:: | OF I ORNL P 1416 1 : : - - Semoga ... i :, .. : . : . : . P . . . AN www . .25 1.1.4 ILLE 11 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 ORNU-P-1416 لن أفدنة لذ ننا الان : Ca. 17CES ''JUT an PONE' Ics211 mN_50 OXIDATION OF FUELED AND UNFUELED GRAPHITE SPHERES BY STEAM* J. L. Rutherford, J. P. Blakely and L. G. Overholser Reactor Chemistry Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ormai ringuim un NG the Until SECTION RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS -LEGAL NOTICE dire s i Tw, report ms properest u na account of Government sponsored mrk. Nellbor ibo Valled Halos, bor us Coawsoba, dor Lay period acting oo bobull of the Coamission: A. Nakas ay nrriaty or repertuatation, expressed or implied, mille raspect to IX icon- racy, completeness, or une hudour of the informados coatalood lo talo report, or that we use of any lalor mallon, appuntu, melbod, or procui discloseu la we report may not lalringe printly omod ribus; or B. Aswmer day labiuues wild rospect us be an of, or for damage resulting from the On of Lay lalor matica, appuntu, method, or procon discloud lo this report, Ao used to the above, "person actory oo belll of the Coomoto" includes way .. pioji or coatractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that locà employing or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such coolractor preparı, diseminarer, or pronides accusi may information puranat to do employant or coolrict with the Commonsloo, or No employmeat with such contractor. 1... ca ,-- - *Research sponsored by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ie. n ABSTRACT The oxidation of varinus fueled and unfueled graphite spheres (1.5-in. and 2.36-in. diameter) by steam was de- termined at 800, 900, and 1000°c using a partial pressure of ~730 mm (Hg) and flow rates of 600 to 1200 cm3 /min (STP) of steam. The fueled spheres contained pyrolytic-carbon coated UC, or (U, Th)C, particles dispersed in graphite matrices; the unfue led spheres were machined from ATJ and Speer Moderator-2 grades of graphite. Reaction rates were determined from weight changes and analyses of the effluent gases. The effect of burnoff on the reaction rate was found to be quite pronounced. The marked differences in the co to CO, ratios observed in the effluent gases appear to be associated with both the degree of burnoff and purity of the graphite. BET surface area and mercury porosimetry data obtained for several oxidized unfueled spheres are included. .:...it Hi!.. : : *** .. .. . . .. met .. · som saw beräte For C: 14C TỴ: : E -.it OXIDATION OF FUELED AND UNFUELED GRAPHITE SPHERES BY STEAM J. L. Rutherford, J. P. Blakely and L. G. Overholser 1. INTRODUCTION The studies described in this paper deal in part with the oxidation of fueled graphite spheres by a relatively high partial pressure of steam, such as that which might result from a failure in a steam generator. Oxidation of the fuel body by steam could cause mechanical failure of the fuel body, as well as failure of the pyrolytic-carbon coatings of the fuel particles. The latter effect would produce a rapid release of fission products. The hydrogen resulting from the steam-carbon reaction might be hazardous; a serious explosion could occur if air also were present as would be the case if both the main coolant circuit and the steam generator failed. . .. Numerous experimental studies of the steam carbon system have been made. Most of the results have been erita sini s.r.o. - ... c : ,': il.. summarized recently 1, 2) and will not be considered further. None of these studies is directly applicable to the problem at hand mainly due to differences in the composition and geometry of the materials. Experimental studies were performed to establish the reaction rates of various lots of fueled graphite spheres with steam at a partial pressure of ~730 mm (Hg) and tempera- tures of 800 to 1000°c. Similar studies were performed with unfue led graphite spheres to provide some basis for comparing well graphitized material with the forms of carbon present in the fueled spheres. Probable use of an outer shell of machined graphite for the fuel element also prompted the investigation of unfueled graphites. EXPERIMENTAL Spheres machined from ATJ and Speer Moderator-2 grades of graphite were used for the unfueled graphite studies. . . AT3 is a molded, fine-grain graphite having an apparent density of ~1.8 g/cm3 and an ash content of ~1000 ppm (mainly calcium). Speer Mod-2 is an extruded graphite having an apparent density of ~1.7 g/cm3 and an ash content of <20 ppm. The 1.5-in. diameter ATJ and Speer Mod-2 spheres : weighed. 52 and 50 g, respectively. The spheres were used without any pretreatment. Various lots of 1.5-in. diameter fueled graphite spheres manufactured by General Atomic Division, General Dynamics Corp. (GA), Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. (3M), Speer Carbuu Co. (SCC), and Carbon Products Division, Union : Carbide Corp. (NCF) were used in the fueled graphite studies. : . . . . . . . . - .. ... . ... .. . . .. .. . lin #rater. They contained pyrolytic-carbon coated (U,Th)Cz particles ü dispersed in graphite matrices and were prepared by a molding process. Some of the fueled spheres were prepared with molded unfueled shells, oihers had no such shell (see Table 2). The GA and 3M fueled sijheres had fuel loadings of 3 g of U and 2 g of Th, the scc and NCF spheres 1.96 g of U and 1.2 8 of Th. These fueled spheres ranged in weight from 51 to 56 g. Fueled 2.36-in. diameter spheres prepared by Carbon Product Division also were studied. These spheres had a 1.0 cm shell of ATJ graphite surrounding the core which contained pyrolytic- carbon coated UC, particles supported in a graphite matrix. Tests were made at 800, 900, and 1000°c using a partial pressure of steam of ~730 mm (Hg). The 1.5-in. diameter spheres were supported in a 2-in. diameter mullite tube by a bed of a.lumina pebbles which also served as a preheater for , the steam. Steam was generated by an electrically heated boiler, passed upward through the mullite tube at a flow rate : of 600 cm3 /min (STP) and condensed. Flow rates were es- tablished from the volume of condensate. Helium was bled into the steam line at ~15 cm3/min (STP) to facilitate collection of gas samples at low reaction rates. The gas leaving the condenser was dried prior to venting through a manifold equipped for gas sampling. Gas samples were analyzed hy the Analytical Service Group using a gas chromatograph and, in a few cases, a mass spectrometer. Oxidation studies of 2.36-in. diameter spheres were performed similarly using a 3-in. diameter mullite tube and a flow rate of 1200 cm3/min · (STP). BET surface areas were determined by nitrogen adsorption. . . The reaction rates reported were obtained from weight : .. . . . - . . ... . changes, unless otherwise indicated, and are average rates for periods ranging from 1 to 5 hr. No continuous record of the weight was obtained; weighings were made before and after a run. Rates calculated from the composition and flow rate of erfluent gases were in good agreement with those obtained from weight changes in most cases. Reaction rates were obtained for the unfueled spheres over a wide range of burnoft. The 1.5-in. fueled spheres were oxidized only to low burnoffs “because they were to be tested subsequently for changes in mechanical strength resulting from limited oxidation. .... . 1 :-: :!!! 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Oxidatio of Unfueled Graphite Spheres The effects of temperature and burnoff on the reactivity -::- - .): memang seoranas not withione of the unfueled 1.5-in. diameter graphite spheres are shown in Fig. 1. Activation energies determined from the slopes of the plots are ~60 kcal/mole and appear to be nearly independent of burnoff. The slight increase with burnoff in the case of Speer Mod-2 graphite may or may not be significant. Data obtained at various burnoffs at 800, 900, and 1000°c are detailed in Figs. 2-4, respectively. As expected, the re- action rates increased rapidly with increasing burnoff at i low burnoffs. The reaction rates for Speer Mod-2 graphite increased slowly at burnoffs in excess of ~5 wt %, whezzas those for ATJ graphite continued to increase rapidly over ... ini thing . .,-. . in the .?... iii..m; . . . . : , the entire range of burnoffs studied. Rates measured at 1000°c for ATJ graphite (Fig. 4) show that the reaction rate is a linear function of burnoff over the entire range of burnoffs examined. The similarity between the curves given in Figs. 2-4 for the reaction rate and the surface area for the two graphites prompted an examination of the relationship between the reaction rate and the BET surface area. The plots shown in Fig. 5 indicate that the specific reaction rates based on BET surface areas are about equal at 900 and 1000°C. This would suggest that if the impurities present in the ATJ graphite make it more reactive than the purer Speer Mod-2 graphite they must do so by increasing the rate of develop- ment of the surface during oxidation. The curves for the co/CO2 ratios given in Figs. 2-4 have been replotted in Fig. 6 to show the marked differences in this ratio. It is apparent that this ratio is affected by type of graphite and degree of burnoff as well as tempera- ture. The most plausible explanation for the smaller ratios found in the effluent gases from the ATJ graphite is that the impurities present catalyzed the reaction CO+H2O CO2+Hz. As will be noted later, the size of the sphere also influenced the ratio. The increases in co/co, ratio with increasing burnoff particularly at the low burnoffs are difficult to explain. An increase in the ratio indicates either that more of the carbon is appearing as co in the primary reaction products or that less Co is converted to + - = CO2 by the water-gas shift reaction. It is difficult to i - - - visualize any changes in the properties of the graphites that might occur during the early stages of oxidation which could have such a marked effect on the co/C0, ratio. Equilibrium quotients, for the reaction co+H,0 = CO2+Hz, calculated from the composition of the effluent gases from the 1.5-in. diameter spheres are smaller than the equilibrium constants in all cases. In many instances the values are one to two orders of magnitude less than the equilibrium constants. • The only conditions at which equilibrium was attained was at 1000°c using 2.36-in. diameter ATJ spheres. Values for the - 09 1301','12 CO/CO2 ratio found in the effluent gases from these larger spheres were about an order of magnitude less than those found for the smaller ATJ spheres. The reaction rates at 1000°c were about the same for the two sizes of ATJ spheres but the larger spheres gave activation energies of 45 to 50 kcal/mole compared to ~60 kcal/mole for the smaller spheres. . . . . . . . - - ... Thus, the sphere size affects both the composition of the effluent gases and the activation energy. .. Surface area measurements were made on the 1.5-in. diameter unfueled spheres after being oxidized to various degrees by steam. Most of the carbon removal occurred at 1000°c. The surface area of the oxidized sphere was measured as well as portions from the outer and central regions of the sphere. Data are listed in Table 1. These data indicate that the surface area of ATJ graphite increases more rapidly - - - - . - - ---- - - . ... ... • . - non sarana mensahe nici in un 01.::::: A:1:"! stes le · with oxidation than does that of Speer Mod-2 graphite. They also show that the oxidation of Speer Mod-2 graphite occurs more uniformly throughout the sphere at the lower burnoffs than does that of ATJ graphite. Mercury porosimetry data obtained from specimens used for the surface area measurements (Table 1) are shown ’in Figs. 7-10. ATJ graphite cut from the central region of oxidized spheres (Fig. 7) shows small increases in accessible volume in pores with radii of ~3 H and <0.05 Ho Samples cut from the outer regions of these same spheres (Fig. 8) have larger accessible volumes confirming the nonuniform oxidation of the sphere. Extensive oxidation increased the accessible volume in pores with radii of ~3 u and <0.54. Data in Figs. 9 and 10 show that the central regions of the oxidized Speer Mod-2 graphite spheres were attacked nearly as severely as the outer regions. This is in agreement with the surface area data. Light oxidation (6 wt % burnoff) increased the accessible pore volume very little; oxidation to ~40 wt % burnoff resulted in a twofold increase. The increase in volume was largely concentrated in pores with radii 0.1 to 15 H. 3.2 Oxidation of Fueled Graphite Spheres Reaction rates obtained for various lots of 1.5-in. diameter fueled spheres are plotted as a function of tempera- ture in Fig. 11. Most of the values were obtained at burnoffs of less than 5 wt %. Values are given for the scc spheres 10 .. : . . only at 900°C because of early failure at 1000°c and ab- normally large weight losses at 800°c, the latter due to excessive outgassing. The maximum variation in reaction rates is about a factor v2 5 if lot GA-S5 is excluded. This lot was impregnated and therefore not strictly comparable to the other lots. The reaction rates given in Fig. 11 are in fair ag reement with those found for the unfueled spheres (Fig. 1) as well as with rates reported 4-6 for other grades of graphite. The slopes of the plots given in Fig. 11. correspond to activation energies of ~60 kcal/mol, compa- rable to that found for the unfueled spheres. The change * in reactivity with burnoff produces some uncertainties in : such comparisons. Reaction rates obtained at 900°C for most of the 1.5-in. ............. altres costeshikaran.................... diameter fueled spheres examined are listed in Table 2. Hydrogen production rates and co/CO2 ratios also are in- cluded. The data indicate that the presence of unfueled shells had no significant effect on the reaction rates. A11 lots of SCC spheres were more reactive at 900°c than any of the other lots studied and most failed at burnoffs of 3 to 5 wt%. The high incidence of failure was due, only . in part, to higher reaction rates since fueled spheres rom GA and 3M lots remained intact at comparable and larger burn- offs. This suggests that the attack of the SCC spheres was more strongly concentrated on the residual binder material than was the attack of the other lots of fueled spheres. Ciri iyi. sana watu nanti con menu bwa 11 Microscopic examination and nitric acid leach of the materials remaining after failure of the fueled spheres showed that no serious attack of the pyrolytic-carbon coatings on the fuel particles occurred. The effects of temperature and burnoff on the reactivity of fueled 2.36-in. diameter spheres with steam are shown in Figs. 12 and 13. The essentially linear relationship between the reaction rates at 1000°c and degree of burnoff and a non- linear relationship at 900°C are in agreement with data found for 1.5-in. diameter spheres of ATJ graphite (Figs. 3 and 4). The slopes of the plots in Fig. 12 correspond to activation energies of ~50 kcal/mole at all three degrees of burnoff, indicating that the activation energy is nearly independent of burnoff over a wide range of oxidation. The value of ~50 : kcal/mole given for the activation energy is in fair agreement with that found for 2.36-in. diameter ATJ spheres, but is significantly less than the ~60 kcal/mole measured for 1.5-in. diameter spheres of ATJ and Speer Mod-2 graphites as well as for the 1.5-in. diameter fueled spheres. Apparently, the sphere diameter influences the activation energy under the experimental conditions employed. The co/CO2 ratios in the effluent gases obtained from the reaction at 1000°c ranged from 0.3 to 0.5 with no consistent effect of burnoff evident. These values are somewhat larger than those found in the case. of 2.36-in. diameter ATJ spheres. No serious attack of the fuei particles was observed despite extensive oxidation of the fueled spheres. 12 --.--. ---. REFERENCES - . . ..-..-am . .. ...... . . ... . - 1. Walker P. L. Jr., Rusinko F. Jr. and Austin L. G., . Advances in Catalysis 11, 133 (1959). Clark T. J., Woodley R. E. and de Halas D. R., "Gas- Graphite Systems" in Nuclear Graphite, R. E. Nightingale (Ed.) pp 387-444, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1962. .. 3. Mayers M. A., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 56 1879 (1934). 4. Johnstone H. F., Chen C. y. and Scott D. s., Ind. Eng. Chem. 44, 1564 (1952). 5. Pilcher J. M., Walker P. L. Jr. and Wright C. C., ibid. 47, 1742 (1955). Abel W. T. and Holden J., The Suspended Specimen Method for Determining the Rate or the Steam-Carbon Reaction, U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Invest. No. 6000 (1962). · - - - - - .;:;:::::IN .1.100 m.::.UM 1:10.7YFIY 13 Table 1. Effect of Oxidation by Steam on the Surface Area of 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled Graphite Spheres Grade of Graphite Burnoff (wt %) - Surface Area (m2/g)“ Whole Outer Central Sphere Region Region ATJ 0.11 7.0 4.7 6.2 1.0 22 8.1 14.0 11.8 11.6 Sp:18: Mod-2 0.22 2.4 34 4.4 4.5 45 3.7 Determined by BET method using nitrogen. 14 • Table 2. Reactivity of Various 1.5-in. Diam. Fuoled Graphite Spheres with Steam at 900°C (partial pressure of steam ~730 mm, flow rate ~600 cm3/min) Sphere Designation Thickness of Unfueled Shell (in.) Reaction Rate (mg/g.hr) Hydrogen Produced (cm3 /g.hr) C0/CO2 in Effluent Gas NCF-S1-4D - 1.7 5.9 2.9 NCF-S3-R1 4.7. 2.4 3M-S2-23 o 0.5 !!;: ..IN 3M-S3-15 2.4 14 m. ,'. "O 3M-S3-18 1/16 1/16 1/8 1.0 0.6 1/8 1/16 4.8 . 5.7 3.5 5.6 3M-S6-18 3M-S6-19 SCC-S5-3 SCC-S5-7 SCC-S6-18 SCC-S7-11 SCC-S7-13 SCC-S8-13 SCC-58-15 GA-S3-6 GA-S3-11 GA-S3-14 GA-S4-9 GA-S4-13 5.3 1.5 0.4 0.1 1.2 1.2 7.5 7.7 5.8 7.7 0.3 1.0 1/4 1/4 0.87 4.1 15 Table 2 (continued) Sphere Designation Thickness of Unfueled Shell (in.) Reaction (1) Rate (mg/g.hr) Hydrogen Produced (cm3 /g.hr) co/CO2 in Effluent Gas 0 0.25 0.5 GA-S5-11 (2) GA-85-17 (2) GA-S5-18 (2) 0.28 0.7 0 0.09(3) 0.3 (1) Rates Rates given are for burnoffs ranging from 0.5 to 1.5%. (2) Impregnated. This sphere had been degassed at 1000°C prior to oxidation. The low rate is due at least in part to a burnoff of <0.05%. FIGURE CAPTIONS Fig. 1. Effects of Temperature and Burnoff on the Reactivity of 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled Spheres. Fig. 2. Effect of Burnoff on Reaction Rates and co/CO2. Ratios of 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled Spheres at 800°c. !..?" ::IN oldu.UI. Fig. 3. Effect of Burnoff on Reaction Rates and co/CO, Ratios of 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled Spheres at 900°c. Fig. 4. Effect of Burnoff on Reaction Rates, Surface Areas and co/CO, Ratios of 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled Spheres at 1000°c. Fig. 5. Relationship Between Reaction Rate and Surface Area for 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled Spheres. Fig. 6. Dependence of co/CO, Ratio on 'Burnoff for 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled Spheres. Fig. 7. Cumulative Pore Volumes of Specimens Cut From Central Region of Oxidized 1.5-1n. Diam. ATJ Graphite Spheres. Fig. 8. Cumulative Pore Volumes of Specimens Cut From Outer Region of Oxidized 1.5-in. Diam. ATJ - .. Graphite Spheres. - - - - - .: Fig. 9. Cumulative Pore Volumes of Specimens Cut From Central Region of Oxidized 1.5-in. Diam. . Speer Mod-2 Graphite Spheres. e int ... . .. este Figure Captions (continued) Fig. 10. Cumulative Pore Volumes of Specimens Cut From Outer Region of Oxidized 1.5-in. Diam. Speer Mod-2 Graphite Spheres. Fig. 11. Effect of Temperature on the Reactivity of Various 1.5-in. Diam. Fueled Spheres. Fig. 12. Effects of Temperature and Burnoff on the Reactivity of 2.36-in. Diam. Fueled Spheres. Fig. 13. Relationship Between the Reaction Rate and ..... Burnoff for 2.36-in. Diam. Fueled Spheres. wa ambal kan S - - - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-11214 1000 950 800 TEMPERATURE (°C) 900 850 TTTTTT • ATJ 25 % BURNOFF A ATJ. 10 % BURNOFF I ATJ 5 % BURNOFF 20 Le REACTION RATE ( O SPEER MOD-2 25 % BURNOFF 0.25 A SPEER MOD-2 10 % BURNOFF O SPEER MOD-2 5% BURNOFF conceito williyi iene 090 t 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.6 8.8 9.0 9.2 9.4 cosisi 10,000/T (OK) 8.4 10 ..... .--. ........ . .............. Fig. 1. Effects of Temperature and Burnoff on the Reactivity of 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled Silicres. - booom . ... ... . ..... ...... .. ....... . ........ . . . . . .... . . . -' - ........ ... REACTION RATE (mg/g.hr) - - . - - - - - - 08 0 ... - - - ... - 5 A A ATJ 0 • SPEER MOD-2 10 RATE -RATE 15 BURNOFF (wt %) 20 CO/CO2 SURFACE AREA -C0/C02H - - 25 - - --- ------ 30 AREA SURFACE ORNL-OWG 64-11217 UNCLASSIFIED 35 14 CO/Co2 SURFACE AREA (m2/g) Fig. 2. Effect of Burnoff on Reaction Rates and CO/CO, Ratios of 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled Spheres at 800°C. .: : . ............... ..... - UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-11216 - -- -- - - . - 4. ATJ _ 0. SPEER MOD-21 - - - ... - - ... - RATE SURFACE AREA REACTION RATE (mg/g.hr) SURFACE AREA (m2/g) co/CO2 OT RATE SURFACE AREA co/CO2 0 5 10 25 30 35 15 20 BURNOFF (w+ %) -... - ........... . ... .. ... .. . .... . ...... ..... .. ..... . ................. . .. : Fig. 3.' Effect of Burnoff on Reaction Rates : and CO/.CO2 Ratios of 1.5-in. Diam. Unfúeled Spheres at 900°C. REACTION RATE (mg/g • hr) 25 08 o 5 AA ATJ o• SPEER MOD-2 10 RATE 15 BURNOFF (wt %) 20 25 SURFACE AREA - co/00,- co/co2 — RATE 30 AREA SURFACE 35 ORNL-DWG 64–11218 UNCLASSIFIED 40 co/co, SURFACE AREA (m2/g) Fig. 4. Effect of Burnoff on Reaction Rates, Surface Areas and co/CO2 Ratios of 1.5-in. Diam Unfueled Spieres at 1000°C. ..... . ... - - • ORNL-DWG 65-500 O O SPEER MOD-2 AS ATJ . 18 1000°C REACTION RATE (mg/g.hr) 1000°C 900°C . ... i fetin : :>. 900°C O Lo 10 8 SURFACE AREA (m2/g) . . . . . . . . .. ... ..... Fig. 5. Relationship Between Reaction Rate and Surface Area for 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled sphorun. ... -- .. .• • ....--.-... .--.--. --- --- -..-.co. ا UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-14215 ه oo • SPEER MOD--2 AAO ATJ ح 900 °C م 800 °C ل co/CO2 م ل -1000 °C 900 °C م 1000 °C د 800 °C 0 o 5 10 15 20 BURNOFF (wt %) 25 30 35 Fig. 6. Dependence of co/CO2 Ratio on Burnoff for 1.5-in. Diam. Unfueled Spheres. : .... ....... . . . . . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-10845 PORE RADIUS (microns) 50 10 . 9 0.1 0.01 MITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 0.20 PTTITUL 0.16 1 UNOXIDIZED 2 7 wt % BURNOFF 3 8 wł % BURNOFF | 4 22 wt % BURNOFF F5 38 wt% BURNOFF PENETRATION (cm3.9-) 14 5 3 · 10 10,000 100 1000 ABSOLUTE PRESSURE (psi) Fig. 7. Cumulative Pore Volumes of Specimens Cut From Central Region of Oxidized 1.5-in. Diam. ATJ Graphite Spheres. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-10846 PORE RADIUS ( microns ) 0.1 10 0.01 0.28 TTTTTTTTTT 1 UNOXIDIZED 2 7 wt % BURNOFF 3 8 wt% BURNOFF 4 22 wt % BURNOFF 5 38 wt % BURNOFF E PENETRATION (cm3.9-1) 3 10 10,000 100 1000 ABSOLUTE PRESSURE ( psi) Fig. 8. Cumulative Pore Volumes of Specimens Cut From Outer Region of Oxidized 1.5-in. Diam. ATJ Graphite Spheres. . . . . . . . .... •"•--..-- ...- .- ...... . . V ... ...... .. ... . .. ... UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-10844 PORE RADIUS (microns) 0.04 TT IIIITTTTT TITTTTT 10 0.1 - 50 0.24 MITT W ! I À UNOXIDIZED 2 6 wt % BURNOFF 3 34 wt % BURNOFF |--4 44 wt % BURNOFF PENETRATION (cm3.g-1). - 3 - - 0.04 10 10 10,000 100 1000 ABSOLUTE PRESSURE (psi) . . .. .os .. Fig. 9. Cumulative Pore Volumes of Specimens Cut From Central Region of Oxidized 1.5-in. Diam. Speer Mod-2 Graphite Spheres. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-10843 10 PORE RADIUS (microns) 0.1 0.01 - 0.32 ! - - - - -- - -- - - - - -. 0.28 1 UNOXIDIZED 2 6 wt % BURNOFF 1 3 34 wt % BURNOFF L4 44 wt % BURNOFF PENETRATION (cm3.99) 10,000 100 1000 ABSOLUTE PRESSURE (psi) Fig. 10. Cumulative Pore. Volumes of Specimens Cut From Outer Region of Oxidized 1.5-in. Diam. Speer Mod-2 Graphite Spheres. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL - DWG 63-6754 TEMPERATURE (°C) 900 1000 950 850 800 0 3M-53-15 - • 3M-52-23 A GA-S3-6 D NCF - 53-R1 I GA -S4-9 O GA-55-11 A SCC-57-11 SCC-58-43 A SCC-55-3 REACTION RATE ( mg/g.hr) : 0. ama.. 7.8 8.2 8.6 9.0 .cam 10,000/(OK) Fig. 11. Effect of Temperature on the Reactivity ** of Various 1.5-in. Diam. Fueled Spheres. . .. . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-9541 TEMPERATURE (°C) 900 850 800 1000 950 o 25% BURNOFF • 10% BURNOFF Lo 5% BURNOFF REACTION RATE (mg/9.hr) _ - 7.8 8.0 8.2 9.0 9.2 9.4 8.4 8.6 8.8 10,000/ (OK) . 100 ' ' . Fig. 12, Effects of Temperature and Burnoff on the Reactivity of 2.36-in. Diam. Fueled Spheres. ....- .. - ... . ... .. ..... ... .. . . . . . . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-OWG 64-9542 REACTION RATE (mg/g.hr) 1000°C 900°C - - 2 REACTION RATE (mg/g.hr) 5 10 25 30 35 15 20 BURNOFF (wt%) ·Fig. 13. Relationship Between the Reaction Rate and Burnoff for 2.36-in. Diam. Fueled Spheres.. . . - ---- --- .. 6/27 / 66 DATE FILMED END IN w