I OFL ORNL P 1679 TEEFE EFE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 AL 1679 . "1-65/00% MASTER WIN 8 A CONTROL SYSTEM FOR A GAS -COOLED NUCLEAR POWER PLANT* - H. G. O'Brien 8. J. Ditto Oak Ridge National Lazoratory Oak Ridge, Teanessee LEGAL NOTICE ... The report mo propared u an account of Government sponsored work, Noither the United Statas, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makor any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information containod in this report, or that the wa of my information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in the report may not infringe privately owned righto; or B. Assumes any Habilities with rospeot to the use of, or for danages resulting from the um of any Information, apparatus, method, or process disclared in this report. As used in the above, "psrron acting on babalf of the Commission" includes pay om- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such omployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor preparse, disseminatos, or provides accou to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . vnit For Presentation at the 12th Nuclear Science Symposium Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers San Francisco, California October 18-20, 1965. - RENTABILID TOK MATBOUNCEMAAKT II MICILORAR SCLEKCE' ABSTRACTS r . . *Research sponsored by the V.8. Atomic Energy Commission under contrast : with the Union Carbide Corporation. 4 . L. . - PE VI RA ANA 2 A CONTROL SYSTEM FOR A GAS -COOLED NUCLEAR POWER PLANT A. Q. O'Brien : : 8. J. Ditto ABSTRACT vinmarkennaratinhthuatandaan A major consideration in the control of a nuclear power plant Buch as the Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor is the regulation of both the temperature and pressure of the steam entering the turbine. This paper describes a control system which varies the primary coolant flow and reactor power to make the plant produce steam at the required conditions of temperature and pressure over a wide range of steam flows. Analog computer studies showed that the control system was able to make the simulated plant smoothly follow both large changes of turbine load (changing at a rate of 10% per minute) and small rapid changes of load (1% per second) while limiting the transient variations In steam conditions to acceptable values. . nako mahimatan tanah adai un maalattades kan man k - - - .. .-- -. . .. --- . a n sida tanaman LIB . ..", ... . .. ... .com, . -. -. ... .. . . . . .... :: ::1497 ** 1 !: 0 A CONTROL SYSTEM FOR A GAS-COOLED MUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1. Q. O'Brien 8. J. Ditto INTRODUCTION The automatic control of power generation in a muclear reactor has, for many years, been achieved by using closed loop control of neutron flux as measured by an ionization chamber. Where neutron flux at the location of the chamber is the variable of interest, the problem 18 quite simple. Control-rod pouition 18 changed in response to the dif- ference between the measured flux level and a set point as selected by the operator. The close coupling between rod motion and neutron flux makes it possible to achieve good control characteristics. The use of a simple flux controller 18, however, not a very satis- factory solution for & high-performance research or experimental reactor or for a power reactor, because changing flux patterns and the incentive to control variables other than flux (thermal power, temperature, coolant flow, etc.) make it necessary to make frequent adjustments in neutron flux level. This paper describes an automatic control system that regulates the temperature and pressure of steam delivered to the turbine of a nuclear power plant under, steady-state or transient electri- cal load conditions. The system was tested on a simulated model of the Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor (EC-CR) to determine its ability to control such a plant. Although the BOCR characteristics were used in the detailed design of the control system, we believe that the basic principles used are ..'. " . . i.men det er e n travelino Donna .. .. ..... ......men score thi applicable to the control of other nuclear power plants where temperatures, flow, pressures, etc., are of greater Interest than neutron flux, per se. DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM The EGCR 18 an 85-Mw (thermal) reactor being constructed for the United States Atomic Energy Commission. The fuel 18 uranium dioxide pellets, enriched to 2.5% uraniuz-235, enclosed in stainless steel cladding, and surrounded with a graphite moderator. The reac- tor core is cooled with helium at an inlet temperature of 495°F and an outlet temperature of 2020°F. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the helium is circulated from the reactor to two steam generators by a variable speed blower in each of the coolant loops. The two steam generators deliver steam at 903°F and 1250 p818 to a single turbine- .. SA generator set to produce 29.5 Mw of electrical power. . If the plant load is to be an independent variable, the control system must make the plant produce steam at the required conditions of temperature and pressure over a wide range of steam flows. The parameters available for control are the reactor power and the coolant flow. Previous studies of the EOCR dynamic response have shown that . S variations in reactor coolant flow are tightly coupled to steam pres. n sure and temperature; however, large heat capacities and poor heat- transfer characteristics create long lags between a change in reactor power and the corresponding change in steam conditions. This problem of loose coupling between reactor power and stean temperature has one or more och har en el ch 5 set been solved by including a tight flux-control loop in a rod controller used to regulate the steam temperature Tg. The flux set point set for this controller 18 computed from the product of the measured reac- tor-coolant flow W., and the difference between a reactor-outlet- temperature set point Tro and the measured reactor-inlet temperature. Top• This reactor-outlet-temperature set point 18 slowly and auto- matically adjusted until the desired steam temperature T 18 achieved. A blower controller maintains the steam pressure P, at the desired value by regulating the reactor coolant flow. Since the steam pressure is immediately affected by a change in steam flow, and the coolant flow · 18 a factor in the computed flux set point for the rod coatroller, the ·blower controller couples the flux to the steam flow and provides true. load-following capabilities in which the reactor 18 a slave to the electrical load imposed on the turbine. Conventional feedwater controllers maintain the water level in each steam drum by regulating the feedwater flow to each steam generator. . 1 .III A conventional speed governor is used to maintain the turbine speed by regulating the steam flow. Rod Controller The rod controller has features of an automatic rod controller first proposed to control the reactor-coolant-outlet temperature for the Pebble Bed Reactor Experiment? and later modified for the Molten- Salt Reactor Experiment.* The rod controller will be described with the aid of the diagram shown in the "Rod Controller" portion of 718. 2 and with the following idealized relationships : set set Poet + + * We Pro + KW -Trg, Bet . . V(g) = + B [[®cet - ] + cent Corpet - 6) + DS (set - ) at] + V,($). . . The 21 control-red drives are actuated by 021-off relays whenever the output v(a) of the flux controller exceeds the limits of a dead bando The gain adjustments A, B, C, D, and K are selected to give the best overall system response. A feature of the rod controller 18 that a change in the reactor coolant flow or the reactor inlet temperature produces an immediate change of the flux set point. This gives a "prediction," or "anticipation," of the approximate new value of flux needed to produce the reactor outlet temperature that is required to maintain the desired stean temperature. The rod controller holds the flux approximately proportional to the reactor coolant flow during changes in flow, thereby minimizing the probability of exceeding safe operating limits in the relationship between flux and flow. The use of a comprated reactor-outlet-temperature set point (T ) in this system is an artifice to enable the rod controller to regulate be steam temperature. This reactor-outlet-temperature set point, 18 slowly readjusted until the steam temperature reaches the desired value. The actual numerical value of the reactor outlet . set : : temperature is not required to be equal to the value of the reactor outlet-temperature set point, and in fact, the measured reactor-outlet temperature is not even used in the control system. slow drifts or steady-state errors in the sensors associated with flux, coolant flow, or reactor inlet temperature, or in the computed reactor-outlet-temperature set point signal will not prevent the rod controller from maintaining the desired steam temperature. Also, the actual inequality that always exists between a measured flux and the product of coolant flow and the differential temperature can- not prevent the achievement of the desired steam tamperature. However, these errors, or inequalities, can latroduce small transient dis- crepancies during maneuvering. Since the maneuvering rate of a large plant 16 necessarily limited by thermal considerations, these discre- pancies do not appear to be serious. . Blower Controller The blower controller will be described with the aid of the dia- gram shown in the "Blower Controllor" portion of 719. 2 and with the following idealized relationship: V(P) --> [bout - 7,3 +7 de Post Pg] *5 port • Py] at] + v.(P2) Bet The output (P) of the blower controller 18 combined in a signal suming device for each coolant loop with the output of a speed synchronizer for that loop. The outputs from the signal summer, adjust the speeds of the main coolant blovers by changing the variable spoed couplings between the blowers and the drive motors. The speed synchronisers are wed . to equalize the speeds of the two blowers. The gain adjustments , T, and G are selected to give the best overall system response, Control Actions following a load Change When the turbine load is increased, the speed governor causes the turbine control valves to open, which ircreases the stean flow and decreases the steam pressure. The blower controller increases the réactor coolant flow to return the steam pressure to its set poiat. The increase in coolant flow produces an immediate proportional increase in the flux set polat.. The flux control loop in the rod controller then raises the control rods to increase the flux and, thereby, maintains the reactor outlet temperature approximately constant. This immediate action alone does not prevent a slight decrease in stoan temperature or small changes in reactor outlet and inlet temperatures. These small variations are corrected on a slower time scale as the rod controller returns the stean temperatıưre to its set point. By suitable choice of the various controller characteristics, one can optinise the response of the entire system. PERFORMANCE : The ability of the control system to make the BOCR plant operate satisfactorily in the load-following mode described above was demon- strated on an analog computer model of the BOR. I The study bracketed the types of changes in stean flow, or lond, that the plant night be expected to follow and determined the optimum values of the gaino 10 various control loops. After being optimized, the control system gave excellent performance in that it made the simulated plant smoothly follow large changes in load (of about 70% tull stean flow) at the rate of 10$/min. It also . made the plant follow small, rapid changes in load (of about 10% of full stean flow) at the rate of 1%/sec. In neither case did any variable exceed acceptable limits. In both cases there were transient deviations in stean temperature and steam pressure from their rated values, but these were acceptably small and were corrected in a reasonably short time after the turbine load reached its final value. Large Changes in Turbine. Load The first maneuvers Lovestigated vere large changes in steam flow which represent deliberate, or planned, loading or wloading of the turbine. The maximum cate cf such a change in steam flow, determined by limitations in the reactor, steam generator, and turbine, 18 about 10%/min. Since the operator will make these large changes in load by using the load limit mechanism or the speed changer mechanism, the load variations were simulated by ramp changes in the positions of the turbine control valves. Figure 3 shows the response of the plant to a ramp change in the positions of the turbine control valves from 35 to 100% power conditions 1n 7.2 min. The resulting increase in steam flow, which closely followed the movement of the control valves, caused a reduction of 20 poi - in the steam pressure. The blower controller increased the reactor . John coolant flow until the stean pressure returned to the 1250 poig set point, and the increased coolant flow produced an immediate proportional Increase in the flux set point. The flwr control loop in the rod con- troller then positioned the control rods to maintain the flux within . ." . . 1% of the coolant flow and, thereby, to maintain the reactor outlet temperature approximately constant. This immediate action alone did not prevent a decrease of 27°F in the steam temperature; however, this small variation was corrected on a somewhat slower time scale as the rod controller returned the steam temperature to the 903°F set point. During this maneuver, the feedwater temperature was increased as a function of steam flow with a first-order time delay having a time constant of 20 min. About 16 min. after the beginning of the maneuver, the feedwater temperature was manually increased to the value corre- sponding to 100% steam flow to determine the response of the system to a change in feedwater temperature. This step increase in feedwater temperature produced a rapid increase in reactor inlet temperature. The rod controller reduced the reactor power slightly to compensate for this increase in reactor inlet temperature and to maintain the steam temperature at its set point. In most of the rod movements shown in the plo% of "Rate of Reactivity Addition by Rods," the duration of the "on" signal from the rod controller was quite short, and the delay caused by the simulated rod-drive starting characteristics prevented the achievement of the maximum reactivity addition rate by the bank of 21 rods. This maneuver represents the maximum rate of change in steam flow (10%/min) for large changes in load. The magnitudes of the deviations in steam pressure and temperature would be less in maneuvers made at lower rates of 3 to 5%/min--rates normally expected to be used in loading and unloading the turtine. 111 . Bmall Rapid Changes in Turbine Load The second series of maneuvers investigated were small rapid changes in steam flow, such as might be encountered if the plant were supplying a variable electrical load without the benefit of being connected in parallel with a large electrical grid. Since the maxi- mum amplitude of rapid changes in steam flow would depend on the particular load, we examined several changes from 5 to 20% of full flow, and simulated them by moving the turbine control valves at a rate of 1%/sec. As Illustrated in Fig. 4, the control system made the plant smoothly follow changes of 5% and 10% of full steam flow and held the steam pressure and temperature close to their set points. To do this, the. control system changed the coolant flow and the reactor power rapidly during the initial 30 sec of the transients however, they did not deviate from each other by more than a few percent. If these dis- . turbances had been initiated by changes in turbine load instead of by simple ramps in the positions of the turbine control valves, the speed governor would have readjusted the turbine control valves slightly at the conclusion of the load changes to maintain the value of the steam flow necessary to regulate the turbine speed. REASFERENCES 1. 8. J. Ball, Reactor simulator Study, "Gas -Cooled Reactor Program Semiannual Progress Report, September 30, 1962," UBAEC Report ORAL-3372, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, pp. 146-159. 13 VL " .. .: - ri . . . . - - . : . 7 .- . : 2. E. N. Fray, s. J. Ditto, and D. N. Fry, Design of MSRE Automatio Rod Controller, "Instrumentation and Control Division Annual Progress Report, September 1, 193," USABC Report ORNL-3578, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, pp. 113-114. 3. H. G. O'Brien and C. 8. Walker, Operator Training and Control Systems Analyses, "Gas-Cooled Reactor Program Semiamual Progress Report, March 31, 1965, "USAEC Report ORNL-3807, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, pp. 277-284. . ...is : : . . . . . . . 1. Q. O'Brien A Control System for a Gas-Cooled Nuclear Power Plant .. FIGURE LIST Dwg. or Photo No. 65-4012R Caption Fig. 1. Simplified Flow Diagram of the BGCR. Fig. 2. Block Diagrams of the Rod and Blower Control Systems. 65-402 65-40LOR Fig. 3. Response of the plant to a Ramp Change in the Positions of the Turbine Control Valves from 35 to 100% Power Conditions in 7.2 Min. 654006R Fig. 4. Response of the plant to Rapid Changes in the Positions of the Turbine Control Valves About Full Power Conditions. in mantenimiento entre connections litt omination intensiteeti . . m ..commencem i m inare . . : , ntenbos ORNL - DWG 65-4012R TURBINE VALVE CONT BY SPEED GOVERNOR Ws, Ts P CONTROL ROD DRIVE MOTORS TURBINE GENERATOR STEAM GENERATOR STEAM GENERATOR CONDENSER REACTOR CORE ,,Wew .. . FEEDWATER HEATERS . DRIVE MOTOR VARIABLE SPEED COUPLING MAIN BLOWER A MAIN BLOWER VARIABLE SPEED COUPLING DRIVE MOTOR FEEDWATER PUMPS Simplified Flow Diagram of the EGCR. DWG 65-4014R2 MULTIPLIER MULTIPLIER - From Trid 3 Tro INTEGRATOR OR CONTROLLER WITH RESET ACTION ONLY (Tsser-Ts] *set=* WG [Troms Tri] RAISE do CONTROLLER WITH PROPORTIONAL RATE, AND RESET ACTION ON-OFF RELAYS TO CONTROL ROD DRIVE MOTORS LOWER ROD CONTROLLER LOOP A CONTROLLER WITH PROPORTIONAL, RATE, AND RESET ACTION v (Ps) Dob0.d. TO SIGNAL SUMMERS CONTROLLING BLOWER SPEED LOOP B BLOWER CONTROLLER ES EN + 5x10-3 ORNL-DWG 65-4010R RATE OF REACTIVITY ADDITION BY RODS 1 PERCENT PER SECOND 01 -5x103 TOTAL REACTOR POWER COOLANT FLOW PERCENT OF FULL POWER VALUE STEAM FLOW 1050 -REACTOR OUTLET TEMPERATURE IIIIIW 950 STEAM TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE 850 550 REACTOR INLET. TEMPERATURE 450 INCREASE FEEDWATER TEMPERATURE 350 1350 STEAM PRESSURE PRESSURE (psig) . 1250 12 4450 0. 200 400 600 800 TIME (sec) .. 9000 1200 rri. . .. + 3x10-3 ONWL-DWG 65-4006R RATE OF REACTIVITY ADDITION BY ROOS PERCENT PER SECOND -5*103 INC. 5% DEC. 10% TOTAL REACTOR POWER 100 PERCENT OF FULL POWER VALUE STEAM FLOW 90 -COOLANT FLOW • 80 1050 REACTOR OUTLET TEMPERATURE 950 STEAM TEMPERATURE .. 850 TEMPERATURE (°F) REACTOR INLET TEMPERATURE 450 350 1350 STEAM PRESSURE PRESSURE (psie) 1250 1150 200 600 400 TIME (sec). . .-. - - --- - - - - - - - RE 12/ 1 /65 DATE FILMED END . . . .:.:.. .