. .. . OF . . . : . . 1 i - I OFT ORNL P 1733 : . i 12 . : - 4 5 7 SO 6 ) -. I 11.25 11.4 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 " . . . E Orm - P. 1733 Cont.651101-38 . " **;". ; NOV 18 ROSS CALCULATION OF THE NUCLEON-MESON CASCADE IN IRON INITIATED BY 1- AND 3-GeV PROTONS AND COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENT* R. G. Alsmiller, Jr. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee and : J. Barish V Oak Ridge Central Data Processing Facility Oak Ridge, Tennessee - LEGAL NOTICE This report was prope red as an account of Government sprzsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, aor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty ol' ropresentation, expressed or impliod, with :ospoct to tho accu- racy, completongis, or uso indo: of tho infcrmation contained in this roport, or that tto uso of any information, apparatus, method, or procoso disclosed in this raport may dot infringe B. Assumos any liabilities with rospoct to the uso of, or for damages rosulting from the uso of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosod in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployoo or contructor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such omployee or contractor of the Commission, or enploy6o of such contractor preparos, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his emaployment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. privately ownod rights; or ABSTRACT L One-dimensional nucleon-meson cascade calculations have been carried out for the cases of l- and 3-GeV; protons inci- dent on steel. The thick target cross sections are calculated and compared with experimental values. The calculated values are generally larger than the experimental values for large depths. - - - ...... I. INTRODUCTION in massive incidentia sumon t In a series of previous reports? (hereinafter referred to as 1), one- dimensional nucleon-meson cascade calculations were presented for a variety of cases of interest in the design of the transverse shield for the 45-GeV linear electron accelerator at Stanford University. In order to carry out. the computations many assumptions were required, and thus it is very desir- ; . able to have experimental verification of the methods used. 5 ... In a previous paper (hereinafter referred to as 2), cascade calcula- tions were presented and compared with experiment for the case of 10- and . . *Research sponsored by the U.So Atomic: Energy: Comuniission:under. Contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ; .. - - . . . : : . 1.: . . "Ž. Ki . . . RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCENT IN MCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS titor stromy MOTOR. 7. greina quere my mother inden for en . ...... .. . ..... !!!!! -2- - . - : 19.2-GeV/c protons incident on a steel shield. In this paper similar į calculations are presented and compared with a recent experiment on the cascade induced by l- and 3-GeV protons in irons (hereinafter referred to as 3). . - -- . The notation, the cascade equations, the data used to represent the nuclear properties of iron, and the method of numerical calculation are the same as in 2. In particular, the cascade intensities are obtained only for energies greater than 32 MeV as in 1 and 2. In Section II the calculations are discussed and the comparisons with experiment made. In computing the thick target cross section, defined in 3, for 18F activation only the calculated intensities are required because :: the activation cross sections are such that there is no contribution from particles with energy less than 32 MeV. In calculating the thick target cross section for 24 Na activation, however, this is not the case. There is a large contribution from neutrons with energy less than 32 MeV and thus the low-energy neutron spectrum must be estimated before the computa- tion can be carried out. This low-energy spectrum is estimated here, as in 1, by making the ad hoc assumption that the low-energy equilibrium neutron spectrum in a thick shield has the same shape as the equilibrium cosmic-ray neutron spectrum in the atmosphere. ..... . . .. -... . --- . -- . . - . -- - .... . -- ' - -. - - -..-. . . . . . . - . - . • . . . ! ...it::!!!!! - - - - •- - " . - - . - II. RESULTS AND COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENT - - The experiment consisted in putting a high-energy beam of protons in - -.•.-. Iron and measuring the longitudinal and lateral development of the cascade by means of the 28F and 24 Na activity induced in 27A1 foils. It is this induced activity integrated over a plane transverse to the beam axis with which the calculations may be compared. The integration over the trans- verse plane is necessary because it is only this integrated quantity which the one-dimensional calculation can hope to approximate. .- - ..- .... - .. Using the equations and data discussed in l, the proton, neutron, -- -- - - - - .. charged pion, and muon intensities are obtained as a function of energy (for energies greater than 32 MeV) and distance by numerical integration. From these intensiiiee the measured thick target cross section, i, mey be calculated from the definition - ... .. . @j(r) = J OLP(E,F) OKP(E) DE .. . . .-.. : J=P,N, 04(E,F) Oz4(E) DE, k = F,Na, (2.1) ... ...- ... Ek ... . where - ... P, N, 1 = proton, neutron, and charged pions, respectively, - . 04p(E,1') = primary proton intensity per unit energy range at depth i', 1.e., the number of primary particles per unit energy range at depth r per incident particle, .:. iin 1',' en ...... . . . . . : --- ;8.195.a.n. com - 1 .1 '. , s . ., *.ao roones para que me M o nste r s the winner !!.:.,1.8.!!!:, .., sit -4. .. - - - - (E,r) = intensity of secondary particles of type j per unit energy range at depth rs O, (E) = cross section for the production of a nucleus of type k bý a particle of type j with energy E, E = kinetic energy of incident proton, E = the energy below which 01, for all j can be taken to be zero (see discussion below). . - .. - . - • , -..- .- - The cutoff energy E is introduced only because the intensities in this paper are not calculated below 32 MeV. If the intensities were known at all energies, then E, would be tüken to be zero. In the case of 181 activation, the cross sections Opa are essentially zero below 32 MeV 50 Ex = 32 MeV and the function may be obtained from the calculated . intensities. In the case of 24Na activation, the cross section Open has a large peak in the vicinity of 15 MeV and thus the function cannot be obtained direct]: from the intensities calculated here. Let us consider first @ The cross section Opp has been measured. *. The cross section of is not known and is therefore assumed to be equal to O pp. The cross section of has been measured at energies greater than 450 MeV and is essentially constant above this energy.5 In order to carry out the computation it is assumed that one remains constant at the lower energies and that offert is equal to offer with these assumptions and the calculated intensities, opnay be calculated from Eq. 2.1. . - . - . . ..... The calculated and measured @g's are shown as a function of r for the case of l- and 3-GeV Incident protons in Fig. 1. The slight break at 450 g/cm (dashed line) in the calculated 1-GeV curve arises because the primary protons at this depth fall below 32 MeV and thus no longer con- tribute to . .; . . ... .. . . . !!!".. I . - 02 ORNL-DWG 65 - 7558 12 23-GeV PROTONS ON IRON -GeV PROTONS ON IRON {mb/ proton) ! -50 w on õio a on - - . 0,• EXPERIMENTAL - CALCULATED 0 100 200 500 600 700 300 400 r(g/cm2) Fig. 1. Op vs Depth. - -...-. -.- ..... - -... ... 1 . - . in .. . yomon .-6. In the 3-GeV case the calculation gives a much smaller buildup than thai obtained experimentally and is higher than the experimental curve at large depths. It is significant that the calculated and experimental points do not agree at r = 0. This means, if the cross sections which are being used are correct, that a reasonable number of high-energy particles are moving in the backward direction and consequently the one-dimensional ap- proximation will always underestimate the buildup at the beginning of the shield. For the same reason the one-dimensional approximation will give. an overestimate at the end of the shield. Also in the experiment some particles are escaping through the sides of the target and this will tend to make the measured values too small at large depths. These latter two explanations are perhaps adequate to explain the discrepancy between the calculated and experimental curves at the large dilstances. On the other hand, the nuclear data being used is quite crude and this could very well be the reason for some of the discrepancy. - ". . . . . . In the l-GeV case the calculation reproduces the experimentally mea- sured buildup reasonably well but does not at all reproduce the experi- mentally measured attenuation. The calculated and experimental points are in agreement at = 0. so there is no albedo in evidence in this case. The poor agreement at large distances is probably due to experimental side losses and the lack of albedo at the end of the shield. This explanation, however, in the present case is made somewhat dubious by the lack of albedo at r = 0. It is of some interest to know how much each kind of particle contributes to Mr. This is shown in Fig. 2 where P, and Pe refer to primary and secondary protons, respectively. . . . . - - - - - -- -- - - - - . ........... -- C -.. --- - . - . . ....... .... ..... ...... . - ... ontact: 10 ....... ... -70) .... ORNL-DWG 65-9617 ⓇF, N BF; (mb/proton). , F. © 200 600 700 300 400 p (g/cm ). 500 in 11 Fig. 2. O, VB r for 3-GeV Protons on Iron. - -- ... ... .... .... -*------- . - - . . C AB.... i Before a comparison can be made with the 24 Na activation data it is necessary to estimate the neutron intensity at energies below 32 MeV. To do this we introduce the ad hoc assumption, which was used in 1, that the low-energy equilibrium neutron spectrum in a thick shirld has the same shape as the equilibrium cosmic-ray neutron rpectrum in the atmosphere. This 18, of course, a very far reaching assumption. There are many reasons why the two spectra might be different; differences in nuclear properties, differences in density, differences in the nature of the incident radia- tion, etc. Having made the asswmption, the measured cosmic-ray spectrum 18 normalized to the calculated spectrum, at each r, and at some energy r. The energy r 18 chosen to be such that the measured and calculated spectra join together smoothly at r. The calculated and renormalized cosmic-ray spectrum for r = 496 g/cmr for l- and 3-GeV incident protons are shown in F1g. 3. In all cases considered here, as in the previous calculations, I was taken to be 109 MeV. The fit of the cosmic-ray spectrum to the calculated intensities at other r values 18 roughly the same as that shown in Fig. 3. . In the calculetion of ya from Eq. 2 the renormalized cosmic-ray spectrum is used to represent the neutron spectra below I and the calcu- lated intensity 18 used above r. The cross section one is taken from measurements,* and it is assumed thet Ona, N and one., are equal to One, P above 32 MeV. Below 32 MeV only one has an appreciable value and for this cross section measured values are used.? .. . . . . . . . ORNL-DWG 65-9618 9 in • COSMIC-RAY NEUTRON SPECTRUM (NORMALIZED TO CALCULATED CURVES AT 109 MeV) N ---CALCULATED (r = 496 gm/cm2) Ns (E, r) [(No./MeV)/proton] : --3- GeV PROTONS 1-GeV PROTONS- 10-4 L 10' 2 5 102 2 E (MeV) 5 103 2 5x108 . . Fig. 3. N. (E,r) vs E. bo'....... ...... . . ....... -10- The calculated and experimental values of ® are compared in Fig. 4 : and the individual contributions to @ for the 3-GeV incident beam are: shown in Fig. 5. In Fig. 4 the calculated curves are shown only for dis- tances greater than 123 g/cm? because for 'smaller distances equilibrium cannot be assumed. In Fig. 5 the neutron contribution to co is obtained by adding air (E < 109 MeV) and @na. (E > 109 MeV). The comparison in Fig. 4 cannot, of course, be expected to be any better than that shown in Fig. 1 and is in fact somewhat worse at the larger distances, parti- ; cularly in the l-GeV case. The significant point is that a very large contribution to comes from the low-energy neutrons and a not entirely unreasonable estimate of this contribution can be obtained by using the cosmic-ray spectrum to estimate the low-energy neutron intensity. The comparisons presented here obviously leave a great deal to be : desired. However, in all cases the calculations are conservative and thus it seems likely that the results given in 1 are also conservative. - - . . . . ....... . . . . . . . .... . . .... . . .. . ... -.- ·- -- -- - - - - - - i. - .,- -11-) ORNL-DWG 65-9619R ܀ ܝ [3-GeV PROTONS ON IRON - 00000. ܚ oooo ܕܽ ܗ i l-GeV PROTONS E ON IRON ®No (mb/proton) ܘ ܘ̄ ܩ - 0,0 EXPERIMENTAL - --- CALCULATED ܚ % : 5 2x10-1 0 100 200 500 600 700 .. . 300 400 r (g/cm2) 24Na Activation . .. ' ... ... . .. ... .. ........ ...... . 2125 ORNL-DWG 65-9620 N (E>109) = No. N (E<109) Na, Ps No, ; (mb/proton) un - Na, Pi o 0. 100 200 __ 300 400 p (g/cm2) 500 600 700 T -- Fig. 5. ONA 4 vs r for 3-GeV Protons on Iron. -.. .. . ......... - - - -13- - o - - REFERENCES L. R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., F. S. Alsmiller, and J. E. Murphy, Nucleon-Meson Cascade Calculations: Transverse Shielding for a 45-GeV Electron Accelerator (Part I), ORNL-3289 (1962); (Part II), ORNL-3365 (1962); (Part III), ORNL-3412 (1963); and (Part IV), ORNL-3734 (1965). . - . ni ..... 2. R. G. Alsmiller, Jr. and J. Barish, Calculation of the Nuclear Cascade in Steel Initiated by 10- and 19.2-GeV/c Protons and Comparison with Experiment, ORNL TM-1072 (1965). ....-. . . . . . . . 3. S. P. Shen, Passage of High-Energy Particles in Matter: Nuclear Cas- cades Induced in Dense Media by l- and 3-GeV Protons, BNL-8721 (1964). 4. J. B. Cumings, Ann. Rev. of Nucl. Sci. 13, 261 (1963). 5. A. M. Poskanzer and L. P. Remsberg, Phys. Rev. 134, B779 (1964). 6. W. N. Hess, H. W. Patterson, and R. Wallace, Phys. Rev. 116, 445 (1959). : 7. J. P. Butler and D. C. Santry, Canadian J. of Phys. 41, 372 (1963). . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .we .. -..--...inne-in-oner.inc ...e in mediterte wie onderne m en R WYT " . END DATE FILMED 12/ 22 / 65 . . iane D .