: TOFI ORNL P. 1677 They S6 EEEEE 11:25 | 1.4 16 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 . 1 . - - . . - ORNI2-1677 Corf- 651025-7** 1885 NOV 8 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL EQUILIBRIUM SOLID SOLUTIONS OF NITROGEN IN C6--1% Zr BETWEEN 1200–1800°C H. Inouye, Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. BOX X, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 RUMTIRSIOD FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN MUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS LEU AL NUTILE The report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Batu, kor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commisslon: A. Maker way warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completenou, or unahulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or proces, disclosed in the report may not infringe privately owed rights or B. Assumes may liabilites with respeot to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or procon disoloned in this roport. As wood in the abovo, "persoo acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any on- ployee or contructor of the Commission, or employs of such contractor, to the extent that auch employs or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor proparos, dienominates, or provides accous to, any laformation pursuant to his employmont or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . OPNI ! ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL - . . ' ': .. . . . . . ... ! . -.,. ." ' .'. .. . ..VITI W I K I 27 11** * . EQUILIBRIUM SOLID SOLUTIONS OF NITROGEN IN C6-1% Zr BETWEEN 1200-1800°C* .ORNI - AL - OFFICIAL H. Inouye Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT An ultrahigh vacuum technique capable of measuring sorption rates as low as 4 x 10-3 ppm N/hr and pressures of 10-10 torr of nitrogen was used to measure the thermodynamic properties of, solutions of nitrogen in 06–1% Zr between 1200-1800°C. In the composition range 31–278 ppm N, the solutions obeyed Sievert's law. An anomalous solution behavior that was dependent on the Xy, the amount of nitrogen in solution, occurred between 1200-1400°C and was attributed to an oxygen-nitrogen interaction. The partial molar free energy expression for the dissolution of nitrogen in the normal solutions was AF -51,500 + 20.74T. INTRODUCTION The property variations of a refractory metal dramatically reflect the influence of the interstitials oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and/or hydrogen. Concentration differences in the parts per million range can *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL TU. ... .. .. .. . promote brittleness in the alloys near ambient temperatures and have a ONNL-AEC - OFFICIAL - significant effect on their mechanical properties at high temperatures. Their many effects are obscured because refractory metals tend to absorb or degas these interstitials when heated in vacuum atmospheres. Measurements of their individual or combined effects are further com- plicated because these elements may be in solution or precipitated as additional phases in the alloy as a consequence of their slight solu- bility. Thus, the properties of the alloy are influenced by the prior heat treatment as well as the concentration of the interstitials. Clearly property control in refractory metals reduces to a problem of controlling the interstitial content and the morphology of the precipi- tated phases. An objective of this study was to determine the N2/06-1% Zr equilibrium between 1200–1800°C to establish the conditions of thermal stability and the phase relationships in this system. A secondary objective was to develop a technique for accurately measuring very small concentrations of nitrogen in the alloy and the measurement of: the equilibrium nitrogen pressure. EXPERIMENTAL A new technique was used to determine the I equilibria. This method depends upon measuring the rate of nitrogen flowing into and out of a reaction vessel under a pressure gradient by means of E Q = F2(P2 - P2) - F2(P2 - P3) " ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL .. . . .... ........ ... ; : * A : .............. :-: jaroy.*. *********SOSTAT, PE 97*** *rt*T rump 1 y g where ORNI ~ AES - OFFICIAL P1, P2, P3 = nitrogen pressures (torr) in the manifold, over the sample, in the exhaust, respectively. F1 and F2 = conductances of leak valves (cm/sec) Q = sorption rate (torr.cm /sec)* The quantity F1(P1 – P2) is the flow rate of nitrogen into the reaction vessel containing a heated sample and F2(P2 - P3) is the flow rate of gas out. When Q is positive, the sample is sorbing gas at this rate since the net flow of gas into the reaction vessel exceeds the rate of exhaust. It also follows that when Q is negative, the sample is degassing and is in equilibrium with the gas when Q = 0. The various conditions of sorption, degassing, and equilibrium were regulated as desired by adjusting the manifold pressure P, while the conductances were fixed by the settings on the high vacuum leak valves. The change in the nitrogen concentration, sx, was computed by integrating the reaction rate Q by the reaction time. The dynamic flow conditions maintained a low background pressure of interfering gases by continuous pumping to about 1 x 10-9 torr. The arrangement of the ap- paratus is schematically shown in Fig. 1. Except for the mass- spectrometer, flanges, valves, and the electrodes, the apparatus was constructed of Pyrex. The conductances of Fi and F2 were calculated from the exhaust rates of argon from the reaction vessel (1), and the ion-gages G1, G2, and G3 were calibrated against each other with the mass spectrometer. *Q x 1.205 x 10-3 = cm/sec at STP. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL The nitrogen pressure over the sample (P2) was calculated from the spectra of the peaks occurring between M/e 44 to M/e:2.* The measured nitrogen pressure, P2, was corrected for thermal transpiration in accordance to the method of Moore (2). O*NI-AEC - OFFICIAL The alloy sample was a ribbon 0.010 x 0.094 x 6.875 in. cut from a cold-rolled section of an electron-beam melted ingot that analyzed 1.04% Zr, 120 ppm 0, 67 ppm N, 80 ppm C, and 13 ppm H. The filament was formed into a "U" and the ends were spot welded to molybdenum con- nectors, 3/4 in. lung * 0.007 * 0.085 in., to reduce the temperature gradient in the filament to about 20°C, then on to 1/8-in.-diam molybdenum electrodes. Temperatures were measured optically through a magnetically shuttered port. An emissivity of 0.345 was used (3) and a correction was applied to this temperature due to the absorbing charac- teristics of the Pyrex sight port using a measurer absorbing constant of 3.5 x 10-6/0C (Ref. 4). After bekeout of that part of the apparatus enclosed by the dashed boundaries in Fig. 1 at 250°C, the filament was degassed at 1650°C until the total pressure in the reaction vessel was about 6 x 10-9 torr. Utilizing Eq. (1) the equilibrium nitrogen pressure was then determined at a series of temperatures both on heating and cooling. Subsequent to these measurements, an increment of nitrogen was added to the filament, homogenized under equilibrium conditions at 1650°C, and the equilibrium .. *M/e = mass-to-charge ratio. Nitrogen and co. peaks occur at“. M/e = 28. The separation of the gases is accomplished from the ioniza- tion and cracking patterns of CO, CO2, CH4, and Na. ORNL - TEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Art.' erie nitrogen pressures were measured again at a series of temperatures.* s ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL ni di After several nitrogen additions, the total nitrogen content of the flla- Termi ment was determined by chemical analyses and compared with the calculated additions. * : RESULTS i r heimilisinis...-meridhia oroime The precision with which the amount of nitrogen could be added to ULUU W the filament is shown by four typical sorption rate curves in Fig. 2. . . These data show that nitrogen sorption rates varying from 10-3 to 2 ppm/hr could be obtained for the pressure range 2 x 10-10 to 1 x 10-? torr. The calculated nitrogen content of the filament compared to that determined by chemical analysis shown in Table 1 agree within 4 ppm in the 30 ppm range and within 0.5 ppm at 100 ppm. Analysis also showed that the de- gassed filament (88 hr at 1650°C) did not lose zirconium by vaporization while the oxygen, nitrogéng and carbon contents were lower than the starting composition. ' Figure 3 summarizes the pressure-temperature-composition relation- ship in the N2/06-1% Zr system. The solid lines were drawn through the experimental point at a slope of two at all temperatures. Between 100-200 ppm N and at 1350°C and below, the curves were drawn as dashed lines because of the uncertainty in the data and to emphasize the devia- tion of the data from the straight line. *Equilibrium was assumed when a~o (ax ~ 1 ppm in 300 hr) and Pa was constant. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Equation (2) is the expression for año for the normal solutions ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL OINE - AIC - OFFICIAL SFO = -51,500 + 20.74T (2) بینی .. ن نتند 4 The reference state is the infinitely dilute solution in which Ax = No (atom-fraction) and Px. 1s expressed in atmospheres. The activity coefficients, for, of selected solutions are listed in Table 2 to 11lus- trate the temperature-composition limits of the anomalous solutions. Figure 4 shows the dependence of the equilibrium nitrogen pressure on 1/T for six nitrogen concentrations in the alloy. Log Pri vs 1/T for concentrations of 51, 67, and 100 ppm N'plot as, two straight lines intersecting at about 1400°C while only a single straight line 18 ob- tained when the nitrogen content exceeds 200 ppm. From the slopes of the lines, sū values were calculated for each composition and are tabulated in Table 3. The average value of sł was determined to be -51.5 kcal/g-atom of nitrogen above 1400°C and when Xy, the amount of nitrogen in solution was >200 ppm. Below 1400°C, sh was –34.2 kcal/g-atom of nitrogen when the nitrogen content was 100 ppm or lower. The equilibrium constant for the reaction 1/2 N2 + N (nitrogen :: in solution) was calculated from the relationship* K = Xy/(Px) and was found to be independent of the composition above 1400°C; however, two values of K were obtained between 1200-1400°C as would be expected from the values of að noted above. For the sake of clarity, the average . - V ad " PR. = torr, X = concentration, ppm. U OINI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL . . ! . " ... . -TA . . . . . . . . . 1 6 ; VTS- values for K for solutions containing between 31–100 ppm and for solu- tions containing 205–278 ppm N are plotted versus 1/T in Fig. 5. ORNE - AC - OR DISCUESION The coincidence of the experimental data with the solid lines drawn at a slope of two in Fig. 3 shows that compositions in the range 31–278 ppm are solid solutions obeying Sievert's law, that 18, X = K(Px). The deviation of the data shown in this figure as the dashed curves initially suggested that concentrations in this range were near the solubility limit since the temperature-composition- pressure relationships were in the correct direction. This early interpretation is unlikely because s normally changes at a phase boundary. As shown in Fig. 4 and Table 3, was independent of temperature at X > 200 ppm which are the concentrations that are most likely to be in the two-phase region. Additional support for this conclusion is based on the observation that sà for solutions containing 31 and >200 ppm N were the same within experimental scatter. The nitrogen solubility in C6-0.86% Zr at 1400°C has been reported to be about 5 at.% (-3750 ppm) (Ref. 5) and is in agreement with this analysis. It appears therefore that the solutions above 1400°C and those con- taining over 200 ppm n between 1200-1300°C exhibit the normal behavior while the solutions with less than 100 ppm N exhibit an anomaly. This is in spite of the solutions conforming to Sievert!.s law. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL YA ** ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL An analysis or other reported values for a may indicate why this anomalous behavior is observed. Cost and Wert (3) determined that a for columbium was 46.0 + 2 kcal/g-atom of nitrogen while de Lamotte et al. (Ref.5) report 40.4 kcal/saotom of nitrogen. A more recent value of (53.5 + 2) kcal has been reported for columbium by Pasternak (6). For C6-0.86% Zr a value of 38.0 kcal/g-atom of nitrogen has been reported (5) for a above 1600°C compared to 51.5 kcal/g-atom N in this investigation. As shown in Table 4, the higher values of s for both columbium and C6-1% Zr (53.5 and 51.5 kcal, respectively) were based on data ob- tained in a baked ultrahigh vacuum system capable of attaining base pressures approaching 10-10 torr while the lower A values were based on measurements made in systems capable of ~ 10-5 to 10-6 torr. At the latter pressures, both columbium and C6-1% Zr will be contaminated with oxygen due to the residual gases in a vacuum system (7). Therefore, the spread in ał above 1600°C of 7.5-13.5 kcal. may reflect the influence of oxygen on the equilibrium nitrogen pressures for both columbium and 06-1% Zr. The observed difference for a below 1400°C in this investi- gation was 17.3 kcal/g-atom nitrogen and couid also be due to the influence of oxygen (67 ppm, see Table 1) in the alloy. One mechanism by which the anomalous solution behavior in C6-1% Zr may occur is indicated in Table 5. These data show that zirconium in columbium sharply lowers Pro; or conversely, Pre over the alloy increases in the absence of zirconium. Thus the removal of zirconium from solu- tion (by association or combination with oxygen) could cause the observed increase in Pot. below 1400°C, noted in Fig. 3. Since it appears that the anomalous behavior also occurs in columbium, the removal of zirconium from solution is not the only factor causing the anomaly. Si - . .. Lie ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL YRT . . TV :- * . -"* . O pomen **** SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL An ultrahigh vacuum technique of high sensitivity was developeä to measure the thermodynamic properties of solutions of nitrogen in C6-1% Zr. In the composition range 31-278 ppm N, the solutions obey Sievert's law. An anomalous solution below 1400°C was attributed to an oxygen- nitrogen interaction that appears to be dependent on Xy. This observa- tion may explain in part why the mechanical properties of the alloy are difficult to reproduce. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The research described in this report was performed primarily by S. H. Wheeler under the supervision of the author. The experimental technique was inspired by the encouragement of R. E. Clausing. OINI - A8C - OFFICIAL 10 .... ...... .. REFERENCES .. ORN - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI AEC - OFFICIAL .. ... .. - . 1. Dushman, S., Scientific Foundations of Vacuum Technique, p. 121, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1949. 2. Moore, B.C., J. Vac. Sci. Tech., 1(1), 10 (1964). . 3. Cost, J., and Wert, C. A., T.8A.M. Report No. 205, University of Illinois (Dec. 1961). 4. Kostkowski, H. J. and Lee, R.D., Nat. Bur. Std. (U.s.) Monograph 41, . (March 1962). 5. de Lamotte, E., Huang, Y. C., Altstetter, C. J., ML-TDR-64-134 (June 1964). 6. Pasternak, R. A., SRIA NO. 132 (Oct. 1964). 7. Inouye, H., ORNL-3674 (Sept. 1964). 14... .. . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI -AEC - OFFICIAL ! . " . ! 1 :,:..!' Te - . ,.'>12.1 . un 1 .4, HTWAY vregras para empresa 11 ! . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . . Table 1. Calculated vs Measured Nitrogen Content of Nb-1% Zra Run Total Nitrogen, ppm Initial Nitrogen in C6–1% Zr (ppm) Calculated Nitrogen Added (ppm) Number Calculated Analyzed 32 69 100 - 100.50 28C 12.8 11.2 24 Analysis of degassed sample upon which reported data are based: 1.05 wt% Zr, 67 ppm 0, 40 ppm C, and 31 ppm N. Average of 91 and 110 ppm. Average of 27 and 29 ppm. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 22 ORNE - AEC - OFFICIAL · ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL r i Table 2. Activity Coefficient of Nitrogen in C6-1% Zr Activity Coefficient, for Temperature (°C). Kita) - 51 ppm N other quimiother ry omi metodat mai bine crime there on there for interneto the 67 ppm N 100 ppm N 267 ppm N 1200 1223 2.42 2.34 1.86 1.04. 1250 terima o 789 474 1.88 1.53 1.03 1.05 1300 474 1.47 1.53 1.84 1.47 1.12 097 1.74 1.53 1.53 1.23 1350 263 1.17 1.02 1400 161 ordine Nations at the same as the laten 1.03 1.13 1.10 (odge 11/25 "N2 in atmospheres, N, in atom-fraction. i ty into the c content on the than mare mai TE CAM ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 'ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ! destination AK ommune O*NL-AIC - OFFICIAL de 22 . -tänar. Table 3. Partial Molar Heat of Solution of mismatchilarinas - Witrogen in C1-1% Zr Nominal YN (ppm) : A (above 1400°C) kcal/g-atom N (below 1400°C) kcal/g-atom N 49.2 46.7 52.7 33.4 33.4 52.7 1008 49.2 35.7 205 1 53.96 235 53.26 54.50 267 278 52.60 Average .. 51.5 Average 1..2 34.2 Achemical analysis value. valves for a between 1200–1800°C. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNIALC - OFFICIAL Table 4. Summary of Values of s for Reaction 1/2 N2 (8) ► 1 (Cb and C5–1% Zr) SĀ, kcal/g-atom N Difference Temperature Metal (°c) . in sł (c) In ultrahigh 'Vacuum(a) In High Vacuum(b) (kcal) 1100-1650 1525–2255 1600–2100 1600-2100 1400-1800 1200-1400 Cb --53.5 1 2 (Ref. 6) Cb Cb C6~0.86% Zr C6–1.0% Zr -51.5(a) C1-1.0% zi 134.2(a) -46.0 (Ref. 3) -40.4 (Ref. 5) -38.0 (Ref. 5) -7.5 -13.1 -13.5 Difference Base pressures ~ 1 x 10-9 torr. "Base pressures ~ 10-5 – 10-6 torr. . Cvalues of sh in high vacuum subtracted from those of a in: ultrahigh vacuum. . This study. is Hier ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL EX . 'N . . .. . . EXT . . ... 25 LE * 2. ORNL - ALC - OFFICIAL + 1 Table 5. Pressure-Temperature Composition Relationships in Systems N2/Cb and N2/Cb-1% Zr Equilibrium Nitrogen Temperature Pressure, torr (°c) (ppm) Columbium(a) ..^70 1200 1500 270 1650 ~70 C1_1% zito) 5 x 10-10 3 x 10-8 3.8 x 10-7 1.6 x 10-9 6.6 x 10-7 6.6 x 10-6 1200 3 x 10-'(c) 2 x 10-6 1.6 x 10-5 3 x 10-8 2.3 x 10-5 2.* 10-4(c) 1 x 10-5 1500 1260 16260 1260 75 430(c) 1650 1600 1600 1 x 10-5 Pasternak, R. A., SRIA No. 132, (Oct. 31, 1964). bThis study. CEstimated. - - - - - - -- - - . . . - - - ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL-OWG 64-9322 REMOVABLE BAKE-OUT OVEN - I . ELECTRODE AND FILAMENT .. . ܝܝܝܢ MASS SPECTROMETER ANALYZER TUBE MANIFOLD CUUM H20 OUT .. * Fi(Pi-P2) . • GAS RESERVOIRS . .. SERVOIRS ... H2O IN WATER COOLEU PYREX REACTION VESSEL VACUUM ul.Schematic Diagram of Apparatus for Measuring Sorption Rates in Ultra - High Vacuum. ............ . ... .... (10-3), fig. 2. Sorption Rates of Nitrogen by 06-1% Zr in Ultrahigh Vacuum at . 1200 and 1300°C.; ORNL-DWG 64-9323 1.2 Priz= 2.5x10-10 torr tout PN2=3.5x10-9 torr 0.8 AC (ppm) 0. 41 1200°C 200°c7 O bomo IIIII vor o boot T1130090 © 20 40 60 80 0 100 200 300 400 80 Png=1.1 x 10-7 torr 40 FPN2=5.3x10-8 torre ORNL-AEC OFFICIAL (wdd) 30.. o bobote 1200°c] 0 400 800 1200 1600 'TIME (min) : Obecooper 1300°c 0 200 400 600 800 TIME (min) - - - - - - WII1510 - )IV - INTO TVIJI:10- V-INIO ORNL-DWG 65-9072 1800°C 1750 ORNL-DWG 65-9074 1700 1650 10-5 / 1800 TEMPERATURE (°C) 1600 1400 1300 1200 10-5 1600 1550 4500 10-6 SIEVERT'S LAW_ 1450 ,4400 34 pprn 0 54 pprn A 67 ppm 100 pprn 205 ppm o 267 ppm NITROGEN PRESSURE (torr) NITROGEN PRESSURE (torr) at 1250 1009 $ 1200 10-9 10-10 . 4.5 . 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 10,000/7.(K) 10000 10 100 1000 NITROGEN CONCENTRATION (ppm) Fig. 4. Temperature Dependence of Equilibrium Nitrogen Pressure lutions of Nitrogen in C6-1% Zr. Isothermal Equilibrium for Solutions of Nitrogen in Cb --...- ORNL-AEC - Orticia . : 9. " .. .. • Viny miastamine . . .+had a-test ** - -- .-.-- -.-vnad ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 149 . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL-DWG 65-9070 ppm NITROGEN 2 (104) CONCENTRATION <100 ppm Na CONCENTRATION > 100 ppm . 4.5 5.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 ľ ... 5.5 6.0 10,000/T (OK) OR Fig. 5. Temperature Dependence of the Equilibrium Constant for Solutions of Nitrogen ORNI - ALC.- OFFICIAL ... . ... wi ho . K ers A 11 2 .. in 1 A . * . : 40 . . '.. * L . . WA t TO END DATE FILMED 12/ 3 /65 L . 1 " TLC ' . S t .-.W -11 *.*. - . -. . - 1. HE