T . . '. . * 2 N 21 14 . - . ' .. . : " - - 1 . . " '. " . * . WM . " + till 1' 11 ... 3 A NE HY . . T A Oy TWS. 4 . TV v1 .. " . 71112 . ." P 'S " LA. . . : INSTITUT . 1. .' . LE - 1. • ' . . FT. .. TULAN ' Y .. 11 . IL..10 .. w TT, . . . . :) . " AY, * " . " .. : ' L ini WMS 4. . . IF N . 7 . ? wha ' A . + . TU. . TV3 " . . : til . 12 x . : " K Nr. 2 . i ' V , L * h 11 . 24 2 . . 3. 1 Z . . II .' . .. . mi 12 , . i . .' ' . ' i , ' I . . .. ' . . : ' IN : t 9 i T. ! . . . " I .. - . " . - I II. W w 4 -- - - - . 5 . ! . !! .. I' ' - 7 . 1 .. ..' ,' , ' ,' - . , LUN WI . . Y ! r . .. . . " ! D . K V . 2.- . 17 TEL " " * ** * . ' " . t A * lu . LK 25 . . ORNL P. . .. 4. K t . ht VA x. Tit....,, it . 2 UNI w ' m',- ! .. . 4 > . ii M: *** + V . . " 27 . WWW NI . . " - - *- LL TILI A M" iz -..'. 1 . . - LA M . . .. kr . . ww A . E . . A . . 2 ht" ** **** * RA . . . ! :. IN . . KLI * site. " 1 . . . .. - IST LYF * 7 .. ch . . L " A OD moj E 1 - . : . 1. 11 40 ..". . " A- . - O . : - AT 111 . .. ! 1 Ky . . . . . , . . . 22 • :, . . .. 2 . - -. . 0 . .. -.. + . . . . 1 N ' T . X . 1397'. F . < 1 + 1. - ni 1 . LITA . . . ? + ! . ng N 72 21 TY". 1 WA .. 32 . . Gi LIT " WILL VW - "NU - . - 1 . . . * W . " " i * TM NA 17 • L - - 7 . . . S 1 . ES 7 - 0 ' IV .. 1 . 3.1 . I ty . .. -- :! 28 25 - - TRK 2.2 36 . . . . 1.8 . . 1.25 1.4 116 r - MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHAFT NAP?VAL BUREAU OF STAYDAROS - 1963 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ORNL - AET - OFFICIAL OLNE - उमा سا رے نے زین - لیاری کے l in. . io. isinin ORNI - AC - OFFICIA Paper for presentation at the IAEA Symposium "Thermodynamics with Emphasis on Nuclear Materials and Atomic Transport in Solids," Vienna, July 22-27, 1965. SM-66/59 -LEGAL NOTICE --- The report was prepared as an account of (overomeot spunsored work, Nellher who Uulled Suales, cor ide Commission, 108 any perwa aching on he ball of us Coo'nission: A. Makes any warraoly or reprcarolllon, enpressed or implied, with reopere di Wie acero racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information containeu in calo report, or what the var of any informalion, apparatus, mound, or proceso dirlourd in W. report way out infringe privately owood rigbus; or B. Assurer lay liabilities mud respect to the use of, or fur damages resulting from ihr use of say Information, apparatus, molhod, or pr xros disclosed in the report. As used in We above, "perso acung ou betall of the roaminotvo" ineludes hoy em- ployee or consacwr of the Cocimission, or empluyse ol such contra lor, w the a lent was Such employee or contractor ul We Commission, or employee of such cuotractor prepares. diosminales, or provides access lo, any information puront lo do caployment or contract with ebe Comass100, or to employment with ouod contraser. ATOMIC TRANSPORT PROBLEMS OF INTEREST IN NUCLEAR SYSTEMS* Ted S. Lundy and Fitz R. Winslow Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA . FITLITE""37975 The PHE FIRE :" ..::.. ';. - ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL-ACC-OMHICIAL ATOMIC TRANSPORT PROBLEMS OF INTEREST IN NUCLEAR SYSTEMS Ted S. Lundy and Fitz R. Winslow Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA ABSTRACT Several problems encountered in the application of basic diffusion data to systems of practical interest such as those encountered in nuclear engineering will be discussed. These problems will include .isothermal diffusion experiments, thermal gradient diffusion, and radia- tion effects on diffusion processes. Most of the reliable information on diffusion in solids has been obtained from cases where there is essentially no concentration gradient of the diffusing species. In systems of interest to nuclear engineers, however, concentration gradients are almost invariably present. Thus, a working knowledge of the relation between self- and chemical-diffusion coefficients is necessary in order to estimate the proper coefficients to use in a given situation. Knowledge of thermodynamic activity coef- ficients as functions of composition is necessary additional information. Recently it has been clearly demonstrated that indiscriminate use of an Arrhenius-type expression to describe the temperature dependence of diffusion data may lead to large errors in the prediction of diffusion, Vigten ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OF ORMI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNLAIC - OFFICIAL coefficients. The ramifications of this finding will be discussed with emphasis on refractory, body-centered cubic systems. We have studied, both theoretically and experimentally, the effect of a thermal gradient on the redistribution of substitutional impurities in a metal. This work has led to an increased appreciation of the impor- tance of this effect in systems of interest in the nuclear field. The enhancement of diffusion by radiation fields remains a problem of justified interest. We have made the first successful direct measure- ments of the effect of fast-particle bombardment on diffusion in a metal. Our results correlate well with predictions based on a model of the annihilation of excess point defects (vacancies and interstitials) by two mechanisms – migration to homogeneously-distributed fixed sinks such as dislocations, and recombination of defects. INTRODUCTION In this paper we will discuss several problems that might be encountered in the application of basic diffusion data to systems of prac';ical interest. Specifically, we will consider (1) the relations between self- and chemical-diffusion coefficients and the information necessary for use of isotope diffusion data for predictions of the behavior of real systems, (2) the pitfalls which might be encountered in using the well-known Arrhenius-type expression to predict diffusion coefficients outside the range of measurements, (3) effects of thermal gradients on the distribution of elemental components in alloys, and (4) effects of fast-particle bombardment on the diffusion process. CHEMICAL DIFFUSION FROM TRACER MEASUREMENTS Most of the problems of matter transport in nuclear systems occur in components having a chemical concentration gradient. These gradients could be built-in as in the mating of dissimilar alloys or could occur because of interactions irith the operating environment. Unfortunately, the study of interdiffusion, under the influence of a concentration CIAL ORNI - AEC - OFF ORNI - AEC - Off ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AIC - ONNICIAL gradient, is neither as well understood nor as widely studied as is tracer diffusion in the absence of a concentration gradient. Thie lack of knowledge can be remedied by the use of self-diffusion coefficients, some of which are well known, only if certain other information is available. The theory by which a connection can be made between the chemical-diffusion coefficient, D, needed to describe or predict a chemical concentration gradient and the self-diffusion coefficients of the alloy (this discussion will be limited to binary alloys) was derived by Darken. (1) The assumptions which he made are, in many cases, not completely valid, but experimental findings have tended to confirm the form of the equations. These assumptions are: (1) the molar volume of the alloy 18 independent ve concentration, (2) diffusion is by a vacancy mechanism, and (3) vacancies are present at equilibrium concentration at all times and positions. In luany systems deviations from constancy of the molar volume are small so that errors introduced by (1) are often small. For large deviations the theory has been extended hy Sauer and Freise [2] to include changes in mclar volume. The assumption of a vacancy mechanism of diffusion is generally considered valid for sub- stitutional diffusion in metallic phases. However, there is convincing evidence for other mechanisms of diffusion in some intermetallic phases and in some nonmetal.s. The third assumption, that the vacancies are in local equilibrium, can be seriously in error because of the diffusion process itself. The Darken equations then seem to be only fair approx- imations to reality. For a binary system the Darken equation for the chemical-diffusion coefficient is D = D2N2 + D2N1 , : (1) where 1 and 2 refer to the two components, N is the mole fraction, and D is the intrinsic diffusivity. The D's can be obtained from a chemical diffusion experiment only by using a second relation which involves the velocity of motion, v, of a constant concentration point in the sample, usually taken as the interface: ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL OMNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . :,: =. (D) – D2) ON . . 131 130 - 21h - Ho 10131510 - DIV-INIO There is another relation originally derived by Bardeen and Herring (3) connecting the intrinsic coefficients with the commonly measured tracer coefficients, D*. They assumed that the chemical potential of vacancies, Hve is almost zero everywhere and that cross terms in an irreversible thermodynamic treatment do not contribute to matter transport. The first assumption 18 essentially equivalent to assumption (3) of Darken; the error introduced by the second is probably small. Bardeen and Herring showed that for the ith component of the system, De = D (1 + à in *), where yt is the activity coefficient. Thus, if all the assumptions are met and if thermodynamic data is available for the syster of interest, chemical diffusion effects can be calculated from tracer data. Unfortunately, there are many cases where this is not possible. THE ARRHENIUS CONCEPT The usual way of reporting the temperature dependence of dif- fusion data is to give values of Do and Q contained in the Arrhenius- type equation, ... D = Do exp(-Q/RT), where Do is called the frequency factor and Q the activation energy. The original Arrhenius equation, proposed in 1889 [4) as an empirical law for the inversion of sucrose, is given by ü ln K ΛΗ (5) RTZ OWNL-AEC - OFFICIAL Equation (5) may be readily integrated to give an equation having the form of Eq. (4) for constant Sh. Early investigators in the diffusion area realized this fact and coupled it with the success of absolute reaction-rate theory in identifying the empirical constants, Do and Q, in terms of the thermodynamic properties om the moving species. These developments. led to the almost universal acceptance of Eq. (4) as a law for diffusion processes. The purpose of th? 3 section will be to diecubb OINI - ACC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL OINL - ACC - OFFICIAL some of the deviations from Arrhenius-type behavior recently reported for diffusion in body-centered cubic metals. This subject is of direct interest to nuclear designers because it is often necessary for them to extrapolate diffusion data taken at high temperatures to lower reactor-operating temperatures. It will be shown, at least for some materials, that such extrapolations lead to unrealistic conclusions. It is fairly well known that the Arrhenius equation cannot, in general, hold for chemical diffusion. It is also well known that grain- boundary effects, magnetic effects, and surface effects can drastically increase material transport rates over that for volume diffusion. This section will discuss only material transport which is tentatively iden- tified as volume diffusion. Figure I shows Arrhenius-type plots for the diffusion of 95 Zr and 95 Nb in zirconium over the entire range of stability of the beta phase. The curvature has come to be called "anomalous" with respect to the "normal" materials that have straight-line plots such as that illus- trated in Fig. 2 for the diffusion of 95 Nb in niobium. Both figures were from studies conducted at ORNL. [5,6] For niobium, D was measured by a direct sectioning and counting technique over a temperature range of 878 to 2400°C and a range in D of almost eleven orders of magnitude. Yet, there is no trace of curvature on the plot. The few high data points can be explained on the basis of a limited annealing time which, because of lºss of resolution of the sectioning technique, gives rise to a systematic error in D. "Normal" self-diffusion behavior can be defined in terms of Eq. (4) with constant values for Do and Q. The activation energy, Q, is empirically given by . Q = 34 Tm , where To is the melting temperature in degrees Kelvin. This approximation, recently improved by Sherby and Simnad (7) and by LeClaire(8), is usually correct to within 10 to 20%. The pre-exponential factor, Do, has been extensively discussed by Zener. [9] It 18 sufficient here to say that in • "normal" metals Do lies between 0.05 and 5 cin2/sec. (6) ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OF OXNL - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNL-A6C - OFFICIAL The volume-diffusion data for all face-centered cubic and hexagonal metals seem to follow the "normal" empirical rules; but some body-centered cubic metals including B-Zr, B-Ti, y-u, and B-Hf behave differently. Ihe body-centered cubic phases of these metals havı Arrhenius plcts similar to those shown in Fig. 1. They are characterized by an apparent activa- tion energy which is not only a function of temperature but is also con- siderably lower than would be predicted by Eq. (6) and an apparent Do several orders of magnitude lower than 0.05 to 5 cm2 , sec. Anomalous metals are apparently anomalous for both self- and impurity-diffusion. Figure 3 illustrates the diffusion behavior for a number of impurities in B-titanium. [10] Note that there is curvature for all isotopes studied except possibly C-14, but that the point of maximum curvature tends systematically toward higher temperatures as the diffu. sivity increases. This curvature may, in fact, be absent in the data with the highest diffusivity (and lowest activation energy), C-14.[11] This behavior certainly suggests that some intrinsic property of B-Ti, and by inference of B-Zr and y-V, is involved in the anomaly. The appearance and acceptance of the anomalous results have naturally led to several speculations. We first wondered if it is possible that most metals are anomalous but that the anomalies have not been seen because of the narrow temperature ranges covered by the data. This possibility : can be assessed by doing more refined diffusion experiments in order to extend the range of directly measureà volume diffusion coefficients. This has been done for self-diffusion in niobium and tantalum with the results noted previously. [6,12) Speculations on the mechanism of the anomalous behavior in B-Zr, B-Ti, y-U, arid B-Hf may be divided into four categories: 1. There is no fundamental reason why the activation energy must · be temperature independent. In fact, so little is known about the nature and properties of the so-called activated complex, even for a process so basically simple as sell-diffusion, that temperature dependence must be considered as a real possibility, even in the face of a multitude of · experimental data to the contrary. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL QINLAÇ - OFFICIAL OINS -AlC-OISICIAL 2.. Grain-boundary diffusion may obscure the volume-diffusion mechanism at lower temperatures. This would lead to nonlinear pene- tration plots which have not been observed in these systems. Further, although ail samples were polycrystalline, the grain size was large enough so that this possibility does not seem reasonable. 3. Possibly, diffusion along dislocations is contributing to extra : cransport at lower temperatures. In contrast with grain boundaries, dis).ocation diffusion would not necessarily lead to changes in the pene- tration plots and so might be missed. Calculations which have been made, however, show that about 1010 to 1011 dislocations/cm2 are necessary to account for the effect. (8,23] This number secms unreasonably high for a metal annealed at temperatures such as those used in the diffusion runs. One possible source of a large number of dislocations in the anomalous metals is the phase transformation that occurs in each. Peterson and Rothman (14) have discounted this possibility by showing that pre-annealing the specimens for long times at temperatures higher than the diffusion temperature before depositing the isotope and diffusion annealing the specimens causes no marked changes in D. In spite of this, dislocation diffusion must be regarded as a real possibility until more is known about the behavior of dislocations in the various body-centered cubic metals. 4. The final suggestion, originally made by Kidson (15), is that some very mobile impurity is attracted to vacancies in these metals. The reaction to l'orm a vacancy-impurity complex could leave large concentra- tions of mobile complexes in the metal at low temperatures. Excess dir- fusion would be a natural consequence of these "extrinsic" vacancies. Kidson's calculations indicated that the effects in zirconium could be explained by impurity contents of the order of the actual oxygen impurity · content in the samples used. Recent work by Askill,[16] however, indi- cites no difference in diffusion coefficient (for 18 ?Ta in B-Ti) for: specimens annealed in high-purity argon, and at vacuums of 1 x 10-5 and 8 x 10-9 torr. . This, of course, does not rule out the possibility that impurities already in the specimen might cause the effect. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL OBNI -AEC - OFFICIAL ORNB-ACC-OFFICIAL ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL In summary, an upward curvature of the Arrhenius-type plot has occurred for certain body-centered cubic metals, B-Zr, B-Ti, and y-U. This evidence has in turn cast doubt on the validity of the Arrhen'us equation as an empirical relation for design purposes. It should be noted that the effect, an enhancement of transport at low temperatures, is in the wrong direction for design purposes. That is, more material than predicted would be transported through a fuel-element cladding. The materials in which the effect has been observed are also ones of interest in nuclear systems. These facts make consideration of non- Arrhenius behavior important for nuclear design. REDISTRIBUTION OF ELEMENTS IN A TEMPERATURE GRADIENT It is well known that certain nuclear reactor components are sub- jected to extremely large thermal gradients. Such gradients are especially important in the nuclear fuel and in the cladding materials. At present little is knor. about the redistribution of elements contained within such components, but it is surmised that such redistribution may signili- cantly alter some of the physical and mechanical properties and cause corresponding changes in reactor operating performance. This section will review the various aspects of diffusion in a thermal gradient and will suggest possible magnitudes of elemental redistributions. Particular reference will be made to a recent paper by Biermann, Heitkamp, and Lundy (17) on the redistribution of tracer elements in pure silver. The theoretical problem of diffusion in solids under the influence of a temperature gradient has been treated by approaches making use of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes and by kinetic calculations. However, neither thermodynamic nor atomistic theories have successfully predicted thermal diffusion effects. The approach in this paper will be to consider the thermodynamic approach first and then to examine some of the kinetic models. • ORNI - AEC - Off ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL í 10 The phenonenological equations for fluxes J, in a two-component system under a temperature gradient are: (18) J1 = L11X1 + 112X2 + L13X3 , J2 = L21X1 + L22X2 + L23X3 , and (7) J = L31X1 + L32X2 + 133X3 , where the subscripts 1, 2, and 3 refer to solvent atoms, solute atoms, and energy, respectively, and vacancies are neglected. The Lake are phenomenological coefficients and the X, are thermodynamic driving forces. By choveing a reduced energy flow Jas (19) JS = J3 - (hiji + h2J2) , where hy and ha are the partial molal enthalpies and j3 18 the total energy flow, the forces are X1 = - D (M2)T, Xa = - V (Hz)T; X3 = - T. (8) (9) For a coordinate system referred to the center of gravity J] + J2 = 0 (10) 1.11 = – L21, L12 =:- L22 , and = -- L23 , : (11) Y-INIO IVIDUA10- weden ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL OINI - AC - OFFICIAL 11 The Onsager relations are L12 = L 21 (12) L1 3 = 131 , and L 23 = L32 Using the definition of the heat of transport as (13) gives (14) 12 = - L22 10 (H 2 – M2), + v r) . It can be shown that Q* = ( ) T = 0, (15) 80 Q* 16 the thermal energy transported by the reduced energy flow per unit solute flow in isothermal diffusion relative to the center of mass. (20) Since My = M1° + RT In al , and (16) My = us RT In az , where ai and 22 are activities of components 1 and 2, respectively, and · aj = fNi , and (17) 82 = f 2N2 , with Ni and N2 mole fractions of components 1 and 2, and Ni + N2 = 1, then Ja = -1 22 [ T v N2 + q* v T ] (18) for very dilute solutions. At steady state, Ji = Ja = 0, 80 . N2 + V T = 0. (19) If the temperature gradient is zero except along the x-axis, it follows that (20) ORNL - AEC - OFF ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ------ ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 12 This equation for the center of mass system is applicable for a two- component system where the solute 18 present in very dilute quantities. For example, it might be applied to interstitial solute diffusion in an interstitial regular solid-solution alloy. We note here that the sign of Q* gives the direction of thermal diffusion and the magnitude of Q* 18 proportional to the magnitude of the effect. If Q* 18 negative, the solute tends to migrate to the hot portion of the specimen, while a positive Q* implies migration to colder regions. It can be shown that the heat of transport q* (defined in the center of mass system) 18 related to heats of transport of the solvent and solute, Q* and Q2, respectively. The latter quantities are defined as at - , and (21) where the primed phenomenological coefficients are defined in a' coordinate system relative to the lattice planes. The relationship is (22) where Di and D2 are diffusion coefficients of the solvent and solute, respectively. This expression 18 useful in relating predictions of kinetic models to the theory derived by the thermodynamic approach. So far we have applied no particular mechanism of diffusion in deriving the equations. If we now consider that the diffusion process occurs by a vacancy mechanism, we can show that Qi = Q8 – Eo , (23) where QX 18 the heat of transport of the pure metal and E, is the forma- tion energy for vacancies in the pure metal. For consistency we will define a Q** such that aš = Q* - Ez (24) where E2 18 the formation energy of a vacancy next to a solute atom. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ir1.01330-DIV-IXIO OIMI-AEC - OFFICIAL 13 Then, we may rewrite the previous expression for Q* to give Q* = (Q* - Ez) - P Q7 Eo). (25) Two kinetic models will be considered. The simple kinetic model assumes that the jump frequency of an atom depends only on the tempera- ture of the initial site. Thus, QQ = Ho , (26) where Ho is the activation energy for migration of vacacies in the pure metal, and . Q2 = U2 – E2 (27) where U2 18 the migration energy of the solute. So Q* = (U2 – E2) - BA (Ho – Eo) . (28) the activation energy of migration, Ho, can be split into three parts or Ho = H4 + Hp + Hf, (29) where Hy is the exces's kinetic energy which must be supplied to the atom at the initial site to initiate jumping, Hy the energy which must be supplied to the barrier atoms so they will allow the atom to pass through, and Hf the energy required to open up the relaxed vacancy at the final position of the jumping atom. Wirtz' model limits aš to the interval Ho s Q S Ho. (30) Thus, the two kinetic models may be summarized by Qp = BOHO (31) with Bo = 1 for the simple model, and -1 = Bo s +1 for the Wirtz model. . If, similar relations for thermal diffusion in a dilute alloy are assumed, Q* = (B2 (Q2 - Ez) - E (Q0 – En) - Eo] (32) from which estimates of Q* may be made. .. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL OPNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC -OISICIAL In the experimental part of the work by Biermann et al., (17) pure silver and the isotopes 124 Sb and 103Ru were chosen because all of the information for estimating thermal effects by the various models was available. Antimony diffuses much faster in silver than does silver so in these experiments the silver lattice acted as a marker for thermal effects; while ruthenium diffuses much blower than silver and thus may be considered as a marker. By this choice of materials, it was hoped to determine how silver atoms and the two isotopes behave in a thermal gradient. The experimental apparatus 18 shown in Fig. 4. The specimens con- sisted of silver uniformly doped with either 124 Sb or 103Ru to about 300 or 2 in 10', respectively. The most novel feature of this apparatus was the use of internal tungsten-silver thermocouples to measure tempera- tures without disturbing the heat flow. Figure 5 shows one set of results for 124 Sb. Note that for 528 hr at temperatures of 822 to 886°C with a specimen 0.37 cm long, the concen- tration of the isotope at the hot end is more than 30% greater than that at the cold end. Thus, Q* 18. negative and from plots of in (c/co) vs T-1, shown in Fig. 6, it was found to be (-29 + 3)kcal/mole, a value too large to be explained by the simple kinetic model which predicted a value of -7 kca.2/mol.e. The Wirtz model, however, allows a Q* range of O to -37 kcal/mole and may therefore be use? in explaining the data. Experiments using 103 Ru were unsuccessful and allowed no definite conclusions. They did, however, suggest that Qð has a negative value (1.e., pure silver in a temperature gradient tends to migrate to the hotter regions.) . The few experiments which have been carried out on the effect of a thermal gradient on material transport have indicated that a simple kinetic model of the jump process is not adequate to explain the results. There is at present no theory which can even qualitatively predict the effects. Therefore in nuclear systems where thermal gradients are present, exact design information can only be obtained under the expected service conditions. OINI - AC - OFFICIAL ORNI-ACC-OISICIA OINI - AES - OFFICIAL 15 EFFECT OF FAST PARTICLE BOMBARDMENT ON DIFFUSION · Much has been reported about the effects of radiation on various mechanical and physical properties of materials. These effects have generally been explained in terms of additional defects produced by the radiation and annealed out by atomic migration. The theories of produc- tion of lattice defects by different kinds of radiation and annihilation of such defects by thermal effects seem to be in reasonably good shape. There have been, however, .o previous quantitative measurements of the effect of fast-particle bombardment on the atomic migration process itself. Biermann and Heitkamp (22,23) have described a method of measure- ment of the enhancement of self-diffusion in lead by alpha bombardment. Their work, though yielding only qualitative results, has led to addi- tional experiments (on diffusion of 212Pb in silver) (24) which are the first direct quantitative measurements of the effect of fast-particle bombardment on diffusion in a solid. The remainder of this paper will first examine various theories and then report the experimental results of Heitkamp, Biermann, and Lundy. (24) Theoretical aspects of radiation-enhanced diffusion have been dis- cussed by Lomer (25,26), Dienes and Damask (27), Damask (28,29), Larsen and Damask (30), and Wechsler. (31) They considered mechanisms of pro- duction and annihilation of point defects and developed equations appli- cable to various simple cases of defect annealing. Cases which were considered are: (1) annihilation of vacancies and interstitials by migra- tion to homogeneously-distributed fixed sinks, such as dislocations; (2) recombination of vacancies and interstitials by atomic migration; (3) a combination of cases 1 and 2; and (4) reconbination of the interstitial atom with the vacancy created at the lattice site from which the atom was displaced. Case 4 is not likely to be important for enhancement of dif- fusion due to highly-energized charged particles. The theory is developed as follows: Consider a constant production rate K of lattice vacancies and interstitials and defect annihilation resulting from defect interactions at homogeneously-distributed fixed sinks and from recombination. Then the rates of change with time, t, of the concentrations of the two types of defects are: - - - - - - . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL I- ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORAL-ALC-OFFICIAL 16 (33) = 0v, 12c, - vz(Cro + C) , ove = K – dv, 12cy – v (Cve + c), (34) where C. and C, are concentrations of vacancies and interstitials in excess of thermal-equilibrium values, respectively, d 18 a factor proportional to the concentration of fixed sinks, V, and v, are jump frequencies of vacancies and interstitiala, respectively, 1 18 the jump distance, and C 18 the concentration of vacancies at thermal equilibrium (with- out radiation). Using Eqs. (33) and (34) it is easy to show that at equilibrium, , A. [ ve + ( ° • vo ) + ] (35) and (y = (36) If the excess self-diffusion coefficient Dp in proportional to the excess vacancy concentration (implyir:g a vacancy mechanism of diffusion), then 212 + C, . 2 K L (37) DE = 812v v/ - v l ORNL-AEC - OFFICIAL where p is the correlation factor for self-diffusion. For impurity dif- fusion by a vacancy mechanism the same expression with fin substituted for f should hold. In the experimental work by Heitkamp, Biermann, and Lundy (24) a surface-decrease alpha-recoil method of measuring the diffusion coefficients was used. This method allowed values as low as 10-18 cm2/sec to be measured. Since diffusion coefficient measurements were made in regions of specimens OIN -.1EC-OFF 17 ORKL-AIC - ONNICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL very close to the surfaces, it was thought necessary to have additional terms for annihilation of defects at the surface in the differential equations describing the process. The equations were therefore ot" = K - dv, 12C, - v(Cho + CV)C, + V,1872C, , and (38) 88 o = K - dv, 12C4 - V (Cro + C) + v; 1972C%. (39) Solutions to Eqs. (38) and (39) for the steady state, presented in the paper by Heitkamp et al. (24) are rather complicated and will not be repeated here. They predict that radiation-enhanced diffusion in silver in the near-surface region X ~ 10-8 cm) is significantly smaller (about 2 orders of magnitude) than one would expect it to be in the bulk material. We will briefly review the experimental details of the measurements. First the alpha-recoil method of measuring diffusion coefficients was used. In this method the surface concentration of 21 2Pb was found by measuring the beta activity of the 208T1 recoil atoms. The decrease in 212Pb activity with time at temperature was related to diffusion coef- ficients through use of appropriate solutions to Fick's second law. Such measurements were made both with and without a field of bombarding alpha particles from an 8.5-curie 210Po source. Thus, normal and enhanced diffusion coefficients were measured and excess coefficients were obtained by subtraction. Results of the study are summarized in Fig. 7. Here we see that the isothermal diffusion may be described by an Arrhenius-type plot with D = 150 exp (- 60,000) cm2/sec. (40) The excess D values, obtained by subtraction of isothermal from enhanced values shown in the shaded area of the figure, were all in the range of (5 to 8) x 10-18 cm/sec. If the measured values of De are compared with theoretical predic- tions, there is reasonable agreement with predicted bulk values and disagreement of about 102 with near-surface predictions. We do not at present understand why the surface does not act as a sink for exce88 vacancies. nts OINI - .1EC - OFFICIAL OINI - AEC - OFFICIAL red. .1.- iiuil - ORMI - AIC - OFFICIAL 18 SUMMARY In conclusi on, we have examined four of the important problems that might be encountered in attempting to apply basic diffusion data to nuclear bystem 8. We have not attempted to cover the whole problem area, since several other probl«ems, such 28 near-surface effects, short-circuiting paths of easy diffusion, etc., exist and merit detailed consideration. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORMI - ABC-OF 19 ORNI - AIC - OINICIAL ๆ ง า REFERENCES 1. 'L. 8. Darken, Trans. AIME 174, 184 (1948). 2. F. Sauer and V. Freise, z. Elektrochem. 66, 353 (1962). J. Bardeen and C. Herring, pp. 87-L11, Atom Movements, American Society for Metals, Cleveland, Ohio, 1951. S. Arrhenius, 2. Phys. Chemie 4, 226 (1889). J. I. Federer and T. S. Lundy, Trans. Met. Soc. AIME 227, 592–97 (1963). T. S. Lundy, F. R. Winslow, R. E. Bawel, and C. J. Mcllargue, to be published in Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AI.ME. 7. 0. D. Sherby and M. T. Simnad, Trams. ASM 54, 227-40 (1961). A. D. Inclaire, "Diffusion in Body-Centered Cubic Materiels," paper presented at the Symposium on Body-Centered Cubic Materials, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Sept. 16-18, 1964, to be published. 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Fig. 2. oo Fig. 4. Fig. 5. (ORNL-LR-DWG 70182R) Diffusion of 95 Zr and 95 Nb in 8-Zr. (ORNL-DWG 64-9858) Diffusion of 95 Nb and 18 21a in Niobium. (ORNL-DWG 65-5949) Tracer Diffusion in B-Titanium. (ORIVL-DWG 63-7309) Experimental Apparatus for Diffusion in a Thermal Gradient. (ORNL-DWG 63-7308) Concentration of 1245b as a Function of Distance. (ORNL-DWG 63-7307) Concentration of 124 Sb as a function of the Reciprocal Absolute Temperature. (ORNL-DWG 65-2363)' Measured Diffusion Coefficients of 212Pb in Silver With and Without Alpha Bombardment. · Fig. 6. Fig. 7. ORNL - AEC - OSFICIAL ORAL-ABC - OFFICIAL . 22 ORNL-LR-DWG 70182R OINI - AIC - OFFICIAL TEMPERATURE (°C) 1500 2000 1000 900 800 2 x 10-7 En DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT (cm2/sec) tohoto No 950 10" L I 6 . 8 10 7 104/110K) ORMI - AC - OFICIAL Fig. 1. Diffusion of 95 Zr and 95 N in B-Zr. 23 OINI - AIC-OISICIAL ORNL-DWG 64-9858 TEMPERATURE (°C) 1400 1000 2400 4800 i-a FORMI - Alcornicial A 10-7 LIV - - - - - --- - 10-8 -- .. ....... 10-9 g5Nb=1.14 UND 1.10 exp (-96,050/RT) 10-10 10-14 -DNO TO =1.02 exp (-99,300/RT) 10-12 . ..... D (cm2/sec) .... .. . ... 10-44 . - . - - - . - - . . - -- - - . - 10-15 . 10-16 . ... - - . . 10-17 : 10-18 10-19 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 10,000/ (OK) ORNI - AEC -055 ORMI - AEC - OFFICIAL Fig. 2. Diffusion of 95 Mo and 18 21a in Niobium. ORNL-DWG 65-5949 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 10-5 PHASE CHANGE 10-6 C14 p32 DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT (cm2/sec) Nj63 C060 | MELTING 10-8L POINT Fe55 Mn 54 10-9 Sn 113 148 N695 To182 . 10-10 M099 TEMPERATURE (°C) 4200 4400 4000 900 1600 L 1 1400 l 0.6 L 0.5 0.7 ORRI - AEC - OFFICIAL 0.8 100%(OK) Fig. 3. Tracer Diffusion in B-Titanium. .. . .-..-.......... • - .. - - ........................................... .. . ORNI-AIC - OFFICIAL ORNL-DWG 63-7309 ognani SPRING ............ WIMMI NINITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CERAMIC TUBE ..... POWER LEAD FAMILIUKWD ... POWER LEAD - - - - - - STAINLESS STEEL ROD - . . . . ALUMINA CEMENT 60/40 Pt-Rh WIRE . . . . . RADIATION SHIELDS - 00000000 bOO 000 do - - - - ....~ W CYLINDER CU ROD W WIRE - Ag WIRE W WIRE -W FOILS . . W FOILS SPECIMEN W FOIL Cr-Al-TC- Cu ROD- ... .. com..... -... ti STAINLESS STEEL CYLINDER . CU PLATES OT WATER COOLING ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL ... Fig. 4. Experimental Apparatus for Diffusion in a Thermal Gradient .. .. . . . ... .-.. -.-.. ....- ..-.- .-..... .. . ...... .. . . ORNL-DWG 63-7308 OINT - AEC - OFFICIAL 1.2 SPECIMEN II 528 hr % 1.0 --- 886 °C 822 °C .8 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 0.1 : 0.3 0.2 x (cm) ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . Fig. 5. Concentration of 124Sb as a Function of Distance. ..-------- -- -----------.. 27 27 ORNL-DWG 63-7307 0.10 OINI - AIC - OFFICIAL OINI - ACC - OFFICIAL 1528.hr 240 hr 10g % -0.05 : -0.40 • ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 4000/710K) Fig. 6. Concentration of 124 Sb as a. Function of the Reciprocal Absolute Temperature. ORNL-DWG 65-2363 OINI - AEC - OFFICIAL T (°C) 400 -16.550 500 450 350 300 lo L -O WITHOUT IRRADIATION • IRRADIATED BY 'o S 1.02x10" alphas cm2. sec ODL D(cm?/sec) 'o O O 'o RT to= (150 + 100) exp(- 60,000 £5000) cm2/sect LL 1.4 1 1.6 - 1.2 1.8 i 1000/T (OK) ONNI - AEC - OSSICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Fig. 7. Measured Diffusion coefficients of 21 2Pb in Silver With . and Without Alpha Bombardment. ---- - .- - .--. -. - . - .. - .. .. . .. .. - END - . DATE FILMED 9/ 2 / 65