v *Y I OFL. ORNL P 1657 1 . SO * 56 G 11:25 1.1.4 1.1.6 m . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 til To be pablished in "Internal Conversion Processes . Including the Proceed- Rewigs of the Conference on the Internal Conversion Process", Ed. by J. H. Hamilton; Academic Press. s WOV 1 Blogs RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT Conversion coefficient Measurements Employing NUCLEAR SCIDNCE ABSTRACTS Magnetic and Solid-State Spectrometers B. van Nooijen,* A. V. Ramayya and J. H. Hamilton, Physics Departinent** Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee and J. J. Pinajian and N. R. Johnson Oak Ridge National Laboratory***, Oak Ridge, Tennessee The development of Lithium-drifted germanium detectors with moderate efficiency and good energy resolution has made possible the determination of relative intensities of gamma rays with good accuracy in complex decays. If the relative conversion electron intensities are measured in a precision B-ray spectrometer, it is possible to use these in conjunction with relative gamma ray intensities to determine the internal conversion coefficients either by accepting the theoretical conversion coefficient of a transition of known multipolarity or by measuring the conversion coefficient of one of the stronger transitions by the IEC method for example. The latter method is illustrated by measuring the conversion coefficients of about twenty gamma rays of 86sr from the decay of 86. The gamma rays of Oy were observed with a p-i-n lithium drifted ger- manium detector having a lithium drift depletion depth of 3 mm and 2 cm surface area. The full width at half maximum of the 661.6 keV line of b51cs was 5.5 kev. Typical spectra of the Oy gamma rays are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The relative gamma-ray intensities are calculated from the peak heights and the photo efficiency curve obtained by measurements on isotopes emitting two electromagnetic transitions of known relative intensity (e.g. 203Hg, 60co and "Y). The relative intensities of the gamma rays of "y are given in LEGAL NOTICE Table 1. RA This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Stator, nor the Commission, nor any person soting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accus racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, Ag und in the abovo, "person acting on beball of the Commission" include, any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extont that such employee or cor.lractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminate., or provides access to any information pursuant to his employment or contract Mem rr tv ant! ** •.. an .. pamer mint n . , -"), *. . : - 2 . The relative K-conversion electron intensities were measured in the Vanderbilt iron-free double focusing spectrometer with a resolution of about 0.5%. A G-M Counter was used as a detector; the cut-off of the window was about 10 kev. Sources were prepared by liquid deposition onto Zapon film and had areas of 5 * 16 mm. The results of the measurements are shown in Table 1. The K-external conversion line of the 2+ ++ 1078 keV transition from the first excited state to ground state has been chosen as a stan- dard and was measured by the IEC method with a uranium converter. The uranium converter had an area of 5 x 21 mm and a thickness of 3.71 mg/cm. The K-conversion coefficient of this 2.078 keV transition was found to be 4.5 * 0.3 which agreed very well with the theoretical E2 K-conversion coefficient value of 4.3. K-conversion coefficients of the twenty one Oy gamma rays calcu- lated in this work are shown in Table 1. The probable multipolarities assigned to these gamma rays are also shown in Table 1. The accuracy obtained in these experiments is of the order of 8 to 10% which is more than sufficient for multipolarity assigaments for a large number of gamma rays in complicated decay schernes. *N.S.F. Senior Foreign Scientist on leave from The Technological University of Delft, Netherlands. **Work supported in part by a grant from The National Science Foundation. ***Research sponsored by The U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. TABLE 1 RELATIVE GAMMA RAY INTENSITIES, RELATIVE CONVERSION ELECTRON INTENSITIES AND THE K-CONVERSION COEFFICIENTS OF THE GAMMA RAYS OF Ej keV Oy - THEORY MULTI M 4 E2 LI POLARITY x 10-4 x 104 11078 = 100 x 10-4 11078 = 100 El x 20 4 257 850 137 133 M/E2 M/E2 247 820 62 125 3.15 El 36 75 153 9 EL 188.0 1 190.0 251.0 305.1 441.8 581.6 607.1 626.8 645.1 1 703.3 710.6 570 + 220 760 130 52 I 32 43 I 6 15.2 1.8 20.1 £ 5.1 8.7 + 6.2 + 0.6 12.5 $ 1.5 9.7 + 13.4 6.9 6.2 47.5 20.6 18.1 16.8 M/E2 El • 31.3 16.3 14.7 13.8 13.0 10.5 3 2.9 • El 5.6 M/E2 4.5 15.5 12.1 12.0 MI/E2 73 $ 15 280 = 20 4.2 $ 0.8 39.5 + 3.5 61 5 5 18.0 2.5 4.5 = 0.5 56.0 + 3.5 37.5 2.5 43 = 2 7.5 2.0 58.7 £ 5.0 3 I 10.5 = 0.7 4.4 + 0.4 30.5 + 2.0 4.3 + 1.1 0.8 $ 0.2 2.0 + 0.3 0.6 + 0.2 7.1 $ 1.1 4.2 $ 0.8 4.5 9.0 0.55 + 0.17 1.60 $ 0.24 0.35 + 0.20 4.0 0.4 17.4 1.5 3.9 $ 0.8 2.2 $ 0.8 38.6 + 3.3 13.0 + 1.3 19.2 I 1.6 3.6 $ 0.8 26.5 = 2.1 3.9 0.9 15.3 + 0.7 4.5 $ 0.5 37.6 + 2.5 2.1 10.6 1.8 +0.3 3.2 = 0.7 2.2 £0.5 20.4 + 1.5 28.0 + 2.1 10.4 MI/E2 M/E2 1.1 3.7 8.6 9.6 3.31 3.0 £ 7.4 1.3 0.4 9.7 8.2 8.0 4.9 4.2 7.3 4.6 0.6 3 3.5 0.3 3 828.5 834.4 1025.2 2153.7 2162.8 1253.4 1350.0 1804.2 1857.0 1924.1 8.7 + im 3.2 2.1 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.3 0.8 0.7 0.7 CCO 3.6 3.6 3.0 2.5 1.4 1.4 1.9 $ 2.7 + 1.2 $ 1.50+ 0.65 3.0 2.5 3.3 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.25 0.13 3 1.4 M/E2 1:3 1.3 El FI } Figure Captions Figure 1. :"7 gamma ray spectrum (low energy region) taken with a lithium drifted germanium detector. Figure 2. Or gamma ray spectrum (high energy region) taken with a lithium drifted germanium detector. '...L +.* * . . . - I ' . . . . . . . . i .io . . "; : LE . . - INTTTTTTTITTTT 2007 C. 07.74-27 -5. CHANNEL NUMBER CHANNEL NUMBER ORE السلاا.بالالالالالاللللد 3118 SUNNOO TTTTTMTTTTTTUT COUNTIG RATE ... . ? Ma TNS 19 TW:DONARUWW 2Y o. END DATE FILMED 11/ 24 /65