ܕ: I OF I. ORNLP 1602 I 2.2 EEEFEFEE 1.25 || 1.4 1.16 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL QUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 ws . . . 27 .. - .. - i 1 . - . - - 1 . . -. . 11* . ' . . * 1.-7 . . 17 ORNU-P-1602 Cont-650918 6 1965 MASTER OCT 6 PRIMARY AMINE EXTRACTION OF BERYLLIUM FROM SULFATE LIQUORS D. J. Crouse K. B. Brown F. G. Seeley Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee .... ... - ".... LEGAL NOTICE The report ww menured na lot of Corary pod mort, Maltor the Outed that, we the courteotan, www pornoa notte a bolt of the Countertom! A. Y ou wywarmaty or representation, apewend of topilad mo roopust to the soov mory, www.photo.com, * Woodlawn of the button outled to the report, or that the wo a motorn, s , whed, or you deals on the report may not to bring potromy owned photo 1. A n ou may liablution with open 1 to those who ole or for dengan ruoltban trou the my Wormation parte, method, or proc. disobowed on these report Aswin the above, porno nottega dela the Constantam" mohd mom more of a cominciae, or ployee weh controlar, to the son that mapleguas ctor of the Count O ployu o mogle contractor perth de s , provide more to, any normation per we wyployment of contract with the Commission, or We amployment with me contractor. To be presented at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE CHEMISTRY OF THE SOLVENT EXTRACTION OF METALS on September 27-29, 1965; Harwe11, England REI.EASED FOR ABOUNCEMENT + IN NUCLLAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS . Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . " . . Ahl ta PR E T LUI. met hunan..... .. . . . . ....Marinh o . . PRIMARY AMINE EXTRACTION OF BERYLLIUM FROM SULFATE LIQUORS* D. J. Crouse K. B. Brown F. G. Seeley Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT Certain amines are potentially useful extractants for recovering beryllium from sulfuric acid digests of low-grade beryllium ores. Of a variety of amines tested, only the primary amines extracted signifi- cant amounts of beryllium and, of these, 1-(3-ethylpentyl)-4-ethyloctyi- amine is the most effective. Beryllium distribution coefficients in- crease with decreasing acidity and are high enough for practical use in the pH range of 2 to 3. The distribution coefficients increase with increase in sulfate concentration and are proportional to about the 0.7 power of the amine concentration. Aluminum is extracted, but good separation from beryllium can be obtained by sa tura ting the pregnant solvent with beryllium and scrubbing with 0.01M H2SO4•' Fluoride inter- feres with beryllium extractions from pure sulfate solutions, but aids extractions from process liquors because it complexes aluminum and re- duces the one on team of competition : by aluminum for the extractant. Beryl- lium is readily backwa shed from the solvent with 0.5-1% H2S04 or with dilute ammonium fluoride solutions. Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. LA PRIMARY AMINE EXTRACTION OF BERYLLIUM FROM SULFATE LIQUORS D. J. Crouse K. B. Brown F. G. Seeley Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee INTRODUCTION The increasing demand for beryllium (for high temperature alloys, atomic reactor use, etc.) and the scarcity of high-grade beryllium ores has stimulated interest in the processing of low-grade ores. The ex- traction of beryllium with di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid and other and processes using di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid have been devel- oped 9-5 for recovering beryllium from ore sulfate leach liquors. A characteristic of the phosphoric acid extractant 18 its low beryllium extraction rate, necessitating long contact times. de Bruin?, et al., studied the extraction of anionic beryllium com- plexes from organic salt solutions (oxä late, salicylate, etc.) with tri- 180-octylamine. Unfortunately this amine, as well as other tertiary, secondary, and quaternary amines tested, will not extract beryllium from sulfate solutions, e.g., sulfuric acid leach liquors. However, in recent studies at Oak Ridge National Laboratory it has been shown that long cha in primary amines can extract beryllium rapidly from sul- fate liquors and certain of these show promise as practicable beryllium extractants. * Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES Information concerning the structure, purity, and source of supply of the amines used in these studies is given in previous publications. To prevent significant pH change during the extraction tests, the amines were converted to the sulfate salt form prior to their use. In most cases, 7Be tracer was added as an analytical aid.. The organic and aqueous phases were contacted in separatory funnels mounted in a Burrell wrist-action shaker. EXTRACTIONS FROM PURE SOLUTIONS As shown in Tables 1 and 2, the primary amines are the only amine class with beryllium extraction power adequate for process use, and extraction performance within this class is strongly dependent on the alkyl structure. Extractions are most effective with a primary amine of a secondary alkyl having two relatively long branches. Examples of amines in this category are l-heptyloctylamine, l-nonyldecylamine, and 1-(3-ethylpentyl)-4-ethyloctylamine (abbreviated HDA for heptadecylamine). The last 18 the most effective amine found thus far. · (See also Fig. 3). Armeen L-15, which is of similar structure but with only one long chain and a methyl group attached to the secondary carbon, gives inferior re- sults as does Primene JM which is a primary amine of a tertiary alkyl . with one long branch and two methyl branches. Attempts to test straight- cha in primary amines were unsuccessful because of emulsion formation. Extraction properties of the amines vary greatly depending on the choice of diluent. Of several diluents tested with HDA, carbon TABLE 1. EFFECT OF AMINE TYPE ON BERYLLIUM EXTRACTION Organic phase: 0.1m amine (sulfate salt form) in diethylbenzene Aqueous phase: O. IM Na280_0.01M BeSO4, pH 1.5 or 2.5 Contact: 10 min at 1/1 phase ratio : nase ratio Amine Type Beryllium Distribution coefficient (D) Amine pH Primene JM Primary 1.5 0.08 0.24 2.5 1-(3-ethylpentyl)-4-ethyloctyl(HDA )* Primary 2.5 3.4 Amberlite LA-1 Secondary 1.5 0.02 0.03 0.005 0.12 Secondary 2.5 · Di(tridecyl) N-benzyl-1-(3-ethylpentyl)- : 4-ethyloctyl Alamine 336 , Secondary Tertiary 0.03 0.04 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 Aliquat 336 Quaternary 0.02 . 0.06 "In previous reports this amine was identified as Amine 21781 TABLE 2. EFFECT OF PRIMARY AMINE STRUCTURE AN. DILUENT CHOICE ON BERYLLIUM EXTRACTION Organic phase: 0.3M amine (sulfate salt form) in indicated diluent. Aqueous phase: 0.02M Be, 7Be tracer, 1.8M SO , PH 2.5. Contact: 10 min at phase ratio of 1/1. · Berylliun Distribution Coefficient Amine Diluent 2.7 3.0 1-heptyloctylamine l-nonyldecylamine Primene ja l-methyloctadecylamine (Armeen L-15) HDA *** . 0.096 ..-- .jome Solvesso 1008 Solvesso 100 Solvesso 100 Solvesso 100 Solve880 100 95% Solve880 100-5% TDAC 95% Solve88o 100-59 TBP Benzene Amsco 125-82 Kerosene Carbon Tetrachloride Hexone 4.7 6.5 , 9.8 7.4 8.6 21 0.3 High flash point aromatic petroleum product 0.15M amine CTDA - tridecano1 (High flash poiat aviation naphtha tetrachloride gave the highest berylllum distribution coefficients (Table 2). Also, coefficients were slightly higher and phase separation more rapid with aromatic diluents, such as benzene and Solvesso 100, then with : aliphatic diluents. Modifying the diluent with tridecanol or TBP depressed the extraction power but usually speeded phase separation. Effect of pH and Contact Time The beryllium extraction efficiency increases rapidly with decrease in acidity of the aqueous phase. In extractions with 0.3M HIDA In Sol- vesso 100 from 1.8m sulfate solution, the beryllium distribution coeffi- cient Increased from 0.3 at pH 1 to 3.5 at på 2 and 17 at pH 4 (Fig. 1). Beryllium extraction was rapid. At a pH of 2 or below, equilibrium was reached within one minute (Fig 1). At higher pH's more than 90% of the attainable extraction occurred within about one minute, but there was a slow increase in the magnitude of the distribution coefficient up to contact times of one hour. Beryllium Loading Isotherms for extraction of beryllium into 0.3M HDA in Solvesso 100 from 1M sulfate solution leveled off at about 0.5 g/ beryllium loading, equivalent to 1 mole of beryllium per 5-6 moles of amine (Fig 2). The initial portions of the extraction isotherms show a slight curva ture with the distribution coefficient decreasing with decreasing beryllium concentration in the aqueous phase. However, this is of little apparent process importance since it occurs in the very dilute region (< 0.02 8 Bel1 in the equilibrium aqueous phase) and therefore imposes no significant limit on attainable recoveries. 1 Effect of Sulfate and Amine Concentration Increasing the sulfate concentration from 0.1 to 2%, at a constant på of 2.5, approximately doubled the beryllium distribution coefficient. This is shown in Figure 3 for tests with FDA and Primene JM. The beryllium distribution coefficient is proportional to about the 0.7 power of the FDA concentration in the range 0.01 to 0.34 (119 4). Consequently, with a given amount of anine, the extraction effi. ciency is incrused by decreasing the anine concentration. This is done, however, at the expense of decreasing the bery1111 backwashing efficiency, if the sulfuric acid backwashing method is used. Distri- bution coefficients for alusinun, which is an important contaminant in beryllium ore process liquors, have approximately the same power dependence on smine concentration as do those for beryllium (11& 4). The ability to separate beryllium from aluminum, therefore, is not changed by changing the extractant concentration. Use of relatively high amine concentrations is desirable since, even at 0.39 concentra- tion, beryllium loadings on a weight basis are relatively low. From these considerations, 0.32 anine concentration has been tentatively chosen as optimum for process tests. Interference from Fluoride and Aluminum , Fluoride interferes severely with beryllium extractions from sul- fate solutions by complexing beryllium in the aqueous phase. In exa tractions with 0.1M HDA in diethylbenzene from 0.5% sulfate solution at 2.5, adding one mole of fluoride per mole of beryllium decrused beryllium distribution coefficients by a factor of 15 (Table 3). TABIL 3. ZTICI O FLUORIDE ON BERYLLIUM EXTRACTIONS Organic phase: 0.17 HDA in diethylbenzene Aqueous phase: 0.571 sulfate solutions con- talning 0.012 Be and Owne 0.04 1, PH 2.5 Phase ratio: Aqueous fluoride Concentration (1) Beryllium Distribution Coefficient (0) 0.0 3.7 0.01 0.25 0.11. 0.02 0.06 0.10 Aluminum interferes with beryllium extraction by competing for the amine extractant. Although the a luminum distribution coefficients are low (Fig. 4), its concentration in beryllium ore leach liquors is usually high enough to interfere significantly with beryllium extraction. For example, adding 0.37 moles of aluminum per liter to a 0.01M beryl- lium sulfate solution decreased the beryllium distribution coefficient for 0.3M HDA from 6.7 to 0.42 (Table !). As described above, fluoride interferes with beryllium extraction from pure solutions, but its pre- sence in solutions containing aluminum is desirable since it complexes the aluminum in the aqueous phase and thereby reduces a luminum competi- tion for the amine extractant. Beryllium extractions improved on addi- tion of fluoride up to amounts approximately equivalent to the aluminum and then decreased with further fluoride addition (Table 4). EXTRACTIONS FROM LEACH LIQUORS Since primary amines extract ferric iron strongly, the iron in ore leach liquors must be reduced to the ferrous state prior to extraction. The increase in beryllium extraction efficiency with decrease in the aqueous acidity 18 less pronounced in extractions from leach liquors compared to extractions from beryllium sulfate solutions. This may mean that the aluminum distribution coefficients increase more rapidly than the beryllium coefficients with increasing pH but this has not been veri- fied experimentally. In.extractions with 0.3M HDA from a synthetic leach liquor containing 0.5 g of Be, 5 8 of A1, and 2.5 8 of F* per liter, the beryllium distribution coefficient increased from 0.7 at pH 105 to 142 at TABLE 4. EFFECT OF ALUMINUM AND FLUORIDE ON BERYLLIUM EXTRACTION Organic phase: 0.3M HDA in Solve880 100 Aqueous phase: 0.01M Be, 7Be tracer, 1.4M 8042, Al and F" as shown Contact: 10 min at 1/1 phase ratio Initial Aqueous Analysis (M) Fluoride Aluminum Mole Ratio Beryllium Distribution Coefficient Α1 0.0 6.7 0.37 0.0 . 0.0 0.428 0.37 0.05 0.15 O. 0.47 0.55 0.37 0.37 0.10 0.20 0.6 0.71 0.37 1.1 1.8 w 0.37 2.2 a 0.07 The organic phase .contained 0.88 g of Al per liter 10 PH 2.0 and to 1.5 at pH 2.5 (F18 5). Somewhat lower distribution coef- ficients, i.e., 0:8 at pH 2.0 and 1.0 at pH 2.5, were obtained in ex- tractions from an actual ore leach liquor (see analysis below). These coefficients, although low, are high enough for process use. Isotherms for extraction of beryllium from the synthetic leach liquor at pH 2.5 and 25°C show a maximum beryllium loading of about 0.33 grams per liter (Fig. 6). Extractions are lower at 50°C which is opposite to the temp- erature effect observed in extractions from pure solutions (results not shown). Control of Aluminum Contamination . Since beryllium is extracted more strongly than aluminum, aluminum contamination of the beryllium extract can be controlled by saturating - . - - - - - - - the solvent with beryllium. In a countercurrent extraction system, the - - - relatively large amounts of aluminum extracted in the lower stages are displaced from the solvent with beryllium in the upper stages. Typical stage data (Fig. 7) from a batch countercurrent run in which beryllium was recovered from a synthetic leach liquor with 0.3M HDA in Solve880 100 show the A1/Be weight ratio in the organic phase decreasing from 2.7 to 0.046 with increase in beryllium concentration in the solvent phase from 0.11 to 0.44 grams per liter. Further separation from a lumi- num may be obtained, if desired, by scrubbing the extract with dilute sul- furic acid (0.002-0.01M) prior to backwashing. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic, acid and dilute fluoride solutions are also effective for scrubbing but are more costly. BACKWASHING BERYLLIUM Beryllium 18 backwashed readily from the amine extract with 0.5-IM sulfuric acid, chloride solutions, or alkaline solutions (Table 5). Ni- . trate solutions were not tested but should be even more efficient than chloride solutions. Backwashing with dilute fluoride solutions coupled with subsequent dilute sulfuric acid backwashing has also shown promise. This method and the sulfuric acid backwashing method are preferred over the other methods because of lower chemical reagent costs. In backwa shing with sulfuric acid, most of the acid is fed to the second stage of a four stage system and water or very dilute sulfuric acid is fed to the last stage. With this arrangement, acid is scrubbed from the solvent (the amine is converted from the bisulfate to the sul- fate form) in the last two stages and the efficiency of acid utilization is increased. Since the barren solvent contains little amine bisulfate, it can be recycled directly without causing a large pH drop in the ex- traction system. Typical distribution data (Table 6) show more than 99% recovery of beryllium from the extract in four stages using 17 pounds of sulfuric acid per pound of beryllium oxide. This amount of acid could have been decreased since the backwa shing in this test was essentially complete in two stages. Sulfuric acid oz chloride backwa shing is accomplished primarily by providing anions which compete with the beryllium sulfate complex for the amine extractant. In contrast, backwashing with fluoride occurs primarily through formation of strong beryllium complexes in the aqueous phase. Fluoride requirements, in this case, therefore, depend much more on the amount of beryllium rather than the amount of amine in the system. . . " 12 TABLE 5. BACKWA SHING BERYLLIUM FROM AMINES Organic phase: 0.3M HDA in Solvesso 100 loaded with about 0.2 g of Be per liter Contact time: 10 min Stripping Solution Phase Ratio (o/a) Amount Distribution Backwashed (%) Coefficient (D) 4/1 1.1 0.1M H2SO4 0.2M H2SO4 4/1 4.3 0.077 0.5M H2S04 0.20 10/1 10/1 10/1 10/1 IM H2S04 3M NaCl-0. IM H2SO4 0.5M Oxalic acid 1.5M NaOH" 0.043 0.0067 2.5/1 V. b . V 3/1 2/1 0.75M Na2CO3 3/1 24 .. . "Initial organic phase contained 0.38 g of Be per liter About 90% of the backwashed beryllium dissolved in the strip solution about 35% of the backwashed beryllium d188olved in the strip solution , . TABLE 6. BATCH COUNTERCURRENT BACKWASHING OF BERYLLIUM WITH SULFURIC ACID Organic phase: Backwash solution: 0.3M FDA in Solvesso 100 loaded with 0.28 & of Be per liter 0.01M H2S04 (fed to the fourth stage); 6M H2SO4 (fed to the second stage) organic/0.01M H2SO4/6M H2SO4 = 8/1/0.18 Flow ratics : Stage Beryllium Distribution Coefficient (D) PH . Be Conc. (alliter). Organic. Aqueous 1 0.5 0.051 2.1 0.024 2 0.46 0.1 0.6 1.2 0.0043 0.0035 0.00218 0.0095 0.071 0.05 0.01 0.20 "Barren organic phase contained 0.19 sulfate - - - -. --.-. - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- ---- - - - - - --. -. --.- - - - - 14 Results have been best with about one equivalent of fluoride per equiva- lent of beryllium in the extract. With larger amounts of fluoride, less beryllium 18 backwashed, presumably due to the formation of some extract-' able beryllium fluoride complexes. The total amount of beryllium back- washed in batch tests increased from 75% with a fluoride/beryllium mole ratio of 1.1/1 to 96% with a ratio of 2.3/1 and then decreased to 80% with a ratio of 4.6/1 (F1g 8). In these tests the extract was contacted first with an ammonium fluoride-ammonium sulfate solution and then with four successive volume 8 of 0.01M H2S04. Each contact was at an organic/ aqueous phase ratio of 6/1. Sma 11 amounts of fluoride, extracted in the initial contact, greatly enhance the efficiency. In subsequent backwashing with 0.01M H2S04. In a batch countercurrent demonstration of this back- washing method, about 95% of the beryllium was recovered from 0.3M HDA in Solvesso 100 in 5 stages (Table 7). In one promising flowsheet, the backwa sh solution is neutralized with ammonia to precipitate beryllium and is then filtered. Some of the filtrate (which contains fluoride) 18 recycled to the first backwashing stage to decrease requiredients for make-up fluoride. The products obtained by precipitating beryllium from the backwash solutions with ammonia usually contain a few percent of aluminum and may also conta in other contaminants (see below). Most of the aluminum can be selectively redissolved from the precipitate by reslurrying it in dilute caustic (pH ~12.5) but this provides no decontamination from most of the other metal contaminants. Complete redissolution of the beryllium precipitate in excess caustic followed by filtration to re- move undissolved contaminants and dilution and heating to hydrolyze and : nyimbo o l inh o "E. »Amerikan limetebintentions.y.*.com. . Wierden ore...ma warior m TABLE 7. BATCH COUNTERCURRENT BACKWASHING OF BERYLLIUM WITH FLUORIDE SOLUTIONS ..:: - .;.,.'-,'m...-... rat. Organic phase: 0.3M HDA in Solvesso 100 loaded to 0.27 g of Be per liter from a leach liquor Backwash solution: 0.4M NH_F_0.15M (NH4)2S04 solution fed to first stage; 0.01M H2S04 fed to fifth stage Flow ration: organic/0.4M NH4F-0.15M (NH4)2S04/0.01M2 H2SO4 .' .". . Stage - Be Conc. (8/liter) Organic Aqueous 0.093 ..19 0.071 .. 0.047 0.029 0.015* ---- - 5. ... ... : 0.09 - - -- - Barren organic phase contained 0.007M F" - A . LALAGT .... = 1+1 . . ... . .. . . . . - - . - Y . .. •-...- ..4 ........... precipitates the beryllium 18 an alternative treatment method that should give purer products. PROCESS DEMONSTRATIONS A process based on the information outlined above has not been tested in continuous equipment but batch countercurrent extraction runs. have been made with 0.3M HDA in Solvesso 100. In treating a synthetic leach liquor (pH 2.9, analysis in Fig. 5), 92% of the beryllium was re- covered in six stages of extraction and four stages of scrubbing with 0.01H2SO4. The organic aqueous feed/scrub ratios were 10/7.6/2.5. Beryllium distribution coefficients ranged from 0.9 in the feed stage to 1.6 in the last extraction stage. Beryllium was backwa shed from the scrubbed extract with IM H2S04, precipitated with NH2OH, and the preci- pitate was reslurried with dilute caustic to increase the separation from aluminum. The product contained about 0.3% Al based on the beryl- lium content. Another demonstration run was made with an actual leach liquor supplied through the courtesy of the Salt Lake City Station at the U. 11 S. Bureau of Mines. The liquor was prepared by sulfuric acid leaching of ore from Spor Mountain, Utah, and contained (in grams per liter): 0.65 Be, 4.0 A1, 2.3 Fe, 8 F, and 110 804. As mentioned above, coeffl- cients for extraction of beryllium from this liquor were appreciably lower than from the synthetic liquor but beryllium was recovered effec- tively by operating at a higher organic/aqueous flow ratio. The recove ery was about 96% complete in six extraction and two scrub stages with 17 backwashing with sulfuric acid, precipitating with ammonia, and reslur- rying the precipitate in caustic contained 1.1% Al based on the beryl- method described above will give products of higher purity. HAR En mi shu... ******* ***www.estin sen taso 1 th r : u : . t ... . . they can' t ta * 'WE ................ ." 14 ... - . . . ..... . .. . .. ...ro. 18 REFERENCES 1. Hardy, C. J., Greenfield, B. F., and Scargill, D., J. Chem. Soc., G. B. 6961) 1. 174. 2. Cattral, R. W., Austral. J. Chem., 14, 163. (1961). 3. Crocker, L., Dannenberg, R. O., Bridges, D. W., Rosenbaum, J. B., Recovery of Beryllium from Spor Mountain, Utah, Ore by Solvent Extraction and Caustic Stripping, U. S. Bureau of Mines Report RI-6173 (1963). 4. Dannenberg, R. O., Crocker, L., and Bridges, D. W., Expanded In- vestigation of Beryllium Solvent Extraction of Spor Mountain, Utah, . Ore, U. S. Bureau of 'Mines Report of Investigation 6469 (1963). 5. Wells, R. A., Everest, D. A., and North, A. A., Nucl. Sci. Eng., 11, 259 (1963). 6. Moore, J. D. and Lash, L. D., Mining Congress Journal, 1, 44 (1963). 7. de Bruin, H. J., Kairaitis, D., and Temple, R. B., Austral. J. Chem., 15, 457 (1962). 8. V. S. Atomic Energy Commission Reports, ORNL-1734 (1954), ORNL-1922 (1955), ORNL-3030 (1960). BUH NIHIIHAIMAHHIUHINN IIILARINIO NIHIH! TUMIHAI WHOHEUWE UIHIIII. 11:11B i lollid minth UNIUNIIDI Himninilllll URTI HITA MUNINUINI VIRTUANII HIDUAL MINIUI HAUNUH IA 111 MAUMIT WHISHIWUMIWILIUI Monninn EAA TRIKUL WHITE II. TANAMI: lui IIIIIIIII BIRTHDADORI Dili HIIUDHIBITI BITI OHHulllllllllllllIIL 10:0Ul!linikinili 80DWUUU wiwild billinurululull. illBiH Wullit till IIIIIIIII All Millil W illil HI MBA! 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T Illlllllll!!QUIHIALI IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIHITHTARURIHITT Din MIHUUHNIIIIIHI AUT UNNO MATT HIWUM WHIIIIIHIMINING OMNINUTI I li{\\ HIIHTUNTHI BHAJUIN IIIIIHIIIIIIIIMIIIIIHII III I Harun II 0.02M Bea, Aqueous phase: 1/1. Fig. 1. Effect of pH and Contact Time on Beryllium Extraction. Organic phase: 0.3M HDDA in Solve880 100. Phase ratio: 1.8M 50 2. 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BIDIN ARMOIDAHO DE MBIOZ MBIAN2017 A aano in EVA VAIVAT REVERSE P HOTOBOOTH 11 BE : : MINIU : DANAS ROMAN PNEVMB lui UIA L'INITIITTI iANLIQ BIUMI DUID BERYLLIUM IN ORGANIC PHASE (g). DISS HUR HANN MIUITIA WH Hill HIHIIHILQU WITillman: UUTIHitt HUITTITIAN TIIU LH ONIAU KIRTHHII NI HUNDARLARIWINUI 20WIMMHDUTTUID :120 DIUI VITATI TOATE NIITA MHIM. thi HUIUINUTITANOORTE TimuBIMITI I Miti nanHDANTORE INITIATIM CIONI 1.UUUU 1 ID DIT LUL II IN UUSUDION inilli. CA M NO : :fot.: minuto POH!! IDIOORD: ! HUAWA BARBINNH : to 4. :! mm 2:1 33. 3MBRE Onn M TI WRIDIHIRIBIDII LULUU MUITTI PHILODKRIMMINIT Unit DUI ANAMITHIUDI AHINIHINI TEXTHURITHMITT MMDRÜNKIND QNNLDDUUD UNIK BER Ingunn ITU lunur: MINI DR.THIQIQAT: TINil|INHINATOWNIAH 10minu WiltUDIIDII 0BWIuOUAIIIIII WNION HIMMID WIDOK DI WONNI TiiuUHUMID SUITWAOEND. DMITIMU 25 IHRAM T!!Mini HUIT Mountifli HOMINIMI HAIIIHIIDIDUNT UT MUWIHDUNQWWII HT 10nnunaw munIT DpVUOKRINKUMI MIIII 31 Linh FE: .:1VHU Linin MtIMHI HUI 1. * UI III TIT INDUMUUGUIT UT10 HDITTUTTI WII cintMIHURIMI INDINIAITU INDIN WIELITI LUUNTIIMI KRITKINTIIIIII 10WuaOTIKINTI UATIUNTUT Intl DIIDIIDUI TITUTIINITI INITIBHUTIH UWTTTTT DM ITSMIDI WHUTITIVITI UN ONUDI it DIMINUITWITH III HIHI UIHINTEL DITUUUUUWhile WM ADMITIMIT TI IIHIIHIA HAI 1!'"NITOIMII HUMIHINIHITIITTIT 0.002001 TURWINNINMITTITTINI HUMIDIMU Ini INI BERYLLIUM IN AQUEOUS PHASE (g/) Fig. 2. Extraction of Beryllium with 0.3M HDA in Solvesso 100. Aqueous phase: IM S022, concentration of beryllium varied in the range of 0.01 to 4.5 grams per liter. Contact: 10 min at 1/1 phase ratio. * rim ! . THU ONWAAITS IIIIIIIIIIIII II.1.7 .TTTTTTTTT. mi... . --. --"-.. " ;":""; - .... .. . . . ... .. . ... . -* .. .- --. .. . . Fig. 3. Effect of Sulfate Concentration on Beryllium Extraction: Organic phase: 0. IM Amine. Aqueous phase: sodium sulfate solutions containing 0.01M Be, PH 2.5. Contact: 10 min at 1/1 phase ratio. **************** *************** ........... ... - - - - - - - - - - . . . - .- - . - . .. . + CL . UNITI Neni UUUUU WANTIN IIIIIIIII UIIIII TUIN ITION *in. MutID MILLILIIDIINI IlUR 11 LINU TITUITUMUHITINIU . UITIT IUNIIIII IDIDIIDII TIMI110 INTIMUMU WO 111W MWI. No Deu MINIMAL MAIIWIim.100 ano 1110 IMWICY HnWNII MnmUWT AHII 1 Mattotinais 11.3 UIBILE NITIVO M NnInilah TUHIHNITT Huu Dan UMNO MANI UDAWIra.HIDOTTI NOIVNA AANVAARIUMI ommanm. Ona VnnmanIINII UNHninnkun 14a UINIUM ROUILDINININHOITUTIIMITI MUATII Minimo !MIIIIIIIII DOBUDNUTIK DIDINTI TO MIMNIITININKU IH Billit till luulul l l Woull HD 1811 HHH INDIRDINIHIIIMIIIIIIIII THW MITINURHINR11uition UN KODIWANI MUHIMU DRAUMID HIALURUH NAIDWIDOMITITUT 2:18MLUDUMIWU11 UNITI C 1nbul1 ANTIIIIIIIIIIIIIII THUULIINIBINIMUM I Asla VAHIUTIUINUM Rodrinin minilliinililili HURIMIT U llllIITIH ... I IIIIIITT WOW Hiru TIL HUIT .. .. . 11111111 INI . -- MUHUMUNII P IM Na 2804 Phase ratio Fig. 4. Effect of Amine Concentration on Beryllium and Aluminum Extraction Organic phase : HDA in Solvesso 100. Aqueous phase: solutions (PH 2.5) containing 0.01M Be or 0.01M AI. varied to provide a constant amine to metal mole ratio of 1 hr. Contact:time: NHL NI: w 1 DAIH WOOL JU IT MLH11011 Piniliitin. I MINIMUMU HINWIDTMITTITUITIID MINI --.. .... il 1 III UI INIMIT ITINNI UNIMITUM Ollillllll NO TO OVIDIN Im nactm. IMM It mm 11 WAWIMMONRADOR ANNI MITIN TWINWANTTORN $1$. * Deganic phases in solvesso. HORARIO DE WII PENWO010JIO A UDIITIK NOMIKA MISLI AlmumnN0IILUMTUMIHIKTIT iniumD 0WIB KAMINIMIDIU loun RMN HMIDDIIKT mnNiW II KRAUMAUTI. MOULINN KANUNUITAD NANI MORNINI HDL In umumllim ORIAUTUMN munumHnRHNUNUNUNUNUN RA Winniti HiiuUIIHI TOUHIISTIMEHEDIN TI InouillllllllllIROTOTIDINIUI Will mi ninunu DDAMWIMII RAA HUUnit1 MIHH MINIMII munLHILMID D01DIN WINTIHITTIT mann AKIIIII DIN NOU NDIHUNIT untu H1N100DINO NIINNIT DAPIDUI U linzi Bill Hluti IIIIII TWI Unil BURIANTETT mullHIITIT IIII|||| UNI A illil TI III 1 111119 ... 12:31 Ft.xqu.de! .... ..... .. . . ter, ,- VITA IRRITOIS ISMILIIT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII INNIIIIIIIIIII LIITINNITATU BIODIS IIIIIIIIIIMIII petit LILIT 1. . .. . . .. . . . . .. ... .. . . ... Fig. 5. Effect of pH on Beryllium Extraction from a Synthetic LėąchLiquor. Organic phase: 0.3M HDA in Solvesso 100, Aqueous phase: Syn- thetic liquor conta ining in 8/1, 0.5 Bezt, 5 A137, 0.5 Fe2+, 2.5.F" " and 96 3042. Contact: 2 min at 1/1 phase ratio. ...... ... *** verine.......... .. . MAI y LAGUNAHIN 9 NII IVO Q -. ILI M111KYTUTITTINTHENTINE 111HK ..... ........ ....... .-.---.-.--.-**** Painostoimik. Nahau k utoa ............ ...www.om. .. . : Fig. 6. Isotherms for Extraction of Beryllium from a Synthetic Liquor. Organic phase: 0.3M HDA in Solvesso 100. Aqueous phase: syn- thetic leach liquor (analysis in Fig. 5), PH 2.5. ..- .. . ***** . . - -. •.. .- ALUMINUM/BERYLLUM WEIGHT RATIO IN ORGANIC PHASE OLIMLINMITT MITTAIMUST MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIRI ---- - --- Fig. 7. Control of Aluminum Contamination by Loading with Beryllium (stage data from batch countercurrent test). Organic phase: 0.3M HDA in Solvesso 100. Aqueous phase: synthetic leach liquor (analysis in Fig. 5), pH 2. · -. ............. .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ***".--".................. . ... ..........o**** . . . . .. TWITCHISINI SIT TONTTI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICION SOCI MATTI IIMIIIMOOTCUISITIONIRITUATMUTAIONNALIUTII HITTIT Fig. 8. Backwashing Beryllium with Fluoride Solutions. Organic phase: 0.3M HDA in Solvesso 100 (loaded to 0.29 g Be/1). Procedure: organic phase contacted with 0.1M (NH4)2SO4 solutions containing 0.23 0.93M NH4F and then with four successive volumes of 0.01M ive volumes of 0.01M H2504 (all contacts at an organic/aqueous phase ratio of 6/1). . END DATE FILMED 10/ 27/65 15 - S .L 3 F VES .. . " y . 4 manews millor CY -. Uut ES NET -4 a . 4 . - - ' - ~ - - - -