ne 7 . :. . i . . . . .. - . mamama**** 1 TOFI ORNL P 1419 . . . . . . . 4 ---- . N - 1 A . . 45 SO L. , ... . S . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 . . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . ORNU-P-1419 (Paper presented at the International Conference on the Internal onversion Process, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, May 10-13, 1965) CONF-650525-57 JUL 20 1965 s roport, or that the use LEGAL NOTICE - Tais report was prepared u aa account of Goversiacot spuogored work. Neither the United seatos, por the Commiuloa, oor way per a acud oo bebell of the coamula: A. Makes vynrraty or reprowauauan, exprenod or implied, with respect to the acou- rny, completeness, or urlaloon of the talcrmina coatalood lo of way information, apparatus, method, or procos, discloned to the report my not lofringe B. AsR003 any latives with respect to the wee of, or for damages resuuns from the 've of Lay laloration, oppurtu, dethod. or proceu disclosed to be report. Au urod in tbe adoro, "parko atto co be ball of the Coomlusion" includes by em- ployoc or coatractor of the Conclusion, or onployee of such coatractor, to the extent that such employoe or coaluctor of the Commiuko, or employee of such coauructor prepares, dienominator, or provides seculo, any lalorquatica pureaat to do coployment or coolract with the Commiulov, or his espayment wild such contractor. princely owned ricco; or Information on Conversion Coefficients from Coulomb Excitati I HAI and Life-Time Measurements* P. H. Stelson Oak Ridge National laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Several pepers have pointed out that information on total internal conversion coefficients for E2 transitions can be obtained from the com- parison of B(E2)'s found from life-time measurements with those obtained from Coulomb excitation results (either inelastic scattering, cross sections or y-ray yields). From such a comparison for 10 rare-earth nuclei, Fossån and Herskind' concluded that the experimental a's differed from the theoretical a's by an average of (12 + 7)%. Bernstein? had previously suggested that the deviations from theory exhibit an N/Z dependence. From a similar comparison for 19 rare-earth nuclei, Elbek concluded that there was an average 9% difference between experimental and theoretical a's. On the other hand, Goldring and Vager,“ who used a different set of experimental information, concluded there was agreement between theoretical and experimental a's for several rare-earth nuclei. Quite recently, Pancholi? has analyzed the available experimental information and also concludes that there is agreement with theory to within the existing experi- mental uncertainties. In the course of compiling a list of B( E2) values for nuclei, we have once again studied this problem of the E2 conversion coefficients since it is desirable to use the large amount of precise information avail- able from lifetime measurements to supplement the Coulomb excitation Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON FILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTICN. - 2 - results. Comparisons between theory and experiment are made for the rare earth nuclei and for the very heavy nuclei. The extraction of B( E2)'s from life-time measurements is an especially important problem for the very heavy nuclei since there are only a few suitable targets in this region for making Coulomb excitation measurements. In Fig. 1 we summarize the quantities obtained from the three types of measurements and indicate how one obtains experimental values for (1. + 0). A direct measurement of the inelastically scattered particles which result from Coulomb excitation (method A) allows the extraction of a B( E2) which does not depend on the knowledge of a. Furthermore, the results are quite accurate because the experimental arrangement can be calibrated by the assumption that the strong elastic scattering peak is given by the Rutherford cross section. Elbek and co-workers at Copenhagen have used this method to obtain accurate B(E2) values for most of the rare earth nuclei, The absolute error in B(F2) is typically 5%. Recently, Friedman et al. reported some very useful new measurements based on the inethod A for several uranium and plutonium nuclei. From the knowledge of the mean life of the 2+ state one can extract the quantity (1 + a)B(E2) (method B). A typical mean life in the rare earth is 2 ns and absolute accuracies for mean-life determinations in recent years are 2 to 5%. One should recall that the mean life for an E2 transition also depends on the energy of the transition to the fifth power. Fortunately, for most rare-earth nuclei the y-ray energies are known to 0.1 to 0.2% and hence little error is introduced from the energy uncertainty. The typical mean life of the 2+ state for very heavy nuclei is only a fraction of a nanosecond and, as a result, the accuracy of mean-life measurements for - 3 - heavy nuclei is not as high as those for the rare earth nuclei; 10% is a characteristic error. Finally, from a measurement of the y-ray yield resulting from Coulomb excitation (method C), one extracts the quantity B(E2)/(1 + a), Measurements of this quantity are not as extensive as those for methods A and B and, furthermore, the accuracy is poorer (typically 15%). However, in comparing Y-ray yields with life-time measurements, one finds (1 + a)" and therefore the error in (1 + a) is roughly 1/2 che error from the combi - nation of the errors in the quantities B and C. The experimental a's deduced by the methods just summarized are now to be compared to theoretical values for a. Just what does one take for the theoretical a? In table I we have listed some theoretical a values quoted in the recent literature for 5 rare earth nuclei. An inspection of the table reveals a considerable spread in the values quoted for theoretical a's. On the one hand, the 7 values quoted for +3°ga show only a 3% variation, whereas those for 152ga show 10% spread. The other three cases have 5 to 8% variation. It is a little difficult to account for this much variation in the quoted values for theoretical a's. The differences between the theoretical values of Rose' and those of Sliv and co-workers for (one + Cy) for F2 transitions in the energy range of interest are, on. the average, about 2% (sliv's values are the higher ones). Good theoretical conversion coefficients for the higher shells are not yet available and one must therefore depend on the limited experimental information to estimate the contributions from the higher shells. It is customary to take either 0.30 or 0.330 for this contribution. In table II we have listed con- version coefficients for 3 representative rare-earth nuclei and we indicate - 4- the percentage contribution from the various shells. For _'*Yb, a 2% difference in a results if one uses 0.30, instead of 0.3304: A final source of variation in quoted theoretical values for a is the reading 0 error caused by the necessity for interpolatir.g from values listed in tables for one and Oly. It would be desirable to have a finer mesh of theoretical values. The theoretical a values which we have used were obtained by taking Sliv's values for all and Oy and by taking the contribution of the higher shells as 0.3304. These theoretical values are listed in the last column of table III (rare-earth nuclei) and the third column of table VII (very heavy nuclei). It is interesting to compare our values to those of Fossan and Herskind who used an identical prescription for theoretical a values. For the 10 rare-earth nuclei which they have given values, the two sets of values differ on the average by less than 1/2%. In table III we have summarized the values taken for the mean life and energy for 23 2+ states in rare-earth nuclei. In some cases there are as many as 7 reported measurements of a given mean life. The available measurements for 6 nuclei are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. We also show the weighted average value we have used. In general, the weighting values are taken as inversely proportional to the quoted error rather than inversely proportional to the square of the quoted error, which is the statistically correct procedure. We believe the weighting procedure used gives more reliable average values. Furthermore, the assigned error to the weighted value is never taken to be less than the smallest error assigned to an individual measurement in the set being averaged. Finally, in cases where there are only two accurate measurements which disagree, the assigned - 5- error is large enough to cover the extent of the disagreement (see ***Er in Fig. 2). Table IV summarizes the information obtained on 23 rare-earth nuclei from the application of methods A, B and C outlined above. The values deduced for anat moon from the use of quantities A and B are plotted in Fic. 4 28 open circles. The corresponding values given by Fossan and Herskind are shown as solid dots. In several cases, our values are somewhat different from those of Fossan and Herskind. The largest difference is that for 102w and there are lesser differences for 170Hf, 17°yb, 150ga and 1525m. For all these cases our values for exp/atheor are lower. These differences are caused by different values taken for the mean life. Fossan and Herskind used their own measurements whereas we have taken weighted average values of all the available measurements. However, for the 3 cases which exhibit a large positive value for dexolatheor, viz. 154ga, loºdy ana 10+Er, we agree with values given by Fossan and Ferskind. It is interesting to note that there are a few rare-earth nuclei lo in which direct measurements of a have been reported. Lu and Dingus have reported results with quite small errors for 1525m, 154Ga and 160dy. Their values for dex/theor are 0.96 + .01, 0.99 + .02, and 0.95 + .03 for 1525m, 154ga ana 15° Dy, respectively. Lewin1 has reported a similar type of measurement for 16°Dy and finds @exo/Otheor is 1.00 +.03, in agreement with the result of Lu and Dingus. Recalling that the values for a ratheon from measurements A and B (see Fig. 4) gave 1.22 + . 16 and 1.19 + .10, respectively, for +54d and Dy, we see there is not good agreement with the direct measurements, but this disagreement is not severe. For these two cases, most of the - -6- error in the indirect determination is due to the error assigned by Elbek and co-workers to the direct measurement of the B(E2). The errors they assign to tnese two cases are somewhat larger than their usual error because of additional experimental difficulties experienced for these targets. Since it seems unlikely that the mean-life values for these two nuclei are in error by more than 3 or 4% (see Figs. 2 and 3), one concludes that the Copenhagen values for B( E2) are possibly about 10% and 15% low for +3460 and 4°°Dy, respectively, if one accepts the correctness of the direct measurements of a. Alternatively, there could be a systematic error in the direct measurements for a. Taking all the information on the determination of a values by the indirect methods for rare-earth nuclei, we have carried out least squares analyses to see how the total set of experimental values compared with our set of theoretical values. The results of these statistical analyses are given in table V. The best values for 1 B. (equal to ex ) are shown in colum 2 for the three possible 1 + Otheor combinations of experimental quantities. It is seen that the B, values derived from the 3 possible combinations are in approximate agreement. The most precise Bz, based on the A, B combination, indicates remarkably good agreement between the theoretical and experimental sets of a. The combinations A, C and B, C suggest that the theoretical a's are a little higher than the experimental a's. If we combine the three B; values, we find that the experimental and theoretical sets of a values agree to within 1 The errors given to the B, values in table V must be treated with some caution. These errors result from a statistical analysis of the -7- errors associated with the input quantities. Certain types of systematic errors would not be properly taken into account. However, since each of the possible combinations is independent of one of the three types of measurements, the fact that all 3 Bvalues are in approximate agreement suggests that there are no important systematic errors in the original measurements. The above results indicate that there is, on the average, good agreement between experimental and theoretical a values. There might still be individual nuclei which have anomolous a values (such as an N/? dependence). One mighi expect this to be revealed by a large "x2" value upon application of a "x2" test. A large "x2" value could also be the result of optimistic error assignments. The results of "x2" tests are given in tabīe V for the 3 possible combinations. The most accurate results (combination A, B) give a "x-" value which indicates that the observed fluctuations are about what one would expect from the errors assigned to the original data. The less accurate A, C and B, C combinations give "x"" values which are somewhat large from a statistical point of view. In summary, we have tried to review all the available information on total E2 conversion coefficients for even-even 2+ - O transitions for rare-earth nuclei. Our own interpretation of these results is, first, there is no very compelling evidence for the existence of anomolous individual a values. Second, our set of theoretical a values show an average good agreement with experimental a values. To assign an absolute accuracy to this agreement is difficult; our best judgment is that the absolute accuracy is 3 to 4%. Next, we consider the situation for the very heavy nuclei. Until recently, there were only two measurements of type A available; those for - 8 - 232th and 23&y (ref. 3). Results are now also available for 2340, 236, and 24°ru (ref. 6). The corresponding quantities of type B are summarized in table VI in the last colum. The energies used are given in column 2 and the half-lives of Bell, et al. are given in column 3. The resulting experimental a values are given in column 2 of table VII. The theoretical a values (taken to be 1.33%) are given in column 3 of table VII. The last column shows the ratio anather and the associated error. For these 5 heavy nuclei with their very large El conversion coefficients, one finds there is approximate agreement between experimental and theoretical a values. The absolute accuracy of this agreement is about 1.0%. A least squares fit indicates that, on the average, the experimental values are 7% lower than the thecretical values. -9- References 1. D. B. Fossan and B. Herskind, Nucl. Phys. 40, 24 (1963). 2. E. M. Bernstein, Phys. Rev. Letters 3, 100 (1962). B. Elbek, "Determination of Nuclear Transition Probabilities by Coulomb Excitation," Copenhagen, Ejnar Munksgaards Forlag (1963). 4. G. Goldring and 2. Vager, Nucl. Phys. 26, 250 (1961). 5. S. C. Pancholi, to be published in Nucl. Phys. ܩܶ_h 6. A. M. Friedman, J. R. Erskine and T. H. Braid, Bull, Ain. Phys. Soc. 10, 540 (1965). 7. M. E. Rose, Internal Conversion coefficients (North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1958). 8. L. A. Sliv and I. M. Band, Internal-conversion coefficient tables circulated by the University of Illinois. 9. Individual references are given in the B(E2) compilation to be published (P. H. Stelson and L. Grodzins). 10. D. C. Lu and R. S. Dingus, Phys. Lette.s 3, 44 (1962). 11. W. H. G. Lewin, Reported at International Conference on the Internal Conversion Process, Vanderbilt University, May 10-13 (1965). 12. R. E. Bell, S. Bjørnholm and J. C. Severiens, Mat. Fys. Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 32, No. 12 (1960). - 10 - Table Captions Table I. Theoretical values quoted in the literature for me Table II. Total theoretical conversion coefficients for 3 representative rare-earth nuclei. The percentage contribution from the different shells is also given. Table III. Columns 2 and 3 summarize the energies and weighted mean life values taken for 23 rare-earth nuclei. The last colum. shows the theoretical total internal conversion coefficients which we have used to compare with the experimental values. Table IV. Columns 2, 3 and 4 summarize the quantities A, B and C, respectively, (see Fig. 1) for the 23 rare-earth nuclei. The units on B(E2) are understood to be 10-40 cm-e?. Summary of the results of a statistical analysis of the 3 Table V. possible combinations (A,B), (B,C) and (A,C) for obtaining experimental total 12 conversion coefficients. Table VI. Summary of the energy (column 2), half-life (column 3) and quantity B (column 4) for 5 heavy even-even nuclei. Tahle VII. Summary of experimental a (column 2), theoretical a (column 3) and the ratio andat noon for five 2+ - O+ transitions in heavy nuclei, ORNL DWG. 65-4949 TABLE ! 12 THEORETICAL VALUES QUOTED IN THE LITERATURE FOR a. 156Gd 152Gd 160Dy 162Dy 166Er 3.95 1.21 4.75 6.09 6.91 3.93 1.23 4.62 5.96 6.64 3.93 1.13 4.60 6.09 6.73 3.97 1.20 4.43 6.55 3.84 1.21 4.62 6.27 6.86 3.93 1.24 4.75 5.81 ORNL DWG. 65-4946 TABLE 11 Nucleus 154 Gd 168Yb 174Yb OT ay aK 1.21 54% 5.46 24% 9.49 16% al 34% 57% 63% M+ N +... 12% 19% 21% - 13 - Table III Nucleus E24- ) (key) Tx 109 Otheor. 0.84 2.22 + 10 2.04 + .05 1.18 150 Sn152 Sn154 Ga154 131 + 1 121.85 + .03 81.99 + .02 123.1 : 89.00 3.95 + .35 1.70 + .04 1 Ga 156 Gal58 Gabo 795 75.3 5.05 1.21 3.95 6.07 7.48 4.75 6.27 9.05 86.7 80.6 73.4 90.5 80.6 + 79.8 1 1 1 ? 고 ​고 ​, 고 ​+-+-+-+-+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ 고 ​고 ​고 ​고 ​고 ​고 ​고 ​고 ​고 ​8 ů i 2 9 8 2 8 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 ++ + + " į ii m ů in i į į ý ù ù ù ù +1 + 8 2 & 8 2 8 8 8 8 2 1 && 885 8 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 ++1 +1 +1 + 0 8 ù ù ii i 0 8 6 8 8 +1 1 51 3 6 7 4 6 94 6 7 6 8 9 7 54 4 3 0 1 6.86 7.22 6.38 8. 38 9.49 82.1 17.08 Yb17e YB174 rs176 176 Fir178 Ep180 93.3 + 28746 5.85 4.72 4.68 3.99 2.65 1.84 100.1 187년 ​111.1 고 ​122.5 고 ​- 14 - Table IV Nucleus Bộ ) B( E2)(1 + a) B(E2) (1 + a) Na150 Sm252 +1 1 + 0.59 + 0.09 +1 Smy254 Ga 254 Ga256 +1 1+ +1 0.73 + 0.11 0.64 + 0.10 Ga258 Ga 160 Dy 260 Dy 162 0.70 + 0.11 Dy264 Er 164 2.67 + 0.10 3.46 + 0.12 4.61 + 0.20 3.43 + 0.30 4.53 + 0.25 5.40 + 0.25 5.76 + 0.25 4.46 + 0.30 5.11 + 0.15 5.64 0.25 5.04 + 0.35 5.66 + 0.25 5.72 + 0.20 5.53 + 0.25 5.89 + 0.20 5.75 + 0.25 5.78 + C.20 5.27 + 0.25 4.58 + 0.20 4.35 + 0.20 4.00 + 0.20 3.62 + 0.20 3.57 + 0.25 4.78 + 0.28 7.43 + 0.18 27.90 + 2.50 8.48 + 0.20 23.75 + 0.62 37.1:0 + 1.67 46.30 + 2.55 29.00 + 0.87 36.90 + 1.14 54.90 + 5.49 29.60 + 2.80 45.90 + 1.38 46.30 + 1.53 43.40 + 2.00 59.30 + 3.70 56.80 + 6.20 37.80 + 2.60 37.90 + 1.10 25.90 + 1.03 26.30 + 0.88 20.40 + 0.41 12.75 + 0.47 9.87 + 0.40 0.88 + 0.15 0.90 + 0.15 -1 Er 168 88270 76272 10274 86276 HP276 Hp278 Hp 180 +1 0.65 + 0.10 +1 + 1+ w282 0.76 + 0.13 0.76 + 0.13 0.90 + 0.11 1.22 + 0.12 1.29 + 0.13 1+ + w284 w86 ORNL DWG. 65-4943 TABLE V TABLE V Ratio B: B/A 1.001 +0.013 [B/C)" 0.925 + 0.046 A/C 0.948 + 0.046 x2 20.5 17.9 14.6 Degrees of Freedom 23 11 11 ORNL DWG. 65.4947 TABLE VI Nucleus E (2+) 1/2 (sec) B(E2) (1 +a ») (cm^) x 10-10 x 10-45 232Th 238 U 234U 50 +1 44.7 43.5 45.28 42.9 3.45 + 0.15 2.25 + 0.20 2.66 + 0,20 2.32 = 0.20 1.67 + 0.15 2.52 7.03 6.83 6.41 11.60 236 U 240PU ORNL DWG. 65-4948 TABLE VII Nucleus (ar) Theora Exp/a Theor 232Th 238 U (az) Exp 260 + 30 558 = 60 702 + 575 120 868 + 78 234 U 80 307 625 717 586 897 0,85 = 0.12 0.89 0.115 0.98 + 0.11 0.98 +0.21 0.97 + 0.09 236 U 240 Pu - 18 - Figure Captions for (1 + a). Fig. 2. Graphical summary of available mean-life measurements for the first 2+ states of 154Ga, 5°ga and 104Er. Also shown are the 164 weighted average values used for extracting a values. Fig. 3. Graphical summary of available mean-life measurements for the first 2+ state of 16°Dy, 166er, and 1820. Also shown are the weighted average values used for extracting a values. Fig. 4. Graphical summary of the values for Qaynar hoor obtained by the use of the quantities A and B. Our values are shown as open circles. The values given by Fossan and Herskind are shown by the solid dots. ORNL DWG. 65-4944 (A) Inelastic-scattering cross section B(E2) (B) Lifetime (1 + a2) B(E2) (C) Gamma-ray yield B(E2)/(1 + a) (1 + a !Exp. from B/A, (B/C]V2, A/C (1 + a T'Exp = B; (1 + at Theor FIG. 1 ORNL-DWG 65-4781 2+ STATE 154 Gd 2+ STATE 156 Gd 2+ STATE 164 Er SUNYAR NATHAN (1958) BROWN, et al. (1954) BIRK, et al. (1959) BIRK, et al. (1959) FCSSAN, et al. (1962) STIENING, et al. BELL, et al. (1959) CO de BOER (1963) BURDE, et al. (1963) BAUER, et al. (1962) WEIGHTED AVERAGE FOSSAN, et al. FOSSAN, et al. (1963) WEIGHTED AVERAGE WEIGHTED AVERAGE 4.4 1.6 1.8 Tinsec) 2.0 2.2 3.4 1.0 1.4 1.8 tInsec) 2.2 2.6 3.0 T(nsec) FIG. 2 2.6 ORNL-DWG 65-4782 2+ STATE 160 Dy 2+ STATE 166 Er 2+ STATE 182 w MCGOWAN (1952) MCGOWAN (1950) SUNYAR (1954) FOSSAN, et al. (1962) GRAHAM (1955) BIRK, et al. (1959) RICHTER, et al. (1963) BIRK, et al. (1959) BIRK, et al. (1962) de BOER (1963) BAUER, et al. (1962) BASHANDY, et al. (1963) BERLOVICH, et al. (1963) de BOER (1963) FOSSAN, et al. (1963) Ll, et al (1963) FOSSAN, et al. (1963) DORIKENS, et al. (1965) WEIGHTED AVERAGE LI, et al. (1963) SCHARENBERG, et al. (1964) WEIGHTED AVERAGE- WEIGHTED AVERAGE- 20 2.4 2.8 (nsec) 3.2 3.6 1.8 3.0 4.2 2.2 2.6 r(nsec) FIG. 3 4.6 2.0 ilnsec) 2.4 ORNL-DWG 65-3994 Go КО Ipold The EXP/Q THEOR. & + boy lot Sm load i sm1 sm w... Erl Tool Loy Dy at WHW- TGT 150 160 170 180 A FIG. 4 ---- --- -- ----- ---------- - ILA 9) 161 / 165 DATE FILMED -- END 1 D . .