coefficient of reactivity. In a special experiment with 2.5 vol % gas in the core, the pressure coefficient was found to be l1 x 10–5 psi-?, consistent with a value of 6 x 10-5 ps1-4 pre- dicted for a bubble fraction of 1.2%. At the normal operating level in the pump, a gamma-ray densitometer and other evidence indicated no bubbles in the salt and there was no measurable effect of pressure on reactivity. Circulation of the salt reduces reactivity because many of the delayed neutron precursors decay outside the core. (Transit times are 9.4 sec in the core, 15.8 sec in the rest of the loop.) . The predicted effect was -0.30% 5k/k; the observed change with circulation is 0.23% Sk/k. The difference is attributed to inadequacies in the calculational treatment of tretman. na ............ . . ... . delayed neutrons emitted in the upper and lower heads of the reactor vessel. . -- TCC . . w F 1: 5 14 A 3 + N ie nen o r de envio. 4 . ... . .. 10/ 20 / 65 DATE FILMED END : . 2 017 . 1 . B NAT TEK .