- ' . para p. · 14 - I OFT ORNL P 1966 A . . . @ . ” je - MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 ORN P1194 Conf-65HELA rack presented at the Meeting of Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Charlottesville, Virginia, November 1~3, 1965 - MASTER 23: NN RECOILLESS GAMMA RAY EMISSION FOLLOWING COULOMB EXCITATION* G. Czjzek Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SOLANCE ABSTRACTS *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide corporation, LEGAL NOTICE This report was preparad u an account of Government sponsored work. Noither the United Statos, por the Commission, nor any person soting on behall of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or ropresentation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeneII, or usotaloon of the taformation contained in this roport, or that the ne of any information, apparatus, method, or process dieclosed in this roport may not latring prinatoly owned rights; or B. Asnumss any liabilues with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the urs of any information, apparatus, method, or procon disolound in this report As und in the abovo, "person noting on behall of the Commission includes way om- ploys or contractor of the Commission, or employs of such contractor, to the extent that such employo. or contractor of the Commission, or omploym of such contractor properts, disnominatos, or provides acconto, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the commission, or hin omployment with much contractor. Introduction (a) Mössbauer effect (b) Coulomb excitation (c) Slowing-down process wowote na (2) Experiments performed (a) General description of apparatus (b) 6Ni (c) 736 mi V - veure . . . KW . 1. Introduction (la) Mossbauer effect Any Y-ray emitted from a nucleus carries with it a momentum. The conservation of momentum requires that the nucleus recoils. This recoil of course takes kinetic energy and so the actual energy of the 7-ray emitted differs from the energy of the nuclear transition. In the more precise mathematical language: 0 = p + B momentum conservation energy conservation - . - - • Recoil energy: R = 2MC2 2Mc2 Ey = E. - R Now: cross section for resonance absorpotion (Breit-Wigner formula) 0 = 0. N. (E-E.)2 +(1 2)/4 I is the so called natural width of the level, is connected with the mean life time I by Heisenberg's uncertainty relation: for = h . | Comparison of orders of magnitude for y-rays: E ~ 104 - 105 er Then: R ~ 10-2 ev • q10-9 - 10-7 sec, then: I ~ 10-8 - 10-6 ev - - :- -. . - That is, the width of the resonance is many orders of magnitude smaller - than the misfit of energies as given by R. The situation is actually worse, since for the absorption the reverse of the energy-momentum equations applies, the gamma ray would have to give the nucleus the additional energy R. Therefore the misfit is actually 2R. In general, no resonance absorption can be observed. R. Mössbauer showed in an experimental work with Iryt (1957, published 1958) that for a nucleus bound in a crystal lattice the situation is different. There the nucleus cannot recoil. It is bound to the lattice with an energy of several ev. The recoil momentum is given to the entire crystal. Energy can only be lost by the generation of lattice vibrations (phonons). The probability for the generation of phonons is smaller than one: Short wavelength phonons have a high energy for the generation of long-wavelength phonons with smaller energies (w = 27Ck) the in-phase movement of several atoms is required - again the probability for the occurrence of this is small. So there is a finite probability that no vibrations in the crystal are excited; that is, - - - no recoil energy is lost. This probability depends on the dynamics of the lattice, that is essentially on the binding energy of the atoms in the lattice, and on the temperature. .. If one observes a large nuwber of events, this means that for a certain fraction of them the emission takes place without loss of recoil energy. This so-called recoilless fraction is given by: * = exple to pe < >> 14?) = explainen, The same arguments hold for the resonance absorption. The cross-section o has to be multiplied by f. Requirements for isotopes to be suitable for M. E. measurements: (a) small R →E. 5 150 keV (3) 20-10 árs 206 (a) atoms must exist in some chemical environment in solid foru The importance of the Mössbauer effect lies in the extremely small line width. For this reason, small changes in the energy levels caused by the interaction between the nucleus and its surroundings can be detected. I want to list the most important interactions: (a) Electrostatic interaction between the nuclear charge distribution and the electronic charge density (i.e. monopole interaction). causes a shift of the line, given by: S = ZR&R {\\(o)l source - lvolabal (slides 20,21) ...... ....... ........... (B) Magnetic interaction between nuclear magnetic moment and the electronic spins. The interaction can be expressed as being due to an effective magnetic field at the nucleus. The m-degeneracy of the nuclear levels is listed, a state of spin J splits into 2J + 1 levels, the distance between the levels is given by. 4 = $ Help Here = 2<5,+ Hext Interaction between the quadrupole moment of the nucleus and electric fieid gradients in the material. This interaction also lifts the m-degeneracy, but only in part, Levels with opposite sign of m, but same im become not separated. This gives J + 1 levels for J integer, J + levels if J =(2n + 1)2. The separation between the levels is usually written as: 8 = ega (e:atomic charge, q: nuclear quadrupole moment, Q:field gradient) Actually the interaction term in the Hamiltonian is the product of two tensors of second rank, the details of the spectrum depend on the symmetry of the physical situation, . E . . ........................... 5 other effects: temperature-dependent second order Doppler-shift proportional to <3<>, gravitational shift (Pound and Rebka ), shift due to acceleration: Higher multipole interaction, effects are smaller by orders of magnitude, have never been observed. The experimental arrangement for observing resonance absorption is schematically shown in SLIDE 1 Source, absorber, detector. To scan the energy spectrum: the absorber is moved relative to the source to impose a Doppler shift. The relation between energy and velocity is: ( somewhat peculiar dimension m/ sec for energies used by Mössbauerists) Usually applied velocities: 1 mm/sec < Umax < 10 cm/sec The next SLIDE 2 shows the experimental arrangement as we mostly use it in more detail. In this case the source is driven in a sine wave, - all velocities between 0 and av max are scanned. A pickup signal is either used to modulate the pulse height, or fed directly into the MCA Background signals are used to compensate for the .... .. ... I .. ..... ...................... ... inte lindo vivimitesinif he d fact that the sine waves spends different times at different velocities. : e The next o monte SLIDE 3 (L. D, Roberts) shows a typical one-line Mössbauer spectrum, here of 19 Au. Note isomer shift. In the source: The excited state of the nucleus has to be populated by some means. The old-fashioned (but not outdated!) method: Radioactive decay of a parent isotope. This imposes an additionai, pure technical restriction on the possibility to do M.E. measurements with an isotope : (8) The excited state must be reached by some radioactive decay, and the mean lifetime of the parent isotope must be long enough to allow source preparation and measurement. R. Mössbauer suggested in 1960 (first international conference on the M.E., Allerton Park, Illinois) to use Coulomb excitation. The first attempt by : E. Cotton, et al., published 1961 in J. Phys. et le Radium 22, 538) with "Fe failed. Since 1964, a series of papers appeared, describing experiments with various new methods: 247Au * 23TNV 2374 237NVO J. A. Stone and W. L. Pillinger Savannah River Lab P.R.L. 13, 200 (1964) 3°K(n,x)40K: D.W. Hafemeister and E. Brooks Shera Los Alamos National Laboratory P.R.L. 14, 593 (1965) 39K(d, py)40K: S.L. Ruby and R.E. Holland Argonne National Laboratory P.R.L. 14, 591 (1965) Coulomb Excitation: 6Ixi: D. Seyboth et al. Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.R.L. 14, 954 (1965) 57 Fe: Y. K. Lee et al. Johns Hopkins University P.R.L. 14, 957 (1965) In this talk I want to report on the method using Coulomb excitation. Before describing the Oak Ridge experiments I want to say a few words about Coulomo excitation as far as we have to know how it works for these experiments. (10) Coulomb Excitation · Definition: Transition of a nucleus into an excited state induced by the electromagnetic interaction with another nucleus. This process occurs only at high relative velocities between the two nuclei: In accordance with the : experimental procedure I will speak about the target nucleus (the one being excited) and the projectile nucleus inducing the interaction). The total cross section is given by: o(XL) = ( LD -? B(XL, Jų – Jp) ERICE) X:M, E;L: multipole order of interaction vuru Z, e: charge of projectile 04: initial velocity of projectile hall distance of closest approach op: final velocity of projectile m: reduced mass Zine; charge of target nucleus b spins of nuclear states of transition aAE un where AE: energy difference between nuclear staies of transition. B(...) reduced XL-transition probability : an integral taken over the orbits of the projectile, S . NL. VAD.. . . This is the particular form for a classical treatment of the projectile Trajectory. In our case: good approximation i'or o tot. A quantum meccanical treatment changes only f, introduces the additional parameter 2.2.62 12 Kve (class. nu → ) i In most cases: E2 - transition has the largest cross section. SLIDE 4 shows the dependence of the cross section on energy for the excitation of the 67.4 keV-level in Odri by various projectiles. For our purpose only energies below the Coulomb barrier are useful. C. B. is the energy for which the distance of closest approach becomes smaller than the · range of nuclear forces, roughly a = R + Rs. Above this energy: other nuclear reactions - y-spectra become messed up. C.B. for Ni ~ 5 MeV for protons, ~ 10 MeV for a-s, ~ 40 MeV for 100. Obviously heavy ions are much better to use. For the y-yield we also have to take into account the energy loss of the projectiles in the target. The actual yield of a target of thickness d is given by : O(E) E I = const. ſ Elpa) dE/ (px) DE/a(px): stopping power of target, that is, rate of energy loss of projectile. "thick target": Elcdt) = 0, also: range of projectiles = d 10 For a > 04: I independent of d. Results of calculation of I(a) for 40 ini Ni in next SLIDE 5 shows that actually a thin layer of Ni is a "thick' target. Good for M.E... because then the line-broadening due to self-absorption in the target is negligible. SLIDE 6 shows the distribution of the activity in the target. E 11 ni (1c) Slowing down process During the interaction with the projectile: kinetic energy is transferred to the excited nucleus. The average kinetic energy of bi, Ge after interaction with 100: ~ 7 MeV. Since recoil-free emission of y-rays is only possible for nuclei bound in a crystal lattice, it is necessary that the nuclei lose their energy in a time short compared to the mean lifetime of the excited state. Very little is known about the details of the slowing down process. From the known ranges of charged particles in solids, stopping power (= dE/(ox)) and the average initial energy: we have estimated that the nuclei will come to rest within about 10.-13-10-12 sec. Another unknown quantity is the time necessary for the dissipation of the heat generated locally in the slowing down process. A crude theoretical consideration on the problem of heat dissipation has been published by J. G. Mullen, Phys. Letters 15, 15 (1965). Also, the question arises what the final position of the Coulomb excited nucleus will be - whether it comes to rest at a regular lattice site or in a disturbed region of the lattice. 12 P. H. Deterichs et al, have done a calculation for the probability of replacement collisions – that is, collisions by which the excited atom will replace another atom in its lattice position, the other one being kicked away. Their result, that about 50–70% of the nuclei should end in lattice positions by this process is not in disagreement with our experimental results (phys, stat, sol. 8, 213 (1965). It can be hoped that these experiments combining the Coulomb excitation process and M.E. may help to clarify these questions. Experimental work at Oak Ridge carried out by Felix Obenshain Dietrich Seyboth (Erlangen, Germany) Jin Ford G. Czjzek (2a) General description of equipment. Used for work on 61V1 and 73Ge. 100** ions accelerated to 25 MeV in ORNL-tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. (Highest beam-current for this charge-state and energy) SLIDE 7 shows the principle of the accelerator. Next SLIDE 8 gives schematic sketch of our chamber. Liquid No, target on solid copper block in direct contact with N, bath. Absorber in well also at liquid Ng. Detector: 3 in. x 3 in. NaI Harshaw integral-line detector. SLIDE 9 Cutside view of chamber under working condition. SLIDE 10 Detail: vibrator. Symmetric arrangement of drive-coil, springs, Absorber in tube .... ......................... r 14. eine in center. Driven in sine wavé. Pickup coil. Signal directly into multi- channel analyzer. tion minimaaniline transak - - - - - . Attir Yr (20) 62v1 Parameters of the nuclear states: ---- G.S.: J = 3/2 ... - Tul - (0.746 + 0.007) mra E.S.: E = 67.4 kev T = 7.6 * 10-9 sec J = 5/2 HI = (0.35 + 0.06) nm (He/Hg < 0) B(E2) = 0.00071 in nickel metal: Hefe = (–70 15 )KG. Target: 2.8 mg/cm? -Ni, electroplated on a copper disk. Absorber: Disk of natural nickel, 0.020 in, thick. Hence: We have a split spectrum both in target and absorber. Expected Mossbauer spectrum: 12 lines both for target and absorber. Folded spectruim: 35 unresolved lines, if Hep the same in target and absorber. SLIDE 11 shows the observed y-spectrum and Mössbauer spectrum. - - - - SLIDE 12 shows Mössbauer spectrum, fitted by least squares method with 35 lines. In this fit: only four free parameters: two positions determining the overall center of the spectrum and the splitting, one intensity and one width. The other 101 parameters were related to these four by the theoretical linear relations. The results were compared with the spectrum obtained . by H. Wegener and F. E. Obenshain (Phys. Rev. 121, 1344 (1965)) who used the radioactive decay of "fco. The individual lines are broadened by a meiwuweni factor of 2; the intensity of each line is reduced by a factor of 2. Therefore, the total absorption, defined by the area of the line (proportional to the product of intensity and width), is unchanged. That means the recoilless fraction is not affected by the processes occurring in the target. But Obviously many of the nuclei are in final positions with disturbed surroundings, either interstitial, or lattice position disturbed by radiation damage. We observed no isomer shift. From the splitting of the fitted lines: average value of. Here = (74 = 10)kg. . 17 These two results indicate that the electronic surrounding of the nuclei is on the average the same as in an undisturbed crystal. We have also measured the maximum absorption at zero velocity versus irradiation time. SLIDE 13 shows the result. No change can be seen for an irradiation time up to 100 hr. The average particle flux during this time was ~ 5.1045 particles/ar cm?. 18 (2c) 73 Ge The Mössbauer effect in TSGe has not been observed previously. The reason can best be demonstrated with a look at SLIDE 14 showing the level scheme of Ge. There is a low-lying level at 13.5 kev which should give a tremendous M.E. 1f the lifetime were not very long: 4.6 x 20° sec. This makes Mössbauer experiments extremely difficult. Also the conversion coefficient for this transition is extremely high, which makes it even worse. The next level, at 67.0 keV is not reached in any radioactive decay, from the level at 67.4 kev, no transitions to the G.S. have been observed, also the lifetime of this level is ~ 55 sec. But the . level at 67.0 keV can be populated by Coulomb excitation. Nuclear parameters: G.S.: J = 9/2 H = - 0.877 nm E.S.: E = 67.0 keV T = (2.33 + 0.20).10-9 sec . J = (7/2, 9/2, 11/2)? YS = ? T ro!. B(E2) = 0.057 .."- Crystal: belongs to cubic system, the atomic sites have tetrahedral symmetry Target: 2.3 mg/cm? Soe, evaporated on nickel disk. Absorber: Pieces cut from single cryst ane, assembled in mosaic. Thickness: 0.010 in. SLIDE 15 shows the y-spectrum obtained by Coulomb excitation. The B(E2 )-value is 80 times that for ni. The counting rate in the photo peak was by a factor ~ 10 higher than for Ni. SLIDE 16 shows the Mössbauer spectrum. Since the effect, was very small we had to accumulate a million counts per data point. The continuous line is the result of a least-squares fit with a single line of Lorentz shape. The parameters of this line are: Position: (0.11 $ 0.14) mm/sec ->20 isomer shift. Maximum absorption: (0.64 $ 0.04)% Line wiđth: (4.4 £ 0.6) mm/sec The recoilless fraction, calculated from the Debye-model, 00 = 360°K (at liquid N2-teraperature) is: fth = 0.125. We assume that this f-value holds initio conicom imation 20 t for the absorber. Then we deduce from the effective thickness of the ne es absorber and the measured absorption: Itarget = (0.009 1 0.002) (the passi error comes from the statistical error in the measurement, and from uncertainties in the effec.ve thickness: Jexe., Ore are not well known.) in intenderezovica Under the same assumption for the effective absorber thickness we Weitere derive from the width of the line that the width of the emission spectrum ALINA of the target is Iterset = (1.3 + 0.4) nomi/sec. This is in agreement with the natural width r = (1.27 $ 0.11) mm/sec calculated from the lifetime of the state: In contrast to Ni the recoilless fraction in the target is reduced by a factor greater than 10 compared to the expected value. We can give two possible explanations for this result: (a) The binding energy of the Coulomb excited nuclei in their final positions can be very small – the germanium lattice has large holes compared to the dense-packed structure of nickel. This cov.ld also be expressed as a reduction in the effective Debye-temperature for these nuclei to about 220°K. in , . 21 (B) The heat generated in the slowing down process of the Coulomb excited nuclei may not be dissipated fast enough. The effective temperature of these nuclei would have to be ~ 300°K to explain the experimental p-value. We cannot exclude a third possibility: That the recoilless fraction of the absorber is smaller than the computed value. The observed broadening would then be due to quadrupole splitting in target or absorber or in both, and to radiation damage effects in the target. Assuming that the temperature of the emitting nuclei is 78°K and that the recoilless fractions in target . and absorber are equal, we obtain a Mössbauer-Debye-temperature ex ñ 250°K. In this connection it is o2 interest to mention a paper presented at the APS meeting in Chicago by E. T. Ritter et al. from Johns Hopkins University... They have observed the Mossbauer effect following Coulomb excitation of Fe in both metallic targets and in Fe og targets. In the first case they obtain a recoilless fraction equal to that observed otherwise, but a reduction by a factor of about 3 with the oxide target. On the other hand they find no change in.the hyperfine splitting with the oxide target. From this they conclude that the reduction in f cannot be due to a lack of heat dissipation. The temperature that they would have to assume to explain the reduction of f would be higüer than the Néel-temperature of Fe og. . ...... maior p ar نمملمنن Y-55743 UNCL LS 11184 ---... ----- Slide 1 ------- RICITE STAT ENCAGY LEVELS: . . ROMNO STATE . . -. Fig. 1 -.-.- I MALMI TAIMET ww .... 21.60dvouslom ricrintivirrin nüünürümeg minded MOUNTAben TI ! SAMRAT Slide 2 қа , T BNL - DWG-61-58 | 100 Cranith | 100 Channel K MOMO MO trout .. . KOHTA SIN (NIUL CNC mnen. mer 200 MENE tector icon WAS MY WOS Rico KUCAO cart 11 ..... . W... - - - - . -95 - - con 'ya Whoitation ! IN Slide 3 TSUSTOM - IN- enco NI - DFG- мост оr o oved But in Pi Source: 89.6 mg/cm² au Absorber. V . V . - - - - bilmir. : . . *.. ..*:. .. . .. . . :. .: - : :::: ................ OAKLIDGE.NATIONAL LABORATORY ::..65..3576 Sincerelix L LABORAT . . C.65-3527 RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORI RIDGE NATIONAL LAVORATORY C-65-:3525 . C (8? (m!.: ;! ACTIVITY (arbitrory units) 1000 . אוקAli בונים .. 10 -- - 11 PHOTOPIS 1 2 Gomma Rays Using 25 MeV 160%" Distribution of Activity in the 'Ni Torget for 67 keV PENETRATION DEPTH (mg/cm2) 3 roligenc im * Target Imetness. Coulomb-Engolation of "'NI, 67 AGV with TAULI IMCIMSS 1 PROJECTNE ENEHGY (IV) 20 . 25 21 One en . -. . . .. . e n .. » * . .- - ! .. . ... . .... Slide 6 Slide 5 Slide 4 TA L iit Dimensions and conti r amb mi 20 W, 1'. MACHCI Yolculcano Lait .. 7203 MI CATINC ON SOVACC $1115 MAGNCIKC Iths .. .. MIGH VOLTAGC ICAMINA Y STRIP CR CAS CANAL .. MAGNETICIONS . Slide 7 MOVCABIC ALPHA PARTICLC CALISAATIO SOURCE DETECTOR CONDITION FOR PASSAGC TMROUGH ANALYZOR MAGNCT Me 1-1-. MULTICMAMMEL ANALYZOR DOWOLC LINC AMPLIFICA CHARGC Castrve PACAMPLIFIER '... --..... Ovu PACCISION PULSC GENERATOR in Arrangement for Meosuring Heavy lon Energies in Semiconductor Detectors ..: . .--.-- . . -GAMMA DETECTOR race...... OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LACORATORY . F. LIQUID NITROGEN ABSCABER Teens Slide 8 umeme PS N BEAM- TARGET D RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY agog z9ooo 0034 Slide 9 . . S > . .. - .:::... - - in - - - .:::. . . .. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LACOPATORY ONLFIN 6.934 . Vi... Slide 10 promotion • L OAK AIDGC NATIONAL LABORATORY o • ... .. rimai info . S IYIM SS3E-5907:11: COUNTS LAINE rodzenia: -- JÖNNRIDGE NÄTIG: ZILONITORY ވާހަޚަރާބް Slide 11 my ANOVA n''.. ... warm ers '.' . 1.02 01 : 96267 JUAR KIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GL .04G- TRANSMISSION slide 12 : 0.98 0.97 0.96 +60 L 6 8 4 4 6 8 10 2 0 2 VELOCITY (mm/sec) minima n on dimentication om sinom os morain... abombowan i e OK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY*** TU! **!!. 65-3953 AVERAGES (Z) (0-1) Slide 13 2040 . 8000 IRRADIATION TIME (hr) O CS ::. GO") IPv4.80) . (*) ...... . - 1110 kev OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY 52111-tog- TAU Slide 14 362 kev 21 67.4 kev 67.0 kev 5 kev INUN . :,.. . .'i .. ,'.. . . 10,000 organo 67.0 keV 8000 6000 7053 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY .... COUNTS 4000 TORE RIDE Rational Slide 15 محصليه 2000 20 100 120 40 60 80 CHANNEL NUMBER . . . une merancano pot pour AU diss...soria'. ............ ..... .: "****;** .com rating orijinalna . *** . . .* .. ...3 .. . -**.*.*... meinsunia :-1:-5.663.8.3: ONT - DWG -6.5-2.963 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY - 2/97 mm miermine : TRASS: 35135 . ; ISOMER SHIFT (mm/sec) . Au 50 0.986 0.990 0.992 0.994 1.000 1,002 1.00. Ni 10 teru 20 HOST . 30 . -•-- -- 40 Isomer Shift for AuNi Alloys. Au 101.7.) 50 60 VELOCITY (MM/100) tec- 70 80 90 DE- daddy a Au - . . . .--.- .- . .. - . ...... .... . Slide 18 Slide 171 : Slide 16 -- - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - - - . ::..! * ** -- -. ..------..*:;7:1777 com ************ * min. *** ; D UKNIVUT:Xariviinitcnuviinta NLG NAG: -65- IVRI - JUAKRIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY ORNI, DIG - 65-12 96cf 25.75 :* به حسهدمم . بسمه حه مه سلسهمهمممممممممممممممممممممممممممدلی ISO1ER SHIFT (mm/s.:) 60+ Ox?l01.surco (re-rão Eorom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AE~ P= 4² (0)obsorber / 4² (0) source *V2 (O)sourco (P-1) AE - oly?10)odserber – 210).owcodirigerio 20 40 X, ATOMIC PERCENT NOBLE METAL 60 80 + 8€ (FINITE NUCLEAR SIZE) Enuclear + E&I (POINT NUCLEUS) + Eldnival - - - - - -- - - fo+ Oy? Olebsorber irko-rão) - FOR AU and ISOMER SHIFT Slide. 21 Slide 20 Slide 19 - TAI LUSH ... . . N . V ... . . ... IDEO : . T A mi HOTELS A 1.31414 1* Anwarr.4.1. S END DATE FILMED 4/ 20 / 66 . . . 31-2 . . ca -. . . :: .:. : : . . :. :. * ?- . . 19 . . .. 27