.. í . . . ? ļ : TOFI ORNL P 1448 a 11 ; 4 5 150 엘 ​엘 ​: ; FFEFEE LA 4.0 . - 111.25 1.4 LLE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 AT ... -- !kaem.contais .. mit .--. v ilnis MIRVS minimalis Wadevertituito LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or. B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. * ÖRNL-P-1448 0507 MASTERS CONF-650904-6 Note: This is a draft of a paper to be presented at the 1965 AIME Con- ference on Radiation Effects on September 8 - 10, Asheville, N. C. Contents of this paper should not be quoted nor referred to with- out permission of the authors. VUL 20 1965 --LEGAL NOTICE -- TW. report w: 0.ared muscount of Govenust sponsored work. Walther the Uniony min, por the couvuston, wo may pornou aching on behalf of the Commission: A. Maka may minuty or reproroota Hon, exprend or fogued, nu respext to the accu- racy, completeness, or woululour of the information contained i Wo report, or that the we of way toborzation, apparatu, wethod, or procesu disclosedla do repon may not latring printly owned reto; or B. Asuman wy llaw lume mu repect to the war of, or for damage rewun trou de ne ol vy Wisruton, pornhu, method, or procon deloond we report. As wes u te bou, "permou actes a ball of the Counselor" include uy ploy os contractor of the Commutation, or mmployu of such contractor, to the extent that ouch omploys or contractor of the Connisola, or oploymol musica contractor properu, dionuostat, or provide rcco to, wy lalor Latlon puremat to Wo emplogut or contract web the Causalon, or we employment will auch contractor. THE EFFECT OF RADIATION ON ATOMIC REARRANGEMENTS IN Fe-N, Cu-Ni, AND Cu-Al ALLOYS J. T. Stanley, J. M. Williams, and M. S, Wechsler PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TO JHE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON FILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTION. . SOLID STATE DIVISI ON OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Oak Ridge, Tennessee June, 1965 TEE EFFECT OF RADIATION ON ATOMIC REARRANGEMENTS IN Fe-N, Cu-Ni, AND Cu-Al ALLOY S J. T. Stanley, J. M. Williams, and M. S. Wechsler Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT The effect of neutron and electron irradiations at below room tempera- ture on the precipitation, segregation, and short-range ordering processes in Fe-N, Cu-Ni, and Cu-Al alloys, respectively, has been studied. Neutron · irradiation, but not electron irradiation, is found to accelerate the precip- itation of nitrides, which is attributed to the introduction of nucleation sites. However, at high electron doses, evidence is found for the trapping of nitrogen by radiation-produced point defects. For the segregation process in Cu-Ni and short-range ordering in Cu-Al, the reaction rate is increased by irradiation with neutrons and electrons. These are believed to be cases of radiation-enhanced diffusion, which occurs when radiation-pzo duced defects become mobile at tempe ra tures above -50°C. However, the identity of the de- fect responsible for the diffusion has not been definitely established. *Research sponsored by the U. 8. Atomic Energy Commission under contract witb Union Carbide Corporation. THE EFFECT OF RADIATION ON ATOMIC REARRANGEMENTS IN Fe-N, Cu-Ni, AND Cu-Al ALLOYS J. T. Stanley, J. M. Williams, and M. S. Wechsler I. Introduction The relative arrangement of the different types of atoms in alloys often has a profound effect on properties. Therefore, it is important to understand better how and why radiation causes atomic arrangements in alloys to be altered. The three alloys considered here, Fe-N, Cu-Ni, and Cu-Al, exhibit three different types of metallurgical reactions : precipi- tation, segregation, and short-range ordering, respectively. In each case,' the effect of neutron and electron radiations on these processes has been . studieå. The principal, mechanisms whereby radiation-produced defects affect, the kinetics of metallurgical reactions are by the enhancement of diffusion. and by providing additional nucleation sites, A comparison of the relative effects of neutron and electron bombardments is helpful in determining the relevant mechanism in particular cases because large clusters of defects should be necessary for nucleation and these are produced upon neutron irra- diation but not upon electron irradiation. A third mechanism that may play - - -- . .. - ... a role is the trapping of solute atoms by radiation-produced defects. We will see that trapping appears to be a factor in the precipitation of nitro- gen in electron-irradiated iron, but only after relatively high exposure. - - . - - - II. Precipitation in Fe-N Alloys: - For the work on Fe-N alloys, the amount of nitrogen in solid solution . --- was determined from the magnitude of the Snoek internal friction peak. The foil samples of Ferrovac E iron, 1 1/2-in. x 3/16-in. x 0.005-in, in dimen- sions, were de carburized and nitrided to give a concentration of about 0.015 wt.:% nitrogen. The internal friction was measured in flexure at a . ------ skúseno matatanda na wanita s imme met 2. frequency of about 35 cps. At this frequency the nitrogen internal friction peak occurs at 65°C. The details of sample treatment and measurement have been given elsewhere." No change in the temperature of the internal friction peak is observed upon irradiation, which demonstrates that the nitrogen jump rate is not affected. However, as is shown in Fig. 1, the loss of nitrogen from super- saturated solid solution in alpha iron at 65°C 18 accelerated by a factor of five followi.ng neutron irradiation below -120°C for 23 days. Furthermore, it was found that the same degree of acceleration takes place upon irradia- tion under similar circumstances for only one day, corresponding to a neutron dose of about 6 x 10+) neutrons/cm? (E > 0.6 Mev). Now, the accelerated loss i of nitrogen from solid solution upon neutron irradiation 13 most likely re to enhanced nucleation of the precipitating nitride particles. The nuclea- tion site is probably the damage cluster which results from a primary neutron- ator collision. Therefore, a dose of 6 x 10+) neutrons/cm corresponds to a density of damage clusters of about 2 x 10°°, since the cross section for a i ! primary collision is about 3 x 10°*cm in iron. It is interesting that the concentration of precipitate particles in a normal aging experiment is about (1-5) x 10”. An increase by ten-fold in the number of particles will pro- duce a decrease in the inter-particle spacing by a factor of (10)" and a decrease in the time for a given loss of nitrogen at the particles by a factor of (10)4/9 = 5, which is consistent with the five-fold decrease in the reaction time observed upon neutron irradiation. However, the reason for the saturation in the radiation-enhanced reaction rate is not entirely clear, although it may be a consequence of the rapid reduction in supersaturation in the neighborhood of the damage clusters when a large number of them is present. As we bave said, electron irradiation should not give rise to enhanced mucleation of the precipitation process, inasmuch as the electron damage -3. consists largely of isolated interstitial-vacancy pairs rather than damage clusters as for neutron irradiation. That this 18 80 for electron-irradiated Fe-N 18 shown in Fig. 2, where the aging curves at 65°C are seen to coincide for the unirradiated sample and for the sample irradieted with 2-Mev electrons at 0°C to a dose of 1.8 x 1016 electrons /cm2. The fractional number of dis- placements produced by this electron Irradiation, about 10, corresponds roughly to that for the neutron irradiation discussed above. Although some .. clustering of the defects may have occurred upon electron irradiation at 0°C, . ..... apparently no clusters large enough to nucleate the precipitation reaction were formed. We have also mentioned that solute atoms may be trapped by radiation- ' produced defects, due to a binding energy between the defect and the solute atom. In fact, this mechanism provides an explanation of certain observations for irradiated Fe-cs. However, trapping is not likely to be an important factor unless the concentration of defects approaches the concentration of Les male Monte Sandakinenin armonii Werone minimam. solute atoms, which is about 6 x 104 atomic fraction nitrogen for our Fe-N samples. Therefore, it is not surprising that the irradiation of 1.8 x 100 electrons/cm (Fig. 2), producing about 10*° defects, did not give rise to any trapping, as is seen in the fact that in the irradiated state the sample exhibited the same internal friction at the outset of the aging reaction as it did in the unirradiated condition. However, an irradiation at 77°K to a dose of 7.8 x 1010 electrons/cm caused about a 16% decrease in the internal friction measured in the temperature range 25-65°c (Fig. 3, closed circles). This indicates that between 77°K and 25°c the radiation-produced defects mi- grated to the nitrogen atoms and trapped about 16% of them. This is perhaps reasonable since the dose of 7.8 x 1040 electrons/cm? 18 expected to produce about 6 x 10-4 defects, which 18 of the same order as the nitrogen concentra- tion. A st111 higher dose of 1.5 x 2019 electrons/com? gave a decrease in e h S internal friction of about 38% (Fig. 3, open squares). A further poi.nt should be made with reference to Fig. 3. As the legend indicates, after the sample was irradiated to 7.8 x 10° electrons/cm, it was aged for 31.6 hrs at 65°C; then it was annealed for 15 min at 370°C and water quenched. The closed triangle points show that the internal friction returned to the value it had after the irradiation to 7.8 x 101° electrons/cm. Thus, the heat treatment at 370°C was sufficient to redissolve into solid solution those nitrogen atoms that had not been trapped upon irradiation or upon raising the temperature to the test temperature following the irradia- tion, but the nitrogen atoms that became trapped upon irradiation remained. trapped when the 370°C heat treatment was applied. On the other hand, the i closed squares in Fig. 3 show that a heat treatment at 450°C was sufficient to free most of the nitrogen atoms from the radiation-produced traps and put them back into solid solution. Finally, the open triangle point shows that, once the nitrogen atoms are freed from their traps, a heat treatment of 370°C will put them back into solid solution. The major point underlying the above remarks is that the defect-solute atom complex probably dissociates at a tem- perature between 370°C and 450°C. There remains the question of the kinetics of the aging at 65°C following the irradiation to 7.8 x 2010 electrons/cm (Step 5, Fig. 3) as compared to that for the sample in the unirradiated condition (Step 2, Fig. 3). The aging curves, normalized to the initial nitrogen in solid solution, are shown in Fig. 4. As for the lower electron dose (Fig. 2), no acceleration of the reac- tion was observed. In fact, a slight retardation is noted in Fig. 4, which · may be due simply to the lower concentration of nitrogen in solid solution after irradiation because of the loss of nitrogen from solution by trapping. -5. III. Segregation in Cu-N1 Alloys: In the past, it has been thought that the Cu-N1 system displays a con- timuous series of FCC substitutional solid solutions. However, as a result of magnetic susceptibility and other measurements, & tendency toward segregation of the copper and nickel at lower temperatures has been noted. Under usual conditions, the atomic mobilities are too low to allow the seg- regation to occur to any appreciable extent. But when the alloy 18 irrad- iated, the segregation process 18 accelerated and the segregation takes place at lower temperatures than 18 normal].y possible. The decrease in electrical resistivity of Cu-37 at. $ Ni upon neutron irradiation at 70-100°C has been ascribed to the radiation-enhanced segregation.' In experiments at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Cu-N1 foil samples of compositions 37, 48, 62, end 77 at. % nickel were irradiated at -180°C to a dose of about 10% neutrons/cm? (E > 0.6 Mev). Upon subsequent 1sochronal annealing, the three samples of higher nickel content underwent an anomalous decrease in resistivity. The largest decrease was observed for the Cu-62 at. % Ni alloy. Figure 5 shows that the decrease in resistivity for this sample started at about -50°C and reached its largest value (-1.0 wobm-cm) at about 300°C. A similar control sample given the same isochronal annealing treatment showed a maximum decrease in resistivity of only 0.3 mohm-cmº. The decrease in resistivity for the unirradiated sample indicated that there is a tendency toward segregation even in the absence of radiation. However, the process occurs at a lower temperature and to a greater extent in a sample pre- viously irradiated at -180°C. · When a Cu-62 at. % Ni sample is irradiated with 2-Mev electrons at -196°C to a dose of 9 x 10+ electrons/cm, the isochronal annealing bebavior 18 very similar to that observed for the neutron-irradiated sample (Fig. 5). -6. The two irradiations are expected to have produced comparable numbers of defects. The fact that the same result was observed after electron irradi- ation suggests that the radiation-enhanced segregation 18 not caused by mucleation sites introduced upon irradiation. Instead it would appear that the enhancement is due to the diffusion attendant upon the motion of puint defecte above -50°C. The annealing curves in Fig. 5 show a gradual decrease in resistivity over the large temperature interval of -50 to 300°c. Since the annealing spectrum is so diffuse, it is difficult to identify the de- fect or defects responsible. Isochronal annealing experiments on quenched and on quenched-and-irradiated saraples have also been conducted in the attempt , to better understand the mechanism of the radiation-enhanced segregation in Cu-Ni alloys. IV. Ordering in Cu-Al Alloys: Although no superlattice has been observed for alpha solid solutions of alumimum in copper, several x-ray diffuse scattering studies to have demon- strated the presence of short-range order for alloys with aluminum contents near 15 at. Yoo furthermore, it has been shown that upon neutron irradiation at 100°C the degree of short-range order is increased. Neutron't,ta and electron'irradiation at 100ºC is known also to give rise to a decrease in electrical resistivity, which is therefore attributed to an increase in short- range order. In view of the previous discussio1 of the low-temperature electron and neutron irradiations in precipitating and segregating systems, it is interest- ing to examine the results of similar irradiations in the short-range ordering system Cu-Al. In Fig. 6, we see that the 18ochronal annealing curves are quite similar following neutron irradiation at -120°C to about 10+' neutrons/cm? (E > 0.6 Mev) and 1-Mev electron irradiation at -196°C to about 2 x 1077 electrons/cm2. The decrease in resistivity sets in at about -50°C, as was true -7- or Cu-Ni (Fig. 5), but the magnitude of the decrease in resistivity 18 muco smaller. Since low-temperature electron irradiation is effective in stimu- lating the short-range ordering, we conclude that in Cu-Al as for Cu-Ni the introduction of nucleation sites is not an important aspect of the effect of the irradiation. Again, the explanation of the radiation-enhancement is sought in terms of the atomic rearrangement brought about upon the motion of the radi- ation-produced point defects. + V. Concluding Remarks: A comparison of the results of annealing (or aging) experiments in Fe-N, Cu-Ni, and Cu-Al alloys following low-temperature neutron and electron irrad- iation leads to the conclusion that the precipitation reaction in Fe-N is . accelerated by virtue of the introduction of nucleation sites, whereas the segregation process in Cu-Ni and short-range ordering in Cu-Al are enhanced by the diffusive motion of radiation-produced point defects. This 18 perhaps not surprising, since the segregation and ordering processes constitute atomic rearrangements on the matrix crystal lattice, and therefore the reactions are not limited by the need to overcome an interfacial energy between two crystal structures. On the other hand, the precipitation of aitrides in Fe-N does in- volve the formation of a second phase.' Therefore, nucleation is expected to be an important factor. Furthermore, the diffusion of nitrogen in iron is interstitial in character and, thus, radiation-produced defects do not provide a simple mechanism for enhanced diffusion. However, isolated point defects may serve as trapping centers for the nitrogen atoms. Our experiments indicate that trapping may occur upon electron irradiation, provided that the concentra- tion of radiation-produced defects approaches the nitrogen concentration. commerce -8. References 1. J. T. Stanley, Diffusion in Body-Centered Cubic Materials, p. 349,- American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1965. 2. A. 8. Keh and 1. A. Wriedt, Trans. Met. Soc. AIME, 1962, vol. 224, 560-572. 3. H. Wagenblast and A. C. Damask, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1962, vol. 23, 221-227. 4. F. E. Fujita and A. C. Damask, Acta Met., 1964, vol. 12, 331-339. 5. F. M. Ryan, E. W. Pugh, and R. Smoluchowski, Phys. Rev., 1959, vol. 116, 2106-1112. 6. A. Ascoli, M. G. Beiloni, and G. T. Queirolo, Phys. Lett., 1964, vol. 9, 305-306. Energy Agency, Vienna, 1962. 8. W. Scłale, B. C. Kelley, M. S. Wechsler, and J. M. Williams, ORNL-3676, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October, 1964. 9. C. B. Houska and B. L. Averbach, J. Appl. Phys., 1959, vol. 30, 1525- 1531. B. Borie and C. J. Sparks, Jr., Acta Cryst., 1964, vol. 17, 827-835. 11. M. S. Wechsler and R. H. Kernohan, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1958, vol. 7, 307-326. 12. R. I. Kernoban and M. S. Wechsler, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1961, vol. 18, .275-180. 13. M. S. Wechsler and R. H. Kernohan, Radiation Damage in Solids, pp. 81-103, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1962. 14. M. Šo Wechsler, J. H. Barrett, Jr., and J. M. Williams, to be published. * Figure Captions แอน 2. The fractional amount of nitrogen remaining in solid solution versus aging time at 65°C. Internal friction measurements at about 35 cps - on unirradiated and neutron-irradiated Fe-0.015 wt. % N. 44. imi disin 2. Internal friction versus aging time at 65°C for unirradiated and electron-irradiated Fe-0.015 wt. % N. Irradiation temperature, oºc.. 3. Internal friction at about 35 cps versus test temperature for Fe-0.015 wt. % N after various treatments. Electron energy, 2 Mev. 4. The effect of 2-Mev electron irradiation on the precipitation of nitro- gen in iron. Fractional amount of nitrogen remaining in solid solution versus aging time at 65°C. Internal friction measurements at about 35 cps on Fe-0.015 wt. % N. 5. Change in resistivity of Cu-62 at. % N1 during isochronal annealing following neutron and electron irradiation. All measurements made at liquid nitrogen temperature. Change in resistivity of Cu-15 at. % Al upon isochronal annealing (t = 30 min) following neutron and 1 Mev electron irradiation. All measurements made at liquid nitrogen temperature. aindikisins r .nish S festa de matriks. •-• .tumvat l de from the statements misition . . . . . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-6902R TION OF NITROGEN REMAINING IN SOLUTION F16. / . • UNIRRADIATED LO IRRADIATED 23 days AT TS-120°C 1000 TIME 10 100 . TIME AT TEST TEMPERATURE ( min ) Aging of the Nitrogen Peak in Iron-Nitrogen Alloy at 65°C. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-5945R 0.024 0.020 0.016 0.012 - FIG. 2. 0.008 O ELECTRON IRRADIATED 1.8 x 1016 2 Mev ELECTRONS/cm2 -• UNIRRADIATED 0.004 : 0 1000 100 7, AGING TIME AT 65°C (min) ORNL-DWG 65-7021 SPECIMEN HISTORY (1) O UNIRRADIATED (2) AGED 18.9 hr AT 65°C . (3) SOLUTION ANNEALED AT 590°C, 1 hr ; W.Q. (4) O IRRADIATED TO 7.8 x1018 electrons/cm2 AT 770K (5) AGED. 31.6 hr AT 65°C (6) A SOLUTION ANNEALED AT 370°C, 15 min; W.Q. (7) O SOLUTION ANNEALED AT 450°C, 15 min; W.Q. (8) A AGED 24 hr AT 65°C; SOLUTION ANNEALED AT 370°C, 15 min; W.Q. (9) O IRRADIATED TO 1.5 x 10'electrons/cm2 AT 170°K 0.014 0.012 .. · Qº', INTERNAL FRICTION 0.002 20 30 40 50 60 TEST TEMPERATURE (°C) 70 80 3 The Effect of 2-Mev Electron Irradiation on the Nitrogen Internal Friction Peak in Iron. ORNL-DWG 65-7022 -0-0- eos FRACTION OF NITROGEN REMAINING IN SOLUTION FIG. 4 O UNIRRADIATED O IRRADIATED TO 7.8x1018 electrons/cm2 AT 770K . 1000 10 100 ,AGING TIME AT 65°C (min) The Effect of 2-Mev Electron Irradiation on the Precipitation of Nitrogen in Iron. menanti o n . .w ..we o . .. . . ORNL-DWG 64-9467 F16.5 Ap, CHANGE IN RESISTIVITY (Mohm-cm) ELECTRON IRRADIATED . NEUTRON IRRADIATED -200 -100 . 0 100 200 300 400 T, ISOCHRONAL ANNEALING TEMPERATURE (°C) 500 600 • :. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 46293 - CONTROL F ELECTRON IRRADIATED AT - 196°C 7 . i . NEUTRON IRRADIATED AT -120°C- Ap , CHANGE IN RESISTIVITY (pohm-cm) 991 -0.12 L -200 -150 - 400 -50 0 50 100 150 200 T, ISOCHRONAL ANNEALING TEMPERATURE (°C). Change in Resistivity of Cu-Al ( 15 at. % AI) Upon Isochronal Annealing (p = 30 min ) Following Low Temperature Reactor Neutron Irradiation and 1 Mev Electron Irradiation. .. .. . . .. . ........... .. .... .. .o*...no .naime --- . ... . . 4W END DATE FILMED 9/ 3 / 65 . T