| OF ORNL P 1713 . . 21:1913a EEEEE TL25 L6 La MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL QURI:AU OF STANDAROS - 1963 ORNUP 3 Conf.650620-2 CE 561.11 . Civil 3: PATIO 11. ::"!!.? ! :') Wines, ion). NOV 1 5 1985 ORNL - AEC ma hata k imati na .. BASUD FOR ANNOUNCEMENT I MICITAR SCIECE ABSTRACTS bride tara limpen Day the 1.. IRRADIATION EFFECTS IN STAINLESS STHELS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES meona duket the i W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, Jr. Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee . n Contract No. ,W-7405-eng-26 pod mene ihan itu membuat membeli meminta maana LEGAL NOTICE This report mi prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acung on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the a racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, sr procesu disclosed in this report may not Infringe privately owned righto; or B. Agrimes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatur, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the abova, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes way on- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepara, disseminates, or provides access to any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. 18 " R osv - END TYPING ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ...wirou - CLASSIFICATION lif ATPLICABLE) X CLASSIFICATION ir APPL.10 ABLE) PAST NO.: AEC - OFFICIAL IRRADIATION EFFECTS IN STAINLESS STBELS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES -- -- W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, Jr. - ABSTRACT Milli!T ... L'Eri!: . ieft ;9.17 13:14 • The effect of irradiation on the elevated-temperature mechanical . properties of structural materials is described using type 304 stainless steel as an example. The general result is that the grain boundary fracture process, but not the deformation process, is affected. All i data suggest the primary cause to be helium generated from (na) reactions. Several metallurgical techniques for improving the ductilities of irradiated alloys are, suggested, and experimental data are given for type 304 stainless steel for which the degree of improve- , ment is demonstrated. ..----.. -- -- --- --- ......... -- -----.........-- .. END TYPING. ORNL-ABC - OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION (1T APPLICAOLE) -- CLASSIFICATION (!? ASLICALLY :),,! 1'. ORKL - AEC - OFFICIAL : IRRADIATION EFFECTS IN STAINLESS STEELS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES* W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, Jr. INTRODUCTION ..11 "17**.8!! · The effect of irradiation on the stress-strain behavior of structural austenitic stainless steels+ tested above 500°C is different from that observed for the alloys tested below 500°C, as illustrated in mig. 1. Irradiating an alloy below 500°C produces a structure with a higher yield stress, a lower strain-hardening coefficient (and hence a lower uniform strain), and lower ductility in terms of total elongation than the unirradiated alloy when tested below 500°C. In many instances, no change in true fructure strain or stress is observed for stainless steels irradiated to less than 1 x 102 neutrons/cm. Above 500°C the effect of irradiation on these materials is dif- . ferent; first, there are reductions in ductility in terms of uniform and fracture strains as well as total elongation, and the magnitude of these reductions is highly strain-rate sensitive. Generally, changes in yield stress and in the stress-strain relationship are not observed. Since the ductility is reduced, the ultimate tensile strengths and fracture strengths are also reduced, and the magnitude of this reduction is very sensitive to the work hardening capabilities of the alloy. The effects are schematically illustrated in Fig. 2. They are first noted at an homologous temperature of about 0.5, which represents the approxi- mate temperature at which self diffusion becomes important. and high- temperature creep becomes a consideration for reactor design. ... 1.14 1. . P. Lt. #Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide. Corporation. : . - . . - END TYPING ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL TI D CLASSIFICATION (If APPLICABLE) . UVEX . ..::21ICATIO: . ::::2.. ELEVATED-TEMPERATURE EMBRIT 'LEMENT BY HELIUM ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL T w.m . a IT tambok at menampanan There are two very significant differences between the irradiation effects below and above 500°C. First, the radiation damage affecting the low-temperature properties can be eliminated by postirradiation heat treatment. Much of the damage is removed in situ if the irradiatio temperature is above approximately 350°C. However, postirradiation annealing of iron- and nickel-base alloys at temperatures between 1050 and 1300°C does not remove the damage effecting the low ductility at elevated temperatures. The ti:ermal stability of the defect causing .. the low ductility has been illustrated previously. A second signifi. cant difference is the dependence upon the neutron energy or the energy: spectrum of the rieutron flux. The low-temperature damage is due to the production of vacancies and interstitials by fast neutrons. The thermal neutrons contribute only a small fraction of the damage. However, the . ; magnitude of the elevated-temperature embrittlement correlates best with thermal neutrons4 for normal iron- and nickel-base alloys. Table 1 Asli :illustrates this for two stainless steels. : 1?14:HT MA!:;IN 20 ·0051:1:13 .!,1817:01 Table 1. Dose Dependence of High-Temperature Ductility in Irradiated Stainless Steels Experi- ment Dora, neutrons/cm2 Thermal Fission Neutrons Neutrons Elonga- tion (%) o 48 x 1018 1.9 x 1016 2.2 x 1.5 x 20 1. Do at 요요요 ​хохххо x x x x 2017 o 1.6 x 1019 1.6 x 1020 7 x 1020 3 x 1019 3 x 1019 5 x 2020 20-25-Nb stainless steel tested at 750 °C by Roberts and Harries at Harwell. bType 304 stainless steel tested at 840°C by Martin at ORNL. . imn. Of all the thermal neutron reactions possible, the (n,a) reaction with 20 B appears to be the one capable of producing a defect structure with thermal stability previously noted. This reaction also produces a 13thiwn isotope, but the work of Higgins and Roberts' suggests that the helium produced is more embrittling than the lithium. It was not until recently6,7 that the (n,a) reactions with other elements and fast neutrons were considered important (see Table 2). However, we emphasize that helium (alpha particles) can be produced from the reaction of fast neutrons with Fe, Ni, N, and other elements and that the quantities a ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL S CLASSIFICATION : (IF APPLICAOLO) *.. 3. CORNIAEC - OFFICIAL OINL-AEC - ...... ..n nie. . produced will be significant for normal engineering allovs i a dose level above 1 x 1021 neutrons/cm?. We believe then that the embrittlement at elevated temperatures is due to the production of helium gas. The total amount of helium in the alloy can be calculated for a given alloy composition and neutron dose. A correlation of helium con- tent with short-time tensile ductilities is given in Fig. 3. This curve illustrates that as the deformation temperature is increased the amount of helium needed to initiate the embrittling process decreases. Curves such as the one shown in Fig. 3 are typical for most structural . .. materials. The LOB from which the majority of helium is generated in these commercial heats is segregated in grain boundaries. Thus the concentration of helium at the grain boundary can be several orders of magnitude greater than the average value calculated and presented in . Fig. 3. The actual amount is dependent upon grain size, preirradiation heat treatment, etc. 1.1. : IN Table 2. Effect of Boron Content on High-Temperature Irradiation Damage to Type 304 Stainless Steel * i "..!!! Irradiation Exposure Elongation Boron Content . at at (ppm) 704 842°C Helium Concentration, ppm 1on, PD Fast (n,a) (n,a) 108 Total 6 At high levels of irradiation exposure (approx 3 x 1020 neutrons/cm) 0.015 0.023 0.11 10.13 3.9 0.11 3.9 0.015 0.023 , 0.091 0.110 3.3 0.00004 0.00150 0.3 0.315 0.3 . 0.323 0.3 0.391 0.410 0.3: 3.6 0.00006 0.0001 0.00006 0.0015 13 .:39 At low levels of irradiation exposure (approx 5 x 1016 neutrons/cm) : --- --- - - Enhancement of the Intergranular Fracture Process The nature of the irradiation embrittlement is such that the nucleation and rate of propagation of wedge-type grain boundary cracks · are affected. This is illustrated in Fig. 4, which shows the variation in number and length of grain boundary cracks.at fracture. For example, the unirradiated material strained to 14% would not have any grain .. boundary cracks visible at this magnification. The mechanism by which helium affects the process of intergranular fracture is not known, although some have been proposed. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL The irradiation effects noted thus far for stainless steels are applicable for a number of structural materials. The variation in ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 2 . U CLASSIFICATION lifi Anri I CALLI) ! " . . 1 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ductilities of irradiated alloys at elevated temperatures is given in ." Table 3, illustrating that irradiation embrittlement. at elevated tempera- .: tures is a general phenomenon and not one specific to one given class of . alloys. Also, the effects described for short-time tensile tests are in : general applicable to high-temperature creep. .. Table 3. Postirradiation Ductility of Materials Creep-Rupture Ductility at 700 °C 800°C Tensile Ductility at at i 700°C 800 °C Material at Reference 0.7–10.0 6-20 25. 5-ll. 1 0.2-0.5 4-20 1-11 9 10,111 2,11 2 178 12 . 110!17 NOIN Inconel 600 Hastelloy N Hastelloy X Rene' 41 Nimonic PE16 A 286 304 stairless stee'í 20 Cr-25 Ni-Nb 316 stainless ; steel 1-3 2 3 .. 11-30 3-40 1-2 1-3 -09:20 1.9 4-30 15-20 : 0.4-10.0 14-22 13,12 12,14 0-10 Dose = 1020 to 1021 neutrons/cm2. METHODS FOR IMPROVING THE DUCTILITY Irradiation studies at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory with type 304 stainless steel indicate that the magnitude of irradiation embrittle- ment can be reduced by several metallurgical techniques. . These methods are believed to be successful because the quantity of helium per unit length of the grain boundary is reduced and, in most cases, the stress : necessary to nucleate and propagate a grain boundary crack is increased A detailed discussion of the mechanism can be found elsewhere. 15,16 The influence of grain size on the ductility of irradiated stainless steel is illustrated in Table 4. Grain boundary precipitates 26 are important also. The effect of increased carbon content is shown in Table 5. Note that at 900°C where all the carbon is in solid solution for both the low and high-carbon steels the ductilities as effect of carbon precipitate is illustrated for the higher carbon steel : by the data in Table 6. These data show that aging at elevated temper&-. tures to induce precipitation and spheroidization of carbides also improves the postirradiation ductility. We believe that the spheroidim :zation of grain boundary carbides may retard the propagation of grain boundary cracks in much the same way, as proposed by Weaver. 17,18 TE ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . A .". CLASSIFICATION (if Alpicato 5 .. INÍ - AEC - OFFICIAL le 4. Influence of Grain Size on Irradiation Embrittlement ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ASTM Grain Size Total Elongation, % at 704°C at 842°C Unirradiated Irradiated Unirradiated Irradiated 30 23 36 . g-10 39 58 និង 47 16 + 1 VAI To improve the ductility of irradiated materials, one must devise ways to reduce the helium concentration at the grain boundaries. It is only the helium bubbles at the grain boundary that are believed to be deleterious; that is, helium generated within the grains would not be as harmful if these atoms were unable to move to the grain boundaries. For many zeactor applications, the preponderance of helium generated is 18, due to the transmutation of LB. Boron normally segregates to the grain boundaries in the solid state and therefore a large quantity of ** helium is generated at these boundaries. If one could form a stable boron compound, insoluble either in the melt or at a very high tempera- ture efter solidification, it would be possible to get a homogeneous distribution of this compound. Therefore, the helium generated would stay at the precipitate-matrix interface, and the quantity at the grain boundaries would be greatly reduced. The precipitate-matrix interface would also serve as a depository for helium generated from other elements and fast neutrons. Thus in principle this system should result in material with a lower susceptibility to elevated-temperature embrittle- ment in thermal .and fast neutron environments. This approach for improving the ductility of irradiated alloys is currently being investigated using the. 18-8 stainless steel. Among the most stable borides in this stainless steel are those of titanium. We have now accumulated data from two different irradiations, and typical data are given in Table 7. It is observed that additions of approxi- mately 0.3% Ti in type 304 stainless steel are beneficial. These recent experiments illustrate that much can be done to improve the ductilities of irradiated materials. ANI TYRI!...: ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION (IF APPLICABLE) Table 5. Elevated-Temperature Ductility of Unirradiated and Irradiated. AISI Types 304L' and 304 Stainless Steels. True Uniform Strain', % Deformation Irradiation Total Elongation, % Carbon Temperature Temperature Content Unirradi Irradi Unirradi- Irradi- (°C) (wt %) • ated ated ated ated (°C) 650 700 700 800 22.5 20.9 23.6 22.2 15.1 21.8 12.1 20.5 10.5 42.2 36.8 39.8 41.7 800 11.4 . . i 704 16.9 28.5 17.6 29.9 11.3 12.4 13.1 23.0 13.3 20.3 6.4 704 (IF APPLICAULES CLASSIFICATION 900 900 700 700 800 800 *** 900 900 700 700 800 800 900 900 11.2 17.1 11.2 14.1 23.7 17.7 17.8 18.0 14.0 17.8 *17.4 10.2 10:44 10.0 9.3 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.06 6.1 37.4 38.9. 41.5 36.2 36.6 31.4 28.0 33.0 40.7 30.0-- 20.0 :;: 6.50. fa 17lilir! 110!! 3.! 112;;'11 775 14.6 7.1 9.6 5.0 7.6 9.1 .-15.7 7.2 12.6 2.9 : -- --- 2:51 END TYPING 31.7 4.0 nimi ori 842 700 700 14.1 9.8 7.0 10.4 10.4 10.2 10.8 6.7 10.6 2.0 800 38.4 31.9 36.8 39.0 24.5 25.6 5.8 800 900 900 8.8 2.6 2.2 3.0 Alloys irradiated to a neutron dose of 3.5 x 1020 neutrons/com? (E > 1 Mev) and 4.5 x 1020 neutrons/cm2 (thermal). Specimens strained at a rate of 0.2% per min.: . . :12 L-AEC - OFFICIAL OANI - AIC - OSSICIAL OR*1- ALC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Table 6. The Effect of Aging on the Postirradiation Ductility of Type 304 Stainless Steel Preirradiation Heat Treatwent Deformation Temperature (°C) . Elongation 842 1 hr at 1036°C) 704 1 hr at 1036"C; 100 hr . 704 at 800 °C 1 hr at 1036 °C 1 hr at 1036°C; 100 hr 842 at 800°C Abose = 1021 neutrons/cm2 (thermal). Table 9. ^ Effect of Titanium Content on the Postirradiation Ductility of Types 304 and 304L Stainless Steel .. Element (wt %) Ductility Irradiated. Irradiated at 50°C at 700 °C Titanium Carbon 29 0.3 1.2 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.3 1.2 Tensile tests conducted at 842°C. Dose = 1 x 1020 neutrons/cm? Dose = 5 x 1020 neutrons/cm2.. . SUMMARY . In summary, irradiation damage at elevated temperatures is an "effect on the process of intergranular fracture, and thus the degree of . embrittlement is highly sensitive to strain rate and temperature. The *** embrittlement 18 apparently due to helium, generated from thermal (n,Q) and fast (na) reactions. We have illustrated several techniques for improving the ductility in irradiated stainless steel alloys and suggest that/similar techniques should be applicable to all structural alloys. : : . . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL REM . (11%91%ECALLIN ! Oii .: !!!: A i :!..... ; ORNL-ACC - OFFICIAL REFERENCES 1. 'W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, Jr., Am. Soc. Testing Meter. Spec. Tech. Publ. 380, 251 (1965). 2. F. C. Robertshaw, J. Moteff, F. D. Kingsburg, and M. A. Pugacz, . Am. Soc. Testing Mater. Spec. Toch. Publ. 341, 372 (1963). - 3. W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, Jr., Nature 202(4936), 997 (1964). 4. A. C. Roberts and D. R. Harries, Nature 200(4908), 772 (1963). 5. P.R.B. Higgins and A. C. Roberts, Nature 206(4990), 1249 (1965). 6. S. H. Bush, J. Moteff, and J. R. Weir, Jr., "Radiation Damage in Fast Reactor Components, " paper presented at the ANS Topical Meeting on Fast Reactor Technology, Detroit, Michigan, April 26-28, 1965. To be published in Proceedings. 7. W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, Jr., "Irradiation Embrittlement of Low-Boron Type 304 Stainless Steel." to be published in Nature. R. S. Barnes, Some. Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Mechanical Property Changes, AERE Report R-4655 (July 1964). 9. N. E. Hinkle, Am. Soc. Testing Mater. Spec. Tech. Publ. 341, 345 (1963). 10. W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, Jr., Nuclear Applications 1, 160 : (April 1965). 11. Private communication from J. Moteff. 12. P.C.L. Pfeil and D. R. Harries, Am. Soc. Testing Mater. Spec. Tech. Publ. 380, 202 (1965). 13. J. T. Venard and J. R. Weir, Jr., Am. Soc. Testing Mater. Spec. Tech Publ. 380, 202 (1965). 14. W. R. Martin, unpublished data. 15. W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, Jr., Influence of Grain Size on the Irradiation Embrittlement of Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperatures, ORNL-TM-1043 (March 1965). 16. W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, Jr., Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 8(1), 2 (1965). ¢. W. Weaver, J. Inst. Metals 88, 296 (1959-60). C. W. Weaver, Acta Met. 8, 343 (1960). | : ENOTYPING.. ORNE - AEC - OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION (E APPLICABLE) [linn17:11TION dii ii'..1 Hill ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL FIGURE CAPTIONS • ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL-DWG 64-1326R Fig. 1. Effect of Irradiation on the Stre88-Strain Curves. ORNL-DWG '64-1325R · Fig. 2. Influence of Irradiation at Temperatures Above 1/2 Im on the Postirradiation Tensile Properties of Stainless Steel.. ORNL-DWG 65-4619 Fig. 3. Ductility of Irradiated Type 304 Stainless Steel. Photo 64248 Fig. 4. Comparison of Intergranular Cracking for. (a) Unirradiated and (b) Irradiated Type 304 Stainless Steel Strained at 0.002 in./min at 704°C. ........ .. . CESTO?L! . . . -... --- ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL: i10 TYPING CLASSIFICATION Tot APPLICABLE) 07 1 ORAL-DWG 64-1326R - 1 i... + + + .. .. IRRADIATED UNIRRADIATED '. STRESS MATERIAL DEFORMED AND IRRADIATED AT LOW TEMPERATURE (7« 127m) :::: : MATERIAL DEFORMED AND IRRADIATED AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURE (T> 1/2 TMI UNIRRADIATED IRRADIATED STRESS STRAIN : .. ...... * ! Tii' 1 . 1 1 T . varav::. !!!,!; 'I 27 L 17, ރަހައިރޯ - ހި 1 ?! 1. us) . .. . ILO ORNL-DWG 64-4325R2 - YIELD AND ULTIMATE -ENGINEERING STRESS IRRADIATED UNIRRADIATED / TENSILE PROPERTIES RATIO O STRAIN RATES &q><2> <3 TRUE TENSILE- 1 STRESS STRUE FRACTURE | STRESS UNIFORM ELONGATION AND TRUE FRACTURE STRAIN 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 DEFORMATION TEMPERATURE ABSOLUTE MELTING POINT OF ALLOY Influence of Irradiation at Temperatures Above 12Tm on the Post Irradiation Tensile Properties of Stainless Steel. ..- ... . li. . . . - .. in ORNL-DWG 65-4619 NOTE: TENSILE TESTS AT A STRAIN RATE OF 0.002/ I min. ALL MATERIAL GIVEN PREIRRADIATION LIMITS OF DUCTILITY FOR ANNEAL AT 1038 °C FOR 1 hr ASTM GRAIN UNIRRADIATED STEEL SIZE~ NO. 5 704 °C REPRESENTS ADJUSTED DATA OF HARRIES FOR 20-25 STAINLESS STEEL AT 750 °C. NO. 8 GRAIN SIZE AT A STRAIN RATE OF~ 0.0002/min TOTAL ELONGATION (%) CONC.~'4x10-14 AT 842 °C CONC.~1.5x10-9 to AT 704 °C 1 10 LTENSILE TESTED TYPE OF 304 SS — 842 °C 700 °C A 0.02 CARBON HEAT; 18144BC A 0.06 CARBON HEAT; 33733 AND 48950 0.00004 0.0004 0.004 . 0.04 0.1 CALCULATED ATOM FRACTION HELIUM (ppm) Ductility of Irradiated Type 304 Stainless Steel. 10 - 400 PHOTO 64248 lilj . 14 12 16 . 1 . . Se . 9 . . 3 . . . . . 2 re AL . 0914. . Š . S i . 9 . . . . 6 . lim, INCHES ****, SY 1:1.1.;;* :'; 0 m r ..... 4.-14 . 1. M . (a) UNIRRADIATED MATERIAL FRACTURED AT 0.50 TRUE STRAIN " . . OLA ...... ... .. ... . . maman.mod ! 1 I . som (6) IRRADIATED MATERIAL (7x 1020 nvt ) FRACTURED AT 0.14 TRUE STRAIN Comparison of Intergranular Cracking for Unirradiated (o) and Irradiated (6) Type 304 Stainless Steel Strained at 0.002 in./min at 704°C. END DATE FILMED 12/13 /65