i . . T OF I ORNLP 1568 --- - EEEEEEEE ||:25 ILLA ALS MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 - -- - - - - 1 's EN . co.ii. .. . . . . . ; '. - ' ! ...? H T SY ' ' .. i . 2, imam - re LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. na v :: :. itamina Xinhroniser notirnemen, . 2.5. - 19 4 . s . TE . . . 1 . . . 1 . 29 : . . . . * 2. 4 1 . f. . . 24 .. . . 14 C . . ORNP-1568 650551-18 nning to master ned more to more than . con me* .. . DEMONSTRATION OF DISPOSAL OF HIGH-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE SOLIDS IN SALTA, 0, F. M. Empson, W. J. Boegly, Jr., R. L. Bradshaw, W. C. McClain i F. L. Parker, W. F. Schaffer, Jr. ZELEASED POR AMOIKOMONT TN MICLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Introduction . ... . . .:- ... - an el misteriosamente diverse . . . The development of a new industry usually creates a waste disposal problem. The major waste problem in the expanding nuclear power industry is the disposition of the high-level radioactive wastes which are produced in the processing of spent reactor fuels for the recovery of unconsumed fissionable material. The fission products which constitute radioactive wastes are unique in that they are not destroyed or modified except by radioactive decay, and that they remain hazardous for very long periods of time. Since they cannot be released to the environment, safe disposal consists of placing the wastes in such a form in such a location that neither catastrophic acts of nature nor inadvertent or malicious actions of this or future generations will cause the material to enter the living environment. .. . matematicament entre . . .:. .... -' ---- The use of salt structures for the disposal of radioactive waste was first. suggested by a committee appointed by the National Academy of Science National Research Council, Earth Sciences Group, at the request of the USAEC. The prop- . 7 erties of salt upon which this recommendation was based are: Mo.- - . :... . : 1 . 4 , S . . . . 1) Wide distribution and large reserves, 2) Good structural properties--Salt has the strength of concrete, 3) . Relatively low cost of developing space in salt, 4) Thermal conductivity--Salt has a high thermal conductivity compared with most geologic materials, 5) Salt deposits are located in areas of low seismicity, 6) Salt is essentially impermeable to the passage of water and other fluids. ................... ... . 8. For publication in Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Salt. :: B... Research sponsored by the uş Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. I c. Member of Chemical Technology Division. ' ILLE 4 . . lina. . anci! menger . 2 .. iPhon,, air y - .- S n - . .. . **- . S I *... 'Investigation of salt as a medium for radioactive waste disposal began in 1956. Early studies were directed toward the disposal of the liquid wastes which were the product of fuel reprocessing systems at that time.,2 Fuel reprocessing technology has changed, however, and future high-level wastes most likely will consist of calcined or glassy solids contained in sealed canisters or pots.' The study of disposal of solidified radioactive waste in salt has therefore been directed toward the study of heat flow through salt and the movement (plastic flow) of salt at elevated texperatures. Results of these investigations make it possible to define a practical technique for the disposal of these highly radio- active solids in a salt structure. . ...... - . .. .... .... --r : "7 -.journ. Objectives This paper 18 a description of Project Salt Vault, a demonstration of the dis- posal of high-level radioactive solids in alt using irradiated fuel assemblies. from the Engineering Test Reactor (PR) in lieu of the actual calcined waste which will not be available even on an experimental basis in sufficient quantities before 1967. The ER assemblies were chosen because of their availability on a dependable schedule and their relatively high radioactivity levels. Using four sets of the FIR assemblies (changing each 6 months) a maximum radiation dose of 8 x 200 rad will be delivered to the hole in two years. In a two-year period an actual 6-in. diameter, 10-ft long, calciner pot containing material 2.3 years out of the reactor would give a dose to the salt of 3 x 109 rad. The demonstration is to be carried out in the inactive mine of the Carey Salt Company at Lyons, Kansas. This mine operated from 1890 to 1948, exploiting salt of Pernian age from the Hutchinson member of the Wellington formation at a depth of 1020 ft. Since 1948 the mine has been kept open for possible future use. The mine workings required extensive cleanup. Topside, a new shaft collar and head frame were installed and extensive rehabilitation of the hoist house and machinery were carried out. I The engineering and scientific objectives of Project Salt Vault are: *** . . . . . . What ... "- ' :: . . -. -.*" 1) the demonstration of required waste handling equipment and techniques; 2) the determination of the stability of salt under the combined effects ... of heat (at 100° to 200°C) and radiation (up to 109 rad)s ::..1 3) the collection o.? Information on creep and plastic flow of salt which 1s needed for the design of an actual disposal facility... The disposal site will also be monitored for the products of radiolytic chemical reactions, if such should occur. : Description The operating plan of Project Salt Vauit is relatively simple. Irradiated fuel elements from the Engineering Test Reactor at the National Reactor Testing Station will be placed in canisters and sealed. The seven canisters will be transported by truck in a lead-shielded carrier to the experiment site at Lyons, Kansas. The canisters will be lowered, one at a time, into the mine through a 19-in. diameter charging shaft. In the mine they will enter a lead-shielded vessel on a trailer drawn by a diesel-powered tractor which will deliver them, one at a time, to an array of lined holes drilled in the floor. The same machine, designated the Waste Transporter, will be used to recover the canisters 12 at the end of their period of use and also to make transfers underground. .: A general plan of part of the Lyons Mine 18 shown in Figure 1. This location for the site of the demonstration was chosen because: 1) It was located at the periphery of the mine; 2) The Carey Salt Company owned this area in fee; and 3) the area was readily accessible through old workings which are in relatively good condition. The plan shown in Figure 2 has been chosen for the Experimental Area. Mining of this Area bas been completed at a level approximately 14 feet above the existing mine floor in order to do the test in pure salt. Four experimental rooms have been driven off a 300-ft-long entry. Rooms 1 and 4 are approximately 60 it deep by 32 ft wide and separated from the adjoining rooms by 30-ft pillars. 2 INI . -.non · ma .. .. .:; ::.- rodro - .. : 1 :.. -. . :';,;" w R ... How to * ... ... **** ... op hoe om corals a quinta **-:13... . 1 . --*..*.* * - iyaan mong - - I ii.. The two center rooms are nominally 4 ft wide and are separated by a 23-ft pillar. . In addition a room has been driven to the Waste Shaft from a point near the entrance of the entry. The Waste Shaft 18 & drilled hole from the surface to the mine level. The upper 300 ft of the shaft 18 double cased with an outer casing 26 in. in diameter cemented into the formation. Twenty- inch o.d. casing is cemented inside the surface casing down to the mine level. t. The main unit of the Demonstration will be an array of 7 canisters placed in the center of the floor of Room No. l. The array has a hexagonal pattern with one hole in the center and six holes around it, arranged on 5 pt centers This 18 the smallest unit of an infinite repeating pattern of holes on tri- angular spacing. Figure 3 shows the construction of each of the array holes. A 16-in. diameter hole, 5 ft 3 in. deep, 18 drilled and then deepened to 12 it 10 in. with a diameter of 12 in. A two-part liner is placed in this hole. The upper portion, made of 14-1n. carbon steel well casing, 18 grouted into the upper section of the hole. The lower liner, made of 6-in. o.d., 0.25-1n. wall, stainless steel tubing, bangs in the 12-1n. section of the hole from a flange at the lower end of the upper liner. Electric heaters are attached to the lower liner to furnish supplemental heat in the radioactive array and all of the heat in the non radioactive array. The heaters will be used to compensate for the somewhat lower heat release rate of the fuel elements compared with actual' waste. To secure the maximum radiation dose to the surrounding salt, the canned fuel elements will be exchanged at 6-month intervals. The drawing shows the canister containing two Engineering Test Reactor fuel elements in place in the liner. The canister 18 made of 4. 1n. tubing, and 18 topped by an integral, depleted-uranium, shield plug of slightly greater - riter,.,,nanini. ;", " * 7 * . si desertim immmmm .. . . . eh. mamamlanin con X - .... "unpo...... ... m ba 2 .. *. mom . Si :-*. . . .* . ::.. . di in. ! 9.7472 - ... ....! 1 . .. TERNY 1 . 4 SI 2. 5 . . diameter. The uranium shield plug prevents radiation from shiaing directly up the hole. Radiation around the uranium plug ia controlled by the annular shield of steel shot. Figure 4 18 a photograph of the canister showing the depleted-uranium shield plug, dummy fuel assemblies, the tubular body of the canister, and the bottom closure of the canj,ster. The canister closure is threaded into the body and then welded. The radioactive material 18 contained by multiple barriers at all times during the demonstration. When the canister 18 in the array liner, there are three positive containment barriers. They are the aluminum cladding of the fuel element, the welded and pressure tested canister, and the liner closed by gasketed flanged joints. Liam . . . . .....: iya, '- ...... . In Room No. 4 there is an electrical duplicate of the array in Room , : . ! . . * . :1 - - . , ... M No. 1 which serves as a control. This array will be operated to duplicate the Room No. I array with respect to heat but without radioactivity present. The Demonstration is designed, as would be a facility, for disposing of actual waste, to limit temperatures of the salt to safe levels. The maximum temperature for the salt at the hole surface 1s 200°C. This 18 a safe margia below 250°C, the temperature at which the Kansas salt can be expected to begia to decrepitate because of the occluded moisture. The temperature of the fuel elements will be approximately 470°C, safely below the melting point of aluminum which is about 660°c. Computed temperature rise isotherms around the main array are shown in Figure 5. These are, of course, expected to be the same for both of the arrays. The ambient temperature of the salt structure is about 26°c. A significant portion of the structure will be 100°c or above. A third array using the fuel assembly canisters from the radioactive array 18 planned for the original mine floor. After being in place for 6 months in the .... .. SASA . .'. ' : power in in KI . 1: 0 on ::: n 9 . : . : 2 ". wha'n and wh... ri. .::. . mem . Vezmit may my 24, -VR w... Whi .: - : ::: - . . : - T ! YF - *-VAT ETTORITE...TE - STOTr'TIT TO --- FYTY R K :* - -. ... . .. . ..... Radioactive Arnay, the canisters will be moved to the floor array for an additional Cwmonth period. This array will provide data on the benavior of the original mine floor which contains large amounts of shale. ini...iii on....- ' .,.::. :. . .. Nonradioactive Tests : A "rib pillar" test will be operated to observe the behavior when a large 1888 of salt beneath a pillar is heated to a temperature of 100°C and above. . Rooms 2 and 3 of the Experimental Area are separated by a column 23 it thick. Along each side of this pillar a row of 11 heaters will be placed. These heater assemblies are approximately 13 ft long and are heated in the bottom 6 ft. They will be installed so that the center of the heated section 18 9 It below the floor. They will be operated at a power input of about 1500 watts. After years operation (12,800 hours), the temperature profiles around the center line of this pillar will be as shown in Figure 6. Loading on this pillar 18 relatively high, with a wide room on each side. The test should give & clear indication of the effect of heating a large volume of salt on the behavior of a supporting colum. 4 .sinam, Instrumentation Experimental measurements which will be made during the test include the magnitude of the radiation dose received by the salt structure around the K ...miri...........:. in merito ;... urum Radioactive Array, the energy supplied by the electric heaters, the temperature in the liners and canisters as well as out in the salt structure, and the move- ment of salt in the structure surrounding the radioactive material and the heat sources as well as throughout the general area in the nine. Electrical power 11easurements do not require elaboration. The measurement techniques for tempera- tures, radiation, and salt movement are outlined in the following paragraphs. . Vahesein hochbisha - H . . . . * . . . :... . : . . . . . . Lampos . - ** mambo *Written . . :.. . * .. : 1 . AL 2, 137 . t. To . . . . . . . . . . Radiation Dosimetry Radiation will be measured by both chemical dosimeters and glass rod dosimeters Installed at the midpoint of two of the Radioactive Array holes. These dosimeters will be installed in holes drilled from the floor tangent to the array hole at a point midway of the lower section, that 18, at the point of highest radiation dose to the salt. Radiation readings will be taken periodically by exposing a dosimeter assembly to the radiation field. The chemical dosimeter system planned is a deoxygenated solution of Tesowhich 18 oxidized to Tey(801)x by the radiation field. 2 '..; . .- * - - - . .. . . . . . . . Plastic Flow Measurement A total of approximately 700 gages have been installed for the measurement of flow of the salt. These include about 60 simple convergence gages fabricated of two pieces of pipe anchored in the ribs or in the floor and ceiling as shown 11 Figure 7. A dial gage inserted between the ends of the pipe makes it possible to measure changes in room dimensions. The remainder of the gages are based on the extensometers developed by Prof. E. L. J. Potts of the University of Newcastle, Englanå, for the measurement of internal strain and convergence. This instrument consists basically of a wire anchored in a hole at some known distance from the mouth of the hole (shown in Figure 7). A fixture anchored in the mouth of the hale serves as a mount for the extensometer which is used to apply & standard tension to the wire. A scale and microneter screw give a reading which 18 a measure of the change in the distance between the anchor at the back of the hole and the anchor at the mouth of the hole. When several wires are installed at varying distances from the mouth of the hole, relative movements can be deter- i mined. 'Installations of this type are being made in the rib, floor, and roof. The mouth of the hole anchors may be used with a similar Instrument to measure convergence. ! . . 4: - :. .- , . . - . 7 . . F . .. 2. -1. * . ........icroll"791.. : 172m- . .. ... Figure 8 is a partial plan of the Lyone Mine showing Installation of plastic flow gages in the area outside the Experinental Area. They extend to the wine shaft area, more than 1000 ft from the Experimental Area, and consider ably farther to the south off the plan. Figure 9 shows the location of gajes installed within the Boxperimental Area. There are a limited number of stress- change gages Installed, both of the type designed by Prof. Potts and by the Applied Physics Laboratory, US Bureau of Mines. .. . . . . . . Temperature Measurement Heat transfer through the salt will be studied through temperature measure- ments made with a large number of thermocouples installed in the floor of the Experimental Aroa and in the walls of the rooms. Temperatures will be recorded continuously or read intermittently, depending on the magnitude and rate of changes expected. There are to be a total of more than 500 thermocouples installed in 140 holes drilled for this purpose and in the array holes then- selves. A total of hy thermocouples are to be installed in the off gas systems. Both iron-constantan and chromel-alumel thernocouples are being used. ... Operation of the Experiment i . .. . V .... . The first step in the Demonstration, canning of the IR fuel assemblies, two to the canister, will take place at the National Reactor Testing Station near Idaho Falls, Idaho. This operation will be a completely remote operation carried out in a "het cell". The heat generation rate will have decreased suf- ficiently in 60 days following removal of elements from the reactor to allow canning to begia, and shipment 18 expected to take place at approximately 75 days out of the reactor. 3. The canisters will be shipped in the shielded and water-cooled carrier shown in Figure 10. The weight of this piece of equipment 18 approximately 30 tons. Its alolding 18 equivalent to 10 laches of lead. Cooling of the ****, in " : W . 1 , as ist .. ' . · ..., "...:- ** canisters during shipment is accomplished by pumping cooling water through channels in the carrier adjacent to the canisters. The vater 18 cooled to 100°F by passing through an oversized radiator on the same diesel engine which drives the pump. The carrier will be secured to a shipping frame and together with the diesel engine cooling system will he mounted on a special heavy-duty, TS fivemaxle trailer for truck shipment. The shipment will be under constant surveillance by specially trained truck drivers. Temperature and diesel control alarms will be installed in the tractor cab for constant monitoring, and the load will be checked routinely every hour. • At Lyons the carrier will be delivered to a handling facility at the sur- face end of the drilled shaft. The carrier will be upended over the shaft in a building designed for the purpose and the canisters lowered to the mine level where they will be received, one at a time, by the machine shown in Figure 11. This machine is designed to transfer the canisters containing fuel elements from the Waste Shaft to the holes of the Radioactive Array and to make transfers between the arrays. In addition it will be used to remove the caniaters from the array holes at the conclusion of their usefulness and return them to the Waste Shaft for delivery to the surface and return to Idaho Falls. The machine consists of a standard Caterpillar 619C two-wheeled tractor pulling a "one of a kind" traller incorporating a cylindrical shield having 8 inches of lead shielding. This shield can be positioned in three dimensions by hydraulically actuated mechanisms. Hydraulically operated doors, top and botton, and a hydraulically driven winch, all controlled remotely, make possible transfer of the canisters from the bottom of the waste shaft to the Arrays. - Status This paper must end with a statement of the status of Project Salt Vault rather than with the results of the Demonstration. Both heavy wining and the Installation of plastic flow instrumentation are complete. Installation of . - *.*.... ... . ... . 1 ... . . . .ri : ... ........ .. -. . n .. ...: iyili PS. : : : ) . . . . . . . November startup of the Demonstration. other experimental equipment bas begun and will be completo in time for . . 101 . . - .' . . . . . E .. 4 . . ..- . . References .. in ** het centra 1.trinn ..., en loo . . . . , . . - - ; * 1. R. L. Bradshaw, P. M. Epson, W. J. Boegly, Jr., 8. Kubota, 1. L. Parker, J. J. Perona, and E. G. Struxness, "Ultimate Storage of High-Level Waste Solids and Liquids in Sait Formations," Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radiactive Wastes, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1963, pp. 153-175. 2. R. L. Bradsbaw, W. J. Boegly, Jr., F. M. Empson, 1. Kubota, f. L. Parker, J. J. Perona, and E. G. struxness, "Ultimate Storage of High-Level Waste Solids and Liquids in Salt Formations," Retention and Migration of Radioactive Ions in Bolls, French University Press, Paris, 1963, pp. 257-268. - . . W. J. Boegly, Jr., et al., in Health Phys. Divi Ann. Progr. Reports July 31, 1964, ORNL-3697, K. z. Morgan, Editor (October 1964), pp. 19-31. . . . . ....mi - - - - . . - . - ; ... -. . . . . ' ..." ' ..... o' ::.... .. ... - - - .'.';............ - . . -- . - - - . . - - .. .... - - - . .. ......:- .wo..si . W . 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GO . on : - : LEVEL EXISTING FLOOR AREA 14-ft ABOVE SPECIALLY MINED" ARRAY MAIN RADIOACTIVE 40ft 11 ...: . OC 60 ft- 50 ARRAY FLOOR RADIOACTIVE FEET 100 CO 4 - RAMP UP - 30 ft 20 ft PILLAR HEATED 00 . DU TO U DOO APPROXIMATE EXISTING MINE WORKINGS SHOWN ARRAY ELECTRICAL OR ODOS . OC DO 00 os . UUUU . 1 . '. - . . ORNL-DWG 63-774A UNCLASSIFIED - - - 0 SURFACE SHAFT FROM WASTE CHARGING VOA OI E UL . -.- ; :.. : : -::.. I - - i . .. sinibining - - 1 ".??: 1.: ':,-" . .-..:..in.rri. I . . 4 . . . 1 . '.- ' . 1 -A ' 1 . : . . - c. Mi- . . 1 1 . . .' W . ." . . . ., . - . LO . elut . .r . . -. . . . > t R ii : . . .- . . - - .- . - . 1 - . '. .. + - - - - - . -, : --omreiseinsvingning -- :.:.: ':. .. - -:- ....i r-* . For, nisi mintisso rimane invitam .-. come ii ::;** .-..- . . . , .' . · .. . - .. .. . . ... . .. . 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DRILL HOLE - STEEL SHOT SHOT RETAINER -UPPER (FIXED) HOLE LINER DEPLETED URANIUM SHIELD PLUG -REMOVABLE LOWER LINER - FUEL ASSEMBLY . -12-16. DRILL HOLE .. :... : : -CANISTER : . YU LU . In PUTA 12 126 . , tit . Simplified Cross Section Through Demonstration Hole. . . - . . S . TT . N . 21AYY OX . HA ILS" ver SALT SALT 5ft 3in. - - 7ft 7in . - - -. -..' -- - i . -::- :::::::::...... , - - - :,*- - - - - -. -. -.. . . . . . . "Vʻ · cora ..... . minna .' . '-. - ... . . . . . .* .*.. .. - . - - - --,rayoni...- . 1-. '. .-.' ... . . --, ! . . ... .. .. ni e o tome : ; -,. .. inte om ma n whomonym . - . : . ..... ... . .... ....... . 7. ".. ..- .. -: . .". . :* - - :. - . . * . ini...... . 1... .. ... . . ...... *: none . ..." . ;. ., tenni. ----. ..... . ... .. iii . . . -,, -: ' . . .1 -.:.: -- ----.. . . . . .. ',- - - - - - Canister and dummy fuel assemblies ..... . ... ' ..... -' .. met een international terms ' . . . - . , .-- . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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Temperature rise 1sotherms la vertical cross section through . . . . . . . . . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-779R . ........... - * --- : 1001 . . OT DU ROOM SALT PILLAR ROOM . . . DO . . . . . . : . ! ! 1 0 U ; DISTANCE FROM FLOOR LEVEL (ft). . 11 . . . . . 40730 20 SO52.5% TEMPERATURE RISE (°C) U . . . . 1 . . . . 01 DO UD . . UT . I . . O . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF ARRAY (ft) 70 Temperature Rise Isotherms in Vertical Cross Section Through Main Array. - . . , . . . . . Fig. 6. Temperature rise profiles for center pillar .. . 13. :. ..*** .. .. . . . i 50 40 30 .? : -100 100 . -OL -60 HOW JOU 10 w/ heater).........:.:.:.:. 20 30 : 12, 800 hr. Operation of 22 Heaters at Base of Pillar (1546 :: Nine Feet Below Floor Level; Temperature Rise Isotherms After 40 DISTANCE FROM LONG AXIS OF PILLAR (A-A) (ft) 50 60 70 L. OF PILLARCA | TEMPERATURE RISE (°C) DO ORNL-DWG 63-77 UNCLASSIFIED & -2.5 . " :.. .... ;:;::-; .: .. . . . - * * . . . . .' ... - P. . . . . .. . . . . .... 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" . .. . an , : no . . . : :. . . . - 1 ... .. ... i sin::... : : .. . - . .. . .. :.... ...... .... . . . . : .. . .'. Fig. 10. Shipping carrier . T او * : ۲۴ :"": ت " ۶۰۰۰ = ر میم = امی . ... ]... يمه 1 ا - ا به مد :: 1 31: . . .. هه موو : :. . نه ... ما IF .. اگ . . + . ::.. . 1 أ - 11 ',' : رنگ فر 1 rn :: :: و ; : . . 7 بالا : . : . " می مس . ۴ . مهنية مردن : . | | تیم.! ' | اد . م بم م و م عا . 2 و خ ته | | | -- 1 و F ه *** مد ' ... | ' | ' . | | | | | : . ام . . ۱ . . . مت رنا . , : ...... . ا STY:* . و سفید - - . ... همید. نمکه. مقده هنا . . . ۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰ . . . . : ۱۰ ۰۰ : ۰ . ۰۰۰۰ بمنمممب له .. . د... :۔ موسسه دهه مه سمیه ۰۰ هم جمممممممممم : : ' = . = "1" مممممممممم وميسيميبمبم بمب ممممممممممممممممممممممممممممه ممه ت اه : : او مممممممممممممممممممممممممممله مسمملسلمنم میرا پوم دي بسیجمنچسجلجة - مطببعتم بهمنفسم . - ان ' به را :: .. وفيهة -... نه ونفخ مفهمو بد | | | | 1 - | | | | | IIIII صم .. -- - | || 11 IIIIII - - مد IIIIIIIIII || | | | - | | | | | | | | | | | | || | || | || |||| : | || |||| || | - - | | | | - . - IIII | | || | | || || ماه III : 1 * | || | || | | | " : وه | * | - - | | | - - |||| | | | | | | | TITI | - ||| 1 || |! | | | - | - ITIL .ع . . | | | | | | | د | } | III | | IIII || ITIL ||| ||| | | | | | 11 . | | | | | | | | : | | | - ا ! - م | | | | | | هم . : 11 . !ا ة داد و | | | | - برم دم . همه مه . عم | . - الا . می - . وممه IIIII IIIIIIII || | - - - - - - | | الفن . | - . : 1 1 1 | | | . I = . 1 - - | | // | | | II ا . .) | IIIIIIIII | | | ITIL | | .| | ] i || - . . ...- - . - .. . -. - .... - 1 . main : il a in n haben i : . . . -.* ... , . - - , - . - - - - - .. : : Hom .. inc. iii......... . - . . - .. 7 .'. .. :: Fig. 21, Underground transporter .... به . . :ة. . . . . . . . . ... . ۰ : بژ . . . . ". .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . : . ... .. : : . . . . : " . الاقتصاددانه... مشهد . . با : به CAT : در پاوه |: . همه ی مد : . ا ر د به هه لمه نه .. و ... به .... دی . : : زمی ا - ، : * و . : مبلمين .:. : . : بع . . هه .. ۶- .م . ... . : ون ، . ...... من . - - .. . . . . . . . . ...هنه ند شد ..... . .. نه به •مممم ؟ م ، 4 ہ م حمد ببببببه ه ر درجه 1 هه . . . ...... : نیند نمیه END DATE FILMED 10/15/65 .