. 1- . - . . - I 20 . - 1 1 OF | ORNL P 1725 : * i - . - 4 IT . . 3 . 1950 56 - - | 1.25 11.4 116 . i M MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 . • 1 : . ORNV P-1726 Conf-651041-2 HOV 1 8 1965 i i innud PREPARATION, COATING, EVALUATION, AND IRRADIATION TESTING OF SOL-GEL OXIDE MICROSPHERES R. G. Wymer and J. H. Coobs September 27, 1965 LEGAL NOTICE · RELEASED FOR ARUNOURICIONIST This report was proprred as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the Unitod States, nor the Commisolon, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warrunty or ropresentation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complotoners, or usefulness of the informatio contained in this report, or that tho use of any information, apparatu, method, or proceso disclosod in this report may not infringe privitoly owned righta; or B. Assumes any liabilities with rospect to the use of, or for damagor resulting from tho use of any information, apparatus, method, or procevo disclosed in this roport. As used in the above. "por son acting on beball of the Commission" Includes may on- ployse or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such amployee or contractor of the Commission, or employce of such contractor prepare disnominatos, or provide. rccosa to, any information pursuant to his employwont or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR CORPORATION for the U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. A paper to be presented at the Nuclear and Engineering Ceramics Conference to be held at Harwell, England, October 25-27, 1965. ... ............. PREPARATION, COATING, EVALUATION, AND IRRADIATION TESTING OF SOL-GEL OXIDE MICROSPHERES R. G. Wymer and J. H. Coobs ABSTRACT Microspheres of Thoz, PuOz, ThO2-UOZ, ThO2-PuOz, rare earth oxides, and americium and curium oxides were prepared at ORNL by sol-gel techniques. Thoria, Tho,-U0g, and UO, microspheres were coated with pyrolytic carbon in fluidized beds and evaluation has begun. Sphere forming was accomplished by dispersing sols in 2-ethyl-1-hexanol con- taining appropriate surfactants or adulterants. Engineering feasibility of microsphere forming was demonstrated using a variety of sol dispersing techniques. Sol-gel microspheres, because of their sphericity and uniform size, are well suited to coating in fluidized beds and have been used extensively in coating studies : . at ORNL. The thermal and chemical stabilities of pyrolytic-carbon-coated Thoz, en m2 Tho,-U0g, and UO, microspheres were demonstrated by their ability to withstand severe heat treatments (100 hr at 1900°C in vacuum, or 15 min at temperatures as high as 2600°C) without failure, provided the coating thickness is over about 65 m. Irradiation results indicate that carbon-coated oxide microspheres will be satisfactory fuels for high-temperature, gas-cooled reactors. PREPARATION, COATING, EVALUATION, AND IRRADIATION TESTING OF SOL-GEL OXIDE MICROSPHERES . R. G. Wymer and J. H. Coobs INTRODUCTION A variety of sol-gel methods for the preparation of microspheres and other nuclear fuel particle shapes have been reported.":4,04 These methods all have in common the preparation of colloidal dispersions of hydrous oxides, followed by formation of gels and subsequent sintering to a high density ceramic. The principal advantages of sol-gel methods over other methods of fabricating ceramics are the relatively simple operations made possible by the fact that many of the steps involve aqueous solutions and mild con- ditions, and the attainment of extraordinarily high density in the final product by use of relatively low sintering temperatures. These advantages lead to simplification in remote handling methods and seem certain to result in a lowering of fuel element fabrication costs. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory by far the largest fraction of the work to date has been carried out on thoria and thoria-<10% urania fuels. However, a considerable amount of development has been carried out on urania sol-gel processes for microspheres, and preliminary work on plutonia, plutonia-urania, and plutonia-thoria microspheres looks very promising. A small development effort has been carried forward on prepara- tion of rare earth oxide microspheres by sol-gel methods, and although the results are highly preliminary, mention wili be made of them. The sol-gel work at ORNL has been mostly carried out with nitrate salts and solutions as starting materials, and only these are discussed in this paper. The compatability of carbon coatings with oxide fuel kernels is a matter of interest to reactor fuel producers, and some studies have been carried out with thoria and urania. In addition, a limited number of irradiation studies on some of these materials are far enough along to warrant their discussion at this time. THORIA SOL-GEL PROCESS By way of review the basic chemical flowsheet for the thoria sol-gel process is presented in Fig. 1. This flowsheet differs from all other sol-gel process flowsheets in that the basic colloid unit is prepared by steam denitration at temperatures rising - - - - - to about 500°C. In the other processes, solutions or wet precipitates of nitrate, chloride, or formale sc!ts are peptized by anior, removal and pH adjustment. Attempts - - TTT at ORNL to produce a dispersible U(IV) oxide by high temperature denitration have been only partially successful. Plutonium and rare earth salts appear to be even more sensitive to temperature than uranium, producing practically no dispersible oxide unless temperatures are kept quite low. More will be said later on this point, especially as : regards plutonium." Figure 2 shows the steps used io produce oxide and carbide microspheres of thoria and thoria-urania. Only a limited amount of development has been carried out on the formation of carbides, and this will not be discussed here. The formation of amounts of microspheres in excess of several tens of grams is carried out in a tapered glass column re about 5 ft tall. The system used is shown schematically in Fig. 3. Although several types of sol dispersing heads have been evaluated, and development is continuing on several * * * of them, most of the microspheres produced at ORNL have been produced using the two- ORNL-LR-DWG 74842.31 H20, HNO3 UO2(NO3)2 SOLUTION (0.2M) ca THORIUM NITRATE SOLUTION (~2M) STEAM DENITRATION 1185-475°C SOL PREPARATION BLENDING, 30°C AMMONIA ADDITION Tho2 VOETHO? Hyo . TAL STEAM 350-450°C DENSE UO2-ThO2 TO SIZING AND VIBRATORY COMPACTION GELATION EVAPORATION CALCINATION 80-35°C AIR, 300°C/hr TO 1150°C 1150°C, Ihr ARGON-4% HYDROGEN UO3-ThO2 1150°C, 4 hr GEL ARGON - COOL TO 100°C (DENSITY: ~7kg/liter) Fig. 1. Schematic Flowsheet for Sol-Gel Process. p ann .in . wa y ... .. .-.- -.- - .... . . . --- . - ---- : . . ----..-... .............. - - -- . . - - . ".-- - . - . - . .-.-.- . - - . - - - - - - - - - - M v a - . - - . - . . - . - - - .. ORNL-DWG 64-2091 CHANNEL BLACK . 2 OXIDE SOL - OXIDE-CARBON SOL PREPARATION BLENDING MICROSPHERE FORMING DRY ORGANIC DISPERSION IN ORGANIC SOLVENT - PARTIAL DEHYDRATION WET SOLVENT SOLVENT OXIDE GEL SPHERES LOXIDE-CARBON GEL CONVERSION - SINTERING CALCINATION ThO2-AIR, 1150°C, 4 hr ThO2-U02-ARGON-4% H2 1150°C, 4 hr VACUUM, 1750°C, 1 hr DENSE ThO2 OR ThO2-UO2 MICROSPHERES THORIUM OR THORIUM-URANIUM CARBIDE MICROSPHERES Fig. 2. Steps in the Preparation o' Thoria and Thoria Dicorbide Microspheres. .ORNL DWG 61-824E11 TWO-FLUID NOZZLE AQUEOUS SOL FROM SYRINGE PUMP TO DISTILLATION SYSTEM 6-in. DIAM - 12 in. 3-in. DIAM - 0-0.2 GPM 0-3 GPM 40 in. CENTRIFUGAL PUMP EU CUNO FILTER FROM DISTILLATION SYSTEM UL 2-in. DIAM 3-in. DIAM to & in in. 6 in. 71 ORGANIC SOLVENT ENTERS COLUMN TANGENTIALLY COLLECT GEL SPHERES Fig. 3. Schematic Flow Diagram of Equipment for Forming Gel Microspheres. fluid nozzle shown in Fig. 4. Table 1 lists some of the organic drying liquids which have been used and some of the surfactants found to be effective in preventing particle clustering and sticking to the column wal's and in preventing formation of misshapen particles. In general, the amount of surfactant used is in the range 0.1 to 0.5 vol % in the organic drying liquid. Table 1. Drying Liquids and Surfactants Used in Forming Thoria Microspheros Drying Liquids 2-ethyl-1-hexanol 2-methyl-1-pentanol Surfactants Ethomeen S/15 (a tertiary amine) Span 80 (sorbitan monooleate) Paraplex G-62 (plasticizer in polyvinylchloride plastic) Typical product microspheres are shown in Fig. 5. From these figures an idea of the shrinkage may be obtained. Typical size yield data obtained for thoria microspheres are shown in Table 2. Results obtained by pouring sol into a beaker of stirred 2-ethyl-1-hexanol are shown for comparison. ORNL OWG. 64.8759 - AQUEOUS SOL ORGANIC 0.010-0.030 in. ID 0.005-0.010 in. WALL THICKNESS - 1/8-3/16 in. 10 10 in. Fig. 4. Two-Flui: Nozzle for Forming Sol Droplets, ITUT V. II K + + - + + . + * . . + . 9 . . FHCTO 67073 . . 1 99 + • : 6 , . . . . . . 11111 a - . . VI". 2 . 1 1 1 . . .. . '. 2 . SOX 1 . . ' . - Dr U . OYS . O TIL re . 1. . We ... I + - . D .. ZU " . . . . . TIL 1 . 2 THORIA 8 WT % URANIA CALCINED SPHERES :. . 10 _ . WWW . 11 rivo . . + . . . O 21 LA . . 2 . . . . 4 LES t 100 o SEO 1 . 1 . 1 v 1 . ' . . 4 . A 3722 11 DE 1 - 1 .. 1 1 1 1 LAY LUI V 1 . " I 1 . . LLI. 1 TO . . 1 SR.'Or WUWWOO 500 MICRONS Fig. 5. Gel and 1150*C Sintered 8% Uroniu-Thoria Microsphoras. - Y L . MA: ** - V-14 Vesivo . . - . .. . . 2 . 3 . . . AY : 1 1 # N . * . ** ** . *71.jpg XX O . 1 2:22 2 . . . . . THORIA 8 WT% URANIA GEL SPHERES . 11 . mes. 02 . . AL + 'LL Tº 1 + 77 . . . } . . SO XXXX . T- • is. ........ . U .. 1 . . . 26. . $ . 2 * XS VIP : L1 10 WU . . . 0200 . $ . . . Table 2. Size Yields for Thoria Microspheres 94 hr run; 20.2 kg Thon Two-fiuid Nozzle: (wt % in size range) <1504 210-250 u 250-297 y. 150-210 u. 17.3 9.9 50.8 22.0 Stirred System: (wt % in size ronge) Relative Stirring Speed <150 M 150-210 u 250 g 210-250 - 20.7 330 31.8 24.0 23.5 350 34.2 27.4 22.8 15.6 370 42.5 35,0 21.2 1,3 URANIA SOL-GEL PROCESS The sols used in the preparation of Vo, microspheres by the sol-gel technique were prepared by precipitation of hydrous U(IV) oxide and its subsequent dispersion. A flowsheet for the laboratory preparation of U(IV) sol is given in Fig. 6. Sol prepa- ration begins with the preparation of a uranous nitrate solution by the catalytic re- duction with hydrogen of a uranyl nitrate solution containing excess nitric acid. The solution is filtered to remove the catalyst. Formic acid is added to the filtered solu- tion. The hydrous oxide is formed by precipitating U(IV) with an NH, OH solution containing hydroxylamine. The precipitated hydrous oxide is collected by filtration 1: -., ORNL DWG. 65-9845 . ---.- . REDUCTION .- es ... ..... 2520 ml SOLUTION 0.5 M VOZ(NO3)2 - 1.3 M HNOZ 0.26 MUREA 30-60 mg PD CATALYST ...- * - .- _ PO CATALYSTS FILTRATION U(NO3)2 SOLUTION CONC. FORMIC ACID FORMIC ACID ADDITION SOLUTION MADE 0.3 M IN FORMIC ACID PRECIPITATION 3.0 M NH OH 0.5 M N244H20 U(IV) HYDROUS CXIDE SUSPENSION 1- ? LITERS H, O FILTRATION AND WASHING 24 cm dia. BUCHNER FUNNEL WITH NO. 42 WHATMAN PAPER - hombo WASTE ELECTROLYTE - - - UO, FILTER CAKE - - - SOL FORMATION HEAT AT 60-65°C AND STIR UO, SOL Fig. 6. Flowsheet for the 10.3 bratory Preparation of Urania Sol. and washed to remove excess electrolyte. The washed filter cake is then heated at 60 to 65°C to produce a fluid, stable sol. Precautions are taken to protect the material from air oxidation by the use of a blanketing gas (argon) during all stages of the process. Because it was desirable to work with enriched uranium, the sol preparations were care : ried out batchwise using 300 g of uranium in each preparation. Thus, several batches could be worked with concurrently in the same area without fear of criticality incidents. Sol concentrations of 1.3 to 1.7 MUO, are achieved. Formic acid is used in the prepa- ration because higher concentrations of U(IV) (about 90% of total U) permit higher sol concentrations, and because better filtration rates are obtained.. To form microspheres, urania sol is dispersed into dropluis at the top of the column shown earlier, and the droplets fall down through the countercurrently flowing 2-ethyl- -- - --- 1-hexanol. As the droplets fall, water is extracted until finally sufficient water has - -- - - been removed and the drops are set to gel microspheres. Two organic surfactants, - - .. - Amine "O" and Span "80", are added to the organic solvent to prevent spheres sticking . . -.•- --- -- to the column wall and to prevent "clustering" of spheres. 'Each of the surfactants is - ... - present to the extent of about 0.5 vol %. The spheres settle down to a product col- - - - - - lection vessel at the bottom of the column, where they are collected batchwise. - Before firing to final densification at high temperature, the microspheres are dried at a low temperature (below 200°C) to distill out most of the alcohol and water. With uranium sols, this column routinely produces yields of 90% of the calcined microspheres from a 300-g batch in the 125- to 177-p-diam size. In this 125 to 177 u 4. -. * * ; . fraction about 3/4 of the spheres (by weight) are of 149- to 177–p size. With urania, Luania, ORNL microsphere forming experience has primarily been in the 50- to 250--diam size range. 2 - T V . Figure 7 shows typical urania microspheres. The bright spots are light reflections my - from the surfaces of the spheres. Polished sections of these same spheres are shown in Fig. 8. Although it doesn't appear at this magnification, there is a uniformly distri- buted microporosity in these spheres which tends to coalesce to form macropores at about 1700°C. One characteristic of the urania microspheres formed by this technique merits special mention. That is that the carbon content of the UO, spheres is often high- i.e., of the order of several thousand parts per million. Of course, if the next step is coating the microspheres with pyrolytically deposited carbon, then the presence of carbon in the sphere is of no concern. Table 3 shows some typical product analyses. iHeating the spheres in co, removes carbon, but leads to a loss in average particle strength, as shown in the table. Fig. 7. Typical vo, Microspheres (Diam = 125-177 m) ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . .:: . ... .... ..: : . . .... . A ..::: ..... .. .. . ...... ... . BROWSE * Y *XW TO * 02.- . , Xixona .. ...... OY.. ', *** ..: . arxYX . .. the ti : SER . .,' . * to 22 * WYKA XXXXXXX X2 . 2 : 1 ... .1.1 WA . . SOOV. * ** * * . . . ... is SD 19899 -. .- - .. - ..---.--.--.-. .......... .... ..................... n . 74 24viri: .:: :: . . . 1. 11 .. * * e . . ... Po :: ::: :: AVS . ... w .. 2828 S * C . . . . . .. .. . . . ► * AMANA wmy way . ,-. - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tra ... .. . -. . irie.. .... . " a .vontur ...ri...V 44....o** ..., ,5 ** , X2: ..värinvenia .. . . .. . ... ... . . .. ....... . .... . ..... 1 i We AY : : :: YAVIY * Si ** 10 LOTT . ...: . VEXXX 1. *** MO __ .. r. . _ . SY .. * . :. TO :. * . DOC *** * * . : YA . TUTT . .......... 11 CD .. ................... 2.235 :7.1...: ix 1-OODIE.. mmmmm mmmmmmoon NO m . wise . ... 22 U .. Fig. 8. Sections of UO, Microspheres. Density: 96% of Theoretical; Carbon: <100 ppm; Crush Strength: 5509 Table 3. Sintering Data for 125- to 177--Diameter UO, Microspheres Sintered in Hg at indicated temperature for 4 hr Sintering: ., Temp. (°C) Heat-up Schedule Wt Loss on Sintering Gel (W+ %) Wt. Req'd ,to Crush Carbon Content (opm) Product Density (% of theor.) 1150 6.9 871 4600 97.8 1250 1050 4900 97.6 b 1150 10.2 354 460 ~100 1250 313 200 ~100 b 1250 9.4 354 <100 ~100 Q. Hy to sintering temperature at 300°C/hr b. CO2 to 450°C at 50°C/hr; CO2 to 600°C at 25°C/hr; Co, to 950°C at 50°C/hr; .Hj to sintering temperature at 300°C/hr . PLUTONIA SOL-GEL PROCESS The development of a plutonia sol-gel process, while preliminary, is promising. .. The sols used in the preparation of Puo, microspheres by the sol-gel technique were made by a method which is a rather significant departure from the techniques used for both thoria and urania. In early studies of the preparation of plutonia sols it became : apparent that quite careful control of temperature and other process variables is re- quired. The chemical flowsheet for plutonia sol preparation is shown in Fig. 9. - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - .. -.. wire 09-4843 : . -. -. . - '. : . ..... Pu(NO3)3 10-20 g/liter 1-2 M HNOZ 1-4 MOLES HNO, PER MOLE Pu 3 PRECIPITATION 100% EXCESS OF 2 M NH, OH WASHING WATER WASHING TO FILTRATE pH of 7-8 PEPTIZATION DIGESTION AT 80°C TO COLOR END POINT (LIGHT GREEN TO VERY DARK GREEN) RESUSPENSION WATER ADDITION WITH AGITATION NO, REMOVAL HEAT TO DRY NESS; BAKE AT 120-200°C PLUTONIUM SOL Pu CONC. 1-3 M (NO, CONC. 0.1-0.4 MOLÉS NOZ/MOLE Pu) Fig. 9. Flowsheet for the Laboratory Preparation of Plutonio Sol. Dilute plutonium nitrate solution (10 to 20 g/liter), which contains 1 to 2 M excess HNOz, is precipitated by dropwise addition of the plutonium solution into a 100% excess of 2 M NH OH with rapid agitation. While other procipitation methods can be used, good results have been ob- tained with this method; and it is important that the plutonium be neutralized rapidly. Essentially complete removal of contaminant nitrate and ammonium ions is tate, the filter cake is suspended in water and refiltered. Three washings are usually sufficient to reduce the pH of the filtrate to less than 8.0, which indicates satis- factory contaminant ion removal. Filtration is readily accomplished by vacuum, filtration with a medium frit glass filter. The filter cake cannot be allowed to dry 'since the dried hydroxide will not peptize. Peptization The washed plutonium hydroxide can be peptized by digestion at 70 to 80°C with dilute HNO3. Complete peptization is indicated by a color change from light green to a nearly transparent dark green. It has been established by spectrophotometric anaiysis that the resultant sol consists entirely of Pu(IV) polymer, and it is thought that the degree of polymeriza- tion can be controlled by process variables such as concentration, time, temperature, and nitrate concentration. The minimum nitrate concentration necessary for complete peptization is one mole of HNO, per mole of plutonium. At this concentration, a digestion time of about 4 hr at 80°C is required. Recent work indicates that it may be desirable to add more than the minimum nitrate concentration during peptization. Concentra- tions as high as 4 moles of HNO, per mole of plutonium can be used. At nitrate/Pu mole ratios of 2 or more, the digestion time is reduced to 10 to 15 min. When a nitrate/Pu mole ratio of 1 is used, the maximum plutonium concentration obtainable in the final sol is about 1 M; with a nitrate/Pu mole ratio of 2.5, sol concentrations as high as 3.2 M have been obtained. The plutonium polymer solution prepared in this step is a true sol; however, this material is not suitable for fuel particle preparation. When such sols are taken to dryness and calcined, friable, low-density oxide results; also, attempts to form microspheres from such sols have not been successful. In addition, the high nitrate concentration is nor conducive to successful mixing with other actinide sols to pro- duce dense, strong oxides. Removal of the excess nitrate ion is accomplished by baking the dried polymer solution. This step is critical, since excessive baking results in material which can- not be redispersed. In all preparations, attempts are made to bake until all but a small fraction of the solids can be redispersed. This is taken as the minimum nitrate obtainable for a given sol preparation and varies from a mole ratio of 0.1 to 0.4, depending on precise conditions of the previous steps. 10 At present it is not possible to pre determine the exact temperature and baking time required for a given preparation, and a series of successive baking and suspension steps are necessary. In general, baking times of 8 to 12 hr are necessary at 120°C; baking times of only 30 to 60 min are required at 200°C. The final sol is prepared by resuspending the baked solid in excess water and evaporating to the desired plutonium concentration. Plutonium concentrations in ex- cess of 3 M can now be achieved. Good sol stability is obtained when the residual nitrate concentration does not exceed 0.4 moles of nitrate per mole of plutonium. While nitrate/plutonium mole ratios of slightly less than 0.1 have been obtained in some preparations, ratios between 0.2 and 0.3 are typical. The appearance of thoria and plutonia sois and their mixture is shown in Fig. 10. It is evident from this figure that the sols are compatible with each other. Perhaps an idea of the present scale of this work is also conveyed by the figure. Plutonia sols are also compatible with urania sols. There is no evidence that mixed sols cannot be made in all ratios of PuOg to Tho, and PuOy to Uog. The final products in both cases are hard, dense materials. Figure 11 shows PuO, microspheres before and after sintering at 1150°C in air. Figure 12 shows a 10% PuO.-90% Tho, mixture before and after sintering in air at 1150°C; and Fig. 13 shows a 25% PuO, -75% UO, mixture before and after sintering in hydrogen at 1150°C. Although these materials have not been characterized, densities determined by toluene immersion show them to be greater than 95% of theoretical density. The entire composition range has been investigated for microsphere formation of thoria-plutonia, and plutonia-urania mixtures up to about a 1/1 mole ratio have been explored in prelimincry work. . . ............... .. " wron.. .. " . A . I ANN . Figo 1 Fig. 10. Akeronce and Comporibility of Thorio and Plutonio Sols. . (11 T . . SOM DRY .. ► 1 1 AL. II X 'YI07. . * . . . . . .. . m .. . . 397 . . YTYY W "KIS 50% PU . MI 10 7 E 1 WC 2 . 3 OS . . . . NY . KO . . . AL .! , - - . 0.0077 WwWate ....... WY :: :: + 1. . 1 ** ****** * 7 ... .. ... .:: € * .. ** . ni " . ''. :,. . . .., Oy . :.. .::. 1111 . - .. - - . .... . . ........ -....... 00 . 1 - 1 - . . . . . .... ses... . .... * * * - - . T . - , 1 . .**!!! ? ? ; ...., . - LI . . . .. si - - - 1 I . - *_ . " ! + - - . . . : .. • 1 .. . - - - * ::; .::. $ * : * 1 * . * T NE 1 D . 4 - - - - '. e. i. ', . nie : .. .... . .. . :.:... .:.. . YTT .:::.... :.::::........ _ V. ....... .. .. .....::17 .iso....... •••• ..... VY. ........ N . . . . . . .. - -. an .. ••••. ". ... .... . I > SMMM 1 ...... . .... . . J. . . . 1 T ". . , ' . YE . . . I . . . 1 TTT . . '.'. - . . . . . .. , Lav. . ..... * V *... .. 1.1. ri's . , I'.*;.1.7.11. . " -- . I - .. 7 .. .- .. Y .'..12.......7. ..... ....*••.*.*. ' . .'.. *. >> ** * * . .*. *. . ... .. . .. . 1. ... . . . . . Ii - . . . . . . . ::: . . ::... . . : 7 . 2 . . . . . . . . :,::;. .:... . . . - TL .. * 1 . 1 LE . . VY...io 1 1 AP " . . 17: . 5 . . TOT TI CU ? . . : . . . . + . 1. 1 ini + . " . ei .. 1 ! LL .. . . 91 - 1 1 . 1 1 - 11 ! . A ::.; . : . - -2 - . . + - - L - . " * . - '" iii. T:54 Land - ... 1 . 1 .7 3 le - - - - - - 4 4 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - A ---- - - - - - - - . . . - - ---- * 23 . *** E Die T 19 .1 .4.1.11 . NA * 33AM ES YOY. V ::: XVW 22 W :: WA . XXV 3: . SURY CY . . . * R VOS * * . * ? W .. l ***** 3.0 ON . T W . 114 Vh :.:.:.:::: vaisingai .... .rs.me NMKY4X9: 04, 17:00 Y 2 . 3:27 :::::::: :: :: 1.........SM .:.:. : ::: :: . aan RX Ya is . . . .. * Voir XXS * .... IR * . XXVI 19 ** * 2:32 * ** So * 33 SAGOSTOSOLYT VOIY 3* VA30S XXXVW* . . . SE 333 VSIYO . S DY SY : PARO VOD X is LAUNCALCINED XXXXY*XX3W3 SSS PSY CALCINED - LV Fig. 11. fluicaia Galand 1 150°C Sintered Micrcspheres. Average Diam: 130 wi Density: 96% of Thecreticol. d i basimi framistie eliminating . . - CD . 1 1 . . Density: 92% of Theoretical, Fig. 12. 90% Thoria-10% Plutonio Gel and 1150°C Sintered Microspheres. Average Dion: 200 m . . . . CAU L- 21 O 11 YO 23 CALCINED AVYOOVYYYY13 121, :23 ONCALCINED * SY XXXX CITY . De 01. . . . ALO .. . . . I' . : . Y YOSO . . . . . . TV . . OG YO . : ...12 . TI JL 2 TIL XR . TI VTT . . .. . - 4 . .-- .-. 1 - . . V 1 . Sr. vinc,6. 12. A IL _ w i1. . .- 1 _ :: . 2.*: . . - . . . 1 _ VI.. 11 Mom - . 1 1 .. ' '. : .. .. * | _ E . I .. 4 . . . . NA By: . . . . LY. . ....... 1 - 1 . .. . L . 1 1 . . . ... .." . 1 . - 1 . . :.. ...... ni i n - . .'. . . . - ... . . - . ' * • - . . . . . . . . : nne **.: Yo : - - . . . ( . I LE - T A + TL . . . . . . . ? + + PLU 111 . F . . &.. . - ! 2 It . - 1 - 1 . 11. A . VW 1 . . . . . OY . * . X * O . . * . . . . . . C .. . O * . * . . . PILY VL * V . . . L . . 07 RYX YURAY . LE XOA : . D ONG . . HP V . IT . 1 . ITO. . TO00 1 2 . 11 ! . TI TO . 6 . . UT . t . 4 > 4D TILA - . OI 11 TO IIR X2 1 . 7 X 1 1 . ON A . S X TY . . ^ AD .. XX . . . 2 9 LL * .. . * . . " . . *** V . . 0 . . ****** 0 . . 4 . . . 22 Of Xi TOIDU . . _ . . . + TO. VILLANYA VOTE . * 1 - - - - 1 :: 1 CO . . Sisiw WI X LT _ . INT_121 22:12 01044 S . AY 4 ES YOYTAY ON ! . . TA CM "AIXA . A # TY YN 12 -• - '.. ...' :*, ; ..rs - LILIT stal mee -- - - - --.. .... . .. .......**. . ......w ww.com. Fig. 13, 75% Urania-25% Plutonia Microspheres. - - - .-.to ..... coon maine t esc issime cins PHOTO 81179 + - , , -' EARLY RESULTS OF OTHER SOL-GEL PROCESSES 7 !. ... .. No attempt will be made in this paper to detail sol-gel processes for lanthanide . .. . - - - or actinide oxide preparation. However, there is a good indication that practical .. . . . processes may be found. In support of this statement, Fig. 14 shows sonce praseodymium . . . . -. gel and sintered oxide microspheres. We have also prepared americium and curium-244 microspheres by sol-gel techniques. Curium-244 poses a special problem in that radiolytic gas formation is so great that foaming of the sol imposes the limitation of working rapidly in dilute - . . . - - - systems. - - - - . . SOL-GEL MICROSPHERES WITH PYROLYTIC CARBON COATING . - - - The structural integrity of pyrolytic-carbon coatings on carbide fuel particles has been well demonstrated under severe irradiation conditions at several laboratories.'°, 13,!! tharu Considerations of utilizing sol-gel microspheres as oxides rather converting them to carbides led to a series of coating and compatibility experiments, first with Tho, and finally with fueled microspheres. . These dense, spherical, and relatively strong sol-gel microspheres are ideal with respect to behavior in a fluidized-bed coater. Early coating experiments established that uniform coating could readily be deposited on the spherical particles under a variety of coating conditions. The results of an extensive study of the properties of coatings deposited on UC, from methane' were found to be directly applicable in . O i ! - .- . . . - - - Fig. 14. Praseodymio Gal and 1050°C Sintered Microspheres. Average Diam: 150 W; Crushing Strength: 500 g. DIO Siin • - PT O XIDOV _ 1 + LILLA, . 1 DIT 17 LEU 7 PDT 1 0 C . . . _ 1 _ 1 11 D. T . 1 ._ + _ + NED 2 1 ** . **** 13. . - ► . 1 - ALE iS 1 1 - - - 1 1 1 1 1 . FI - 1 11 1 1 1 - - . . • I 1 HUJUIL 1 + IL 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 - _- WYDD 1 + - • - - _ O 1 1 1.0 . LA - . 1 1 1 1 WYKYINE. _ .. 1 , . _ 11 D _ 1 " _1 1 . 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 1 2 - 1 ' P - _ .. 1 ...in . TER _12. 1 + I 1 - 1 ' 1 4 . 7 1 - 1 I 1 1 1 : - 1 . 1 1 . UTTA . " - St. + . . . . _ 1 Yo 1 1 - 1 . . : T - . . 1 . I .. 1 ! _ . . _ - $ . 1 . _ 11 - 17 1 - * : . 11 . • , : '..... . i., . TA vixis NY**Winnwani S .. .. : WinWins.www.wwwxWWW W. Vi i mas (11 A wires Winxron. TO TI . 1 : 11 . 1 1 . . .. . .'.',. . . > . 1 Cou - E 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . _* O EI. 11. 1 . . . . - _ _ - 1 . . . . ' . 11 . . V 1 . : - - - - - - - * . ' " . ... _ 3 Lt : - 47 + . . . 1 1 1 . _" 711 .. SL .. . sv . X2 W - ina: *** " . ' .. ''. . 11 EI . . 11 ! : *--- . 1 → . 4 1T " 1 - . . LUI - 1 1 ' - 1 11 11 L . . . . . . . . . rt L 2 YO I . neue I . . . TT- . T 1 ! # " 1 LEI FL • LIT 010 1 . . . . ... . - - - Y . . . - 1 S . YUXU. : . + . DR U . . . : . DI 1 . D ..,',i' , + LVIL SO . : T . IP 5 11 1. . . . . . . . 7 T : . 1, 1 . ** 4 * I. - - 1 12 . . . AZ . bir . . : .. : P ***. 923 ' ' SXV . WWVXXI : TI SBK AS . . . . . : PK * ** NO . . 1 0 I . * - . . - . . ! ...C. . . 4 . WWW .de I _ WSW . . .. . 1 . . . : 1 D . . . . . TO , iz LI . . . . D . 2 ► 1 C . . LLLL ..C Y : f See 1 Olete de LETCO SP . SIYA IC A 12 to oxide microspheres, with but one limitation. Direct application of coatings on bare ThO2, (Th, U)O, or UO, particles, or on oxide particles having a porous coating layer deposited from acetylene must be carried out at temperatures of 1600°C or below to avoid conversion of a portion of the oxide to carbide. However, coatings deposited from methane at these lower temperatures are generally favored for inner coatings because they are low in density. And after deposition of such a layer of pyrolytic carbon, which is quite impermeable although its density may be as low as 1,4 g/cm", a high-density outer layer may be deposited at temperatures as high as 2000°C without difficulty. This means that oxide fuel particles may be readily coated with two- or three-layer pyrolytic carbon coatings that have char- acteristics virtually identical to those which performed successfully on carbide particles, 10 STABILITY OF PYROLYTIC-CARBON-COATED OXIDES AT HIGH TEMPERATURES Successful deposition of pyrolytic-carbon coatings on oxide particles did not remove the serious concern about the basic thermodynamic instability of carbon with oxides at high temperatures. That this is a very real concern was emphasized by the reported catastrophic failure at 1800°C of porous UO, particles coated with dense pyrolytic carbon deposited from acetylene." Therefore, a program was initiated at ORNL to determine the thermal and in adiation stability of coated oxide fuel particles under conditions likely to be encountered by HTGR fuel elements during fabrication and operation. 13 Thoria microspheres coated with various thicknesses of carbon deposited from methane at 1400°C or from acetylene at 900 and 1100°C were used in the thermal treatments. Individual batches of the 150 to 250--diam microspheres had coating thicknesses ranging from about 15 u up to greater than 200 h. Samples from 21 different batches were heat treated in vacuum (10 torr) at 1100°C for 1000 hr, at 1400°C for 200 hr, at 1800°C for 4 hr, at 2000°C for 50 hr, and at 2400 and 2700°C for 2 min. Other samples were heated in one atmosphere of argon at 2000°C for up to 100 hr and at 2200°C for 2 hr. The results were evaluated by microradiog- raphy, metallography, x-ray diffraction, and electron-microprobe analysis." All samples survived the heat treatments at 1100 and 1400°C without evidence of reaction between coatings and particles or of heavy metal migration. Those batches having minimum coating thicknesses of 30 u or greater survived the 1800°C heat treat- ment, and all batches having coatings 65 u or thicker survived even the most severe heat treatments. At these temperatures rupture of the coatings occurred with some particles in those batches having relatively thin low-density coatings and was followed by complete conversion of the particles to carbide. These results indicate that coating thickness is an important factor in determining compatibility at very high temperatures. Apparently, coatings thicker than about 60 u are required in order to withstand the equilibrium CO pressures developed at tempera- above tures about 1800°C by the reaction metal oxide + carbon - > metal carbide + carbon monoxide. Approximately 100-w-thick coatings are now generally accepted as neces- sary for successful irradiation performance of coated carbides. This indicates that the 14 . : : , - . : : v. • • • • • • • pressure developed within the coated particle by accumulated fission gases is much greater than the equilibrium pressu, e of CO at 2000°C, and that at normal irradia- • • • • • • • • tion temperatures (<1500°C) the equilibrium pressure of CO would not contribute significantly to the total internal pressure. It is considered most significant that no migration of thorium was observed by microradiography in any intact coatings, regardless of the time and temperature employed. This is illustrated in Fig. 15, which shows microradiographs of a batch having an average coating thickness of 120 u after heat treatment at 2000°C for 2 hr and 2700°C for 2 min. In both cases a gap was formed between particle and coating by anisotropic growth of the low-density coating, and some high-density material was present in this gap. However, no other effect of the heat treatment may be detected. The high-density material frequently observed in the gap was examined in greater detail in another sample from this same batch that had been heated for 100 hr at 2000°C in vacuo. The as-polished microstructure shown in Fig. 16 exhibits this material as translucent, angulor particles. The material was identified by x-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis as single crystals of thoria. 1 111111 11141* 2411 111111 * • 1 - 11 11 #NING | | | 'ಇಲ 1 6 . :: | Y '? t -1 [ k | + 4 . | + | + 106 61 ••••••••••• . 'w • . q uYZ4 : > ' P4 4 '' t೨ + | , G0 DI it | ಯ . 1 1 1 t + - 1A wX be 11 I G , * t 35 + L 16 ! 14 +10 * y. . • * v>-,. ' ' ' * * * | 4 1 1 | • +616 * , * | | I M ••••••••••••• +++KWAYYAYYYAct:r - 1 011 | 1 tbtv 1 1 1 1 ••• the * * - . :::::.ಸಿ | 1 - ::: * 197². •••• 1 1 1 1 +++ : 1 *** 1 ' . & | | | ++ * 1 | | ಟ• • • •t' : • . .' . . ''. . . . . . . • 1 D • Yest ³ $ 1* YYA + 0 ! +0 6 1 ) "*•* 2 . * ** * * * * * * 3 - ] * [T - . * It', 1 1 0 6 p 10 16. * * * | | Y++SMX P i | ft) 116 10 - 4 66 1. * * KRRS ......... ":.. .., ... ** 100 0 0 0 1 TS 11 111 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 12_Y 1 1 1 _01 1 1 1 & 1 1 * 2017 * * ' 1111111 souvrm mAarturmpitervenews.consuvvy4utu1mucciMdecemmm. Itswwwyhwwwww.twMMduve - 2²:31 : {{MMytowwwwwwwww! LOGY * 1 0 | 0 | | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fig. 15. Microradiographs of Pyrolytic carbon-Coated Thoria Particle: fron Batch OR-67 After hoor Treatments. (@) Hected at 2000ºC for 2 hr in orgon. (b) Muoted at 2700ºC for 2 min in vacuo. 11 - v, ) ) + 0 * 0 | 0 | 0 * ಈ 0 Us th 1 ) ) * 3' . .. . .. ::: 2010) D : * +". .:', .... :- SP :::::::::: G 1.1.³, 4, 1 ನೆ . . • • • + - 5 || | • • • • • " G Y ..." 1, CL I 4 . 0 0 1 ಎ *. > . ' : • 1 st • • • 1 tb 0 1 • * . . 1 a - S ಜ..., .'.'.• • • • • , - - 1 1 1 1 0 1 # 0 ' . . . . ' ಇbಜು 1 11 - 1 04 . Ot ) •11 0 | DU s' PRRY * PG 1 1 -:- " P. 1 1 1 0 1 10) '.'.' 7 : . R • 1 1 11/17 101111111 1 1 1 1 .' : ,1 - It | 0 to * - *ುಳಿ At D Kark+: * It °C 1 ' . . - ಳx; :::: - 1 .'.'..::::: 0 S | * * * 0 * 0 1 1 1 1 0 M " -- | 0 4 . ) • JD 0 S 0 ಒ * +A , , ::--- 0 *: = 1 02_ 1 : • • 1. 21), . ', ದ -- 2000 6 " ..... • 1 0 1 1 • • ' - ) I .::: :,' - + T 1 ' 1 ,* 1 1 18 1. '',' + A Xt4 ಸ Y 11 . 1 . 1SMX - 1 ( 1 ) 0 664 | ಳಗಳRY | KSSS 1 . ನನ G ::: 11 ೫ Kು # * : 5ು ಟಿಇಟಿ .:- : # "::: ::: [ks! - INವ *. $ * - * 196K . 2001 * .. . ' . "' * T D, 64 :- ' + : + ' 2. L * } Y ULI ||LLOT * . M #* * 1 G •• | hd Y 5 ) 10 .*, ' ಧ ' 11 • * ) PR Y , 11. 11 111111 } • 1 1 1 1 1 ( 0 0 $1ು " 1) 11-02 13 Yt ::: 1 + : - ' , . Y - • • . - - : - &fುಳ, • + • - - • - • • 11 1 - 119² - R-26038 ...-. ..... IV - . .. · - ... --.? , .- . ... . . - .. . . .. .. , . niet. c with internet . .. -0.045 INCHES o I_cum _ n _col_ -0.014 INCHES (a) Fig. 16. Appearance of Pyrolytic-Carbon-Coated Thoria Particles After Heat Treatment for 100 hr at 2000°C in Vacuo. (a) A microradiograph of several particles. (b) An as-polished section of a coated particle showing high-density material within the gap. PERFORMANCE OF COATED-OXIDES UNDER IRRADIATION After successful application on oxide microspheres of two- and three-layer coatings having favorable characteristics, and demonstration of the high-temperature stability of such coated particles, several irradiation tests involving coated oxides were initiated. Sweep-capsule experiments are favored for this testing because a: continuous account of the behavior of the test specimen is provided by analysis of helium that is passed through the capsule. This gas is monitored continuously for total activity and sampled periodically for fission-gas analysis." To date three batches of carbon-coated sol-gel oxide microspheres have been tested in sweep or static capsule experiments and one of these batches plus a batch of coated thoria was also teured in a helium-cooled loop experiment. The characteristics of the coatings on these four batches of particles are given in Table 4, and the test condi- tions and results of the irradiation experiments are summarized in Table 5. Sol-gel (Th, U)O, particles containing 8% UO, and coated with a two-layer . coating performed well at 1200°C to a low burnup in sweep-capsule experiment B9-19. No failed particles were found during postirradiation examination, but some cracking of the inner layer of the coating was revealed. In a few cases these cracks had penetrated to the inner layer, as shown in Fig. 17, but none of the fractures ex- tended into the outer layer. Similar behavior was observed with an earlier batch (OR-182), which was also irradiated to low burnup at 1200°C in a static capsule, as shown in Fig. 18a. Table 4 Properties of Coatings Deposited on Sol- Gel Oxide Microspheres Sample Designation OR-182 (Th, U1O2? OR-205 OR-206 HB-23 Thoz (Th,U)O, uo, Type of fuel particle Average fuel particle diameter, u 217 243 206 148 1400 1400 1400 980-1050 0.15 0.83 0.83 2.36 6 mirties esme......... 54 50 35 49 1800 , 1800 1320 cao.com.cn.com ..................... First Layer Coating temperature, °C CH, flow rate, cm min-'cm-2 Coating thickness, u . Second Layer Coating temperature, °C CH, flow rate, cm min-'cm Coating thickness, u Third Layer Coating temperature, °C 3 .-1 -2 CH, flow rate, cmºmincm Coating thickness, i 1800 0.33 42 0.17 0.17 1.20 78 65 20 . - 1900 0.05 60 "Particles contain 8 wt % UO,, highly enriched. Samoin sünismo--JEJ Acetylene was used for inner coating on HB-23. - RS . Table 5. Irradiation Test Conditions and Fission-Ges Release Datu for Unsupported Coated Sol-Ge! Oxide Microspheres Sample Experiment Designation Type of Fuel Particle Coating Structure Test Burnup Temp. (At. % heavy (°C) metal R/B for 88% B9-19 OR-206 OR-206 1200 +370 Duplex Duplex Duplex 0.6 2.7 2.3 x 1070 2.5 x 10-5 Loop -14 euriat... (Th, UVOZ (Th,U), Thoz (Th, U), Uo, OR-205 niiriin. 01-8 OR-182 Duplex 200 0.25 (a) 01-17 HB-23 Triplex 1600 25 4.0 x 10-8 .. . . .. . . . . (a) Static experiment .. . .. i r Nevi . is t Le St R-26039 21. --. i.. ... . ... . .. . ..... .. . ....... . . ... ......... .. ' . . * 4..; . . . 0.035 INCHES- = 0,035.NCHES — Wanaume... A ...... .. Licht "Saylor .. w...wi: (a) (9) Fig. 17. Duplex-Coated (Th,U)O, Particles from Batch OR-206. (a) Unirradiated. (b) Irradiated to a burnup of 0.6 at % heavy metal at 1260°C in experiment B9-19. As polished. R-26040 1 1 :ཀཱ ཀཔསལ་བས་དགནསྨཱས་ E- , , , , ཐ ་ ་་་བ། ཆ U, ། ..! - ་ - , s ཁབ་ ག ་་ • གའ་བཡབ.མཐ.... •0.c18.NCHEs - ལ མས་པ་འབབ་པ་ ་་,:་:་: | ཆེ } , •་ - ་ ་ , (b) Fig. 18. Duplex-Coated (Th,U)O, Particles after Irradiation. (a) Particles from batch OR-182 irradiated to 0.25 at % heavy metal burnup in experiment 01-8. (b) Particles from batch OR-206 irradiated to 2.7 at % heavy metal burnup in ORR Loop 1, experiment 14. As polished. - - ་ ་ ་ - -, - - ་ , • , ་འག• • ཟ ་་ ་བ • - • ་ ་ - ་ - ་་ ༌ ་ - - ཀ•-ཆཟབ .. , •་ - ཙ: བ -, - - , - - ,,, པ་ , བ་, ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ , Much higher burnup of the (Th, U10, particles was achieved during an 8-month irradiation at 1370°C in the ORR loop No. 1 facility.' In this experiment a 50-g sample of coated particles from the same batch tested in B9-19 were mixed with coated Tho, particles and irradiated to 2.7 at. % burnup of heavy metal, which corresponds to 44% consumption of ºu. The loop was cooled with a mixture of helium and neon, which was replaced at irregular intervals as the concentrations of contaminant gases (CO and CO2) became excessive. Equilibrium concentrations of fission-product gases in the coolant were used to calculate the fractional release, which increased by about a factor of two during the experiment. Although some few particles showed evidence of a pitting type of attack from reaction with contaminants, their behavior during the experiment was quite satisfactory, and metallographic examination of a sample of the particles showed very little damage. The particle shown in Fig. 18b is typical of the sample, although some particles showed more damage to the inner portion of the first coating. coated particles The most significant irradiation of oxide fuels is the recent successful sweep- capsule experiment at 1600°C. The small (150-diam) UO, microspheres were deliberately coated with a thick three-layer coating for use in a high-burnup experi- ment at 1400°C and were tested in the first high-temperature sweep-capsule experi- ment to a burnup of 25 at. % U as well. The behavior of these particles was excellent, as shown in Fig. 19. No detectable damage to the coatings and only moderate swelling of the vo, microspheres were observed. In this latter respect, coated oxide fuels be- have quite favorabl... whereas, carbide fuel particles would have swelled and virtually consumed the inner layer of the coating after similar exposure. R-26041 . 5 x ; . - ? . media. .. animaciones > on one....... i.. .. : : : ..... :. ." W crni *14. ....., - od. 0.035 INCHES - i nisi vandenini.. A - . - . i dent . . ܠܝ ܫܝ (a) (b) Fig. 19. Triplex-Coated Sol-Gel UO 2 Particles from Batch HB-23. (a) Unirradiated. (b) Irradiated to 25 at % heavy metal burnup. at 1600°C in experiment C1-17. As polished. 17 . The fractional release of rare-gas fission products during this sweep experiment was most impressive. As seen from the data plotted in Fig. 20, the fractional release was about an order of magnitude lower than from other experiments on coated oxides, and more than two orders of magnitude lower than from the best pyrolytic-carbon- coated carbide fuels. Since the observed release during irradiation can be attributed to contamination of the coatings with fuel,'' these results reflect the greater thermal stability of coated oxide particles. Typically, coated carbides have much higher contamination levels in the coatings due to fuel migration during deposition; further- more, the contamination level (and the associated release rate of fission-product gases) of coated carbides would normally increase during irradiation at high tempera- tures due to continued movement of fuel into the coating. From the results of these experiments we conclude that carbon-coated oxide fuel microspheres will perform very favorably in comparison with coated carbide particles. The oxide fuel particles do not attack the coating during irradiation and retain their general shape even after irradiation to high burnup. In addition, oxide fuel particles present no special handling problems and may be coated with high- density coatings at high temperatures without significant contamination of the coating ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of their many co-workers in the Chemical Technology and Metals and Ceramics Divisions of Oak Ridge National Laboratory whose work is included here. ORNI. DWG. 65.10308 tone... amel docent i .. - in TTTTTTT UNCOATED UC, (-4 a/0 BURNUP OF U)' 815°C . 10-2 annov ... .--.- -..- R/B, RATIO OF RELEASE RATE TO BIRTH RATE TRIPLEX COATED UC) (18.7 a/. BURNUP OF ū) 137000 : ILLLII .. . ..- DUPLEX COATED UC2 (18.8 a/0 BURNUP OF U) 137000 DUL OF) 1e_20000 DUPLEX COATED (Th,U)O, al 10.6 0/0 BURNUP OF HEAVY METAL) 10-6.10.6. TRIPLEX COATED UO 10.7 Lull (25 a/BURNUP OF Ú , 000°c C 85 mkri... | 18Xe ' 135 : 8887 10-8WLLLLLL y 106 LLLLL 405 HALF LIF 104 100 . . . ... . . •- • -.. . .. .... Fig. 20. R/8 vs Half Life for Release of Inert Gases from Pyrolytic-Carbon- Coated Fuel Particles.. REFERENCES 1. R. G. Wymer and D. A. Douglas, Status and Progress Report for Thorium Fuel Cycle Development for Period Ending Dec. 31, 1963, ORNL-361T (July, 1965). 2. T. Amanuma and Kaoru Naruki, "Adaptation of the Sol-Gel Process for the Preparation of Massive VO2 of 97 to 99% Theoretical Density," Report on the International Conference on Beryllium Oxide and on Visits to Nuclear Research Facilities of Australia and Japan, ORNL-64-1-63 (1963). 3. M. E. A. Hermans and H. S. G. Slooten, "Preparation of UO, and Tho, Powders in the Subsieve Range," Third United Nations International Con- ference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, A/Conf. 28/P/634 (1964). 4. G. Cogliati, R. De Leone, G. R. Guidotti, R. Lanz, L. Lorenzini, E. Mezi, and G. Scibona, "The Preparation of Dense Particles of Thorium and Uranium Oxide," Third United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, A/Conf. 287P7555 (1964). * 5. J. P. McBride, Preparation of UO, Microspheres by a Sol-Gel Technique, ORNL-3874 (in press). 6. James L. Kelly, A. Todd Kleinsteuber, Sam D. Clinton, and Orlen C. Dean, "Sol-Gel Process for Preparing Spheroidal Porticles of the Dicarbides of Thorium and Thorium-Uranium Mixtures," I&EC Process Design and Develop- ment, 4, 212-6 (1965). 7. J. B. Sayers, K. S. 6. Rose, J. H. Coobs, G. Hauser, and C. Vivante, "The Irradiation Behavior of Coated Particle Fuel," pp 919-959 in "Carbides in Nuclear Energy," MacMillan and Co., London (1964). 8. E. L. Long et al., "Postirradiation Examination of Fueled Graphite Spheres and Coated Particles, "pp 56-79 in GCRP Semiann. Prog. Rep., March 31, 1965 ORNL-3807. 9. R. L. Beatty, F. L. Carlsen, and J. L. Cook, "Pyrolytic Carbon Cootings on Ceramic Fuel Particles, " to be published in Nuclear Applications. .. 10. R. L. Beatty, "Pyrolytic-Carbon Coating Studies," pp 3-8, Gas-Cooled Reactor Program Semiannual Progress Report, Sept. 30, 1964, ORNL-3731. ...-. ri40p, noe ovd's.--elves : " . do en medicin 11. A. Auriol, C. David, G. Kurka, and E. LeBoulbin, "Carbon-Coated Particles & You Dispersion Fuels," pp 462-480 in Ceramic-Matrix Fuels Containing Coated Particles, TID-7654. a teres n :::.. i . . 12. R. L. Hamner, R. L. Beatty, and J. L. Cook, "Effects of Heat Treatment on Pyrolytic-Carbon-Coated Oxice Particles," pp 12-20 in GCRP Semiann. Prog. Rep., March 31, 1965, CPNL-3807. 13. P. E. Reagan, F. L. Carlsen, and R. M. Carroll, "Fission-Gas Release from Pyrolytic-Carbon-Coated Fuel Particles During irradiation, " Nucl. Sci. Engr. 18, No. 3, 301-308 (1961). : S 14. D. B. Trauger, Some Major Fuel-Irradiation Test Facilities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 1964, ORNL-3574. 15. P. E. Reagan, R. M. Carroll, T. W. Fulton, and J. G. Morgan, "Instantaneous Fission-Gas-Release Experiments with Coated particles," pp 84-90 in GCRP Semiann. Prog. Rep., March 31, 1964, ORNL-3619. 16. R. W. Dayton, W. V. Goeddel, and W. O. Harms, "Ceramic Coated-Particle Nuclear Fuels," Third United Nations International Conference on the Peace- ful Uses of Atomic Energy, A/Conf. 28/P/235 (1964). . . . llet . . 12 END DATE FILMED 12/ 23/ 65 .