? in apa , ins r. ale : con : . I OFT ORNLP 202] 4 - . . . f . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TET CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 o end 2021 CONG-6605074 LEGAL NOTICE SM-72/41 : * 4-766 This report was prepared as an account of Government sponoured work. Nolthor the Unitod Blates, nor the Commiusion, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makis any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the Information contained in this report, or that the use of any iaformation, apparatus, motbod, or procons disclosed la this report may not airinge privately owned righto; or B. Assumes say Ilabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT use of any information, apparatus, method, or procon disclosed in this roport. As used in the abova, "person acting on bohnll of the Commission” includes by on- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the extent that INI such omployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or ontract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. at that IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS EVALUATION OF RADIATION DOSE TO MAN FROM RADIONUCLIDES RELEASED TO THE CLINCH RIVERA, b K. E. Cowser (ORNL), W. S. Snyder (ORNL), C. P. McCammon (Tenn. DPH) C. P. Straub (USPHSC), 0. W. Kochtitzky (TVA), R. L. Hervin (AECf) E. G. Struxnes.3 (ORNI), R. J. Morton (AEC) MASTER ABSTRACT Low-level contaminated waste-Wster, generated by the operations at ORNL, has been released to the clinch River near Oak Ridge for the past 20 years under controls consistent with the recommendations of ICRP anä NCRP. Evaluation of radiation dose equivalents to populations downstream, on the basis of long-term monitoring data and the identification of crit- ical exposure pathways and critical population groups, has been one of the principal objectives of the recently concluded, comprehensive Clinch River Study. Knowledge of water utilization downstream indicates that the impor- tant avenues of exposure resulting from discharge of radioactive fluids to the clinch River include: (1) consumption of contaminated water and fish, (2) consumption of agricultural produce that may be irrigated with "For presentation at Symposium on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes into Seas, Oceans, and Surface Waters; Vienna, Austria; May 16-20, 1966. "Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under con- tract with the Union Carbide Corporation. i n .. -'1.' n Tennessee Department of Public Health. . . - . i Cunited States Public Health Service. . .' _ - CFSTI PRICES Tennessee Valley Authority. . . . - funited States Atomic Energy Commission. H.C. $2.00;MN_50 I . 24 .-. .! SA - www river water, (3) exposure to contaminated water and bottom sediments dur- ing recreational and industrial use of the water, and (4) exposure to build-up of radionuclides in sludge and deposits in water systems utiliz- ing river water. The major sources of exposure were due to the ingestion of contaminated water and fish. Mathematical models have been developed for internal dose calculations which include the differences in intake and size of the critical organ as a function of the individual's age. After 20 years of drinking river water (1944-1963), the skeleton of man receives the largest exposure. Strontium-90 is responsible for more than 99% of the skeleton dose. At the end of 1963 the estimated dose rates to skeletons of the critical population groups (individuals 14 years of age at the beginning of the exposure in 1944) were 0.19 rem/year and 0.026 rem/year for the clinch River and Tennessee River, respectively, about twice that of standard man. Consumption of 37 lb/year of the flesh of Clinch River fish (bottom feeders) contributed about the same annual intake of Sr as drinking water. The largest dose rates from immersion in contaminated water and from con- tact with contaminated bottom sediments were calculated to be 0.027 mrad/24 hr and 12 mrad/24 hr, respectively. Dose rates from external radiation in water treatment plants using Clinch River water were at background levels (0.01. to 0.02 mr/hr). Based upon realistic but conservative assumptions, the esti- mated aggregate doses (20-year period) to skeleton of the critical popula- tion groups, the 18-year-old individual (in 1944) utilizing the Clinch River and the 14-year-old individual (in 1944) utilizing the Tennessee River, were 3.2 rem and 0.45 rem, respectively. These values are about a factor of 10 less than permissible limits established by ICRP and FRC. .. .. .. . . ... . . . " . 1 - . INTRODUCTION In most situations in which radioactive material is released to the environment, there are a number of pathways by which radionuclides may cause exposure to man. The pathways are complex, and, in inany cases, data are lacking to evaluate dose equivalents that might be expected. The probability of hunan exposure and the degree of exposure depend upon many interrelated factors. These include: (1) the adequacy of control ineasures to keep levels of contauination within safe limits; (2) the sources, types, quantities, and distribution of radioactive contaminants released to the water; (3) the physical, chemical, and biological conditions in the body of water; (4) the use of water for drinking, domestic; and industrial pur- poses; and (5) the number of people exposed and their habits which may in- fluence the nature and extent of exposure. In the Clinch River Study, safety evaluation depended primari.ly upon descriptive and analytical data needed to define exposure factors (1). Criteria of permissible radiation exposures adopted by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), the Federal Radiation Coun- cil (FRC), and the National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measure- ments (NCRP) were accepted as guides 2-6). The (MPC), values employed to assess radiation dose to man followed the recommendations of ICRP found in Publication 2 and Publication 6. On these bases estimates of human exposure that might have resulted from clinch-Tennessee River contamina- tion were made and conclusions were reached regarding their importance. Other aspects of the Clinch River Study are contained in a summary report that includes descriptive material on the organization of the study, the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the river systems, and the techniques used to obtain and process pertinent data (7). Limitations of Analysis Although human or other life forms may receive some degree of radia- tion exposure, this study did not consider effects upon biota in general but rather confined its efforts to estimation of radiation doses to man. Lacking direct measurements of whole-body exposure, exposures were estimated from measurements of the amounts of radioactive materials in the various environmental media, and with assumptions as to the fraction of this material that might have affected the exposed population. Correction fac- tors were applied to internal dose calculations that take into account differences in the rate of fluid intake and in the mass of the critical organ as a function of the individual's age. Unfortunately, too little was known concerning differences in metabolic rates and processes of chil- dren and adults for the important radionuclides to make adjustments on this basis. Since crop irrigation along the Clinch River was nonexistent, the transfer of fission products from contaminated water to foods by supple- mental watering was of no consequence. Analysis suggests that this path- way of human exposure may become important if irrigation is practiced. However, these results do not bear on the estimate of dose equivalents and will not be reported in this paper. RADIONUCLIDES RELEASED AND CONCENTRATIONS IN THE RIVERS Virtually all radionuclides emanating from the Laboratory and reach- ing the Clinch River pass through White Oak Creek. The final control point for waste water released to the river (Clinch River Mile 20.8) is at White Oak Dan (Fig. 1). The flow of water through White Oak Lake has been determined from measurements made at the gaging and monitoring sta- tion located at the dam (Station 4). Monthly composite samples were col- lected at Station 4 for radiochemical analyses, and the curies released each year were calculated (Table 1). Prior to 1949 records contained only information on gross activity and estimates of yºsr released. The increased quantity of t'cs discharged in 1955 was due to the draining of White Oak Lake. Subsequent reduction in release of this nuclide was associated with treatment of process water and partial reimpoundment of the lake. The increase in Ru released was associated with process changes at the Laboratory, while the decrease in pºsr released was related to operation of the Process Waste Water Treatment Plant and modified waste management practice. It is noteworthy that the quantity of Sr released to the Clinch River in 1962 and 1963 was about the same as that contributed by fallout from weapons tests. Estimates of the mean annual concentrations of radionuclides in the Clinch and Tennessee rivers were based on dilution ratios and the fact itinapurna that White Oak Creek effluent is completely mixed with river water after 3 to 5 miles of flow downstream from the mouth of the creek. This was shown by three tracer tests in the Clinch River in 1958, 1961, and 1962 [8-10 The concentration values derived in this way are conservative, since no allowance was made for decreases of the radionuclides in the water due to radioactive decay or removal with suspended sediments. The calculated concentrations for CRM 14.5 (Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant water supply intake) and TRM 465 (Chattanooga water supply intake) are listed in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Although analyses for "Y were not performed for the purpose of estimating dose, the concentrations of were assumed to be equal to the difference in the concentration of trivalent rare earths and the concentration of Sr (in equilibrium with 908). Careful study of a given situation will usually indicate that cer- tain radionuclides and certain exposure pathways are more important than others. When mixtures of radioactive isotopes are involved, it is gen- erally found ihat several of the radionuclides are critical; that is, they are produced in greatest amounts, have the longest physical half lives, have the lowest MPC values, or are those most easily redistributed under the subsequent influence of weather, wind, or water. Based on these considerations, Yºsr, 1970s, 1.00Ru, and 6°co were considered to be the most important radionuclides released to the clinch River. AVENUES OF HUMAN EXPOSURE AND BODY ORGANS IRRADIATED To identify population groups that may receive the largest dose equiv- alents required knowledge of water utilization downstream aná information on the location and age distribution of potentially exposed populations and their principal occupational, recreational, and dietary habits. Con- sumption of contaminated water and fish, exposure to contaminated water and bottoin sediments during recreational and industrial use of the water, exposure to radionuclides in sludge and deposits in water systems utiliz- ing river water, and consumption of agricultural produce that may be ir- rigated with river water were considered to be the most important potential avenues of human exposure. Subsequent investigation indicated that clinch River water was not used for irrigation purposes. 5 ITINI . WI It may be necessary to calculate the dose for many organs for which the dose may reasonably be expected to be a maximum or to be in excess of the prescribed limits. To reduce the number of calculations, an in- sight concerning the potentially critical organs was obtained by consider- ing the important radionuclides released, the maximum permissible concen- tration in water for these radionuclides, the potentially significant avenues of exposure, and the type of individual or population group under consideration. Based upon these considerations, the organs selected for analyses in this report included bone, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid, and total body. The genetic dose, of particular concern for exposure of a population, was estimated only approximately as equal to the whole-body dose. This was due to the paucity of specific data on genetic dose ana was in accord with recommendations of the ICRP. .. RADIATION EXPOSURE FROM ORDINARY USAGE OF THE RIVERS VYY -- - A Estimated Doses from Drinking Water Estimates of the fraction of maximum permissible dosage received from drinking Clinch River and Tennessee River water were based on con- centrations of radionuclides in the raw water. This approach is conser- vative, because it assumes there will be no reduction of radionuclides in the water by water treatment before drinking, and it makes no allow- ance for the small amounts of the radionuclides that are in the bottom sediments and biomass, which would not be expected to enter raw-water intakes. The fraction of (MPC),, attained was calculated according to the recommendations of ICRP (2] . For a mixture of invariant composition taken up by a particular organ, x, the fraction of (MPC), that is attained is given by: word (1) (MPC) wi where Pwy = concentration of the particular radionuclide in water and (MPC) = maximum permissible concentration of the particular radio- nuclide in water for the organ and individual of interest and for continuous exposure. KY Tint- W W The values of Perwere average values, averaged over a period of 1 year, according to the recommendations of ICRP, NCRP, and FRC 2-6) . All (MPC), values for application to the Clinch River were taken as 1/10 of the occupational (MPC), values for exposure during a 168-hr week. To ob- tain (MPC), values relating to the Tennessee River, the (MPC). for con- tinuous occupational exposure (168 hr/week) was multiplied by 1/100 for whole body as the critical organ and by 1/30 with thyroid, bone, and GI tract as the critical organs. These values are suggested by ICRP for ap- plication to exposure of individual members of the population at large, or for the average exposure to the population as a whole, respectively. Table 4 gives the fraction of (MPC),, of the river water calculated on the basis of the average concentration of the various radionuclides for each year. For the mixture of radionuclides involved, the estimated fraction of the maximum permissible exposure to the bone was largest, at- taining 0.13 of the (MPC), limit in the Clinch River during 1954; the fraction presently attained is less than 0.01. If the fraction of (MPC). is multiplied by the appropriate dose rate permitted in the particular organ of interest, an annual dose rate is obtained. Careful interpreta- tion of these dose rates is necessary, since the calculated dose only applies to a long-term, stable situation. The (MPC)., values are set by the requirement that the dose rate (rem/week) to adults after 50 years of exposure should not exceed a recommended limit. In the case of Yosr with its long effective half life, the allowable annual dose rate is reached only after 50 years of continuous exposure to the (MPC)..Because the MPC's which enter into the calculations have been estimated on the basis of so-called "standard man," the dose really represents only that which would be received by a person of physical characteristics and habits re- sembling standard man. Computer Calculations of Internal Dose . Mathematical models were devised to permit calculations of the radio- nuclide burden and dose received by a critical organ due to ingestion of known concentrations of radionuclides. Correction factors were applied that take into account differences due to intake and organ size as a func- tion of the individual's age. Figure 2 illustrates the magnitude of these differences in the skeleton as estimated on the basis of data at hand (11-14). The graph indicates a base line which represents the ratio of 1 . 1 intake to organ weight l'or standard man. The curve represents the correc- tion factors which adjust for changes in this ratio with age. The dose received by the critical organ during a particular exposure year is given by (1)(2) 615) : D(?), - TED BALO [1.2009] (2) l-e where MPD = maximum permissible dose rate to a particular organ, rem/year, &t = fraction of (MPC), in water during ε particular year, t, h, = dose correction factor for a particular age, y, and na = effective decay constant of radionuclide, 1/year. After the exposure period, t, the critical organ will continue to be ir- radiated by the radionuclides retained from the exposure period. The dose ose received after the exposure period is given by: event with their .cn -.- . -.- .-. **- * MPD 64 by Li-e ne Jr-na D(A)... = - a saw A .',. ,-'. .... :. .iiii Waptár, vertinimoomist.nr.:,..: aka where T = years after a particular intake period, t, and 1st an. The mathematical models were coded for Data Control 1604. Calcula- tions were performed by assuming that individuals from birth through age 45 and standard man began in 1944 to drink untreated water from the Clinch River (mile 14.5) and from the Tennessee River (mile 465). They continued to drink water from these sources through 1963, following which water was obtained from an uncontaminated supply. It was also assumed that all water taken into the body in food or drink was equally contaminated. Examples of the computed annual dose received by the skeleton, total body, and thyroid of males drinking Clinch River are shown in Figs. 3. 4, and 5. At the end of 1963 the dose rate to the skeleton (Fig. 3) of the potentially critical population group, the 14-year-old, is about twice that of standard man. The differences in dose rate are attributed to differences in intake and size of the skeleton. Strontium-90 is responsible for more than 99% of the skeleton dose; thus, smaller releases of this radionuclide enter is dit is in 1950 to 1952 and 1960 to 1963 are reflected by a reduction in annual dose received, by the skeleton. Notice that the maximum dose rates to the skeletons of ấll age groups are considerably less than 1/10 of the per- missible continuous occupational levels recommended by ICRP (3.0 rem/year). Dose rates in 1963 to the total body (Fig. 4) and thyroid (Fig. 5) of the critical groups are about 50% greater than that of standard man, but well below acceptable levels. Similar differences are seen in the case of water intakes from the Tennessee River, but in all cases the dose rates to the critical organ of the potentially critical groups are at least one order of magnitude smaller than recommended permissible levels. The dose rate received by males is greater than that received by females of all age groups. Another interesting comparison is the total dose received by individ- uals during the period in which Clinch River and Tennessee River water is consumed. As shown in Table 5 the skeleton of a 14-year-old male receives a total dose of 2.9 rein by use of Clinch River water and 0.37 rem by use of Tennessee River water - about twice that of standard man. The total body of the 14-year-old attains a 50% larger dose than standard man. About 99% of the total body dose is due to Yosr, and fluctuations in dose rate reflect changes in Sr release as well as differences in intake and organ mass. The thyroid of the newborn infant receives the largest thyroid dose, about twice that of standard man. Strontium-90 and iodine-131 are responsi- ble for 70% and 30% of the total thyroid dose, respectively. A large re- lease of thI and the short effective half life of this radionuclide resulted in a sizable increase in thyroid dose during 1949. Of the organs analyzed, the skeleton of man receives the largest dose. Recent information on metabolic processes of children and adults per- mits a preliminary assessment of their importance in estimating internal dose. In particular, Kulp and Rivera have examined the affects of bone growth, rate of bone turnover, and the ratio of strontium to calcium in bone to that in diet (observed ratio) on the retention of yºsr in the skel- eton of man 16) (17). With the age dependent metabolic model developed by Kulp, estimates were made of the dose received by the skeleton from inges- tion of Clinch River water (1). Values of calcium intake and calcium con- tent of the body were taken from Albritton and Mitchell, respectively 11) [18 ; values of bone turnover rate and the observed ratio were from Rivera (27) . For the age groups listed in Table 5, the metabolic model gave an average dose 15% larger than the adjusted ICRP model (equations 2 and 3). Unquestionably, changes can be expected in the values of meta- bolic factors as new information becomes available. Us Dose Commitment Associated with Ingested Radionuclides A second interpretation can be made of these internal dose estimations. After 1963, doses received by the critical organs are due to radionuclides that have accumulated during the period of intake. These doses will be de- livered during various periods following intake, depending upon the effec- tive half life of the radionuclides involved. Dose from the intake of 1311 will be received in essentially the following 3 to 4 weeks, but dose from Sr would be distributed throughout the following 50 years. Therefore, there is a dose commitment for the future, at least in part, rather than just a dose actually received nuring the period of intake (19. Dose commitments for the future associated with the consumption of Clinch River and l'ennessee River water are given in Table 6. These are estimated cumulative doses that persons of various ages receive, beginning in 1964 and extending to age 65; they result from the retention of radionu- clides in critical organs due to ingestion of contaminated water during the period 1944 through 1963. In all cases the dose commitments are well below: prescribed limits, Comparison of Internal Dose Recommendations of FRC and ICRP FRC has recommended a set of Radiation Protection Guides (RPG) appli- cable to normal peacetime operations. In Report No. 1, RPG values are given for occupational exposure and for exposure of gonads or total body in the case of population exposure (4). All of these values are identical with those recommended by the ICRP (20) . In Report No. 2, specific guidance is given in connection with exposure of population groups to <°Ra, +5-I, yºsr, and "Sr. RPG values are listed for single-organ exposure of the thyroia, bone, and bone marrow. "For radionuclides not considered in this report, Federal agencies should use concentration values in air, water, or items of food which are consistent with recommended Radiation Protection Guides and the general guidance on intake." 27 BE 10 Thyroid For the case of the thyroid gland and 1311, FRC recommends an RPG value of 1.5 rem/year for individuals and 0.5 rem/year for the average of suitable samples of an exposed group (5). These values are half the corresponding guides suggested by the ICRP for exposure of the population, since the suitable samples of FRC includes only children (21). Accord- ing to FRC, "... 80 picocuries of t'I per day would meet the RPG for thyroid for averages of suitable samples of an exposed population group of 0.5 rem/year." For adults, the RPG for the thyroid would not be ex- ceeded by rates of intake higher by a factor of 10; that is, 800 picocuries per day. Based upon ICRP calculations, an (MPC), value for standard man that is equivalent to 0.5 rem/year is 3.3 x 10uc per milliliter; or a daily intake of about 730 picocuries (2) . Within the precision of the data employed by these agencies in arriving at their respective guides or limits, this uifference in rate of intake is not significant. The model used to estimate dose includes a term to account for the fraction of per- missible intake attained. A dose-correction factor is also applied in the model to account for differences in intake and organ size of the individ- uals of various ages. Thus, estimated doses to the thyroids of child and man due to 15tI are compatible with recommendations of both agencies even though differences in the radiosensitivity of the thyroid are not considered. Skeleton For the case of the bone and 9°sr, FRC recommends an RPG value of 1.5 rem/year for individuals and 0.5 rem/year for averages of exposed popula- tions (5). No distinction is made between dose to the bone of children and adults. The Federal Radiation Council considers that a continuous dietary intake of 600 picocuries per day would generally correspond to a tone dose of 0.5 rem/year to the average of suitable samples of an exposed population. The ICRP suggests that for somatic dose the average permissi- ble level for large populations be one-thirtieth of the continuous occupa- tional value; that is, 1 rem/year to the bone. The rate of intake of Yºsr by standard man corresponding to a dose at equilibrium of 0.5 rem/year is 40 picocuries per day (2). However, the (MPC), value and, thus, the per- missible rate of Yºsr intake by standard man were changed in Publication 6 of ICRP [3] . They now consider that metabolic data provide a better estimate s of MPC values for Yºsr (bone as critical organ), than the single exponen- tial model used previously. Although the (MPC), value was increased by a factor of 4, the permissible body burden and resultant dose to the bone remain unchanged. Thus, the permissible intake of Yºsr by standard man was increased by a factor of 4, and a daily intake of 160 picocuries now corresponds to a dose of 0.5 rem/year. At present the ICRP uses a relative damage factor of 5 for bone-seeking radionuclides other than radium. The maximum permissible body burden and the associated maximum permissible in- take of Sr is weighted by a relative damage factor of 5. Thus, to com- pare the guides offered by FRC and ICRP, it is necessary to multiply by 5 the permissible daily intake of 160 picocuries of ICRP. In view of the uncertainty concerning the body burden of Sr and the effect associated with the corresponding dose, the difference between 600 picocuries per lay and 800 picocuries per day is not considered significant. The permissible rate of intake and resultant bone dose suggested by these agencies are com- patible even though there is an apparent difference of two in the standard to be applied to the exposed population. karena dinista sentencirimtarevencimera vti Viitasaari Porin Estimated Doses from Intake of Contaminated Fish i avio naturalium matike Fish living in the Clinch River and Tennessee River downstream from White Oak Creek assimilate some of the radionuclides that are released to the river system. Since fish is a staple of man's diet, radionuclides in the fish will contribute to the total dose received by man. Fish were collected during various seasons for the period of 1960 to 1962 and were processed to approximate, in so far as possible, normal human utilization [22] [23]. Bottom feeders (carp, carpsucker, and buffa- 10) were processed either by grinding the flesh and bones together (total fish analyses) or by removing the flesh after cooking (flesh analyses). Sight feeders (white crappie, bluegill, white bass, largemouthed bass, sauger, and drum) were processed by removing the flesh after cooking. For the internal dose analysis, catfish were included with the sight feeders, since only the flesh of the catfish was processed. Another fish sampling program was completed May 1963. Carp, carpsucker, and buffalo were col- lected from the Clinch River, and carp and buffalo were collected from the Tennessee River. The fish were pressure cooked, and the flesh was sep- arated from the bone for analysis. For the purpose of estimating dose to s * .'- .- . 12 man, fish collected during 1960 to 1962 were considered as a single sam- ple, distinguishing only between bottom feeders and sight feeders; those collected in 1963 were handied as a separate sample. This evaluation of internal dose disregards any differences in fish due to the time of col- lection. Results of the fish-sampling program are reported in detail elsewhere (1). Ingestion of Radionuclides and Relation to Maximum Permissible Intake An estimate was made of man's intake of radionuclides (including ra- dioactive fallout) by assuming an annual rate of fish consumption of 37 lb 24. This rate of consumption applies to commercial fishermen, an admittedly high exposure g-'oup. Dose calculations were made on the basis of an annual intake of 37 lb of bottom feeders, considering both the total fish and the flesh, and of sight feeders, considering only the flesh. The fraction of the various species of bottom feeders caught was assumed to be distributed according to commercial fish harvests from Watts Bar Reser- voir (1). Information on sight feeders harvested was meager in compari- son and did not warrant analyses by species. Data Oil the actual quantity of specific types of fish consumed in this region were not available. Radionuclide intake by the general population is likely to be influ- enced from dilution by all fish harvested in East Tennessee, as well as by differences in radionuclide content among species of bottom feeders. Annual intakes were recalculated by applying the fish dilution factor (bot- tom feeders) for East Tennessee fish*. The reduction in radionuclide in- take by man is significant and ranges from factors of about 2 to 4. Fish collected from the rivers and shipped outside of East Tennessee are likely to be diluted further with fish from other parts of the country. A maximum permissible intake (MPI) was calculated by assuming a daily intake of 2.2 liters of water containing the (MPC), of the radionuclide of interest. The fraction of MPI attained by the various critical organs was calculated les 7 and 8) from the estimated intake of contaminated Imohanaa on *Fish dilution factor - pound pounds of East Tennessee fishFor com pounds of Watts Bar fish sucker, 4.0; carp, 5.7; and smallmouthed buffalo, 2.0. 13 fish. Variation of the average percentages of MPI is indicated by the standard error of the mean. Bone of the highest exposure group received the largest dose, due essentially to the occurrence of Sr in fish. On the average, the percentage of MPI attained by consuming the total fish (bottom feeder) from the clinch River during 1960 to 1962 was 7.0% to 8.6%; the highest percentage resulted from including in the calculations four carpsuckers believed to have come from White Oak Creek. This larger dose was due to the concentration of 90sr in the bones of these fish, all of which were assumed to have been eaten. However, the consumption of 37 lb of total fish each year is considered unlikely. A recent survey of 80 fishermen by the Tennessee Fish and Game Commission did not indi- cate even occasional use of total fish. If only the flesh of bottom feeders is consumed, the percentage of MPI attained is reduced to 1.5%. This value is about equal to the average dose received during 1960 to 1962 from drink- ing untreated water. Further reduction in dose is likely due to dilution with other East Tennessee fish. In general, the flesh of sight feeders contributes about the same radionuclide burden to critical organs as the flesh of bottom feeders. An exception occurs in Tennessee River fish (about twice the exposure) for which there is no explanation at this time. The estimated percentage of MPI attained during 1963 is less than 1% for all of the critical organs considered. The accuracy of the dose estimates is limited by the information available. Techniques of fish processing and analyses were developed dur- ing the conduct of the study; thus the first samples of fish flesh may have been contaminated by bits of scale or bone and the analytical accuracy limited by sensitivity of the method and size of the sample. Improvements in the dose estimates are possible with information on the rate of transfer of radionuclides from water to fish as a function of radionuclide and sta- ble element concentration, fish age, and season, the rate of transfer of radionuclides from bone to flesh while cooking, and the type and quantity of fish consumed, method of fish preparation, and dietary habits of individ- uals as a function of age. S Computer Calculations of Internal Dose - The dose received by the skeleton, total body, and thyroid of man, from consumption of both contaminated fish and water, was calculated with * 1 .5- i n .-.RS 12 14 . ! . . . . N . . the mathematical models (equations 2 and 3). In addition to the assump- tions previously listed for contaminated drinking water, it was assumed that 37 1b/year of the flesh of bottom feeders was consumed by a standard man during the period 1960 to 1963. Without information on actual fish consumption as a function of age, it was further assumed that the intake of fish was distributed as the intake of water; that is, the ratio of fish eaten by an individual to that of standard man was assixmed equal to the ratio of water consumed by the individual to that of standard man. Figure 6 shows the computed annual dose to the skeleton. By compari- son with Fig. 3 it is seen that the net increase in dose rate to the skele- ton of individuals is small. This is due to the fact that data for only 4 years of fish collection (1960-1963) were available for the calculations, to the long effective half life of the critical radionuclide, Sr, and to the reduction in posr releases to the river. The net increase in total dose received through 1963 by all organs of interest is given in Table 9. The cumulative dose over the 4-year exposure period is not excessive, with the skeleton receiving the largest increase of about 30 mrad. Consumption of total fish could result in an increase of the cumulative dose by a factor of 5 to 10. However, available information does not justify such a pessi- mistic assumption because of uncertainties in the actual use of total fish as well as the quantity of total fish that may be consumed. IS: Estimated Doses from Exposure to contaminated Water and Bottom Sediments . Due to the presence of radionuclides, the river system will act as a source of external radiation to persons engaged in ötrimming, boeting, fishing, and water skiing. Immersion dose rates were estimated by consider- ing the radionuclide composition of the water and assuming that the exposed body was in the center of a sphere, receiving equal quantities of radiation from all directions. The external exposure from beta radiation in rads per day is given by 25) : Beta Dose Rate = 51.2 QE, (4) where Q = uc/8 of water, 15 2 = 0.338, 8(1 )(), Em = maximum energy of type considered, f = fraction of disintegration at a particular energy, and Z = atomic number. Similarly, the external exposure from gamma radiation in rads per day is given by: Gamma Dose Rate = 51.2 QE „f (5) The penetration distance in water of the most energetic beta particles involved is about 1 cm. Therefore, the beta radiation at the surface of a body imnersed in the contaminated water would be effectively one-half the calculated value. The dose rate is a function of nuclide type and concentration. For a mixture of radionuclides the dose rate associated with each radionuclide was calculated and then summed to give the total dose rate. The total dose rate at CRM 14.5 and TRM 465.5 is shown in Fig. 7. A maximum dose rate of 0.027 mrad per day occurred at CRM 14.5 (1960). Until 1958, the largest fraction of beta-dose was associated with *°Sr and the largest gamna dose was due tots'cs. Since then, 10 Ru has accounted for about 75% of the total immersion dose. Radionuclides associated with solids that have settled to the bottom of the river could contribute to the total dose received by man. Bottom sediment dose rates were estimated from measurements made with a gamma sensitive detector and by calculation. Measurements made with the "Flounder" were converted to estimates of exposure dose rate by use of radium source calibration 26). The complex spectrum of gamma rays from both the con- Laminated sediments and the radium source prevented a direct determination of exposure dose by use of this instrument. In calculation, it was assumed that the average radionuclide composition of bottom sediments was uniformly distributed in an infinite source and that individuals wouíd be exposed to one-half the dose due to beta perticles. Only one-half the calculated gamma close was employed, since exposure is likely to result from 2n geometry. -- 7 . . The results of measurement and calculation of bottom sediment dose rate for the Clinch River and Tennessee River are listed in Tables 10 and 11, respectively. Since the source is not infinite, the calculated values give a larger estimated gamma dose rate than the "Flounder" meas- urements. Accordingly, the largest bottom sediment dose rate was 12 mrad per day in 1959 for the Clinch River, consisting of 40% beta and 60% gamma. Use was made of the relationship between "Flounder" measurements and cal- culated gamma dose rates (correlation coefficient of 0.90) to estimate the gamma dose rates in the clinch River during 1950 to 1952. The total rare earths, 15'cs, and, more recently, 10Ru were the principal contribu- tors to the beta dose rates, and 6°co and +5°Cs accounted for the largest fraction of the gamma dose rate. Since bottom sediments were generally covered by water, some attenuation of the gamma flux would be expected. Three feet of water shielding reduced the estimated gamma dose rate by a factor of about 20. Calculations indicate that the maximum exposure to contaminated water and sediments would be about 50 mrad in 100 hr of exposure. Estimated Doses from Exposure in We lor_Treatment Plants ran The presence of radionuclides in raw water entering a water treatment plant may lead to their concentration in the plant and create an external or internal dose problem. Three water systems using clinch River water as a source of supply were investigated. The Oak Ridge water plant has its raw water intake at CRM 41.5, well above the outfall of White Oak Creek and the Clinch River. The other two water treatment plants serving the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (ORGDP) and the Kingston Steam Plant have water intakes at CRM 14.5 and on the Emory River near CRM 4.4, respectively. These treatment plants are basically similar in design. The investigation consisted of external radiation surveys and collec- tion of samples of sludge from various parts of the treatment plant and distribution systems. Results of the external radiation survey (Table 12) showed little difference in dose rates in these plants using Clinch River water from points above and below the confluence of White Oak Creek. There was no significant difference between dose rates inside and outside the treatment plants, and values outside the plant were similar to those for the general Oak Ridge environment. (Background in the Oak Ridge area in 17 1943 was approximately 0.012 mr/hr.) Radionuclides may be concentrated to some extent by the anthracite filter media in the Kingston Steam Plant supply; however, the dose rate above the filters (0.015 mr/hr) was also influenced by the natural radioactivity present in the block used for construction of the building. Cumulative Dose to Potentially Exposed Populations uma e . West The aggregate exposure dose of individuals or critical population groups resulting from disposal of radioactive waste to the Clinch River cannot be estimated precisely. The principal reason for this is the lack of information on habits and characteristics of the potentially exposed groups. Data on location and age distribution of potentially exposed populations, amounts of important foodstuffs consumed, methods of food preparation, and principal recreational habits are needed to define the total exposure dose. Age differences in metabolic rates or processes as they relate to the important radionuclides, differences in radionuclide removal from river water by suspended solids and by water treatment proc- esses, and differences in the transfer of radionuclides from contaminated water to fish must also be considered. Although a single critical popu- lation group may be defined for a particular exposure pathway, there is no reason to postulate the same critical population group for all exposure pathways. By selecting reasonable values for periods of occupancy and dietary habits, an estimate can be made of the aggregate exposure dose (from 1944 to 1963) to the skeleton and total body of males working and residing in the Clinch River-Tennessee River environment (Table 13). The fraction of maximum permissible dose to the thyroid and GI tract is smaller than that received by the total body and is not included. Since the clinch River does not serve as a source of municipal water, children do not consume this water. There- fore, it is assumed that the youngest age group at the beginning of expo- sure is the 18-year-old employed at the ORGDP. Only one-half of the daily fluid intake takes place on the job, and results in an estimated exposure dose of 1.4 rem and 0.11 rem to the skeleton and total body, respectively. The Tennessee River is used as a municipal water supply; and, consequently, the 14-year-old is the likely critical population group; the estimated dose from drinking this water is shown in Table 5. Dose from recreational use c ione.. Fisi .... .. .. . .. .. A Y N of the environment (listed in Table 13) is based on the following assump- tions: an exposure time of 100 hr per year; an attenuation of bottom sediment radiation by 3 ft of water; the use of the average concentrations of radionuclides found in water and sediments to estimate dose for periods where data are lacking; and the adsorption of beta particles by the flesh of man, thus limiting the exposure of the skeleton to gamma radiation. Only the feet of the swimmer could be totally exposed to the radiation from contaminated bottom sediments, but would not be expected to exceed about 30 times the dose given in Table 13 for recreational use of the river. Occupational exposure from work within a water treatment plant is not significantly different from background radiation (see Table 12) and, therefore, is not considered. The estimated dose from intake of contaminated fish and the fraction of MPI attained by standard man from consuming 37 lb per year of the flesh of contaminated bottom feeders are about equal to that from drinking con- taminated water. However, the average fish consumption in the South is 24 lb per year. As a likely approximation, it is assumed that the total dose from eating Clinch River fish is 24/37 of the dose due to drinking Clinch River water and amounts to 1.8 rem and 0.14 rem to the skeleton and total body, respectively. It is further assumed that bottom feeders taken from the Tennessee River are diluted with other East Tennessee fish and result in a total dose of 0.070 rem to the skeleton and 0.0057 rem to the total body. Thus, the estimated total dose to the skeleton of the 18-year-old utilizing the clinch River is 3.2 rem. The estimated dose to the skeleton of the 14-year-old residing along the Tennessee River is 0.45 rem. In both cases the dose estimate is less than one-tenth of the maximum permissible dose. These estimated doses are believed to be high as a result of the conservative assumptions made in their estimation. CONCLUSIONS Disposal of radioactive waste water to the Clinch River over the past 20 years has resulted in radiation exposures well below ICRP and FRC permissible limits. Of the critical pathways considered, external expo- sure from contaminated water and bottom sediments was of less importance as a potential source of radiation exposure than consumption of contami- nated water and fish. No population group received excessive doses. 19 ... . . . . . ..-- ·* .. - -C..... .. .. .. . . Nothern tim.>>. . W ' W 6.1*' * -L ON Internal dose e timations based solely on exposure of standard man will underestimate the dose to critical population groups; that is, the most highly exposed groups. By taking account of differences in rates of intake and masses of critical organs, estimated doses exceed those of standard man by a factor of at least 2. Such differences are in addition to those expected as a result of individual variability. Other improve- ments in dose estimates are possible, but they will require better infor- mation on the habits and characteristics of population groups likely to be exposed. Such information includes the location and age distribution of potentially exposed populations, amounts of principal foodstuffs con- sumed, and their principal occupational and recreational habits. Strontium-90 is the most important of the critical radionuclides in liquid wastes released to the Clinch River, contributing more than 99% of the skeleton and total body dose and 70% of the thyroid dose. Ruthenium-106, cesium-137, and cobalt-60 contribute significantly to the dose received by the GI tract. As a consequence of Sr releases, the skeleton of man drink- ing Clinch River water is the critical organ receiving about 5 times the total dose of the other organs considered. However, the total dose to the skeleton of the critical population group was considerably smaller (by a factor of about 20) than the maximum permissible dose from contaminated drinking water. Improved waste management at ORNL has resulted in a de- crease in sr released to the clinch River. The more recent discharges to the river have been about equal to the contribution from nuclear test fallout. An internal dose commitment is created for the future by the intake of radionuclides of long effective half life. Dose continues to be delivered to the critical organs following intake and depends on the effective half life of the radionuclide. Information on dose commitment may be useful if changes in population exposure limits are considered, if a new installation wishes to utilize the diluent capacity of a surface water, or if an acci- dental release of radioactive material requires corrective action. Methods developed in this paper for estimating dose to man can be applied to the assessment of future radiation exposure. There is need for additional research on areas of uncertainty asso- ciated with radionuclide transfer to fish. Information such as the rate of transfer and quantity of Sr and stable strontium in flesh and bone . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . r - . - - - .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . 20 . ' . - ? 27 of important fish species, the influence of fish age and season of the year on transfer rates, and the transfer of Yºsr from fish bone to fish flesh by cooking would be helpful to estimate the dose to man and to op- timize a fish monitoring program. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebted to M. J. Cook, ORNL, for preparation of the dose correction factors used to estimate internal dose, and to H. J. Fisher, USPHS, for calculation of skeleton doses with the age dependent metabolic model. 21 References - . . - - - . . . . 1. K. E. Cowser and W. S. Snyder, Safety Analyses of Radionuclide Release to the clinch River, ORNL-3721, Supplement No. III (in press). Report of Committee II on Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation, International Commission on Radiological Protection, Publication 2, Pergamon Press, London, 1959. 'Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Pro- tection Tas amended 1959 and revised 1962), ICRP Publication 6, Per- sanon Press, London, 203 and revised 1962). Tono on Radiologica 5. "Background Material for the Development of Radiation Protection Standards, Report No. 1, " Staff Report of the Federal Radiation Coun- cil (May 18, 1960). "Background Material for the Development of Radiation Protection Standards, Report No. 2," Staff Report of the Federal Radiation Coun- cil (September 26, 1961). 6. National Bureau of Standards, "Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in . Water for Occupational Exposure," NBS Handbook No. 69, pp. 1-95, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 7. E. G. Struxness et al., Final Report of the Clinch River Study (in manuscript). 8. K. Z. Morgan et al., Health Physics Division Annual Progress Report for Period Ending July 31, 1959, ORNL-2806, p. 7. 9. R. J. Morton (ed.) et al., Status Report No. 3 on Clinch River Study ORNL-3370 (November 21, 1962), pp. 88-104. K. 2. Morgan et al., Health Physics Division Annual Progress Report for Period Ending July 31, 1962, ORNL-3247 (October 2, 1962), pp. 20-21. 11. Errett C. Albritton, Standard Values in Nutrition and Metabolism, W. B. Saunders Company, 1954. Department de la Protection Sanitarie Contrat de'association C.E.A. / Euratom, "Donnees Biologiques de Base pour l'etude des Niveaux de Con- tamination Applicables aux Enfants" (February 1962), supplied to the ICRP by Dr. Jammet. William S. Spector (ed.), Handbook of Biological Data, Wright Air Development Center, October 1956. C. P. Straub, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Personal Communication. Ħ. Levin, "Some Aspects of Inhalation Dose Calculation from Single Exposures," Health Physics 9, 41-44 (1963). J. L. Kulp, Radioactive Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Tests, Proceedings of a Conference held in Germantown, Maryland, November 15-17, 1961, TID-7632, p. 457 (1962). 1 . . . . . . . .. .. " " 22 'Y. ALS . . . 17. J. Rivera and J. H. Harley, The HASI Bone Program 1961-1964, HASL-163, p. 7 (1965). 18. H. H. Mitchel et al., "The Chemical composition of the Adult Human Body and Its Bearing on the Biochemistry of Growth," Jour. of Biologi- cal Chemistry 158, 625 (1945). K. Z. Morgan, "Dose Commitments," paper presented at the International Conference on The Radiological Protection in the Industrial Uses of Radioisotopes, Paris, France, December 13-15, 1965. W. S. Snyder, "First Report of the Federal Radiation Council," Nuclear Safety 2(2), 6-7 (December 1960). W. S. Snyder, "Second Report of the Federal Radiation Council," Nu- CI.ear Safety 4(4), 14-16 (June 1963). A. G. Friend et al., Fate of Radionuclides in Fresh Water Environ- ments: Progress Report No. 5, Clinch and Tennessee Rivers, May 15-30, 1960, Interim Report of Clinch River Study Steering Committee, Octo- ber 1961 (multilithed, 1962). 23. S. I. Auerbach, Chairman, et al., Progress Report No. 2, Subcommittee on Aquatic Biology, copies submitted to Clinch River Study Steering Committee, February 6, 1963 (unpublished). 24. P. Bryan and C. E. White, "An Economic Evaluation of the Commercial Fishing in the TVA Lakes of Alabama During 1956," Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners, 1958, pp. 128-132. 25. K. 2. Morgan, "Physical Methods of Protection," Health Control and Nuclear Research (unpublished). 26. W. D. Cottrell, Radioactivity in Silt of the Clinch and Tennessee Rivers, ORNL-2847 (November 18, 1959). ORNL-LR-O#G 57413 84037'30" 84•30' 84.22'30" 84°15' 84°07'30" 84.00 36°45* i 36*15* KY. LAKE NORRIS DAM TENNESSEE N.C. 152 Sn TENN 66 TEM u5 446 710 MISS. ALA. MISS. ALA. CREEK - - - 36°07'30" 36°07'30" - - CLINTONA CREEK t TENN 62 POPLAR BRUSHY CALEK OLIVER SPRINGS E NORTH KN 69 BULLAWN DI $ 27 mai mare parte store belof minna. Some OAK RIDGE BULL RUN S1CAM PLANT O 36°00' 36°00 TENN 62 TENN 61 Y-12 AN PLAN EAST FORK POPLAR CACER SPOPLA CREEN DUMPINGO STATION olika ORGOP, AER PLANT RRIMAN K dan 53 m. TO KNOXVILLE CENTERS FEART CHAICA PLAMT 8E1CREEKM GATÁST CHEENJO YO CLINCH RIVER US TO WHITE our AME wift OAK DAM KINGSIOA STEAM PLANT trimonialüm 35°52'30 HO KINGSTONY MELTON MILL DAN Site 35°52'30* DAILY DISCHARGE STATION O GAGE HEIGHT STATION PLANT US 70 -- p - TE W 95 TENNESSEE RIVER P LOWER CLINCH RIVER BASIN NO LENOIR CITY . TO CRIAMOGA : MILES . 35°45' 3545* ; . 84'37'30" 84.30 84•07'30" 84.00 84.221.30 84'15' Fig. 1. Lower Clinch River Bosin ..... RO * : *..-Lisen . - k - O . - i '- S mi X ity S ' IN . 1 H A . MIR . ORNL-DWG 66--1137 o o WATER INTAKE (liters/day) WEIGHT OF SKELETON (kg) lace WATER INTAKE (liters/day) I WEIGHT OF SKELETON (kg) İSTANDARD MAN A C MALE N FEMALET - STANDARD MAN . O O 5 10 15 55 60 65 70 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 AGE (yr) Dose Correction Factor for Skeleton. Figure 2. A 9 014 YEARS ESTIMATED DOSE RECEIVED (rem/yr) O STANDARD MAN per + mesa docentes de 1944 1952 1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 TIME (yr) Estimated Dose Received by Skeleton of Males from Drinking Clinch River Water. Figure 3. ORNL-DWG 66-1139 0.022 0.020 0.018 YEARS • 19 • 25 STANDARD MAN ESTIMATED DOSE RECEIVED (rem/yr) 0.006 0.004 C 0.002 1944 1952 1960 1984 1992 2000 1968 1976 TIME (yr) Estimated Dose Received by Total Body of Males from Drinking Clinch River Water. Figure 4. 0.150 0.135 •0 05 YEARS 4 9 . . . 14 - STANDARD MAN . . .. ESTIMATED DOSE RECEIVED ( rem/yr ) .more .. 1944 1952 1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 . TIME ( yrs ) Estimated Dose Received by Thyroid of Males from Drinking Clinch River Water. Figure 5. . I . . ..- .. . . ORNL-DWG 66-1138 0.40 . . . . .- - YEARS . : 0 4 . 19 .25) . ESTIMATED DOSE RECEIVED (rem/yr) STANDARD MAN - - - - 1944 1952 1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 TIME (yr) Estimated Dose Received by Skeleton of Males from Drinking Clinch River Water and Consuming Contaminated Fish. . Figure 6. 4*10-2 CRM 14.5 10° 2 DOSE RATE (mrod/'doy) 8x10-5 TRM 465.5 1055 BAAEA 1949 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 YEAR Total Immersion Dose Rate of CRM 14.5 and TRM 465.5 Figure 7. 1 * TABLE 1 YEARLY DISCHARGES OF RADIONUCLIDES TO CLINCH RIVER (CURIES) a Gross 124 100 m Year 137CS 106R4 9051 TREC-ce) 144ce 95zr. 95Nb 131, 60co Beta 110 23 77 180 77 30 22 42 15 19 20 18 150 38 29 72 130 18 9.9 15 23 718 191 101 214 304 384 437 582 397 544 6.4 26 6.7 22 11 140 31 24 85 1949. 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 · 1960 1961 1962 1963 93 4.5 19 7.6 14 5.2 12 23 6.0 29 2.2 18 3.6 9.2 5.7 15 7.1 6.0 170 89 55 11 26 110 160 150 140 110 240 94 48 .24 11 9.4 60 42 100 83 150 13 20 2.1 3.5 7.0 6.6 3.5 46 1.2 4.8 · 8.2 8.7 0.5 77 5.3 72 3.7 31 0.36 14 0.44 14 ********** 937 76 60 28 27 27 38 520 1900 2000 1400 430 2190 2230 1440 470 22 4,2 15 5.6 3.5 20 9.4 7.8 1.2 1.5 2.2 0.34 45 70 7.7 0.71 values calculated from data supplied by Applied Health Physics Section, ORNL. . - . : . AM1- IN - - - - . ' .. '. i .- ORNL-DWG 66-4144 TABLE 2 CALCULATED MEAN ANNUAL CONCENTRATION OF RADIONUCLIDES AT CLINCH RIVER MI. 14.5 (UNITS OF 10-9 we/ml or pc/liter) Year Gross 1876 100 Ru Poor aly IAAce 952 95 No 131 6o co Bato 888888 22 3.7 16 3.9 36 2.5 0.82 3.2 . 53 5.6 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1980 1961 1962 1963 4.7 2.4 1.7 8.2 ū=00000 4.6 7.2 0.40 4.4 0.93 3.5 3.2 4.8 0.54 1.7 8.9 2.0 140 5.2 1.3 100 3.6 6.8 4.2 7.1 6.5 11 8.4 15 22 1.2. 1.5 2.6 16 130 70 110 310 550 10 0.85 1.8 30 25 170 . 5.5 18 11 5.1 0.35 0.30 16 3.4 1.3 1.2 9.5 11 17 1.4 0.16 1.6 0.78 0.21 1.7 0.16 1.3 0.87 0.067 0.096 7.7 3.5 5.2 8.7 9.3 4.6 0.40 0.074 18 7.3 480 480 260 94 6.7 0.98 0.23 0.33 270. 1000 1,0 .76 1.8 1.7 2.6 3.1 TABLE 3 CALCULATED MEAN ANNUAL CONCENTRATION OF RADIONUCLIDES AT TENNESSEE RIVER MI. 465 (UNITS OF 10^9 uc/ml or pc/liter) Gross Year 13765 106RU 80s, aly 14hce 952, 9S NO 131, 6oCo Beta 0.46 3.7 0.98 0.87 2.7 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 2.7 0.60 0.54 0.56 1.1 0.48 0.86 12 2.0 0.49 0.61 0.37 0.26 0.94 2.3 6.2 2.2 189787 Pomocou tão 8 5.4 5.8 16 1.1 3.4 0.24 1.2 1.1 1.5 4.5 0.38 0.14 0.72 0,30 0.59 0.19 0.42 0.56 0.20 1.1 1.3 0.59 0.059 0.012 0.57 0.11 0.068 0.68 0,14 0.40 0.21 0.55 0.18 0.20 1.1 1.6 2.1 0.21 0.025 3.8 2.1 4.8 2.3 1.0 0.67 0.26 0.28 0.78 2.0 0.49 0.54 0.74 0.083 0.15 0.26 0.13 0.030 0.32 0.02 0.19 0.11 0.010 0.016 0.27 1.0 3.1 2.1 0.31 0.97 1.9 0.96 0.13 0.034 0.053 1.8 2.9 3.0 1.3 0.73 1.1 0.47 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.28 2.8 3.6 0.93 0.38 0.49 0.05 0.044 0.056 RY A- TABLE 4 FRACTION OF MPC IN WATER FROM CLINCH AND TENNESSEE RIVERS Year Clinch River Mi 14.5 G. 1. Tract Total Body Bone Thyroid Bone Tennessee River Mi 465.5 G. T. Tract Total Body Thyroid 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 0.1 0.08 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.076 0.016 0.013 0.044 0.087 0.13 0.054 0.059 0.037 0.074 0.049 0.017 0.013 0.0044 0.0043 0.0043 0.0022 0.0017 0.0015 0.0018 0.0032 0.0037 0.0042 0.0024 0.0031 0.021 0.050 0.048 0.026 0.0096 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.06 0.044 0.0094 0.0075 0.025 0.050 0.072 0.032 0.035 0.022 0.043 0.029 0.011 0.0077 0.0028 0.0026 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01. 0.02 0.021 0.0043 0.0038 0.0098 0.015 0.022 0.0099 0.010 0.0063 0.013 0.0084 0.0037 0.0027 0.00083 0.00093 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.028 0.0073 0.0066 0.020 0.040 0.044 0.026 0.029 0.016 0.034 0.018 0.0076 0.0050 0.0023 0.0024 0.0016 0.0010 0.00087 0.00069 0.00053 0.00il 0.0019 0.0020 0.00099 0.0015 0.0075 0.021 0.019 0.013 0.0052 0.07 0.06 0.09 0.03 0.06 0.054 0.014 0.013 0.039 0.076 0.083 0.050 0.057 0.030 0.069 0.034 0.015 0.0099 0.0040 0.0042 0.006 0.005 0.008 0.003 0.005 0.0077 0.0021 0.0019 0.0045 0.0053 0.0074 0.0047 0.0051 0.0027 0.0077 0.0030 0.0016 0.0010 0.00037 0.00038 ORNL-DWG 66-4144 TABLE 5 DOSE RECEIVED BY CRITICAL ORGANS OF MALES FROM DRINKING WATER (rem) Age at Start Clinch River Water Tennessee River Water of Exposure Skeleton Total Body Thyroid : Total Body Thyroid Skeleton 0.23 : 1.7 0.20 0.65 0.026 0.087 2.3 0.22 0.61 0.30 0.029 0.082 2.6 0.23 0.60 0.34 0.029 0.079 2.9 0.23 0.59 0.38 0.030 0.078 2.8 0.22 0.53 0.36 0.028 0.070 2.6 0.20 0.48 0.34 0.026 0.063 Standard Man 0.15 0.32 0.19 0.019 0.042 Maximum Permissible Doseb 60 10 60 20 "The cumulative dose for the period 1944 to 1963. According to recommendations of the ICRP Publication 2 where values of annual dose rate for continuous occupational exposure are reduced to 1/10 and applied to the Clinch River and reduced to 1/30 for skeleton and thyroid as critical organ and to 1/100 for whole body as critical organ and applied to the Tennessee River. TABLE 6 DOSE COMMITMENT TO CRITICAL ORGANS OF MALES FROM DRINKING WATER (rem) Age at Start Clinch River Water Tennessee River Water of Exposure Skeleton Total Body Thyroid Skeleton Total Body Thyroid 2.6 0.18 0.36 0.35 0.024 0.051 3.3 0.23 0.46 0.45 0.030 0.063 3.5 0.24 0.032 0.066 3.4 0.031 0.062 0.23 0.21 0.17 0.47 0.46 0.41 0.34 0.32 0.43 0.45 0.41 0.34 0.027 - 3.0 2.5 2.0 0.055 . 25 Standard Mon 0.046 0.023 0.024 0.18 0.28 0.044 "The cumulative dose commitment beginning in 1964 and extending to age 65. ORNL -DWG 66-4142 TABLE 7 ESTIMATED PERCENTAGE OF MPI THAT MAN MAY ATTAIN BY COMSUMING CLINCH RIVER FISHO Fish Sompro m eCritical Orion Time 1960-1962 Bone 1.5*0.39 Tonal Body 0.87 +0.23 Gl Tract Thyroid 0.07270.0081 0.33 70.072 1963 0.274 0.059 0.19 +0.034 0.030 + 0.0035 0.060 + 0.010 1960-1962 7.0+1.1 (8.6) 4.1 + 0.66 (5.0) 0.14 + 0.014 (0.15) Species bottom Feederst (flesh) Bottom Feedersb (flesh) Bottom, Foeders (total) Bottom Foedersd (flash) Bottom Feeders (fleshd) Bottom Feeders (total) Sigit Feeders (flesh) 1.4 * 0.19 (1.6) 0.16 + 0.034 1960-1962 0.60 + 0.19 0.36 + 0.11 0.03 + 0.0039 1963 0.11 + 0.028 0.081 + 0.016 0.013 + 0.0018 0.024 + 0.0049 1960-1962 2.4 + 0.28 (2.9) 1.4 +0.19 (1.7) 0.053 + 0.0047 (0.0058) 0.48 4.0.051 (0.57) 1960–1962 0.94 + 0.43 0.61 0.25 0.071 $ 0.012 0.31 + 0.080 .. Y The ratio of the estimated annual intake of radionuclides from consuming the particular category of fish to the maximum permissible intake (MPI) for the critical organ of interest. Thus these calculated percentages of MPI are not additive. Y . V AY ANNI 4 Bottom feeders include carp, carpsucker, and buffalo. "Total fish consist of flesh and bone. Cintake adjusted by Fish Dilution factor. sight Feodors include white crappie, bluegill, white bass, forgemouth bass, saugor, and drum; catfish also included. "Parenthetical values include four carpsuckers (composited) collected at CRM 19.6. --- --- - .- .-. . -- --. --.- TABLE 8 ESTIMATED PERCENTAGE OF MPI THAT MAN MAY ATTAIN BY CONSUMING FLESH OF TENNESSEE RIVER FISHO :.. .. * Fish Sample Y Species Period Bone 1.8 + 0.36 Critical Organ Total Body G1 Tract 3.7 + 0.68. 0.11 + 0.014 Thyroid 1960-1962 Bottom Feeders 0.55 $ 0.084 RM : 1963 0.14 $ 0.039 0.33 $ 0.075 0.012 $ 0.0020 Bottom Feeders 0.029 $ 0.0066 . 1960-1962 0.37 $ 0.071 0.69 + 0.14 0.021 = 0.0026 0.11 0.017 1- Bottom Feedersd Bottom Foedersd Sight 1963 0.066 * 0.019 0.15 0.037 0.0057 + 0.00082 0.013 + 0.0035 1960-1962 : 4.0 7.6 - 0.11 0.83 Foeders "The ratio of the estimated annual intake of radionuclides from consuming the particular category of fish to the maximum pemiwiblo intake (MPI) for the critical orgon of interest. Thus, these calculated percentages of MPI are not additive. Bottom feeders include carp and carpsucker. ." . Bottom feaders including carp and buffalo. Cintake adjusted-by Fish Dilution Factor •Sight feeders include white croppie, bluegill, white bass, largemouth boss, sauger, and drum; catfish also included. images ORNL-DWG 66-4440 TABLE 9 DOSE RECEIVED BY CRITICAL ORGANS OF MALES FROM CONSUMING FISH" (rem) DONE RECHVAD EY Cancan onomade in Clinch River Water Tennessee River Water Age at Start of Exposure - 1944 Skeleton Total Body Thyroid Skeleton Total Body Thyroid Th 0.011 0.0014 0.0037 0.0035 0.0032 0.0089 0.0012 0.0031 0.033 0.031 0.028 0.030 0.027 0.0029 0.0078 0.0011 0.0027 0.013 0.012 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.010 0.0072 0.0011 0.0025 0.0026 0.0026 0.0069 0.0010 0.0024 0.026 0.0025 0.0066 0.0010 0.0023 Standard Man 0.015 0.0021 0.0047 0.006 0.0008 0.0016 "The cumulative dose for the period 1960–1963. TABLE 10 ESTIMATED RADIATIÊN DOSE RATES FROM CONTAMINATED SEDIMENTS IN CLINCH RIVER Measured (10-2 mr/24-hr) Calculated (102 mrad/24-hr exposure) Year Average Maximum Beta 1/2 Gamma Total Attenuatedº 1/2 Gammoc 900 3200 1600 160 110 110 220 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 260 630 180 180 460 200 210 360 100 160 150 310 930 640 570 1160 970 820 280 280 170 450 510 530 710 460 95 200 "In units of 10-2 m/24-hr exposure as measured by the "Flounder." Attenuation through 3 ft of water. One-half of total gamma dose from infinite source. "Estimated from correlation relationship. ORNL-DWG 66-1143 TABLE 11 ESTIMATED RADIATION DOSE RATES FROM CONTAMINATED SEDIMENTS IN TENNESSEE RIVER Measured (10-2 m/24-hr) Calculated (10-2 mrad/24-hr exposure) Year Average Maximum Beta 1/2 Gamma Total Attenuated 1/2 Gammoc 72 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 · 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 128 175 117 117 104 136 149 "In units of 10 ºmr/24-hr exposure as measured by the "Flounder, Attenuation through 3 ft of water. One-half of total gamma dose from infinite source. TABLE 12 MEASUREMENTS OF IONIZING RADIATION IN WATER TREATMENT PLANTS (mr/hr) Settling System Ground Surface Flocculator 6 in. Above Water in Settling Basin Filter Basin 0.016 0.013 0.012 Oak Ridge Water Plant 0.0097 0.0095 ORGDP 0.017 0.011 0.012 0.0092 0.0092 0.015 0.015 0.0083 0.0087 Kingston Steam Plant 0.015 "All measurements (except as noted) were made 3 ft above the walking surface of the particular component of the treatment plant. TABLE 13 ESTIMATED CUMULATIVE DOSE RECEIVED BY CRITICAL ORGANS OF MALES FROM USE OF CLINCH RIVER AND TENNESSEE RIVERA (rem) Critical Pathway Clinch River Skeleton Total Body Tennessee River Skeleton Total Body Drinking Water 1.4 0.11 0.38 0.030 Recreation 0.018 0.019 0.003 0.003 Fish 1.8 0.14 0.070 0.0057 Total 3.2 0.27 0.45 0.039 Maximum Permissible Doseb 60 10 10 20 1.0 1.0 "Aggregate exposure for the period 1944 to 1963. As recommended by ICRP (see references 4 and 8), the annual dose rates for continuous occupational exposure are reduced to 1/10 and applied to the Clinch River and are reduced to 1/30 for bone as critical organ and to 1/100 for total body as critical organ and applied to the Tennessee River. - V I L , - . 9 : _ N . - di. T E V ,' -V . 1 ' .-. -.- . . . . I - S . . t - . .- - - - L V . ----- - - - - - - -- 3.7V - Y - > - * . -- . - . - - .- - - -- -- - A. riddere per componente com war. 5 / 10 /66 DATE FILMED ONE X ewkin... S emok