' . | OF L. ORNLP | 428 : . 11 - IPEFEFEE 36 2.0 11:25 || 14 LE 11 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL QURE AU OF STANDARDS -1963 OTS1 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. a. vs. O ROVz-prj42g CONF-650104-6 29 Jun 20 1965 MASTER RHY . I THE CHEMISTRY AND THERMODYNAMICS OF MOLTEN SALT REACTOR FLUORIDE SOLUTIONS (1) - - C. F. Baes, Jr. Sr. Research Staff Member Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT A solvent of lithium and beryllium fluorides (about 2 moles of LiF per mole of BeF2) is used in the fuel salt, the coolant salt, and the flush salt of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment. As a result of the chemical development work done for this reactor concept, considerable chemical and thermodynamic information has been acquired concerning this solvent and its solutions with actinide, lanthanide, and structural metal fluorides. It is the purpose of this paper to review this information, much of which is not yet generally available. The data were obtained mainly by measurements of heterogeneous equilibria; i.e., by equilibration of melts with gaseous mixtures containing hydrogen, hydrogen fluoride, or water and by deter- minations of solid-liquid phase equilibria. The results of these measurements gave direct information about such important chemical problems as: (1) The corrodibility of structural metals and the reducibility of the structural metal .. . - - (1) Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under. contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. - - - - - - - PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON FILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTION, - . - - . . ions, Ni2+, Fe2+, Cr2+; (2) reactions with water vapor to form oxide and hydroxide ions, and the removal of these ions; (3) the precipitation and solubility of the oxides of beryllium, uranium, zirconium, thorium and the rare earths; (4) the stability of uranium(IV) toward reduction to the trivalent state and pos- sible subsequent disproportionation; and (5) the solubilities and solid solution formation of rare earth fluorides. Equally important has been the wider usefulness of this information when the methods of thermodynamics are brought to bear. Thus the data obtained could be used to: (1) correlate, revise, and extend existing thermochemical data on fluorides and oxides; (2) deter- mine activity coefficients of the components LiF, BeF2, UF4, and NiF, in these molten salt solutions; (3) calculate electrode potentials involving a variety of solute ions; and (4) estimate solubilities and reactivities of compounds not directly investi- gated. Thus the chemical development program for the Molten Salt Reactor concept provides a number of interesting examples of the interrelationship between thermodynamics and problems in reactor chemistry and engineering. --LEGAL NOTICE The report w opard M o o Gover n or worth Molther the Wall au, me the correctem, mert porn mother an d the Chania: A. Men my warranty wropewnontdea, apud or loped with repect to the att mey, w ow, or wefalone the trutin c u we report, what the my tubormation, prenata, o d, or procura duchowed wale report my not infringe mtrainy www ohutus 1. Am o letto ma nepoet wolor hoe meer roots true the wam tertium, w , me me me mend report Memed to the whore, porn staan at the Crane " meletwa mno ne Moyes or contractor to beton, tayo at med motore, the two wel amployee or montre le of Conducere, plays a we wstructor mepera, da ntes, or more new me, normation Memployees a cuatrnce with the too, wo wo aptent with me citructure. THE CHEMISTRY AND THERMODYNAMICS OF MOLTEN SALT REACTOR FLUORIDE SOLUTIONS() C. F. Baes, Jr. Sr. Research Staff Membor Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 1. Introduction The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE), which went critical at ORNL in June, 1965, is fueled by a molten LiF-BeFz- ZrF.-UF, mixture and moderated by graphite. While it will not demonstrate breeding, this reactor experiment is intended to show that a molten-salt fueled reactor is a possible, indeed an attractive, means by which to achieve thermal breeding. A . recent collection of papers has described this reactor and the extensive development work which led to its construction and operation (1). In considering possible materials which could serve as constituents in such a thermal breeder reactor, Grimes (2) reached the conclusion that the choice of major salt components is largely limited to mixtures of Li'F and BeF2 by the need for neutron economy, low volatility, and chemical stability. While in the LiF-BeF2 system (Fig. 1) mixtures with melting points below 500°C occur in the range 0.33 - 0.73 mole fraction BeF2 (3), compositions nea: 0.33 BeF2 appear the most suitable. (Here, and elsewhere, numbers preceding a salt component denote mole fraction). Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. The composition of the MSRE fuel salt is 0.65 Lif, 0.291 BeF2, 0.05 ZrFr, 0.009 UF,. That of the coolant and flush salt is LiF - 0.34 BeF2. As part of the development of the MSRE, a considerable amount of chemical and thermodynamic information has been gathered about LiF-BaFz melts near this composition. Most such information has been gained by the use of heterogeneous equilibria involving reactions of gases or solids, or both, with the liquid phase. In general, these studies gave fairly direct information about impor- tant chemical questions related to the MSRE. It is the present purpose to review this information, much of which is not yet generally available, and to indicate its application to the chemistry of the MSRE. It will then be sum- marized by thermodynamic methods as a means of extending its usefulness. This seems fitting and proper at this stage in the development of the molten salt reactor concept. Future such reactors evidently will employ salt mixtures similar to those of the MSRE considered here; hence, a knowledge of the thermo- dynamics of these solutions should prove generally useful. 2. Reactions in Lit - 0.33 BeF2 Table I lists the reactions studied, the form of the equili- brium constants, and values of a and b in the following expression which gives the numerical value of the equilibrium constants in LiF - 0.33 BeFz log K = a + b(103 /T) (1) This expression, implying a constant heat (AH = -2.3Rb) and entropy (AS - 2.3 Ra) of reaction, adequately approximates the measured values in the temperature range studied (usually 500 - 700°c). The concentration scale is the mole fraction; e.g., (2) *LF, - DAF,/(MMF, + "lif + "BeF, Gas pressures are expressed in atmospheres, and at the low pres- sures and high temperatures involved, gases are assumed ideal. The standard states for reactants and products generally can be seen from the form of K. Here and elsewhere for most solutes the standard state is the hypothetical one mole fraction -2- Table I Reactions in LP-0.33BeF: [log K = 8 +(10°/T)] Est. Error in log K 0.06 Source Ref. 4 3.37 -3.60 -5,31 0.02 Ref: 4 Reduction Reactions Involving Hydrogen i Ha(8) + MFzla) = N(8) + 2H(8) 2 H2(g) + FeF2(a) = Fe(s) + 27(8) 3 Hz(8) + GFz(a) = C(s) + 25F(8) 4 172(8) + UF:(a) = Fz(a) + F(3) 5 73(8) + BeF,(a) = Be(s) + 2HF(8) (Pop)*/(PR.)(*P3! (Pop)/(Pne)(pl (PP)/(PRE (Ppp) (Up,//(Pa)(Xype! (Ppp)/(Pine! 0.06 5.20 5.12 4.07 7.22 -9.06 -9.33 -21.56 Ref. a Ref. 5 0.02 0.1 Pefs. 6,7 12/12 0.02 Ref. 9 Re!. 10 Metathesis Reactions Involving Cases 6 H2C!8) + Befz(a) – Beo(s) + 2HF(8) ? 282018) + ZrFe(a) = ZrO2(8) + 4H(8) 8 12018) + 2*(a) = 02-(a) + 27(8) 9 12018) + pº(a) = N*(a) + F(8) 10 828(8) + 28°(a) = 52-(a) + 2(8) U HI(g) + f(a) = 1*(a) + F(8) (PF)/(PO) Pyp)/(P700)(xp) (Ppp)?(x32-)/(PH30 (Pop) (208-)/(F320) (PF)+(x32-)/(PAS) (Pop)(x-)/(Pop) Ref. 9 4.23 -5.67 21.2 -10.66 6.20 -8.66 -1.03 -2.08 108 K(8730K) < log k(7639) 5 -3 0.06 0.08 0.04 Rel. 9 Ref. 12 Ref. 13 - 0.05 Marin Metathesis practions Involving Solid Oddes 12 Zrog(s) + 20eF2(a) = 2rFala) + 2Bc0(8) 13 002(8) + 2BeF2(a) = Ur (a) + 2Bco(s) 14 (4) + (a) + zxF (4) + CO2() 15 Thoz(s) + uraia) Thp (a) + UC2(8) 0.01 MUEL , -2.75 -0.69 -2.07 -1.74 -0.67 1.05 log K(1023x) 1.2 6,7; Ref. 15 12,14; Ref. 15 Ref. 15 Ref. 18 0.05 (P./xe. (x )/(xure) Table I (cantlaued) (segust (242.)? 0.09 7,8 (zgo+) (322-32 (orygon lagenda 0.1 198 2.52 da. 12 0.30 0.01 Est. t Error Solubility Acactions in log K Source 26 Dedla) Beat(a) +07(a) -0.04 -2.96 0.08 6,8 17 20zla) - Zop**(a) + 202-(a) -2.82 -6.62 18 vozlo) Ub(a) +202-(a) -2.25 -7.66 14,17 19 thozla) sae Doo **(a) + 202-(a) log k(10239x) = -8.6 15,18 20 0(s) - ***(a) + 02-(a) (x2+)(562-) -2.58 1.39 Ref. 32 22 Podlo) - Hea*(a) + 02-(a) Bqs. 25, 26, Ref. 32 22 mile) - Pala) Ref. a 23 Pepala) – Pefala) Ref. h 24 lafz(s) - larga) Rel. 20 25 Copy(s) - Copyla) 0.02 Ret. 20 26 Surg(s) Stapy(a) 1.97 -3.38 0.02 Ref. 20 27 Pusla) - Pusla) sur 1.30 -3.15 Ref. 19 "The notations (s), (a), and (8) indicate respectively the solid, dissolved, and gaseous states. Pia expressed in atmospheres; *, is the male fraction and, for LP-0.33BCP2, 18 equal to poles of 1/68 of salt/30.03. Members other than reference numbers and numbers of cquations in text refer to reactions in this tatle. 2.45 0.01 1.58 Hoita Spera Ears * Gets tights 0.02 1.6 solution. Excoptions are Lif, BOP,, Bolt, L1, and pe, for which the solvent composition LiP - 0.33 Bop, is takon as the standard State. The notation (s), (d), und (g) donote, respectively, solid, dissolved, and gaseous states. In the majority of reactions listed, p is the only anion involved, and for simplicity the dissolved compononts aro written in the molecular form, though this is not intonded to imply the actual specios present in solution. Whon anions other than rappour in the reaction, ionic specios are writton. In some cases this is done to avoid the choice of a noutral component in the liquid phase and in others to indicite that complete dissociation of an anion (0.8., 02-) and a cation (6.8., 2r+) is assumed. Estimates of activity coollicionts as a function of solvent composition and solute concentration are discussed in Section 3. On the basis of those estimates, the values of K indicated in Table I include, where necessary, a correction of the original moasurements to a nolt composition of LiP - 0.33 BOP, . 2.1 Hydrogen Reduction Reactions The reduction of the bivalent fluorides of nickol, iron and chronium by hydrogen in BeF:-0.38L1F was investigated by Blood (4) in a series of careful transpiration experiments. The equilibrium quotients which were measured for the reaction H(B) + MF, (d) M(s) + 2HP(8) (3) were found to be independent of Xup at the low concentrations studied. These concentrations were linited by the solubilities of the fluorides. The reduction of UF, dissolved in Lip-Bop, -UF, nelts by hydrogen as well as the reduction of UF, solid to UF, solid has recently been investigated by Long (5). He summarized his results by the following expressions: For the reduction of UP. to UF, in solution log(xur. PHP/XUZ PX, *) - 3.995 - 9.329(109/T) + 3.77Xur. + 2.09(XB61, - .30) (4) For the reduction of UP, solid to UP, solid log(Par/Pu,*) - .57 - 8.87(10 /T. (5) -3 While the reduction of Bel, in Lip-0.33B88, by hydrogen is inaccessible to direct noasuronent, recently Dirian (6) and Romberger (7) havo mado nossur onents on the following coll Pd, H, HP | Lip-0.33B887 | Be Tho coll roaction was taken to be H2(g) + Bop, (d) * Be(s) + 2HP(8) (6) With Pue and Py. corrected to 1 ata, the potential was found to bo E = -2.436 + 0.715(/100) v. (7) From this the equilibrium constant expansion in Table I has been calculated. The two olectrodes - Be2+ | Be and ,H2 , Pd | HP - woro judged to be reversible from polarization measurements. These results show that nickel 18 the most noble of the throc structural notals studied, N12+ being readily reduced by hydrogen (Fig. 2). Chromium was the least noble, Cr2+ being reduced by hydrogen with difficulty. The sparging of moltoa Iluorides with hydrogen to reduce structural metal impurities is routinely used as a purification stop. The concentrations of N18+, Felt and Cr2+ and the ratio U4+/US+ in Lip-0.33BP, expected under two sets of conditions is indicated in Fig. 2. On the left of the figure, wherein the equilibrium constants are plotted, it appears that ouly Ni?t is extensivoly reduced by a mixture of H and HF, both at unit activity (1 atm). Nickel is a relatively iport container material for Lif-B@F, melts in the presence of excess hydrogen. On the right of Fig. 2 are much more reducing conditions which approximate those in the MSRE. The concentration of Cr3+ is set at 100 ppm in equilibrium with the pure metal. It is seen that falt and N1?+ should be reduced essentially com- pletely to the metals and some Ud+ should be reduced to US+. The reaction of U* in the MSRE fuel with the container metal (INOR-8, a pickel-base alloy containing about 7% Cr, 5% pe and 16% NO) Cu(in INOR-8) + 2UF, (d) - 2UP, id) + CrP,(a), log K (873°) - 9.0 (8) is túe only corrosion reaction expected, and the extent of this reaction should be small (8). In the absence of UFA (1.e., the flush salt) no reaciion between the salt and the container metal is expected. 2.2 Metathesis Reactions Involving HF and H2O Extensive equilibrium measurements of reactions between water in hydrogen carrier gas with LiF-BeF, melts were made by Mathews and Baes (9). Equilibriun quotients for the reaction : H2O(g) + BeFz id) = Beo(s) + 2HF(8) (9) (wherein beryllium oxide was present as a saturating solid phase) were measured from 500 - 700°c over the composition range Xper. - 0.3 - 0.8, limited at one extreme by the Lir liquidus (Fig. 1) and at the other by rapidly increasing viscosity. The results were summarized by the expression (10) log (Php?/PH, o XBef,) = a + b xiif + c *Lif wherein a, b and c all were linear functions of 1/TºK a = 3.900 - 4.418(103/T), b = 7.819 - 5.440(103 /T), C = -12.66 + 5.262(103 /T) From this expression the activities of BeF2 and, by a Gibbs- Duhem integration, the activities of Lif were estimated (Fig. 5). In the same investigation, measurements were made upon melts not saturated with Beo. In addition to the reaction H2O + 2F-(d) = 02-(d) + 2HF(g) for the formation of oxide ion, it became evident, both from these measurements and from those upon Beo saturated melts, that hydroxide ion also was formed H2O(g) + F"(d) = OH®(d) + HF($) (12) While the equilibrium quotients for these two reactions were less accurately determined than was the previous one for Beo saturated melts (ca. + 20% and † 1.% respectively compared to + 5% because of limitations inherent in the transpiration method used, they were sufficient to show that both oxide and hydroxide increase in th (11) 12. stability with increasing temperature. The stability of hydroxide with respect to oxide, however, decreases with increasing tem:- perature and it is low enough that hydroxide can be readily decomposed in these fluoride melts by sparging with an inert gas (8.8., hydrogen). OK™ + F + HF(g) + 02-, log K - 5.23 - 6.56(103/T) (13) Similar measurements have also been made by Baes and Hitch (10) in which the LiF-0.33BeF2 contained added ZrF. With X.rf. > ~ 3 x 10-4, Zroz is the stable saturating oxide solid, hence the following equilibrium may be written . 2H2O(g) + ZrF. (a) = ZrO2 (s) + 4HF(8) . (14) From these measurements the activity coefficient of ZrF. could be estimated (Fig. 5) as well as the solubility of Zroz (Sect. 2.5). It was also found that the equilibria (11 and 12) for the formation of oxide and hydroxide ions were shifted to the right with increas- ing xa. ; i.e., in the direction of greater stability of these ions. These results are generally consistent with previous observations that LiF-BeF2 melts are readily freed of oxide con- tamination by treatment with gaseous mixtures of Hy and HF, another routinely used purification step. The measured equili- brium quotients in LiF-0.33BeF2 were used to calculate the efficiency of HF utilization in such a treatment as a function of temperature and HF partial pressure with the assumption that equilibrium is maintained between the gas stream, the molten salt, and any BeO solid present. This calculation (Fig. 3) shows that the efficiency in the removal of oxide to a final value of 16 ppm (X02- = 3.3 x 10-5) is quite high over a wide range of conditions. The removal of oxides from LiF-0.33BeF2 melts by H2-HF sparging during the preparation of flush salts and coolant salts for the MSRE (11) was performed on 100 kg batches in cylindrical vessels with a single gas delivery line. It appeared that about 2/3 of the calculated efficiency was obtained even in this relatively simple equipment. -6- In the presence of ZrFt and Zroz the increased stability of oxide and hydroxide render more difficult the removal f oxide from such melts than is the case with the solvent salt. Because of this, in the purification of LiF-BeF2-ZrFe melts it was found expedient to decant the molten salt away from the precipitated Zroz as a simple means of removing most of the oxide before HF-H2 treatment. 2.3 letat..ws Peactions Involving HF-H2S and HF-HI An attempt has been macio co study the removal of sulfide from LiF-0.33BeF2 melts by HF-H, sparging (12) 2HF(g) + 52-(d) = f'(d) + H2S(8), log K > 103 (15) but, unfortunately, the effluent H2S/H, mixture reacted with the relatively cooler surfaces of the nickel exit tubing used. The sulfide was evidently precipitated from the melt, presumably as Ees, though no direct evidence of this was obtained. In tests on the removal of iodide by HF-H, sparging (13) HF(g) + 1 (d) = F(d) + HI(g), log K > 104 there was also interference caused by reaction of the effluent gases with the metal surfaces in the gas exit:lines. Because of these difficulties it is possible, at present, only to assign lower limits to the equilibrium constants of reactions (15) and (16). (16) These preliminary results do serve to confirm, however, observations that the HF-Hy treatment used in purifying molten salts seems to remove any sulfide, as well as oxide, which may be present as an impurity. The use of HF sparging also may prove a valuable means of removing the iodine precursor of the impor- tant fission product, Xel 35, in an operating reactor. 2.4 Metathesis Reactions Involving Solid Oxides By combination of reactions 9 and 14, it is possible to calculate that both Beo and ZrO2 will co-exist at equilibrium with LiF-0.33BeF: containing oxide ion ZrO2 (s) + 2Be2+(a) = Zr4+(d) + 2Beo(s): (17) -7- when ZrF. is present at concentration of approximately 3 x 10 mole fraction. With largor amounts of added ZrF., Zro, becomes the less soluble (stable) oxide. It was decided to include ZrF. in the MSRE fuel composition to prevent the precipitation of UO, which otherwise would result from inadvertent oxide contamination of the fuel. Measurements of the metathesis reaction ZrO2 (s) + UF, (d) – ZrF. (d) + VO2 (s) (18) have shown that the mole ratio of ZrF. to UF, at equilibrium with both Uoz and ZrO2, while varying somewhat with temperature and melt composition, remains well below that chosen for the fuel salt (14,15). As a consequence, a considerable amount of Zrtt – an amount easily detected by chemical analysis of the fuel salt - would be precipitated by oxide contamination before any VO, should precipitate. In connection with these studies, it was ascertained that, contrary to published UO, -Zr0, phase diagrams (16), (U-Zr) Oz solid solutions are not formed in the temperature range 500 - 700°c. Because of the obvious importance of this to the MSRE, experiments have been carried out in which both UOz - Zroz mixtures and (U-Zr) 02 solid solutions prepared by fusion were equilibrated with LiF-BeFz melts. At the present writing, no solid solution formation has been detected below 1100°c (17). The metathesis equilibrium in Table I involving Voz and Thoz is an estimate from results of Shaffer et al, in LiF-0.4 NaF (18). 2.5 Oxide Solubilities The oxide concentration in LiF-0.33BeF2 saturated with Beo may be estimated by combining the equilibrium results for reactions (9) and (11). The solubility increased rapidly with temperature, but no strong dependence on Xper was found. In these measure- ments (9), the mole fraction of oxide at Beo saturation probably was less than 0.002. Hence, the activities of BeFz and Lif which were derived from them are probably not appreciably different from the corresponding activities in oxide-free mixtures. -8- From the similar measurements in ZrFx-containing melts (10) the solubility product of Zroz could be estimated. With increas- ing xong, the concentration of oxide at ZrO2 saturation at first falls as would be expected from the equilibrium ZrO2 (s) = Zrt+(a) + 202-(d) (19) However, it then levels off and subsequently rises with further increases in Xze. (Fig. 4). This could be caused, at least in part, by the formation of a complex ion, ZrO2+ Zrt+(a) + 02-(d) = ZrO2+ (d) (20) or it could be caused entirely by the influence of the changing melt composition on the activity coefficients of the species Zr*+ and 02-. The plot in Fig. 4 indicates approximately the "oxide tolerance" of MSRE fuel salt-flush salt mixtures; i.e., the amount of dissolved oxide these mixtures can contain with- out oxide precipitation. It is seen that the oxide tolerance increases rapidly with temperature, especially near the fuel composition (xzrf. = 0.05), indicating that any excess oxide present might be removed by collecting Zroz on a relatively cool surface in the MSRE system. The solubility products of Nio and Feo, indicated in Table I, were estimated from the previously cited equilibrium results (Sect. 4.3). 2.6 Fluoride Solubilities Table I also summarizes the solubility measurements by Blood [4] of FeF2 and NiFz, those by Barton (19) of PuFz, and those by Ward, et al (20) of rare earth trifluorides. These last investigators found fluoride solid solution formation and pointed out that this could provide a useable method for removing rare- earth fission products from a reactor fuel stream by exchange reactions. 3. Effect of Melt Composition Upon Activity Coefficients In several of the investigations cited above the effect of melt composition on equilibrium was studied and from these results -9. the corresponding variation of a number of activity coefficients can be determined. The curves shown in Fig. 5 represent these variations as a function of the solvent composition (left-hand figure) and as a function of the mole fraction of solute added to LiF-0.33BeF2 (right-hand figure). The standard states remain the same; i.e., for the solvent components it is LiF-0.33BeF2 and for the solutes it is the hypothetical mole fraction solution in LiF-0.33BeF2. The curves (Fig. 5, on the left) for Lif and for Bef, are derived from Eqn. 10, Yper being obtained directly and Yes being obtained by a Gibbs-Duhem integration. The curves for PuFz and CeFz are based on the solubility measurements of Barton [19] and of Ward, et al (20]. The curves for UF4 are based on Long's results (Eqn. 4) with the assumption that Yue. is similar to Ycer and Yout. The curve for ZrF, is from the preliminary measurements of Baes and Hitch (Egn. 14). The curve for NiFz is an estimate based on the observation that Yrit. in NaF-ZrF4, (as indicated by reaction 3 [4]) varies less with ZrF, in this solvent than does Ycer (as indicated by its solubility [20]). These activity coefficient curves were used, where necessary, to correct equilibrium measurements to the reference composition LiF-0.33 PuFz. It is seen that the variation of activity coef- ficients with composition is not large and that, in general, the various curves are ordered according to the ratio of charge to ion radius (z/r) for the cation. As more data become available, it will be of considerable interest to test the correlation of Yue with z/r, since it could provide a simple basis for estimates of activity coefficients where data on the effect of melt compo- sition are lacking. 4. Thermodymamic Correlations 4.1 Heats and Free Energies of Formation (act and AGT). From the equilibrium measurements (Table I) and published values of art and agt for HF(6) and H2O(g) [21], formation heats and free energies may be calculated for Beo(s), Berz (5), NiFz(s), -10- and FeF2 (5) in the temperature range of interes ü here (Table II). In addition, Long has calculated she and ag* for UF, from his measurements (Eqn. 5), adopting the corresponding values given by Rand and Kubaschewski (22] for UF. (s). In general, the agreement of these calculations with previous estimates is satisfactory, except in the case of NiF2 (s). Grimes has previously indicated (23) that the present values for NiF2 (s), based on Blood's measurements, differ considerably from - and are probably more nearly correct than - previous estimates for NiFz (s) based on measurements of Jellinek and Rudat (24). Long's values for UF3 (s) agree with a previous estimate by Brewer [25] but differ considerably from estimates by Glassner (26) and Rand and Kubaschewski [22]. Included in Table II are other heats and free energies of formation from the literature (27,28). These were used in the calculation of AĦ and agt values for dissolved components (Table III); i.e., the partial molal heats and free energies of formation for the components in the solution standard states defined pre- viously. The Art and Agt values in Table III for Lif(d), BeF2 (d), NiFz (d), FeF2 (d) and CrF2 (d) come most directly from the equili- brium measurements, with an and Agt for HF(g), H2O(g), and Lif(s) only being required from the literature. In the case of the tetravalent fluorides, literature values of and Act for the corresponding oxides were utilized, but these in general are more accurately known than are those for the fluorides. The values of A and AG for the rare earths are based on the solubility measure- ments [20] and on Brewer's estimates for the solids [28]. The partial molal free energies of formation (Table III) indicate the relative stabilities of the dissolved fluorides. In terms of sgt per g atom of fluoride LiF is the most stable, followed by the rarü earths. BeF2 and ThF4 next fali together, then UF4 and ZrF4. Least stable are the structural metal fluorides. -1l- Table II Formation Heats and Free Energies of Fluorides and Oddes (700-1000°K) -A3+ (1000°K), kcal Est. † Error, kcal 66.20 0.3 46.04 Source Ref. 21 Ref. 22 Ref. 21 5,6, (2) 5,6,(1),Eq. .10 123.39 -a", kcal 65.19 59.07 146.50 145.47 237.00 260.4 448.5 258.0 118.84 207.57 216.0 Ref. 21 381.1 Compound I HF(8) 2 H20(8) 3 L1F(s) 4 Beo(s) 5 BeF2(1) 6 ZrO2(8) 7 UF4(8) 8 002(s) 9 UF3(s) 10 ThOz(s) 21 LaFz(s) 12 CeF3(s) SmF3(s) NiF2(s) 15 FeF2(s) Ref. 22 218.0 Ref. 22 351.9 299.8 (7),(1),[q. 5 293 250 Ref. 27 422 360 416 355 405 344 Ref. 28 Ref. 28 Ref. 28 1,22,(1) 2,23,(2) 156.33 118.69 168.62 135.64 & The notations (s), (1), and (6) indicate respectively the solid, liquid, and gaseous states. Numbers not in parentheses refer to AG values for reactions in Table I. Numbers in parentheses refer to AG values in this table. Table III Formation Heats and Free Energies for Solutes in LP-0.33BeF2 (773-1000°K) - Est. mm - kcal kcel * (1000°K), kcal 124.79 .. 142.70 Solute I L* + F" 2 La3+ + 3F Ce 3+ + 3F 405.5 351.8 347.0 400.5 + 389.5 + 242.75 337.5 211.80 424.0 386.21 + + 451.85 Wholt.61 386.48 á Ã Ã t K E Ő avau AwNr Est. † Error, _ kcal Source (3), Eg. 10 24, (21) 25, (12) 26, (13) 5, (1) 19,(10),(5),13) 17,(6), (5),(13) 18,(8),151, 113] 6, (1),(8) 3,(1) 2,(1) 1,(1) 16,(4) 8,9,(2), (13) 11,111,15), AG (H) 10,(1), (5), AG+(H2S) 336.73 8 vht + 4F 9 U3+ + 3F 10 cyat + 2F 296.19 171.82 + 2F Fe2+ 21 154.69 + 150.41 132.92 210.61 105.10 159.35 566 (763°K) 146.87 131.91 270.54 +02- + 20H 15 Be2+ + 21" 16 Be2+ + 52- <79 (873°K) The standard state of the ions is the hypothetical mole fraction solution in LiF-0.33BeF2, with the exception of t, Be2+, and F, for which the standard state is LF-0.33BeF2. Numbers not in parentheses, numbers in parentheses, and numbers in brackets refer respectively to items listed in Tables I, II, and in this table. 0.2 Electrodo Potontials The rosults in Table III are exprossod perha;s in a more familiar way in Table IV as electrode potentials for various halt cell reactions with HF(g) + O * F(d) + 1/2 H2(8), E° - 0 (21) The standard states remain the same. Tho manner, in which those aro calculatod is most easily shown by pointing out that any combination of half coll reactions which gives a complete reaction of the form 11(s) + 2F,() JIP,(d), SE° - - nf (22) will yield the act value given in Table III (n is the number of equivalents of charge and F 18 the Faraday). Š The positions of the various cations in the electrochomical series in LiF-0.33Bef, is seen to be quite similar to that in aqueous solutions. This is 11lustrated on the left side in Fig. 6, wherein the Eº values in L1F-0.33BeF, at 1000°K are plotted vs the Eº values for the same half-cell reaction in aqueous solutions at 25°c (29). It is notable from this comparison that the struc- tural metals are relatively more noble in the molten fluorido than they are in water. Also U% + is more stable with respect to US + in the molten fluoride. When the Eº values in the fluoride solvent are compared to values in Licl-KC1 eutectic given by Liu (30) (on the right in Fig. 6) the same differences persist. To this extent it might be said that the mol'cen chloride solver ĉ is . iro like water than like LiF-0.33 BeFz. These differences - Core relative nobility of the structural metals Fe, Ni, and Cr and the relative stability of Us + with respect to U3+ – tend to favor LiF-0.33BeFz as a reactor fuel solvet. The correlation in Fig. 6 could prove a useful means of estimating the EC values (AG values) of reactions for which data are lacking. A number of other observations, in part evident com the equilibriu measurements, are more clearly apparent from the Eº values in Table IV. The stability of the trivalent rare earth caticas is such that direct reduction to the metals as a means of -12- Tablo TV Condicionated mecz5C ?oentecos.-9.332872" 171.. eactiesܕ ܢܐcc ?ܐܕܕ zo (2.cC0°E, %. criture Coc?!!çient 1/C -2.561 1* re* u(s) ::34,30 ** Lale) 0637 438 ** Cels) -2.22 0.222 0.22 0.017 -2.24 Song (E) 0.795 -2.02 -1.721 0.715 -1.73 -2.316 0.755 2.319 0.674 610 0.630 0.207 30272016 3:(s) mitt be as (8) 2-** , Zís) w * , be * UCI ug* 3e ** víz utt ** 13+ ** cz(3) 7e2+ + 2 * 7e(s) 122e = x1(s) 216) + (p ag.2c {I216) + Iº $52(6) + 2 * 32- 30216) + 2 * 02- šo,(&) + 72(3) * 0. P268) + e as ...Ch, -0.390 -0.011 0.505 0.526 0.233 -0.473 ° . I <-0.45 60.10 0.558 1.734 2.671 0.136 0.472 0.044 a calculated from c values in Table III. • Standard states for ions are defined in scoote (a) of Table II. romoving rare-earth lission products would be accompanied by reduction of Bod* as well as U$*. Trivalent uranium should disproportionate. 4UF, (d) - 3UF, (n) + U(s), E°(873°K) - -0.086 v. (23) However, the difference in E° values for the U+/U3+ and the Cr*/Cr couples is so large that the amount of US+ produced by reaction with the container metal should be small (Eqn. 8) and, in fact, the reduction of U*+ to vº by chromium 2Cr(s) + U*+ 2Cr2+ + U(s), Eº (873°K) - -0.950 v. 1. (24) should not be significant (8). The strongest reducing agent which can be used in Lip-0.33BeF, without reducing the solvent components is beryllium metal, which indeed has been used as a reducing agent during purification of such melts (11). With Zrf, present, a weaker reducing agent (e.g., zirconium metal) must be used. 4.3 Estimated Solubilities of other Oxides Prom the equilibrium data, the free energy change associated with the following reaction is known go + 1/4 02 (3) *1/2 02" + 1/2 F2 (g), SG(1000°K) - 53.34 Kcal (25) By combining this with ac values for the fluorides in Table III, & values for the corresponding dissolved oxides are obtained. These values in turn may be compared to published values for AG of the solid oxides to yield an estimate of the corresponding solubility products log K. - -(act - AG)/2.2 RT (26) Such calculations show that, aside from the oxides already con- sidered (Beo, ZrO2, UO2, Thoz) the oxides of Ni2+ and Fe2+ are the only others of the cations listed in Table III which are predicted to have low solubility (Table 1). Tio less soluble of these two is Nio. The predicted value of xyie, in LiF-0.33BeFz -13- saturated with Beo and Ni0 is ~ 100% at 10:0°k. This is higher than is expected for a typical reactor system, i.e., neither Nio (nor Feo) is expected as a stable solid phase under normally reducing conditions. Less exact but useful estimates of the solubilities of other oxides can be made from the following reaction 1/2 AF (s) + 1/2 02-(d) - Fº(a) + 1/2 102/2(8) (27) AG - 1/2 G+ (MO_/2) - 1/2 SG? (MF,) - AG (1/2 02- - 8) (28) wherein the last ag term corresponds to reaction (25) above. A survey of available ag data for oxides and fluorides of Group I, II, III, and IV cations, and of the bivalent first transition metal cations indicates that aside from the oxides already con- sidered only A13+ and perhaps Sc3+ should be significantly insolu- ble. This scarcity of insoluble oxides is caused by the relative greater stability of fluorides. It offers little help in the search for refractory materials which mic. prove useful agents for ion exchange or precipitation reactions which could be made the basis for fuel reprocessing schemes. For example, an attractive possibility would be the removal of rare earth fission products by ion exchange reactions involving rare-earth oxides of suitable low neutron capture cross section, but these oxides are expected to be coo soluble in a LiF-0.33BeF2 and should cause the precipi- tation of Beo (or Voz , if UF, is present). 4.4 Formation of Carbides Direct reactions between constituents of the HSRE fuel and graphite to form carbides may be represented by the following general reaction for which chromium metal was chosen as the reducing agent. 2/2 MF_(d) + 2y/2 C(s) + Cr(s) = Crf, (d) + 2/2 uCy (29) AG - AG" (Crf, (a)) - 2/2 sGF (MF_(a)) + 2/2 Act (ucy(s)) (30) Values for the free energy change associated with this reaction at 1000°K are listed in Table v. They indicate that Zr, U, and Th carbides should not be formed. 5. Conclusions The mutually re-enforcing relationship between chemistry and thermodynamics in a reactor development program is, I think, well illustrated in the case of the molten salt reactor program. The chemical information most urgently needed in order that development of the MSRE might proceed was obtained by direct experiment. But, by conducting these experiments in a sufficiently controlled manner that the chemical equilibria involved could be identified and the associated equilibrium constants measured, each experiment could contribute to a growing knowledge of the thermodynamics of the pertinent molten salt systems. This knowledge, in turn, has been useful in several ways. It has extended the significance of the chemical information upon which it is based, it has indicated where new chemical problems may arise and how to deai with them, and it provides a growing structure which will continue to grow in extent as more data are acquired, and in usefulness as more problems appear which require solutions. -15- . a. - Table V Carbide Formation MF_(a) + C() + Cr(s) = cxF2(a) + { mC,, AG (2000°K), a ucal AG (Reaction, 1000°K), Carbide • kcal Zrc(s) UC2(s) ThCa(s) -38 -42 -48 & Ref. 27, page 587. Figure Captions Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. The System LiF-BeF2. ORNL-Dwg. 65-2526 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions in LiF-0.33BeF2. Left; reaction of Cr, Fe, and Ni with HF (1 atm) and H, (1 atm): right; mole fractions of FeF2, NiF2 and the Xyre. Nye ratio in equilibrium with 100% mole fraction Crf and chromium metal. ORNL-Dwg. 65-4608 Rev. HF-H, Sparging. Calculated efficiency of oxide removal from LiF-0.33BeF2 by sparging with HF-H, mixtures. The overall utilization of HF required. to lower the residual oxide content to 10-3 mole/kg is plotted vs the initial oxide content. The total pressure is 1 atm. ORNL-Dwg. 65-4187 Oxide Concentration at Saturation in LiF-0.33BeFz as a Function of the Concentration of ZrFAdded. ORNL-Dwg. 65-2542R. . Variation of Activity Coefficients in LiF-BeF2, 600°c. Left, as a function of xpon at low solute concentration; right, Yarf, as a function of xzrf, and Yuf, as a function of Xyr added to LiF-0.33BeF2. z/r is the cation charge to radius ratio. Electrode Potentials in LiF-0.33BeF2 (vs HF/H2 ,F- electrode) at 1000°K Compared (left) to Aqueous Electrode Potentials at 25°c and compared (right) to Electrode Potentials in Licl-KC1 Eutectic (vs Ag* /Ag) at 450°c. ORNL-Dwg. 65-4607R. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. FIGURE 1. The System LiF-BeF2. ORNL-Dwg. 65-2526 on; -on ode ORNL-DWG 65-4608 | TEMPERATURE (°C) 700 600 500 TEMPERATURE (°C) 700 600 | 800 500 800 U4+/3+ ct/3+ -Cr2+/cro Fe2+/Feo 2 이유 ​4 . +x/+ex so + e^x Cr2+ (~400 ppm) EQUILIBRIUM QUOTIENT 6.2+ LNi2+IN Ni2+ 2 HF + MOM+ 2F + H, HF + u3+ = U4++F+12 He - MO+ Cr2+ M+ + CrO | ust + Cr2+ u4+ + Cro 40-21 1.46 | 0.9 40 44 42 43 0.9 40 4. 42 43 4000/T (K) 4000/(K) . * " ORNL-DWG 65-4187 INFLUENT HF PRESSURE (atm) 500°C = 0.2-04 H =0.05 + 0.2 - 0.1 0.05 600°C 0.2 HF CONVERTED TO H20 (%) 0.05 700°C/ITT 10-2 2 100 5 10-1 2 5 INITIAL OXIDE CONTENT ( mole /kg) ORNL-DWG 65-2542 600°C i BeO SATURATION ZrO2 SATURATION OXIDE CONCENTRATION (mole /kg) + BeO SATURATIONE 500°C H ZrO2 SATURATION - 10-3 0.004 0.01 1 2 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 ZrF4 CONCENTRATION (mole/kg) is :7 ORNL AIC - OPSICIAL ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL 1 LIIL L .Yulibune TOTAL T ITL.: 0111AHIIHUINI Milit:18 10 IIIIl llllllll II:IUT!Nonnu Iniin mihi M WIMMINIMI Hiir: 11 NIP:10:11MNII HITIMUN HINDWA I!HUHU AMAMI THUIIIITA HUHUHUDI TINHO URLIOIUM :!!il!:::: HUDBA QA 11111111111 UJOUIMUM MANI WILLILIITUMU HunnIHNINH UIT Audin WIH H!! HIPMI MUU 01.10 OO DHI ហើយ MWWW. ITAHIDID ! !! ! Hil! IIlIllIIIIIIII TV UHU iluli Tum HhMHIMU illllllllll unuwun SUIHI!1 WINWIN TRAVEL NDH Mihi motURO AHITIMUI HUTH INTRO I lIllliillil Julio HII WikillnIHI DAMUHITINI HlllUIIHII UHON Hull WIMUUU Huuuliiill QALANMI Wrail Hill HD Windo BWAMI Millon WIAHNILMIN AIO DUNHil widualnum MUHUHU :0 Wien Jiliil Hilulilu HII TAHIMINIMI Judulli Huuhul HU!! IRINHWAI TEAU DUDHI DUUT lung! WIMUI HAHAHAUPUN Muundumun ITIMIIII!! LUMINIQURMA MilliNIHUTAN TITILHUIIIIIQDH INUIUINNIMUIOIHII IMUNOHTOTT W TwinDiRhi MODA Cilin00H III THMIDT HA iMilita MAHAL Willandi: ieval HA LILA ! HII Unin UMUHOT NHUIVITITIINITI IBMIIN Om ..انا HIINIMnnin ul: TAD Kiir WDR DAMU ANIWill li: IN inANIUTIUS11 illiHWIMMI OHHATT TRIINI UNUT Ö Ő a b Kuorasfory Burby I CYCLE IN DIVISION wew.u. ... KUFFEL . (ISER CO. 359-1G 3EM-Loaлaiтиміс ONNI - AEC-O ORNL - AEC - OKSICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL OINE - AC - OFFICIAL SEMI-LOGARITHMIC 959.61LG Keurich. ISSERCO. CYCLES N 150 DIVISIONS ii1 . X Zrfar .02 1 : . or Xofy 1 VINUOUVEAUDIHOUSUION .04 .. I . boat . Liili ..... E V . . . - Figs, Poojar . IN $ -mas. D Vic!!!!!!!:1::!:!1:.!" :1,I I I l I ' iiiiii OANI - AIC - OKSICIAL ORNI - AIC - ONNICIAL ORNL-DWG 65-4607 IN HF - H2iF" E° IN 2 LIF - BeFe (volts) events * -U3. Sm 3+ -3 2 -4 -3 2 3 -2 - 0 1 EO IN H20 ( volts ) -2 -1 0 EOIN LIFEKF'EUTECTIC ( volts ) 21. References 10. Briggs, R. B., ed., Molten-Salt Reactor Program Semi- annual Progress Report, USAEC Report ORNL-3708, Nov. 1964. Grimes, W. R., Nuclear News - ANS, May (1964) 3/8. Thoma, R. E. et al, in Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report, ORNL-3789, April (1965) 3/7. Blood, c. N., Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report, ORNL-CF-61-5-4, Sept. (1961). Long, G., in ref. 3, 65/72. Papers in preparation. Dirian, G., in ref. 3, 76/79. Paper in preparation. Romberger, K. A., private communication. Grimes, W. R.; in ref. 1, 235/244. Mathews, A. L., and Baes, C. F., Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report, ORNL-TM-1129, May (1965). Paper in preparation. Baes, C. F., and Hitch, B. F., in ref. 3, 61/65. Shaffer, J. H., in ref. 1, 288/303; Shaffer, J. H., et al, in ref. 3, 99/109. Stone, H. H., and Baes, C. F., in ref. 3, 72/76. Freasier, B. F., Stone, H. H., and Baes, C. F., Work in progress. Shaffer, J. H., in Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report, ORNL-3122, Feb. (1961) 120/122. Eorgan, J. E., et al, in Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report, ORNL-3591, May (1964), 45/46. Cohen, I., and Schaner, B. E., J. Nuclear Materials, 2, (1963) 18/52. Romberger, K. A., et al, in ref. 3, 243/245. Shaffer, J. A., and Watson, G. M., in Oak Ridge National · Laboratory Report, ORNL-2931, April (1960) 90. Barton, c. J., J. Physical Chem., 64 (1960) 306/309. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 20. ORNL-2749, (Oct. 1959). See also, Grimes, W. R., et al, Chem. Eng. Prog., 55, No. 27 (1959) 65/70. References - Contd. 21. 24. 25. 26. JANAF (Joint Army-Navy-Air Force) Interim Thermochemical Tables, Thermal Research Laboratory, Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. Rand, M. H., and Kubaschewski, O., The Thermal Properties of Uranium Compounds, Interscience Publishers, New York (1963) 71, Blood, C. M., Blankenship, F. F., Grimes, W. R., and Watson, G. M., Activities of Some Transition Metal Fluorides in Molten Fluoride Mixtures, Paper 208 (presented by Grimes), 7th International Conf. on Coordination Chemistry, Stockholm, June, 1962. Jellinek, K., and Rudat, A., 2. Anorg. u. Allgem. Chem., 175 (1928) 281. Brewer, L., et al, MDDC–1543 (Sept. 1945). Glassner, A., The Thermochemical Properties of the Oxides, Fluorides and Chlorides to 2500°K, Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL-5750 (1958). Smithells, C. J., Metals Reference Book, Interscience Publisher:3, New York (1955) 591. Brewer, L., in The Chemistry and Metallurgy of Miscellaneous Materials; Thermodynamics (Quill, L. L., ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York (1950) 76/192. Latimer, W. M., The Oxidation States of the Elements and Their Potentials In Solution, Prentice-Hall, New York, 2nd Ed. (1952). Liu, C. H. in Handbook of Analytical Chemistry (Meites, L., ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York (1963) 5-218 -- 5-221. Grimes, W. R., in ref. l, 237. Elliott, J. F., and Gleiser, M., Thermochemistry for Steelmaking, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. (1960) 177, 190. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. ORNL-DWG 65-2526 650 600 LIQUID 550 548 LiF + LIQUID TEMPERATURE (°C) +2LiF. BeF2 + LIQUID 457.6 BeF2 + LIQUID LiF + 2LIF.BeF2 360.3 350 2LIF.BeF2 + BeF2 300 LIF 10 20 30 40 50 60 BeF2 (mole %) 70 80 90 BeFz d." . St --...- -- .nimi nia . qim 9/ 14 / 65 DATE FILMED END