- - . . I OFI ORNLP 1661 .. - TEEFE SEE I EEEEE 11:25 114 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNU pibler Conf-650946-2 1905 - NOV EXPERIENCES AND DEVELOPMENTS IN INSTRUMENTATION FOR LIQUID METAL EXPERIMENTS H. J. Metz Instrumentation and Controls Division . . . M. M. Yarosh Reactor Division LEGAL NOTICE This report was propared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, por the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or proceso disclosed in this roport may not Infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumos any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages rosviting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or proceso disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person icting on behalf of the Commission" includes iny D-> ployee or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the oxtent that such employse or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminate, or provides Access to, any laformation pursuant to hit employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. Submitted for Presentation at the Fourth High-Temperature Liquid Metal Heat Transfer Technology Conference to be held September 28-29, 1965, at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS --- winner---... . w zainst the windo - OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the .! 9 @ U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION . . . . ht: 1 . - :-- - - - . .: . .::: "ii - * 7 ' . .- .. . V . . . . . . . . . .... ... .................... . ........----- resolut a internet +1 1. V tr... " 27 . . . MIHI EXPERIENCES AND DEVELOPMENTS IN INSTRUMENTATION FOR LIQUID METAL EXPERIMENTS* H. J. Metz M. M. Yarosh Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Introduction 22 Experiments in the use of liquid metals in power generation systems for reactor and for space application have increased in recent years. A very high degree of system reliability is mandatory because of the end use. This has made it imperative to obtain accurate information from experimental systems to ensure that a thorough understanding of system operation is achieved. For this understanding, data must be obtained through appropriate techniques and apparatus for measurement of the parameters to be described. Large and complex potassium systems have been puilt at Oak Ridge National Laboratory during the past few years to meet program needs. One such system and its attendant instrumentation will be described in detail. A discussion of operating experience with some of the instruinentation will be followed by more detailed information on the instruments themselves. Part 1 M. M. Yarosh The Intermediate Potassium System1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 The Intermediate Potassium System (IPS) was built as a part of the Medium Power Reactor Experiment Program. This system uses the Rankine cycle with potassium as the working fluid. Figure 1 *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. is a flow diagram for this system. Liquid potassium is delivered from a turbopump. to supply the net feed for the boiler. The mixture of potassium liquid and vapor leaves the boiler and passes through a separator unit. The liquid is recirculated while the vapor is used to drive the turbo pump unit, and in the final design, the 41- potassium vapor will also drive a turbogenerator unit. In the present system, the vapor for power generation is by-passed through a throttling valve to the radiator. Heat is transferred from the radiator to an air-cooled shroud surrounding the radiator. A portion of the vapor is bled off to a liquid preheater, and the condensate from this unit is discharged to the radiator inlet. The system condensate is returned from the radiator to the suction side of the turbopump.. Figure 1 also shows the principal instrumentation exclusive of thermocouples on the test rig. For system design and for system control studies, there are a number of very important parameters which must be measured. These include system operating pressures, pressure drops, system flows and liquid level measurements, turbo- pump speed, and, finally, system temperatures. Control of the system is dependent on the inventory distribution within the system and the affect of this inventory distribution on system pressures and componunt performance. For example, an increase in boiler power from a steady state operating condition results in additional vapor delivered to the turbopump and to the :-.7. ' Cec radiator. This, in turn, causes an increase in turbopump speed sand in pump discharge -pressure and flow. The additional vapor to the radiator results in a change in liquid inventory at the liquid end of the radiator and a change in suction pressure to the radia- tor scavenging-pump. The change in radiator and scavenging-purrip conditions is reflected in the scavenging-pump discharge-pressure to the turbopump suction. It is important to establish the precise relationships between powěr changes, inventory distribution, and syster pressures and flows. To accomplish this, the instrumentation shown on the flow diagram was installed. The inventory is monitored with a level recording system described later in this report. A modification of this instrument, a liquid-metal manometer, is used to determine pressure drop when a phase change exists between the pressure measuring points and permits a convenient measure of liquid level. . For boiler pressure drop and radiator pressure drop measurements, a liquid-metal level-indicator manometer is used. We have found that the radiator manometer is a sensitive measure of liquid accumulation in the radiator liquid headers during system operation. Instrument Location for Pressure Measurements Pressure measurements are required in both liquid and vapor-filled portions of the system. The instrument piping and transmitter elevations are important considerations in making such measurements. For both absolute and differential pressure measurements, roxboro pressure transmitters are used. These units have an advantage of permitting adjustment of the instrument range and zero but are limited to a maximum temperature of 400°F. As a result, standoffs must be used in both the liquid and vapor regions. This causes some major problems. Measurement of the absolute pressure in a vapor system at perhaps 1000°F with the use of a 400°F instrument leads to vapor condensation and refluxing of the liquid in the instrument lines. The hot vapor cannot be allowed direct contact with the instrument sensing element. Instrument lines niust be correctly sized and properly sloped so that there will be vapor cooling and condensation without chugging and without introducing variable-head errors. The use of intermediate liquid seals results in high instrument inertia and delays the instrument response to system changes. Thus a Nak-filled seal system reduces the speed of instru- ment response to system perturbations. Figure 2 illustrates a typical installation of a liquid-metal man- ometer, PT 62, and a Foxboro differential-pressure transmitter, PDT 63. Both are located on the radiator end of the system. The circled call outs are tenperature measurement points on the piping. The manometer reflects the net affect of the liquid level in the radiator tubes and the pressure drop between the vapor header and the suction side of the liquid scavenging pump. Vapor line temperature to the manometer must be carefully controlled to prevent vapor condensation. Liquid line temperatures are adjusted to permit a matching of temperatures at the junction of the instrument and process liquid line. Some · condensation and evaporation may occur within the manometer, but . . ... . careful temperature control will reduce this to a minimum. To date, accurate measurements of very low pressures, below 2 psia, have proved unsatisfactory in these systems. Absolute pressures in the radiator portion of the system may be well below i psia, and an accurate reading of this value is important. When absolute pressure measuring devices are connected to low-pressure liquid points in the system, care must be taken to avoid a vertical rise in the standoff which may prevent measurement of the pressure. For example, a pressure of 0.1 psia is equivalent to about 4 in. of potassium. Pressure measuring devices must be installed so that potassium may be drained from instrument lines in the system during a shut down. The technique of "boiling off" trapped potassium liquid is ineffective where instrument temperatures are limited to 400°F. Failure to remove potassium from the instrument and adjacent lines may result in oxide plugs near the instrument and may require removal of the entire instrument. Microphones A qualitative and useful instrument that we have employed on our liquid metal systems is a microphone. Microphones have been placed on the boiler, on system pumps, and on the turbine pump unit. On the boiler we find them quite useful in determining whether stable boiling exists. Oa the turbopump they indicate when caviation occurs in the turbopump. Wide turbine speed oscillations can be heard. MP Temperature Measurement Using Infrared Photography The radiator on the Intermediate Potassium system consists of 144 tubes arranged in six banks of twelve tubes on each side of a central tapered header as shown in Fig. 3. The radiator is enclosed within an air cooled stainless-steel shroud, as shown in Fig. 7. Knowledge of the potassium distribution in these radiator tubes is im, ortant and can best be obtained from the temperature pattern on the tubes. The use of a large number of thermocouples, together with the readout equipment to obtain sufficient information to establish a radiator temperature pattern, would entail a substantial cest in equipment and installation. In an attempt to obtain temperature data more easily, viewing ports were installed in the heat sink so that the radiator could be observed during operation. Photographs were taken of the radiator using 9000A“ Polaroid infrared-sensit.ve film. Results to date indicate that substantial temperature differences existing within the radiator unit are easily seen, and that liquid collecting at the discharge end of the radiator is being detected by temperature measurement. Figure 4 shows a photograph taken during normal operation. There is no evidence of any substantial tempera- ture change along or across the tubes. One would conclude that liquid has not accumulated in the tubes or headers. Figure 5 shows a similar view, but note now that the liquid headers are no longer visible, indicating that a substantial reduction in temperature has occurred along the tube. In this case a temperature drop of approximately 125°F has occurred across the indicated sharp color change. Confirmation " .. :. . . .,' t . . . . . .6 . . .. ... . . that this is indeed liquid inventory accumulating has been obtained from the liquid level indicators at other places in the systerra. Figure 6 is an example of system operation with a highly nonuniform loading on . " * the radiator tube banks. **. lim . , We believe that with the use of reference thermocouples and careful control of film exposure times, a color vs temperature gradient relationship can be established. This would permit improved quantitative results from the infrared technique. Part 2 H. J. Metz Liquid Level The level of liquid metal in vessels can be measured by five or more methods. Some are for single-point measurements, some are for continuous-level measurements, and some are both both. Some continuous level elements can compensate for temperature changes and others only with difficulty, or not at all. Resistance-type level-elements were put in the Intermediate . Potassium System because we needed continuous-level measurement and because the resistance elements are economical, small, accurate, and dependable compared to other available equipment. The different possible level devices are compared below. 1. Resistance type • single point or continuous. Temperature compensated easily to give true level. Radiation resistant. No temperature limitations, 3,5,6, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32 NL 2. Inductive devices with or without floats - single point or continuous. Temperature compensation not inherent. Not easy to AZX make radiation resistant. More temperature limited than the resis. tonnen 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 26, 29 3. Differential pressure - continuous. Temperature compen- sation not easy. Radiation resistant only when seals are used to isolate device from system. Temperature limited depending on system pressures. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 26 4. Radiation adsorption - single point or continuous. Tempera- ture compensation not easy. Almost useless in a reactor system. Probably not temperature limited. 5. Ultrasonic probe - single point only. Probably limited radiation resistance. Probably some temperature limits. 14, 15 6. Others, not shown, are included to avoid the error of imcomplete classification. 26 Temperature compensation of liquid level devices referred to in this writing means that the actual level of the fluid in the vessel of interest can be known and not the level in an adjacent vessel, nor the level referred to a head of fluid at some reference temperature or density. All IPS level elements are made from lengths of stainless-steel tube which has been swaged over two magnesium-oxide-insulated stainless-steel wires. The ratio of resistance of wire to the tube is designed to be about 100 to 1. One end of this tube is welded closed,' and the assembly is inerted into the vessel from the bottom, as shown in Fig. 8. One internal wire is for current, and the other is for potential. The other current and potential wird connect to the end of the tube outside the vessel. These WY 11 : 17 I .. . .. ... .. ... :- :- Accuracies of #1% of full scale can be achieved by calibration. Level element outputs can be calculated, and the result is an *** accuracy of +5% of full scale if careful resistance measurements are made. The tube wall resistance is best obtained by measuring the resistance of a 10 to 20 foot length of swaged material from which the level element is to be made. The ohms per inch can then be used in the calculations. A 48 inch liquid-metal manometer unit was tested. Fig. 9 is a diagram of the experiment. The first excitation and readout system was direct current, as shown in Fig. 10, Type C. We knew that thermoelectric emf must be compensated for in a direct current system, and in this experiment the problem was severe, as shown in Fig. 11. Earlier tests have shown that the level element material generated no thermal emf. Therefore, the emf was generated by stainless steel vs potassium. Next, the excitation was changed to alternating current like Type A in Fig. 10. The results are shown in Fig. 12. There was no trouble from thermal emf. Finally a measuring system like B, Fig. 10, was tested. The results are shown on Fig. 13. Figure 14 shows the results from the test -A A - A . - .-.. .- 10 of a 3/16 in. OD level element which had an active length of 12 inches and an inactive length of 6 inches. The increased error is caused by the higher ratio of inactive to active length than in the manometer. A variety of devices based on electromagnetic induction have estad been used to measure liquid level in high temperature systems. In a molten salt system, we are successfully using a float which has either below or above it a magnetically susceptible material. This is surrounded by a high-temperature linear-differential-transformer which is outside the fluid containment wall. Units of this type are in excellent condition after two years at 1000 to 1250°F coil temperature. The accumulated errors were about 1/4 inch in a 5 inch span. The transformer was made from machined lava forms on which was wound bare, pure nickel wire to make up the primary and the secondary coils. The transformer was canned in inconel to protect it from atmospheric corrosion and from physical damage. The Armco iron core was canned in INOR-8 to protect it from corrosive molten salt. When induction coils are moved along the side of a vessel that contains a conductive fluid such as liquid metal, the level can be detected. Such a coil can be moved by hand or by a servo-follower mechanism. A hand-movable type has been built at ORNL. . . . . .. + A continuous, inductive type, liquid-metal level-detector is being developed, and a pilot model is being tested. The interesting feature of this detector is its ability to detect level through nonmagnetic material up to 1/2 in. thick plus thermal insulation 1/4 to 1/2 in. thick. The transducer consists of three superimposed, rectangu- lar coils, each about 2 inches wide and of a length determined by the desired range of the instrument. The middle coil is excited by an alternating current of appropriate frequency, and the two outer coils are connected to a detector circuit which has an output propor- tional to the level. The instrument will be tested on a liquid-metal level test experiment, and based on the results of these tests, circuits will be developed for compensating for liquid-metal resistivity-changes and detector output changes caused by temperature changes. An ultrasonic, single point, level probe has been used to detect the level of molten salt (Fig. 15). It is suitable for use in liquid metal systems. This probe was developed, with ORNL assistance, by Aeroprojects, Inc. under contract to the AEC. The instrument is basically an acoustic impedance device and consists of an electronic power oscillator, a magnetostrictive transducer, a standing wave ratio detector, a transmission rod, one or more force-insensitive feed-throughs, and a sensing plate. Energy is supplied to the trans- mission rod through the magnetostrictive transducer at a frequency ENT S . ." 12 that causes the rod to resonate. ; The force-insensitive feed- throughs allow the excitation rod to penetrate containment vessels without prohibitive loss of ultrasonic energy and without compro- mising containment. The presence or absence of fluid at the sensing plate is determined by detecting the decrease in the standing wave ratio present on the resonant transmission rod. A prototype of this instrument was tested for six months in the Molten Salt Level test rig and was found to be a dependable instrument, provided the excitation frequency remained constant. The instrument was success- fully tested with the heated section at temperatures from 1000 to 1500°F. The tests will continue until any long term changes have been found and analyzed. To date, the only change found has been a shift in the frequency of maximum level sensitivity. Pressure Differential pressure in the Intermediate Potassium System is measured by two methods. 1. All-welded, 400°F maximum, process-type, differential- pressure-transmitters. 2. Liquid metal manometers when one or both sides of the manometer are connected to vapor-filled lines or vessels." Differential pressure transmitters are needed which have all these characteristics. 13 1. Operates without error at system temperatures which may be 1500°F on one side and 400°F on the other side. 2. No liquid-filled seals which can cause change in fluid- head errors when the temperature changes; which limit the temperature at low absolute pressures; and which cause the instrument to have slow response speed, 3. The part of the device exposed to the process fluid should be small, plain, and drain completely dry when the system is drained. There should be no small clearances or small holes or pockets that can accumulate impurities and solid particles. 4. There should be a built-in method to heat the device and to auto- matically hold the temperature at each process side or connection at the desired value. 5. The span and zero should be adjustable at least as much as equivalent industrial instruments are. 6. Accuracy and stability should be equal to equivalent industrial instruments. 7. There should be built-in methods to check zero and to check span without making a connection into process lines or into the process sides of the instrument. 8. The design should be capable of being used up to 2200°F when the instrument is made from appropriate materials. 9. The instrument should not be affected by electromagnetic interference, nor should it be damaged' by radiation. The presence or absence of gravity should have no effect. nalytics A 14 Manometers - Differential Pressure Several differential pressures anticipated in the IPS were too low for available differential pressure transmitters for liquid metal use. Accuracy required was higher than could be obtained. The use of a liquid-metal manometer was investigated. The level in the manometer could be measured with a resistance-type level. element. A 48 inch liquid-metal manometer was tested and found to be satisfactory. The elevations of lines, vessels, and manometers and the temperatures of the liquid metal in any nonhorizontal lines and in the manometer leg had to be known so that the true differential pressure could be calculated. Gage Pressure Transmitters The IPS gage-pressure transmitters are the filled-system- seal type which use NaK for pressure transmission from seal to bourdon tube. 27 Oak Ridge National Laboratory has used this kind of pressure transmitter with good results. These transmitters will be permanently damaged if the temperature of the seal unit is more than 800°F when the process side of the seal is evacuated. Damage is caused by a permanent distortion of the seal diaphragm by the NaK vapor pressure. Transmitters must not be exposed to the condition that the NaK vapor pressure causes more than about 1/3 psi differential pressure across the seal diaphragm. 15 - . We recommend that the seal unit always be installed above the bourdon tube. When the process is going from below-ar.mospheric pressure to above-atmospheric pressure or from full-vacuum to some higher below-atmospheric pressure, the head of fluid in the seal capillary may behave similarly to the mercury in a barometer, if the seal is below the tube. Also, some dissolved gas or other gas · in the bourdon tube could evolve or expand.' When any of these things happen, there is a flow of Nak back and forth in the capillary tube between the seal and bourdon tube. It may take hours for a transmitter system to reach equilibrium, and the pressure at the bourdon tube will be transmitted, not the pressure at the process side of the seal diaphragm. We have a wrapped metal-clad heating elements around the seals to keep them at desired temperatures. This may have caused unequal heating of different parts of the seals. Now we put the seals in aluminum-bronze castings which have cartridge heaters imbedded in them. This assures even heating of the seal and allows. accurate seal temperature measurement. This is important when process pressures goes to full vacuum at times. Seals can be installed directly above vapor or liquid lines because the seals can operate at process temperature. Bourdon tube pressure gages are in use to measure liquid metal pressure in some other systems. The bourdon-tube and socket are all-welded, stainless steel, with a welding connection from the socket to the process. The gages and tubes to the process are installed in a constant temperature oven which keeps the liquid metal in the gages 16 and tubes from freezing. The gages can operate up to about 250°F. The gages and tubes serve as cold traps when there is much oxide in the liquid metal. The gages must be calibrated at operating temperature. Absolute Pressure Transmitters Pressures between 0 and 5 psia are troublesome to measure. The filled-system-seal pressure transmitters can measure below atmospheric pressures if there is no NaK vapor nor any gas in the seal system. NaK vapor can be avoided to Opsia if the seal system is below 800°F. There will be no gas if the seal diaphragm unit, capillary, and bourdon tube have all been perfectly cleaned, assembled, evacuated, and filled. Usually we do not expected filled- system-seal transmitters to be accurate below 1 to 2 psia. All welded process-type absolute-pressure transmitters are used on the IPS system. Transmitter temperature is limited to 400°F,and, as mentioned earlier, problems arise when the transmitter is connected to a 600 to 1000°F low-pressure vapor line. These transmitters, when operated at 375°F, have a downward . . . . . . . - - -- zero drift which may go on for weeks. We do not know why. High-temperature, liquid-metal-filled-seal differential-pressure transmitters are to be tested in the next few months to find out if they can be used to measure pressures down to zero psia at temperatures up to 800°F. The low-pressure side of the transmitter will be evacuated and held initially at a constant temperature of about 150°F. The high-pressure side will be 17 held at a constant temperature equal to or above process temperature. Any change in the temperature difference between the high pressure and the low pressure seals causes an error of 0.07 psi for every 50°F. These seals will be put in the ovens previously mentioned. Manometer - PSIA In the next few months, we will experiment with the use of a liquid-metal manometer for low absolute-pressure measurements. The manometer section will be held at about 250 °F, and there will be a deep liquid trap between the manometer and the process. The deep trap will keep pressure fluctuations from breaking the liquid seal between the process and the vacuum pump. A single point resistance level detector at the top of the manometer will automatically close a valve in the line between the top of the manometer and the vacuum pump. This will keep a system pressure rise from forcing liquid to the vacuum pump. A cold trap in the line will keep the liquid metal vapor out of the vacuum pump. Microphones Reliable small microphones were needed to help detect instabilities in boiling potassium and to listen to the performance of rotating equipment. These microphones must operate at arnbient temperatures to 200°F in the presence of severe 60 cycle and RF noise. Commercial dynamic, crystal, or ceramic microphones were tried and found to be unsatisfactory. Crystal or ceramic microphones could not stand the temperature cycling, and dynamic microphones PS L 18 me morbi trist things o .. te mi hagi c had low outputs and picked up excessive electrical noise. Carbon microphones appeared to offer a solution to both the noise and temperature problems. For our applications, commercial carbon microphone packaging left much to be desired. They were large, and in most cases, they were not suited to operation at 200°F. A microphone package capable of operation at 200°F was obtained by packaging small carbon-microphone buttons from World War II throat microphones as shown in Fig. 16. The standoff from the vessel was used to keep the microphone below 200°F. The upper temperature limit of the microphone has not been determined. The block diagram of an entire system is also shown on Fig. 16. Because of the low current drain of the carbon button, small ........More. noise-free mercury-batteries were used to supply power. RPM Measurement of the speed of totally-enclosed, potassium-vapor- driven turbines and direct-connected potassium-pumps is difficult. Ambient noise, both acoustical and electrical, space limitations, and high temperatures contribute to the problem. For some small ORNL built turbopumps, a series of magnetic type detectors were built, as shown in Fig. 17.5,5,6 The test of a prototype circular- magnetic-path speed pickup has shown that good results can be expected. This is shown in Fig. 18. The last two designs will be field tested. Speed of the IPS turbopump is being measured with an Electro Products Model 721434A speed transducer which has a YA . 19 23 . . . . .. . ... .. W * P 19 : . design life of 1000 hours at 800"F. The transducer is air cooled to hold it at about 700°F. It is deteriorating at this temperature. It has not been possible to use vibration or noise to infer turbine speed. The presence of electric heaters and different kinds of electromagnetic liquid-metal pumps has made large signals necessary in order to get a tolerable signal-to-noise ratio. When signal levels were low, high-common-mode-rejection amplifiers and high-pass and low-pass filters were successfully used. Because the signal-to-noise ratio of magnetic speed pickups was poor, an experiment was performed to find out if pulses of radiation from a source imbedded in a rotating part could be used to measure speed. The experiment indicated that this method was feasible. Oxygen Analysis in Liquid Metal -The MPRE program is obtaining some United Nuclear Corpor. ation oxygen meters which will be tested and used. At this time, Blake these devices, as well as a blow meter, are being tested at Los Alamos. EMI Noise The IPS was the first large experiment in the area that was designed to have as little electromagnetic interference generated by the power system and as little noise as possible picked up by instrument signal leads. Preceding experiments taught us that electro- magnetic interference was a wicked enemy of magnetic speed measure- 20 ment, of high-speed scanning by monitoring systems, of the recording of accurate data with high-speed recording systems, and of the recording of accurate data by an area-wide data system. Power wiring and cables were put in separate wireways from signal wires. Pairs of power wires at the experiment were twisted to reduce electromagnetic radiation. All thermocouple compensating leadwires were twisted pairs which were enclosed in two separate film-type electrostatic shields. The two thermocouple wires were of different diameters so that the resistances per foot of each wire were about equal. This made it more difficult for common-mode noise to become normal-mode, erroneous signals. All instrument signal leads other than thermocouples are shielded, twisted pairs. Figure 19 shows a diagram of an experiment that was done to find out how much noise was picked up by different kinds of wire; Figure 19 also shows a table of the results from this experiment. SAF BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. SPP Semiann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1962, ORNL 3420. SPP Semiann. Progr. Rept. June 30, 1963, ORNL 3489. SPP Semiann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1963, ORNL 3571. 4. MPRE Quart. Progr. Rept. Sept. 30, 1963, ORNL 3534. 5. MPRE Quart. Progr. Rept. Mar. 31, 1964, ORNL 3641. 6. SPP Semiann. Progr. Rept. June 30, 1964, ORNL 3683. 7. MPRE Quart. Progr. Rept. Sept. 30, 1964, ORNL 3748. 8. MPRE Quart. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1964, ORNL 3774. 9. MPRE Quart. Progr. Rept. Mar. 31, 1965, ORNL 3818. 10. MSRE Semiann. Progr. Rept. Jan. 1963, ORNL 3419. MSRE Semiann. Progr. Rept. July 1963, ORNL 3529. 12. MSRE Semiann. Progr. Rept. Jan. 1964, ORNL 3626. 13. MSRE Semiann. Progr. Rept. July 1964, ORNL 3708. 14. MSRE Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 1965, ORNL 3812. MSRE Semiann. Progr. Rept., ORNL 3872 (not issued). 16. Instrumentation and Controls Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Sept. 1, 1962, ORNL 3378. 17. Instrumentation and Controls Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Sept. 1, 1963, ORNL 3578. Instrumentation and Controls Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Sept. 1, 1964, ORNL 3782. 19. Instrumentation and Controls Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Sept. 1, 1965, ORNL 3875. W. R. Miller, High Temperature Pressure Transmitter Evaluation, ORNL 2483 (May 16, 1958). 21. R. G. Affel, G. H. Burger, and R. E. Pidgeon, Level Transducers for Liquid Metals, ORNL 2792 (April 12, 1960). :- pomagan. . . - - . . 2 . 2. Salvadore J. Fanciullo, Development of Liquid Metal Level Probes, PWAC 423, N64-19283 (April 27, 1964). - Jewiswisi R. G. Affel, G. H. Burger, and C. L. Pearce, Calibration and Testing of 2- and 3-1/2-inch Magnetic Flowmeters for High Temperature, ORNL 2793 (March 21, 1960). . e H. Robinson and C. R. Droms, Liquid Metal Level Instrument, General Electric Co., R52G L85 March 18, 1952). C. R. Droms, Second Report on Liquid Metal Level Instrument, General Electric Co. R55GLI (Dec. 21, 1954). Liv * -4 n A . 4 2 - - - --- - C. B. Jackson, Editor, Liquid-Metals Handbook, Sodium-NaK · Supplement, TID 5277 (June 1, 1955). Taylor Instrument Companies Bulletin 98432 (P). Taylor Instrument Companies Specification Sheet 98432-Si. - - - - - - - 28. - - - - - 0., .. . V . - - M. W. Saba, Private Communication, Airesearch Mfg. O PSMWS-362-0723 TJune 23, 1964). - - - * - - - - - 0. -- N. H. Briggs, R. F. Hyland, and G. W. Greene, "I" Tube Liquid- Metal Level Elements, Unpublished (Sept. 20, 1965). - 31. 32. SPP Semiann. Progr. Rept. June 30, 1963, ORNL 3489. C. R. Droms, Supplement to Report No. R55GLI - Second Report on Liquid Metal Level Equipment Tests on Primary Detector, General Electric Co. Cat. No. 24B619G1 (Feb. l, 1955). "Tit. 15 - 7 , i l- . . : . 4 .. 1 TRZEREM - ! - s . INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM INTERMEDIATE POTASSIUM SYSTEM RADIATOR TURBINE . a COOLING AIR INLET VAPOR SEPARATOR BEARING PREHEATER REBEARING O M PIT PUMP PUMP (XdBE ... POWER BOILER TRAP FIG I . . .ver :.: : : OR , ht tri POT 62 PT 51 VAPOR HEADER 273 26 PUMP PUMPADE H2 HV-29 hva M**et TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE INSTRUMENTATION 1. P. S. RADIATOR CIRCUIT 5271) FIG. 2. .... - ! . : : زوج :11 و : | : ن :وام | . من ندار مد ا م ش ده . . , أم :::"هبة مابع :: م ته م نهم * : 1 - 1 = : : من : منتنتنم نه. بهره مصتة اد . . العالم :: الا 1!! !. . T1 III محمد حامد نسو أن IIIII IT IIIIII 11111 . / .. , العداد : ام / | - , | | | || ا IIIIII || ||| . - III ده IT' | | III T / | | | || || || || | || | | || | || | || | | | | IIIII - II هو . حلوا - به ار IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII : و IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII 11: III ||| || III | I IIIIIII IIIIIIII TITI IIIIIII ما IIIIIII و IIIII IIIIIIIIII IT TITI IIIII - III | | || | || IIIIIII HTTTT - IIIIIIIIIIIII | IIIIII *IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII || | ۰۲۶۹۲) معاه | | TI, || | | | تلا || | | IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII || | | | IIIIIIIII ITIL II IIII | T ITIST T ITIL IIIIIIIIIII | ||||| | || || || || { || | | | | | | IIIIIIIIIII | | ميس | || || IIIIIIIII :: :: IIIII | ||| | | | IIIII | || IIIIIIIIII ||| | | ||| | | || | | || و دل II ، IIIII . امام 1 || . 11 | | | || IIIIIII | . TH - - - III \ IIII || ||| و IIIIIII 11111 || ا. ما //// . III IIIIII IIIIIIII ن / III IIIIII T III IIIII | | | || IIIII / // / 1:11 III IIIII : أدا iii1 متن III III IIIIIIIII ممنونمند سید م .. : IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII سیس II | | || || I|I |I| III IIIIIII IIIIIIIII | | ||||| || IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII .. | | || ||| ITIL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII | || | | | | | ||||||| || | | | ||| TIT | | | | | | || | | IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III ||| || ||| ! ! IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII II | | | IIII | | | | | || || | E || | | IIIIII ۔ IIIIIIIIII T || IIII || .. | | بسسسسسس IIIIII | | || | III .. . | | T | - IIIIIIII .. | | ||| | | || | | || I ||||| || | | | | ||| || |||||| || |||| | ||| ||||| 111 | | IIIIII III II - || | | II 1 فجر ا ا ا ا !T III !! || | || | !! | | | | . | | | | | | | | III || | | | - IIIIIIIIII IIIIII ! ! || | | IIIIIII IIIIII TITIL IIIIIIIIIIIIII | IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" | IIIII | I III T IIIIIIIIIIIII | | | | IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII || || ||||| | | IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII | || || ' IIIIIIIIIII |IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII ||| ||| IIIIII IIIII | || IIIII IIII T/ II IIII IIIIIIIIIII Thi III III IIIIIIIII . II س سسسسسس صه 4 I IIIIII III IIIII | | | | | | | جا | | IIIIIIIII ". . | | | مه | . } } 11 بر | |TITIIIIIII | IIIIIIIIIII 1 ', وعر : را . || ا ' |TIT |||||||| || | |||||| | | | | ا TIT , |||| .ميمي که هم... | IIIIIII | III || |||| | || T . IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIII I . || || IIIIIIII || | ||||||| I IIIII 1 IIIIIIII | || IIIIII | | | IIIIIIIII 1 IIIIII | || | IIIIIIIIIIII | | IIT | | IIIII IIIII * * و .. IIIII |I 11 - 17 : د را IIIIIIIII . ه مهمه ... ... ما -. - IIIIII = || | | ///// = - TIT | | | | | | | III III - | اما IIIIIIIII سسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسل - | | | || IIIIII TIT | | | IIIIII الا IIIIII IIIIIIII | | | |- IIII - | | | | | | | | | | || - IT IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII // 1/ / | | سسسس سسسمسمسممه... هه ما مسسسسسسمسمسمسم | - III IIIIIII | T | | 11 | | || | | | | | || III IIIIIII " ||| | | | | - | | | / || | سسسسسسسس / | | || | | | IIIIII III | | IIIII | | || | | | | | | | | | | ||| ات ||| |||| |: | | III ن ظام | | IIIIIII | | IIII | | (II | | || |||| || // / IIIIII IIIII || | | | / 11 | 111| الم | | | ||| TIT || | | I | IIIIIIIIII | | || - . I/ | III | | | |||| | | | - | -- || | | | | | || | | | 1 ال . ILIT ITIL | - | | | | | : |:| | | I - | | !! | || || | | | || | . | || ||| :. - }}}}} | | ت | | | | | 1111 IT IT IIIIIIIIIIII I . III | | | | | | في فر TIT }}}T ... ... مده براء، میرعمد // ا / . IT II | Fir IIIII | | 'IIIII | | | اه IIIIIIIIII || || IIIIIII مسسسسسسسسسس || | || |||| IIII I TITI ا IT ||| / IIIIII 11 | || ||| | | | || | | IIIIIIIII T IIIIIIIII : . | III || || _ | |- _ IIIII TIT IIIIII ||!| | ! | : . . - IIIIIIII II . . . || | | | ! | ! II ! || ! T IIIIII 1 ! IIII IIIIIIIII | IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII | | | | | IIIIIII IIIIIII - IIIIII IT سسسسسسسب مصمم همه || |ITT ||| IT IT - IIIIIII . . - ا | | | || II . . I || IIII | | | | | | | | | | | [|I | ||| |I| || | I| ||| I | - ا = . || || ||| IIIIIII الدو | | | | | ||| | || | || * T ! ! ! ! .... . : ... می دهند. مدعیه ۰ اه *. "" ا , . و 1 : ه مد و مد : : : : : . " . امی ه " ا : ما ... ... ... ... ... . ! . . . . - . 1 . 1 محمد..... . .. .. ادا کیا I .... مصوبه دو . . . . . . ان .وا ۹۶ , : ا : ا ، هه مه مه و : : لاتزاه الله م ا ن هدام ۱۰ ... خفة دم | . 1 . . :2 دستش به ما. . . .. .. .. .. .. ۰ به من نتمند | . ول } .: 1 در انجمن متجر اور """ " ":: .. " ا ا ا و . : نمی توانند . " . م م . ۱۱ - متهم 1 : . مدة مر - ": 1 I , ا ما 2 L ۳. ن , ۶ ۶۰ و ۱ م والے ، ان ، مرارا . . | . .. . ، . - . .: . ، . ..: : ..} .. د؟ ما - 7 . : : | | -- : و , :وم . ... .. ... . . . . . . . . انر:. * 1 :۲۶ ۹۹ به 1 - و پا * ح . 11 و 11 - . ..., :: , ما - : 1 . - ... م . م . : م د عم ۲۹ : 1 ہے ا 1 , 1 ز مان . . : . . وم : و ما اب 1 " - ابو . باس ا ا و ا ة 15 منة : .م. ا : : م + ام ! م ، م ن ادر IF THE . ما . . ." مد ا ا } '...! ها منعدمة ... ا - . ا و مر د م به .. ا ا . م ا 1 بی . اما 1Tم - محسن ! . . 1 . 1 مم - " . ا ... . ة له ول . . . . . . تکی . ، .. - : في رد ، ، ہی . . " ... ... ..::.. ::.۰۰۹ : ۹۰ مه ته .:: نه دهه ۹۰ ۹۰ . . و . ... میدونم .. . ایا . . . . . . ! . . ... بعبدا : } ". 1 1 . 11 م 17 مه ' . ا ا ا . . ۲ ، * : * " . "الم * ، EVEN -- - - P R THAT- THE ++++++ + +++ to VT . YA w . Š . ok . ma 11- casa... 1 . . . N . : 3. .. ? Y". ": CA 29 WA .. nas 2 :,!. res FIGURE 5 I.P.S. RADIATOR SHOWING UNIFORM LOADING OF TUBES , • ་ E ། , མ 、 ,་ ན་ , མ at , ; ་ , • 1 • ) 3 , , , • ༤ , ་, ་ ཁང་པའ ་ ༦་ལགའ་བཅས་ * ལs:བ་ • •,) | པ , , 5 - ་ ་་ , .. . , s s' ་. ་ པ ་བ , :, , ་ ་་་་་་་ • ., •: * j ་་ ་་ ་ , ་་ | ++ ཟཔོ “ T 1 . ན • , , ::༔ '.| , :མས t -- -, ་ ་ , འ : ་ བ་ , *་་་ , , t-ཟ ས ཟ ལ ་ - •་ ་ - -- --- - --- - ཟ་ཟ -- རས་ཟ ས འབའ••ས- ་ 。 ་་ བ་ བ་བ ན པ : rress ་ . 1 , 。 ; : - - r :; ང་ བ ti°༽།: ; {|་ VAPOR HEADER LOWONOSOS. errrrrrrrrr11Iurniiri Wir VIEWING WINDOWS Ella 7 .-. m we. O.. "I - TUBE" LIQUID - METAL LEVEL ELEMENT EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT TIP JUNCTION TERMINAL MgO INSULATION TIP JUNCTION .. -.. 'inrevinip wit INTERNAL WIRES (RW) - - INTERNAL LEVEL ELEMENT TERMINAL - - - . LIQUID METAL - MAX. LEVEL MIN. LEVEL LIQUID METAL - SHORT Eout Ein -TYPICAL VESSEL (INTO HIGH IMPEDANCE) - - -VESSEL BOTTOM -BACK BRAZE TERMINAL SHEATH TO TERMINAL JUMPER - - TERMINAL WELD - . . RW » Rio E out i E in Rio Rta R jumper Rw o . . - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -. .-.- . - -- - V . - " . Shitet med minninga HELIUM @ Y. AP MANOMETER LEVEL ELEMENT TEST FACILITY PIPIPE THERMOCOULE 0.D. LEVEL ELEMENT RECORDER CONTROLLER 1-5.0.SWV1 CALIBRATION PROBE d e =- wasan tenia miro pomocn =-=-=-=-==== FLOWER VESSEL ion..... HELIUM QAS more - - -- RECORDER CONTROLLER (400 18001 inamomecardoni ----- TNERMOCOUME THERMOCOUME mi.. FIG II ...en , -TUBE INSTRUMENTATION SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS FOR *1 - TUBE" LIQUID-METAL LIQUID-METAL LEVEL ELEMENTS LEVEL ELEMENTS is von Ae SUPPLY TRANSFORMER 115/2.8 | (routs an i-TUBE LEVEL ELEMENT Lour (Hy ac) HONEYWELL CLASS 16 RECORDER PECIALLY MODIFito, ADJUSTAILC ZERO. ADJUSTAILL RANGE .. LYPE_A TO MEASURING TRIOGE IN RECOKOER IIS VOLTS AC WPPLY TRANSFORMER 115 / 2.0 1 - TUDE w (VOLTI Acil LEVEL ELEMENT | East (UVM) *-m FOXIORO WV-AC TO MA-OC CURRENT CONVERTER SPECIALLY MODIFIED VARIABLE ZERO. VARIABLE RANGE LGI. RECORDER PRECISION RESISTOR TYPE_B TO MY OC INSTRUMENT OR AUTOMATIC DATA HANDLING SYSTEM QG MY RECORDER OR INDICATOR REOLATED OC : POWER SUPPLY - 10 VOLTS 0-3 AMPS 1 - TURE LEVEL ELEMENT LAUT (UV OCT (VOLIS K) REMOTE CONSTANT VOLTAGE SENSING LEADS FOXIORO MY.OC TO MA-OC REVERSE ACTIMO CONVERTER VARIABLE ZERO, VARIABLE RANGE FOXIORO LaI. RECORDER .JONA TYPE C PRECISION RESISTOR FIG. 10 TE TO MY OC IXSTRUMENT OR AUTOMATIC DATA HANDLING SYSTEN !!'..-. . * *.*. . . . .. - . . , - ... - -. i . -, . • • . - --- 2 UNCORRECTED EVEL ELEMENT OUTPUT (mv .dc) CORRECTED S (UNCORRECTED MINUS LTHERMOELECTRIC emfl_ TEST TEMP: 1000°F EXCITATION:DC VOLTAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 CHANGE IN LEVEL IN 12 13 7 8 9 10 11 LOWER VESSEL (inch) FIG II 11.1 14.8 18.5 22.2 25.9 29.6 33.3 37.0 40.7 44.4 48 33.3 37.0 40.7 44.4 48 LEVEL ELEMENT LENGTH (inch) ... 0 .. . . EXCITATION: VOLTS AC TEST TEMP: 600°F, 800°F, 1000.F, . I. l l 1200.F, 1400°F. SCA.E (%) LEVEL ELEMENT OUTPUT RECORDER N I 3 12 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CHANGE IN LEVEL IN LOWER VESSEL (inch) 13 . . FIG:12 3. 7 7.4 11.1 14.8 18.5 22.2 25.9 29.6 33.3 37.0 LEVEL ELEMENT LENGTH (inch) 4 44.4 48 ........ . .. .--.-.-~~:'.-. - . ... ......-..more -........... . ............ .... ............... - ..... . orem moon .. na,n. ..- .-. - - - . - - -- .--- .. LEVEL INCREASING 20 LEVEL DECREASING-S ELEMENT OUTPUT (mv dc). LEVEL TEST TEMPERATURES: 600°F, 800°F, 1000°F, 1200°F -EXCITATION: AC VOLTAGE . . 4 3 CHANGE 5 LEVEL IN IN 9 10 11 LOWER VESSEL (inch) 12 - FIG.13 3.7 7.4. II. 14.8 18.5 22.2 25.9 29.6 LEVEL ELEMENT LENGTH 33.3 (inch) 37.0 40.7 44. 4 48 0 600 • F * 800 F 0 1000 F O 1200F (mu.ac ) ELEMENT OUTPUT LEVEL EXCITATION VOLTS AC "• TUBE O. D.: Sa IN. 1 2 . 13 3 4 LEVEL 5 6 7 8 9 ELEMENT LENGTH 10 11 . 12 (INCH) .... 14 is o .: 7. FIG 144 MSRE FUEL STORAGE TANK ULTRASONIC LEVEL INDICATOR SYSTEM FORCE INSENSITIVE MOUNT CONCRETE WALL (FUEL STORAGE CELL SHIELDING) TAL PIEZO ELECTRIC CRYSTALS · LEVEL LIGHTS 1- MAGNETOSTRICTIVE TRANSDUCER FORCE INSENSITIVE -MOUNT FUEL STORAGE TANK 174147 DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER :1/1/2/7777777 .. :: . ! T EXCITATION ROD DC POLARIZING CURRENT EXCITATION OSCILLATOR LEVEL SENSING DAR ELECTRONIC PACKAGE FIG.15 • PATENT NO. 2891180 AEROPROJECTS INC. AMPHENOL CONNECTOR BODY. OF 347 SS- nal NO 18 AWG. MUSIC WIRE 20 STRANDED WIRE TEFLON INSULATION . CARBON BUTTON VESTERN ELECTRIC EXTENSION ROD TYPICAL VESSEL D. C. POWER SUPPLY BATTERIES MATCHING TRANSFORMER AUDIO AMPLIFIER SPEAKER CARBON PICK UP BLOCK DIAGRAM IYOT 11 FT. - NEXT . - - - SPEED DETECTORS FOR A TOTALLY ENCLOSED TURBINE cm TYPE *** DETECTOR FOR AMBIENT TEMPERATURES TYPE "B" DETECTOR FOR OPERATION TO 1000°F AMBIENT SOFT IRON POLE PIECE DETECTOR COIL • - Tector com HIPERCO *27" PERMENENT MAGNETS ECTRO MAGNET COIL MA SHAFT HOUSING TURBO - PUMP SHAFT SHOWING EMBEDDED HIPERCO "27" BARS TYPE '8° nl OUTPUT (Mv. :. : 5 10 . q . SPEED (RPM) 11 F16.77 12 13 14 • 15 (x100 DETECTOR FOR A FORD AERONUTRONIC TURBO - PUMP HIPERCO *275 TURBINE RETAINING 7 WINGNUT ELECTROMAGNET COIL DETECTOR COILS (IN SERIES) pop I (mu Marty OUTPUT TURBINE BLY ATED HIPERCO *27* CORE 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 R2 (110 SPEED (RPM) TURBO-PUMP SHOUSING FIG: 18 -------- . --- ** , - . - .--...- .tiny wiecievnamora." . V. . pow.com w.... . . . . MROPORTIONAL FIRINO SCR POWER CONTROL ELECTRICAL HEATERS PARALLEL OR TUISTED PAIR POWER LEADS canim SIGNAL CAILE TERMINATED VITH 200 m RESISTOR SIGNAL CAILE JEING TESTED OSCILLO- SCOPE DIT MEASUROLENTS. VOLT ME MEASUREMENTS (m. pop) NORMAL MODE POWER LEVEL (R) ROVER LEYEL () CALL TYR 12.6 powa LEADS POWER LEAD POWER LEADS * POWER LEADS PARALLEL PARALLEL 1 TVOTED PARALLEL TUSTED PARALLEL TWISTED Ei 100 J. 1. GROWLIALOMEL, NO. 17 AUG SIRDED, MOLTOPIL, OH • MELOCO. W AS MO. I MTH ALUVIRIUM- MACKO MYLI MULO. SOLO GROUNDDO. CHROMEL (NO. 2 AVGI/ALOVEL avo. 24 ANC ROUAL ROSTANCE mua, TOLIVIKTL, TUSTED AND DOVOLE MELDO. MULA MOT GROUNOTO. H. SAME AS MO. ) MIN SOTH HELOS CROUNDED. . . Socorra, NO. 18 AWG. TWISTED AND ON HOLOCO. corith, NO. I ATG, TVOSTED AND SIELOED. HIELD GROUNDED. pacioPORT CASLC) corntr, NO. 2 AVG. TWOTED AND SHIELDCD. MELD GROUNDED. SPECIAL LOW LEVEL SUNAL CABLE SI..*. .. COPPER, O. 18 AWG. TVSTCO AND SHIELDED. SUELD GROUNDED (RG-100) ! '! Y -- - - - - it . .. ' i . " ! is - .- I W . 2 . 1 2A PRONTO AWAL END vi. . DATE FILMED 11/26 /65