3 I OFL. ORNL P 1701 EEEFE EFE 125 L4 LG * MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL QUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNL 120, Cont-6509517 NOV 1 5 1965 65-94 NOTE: This is a draft of a paper to be presented at the 2nd International Luminescence Symposium on the Physics and Chemistry of Scintillators, Munich, Germany, Sept. 4-10, 1965. THE SCINTILLATION PROCESS IN NONACTIVATED ALKALI HALIDES R. B. Murray RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS SOLID STATE DIVISION Oak Ridge National Laboratory Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Oak Ridge, Tennessee September, 1965 to m * 2. THE SCINTILLATION PROCESS IN NONACTIVATED ALKALI HALIDES ** R. B. Murray Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. ABSTRACT · Various nonactivated alkali halide crystals exhibit scintillation luminescence of high efficiency at low temperatures, a process previously ascribed to the radiative decay of exciton states. This paper reviews the properties of this intrinsic luminescence and describes recent ex- periments with alkali iodide crystals which indicate that the scintilla- tion luminescence in the "pure" crystal arises from the recombination of an electron with a self-trapped hole. This recombination process results in an exciton state (electron bound to self-trapped hole) in which the lattice preserves the axial distortion along a <210> axis characteristic of the trapped-hole center. This effect is demonstrated experimentally through the polarization of luminescence from oriented self-trapped hol.es. Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. - 2. INTRODUCTION Activated alkali halide scintillation crystals at room tempera- ture are widely used as scintillation detectors and spectrometers. In such crystals it is generally agreed that the scintillation lumines- cence arises from the radiative decay of an excited state associated with the impurity ion, e.g., the Ti* ion in NaI(TI) or KI(TI). On the other hand, nonactivated alkali halide crystals at room temperature generally exhibit only a very weak scintillation pulse, an effect so small that it cannot be utilized. At low temperatures, however, sev- eral nonactivated alkali halides are known to be extremely good scin- tillators, in the sense of a high scintillation efficiency (i.e., energy emitted in a scintillation pulse/energy deposited). For example, nonactivated NaI exhibits a y-ray scintillation efficiency at liquid nitrogen temperature (LAT) of 25% Nonactivated CsI 18 re- ported to have a scintillation efficiency at LNT which is even higher than that of Nal. Further, the luminescence observed during excitation by x rays or charged particles is also stimulated by ultraviolet light whose wavelength corresponds to the first exciton band. The emission bands characteristic of nonactivated alkali iodides at low temperature (nominally LNT) are summarized in Table I. Low temperature luminescence is not restricted to the iodides, but occurs in other alkali halides as well. However, the present paper is principally concerned with alkali iodides so that we have included only these crystals in Table I. big... .... . .. - 3 - TABLE I. Luminescence Emission Bands of Nonactivated Alkali Iodides Crystals Peak a (mu) References LII 366, 403 3 NaI 295 This work, also 4 302, 371 KI RDI 318 This work CSI 325, 356 Various experimental results indicate that the low temperature luminescence in the nonactivated alkali iodides arises from transitions characteristic of the pure crystal, and is not associated with impuri- ties. This (tentative) interpretation is based on the repeated obser- vation of the bands of Table I in a variety of crystals, and the cor- relation of these emission bands with the photoluminescence emission stimulated in the excitɔn region. Thus, several workers' have attrib- uted this luminescence to the radiative decay of excitons. In this paper we present experimental results on the low tempera- ture scintillation luminescence of nonactivated KI, NaI, and RbI. The purpose of this work has been to examine the origin of the luminescence in each of these crystals, and especially to compare the results with a model which was proposed previously" for the way in which exciton states might be formed during irradiation. In particular, this model suggests that the recombination of an electron with a self-trapped hole is respon- sible for the formation of a localized exciton and hence the scintilla- tion emission. - 4 . SELF-TRAPPED HOLE IN AIKALI HALIDES We will first review briefly some of the known properties of the self-trapped hole (v center) in alkali halides. The Ve center has been identified in several alkali halides of the NaCl structure, by optical absorption measurements and electron paramagnetic resonance studies, as a stable molecular ion formed from two adjacent halides, of the form X. This center has an axis of symmetry along any one of six equivalent <110> directions, as sho:n in Fig. 1. In order to form stable self-trapped holes it is necessary to trap the electron which has been removed from one of the halides; otherwise electron- hole annihilation occurs promptly and Vv centers are not observed. For this reason investigations of V centers are performed in crys- tals which are doped with en electron-trapping impurity such as Ti, NO, Ag, or Eu. Electron spin resonance studies have shown that the Vy center is a property of the pure crystal lattice, so that the im- purity presumably is not directly associated with the center but serves only as a remote electron trap. Preferential orientation of Vk centers along one of the <110> directions can be achieved by. bleaching with linearly polarized light whose wavelength corresponds to one of the Vx optical absorption bands. This effect is 1llustrated in Fig. 2, showing the prominent V absorp- tion bands in KI at 404 and 800 mu measured with polarized light, both before and after bleaching with 404-mu light polarized along the (0īl) direction.* If the lower curve of Fig. 2 is subtracted from the upper W The polarization direction refers to the direction of the electric field. IT. - 5- curve (OD - OD), the resulting spectrum (called the anl.sotropic absorption) exhibits bands characteristic of the V center and is zero elsewhere. Finally, we note that V centers are stable only at low tempera- tures. As the temperature is raised the self-trapped hole begins to migrate through the lattice from one site to another, until it en- counters an electron-excess center and is annihilated., or until it is trapped at an impurity site. The temperature at which self-trapped holes become unstable (i.e., lifetime of order seconds) is a character- istic of the particular alkali halide. In KI this occurs at about 105°K. LUMINESCENCE IN NONACTIVATED KI We will first discuss" studies of the low-temperature luminescence in KI. This work has been reported previously and is only summarized here. The emission spectrum of nonactivated KI, upon x-ray excitation at LNT is shown in Fig. 3 in the lower curve. (All spectra presented in this paper have been corrected for the monochromator-detector re- sponse function.) There are two emission bands, located at 302 and 371 mfl. These bands are also observed at liquid relium temperature (LHT) and at higher temperatures, although the intensity decreases rapidly above ~ 100°K (see ref. 5 for more details). In order to pro- duce stable V centers we have used, in some cases, crystals of KI(T1) (nominal 0.1 mole %), so that the emission spectrum from KI(TI) is also of interest. This is shown in the upper curve of Fig. 3. Known TI emission bands-º are indicated by arrows; a weak Tl emission band at 304 mu overlaps the 302-mu emission of the nonactivated &rystal. lo .6. We now ask: What are the products of irradiating a crystal of KI(Tl) at low temperature with x rays or energetic electrons? On the basis of previous experiments by Hersh and coworkers and, on the basis of the observed absorption bands in the present work, we con- clude that there are four principal products which anter into the present considerations: F centers, Vx centers, Tlº ions (formed by capture of an electron at Ti*), and ti** ions (formed by capture of a hole at 11). Now if a crystal of KI(T1) is irradiated at LIT and then illuminated with monochromatic light in the F band or in the Tiº band (w).lu in KI(T1)), an intense luminescence is observed, and the emission spectrum is shown in Fig. 4 in the upper curve. This spec- trum is the same upon excitation in the F band and at 1.14, and we note that it is the same spectrum as that of KI(T1) in Fig. 3. From more detailed studies of the absorption bands and their bleaching prop- erties we conclude that illumination in the F band and at lolj releases electrons which annihilate Vy centers and mit centers, and at the same time produces the luminescence spectrum of Fig. 4 (top). If the irrad- iated crystal of KI(T1) is heated to a temperature just above 105°K, the self-trapped holes are destroyed; if the crystal is then cooled to LNT and 1lluminated with F light, or 1.14 light, the resulting emission spectrum is that shown in Fig. 4 as the lower curve. It is . observed that the 302- and 371-mu bands are eliminated as a consequence of the thermal destruction of Vr centers, whereas the Tl emission is actually stronger. This result is taken as evidence supporting the origin of the 302- and 371-mu bands as radiation from the recombine. tion of electrons with self-trapped holes. - .7. More definitive evidence is obtained by preferential orienta- tion of V, centers prior to the release of electrons in the crystal by optical stimulation. If the enters are first oriented, it is observed that both the 302- and 371-me emission bands are partially plane polarized. This polarization effect is illustrated in Fig. 5 for the case of KI(Eu), and shows the intensity of the two emission bands transmitted through a Glan-Thompson polarizer prism as a func- tion of the rotation of the polarizer axis relative to the fixed crystal. In this experiment preferential orientation of Vx centers was established by bleaching at 800 mu with the electric vector paral- lel to an axis at 135° (see Fig. 5). It is assumed that the 800-mu band in KI 18 predominantly o-polarized (1.e., the transition occurs with electric vector parallel to the molecular axis), so that bleach- ing has the effect of populating the direction perpendicular to that of the electric vector.* On this basis the electric vector of 11ght emitted at 371 mu was perpendicular to the V axis, and the 302-mu band was polarized parallel to the Vx axis. A similar effect was observed in KI(TI) (same polarization properties). Further, the polarization has been observed at both LHT and LNT.” The foregoing experimental results lead to the conclusion that the two emission bands characteristic of "pure" KI do arise from the radiative decay of excited states resulting from the recombination It is known from bleaching experiments in KI that both the 404- and bands have the same polarization properties, i.e., both are O polarized or both are a polarized, but optical experiments alone cannot determine which is the correct assignment. The work of Delbecq, Hayes, and Yuster, utilizing spin resonance, shows that the Vk bands are definitely o polarized in LiF, Kci, and KBr. We therefore assume the Vx bands of KI to be predominantly o polarized. WE T. 1 .. 1 - 8 - of electrons with self-trapped holes. In the "pure" crystal this recombination of course occurs promptly during irradiation, as there are no other significant defects competing for electron capture. It is for this reason that V centers are not observed after the irradi- ation of a "pure" crystal. NaI Luminescence from nonactivated NaI at low temperatures has been studied by Van Sciver," who observed a prominent emission band at 295 mu upon excitation by ultraviolet light of energy equal to or greater than that of the fundamental absorption band. This same luminescence was also observed in NaI upon excitation by gamma rays or alpha particles. The luminescence from nonactivated NaI at LNT and LHT has been measured, in this work, upon x-ray excitation and is shown in Fig. 6. From these measurements the peak wavelength 18 found to be 295 mil at LNT, anu 293 mů at LHT. Self-trapped holes have not been identified previously in alkali iodides other than KI. In order to determine whether a recombination process similar to that in KI occurs in NaI, it is first necessary to establish whiether Vy centers exist and at what temperature they become unstable. Knowing that self-trapped holes become unstable in KI at ~105°K, we can attempt to predict roughly the temperature range in which self-trapped holes would be stable in NaI and RBI, by very sim- ple considerations of the extent of overlap of neighboring halide ions along a <110> axis. Figure 7 presents a scale drawing of the lattices of NaI, KI, and RbI, using tabulated ionic radii and lattice constants. -9. We characterize the overlap of adjacent Iº ions by the parameter D/a as shown; for halide ions which are just touching this paran- eter is 1.0, and as the halides are further separated it becomes smaller.* We assume that in a crystal with closely spaced halide ions (large D/av2), it will be relatively easy for the self-trapped hole to move from one site to another, hence a low "critical" temper- ature. On this basis we expect the I, to become unstable in NaI at a temperature below 105°K, and in RbI at a temperature above 105°K. In searching for stable V centers in NaI we have irradiated crystals of NaI(TI) and NaI(Eu) at LHT. In both crystals the radiation-induced absorption spectrun is complex, but we attempt to identify bands due to Vk centers by their optical anisotropy. Ir both NaI(Tl) a ME radiation-induced absorption bands occur in the vicinity of 400 mu and 800 m, similar to the prominent VK bands of KI. If a crystal of NaI(TI) or NaI(Eu) is irradiated at LHT, and then bleached with 430-mų light which is linearly polarized. with electric vector along a <110> axis, it is found that an optical anisotropy is induced, indicating the presence of anisotropic defects. The absorption spectrum measured with light polarized parallel" and perpendicular to the electric vector of the bleaching light is simi- lar to that of Fig. 2. By subtracting the lower curve from the upper (OD, - OD,, ) we obtain the anisotropic absorption spectra of NaI(Ti) and NaI(Eu), shown in Fig. 8. For comparison the anisotropic absorp- tion due to Vy centers in KI is shown as the bottom curve. It is seen . Strictly speaking we should consider the overlap between a neutral I atom and one of its neighbors; the conclusions are the same either way. - 10. that these spectra are quite similar. Since the absorption spectrum of self-trapped holes should be determined largely by the identity of the halide ion, one would expect the anisotropic absorption of IM molecular ion to be approximately the same for all alkali iodides having the same crystallographic structure. On the basis of Fig. 8 we are led to the tentative conclusion that Ve centers are formed in NaI at LHT. We next ask: At what temperature do these centers become un- stable in NaI? There are two features of the absorption spectrum which can be investigated in order to answer this question. First, it is known that an anisotropic distribution of V, centers is stable only at low temperatures; as the crystal is warmed, Vx centers re- orient by thermal excitation, and the distribution becomes random over 6 equivalent <110> directions with the concomitant loss of opti- cal anisotropy. As the temperature of the crystal is raised the ani- sotropy disappears rather abruptly, and this occurs at a temperature somewhat below the "critical" temperature at which self-trapped holes are annihilated. In the present case of NaI we have measured the anisotropic absorption at 875 miu as the temperature is raised slowly and find a sharp loss of anisotropy at a temperature of about 53°K, see Fig. 9. A second feature of the absorption spectrum which is correlated with the instability of self-trapped holes is the exis- tence of rather sharp bands in the near ultraviolet region which have been interpreted as arising from the center formed by capture of a hole at a ti* site (which we denote for simplicity as Ti++). In the case of KI(T1) two of these sharp "thallium perturbation bands" increase 11 . abruptly as the crystal is warned through ~105°K, at which temperature self-trapped holes are freed. In NaI(Tl), a narrow absorption band at 312 mu is observed upon irradiation at LJIT, and is very weak. Warming the crystal results in an abrupt increase in this band at ~60°K, see set .. . . Fig. 9. Taking into account the results illustrated in Figs. 8 and 9, it seems very reasonable to conclude that Vy centers are formed in NaI crystals which are doped with an electron trapping impurity, and that these centers are stable for temperatures less than about 58°K. In fact, it would be a remarkable coincidence if we were dealing with another type of defect in NaI, whose optical properties are so similar to those of the V center in KI. In the following discussion we will therefore assume that this is the correct assignment. We note that the "critical" temperature in NaI is considerably lower than that for self-trapped holes in KI, in qualitative agreement with the ideas pre- sented previously. If a crystal of NaI(Tl) or NaI (Eu) is irradiated with 1.7-MeV electrons at LHT (forming Vy centers), and is then illuminated with light in the wavelength region around 600 mu (corresponding to the F band"), a luminescence is observed whose spectrum contains the The F band in irradiated NaI has not been observed previously to the author's knowledge. We have found that the only band resulting from the irradiation of "pure" NaI at room temperature (with 1.7-MeV elec- trons) is centered at 604 mu. This peak wavelength correlates very closely with that of the known F band in numerous other alkali halides on a Mollwo-Ivey plot. We conclude that this 604-me band is the F band of Nal. This band is extremely weak, showing that NaI is very difficult to color by irradiation at room temperature. - 12 - prominent 295-mi emission. In NaI(TI) there are two additional emission bands at longer wavelength (analogous to the known Tl bands in KI(Tl) at LHT”), and in NaI(Eu) there is an additional weak band near 425 ml which is presumed to be associated with the Eu. If an anisotropic distribu- tion of Vk centers is achieved by bleaching with polarized light at 430 mu in either NaI(Tl) or NaI(Eu), it is found that the 295-mu luminescence stimulated by ~600-inų light is partially plane polarized. The polariza- tion results for NaI(Eu) are shown in Fig. 10. In this particular ex- periment the orientation of V centers was not carried to its maximum value, so that the polarization effect of Fig. 10 is smaller than that which could be achieved by a longer bleaching. The qualitative effect is clear, however, and establishes the connection between the 295-mu emission and the recombination process at Vy centers. If we assume that the orienting transition is o polarized, then the luminescence is polar- ized perpendicular to the Vk axis. RbI The X-ray excited emission spectrun of nonactivated RbI at LNT is shown in Fig. ll. The prominent emission band is centered at 318 mu at LNT and 315 mu at LHT. The peak intensity of this band occurs in the region of 40°K. It decreakes rapidly from 50° to 100°K, and is very weak at temperatures above 130°K. Irradiation of RbI(T1) at LNT with 1.7-MeV electrons produces a very distinct F band at 732 me, and additional absorption bands at shorter wavelength, the most prominent occurring at 308 mu and ~400 mil. Irradiation of RbI(Tl) at LHT produces no measurable F band at all, but - 13 - the bands at 308 mu and 405 mu are clearly resolved, and an additional band at 782 mu appears. (The latter band also occurs upon irradiation at LNT but is obscured by the long-wavelength tail of the very strong F band.) If the crystal is irradiated at LHT and then exposed to 405-mu light polarized along a <110> axis, an anisotropic absorption results and is shown in Fig. 12. This spectrum is clearly very similar to that of NaI and KI, and is thus attributed to the anisotropic absorp- tion of Vy centers in RbI. The optical anisotropy at 405 mu is stable at temperatures somewhat above LNT, and disappears rapidly at about 100°K. This can be compared with V, centers in KI where the anisotropy drops abruptly at 88°-90°K. This comparison of KI and RbI is thus con- sistent with the qualitative ideas of Fig. 7. We have not measured the temperature at which V centers disappear in RbI, but it is clearly well above the "critical" temperature of KI. If V centers are. produced in RbI(11) by irradiation at LNT, and the crystal is then illuminated with F-band light, a luminescence results whose spectrum is very similar to that of Fig. 11. If the V, centers are oriented by bleaching with polarized light in the usual way, a distinct polarization is observed in the 318-my emission. The polarization re- sults are shown in Fig. 13. Illustration of the Vx axis at 135° in Fig. 13 assumes that the orienting absorption transition at 405 mp is o polar- ized. The polarization results of Fig. 13 are in accord with the concept of the origin of the 318-mu band as radiation from the recombination of electrons with self-trapped holes. - 14. OTHER ALKALI HALIDES The origin of low-temperature luminescence in other alkali halides has been studied by Kabler, 18 who concluded that the x-ray excited luminescence in KCl, KBr, Naci, and KI is due to the recon- bination of electrons with self-trapped holes in the perfect lattice. The techniques used in his study were basically the same as those de- scribed here, i.e., release of electrons by optical stimulation of electron-excess centers, and their recombination with oriented V centers. Taking Kabler's work together with that reported here gives a total of six alkali halides in which the luminescence characteristic of the "pure" crystal is attributed to the recombination of electrons with self-trapped holes. The characteristics of the luminescence from these crystals is summarized in Table II. DISCUSSION Spin resonance experiments have been shown that the self-trapped hole is a property of the pure crystal lattice, i.e., it is not adjacent to another defect such as an impurity ion or a vacancy. If an electron recombines with a Vy center to produce an excited state, then this state is one which is a property of the pure crystal lattice and which has, in fact, the normal charge. It follows that such an excited state must be one of the exciton states of the crystal. This is, of course, consis- tent with the observation of the "pure" crystal luminescence by UV excitation in the fundamental band. However, we must note that the excited state formed by the recombination of an electron with a ver center is a state in which the lattice retains the axis of symmetry - 15 - Table II. Emission Bands Attributed to the Recombination of Electrons with Self-Trapped Holes Crystal Peak 1 (mu) Polarization Relative to References VK Axisa NaI 295 This work КІ 302 (1) (11) (1) (11) 371 RbI 318 This work KC1 537 F = KBT 280 546 t NaCl 230 Unknown 369 Unknown "Polarization assignments in parentheses are based on the assump- tion that the orienting transition is o polarized. In KCl and KBT this is known to be the case from electron spin resonance studies. ' i , T i .. .'- . . . 1. - 16 - characteristic of the 1%, as polarized luminescence is observed from preferentially oriented self-trapped holes. Thus, the excited state must be one in which the captured electron is confined to an orbital about the Vy center and this configuration is retained during the life- time of the radiative state; i.e., the nuclear coordinates do not relax to restore cubic symmetry about an excited I° ion. It should be noted that polarized luminescence is observed in both KI and RbI at LNT, and this is a relatively high temperature as it is approaching the point at which oriented I, ions lose their preferential orientation in a matter of seconds. Thus, even at such a "high" temperature, the ex- cited state (e + Vx) is stable against reorientation during its life- time (of order 10-6 sec for ki24,15), and this is a time interval which is orders of magnitude longer than that required for a nuclear relaxa- tion. In view of the apparent close relationship between (e + Vy) lumi- nescence and the photoluminescence stimulated in the fundamental band, we are led to ask if optically excited excitons can assume an (e + V) configuration prior to radiative decay. Unfortunately there is no direct way to answer this question unambiguously at the present time, although it appears to be a very reasonable hypothesis on the basis of recent studies of relaxation effects which occur in electronic excited states of defects in alkali halides. For example, theoretical studies of the excited states of the F center16,17 have shown that very considerable lattice distortions occur, and that the shift in electronic energy levels as a result of this distortion is responsible for the large . 17 - observed Stokes shift. In the case of optical excitation of an exciton in an alkali halide, the excited electron leaves behind a hole which is at least partially unshielded, and hence capable of forming a molecular bond with one of its 12 nearest neighbor halide ions. If such a bond is formed, a nuclear relaxation would very likely occur to give a dis- tortion along a <110> axis, resulting in an (e + V) configuration. This process has recently been discussed by Wood. - . - . i.. ; . . re ce M i . . . . REFERENCES 1. W. J. Van Sciver and L. Bogart, IRE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-5, 90 (1958). 2. B. Hahn and J. Rossel, Helv. Phys. Acta 26, 803 (1953). 3. H. G. Hanson, J. J. Manning, and R. B. Murray, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report, ORNL-2609, p. 138 (1958), unpublished. W. J. Van Sciver, Phys. Rev. 120, 1193 (1960). Also, IRE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-3, 39 (1956). 5. R. B. Murray and F. J. Keller, Phys. Rev. 137, A942 (1965). 6. H. Enz and J. Rossel, Helv. Phys. Acta 31, 25 (1958). 7. For a review see J. B. Birks, The Theory and Practice of Scintilla- tion Counting, Pergamon Press (New York) 1964, p. 81 ff. 8. R. Gwin and R. B. Murray, Phys. Rev. 131, 508 (1963). 9. See C. J. Delbecq, W. Hayes, and P. H. Yuster, Phys. Rev. 121, 1043 (1961). 10. R. Edgerton and K. Teegarden, Phys. Rev. 129, 169 (1963). Also, Phys. Rev. 136, A1091 (1964). 11. H. N. Hersh, J. Chem. Phys. 31, 909 (1959). Also, R. G. Kaufman and W. B. Hadley, J. Chem. Phys. (submitted 1965). F. J. Keller and R. B. Murray, Phys. Rev. Letters 15, 198 (1965). 13. M. N. Kabler, Phys. Rev. 136, A1296 (1964). 14. J. Bonanomi and J. Rossel, Helv. Phys. Acta 25, 725 (1952). 15. N. N. Vasil'eva and 2. L. Morgenshtern, Opt. Spectry. (USSR) 9, 357 (1960). 16. R. F. Wood and H. W. Joy, Phys. Rev. 136, A451 (1964). 17. W. B. Fowler and D. L. Dexter, Phys. Rev. 128, 2154 (1962). 18. R. F. Wood, Solid State Communications 4, 39 (1965). Also, Phys. Rev. Letters (submitted 1965). *nomine RE ::. ine L FIGURE CAPTIONS Fig. 1 Configuration of self-trapped hole (Vx center) in an alkali halide. Shaded circles represent halide ions, open circles represent alkali ions. Fig. 2 Absorption spectrum due to Vk centers in KI (NO2) measured with linearly polarized light. Fig. 3 Emission spectra from nonactivated KI (lower curve) and KI(11), 0.1 mole % (upper curve) during x-ray excitation at 78°K. Curves have been corrected for monochromator-detector response function. Band pass was 1.3 to 2 mie Peak wave- '", lengths of known Tl bands are indicated. Fig. 4 Upper curve: Luminescence emission upon stimulation at 1.lu from KI(T1) which was irradiated at LNT. Emission spectrum was measured at LNT. Lower curve: Emission spectrum at LNT after crystal had been warmed above 105°K, at which tempera- ture self-trapped holes are destroyed. -,-.1 Fig. 5 Relative intensity of light transmitted through polarizing . I . - - prism as a function of angle of rotation of the prism. The N ,LY crystal is fixed and the prism is rotated; the angle @ is . measured from a fixed axis (horizontal) to the polarization axis of the prism. Experiment performed with KI(Eu) irradia- ted at LNT, measured at LHT, excitation by unpolarized F light. The V axis is at 45° if the orienting transition is o polarized. Emission spectrum from nonactivated NaI at LNT and LHT, X-ray Fig. 6 excitation. pi ti - Figure Captions (con't) Fig. 7 Lattice configuration of NaI, KI, and RbI, using tabulated Fig. 8 ionic radii and lattice constants. Anisotropic absorption spectrum in NaI( Eu) and NaI(Tl), ir- radiated with 1.7-MeV electrons at LHT. Anisotropy induced by bleaching with 430-74 light, electric vector along [0īl) direction. Bleaching experiment and measurement of spectra were performed at LHI'. For comparison, the anisotropic ab- sorption spectrum from Vk centers in KI (at LNT) is shown 12 as the lower curve. Fig. 9 Showing the optical anisotropy at 875 mt, and the absorption coefficient of a band at 312 mu in NaI(TI), as the crystal is slowly warmed from LHT. Fig. 10 Relative intensity of 295-mul emission in NaI(Eu) excited by light at 620 mil, as a function of the angle of rotation of a polarizing prism. Crystal was irradiated at LHT and experi- ment was performed at LHT. V centers had been previously oriented by bleaching with linearly polarized 430-mu light. Fig. 11 Emission spectrum of nonactivated RbI at LNT, X-ray excitation. Fig. 12 Anisotropic absorption spectrun from RbI(Tl), irradiated with 1.7-MeV electrons at LHT and illuminated with 405-mu light polarized along a <110> axis. Spectrum measured at LHT. Fig. 13 Relative intensity of 318-mu emission in RbI(Tl) excited by F-band light, as a function of the angle of rotation of a polarizing prism. Crystal was irradiated at LNT and experiment was performed at LNT. V centers had been previously oriented Figure Captions (con't) Fig. 13 (con't) by bleaching with polarized 405-mu light. The V-axis is oriented at 135° if the orienting transition is o polarized. ORNL-DWG 65-8727 S ROK. . ti E more : . Fig. I 11 ORNL-DWG 65-1232R KI (NO3) ALOPTICAL DENSITY [014] AFTER [011] BLEACH I LOPTICAL DENSITY [011] AND OPTICAL DENSITY (071] BEFORE [011] BLEACH RADIATION INDUCED OPTICAL DENSITY LOPTICAL DENSITY [011] AFTER [011] BLEACH 4 300 400 500 600 700 i (mu) 800 900 1000 Fig. 2 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-7403R 75 BOTH SPECTRA AT 78°K X-RAY EXCITATION τι KI (TI) RELATIVE INTENSITY - KI (NON-ACTIVATED) 250 300 350 400 1 (mu) 450 500 550 Fig. 3 .. It.. . STA UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-7678R KI (TI) AT 78°K EXCITATION BY 1.14 LIGHT AFTER ELECTRON IRRADIATION RELATIVE INTENSITY -AFTER THERMAL DESTRUCTION OF W CENTERS 250 300 350 400 1 (my) 450 500 550 Fig. 4 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 64-7738R 1.6 W=300 m 1=375 m l RELATIVE INTENSITY TRANSMISSION DIRECTION FOR Ē 1 POLARIZERWte VR-AXIS – - HORIZONTAL VR-AXIS CRYSTAL KI (Eu), LIQUID HELIUM TEMPERATURE o 45 90 0 (deg) 135 180 Fig. 5 ORNL-DWG 65-8379 150 Nol "PURE" LIQUID HELIUM TEMPERATURE RELATIVE INTENSITY -. . . .. ...... . . ... SLIT WIDTH - ... - - - - - ... - - . - - ... - - -... .. .. . . . . LIQUID NITROGEN TEMPERATURE RELATIVE INTENSITY - - - SLIT WIDTH -- .-.--. -- --- - 200 300 400 500 À (mue) Fig. 6 . : : + ما + ما ORNL-DWG 65-8380 + ما + ما + و - 0.840 R6* + ما = = 0.952 + ما + 9 ل + ما + با + ما ) ( Fig. 7 5+ ] + [ + ما و ). + )) + * = 0.872 7 = 105°K + ORNL-OWG 65-7577 A(mk) 500 300 400 750 1500 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 + Nal(Eu) 0.04 0.03 OPTICAL ANISOTROPY, OD, -OD, Nal(TI) OPTICAL ANISOTROPY, OD, -OD... 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 KI(TI) 2 ENERGY (ov) Fig. 8 ORNL-DWG 65-7576 - OPTICAL ANISOTROPY AT 875 my NaI ( Eu) INTENSITY (RELATIVE UNITS ) THALLIUM PERTURBATION BAND FROM CAPTURE OF HOLE, NA I(TI) . 10 · 20 60 30 40 50 TEMPERATURE (°K) 70 80 Fig. 9 ORNL-DWG 65-8377 1.12 1.08 VX AXIS, IF ORIENTING TRANSITION IS O-POLARIZED 1.04 RELATIVE INTENSITY 0.92 0.88 0.84 0 180 30 60 90 920 950 POLARIZER ROTATION ANGLE (deg) Nol (Eu) Liquid Helium Temperature. Fig. 10 .... . ORNL-DWG 65-8733 T = 78°K RELATIVE INTENSITY LL O 300 400 600 700 500 i (mu) Emission Spectrum of RbI, X-Ray Excitation. Fig. 11 ORNL-DWG 65-8732 400 ilmu) 500 750 . 1000 1500 .. .. .*" RbI(TI) OPTICAL ANISOTROPY, OD, -OD,1 1 VOLNUD - 4.0 3.5 3.0 9.5 9.0 0.5 2.5 2.0 E (ev) Fie: 12 ORNL-DWG 65-8842 1.4 1=318 mye RELATIVE INTENSITY VR AXIS o 30 60 90 120 POLARIZER ANGLE (deg) 150 180 RbI (TI) 78 OK Fig. 13 went "min "- " - " - - - - , ' i. - -- . m i Zri .- 1 / 13 / 66 DATE FILMED END