• : | OF I. ORNL P 1501 . ** . - $ i " ... - PFEFEEEE L . 1.4 1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 r ہ کر۔ ا ا Enه conf-650910-7 SEP 1 6 1965 HFIR PREOPERATIONAL VIBRATION AND HYDRAULIC TEST PROGRAM - LEGAL NOTICE The report wu popurid un scount of contrucat sponsored mort. Molther the United main, nor the Commission, nor w pornon sottes au bowall of the Coundaria: A. Makes my v ruty or representation, 'exprosud or replied, with respect to the socv- rey, completenes, or wetlands of the dafarutoa catalud de suport, or that the ce of wy taformation, appunto, method, or procau duolowd la tela report aby bot latring petrutaly oned rights or 8. Awww way babiliuse with respect to be ww of, or lor dansuring the trou the w o Worluation, appundus, method, or proceu deslord la de report. Aoud too the above, porno acting on all of the Coualaston" boludne ay na- ployee or contractor of the Counastou, or sployw al mich contrrotor, to the adot was mod eployee or contractor of the Countudo, or employs of much costructor proporno, w orlas, ar produs soos or parties now lo, w tloruation purnust to H, waplogant or contract vtu dhe Commission, or No onploynt with much contractor. G. J. Dixon July 28 and 29, 1965 RELBASED FOR ANNOUIICEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AESTRACI'S Oak Ridge National Laboratory Operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission HFIR PREOPERATIONAL VIBRATION AND HYDRAULIC TEST PROGRAM* G. J. Dixon Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee The primary purpose of the High Flux Isotope Reactor. 13 to pro- duce transplutonium elements (americium, curium, californium, berkelium). A second and much more general objective is to provide a large number of high flux type experimental facilities in the reactor without inter- fering with the production of transplutonium elements. The HFIR is a light water moderated and cooled, beryllium reflected.' flux-trap type reactor, which utilizes highly enriched uranium-235 as the fuel. The design power level 18 100 Mw which produces an unper- turbed neutron flux of the order of 5 x 10 neutrons/cmsec in the island region. The reactor core consists of a series of concentric annular regions about two feet high. (Slide No. 1) A 5-in. diameter hole forms the core center; or island, which receives the target con- taining the 444Pu. The fuel region, composed of two concentric fuel elements, surrounds the target and is encircled by a ring of beryllium. Two control plates in the form of concentric cylinders driven in oppo- site directions are located in the annular space between the beryllium reflector and the outer fuel element. The reactor assembly is contained in an 8-ft diameter pressure vessel. (slide No. 2) Primary coolant (light water) enters the vessel through twin inlets near the top, at a rate of about 16,000 *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. 8pm, passes through the core and exits at the bottom of the vessel. The vessel outlet 18 a single 18-in. line which continues through the tunnel to supply the four individually compartmented heat exchanger- pump cells. A 10-in. 'line runs from the main header to the heat exchanger inlet and a 14-in. line runs from the heat exchanger outlet to the pump suction. A 10-in. line then connects the pump discharge to the 20-in. vessel inlet header in the tunnel. The system 18 designed to operate at a pressure of 1,000 psi with normal operation requiring a pressure of about 600 p81. Considerable time and effort have been expended in precperational tests to assure the mechanical integrity of the core assembly and the entire primary coolant system and to determine in detail the flow characteristics through the various regions. Vibration Studies Prior to installation of the reactor components in the pressure vessel, the primary coolant system was operated with an orifice mounted in the vessel to simulate the pressure drop anticipated in the core assembly. While the orifice was in the vessel, extensive measurements were made on the primary system piping and the vessel to determine the location of any serious vibrations. Piezoelectric type vibration sensors were employed for these measurements so that the ainplitude and frequency of the vibrations could be determined. Sev- eral hundred measurements were made during the program. In most instances, the sensors used in measuring the system piping were mounted to detect three planes of vibration. Vibration magnitudes of up to 9 mils were found in the piping system and up to 13 mils were found on the vessel. Frequency data indicated that the significant of pressure fluctuation in the vessel exit line. During the initial operation, thimbles inserted in the primary piping for temperature detection and safety system testing broke off almost immediately. A study of the thimbles indicated that they all had natural frequencies very close to that of the pumps (150 cps). When the vessel orifice was removed,' vibration measurements were again made on the system. The system pressure drop was taken across the pump discharge valves. The amplitude of the vessel vibration decreased to 1 to 3 mils and that for the piping decreased to 1.5 to 2 mils. Filling the pool with water decreased the vessel vibration to less than 1 mil. While the system was down for installation of the core assembly, the thimbles' were strengthened to raise their natural frequency to between 700 and 1,300 cps. The piping supports were also stiffened to increase their natural frequency. After assembly of all reactor internals the piping and vessel vibration measurements were repeated. Maximum vessel amplitudes, without water in the pool, were 0.2 to 0.7 c o.-.-.-. mils on the top head. The bottom head amplitudes were 0.4 to 0.5 Windows medi mils. Piping vibrations remained at 1 to 2 mils and the thimbles were apparently satisfactory, since they remained intact. * Making the external vibration measurements posed no problems ; however, the design group had asked for vibration measurements on various parts of the core assembly and this did present some problems. F This meant that the instruments and leads had to be made waterproof, withstand pressure, and had to be mounted and the leads brought out of the vessel in a way that would offer the least disturbance to the normal flow conditions. Quantitative vibration data were required on the vessel extension (lower) shield plug, (slide No. 3) the fuel grid support pedestal, the movement of the removable reflector with respect to the permanent beryllium, the deflection of the outer control plates while being operated up and down, the outer shroud, the target tower, the flow distributors mounted over the vessel water inlets and the core support pedestal. Two types of instruments were utilized for these measurements--differential transformers and Accelerometers (piezoelectric type). The differential transformers were utilized on the bottom of the shield plug to read the movement of the plug with respect to the vessel wall through a Delrin "finger" (attached to the movable core) which was springloaded against the vessel wall. (Slide No. 4) The movement of the semipermanent beryllium with respect to the permanent beryllium was also measured with the differential transformer. Here the transformer was actually mounted on the reflec- tor support pedestal with the Delrin fingery springloaded against the removable reflector. In both the shield plug and the reflector measurements, two differential transformers, mounted 90° part, were utilized. A differential transformer was mounted on each wing of the flow distributor with the Delrin fingers being springloaded against the vessel wall. To measure the deflection of the 65-in. long outer control plates, differential transformers were mounted on the lower ring of the upper track assembly with the Delrin fingers spring loaded against the lateral midpoints of the control plates. The differential transformers were all calibrated and checked under water prior to installation in the reactor. They were posi- tioned so that the Delrin fingers could move in or out about 1/8 of an inch. The leads were brought out of the vessel, via various routes within the core assembly, through aluminum tubing. Data were taken - - - at one-, two-, three-, and four-pump operation. The system pressure was limited to 300 psig and the temperature to 100°F to protect the vibration instruments from possible damage. Measurements on the shield plug showed the maximum movement to be approximately $3 mils and movement of the removable reflector was: practically nil. The outer control plates were first moved up and down with no flow to establish the deflection pattern due to travel up and down the tracks. The measurements were then made at one-, two-, three-, and four-pump operation. At normal three-pump operation the control plates were deflecting outward (away from the fuel element) almost 1/8 of an inch. This was contrary to the design calculations and predictions. It had been postulated that the deflection due to hydraulic forces would be inward toward the fuel element and that the magnitude would be about 40 mils. Repeated operation of the control plates reproduced the original data. Since the reliability of the measurements was questioned, it was decided to go into the reactor and slip a feeler-gauge between the control plate and tip of the Delrin finger. This action not only . verified the indicated direction of plate rovement but also verified ---.. -... ----- the measured magnitude of the deflection. An analysis of the orificing arrangement permitting water to enter the control plate region revealed that a jet effect was taking place, forcing a high velocity of water between the control plate and the fuel element, causing an outward deflection in the plates. The orifice was redesigned to permit a more uniform flow through that region. . . - Subsequent tests showed that the control plate then moved in the proper direction and the magnitude of deflection was only about 10 mils. ....ationen innan Vibrations in the fuel grid support pedestal, the reflector con- .. .' tair.er, and the target tower were measured with the Accelerometer. . . . . These instruments were rigidly mounted in waterproof containers. The . . . . . ... . . . .. exterior surface of the side of which the Accelerometer was mounted was contoured to fit the outside diameter of the particular piece to be measured. The boxes containing the Accelerometers were banded to the equipment being tested and the leads from the instruments carried out of the vessel in aluminum tubing. As in the case of the differential transformers, measurements ...... .. ...... . .. .. .. always utilized two Accelerometers mounted 90° apart. . . .. .. Both the target tower and the outer shroud exhibited vibrations. . Correction of the orificing arrangement into the control region (pre- ..... ... viously ment ioned) elim inated the shroud vibrations. The target tower . vibrations were reduced from 30-40 mils to about 3 mils by using jack- screws to firmly anchor the shroud spider. Flow Measurements While the orifice simulating the core AP was mounted in the vessel, the flow characteristics of the primary system were also determined. Fast response sensors were utilized, in addition to the normal instru- mentation, to measure certain transient pressures and flows. These instruments, calibrated to accuracies of £2%, were read out on a multi- channel Visicorder. System flows and pressure drops were measured for all combinations of the four main circulating pumps for both main motor and pony motor operation, respectively at a system pressure of 600 psi and a temperature of 100°F. The design flow is about 16,000 gpm at a total system pressure drop of approximately 155 ps1 at a 1988e1 inlet and outlet temperature of 120°F and 169°F, respectively, at an operating pressure of 600 psi. The four pumps produced almost identi- cal flows; two pumps gave flows of 9,600 gpm and the other two 9,700 3pm (AP 96 p81). The average flow for two-pump operation was found to be 14,185 spm (AP = 131 psi), for three-pump operation 15,875 gpm (AP = 152 psi), and for four-pump operation 16,700 gpm (AP = off scale). These flows agree reasonably well with those predicted from the vendor's curves. Tests were made to determine the point at which cavitation occurs. As was expected, cavitation occurs at the vessel orifice prior to occurring in the pumps. The system pressure was lowered from 955 psi in 100 psi increments until cavitation occurred. The first indication came at a pressure of 280 psi and cavitation was quite evident at 245 psi. The reason for starting at such a high pressure was to obtain flow data at various pressure levels in conjunction with the cavitation runs. These were initially made at 100°F and then repeated at a temperature of 180°F. As was expected, the higher temperature elevated the point at which cavitation occurred. At the higher temperature the first indication appeared at a pressure of 298 psi compared to 280 281 at 100°F. - - The effect of temperature on system flows and pressure drops was investigated over the range 100°F to 190°F at system pressure of 600 and 900 psig and no unusual effects were observed. The primary coolant was heated by continued operation of the main circulating pumps. The pumps are driven by 600 hp motors and by operating all four pumps the system temperature could be rained at a rate of about 30°F per hour. The volume of the high pressure system was determined by metering the quantity of water required to f111 the system. With all four pumps and heat exchanger cells valved into the system, the volume was deter- mined to be 13,810 gallons. The "spring constant" or quantity of water required to pressure the system from atmospheric to 1,000 psi was also determined.' The actual measurement was made by pressuring the system to 1,000 psig and bleeding off small volumes of water and noting the .. . . . amount removed along with the system pressure and temperature. About 50 gallons of water are required to pressure the system to 1,000 psig . . . . at a temperature of 92°F. . . . . . The effects of electrical power outages on system flows and pres- sures were investigated and the coastdown times determined for the . . . . pumps. This was accomplished by simultaneously shutting off all pumps . . - and observing the transient flow and pressure conditions on the Visi- " ... . corder. By utilizing time-lines on the Visicorder, coastdown times .. .. . were determined for the main circulating pumps. Coastdown times of .... 1.90 to 1.95 are required for the pumps from full-flow to half-flow and 8.95 seconds are required for coastdown to pony motor flow. A sudden break in the primary system was simulated by actuating a remotely-operated, one-inch quick-opening valve mounted on top of the vessel. The valve was allowed to discharge into the reactor pool. The test was conducted at system pressures of 600 to 900 psig with the letdown system isolated from the high pressure system. The pressurizer pump was left running to ascertain the point at which the system pres- sure would stabilize. When the valve was actuated at 600 psig, the pressure dropped to 415 p818 before stabilizing. At this condition the valve was discharging water at the rate of 300 gpm. When actuated at 900 psig, the pressure dropped to 600 p81% before leveling and the flow through the valve was 365 gpm. The flow rates through the valve were determined from the flow to the pressurizer pump. There was no indication that a sudden release of water at the rates measured would produce a shock wave in the system. This test also served as a good demonstration for the operators regarding what might be expected if a sudden break occurred in the high pressure system. The pressurizer pumps were exercised through all modes of opera- tion and the capabilities of the letdown system and the pressure relief valves determined. The pressurizer pumps performed satisfac- torily as did the letdown system but the pressure relief valves galled during their test. They were later modified and reinstalled but galled again. The valves would deliver the prescribed amount of water at the proper pressure setting but galled during closure. The core assembly was provided with several permanent pressure taps and some temporary taps for testing purposes. After installation of the reactor components in the vessel the flow studies previously made were repeated with additional measureraents involving the various flow regions in the core assembly. Prior to establishing flow, the . . . . . . . system pressure was raised to 900 psi in increments of 100 psi and all . . . -,. ..-. instruments compared against each other. Although the instruments . were calibrated prior to testing, the previous test series pointed out the desirability of knowing exactly how one instrument compared with another at the same pressure. The flow rates through the various core regions were about as expected with the exception of those through the fuel element, which were lower. A fuel element flow of 12,950 gpm was anticipated and the actual flow was about 11,750 gpm. The flow through the fuel element inawet - - - --- was actually determined by difference. The flows through all the . t h core regions except the fuel element were measured and the differ- ence between these and the total flow through the vessel was assumed to be that passing through the fuel element. Investigations are now underway to determine the cause of the low fuel element flow. The ..... --- mamonavite wine toimited predicted flow through the control region was 1,800 gpm and that measured was 1,815 gpm; for the target flow, 788 gpm was expected and 805 was measured. The predicted fuel element labyrinth flow (annulus between the two elements) was 172 gpm and that measured was 156 gpm. Where three-pump operation had previously produced a total flow of 15,800 gpm, the flow now is about 14,800 gpm. The pressure drops through the core were in general higher than anticipated, particularly through the fuel element. A AP of 106 psi was expected through the fuel element and 127 psi was measured. Another anomaly was the pressure drop across the outer control rod connector. A pressure difference of 1 to 2 psi 18 required for heat removal from a stainless steel ball used in this connector. The measurements indicated that this AP was in the reverse direction. All flow and pressure drop measureinents were made for one-, two-, three-, and four-pump operation. Studies for three-pump operation were made ar: 99, 120, 152, and 198°F. The cavitation studies were repeated at temperatures of 100°F, 150°F, and 180°F. These tests were terminated at a vessel inlet pressure of 158 psi because of possible damage to the pump seals. At this point the pump suction pressure was essentially zero and there was slight evidence of pump cavitation. . ,- ' '* Conclusions er via It is felt that the test program, thus far, has accomplished its purpose. Several areas where improper flow characteristics or mechanical instabilities due to flow existed have been found and the necessary corrections made. Further testing will be done in regards to the fuel region flows and some other minor anomalies that still exist. The test program also provided the operators with the opportunity to become faimilar with the equipment and to get the "feel" of various tools used in the remote handling of the core assembly. All operating crews performed the refueling operation several times during the program, as well as removal and installation of other core components. - - - en to me t Lis intir ORNL-LR-OWG-65776 UNCLASSIFIED TARGET RODS OUTER CONTROL ROD INNER FUEL PLÁTES PENYOUTER LES -OUTER FUEL 111 TILDI22 - - BERYLLIUM REFLECTOR- - . PANI _ ------- -- - - - ---:::: -.-. BEAM TUB .- - . ... .. INNER CONTROL ROD slide No. 1. Schematic of High Flux Isotope Reactor core. O . mone 0:1 T UNCLASSIFIED ORNL·LRDWG-65339 • ... CIRCULATING PUMP (TYP.) HEAT EXCHANGER CELL (POR FUTURE USE) FLOW VENTURI HORIZONTAL BEAM CAVITY (TYPICAL)- ننننننفسشنید Slide No. 2. THEAT EXCHANGERI. SECONDARY WATER TO COOLING TOWERS . .. .. .... TOOL STORAGE 000 1900 SPENT FUEL STORAGE OOOOOO olololololo REACTOR PRESSURE vesse CLEAN CRITICAL FACILITY REACTOR POOL CALE: (FEET HIGH FLUX ISOTOPE REACTOR RFACTOR SHIELD, HEAT EXCHANGER CELLS, AND POOL STRUCTURES (HORIZONTAL SECTICN) QAK RIOGE NATIONAL LARORATORY - . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . ..... LREACTOR POOL LL ,... QUICK ACCESS HATCH FUEL STORAGE WATER INLET FUELLT IN ELEMENT3 Klarneta CONTROL TARGET FL Auto ROOS HOT mo NON CHAMBER THIMBLE . BERYLLIUM REFLECTOR T PRESSURE VESSEL OUTER CONTROL ROD DRIVE . WATER OUTLET INNER CONTROL ROD DRIVE ~ . 11 CONCRETE SHIELDING MVT FISSIONS CHAMBERS THIMBLES 1.17..de. HFIR ASSEMBLY PROBE A Talli . DUTETT Slide No. 3 : .. ..... . t :.:::.. ......... . . . momsormia voi.i ww....... , P . .. wa intimita's wet w *** + Fig.az ... OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY ... : . ........... 3. Y . 1 END . . . ...... -wo......... DATE FILMED 10/25 / 65 : • i . ... L STAND WI