" . ' . . , I OFI ORNL P 1385 I . • O . : si : . : . - . 36 AO - "- MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL GUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 S. ORNG-P-1385 JUL 26, 1966 MAST Didil ill. 08:10px ".-..... IDULTOR QUE CONF-651101-26 .. ü. wwel üs Pinza cric Equipme! Division Curi Ricc lütional jaboratory Oak Rije, Tennessee -LEGAL NOTICE The report mo prepared uus account of Government sponsored work. Neleber who called suur, mor la Commission, nor may normod acune oa bawll of we Commusloa: A. Mukes my warranty or nopronauuoa, expressed or implo, mun respect to be accu. racy, completeness, or unhulness of us lalor que uod coolained in this report, or wat be uso ol way lasormuoa, eppuratw, molbod, or process dirclosed la o roport may not lalringe primeuly oned righu; or B. Asning, may Ilabiliues with rospect to the un of, or for damages reswung from who orasuon, ipparstw, method, or procesi di cloud la this roport. As und la Uhe above, "person acuagoa ball of us Conclusion" includes any en- ploys or contractor of Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that aucb omployee or coa rector of the Commalasloo, nt employee of such coolrictor prepares, dionalaala, or provides acco. Lo, Lay lalormaron purouat to wo employment or contract with the Commisioa, or wo employmeat with such contrac'or. C AVAILABLE Prog dinaintenance of manipulators and accessory paris jas sioun vrai nearly all boot failures occur in the lowe: section or gauntivi area. To alleviate pulling a manipulator out of a cell for a complete boot change, ä two-piece anigu ator booü has been düveloped a' ORXL. This two-piece scoë is asszicated such that the 10:er section, including sauntlet, car je cmoved and replaced center; by a manipulator. Të siiculd be noted thać this design is applicajle only where manipulators are installed as pairs. roll HOF APRROVED-FOR-POSLIKRELEASE THE NEAND ITSCONTROTEASENLY. . Prin uppe: booc section is iadzicuced as a cylinder from a nylon zvinio:ced vinyl laminated racerial, iú oz. per yard. This unit is hcui süüleci and includes a seal ring as supplied by the manipulator manufacture: at one end and a v 7/8 inch I.D. x 2 inch wide x 15 sa. üluminum support band at the other. Since the support band is located around the aüimuth pulleys it serves a dual purpose; it not only pro- vices û clamping surface for the lower section but also protects the boot from being pinched or cut by the üzimuch pulleys. Tic cover boot section is fabricated from a nylon reinforced vinyl cial, 12 oz. per yard, which has been accordion-pleated. > This unic contains t1:10 small aluminum bands 1/2 inch wide x 7 1/2 inches and 7 5/8 inches x 1/16 inch thick fashioned as a darning hoop 0.:|-- OSPICIAL Rescarci sponsored by the U. S. comic Energy Connission under contract with ciic Union Carbide Corporatio.. (1) I. C. Parsons, et al. "En Improved socking Technique for Master Slaves," üniversity of California, 12:cence Radiation Laboratory UCRL-9658 RELEASED FOR ANKU. :-:IT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS 1;!'i!: jo TWO-PIECE MANIPULATOR BOOT OXXL - AEC - OFFICIAL Page 2 '-lii:iu . at one end and a sprayed urethane gauntlet at the other. The darning hoop contains a polyvinylidene chloride plastic diaphram to protect the unit from interior contamination until it is installed on the manipulator. A 6 3/4 inch to 7 1/4 inch I.D. ritig clamp made of 1/8 inch diameter wire is used as the fastening device for at- 1 For installation, the lower section is bagged as a package and inserted into the cell through regular access ports where the bag is opened and the boot section is slipped through the ring clamp. The unit is then lifted up to the manipulator where the diaphram is ruptured and the boot section is placed in position. Figure 1 shows the boot section just prior to clamping the two units into final position. When the ring clamp is mated to the aluminum band section of the upper unit, th: clamp is released and the installation is complete. With this booting arrangement it is no longer necessary to remove a manipulator to make a gauntlet change and time required to replace a damaged gauntlet has been reduced from approximately three hours to about fifteen minutes. An additional advantage of the two-piece boot has been realized in a substantial reduction of personnel radiation exposure for the manipulator maintenance crew. (2) D. T. Dice, "Urethane Manipulator Gauntlets," Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (Unpublished) 17121;: - DIY - lilio ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ... .. . . . PHOTO 69320A . . - L - WE - 4 the thesia . ! " .. - . 27 . 4. '' ay + i, in . SUPPORT BAND 14 S . DARNING HOOP 72 . ? ' . 77 4. U RING CLAMP 9 $ 1 . 213 . . .: 2 . : 1 . . . : - . ...: . . . . . > . . UA • ! . 2 DO Mgt ET ! . . - . 14 1 is . ! li i : . . . . _ . " L GAUNTLET Out 11 . . . Two-Piece Manipulator Boot END DATE FILMED 11/ 171/65 . . :: vini ... ...