ü. . . . . . . ." " .. .. + 2 ! ** I . I OF I ORNL P 1394 17 :....: $ • . : : . . veterina ... ... . .., - - MAS 1s U$6 TEFFERTE - :. TI . . DE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARD'3 - 1963 ? LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. d... Eu Paper to be presented orally at 8th Annual Conference on Vacuum Metallurgy, New York City, New York, June 21-23, 1965 OROL -P-1394 JUL 20 1965 HIGH-TËMPERATURE CHEMICAL STABILITY OF REFRACTORY-BASE ALLOYS IN HIGH VACUUM · ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL CONF-650617-/ D. T. Bourgette Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT Evaporation losses of refractory-base alloys having the commercial . designations T-111, FS-80, FS-85, B-66, C-129Y, and D-43 were determined for various periods of time at temperatures between 1200 and 1500°C. The . experimental pressures ranged from 7 x 10-7 to 6 x 10-10 torr. In general, there were no serious evaporation problems associated with these alloys, especially at temperatures of 1200 to 1300°C. The alloys that exhibited the greatest evaporation losses contained the higher vapor- pressure elements such as vanadium, zirconium, and hafnium. For example, B-66, the most volatile alloys studied, loet 1.70 mg/cm2 at 1500°C and 7 x 10-9 torr in 316 hr, while at 1200°C and 6 x 10-10 torr a weight loss of 0.077 mg/cm2 was measured in 513 hr. Vanadium and zirconium losses con- tributed 95% of the total weight loss. Evaporation occurred only at the .. surfaces; no subsurface voidis were detected nor did evaporation occur at any preferential sites, such as grain boundaries or impurity inclusions at or near the surfaces. The total weight change in the specimens appeared to be pressure and composition dependent. At 1200 to 1300°C and 10-7 torr, the niobium-base alloys FS-80 and D-43, containing only zirconium as the evaporating element, . showed a weight gain, while at the same temperature and 10-9 torr a weight ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. i BITENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE DE THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON EILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTION yty N 1088 was observed. This behavior 18 attributed to interstitial contamination Tiodisgo-jj- inšÜ WOJOVOMUO at 10-7 torr and purification at 10-9 torr. For those alloys containing more than one evaporating species, such as B-66 and C-129Y, a weight 1088 wae observed at both the high and low test pressures at 1500°C. The evaporation 108ses in these cases overshadowed the changes in the interstitiel contents. Changes in the interstitial concentrations were dependent on the pressure. At 1500°C and pressures of 10-9 torr or lower, carbon was retained while oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen were evolved. At & higher pressure .. of 100? torr and 1500°C, carbon was lost while the oxygen and nitrogen con- . tents showed an increase. It is believed that the reaction of carbon and oxygen resulted in the loss of carbcis at the higher pressures, while at 10-9 torr insufficient oxygen was present to appreciably reduce the carbon concentrations. INTRODUCTION The importance of refractory alloys in space applications has resulted in an experimental program designed to determine their compositional stability in vacuum. In space vacuums ranging from 10-7 to 10-16 torr, refractory alloy's may become interstitially contaminated at the higher pressures and purified at the lower pressures when exposed for extended periods at elevated temperatures. In addition, the concentrations of other alloying elements may change because of evaporation. The objective of many researchers in the space power program is to improve the high-temperature creep strength of various refractory alloys. The principal method considered is that of changing the interstitial con- tent and the concentration of minor alloying elements: 1-3: Published ...viiivii n- iitä ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL · ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL OINI - AEC - OISICIAL data, based on tests conducted over short periods, although helpful in understanding the strengthening mechanisms, do not reveal time-dependent reactions that might be deleterious. For example, application of such alloys in space may require thin-walled structural members that must operate over a design life of 10,000 hr or longer. L088 of interstitial elements in solution would disturb the equilibrium with interstitial precipitates. In an effort to reestablish. equilibrium, the precipitates may dissociate, this resulting in changes in alloy composition and a' loss of dispersion strengthening. To assess these potential problems, a study was undertaken to determine the evaporation behavior and changes in the concentration of interstitials in the ranges of 2100 to 1500°C and 10-9 to 10-20 torr. The commercial designation and nominal composition of the alloys selected for study are listed in Teble 1. EXPERIMENTAL TROCEDURE Specimen Preparation Lanmou From specimen stock approximately 0.004 to 0.005 in. thick, cylindrical 0.50-in.-diam X 0.75-in.-long evaporation specimens were made by spot welding in air. The specimens were degreased in acetone and chemically cleaned in a solution composed of H20, HNO3, HF, and H2SO4. Each specimen was weighed and the geometric area was determined. Evaporation Apparatus Two similar pieces of experimental equipment were used in this investiga- tion. Both systems allowed for collection of vapor deposits from ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL Table 1. Alloys of Interest Investigated in This study ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Commercial Designation Nominal Composition (wt $___ Ta NOW HP Zr v Moy T-111 .2 FS-80 8 99 60 21 79.9 : 20 1 1 Analyzed Intersti- tial Content (pom). C 0 Ñ H 70 57 294 100 180 78 10 40 100 28 2 75 150 60 5 210 97 250 980 63 896 FS-85 28 . C-12941a) 10 10 10 0.1 0.1 Br 66, 89 5 5 i 1 D-43 89 10 Tal Alloy contained 0.4 wt % Zr as an impurity. icijois0 - DIV - INTO ONNI - AEC - OSSICIAL ALU 17hbetis ir se' : individually induction-heated specimens held at temperature for various OINI - AIC - OKSICIAL periods of time. The basic difference between the apparatus 18 in the · ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL .. k ipainoisir erk unir- v ,.toner pumping systems. The first apparatus, possessing a liquid nitrogen cold . trap, oil diffusion pump, and mechanical pump combination, allowed for controlled variation in the pressure by regulating the power to the diffusion pump. This system was capable of pressures ranging from 10-6 to 10-9 torm at temperature. The second system incorporated a 15 liter/sec ion pump that was turned on after a roughing pressure of 10-6 torr was attained using conventional oil pumps. This system was capable of pressures of 10-9 to 10-10 torr at temperature, but the pressures were not controllable. The experimental pressure was the lowest pressure attainable at the desired temperature. The specimens in both systems were simultaneously heated using a series . . connected induction coil. RESULTS AYID DISCUSSION Interstitial Stability : Results of the pre- and posttest chemical analyses showed that, for all the alloys studied, the change in the interstitial concentration varied : with test pressure. At high vacuums of 10-9 torr, the carbon concentrations remained virtually unchanged. However, the oxygen and nitrogen concentra- tions at 10-9 torr decreased substantially. At greater pressures of 1 x 10-7 to 6 x 10-7 torr, the oxygen and nitrogen concentrations in the alloys increased, while the carbon content decreased, and 10 most instances, these changes were sevire. It 18 postulated that, at the higher pressures, the increased oxygen and nitrogen concentrations in the alloy resulted from ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL the presence of these elements in the vacuum environments. ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL minister over the When oxygen was available in the environment, a reaction between the oxygen and the carbon in the alloy occurred. For example, the carbon-to- oxygen ratio for D-43 alloy decreased with an increase in pressure at 1500°C, as illustrated in Pig. l. Por alloy 18-80, the carbon-to-oxygen ratio at 2 x 10~9 torr increased with temperature, while at 5 x 10-7 torr, ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL NI - AIC - OFFICIAL. the carbon-to-oxygen ratio decreased with an increase in temperature. Purther, after several hundred hours, the carbon-to-oxygen ratios at low temperatures (2100 to 1200°C) are nearly the same for pressures between CUOCNC OIST20CM CO 11 5 x 10-7 to 2 x 10-9 torr. This behavior 18 1Uustrated in Fig. 2. These results indicate that, at temperatures between 1200 and 1500°C and in ultrahigh vacuums, these alloys viu lose nearly all of the oxygen (and nitrogen) while retaining nearly all the carbon. On the other hand, when these types of refractory alloys are subjected to environments con- taining excessive amounts of oxygen (e.g., at higher pressures), then the carbon will be decreased. The Individual analytical test resulto illustrating the behavior of the interstitial elements are tabulated in Table 2. A comparison of Table 2 with the initial concentration of interstitials as listed in Table I will show that, in general, the behavior discussed above 18 relevant to all of the alloys investigated in this study. .. NQ DI.laio Ditt?OCH GRAM PAMA . Metallography .... When certain refractory-base alloys undergo a severe change in con- .. centration of interstitial carbon, oxygen, or nitrogen, a corresponding change in the size and quantity of precipitates containing the se elements: will also occur. For example, Table'a shows that T-ul alloy lost oxygen On thens Garasi and nitrogen at 1500°C and 2 x 10°9 torr, while the carbon content was not CIA * * ; . ?." - alo..... ..!! u n ..o/ pades) - Janssarla 96241196-337v-gdus HA Rheinliiii nii ul bi millinin UNI JOAHIM! udniillo Qumdulilu Humilidi1UnTINITI Annillllllllllll UDIHIIilllllllINI UNUINNUNI IIIINOMIIIIIIMIIMMINIMURIT HuuuuuulllnID OWNDIMINNIHLWIwllll TUUNIIIIIIIIIUINITUMUUillim UUDIouillITUIMUI NINIUITI DUOWUUHIMUIUIOnlil|IIIIIII BUTHUIMITUTIIlllllllllllllllllllll inununl|IIII|IIIIHITUINONNllllllllll Duniilluunaldinulllllll UNIMUIHIHHIJIROUHIUUDIUI niihim TONSO 2018 illuUMX IDIL||lllimminOWORMW 3001010001|DMUXUMTI olmuimuTilwintitullittu oblputatul TITULLUTUTIMI annulitullin INOKHIIDINTI imuliuniuilTITULLILI HUUUU D III|UI||IIIIIIIIIIIHIMUIHINI !III IllIIlIlIIUTATUMI Kuruldum !MUTUMI||llllllllllun u mba IARUUIIlIWNIHUODU Ulls NILAHNNAT Timurtit illUIIIIID % Ratio Huuulin mu bio punilimuIIIIIT wwUHUNIIH HOUR D onUUNILUTOWINIENNIOIHIMIT RooihunimuunnoniNII IloimuluinunuIWOOVINUTI ORTOUHUUTI HUUllmul tronu HomTIIUUM HUUHliflllMAUNHO! Null! Villllllllllllllllllllllll THIRD HOIDIDOL TRIINIHITUNIUNIULNOIA DOMUHDIIIIDID O ! BUUTUUUUUUIIlluinDHI MMODITIUNI110llllllllllllllllll buutu H DIMUIDUTHI amminiumununun 10 Onlinnu n MMDIHIIIIIIIU ennilinnum miniOI LIIDIDuminium UUTIMIT KONINIRIDIUINITOIMIII DopulmoningumIHIUM 1.QUOD Mun01111 TURHIDIUINI HUMMI IMUNOLOIHIUM LtdWUIHIN ImBORUDU Timo MI PTD { S2 L2 : Billiari III HUBIUAIDIJUMAT..796781771TTETIT QILIUROUP AUROOM Dimann EHIOTM HiOA HITIL DODIHUINMIDTDIHriti KAUSHTIN fundniu 0211111 WIIDIIDI OLIM mlitumuIDWO! IDWIDNAUlin IIMUIM ADDED HOLDINTIIMIIIANIMIN 1 1.00unuullum TUUUMINIUIUUDIO T iivitullin NIINILITI AUDOTO numHUNHIILIMI nnes · ORIOS .. . 1. Variation of The Carbun. Oxygen Rotoo in 0-13 tys a function of fressure Figure -. 3 CYCLES * 10 DIVISIONS PCR INCX SCMI-LOGARITHMIC NQ .LTO Ditt?OCH ORAMI PANCI của x 4 1 1 CUOCNC OisT20CM ca . ... m 16) C D o OO Pt O - . . . Q 11 OC . 1400 2 - . D Temperature (°C). - C O 11 : x 1 .. 0 0 . . . 1 11 C 0 10 . . : 1 2 D DOC . C D C 0 OU C C O OU J . 2 . U . - u 17 a . 0 1142518033YFINAPO *01zey olzeld % ORANLAHEC OPFA : ORANLZHECODIKSAAL Table 2. Interstitial Concentration Changes Resulting from Tests Lasting from 500 to 750 hr la W348=33v= *d ORNIAP - OSBiriai Alloy Temperature Changes in Interstitial Concentration, ppm Carbou Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen Pressure (torr) D-43 1500 2 X 109 2 = 20-8 1.5 X 1077 -50 -50 -16 -13 +101 +197 4 x 10-rla) -56 66 +351 +421 -63 +244 400 -260 -20 --380 1300 1 x 10-9 -12 +347 5 x 10-7 me zoom our FS-80, 1500 3 x 10-9 -175 -70 97 fond au aw it x xxxx -53 1492 1300 MILLIMETER NO. 340-M DIETZGEN GRAPH PAPER -32 x 10-9 x 10-9 10 -48 -137 0 1200 * 1009 X 2007(a) -20 +120 ግ ግ ግ ሃ †† †† የ† ኖ ኖ ኖ ኖ ኖ7 † † †† x +190 +42 - - T-111 1500 10 - - x 10-9 5 x 10-7 • 230 maten m66 +40 - . +171 .- -. U B-66 1500 7:X 109 5x 10-7 -150 -10 FS-85 1500 6 an x 10-9 x 10-7 -19 +222 C-129Y 1500 2 x 10m9, AN -31 +1140 4 x 20-rla) X X +385 +90 _ _ in NI JOVW EUGENE DIETZGEN CO. lycold trap became depleted of liquid nitrogen during the test. rcinate CAMILARES Q ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL *** . grosely affected. Examination of the corresponding microstructure ORM - AEC - OFFICIAL (Fig. 3(a)) shows a comparatively large grain-boundary precipitate accompanied by clear specimen surfaces. At 5 x 10-7 torr, however, carbon was lost, while the oxygen and nitrogen concentrations increased. Figure 3(b) shows that the resulting microstructure contained a very fine grain-boundary precipitate and that the specimen surfaces were now covered by a thin film. At 2 x 10~9 torr, the grain-boundary phase 18 believed to be carbides, while at 5 x 10-7 torr it is believed that both carbides and . nitrides are present in the grain boundaries because of the increase in : nitrogen concentration (Tavle 2). In addition, the film on the surfaces of the specimen tested at 5 x 10-7 torr is also believed to be a nitride because of Its etching characteristics. A similar solid-solution alloy, T-222 (T&-9.6 wt 4 W-2.5 wt% Hf), containing 0.010 to 0.913 wt% C, exhibits two complex carbides.3 At 1090°C, e tantalum-rich, hexagonal (Ta,W,HT),C precipitates and is stable to 1316°c. At 1316°C, a hafnium-rich, body-centered cubic (Hf,Ta,w) x precipitates and 1s stable to 1.540°C. From these results it appears that, efter several hundred hours at 1500°C, T-111 containing 0.004 to 0.006 wt% C would precipitate a cerbide phase as 11Justruted in Fig. 3. Microstructures of niobium-base alloy D-43 (Figs. 4 and 5) show pressure-dependent variat:lons in the interstitial concentrations et 1300 and 1500°C. At both temperatures, the interstitial elements in the D-43 alloy exhibited a behavior similar to the interstitials in T-221. At 1500°C and pressures ranging from 4 x 10-7 to 1 x 10-9 torr, the microstructures (Fig. 4) and changes in the interstitial concentration (Table 2) indicated a close relationship between grain-boundary precipitates and carbon content. As the test pressure was increased over several IVIJIS10 - DIY - INIO hundred hours the carbon concentration decreased accompanied by a . corresponding decrease in the sizs and number of grair-boundary ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL .ORNI •AEC - OFFICIAL . Film surface? .! •:.***.. L ... . i . . .. . . . 1.• . . - . -.. . ivateli fol ; :-..-.mimme ::.. • - - . . - . .. er . .... rer. nisi.w m ni scorso anni ' . .- * . . com. - (6) > 57497 ... ondon Program L -". (a) 4/5.0196 "..-9 . ^e --- - moe. . ...medicina ...copainois i cian : --... - ...rv.- -,-. ... . --- - - - - - - ...:: :. .- .:.:.:. - - 0086EN . وحسم ROM 0.062" AS ROLLED TO 0.005" ?: 5 x 10-7. Por 12N "H=008- 1504 6.04*? 700st- .. ....... .. : .... . .... Locommon . : : . - .- - - 1 ..., ... 1 . .. . 3070 . - ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . . .. :: .. . ... : Loreccorsican .....' . ,. ... . . . . . . . . · ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . . . . . . OINI -ARC-OKSICIAL orticiau HOV işoos s7- annyi meg másrenntent . Kommer r. AKMUO with minish ormonlarnom u ni . - . 1 :-, ) 1 too Hp 36 . then 650 HP DwDogte liv 1..5 x 10° be structions _dogo 97 "4099 : O&demos68 1.44049-01*7 06086go MOHLI 736 1 X 1009 6. - + quando ! .:::: . . . --- : 2. ac.nelon ---.... . . . . . .. ..... ..... -. : .... . . .... ..... .... . ...... . . . . .... .. .... .:: . - . - . . . . .t :' . ................ ... . ORNI - AE ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL : :::.: !:: ORNI AIC - OFFICIAL · *. ..- .'• . 2 Tajoms pirmo O .: ..... . .. ......... ...... .... and no -.,- ... FROM 0.063* AS ROLLED TO 0.005 s. 1. D 376 Hp eeee68-хан, 007086 5 x 10°7 porr . . . . . . . . 1951. - - . AL... ORNL - AEC - Official ... . ::8::' .... *.. ... 0 ORNL - ACC FICIAL . WIJ930- 33V INNo.: ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL precipitates. The sensitivity of D-43 alloy to changes in carbon content 18 more fully illustrated in Fig. 4(c) and (a). Near the end of a 736-hr test, a failure to fill the liquid nitrogen cold trap during a . 36-hr period resulted in an increase in carbon content (Fig. 4(a)] when compared to a normal 650-hr test (Fig. 4(c)). This 140-ppm increase in carbon concentration (Fig. 4(a)) resulted in a greater amount of grain-... ::* boundary precipitates. Microstructural dependency on test pressure al80 occurred at 1300°C, as illustrated in Fig. 5. In a 376-hr test at . . 5 x 10-7 torr, the carbon concentration decreased from 980 to 600 ppm, this resulting in complete disappearance of the grain-boundary phase. At 1500°C, this complete disappearance of the grain-boundary phase occurred at a carbon level of 580 ppm, which was attained at 1.5 x 10°7 torr t. ... .......... in 650 hr. These results indicate that this phase may be unstable at lower temperatures. . No attempts were made to qualitatively identify this grain-boundary...... phase; however, it has been reported46 that. MozC precipitates at grain boundaries in niobium-base alloys containing relatively high carbon concen- trations and exhibits an hexagonal structure. Examination of this phase under polarized light revealed an anisotropic behavior. Although not conclusive, this is an indication that the grain-boundary phase illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5 might be Nbạc. Further, Gerken has shown : that Nb2C 18.a high-temperature phase and that heat treatment at 1200 to 1300°C or a loss of carbon will decrease the amount of this phase present in the microstructure, a behavior consistent with the results of this study. Pollack has also shown that at 1200°C Nb2C is converted to a complex (N,Zr)c, which appears as the fine "dot" phase in Figs. 4 and 5. .... ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL CRNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ... Verification of these results has been completed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and an electron micrograph illustrating this carbide conversion 18 presented in Fig. 6. Metallographic examination to 2000x did not reveal any differences In etching characteristics, color, or precipitate morphology in specimens heat treated at 1500 and 1300°C and 10-9 and 10-9 torr. The oxygen and nitrogen contents were low at 1 x 10-9 and high at 5 x 10-7 (Tables 1 and 2), and because the metallographic features of the different samples were alike, it is felt that no oxides or nitrides were present for these test conditions.. The microstructures of the remaining alloys, FS-80, FS-85, C-1297, and B-66 were similar for the same conditions of time, temperature, and pressure... At 1500°C, grain growth was severe, the average grain size being approxi- mately an ASTM-1. No precipitates were detected at magnifications to 1000 X, except in the case of C-1297 at 1500°C and 4 x 10-7 torr. Failure to fill the liquid nitrogen cold traps resulted in massive precipitates, which were probably carbides or nitrides, a conclusion based on interstitial changes (Table 2). The FS-80 alloy was also tested at the lower temperatures of 1200 and 1300°C. Grain growth was not evident, and the average grain size was an ASTM-6. Precipitation was evident at 1200 and 1300°C for test pressures of 107 and 10-9 torr. Hobson has reported that, when 100 ppm O 18 present in the alloy, Zroz will precipitate in FS-80 at 900 to 1100°c. Evaporation : . . At the outset of this investigation, a primary concern was evaporation of the alloys at their service temperatures. It was felt that substantial evaporation losses would result in 1088 of mechanical strength and adverse changes ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL OINI درمان رانراه فیلما دی العصر الأ/ حنان حمام . ار . ... . و م .: دان م دوو ؟ 47 . 05 :.. . . . و :) د ماه مر - انت . . . 11 من.. . : ولا : . . . مي و . . .. .. . . " حماة اما او Figure bi Replicated Carbides (Nb-Zr) C in situ. Sample Overetched... Nb -10% W-1% Zr-0.1c Alloy Annealed 2 hr at 3300°F. 1 Aced 500 hr at 2200°F. : دنیا می ه ا و ..... ... . . : .. . . . . . و د . . . .: .. . . . . . | --- . ." ۰۰۰ : : . . . ;': . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DINI - AIC - OFFICIAL in emittance. Therefore, tests were conducted at temperatures slightly above the intended application temperatures and for times sufficient to reveal the seriousness of the problem. It was learned that at the OINI - AIC - ORBISIN application temperatures no serious evaporation problems would be encountered in ultrahigh vacuum environments. The results of the evaporation tests are summarized in Table 3. In general, a good mass balance was obtained between the weight of the vapor deposit and the weight lost by the specimen. Errors of 8 to 12% were attributed tu the formation of gaseous products, which were probably pumped out of the system. In those cases where an adequate mass balance could not be obtained, the deposit was so light that the accuracy and precision of the chemical analytical technique led to uncontrolled errors. The deposits, therefore, could not be identified. " At 1500°C, all of the investigated alloys (Table 3) lost weight at both 20-9 and 10-9 torr. However, the weight loss, except in the case... of D-43 and B-66 alloys, was greater at 10-? torr than at 10-9 torr. It is postulated that the higher concentration of oxygen and nitrogen in the environment at the higher pressures resulted in the formation of volatile metal oxides and nitrides, which were pumped out of the system. In addition, decarburization, which was discussed previously, added to the weight loss. For those alloys investigated at lower jemperatures (Table 3), it was observed that all specimens lost weight at high vacuums of 10-9 to 10-20 torr. At poor vacuums of 5 x 10-7 torr, however, all samples except B-66 alloy gained weight even though a slight vapor deposit was observed on the collection tube. The data show that, at temperatures of 2100 to 1300°C and pressures of 4 x 10-7 to 5 x 10-7 torr, the weight Lost by evaporation of volatile compounds 18 overshadowed by the weight gain due to the increase in the interstitial concentration at these higher . See een meditational f * . is ORNL AEC - Official pressures. IVIJI110 - Y-INIO IISIISO-23V- INIO Table 3. Results of Evaporation Tests of Refractory-Base Alloys in High Vacuums ...l-.:. es. io. . .-. Alloy Temperature (°c) Pressure (torr) Duration Specimen Weight Change (mg/cm?) Composition of Deposit FS-80 - 1500 512 512 100 Zr 100 Zr . 1300 . 3 x 10-9 6 x 10-7 5 x 10-9 5 x 10-7 1. X 10-9 5 x 10-7 1 x 10-9 493 493 -0.098 -0.130 -0.012 +0.043 -0.024 +0.051 -0.003 1200 1000 1000 ܣܢܵܐ ܇ ܂ 300 B-66 . 1500 316 316 7 x 10-9 5 x 10-7 6x 10-10 5 x 10-7 -1.700 -1.600 0.077 -0.024 83.8 8–15.5 Zr-0.45 166 0.25 Mb 82.9 8–12.2 Zr 0.46 MO 0.17 No 93 R-7 Zr 93 V7Zr . 1200 513 494 T-211 1500 2 x 10-9 5 x 10-7 500 500 -0.079 0.23 92.6 H-5.8 Zr: 100 HP C-129Y 1500 2 x 10-9 5 x 1007 521 521 1.16 0.56 30.5 RP-8.1 2-21.2 . 61.5 H1—3.7 2r-1.5 Y (b) FS-85 1500 2 x 10-9 · 5 x 10-7 667 667 -0.066 -0.100 100 Zr 100 Zr D-43 1500 100 zr( 100 Zr 1 x 10-9 2 x 10-8 1.5 x 10-7 4 X 10°7 1 x 10-9 5 x 10-7 736 650 650 736 376 376 0.029 -0.029 -0.030 +0.019 -0.016 +0.018 100 ZT 100 Zr 1300 Not measurable. Sample weight uncertain... (c) Sample weight very low; only one analysis completed. 10 ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL The B-66 alloy contains two high vapor-pressure elements, vanadiun and zirconium, which evaporated at 1500 and 1200°C and .10°7 to 10-10 torr. The evaporation results (Table 3) showed that system pressure at constant temperature did not influence the evaporation of oither element. At the ORNI - ARC - OFFICIAL different test pressures, the relatives anyunts of vanadium and zirconium in the vapor deposit were the same. The influence of temperature, however, is quite obvious in the evaporation results tabulated in Table 3. The microstructures of the alloys studied did not contain any i surface or subsurface voids, broadened grain boundaries, or any other phenomena that might Indicate localized evaporation. In the case of the F8-80 alloy, however, certain grain orientations evaporated at greater rates. This behavior 18 11lustrated in Fig. 7 by the offset in the surface at the grain boundary. CONCLUSIONS :Teman List The niobium- and tantalum-base alloys investigated in this study exhibited interstitial instabilities at 1300 to 1500°C under high vacuums. . At. vacuums of 7 x 10-9 to 6 x 10-10 torr, the instability is a loss of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. At 1 x 10-7 and 6 x 10-7 torr, the con- centration of oxygen and nitrogen increased, but the carbon content decreased over an extended period of time. At 10-9 torr or lower, the carbon content remained virtually unchanged. It was concluded that a carbon-oxygen reaction occurred, this resulting in carbon losses as carbon monoxide over long testing periods. The gaseous elements were lost by simply diffusing to the specimen surfaces and desorbing into the vapor state. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AC - Off RNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ...vi . .. recimo!! . .:.:. INCHES 1000x =00035 INCHES : ... - - . . 1 -"- ...... .. : ob .::.. .. ... ..... ...... ......... ........................ ...Figure 2 Surface drregularity Illustrating Preferential Evaporation from Certain Crystall a Orientations in FS-809 at 1500°C and 3x10 9 Torr ( 5790) Mag 20000 Etchent ! 601,0 + 20 Hz Sovet JOHF 110.HCli ..- ... Soita. now. -- . . ...... .. .... i nie .. . .... .. ..... ...... .. ORNI - ARC - OFFICIAL Top INI - AC - OFFICIAL Metalb evaporation from the alloy surfaces were found to be low. It was concluded that at temperatures of 1000 to 1300°c no serious evaporation problems would be encountered in high-vacuum environments. However, it . was conc.luded that, when high concentrations of hafnium or vanadium are present in the alloy, exposures of several thousands of hours at 1300 to ORNI - AC - OPSICIAL 1500°C would result in severe losses of materiale. · ACKNOWLEDGMCNTS - The author 18 indebted to the many service departments in carrying out various phases of these experiments. The chemical analyses performed by W. R. Laing of the Analytical Chemistry Division and the metallography of W. R. Farmer and T. J. Henson proved to be necessary services in the interpretation of these experiments. The assistance of J. Newsome and R. L. Taylor in carrying cut the experiments 18 appreciated. Discussions with H. Inouye of the Metals and Ceramics Division were instrumental in the formulation of the conclusions reached in this investigation. Loomad - :: :. .:. - we'Y ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OSSICIAL 12 REFERENCES GENI - AIC - OFFICIAL . ongea.. - 1. R. W. Douglass, Research on the Technology of Tantalum Alloys with Maximum Strength in the 3000°F to 3500°F Range, Summary Report March 1 May 31, 1964, NRC Contract No. AF 33( 657)-11255, Task No. 735101 (June 1964). 2. D. Peckner, "Columbium, A Bright Future, But How Soon," Materials in Design Engineering 54(7), 107–16 (1961). . 3. R. L. Armon and R. T. Begley, Pllot Froduction and Evaluation of Tantalum Alloy Sheet, Summary Phase Report - Part II, WANL-PR-M-009 (July 1, 1964). 4. A. C. Barber and P. H. Morton, A Study of the Niobium-Zirconium-Carbon and Niobium-Zirconium-Oxygen Systems, Imperial Metal Industries K/RR/33/64, (May 7, 1964), 5. D. 0. Hobson, Aging Phenomena In Columbium-Base Alloys, Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL-3245 (March 1962). 6. J. M. Gerken, A Stugy of Welds in Columbium Alloy D-43, Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc. TM-3865-67 (March 1964). A ... ORNL - AEC - Orricia LIST OF FIGURES · GENS - AIC - OSSICIAL ORNI - ACC - OFFICIAL 1. (ORNT. : ) Variation of the Carbon-to-Oxygen Ratio in D-43 Alloy as a Function of Pressure at 1500°C. Variation of the Carbon-to-Oxygen Ratio in . .... FS-80 Alloy as a function of Temperature. 3. (Y-57496, Y-57497, Y-57498) Microstructures of Alloy T-111 in the As-Rolled Conditior and after 500 hr at 1500°C as a Function of .. . . . . ... ... . ...... .. . ... . . Pressure. Etchant: 60 parts H20, 20 parts H2SO4, 10 parts HF, and i 10 parts #cl. 1000x. (Y-57504, Y-57505, Y-57487, Y-57503) Microstructures of D-43 Specimens Tested at 1500°C as a Function of Pressure. Etchant: 60 parts H20, 20 parts H2804, 10 parts IF, and 10 parts Hci. 1000x. 5. (7-57486, Y-57506, Y-57488) Microstructures of D-43 Specimens in the As-Rolled Condition and after 376 hr at 1300°C as a Function of Pressure. Etchant: 60 parts H20, 20 parts H2SO4, 10 parts HF, and 10 parts ici. 1000x. ; 6. ) Replicated Carbides (Nb,Zr)c in situ. Sample over-etched. N-10% W-1% Zr-0.1% c alloy annealed 2 hr at 3300°F. Aged 500 hr at 2200°F. 7. (7-57490) Surface Irregularity Illustrating Preferential Evaporation from Certain Crystal Orientations in FS-80 Alloy at 1500°C and 3 x 10-9 torr. Etchant: 60 parts H20, 20 parts H2SO4, 10 parts HF, and 10 parts HCl. 1000x. . iz . l *J . I. P O ... . - ... .. "... . so. .. . or... ant s ares tasa ONNL - AEC - Orrician i ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL i V . 3.5 ii. . . 4 LO W *** WL . W A . EE* 9/ 8 / 65 DATE FILMED END -.. ... ... . ..menu r ! . Mokin - .. iai i r . Tawarty - L a min nst 4* i'w-.1... Strona, La vio?...