* wow. . . : - . . 1 OF 1 ORNLP 1944 . . . la l. I 9) WIN 6 1.:25 14 46 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 arsin D-194.4 CONF: 660305-4 137 PREPARATION OF MEGACURIE QUANTITIES OF CESIUM-137 SATIS AND SOURCE COMPOUNDS AT OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY*** MEC - OFFICIAL R. E. Lewis and C. L. Ottinger .:FED 2 . Isotopes Development Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee . RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS .::: ABSTRACT : ......... Processes used at the Fission Products Development Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, for recovery, purification, and ! ... conversion of megacurie quantities of 1970s to salts and source. compounds are reviewed with special emphasis on the conversion of cesium alum to cesium carbonate by the cesium tetraoxalate process. Subsequent conversion of cesium carbonate to source compounds is discussed. . ::. . .. INTRODUCTION .... .. Fission-product 137cs has been recovered and purified at Oak Ridge National . . Laboratory since 1940 to provide gamma-ray sources IOI Teletherapy, raus 48 to provide gamma-ray sources for teletherapy, radiography, . and irradiation units. The first large source was a teletherapy unit fabricated •:*:; in 1954 which contained 1540 curies of 197Cs in the form of compacted Csci encap- .. sulated in stainless steel. Within a few years, 10%Cs teletherapy sources were ... ;widely accepted by medical facilities and there was a demand for sources contain- ing 1000 to 3000 curies. The number of teletherapy sources prepared annually at ORNL has increased to about 25; in addition ORNL also sells considerable quanti- ties of 137Cs to private firms who fabricate teletherapy and radiography sources. ini :: . . . . In the past three years, the increased supply of purified 137Cs and reduction in price (presently $0.125/curie in quantities >200,000 curies) has made 137Cs more attractive for industrial-scale irradiators.1,2 Two large sources recently pre- pared that are of special significance are a 200,000-curie 137CsCl source, in . rectangular wafers (Fig. 1), for the Radiation Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and a 176,000-curie source for Saint-Gobain Techniques Nouvelles, Seine, France. Inquiries from a number of irradiation facilities have indicated current interest in sources of 100,000 to 300,000, curies of 237Cs and long-range plans for even larger quantities in the range of 0:4 to 1.0 megacurie of 137Cs. Cesium-137 and its daughter, 137Ba, decay by beta and gamma emission to yield 4.8 watts thermal power per 1000 curies, which makes it potentially useful as a heat source. . . ............. .. . .. .... ... . *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission vnder contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. LEGAL NOTICE :::... .. This roport mo prepared us in account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person aoting on behall of the Commission: A. Makes may warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the noor- racy, completeness, or undtalsen of the information contained in this report, or that the who I of any information, apparatus, mathod, or procesi dielowed la the report may not lattage privately owned restes or B. Asnim any labuuang with respect to the une of, or for damage results from the un of any information, apparte, method, or procul dulowed in this report. As wood in the above, "por og nothing on behalf of the Commission" motud may a. ploys or contractor of the Comminaton, or employw of soh contractor, to the entent that such employu or contrnotor of the Commission, or amployu at nok contrmotor preporu, dienominatas, or provides noomse to, may taformation purminnt to wo employment or contrast with the Commission, or Me employment with such contrmotor, ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . . . . - . 1 . TV 1014 AL . .) . O'RNI - ALC - OFFICIAL . . . . . . . . . . .,*. .- pr ... . :::... . . . . . . . . .... . ... ... . -. .. . ...cizi".....irava..... .. . . mi in: rin.. . . .. . .. . .. ... :.: .'"* sektionen in the C +... - - - --*. . .* . . * .. nota may i nander in die toetamine, Vermietere om mangas ramy kimmo ovi......macromed . .moros .. . .."..... i imam, -; - I. ** ne vingt -:-.--."...etour Vid e -- SVET .., . va . ..-. - T . .. ... .. . - ... ..mo:..: . . C S ni . - -. . ---- ,-... . .. .. Rani -..-:.. m T c ialista men spe e. Kirsten een Kr. manciration, n cessions, tienen tenint Dién .....:**. ...... .**..*. . rivier. n , * airros:3:" m.in.a, . :-:.'. ,. 3,; on the order that t h eir own persone -Vi mije 't Y:-......... ---- 2--97 - % , anim : ns, en :..*..;27" : emrin : -.-.jshimeve e ...TOVD ... mivo :-) mrs.cont r incentiv ngrohte V161: maintenance i .. tan "...crive w i enerima pessoa - nr. 7-" **1 - P "...me more orno M artin power poter swim m erman -75 ins . : . " iiii il .': . . : or," ****!"fie. Warsen.. mere om ca.. irene"".... air mamamat - .--.-- metre... . ..... wpe1.. * . *:7.4.5, 1..' NO. . :..." . ::.' * . . . ciriri " . ."; :. ,, . ... :-1A simbo.rs . .:-.,.. CT . flit . som se . he mobile 2 . 1 . 25in 5 .:: . . T . . ill. . 1 . ! . . ;... . ce . " 1 SA ;.': .. : 2 . ORNI - NEC - OFFICIAL .. ....i'.-' . ; : Fig. 1. 70,000 Curies of 1370s as Square Wafers (Radiation Source). . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Prior to 1961, fission products were first recovered from waste solutions gen- erated by pilot plant processing of irradiated uranium at ORNL and from liquid waste shipped to ORNL.? In order to meet the growing demand for 137Cs, a tech- nique was developed for selective sorption of 13Cs on an inorganic ion (Decalso) from the supernatant of neutralized fission-product wastes. Shipment. of crude 15%Cs concentrated from waste tanks located at Hanford was begun in 1961. Purification of the crude 137Cs and conversion to compounds useful as radiation or heat sources are accomplished at ORNL in the Fission Products Development Laboratory (FPDL) at a rate of 1.0 megacurie/year. ONNI - AEC - OFFICIAL DISCUSSION ... Recovery of Cesium-137 From Fission-Product Wastes by Decalso Process . In recovery of 137Cs by the Decalso process, 3,4 neutralized Hanford Purex Super- mi natant 103A, with a sodium ion concentration of 5 to 7 M, is passed through a radiation-shielded tank containing 400 gal of 20-30 mesh Decalso at 25° C until .. the cesium begins to break through or when -50,000 curies of 157Cs has been: : sorbed. The beds are then covered with water and the casks (Fig. 2) are sea).ed. The casks are loaded, two to a modified gondola car (Fig. 3), and shipped from Hanford to ORNL. "At ORNL, more than 97% of the 137Cs is eluted from the Decalso ::.. beds at FPDL with 1000-1200 gal of 5 M NH4NO3 at 80°C at a f.low rate of 4 gal/min. The eluant is stored in underground tanks, which have storage capacity for as Cs. The ion-exchange beds are rinsed and returned to Hanford, in the ammonium form, to be reloaded with cesium. The original", Decalso beds placed in the shipping casks in 1961 are still being used after. twelve loading and elution cycles and have shown no loss of selectivity for: : sorbing cesium. . i i : The. 137Cs processing rate in the FPDL is dependent primarily on the shipping schedule for the feed. Four shipping casks are presently in use. Each 400-gal Decalso bed will transport 50,000. curies; and with a chipping cycle of eight weeks per four STT's, the 137Cs processing rate is about one megacurie of 137Cs per year. In the period from April 1961 to January 1965, over 2.5 megacuries of 1970s has been processed at ORNL. .. .. . Purification of Cesium-137 by Alum Process .... .... ... The alum process5-12 is based on the isomorphous cocrystallization of small amounts of cesium with large amounts of ammonium alum. The concentration of ammonium alum in solution also decreases the cesium alum solubility, resulting in high 187Cs recovery. After collecting the cesium in the ammonium alum beds, the more soluble ved by a heating and cooling cycle to effect fractional crystalli- zation of the alums. After three to five such cycles, and removal of the aqueous. phase each time, the more insoluble cesium alum is obtained in a relatively pure of other alums and other fission products. Cesium losses recycled from subsequent processing steps are also collected by the alum process for re- processing. This multiple use of the alum process makes it the key process in the i FPDL 1,37Cs integrated process (Fig. 4). ... The 5.M NH4NO3 eluant resulting from the elution of the 1970s from the Decalso beds is diluted to 2.5 M NH4NO3 and the 2,500-curie, batch of 137Cs is then trans- ferred to a vessel containing an ammonium alur bed. Cesium-137 is then collected ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . 1 . .. . . . . . .** ........... .. OPNL-LR-DWG 63529 . 1 KA .mehmemaa meis...... CY FIRE SHIELD E Mereka s i . 2. imazh. - 16-GAGE STAINLESS STEEL LINER - - - - IT THERMOSTATIC LEVEL MOBES IS ! .. .:... .. ... IITTIIN WATER LEVEL . . .. . 36-in-THICK MILD STEEL OUTER WALL- Tiina ME - DECALSO ION-EXCHANGE MED- IUM (SODIUM ALUMINOSILICATE) SWITTUIIIII *S 34g-in-THICK STAINLESS STEEL INNER USER e- .. T T . 11122 3'2-in.-THICK LEAD SHIELDING . i* . . . M in' WA Fig. 2. STT Model II ( Loaded Weight – 38,800 lbs) in .. :.:.:.:.:.:. : . - AEC - OFFICIAL : SRN - AEC - OFFICIAL ... :: . [_ in.. - .:: T mm ramen woningen < ., . met sy i - - - S am. . ., .. . . 1 . PVC . 1. .. . This is the Rr - . r. Liin. ". . . : . . Grimer * . - sme i Sandnes * ... " 2 . ... : ORNL – AEC - OFFICIAL. . Fig. 3. Gondola Cars for Transporting Shipping Casks (STT) from Hanford, Washington to Oak Ridge, Tennessee. OINE - AEC - OFFICIAL : ...: 11!510 - DIV-INUO ORNL-OWO 3-10! H2O RINSE. ... ...11 5M NHA NO3 ELUTION OF 0.05 MEGACURIE CS FROM DECALSO FEED STORAGE 0.2 MEGACURIE 137CS IN NH, NO, SOLUTION HNO, BATCH DILUTION H2O RINSE MgO STORAGE BATCH FEED MAKEUP 0.0025 MEGACURIE 137CS ..:ii, e' : . .. :: .. : • • ALUM FILTRATE H20 "SICS ACCUMULATION ON NH, * ALUM 0.05 MEGACURIE 137CS: FRACTIONAL CRYSTALLIZATION ' TO REMOVE NHAT, RD* FILTRATE WICK SCAVENGE ON NH. * ALUM FILTRATE TO WASTE 17CS NHALUM RECYCLE (~2% HICS) i 37CS ALUM 137CS OXALATE DISSOLVED IN H20. BATCH CRYSTALLIZATION OF 18°C OXALATE 0.05 MEGACURIE .. 137CS ALUM ACCUMULATION 0.2 MEGACURIE OXALIC ACID CRYSTALLIZATION OF 137CS OXALATE 1 005M NHL ... I . . . . . . · 137cs OXALATE FILTRATE RECYCLE 137CS OXALATE . - . : AIR CALCINATION OF 137CS OXALATE TO 137CS CARBONATE H20, 002. TO HOT OFF-GAS sioz, ADDITIVES - Cscos. Cuzco . TO HOT OFF-GAS Te . dai CO2. HC- 137CS CONVERSION TO . 137CS CHLORIDE EVAPORATION TO DRYNESS 137CS CONVERSION TO 137CS -GLASS MELTED AT 1200°C -.-.-i ........ - . . , UL . 137. CI TO SOURCE FABRICATION 15168-GLASS TO SOVACE FABRICATION ..:: : :: ..... .::.:.ice i on... • ... .. ion . Fig. 4. FPDL 137Cs Processing Flow Diagram. :: . ........ ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ... : .,'. •. SA C ... ... a . ... -*.om*** comes . . . . . ..... .:: .... .. .. .. . on the ammonium alum beds by a heating and cooling procedure. The solution 1. remaining from this crystallization is transferred to a second vessel also con- taining ammonium aium, and the same process repeated two times to effect recov- . ery of >98% of the 137Cs. Subsequent batches of 2,500 curies of 137Cs are transferred to the alum crystallizers and the process is repeated.. When ~50,000 curies of 137Cs has been collected on the alum beds (about one · week's operation at FPDL), water is added to the mixed alums and the more soluble !' : ammonium and fission-product rubidium alums, as well as traces of fission prod - .. .. ucts, are removed by several fractional crystallizations. The more insoluble cesium alum is then transferred to an accumulation vessel. The alum cocrystal- .lization and fractional crystallization process is repeated until ~200,000 curies of 137Cs has been accumulated. It is then converted to cesium tetráoxalate by à subsequent process (Fig. 4). ....... . . "..... . . Conversion of Cesium-137 Alum to Source Compounds by Cesium Tetraoxalate Process . . . . Various processes have been used at FPDL to convert cesium alum to other cesium compounds. In one of the early ORNL procedures, ammonium hydroxide was added to the alum to form aluminium hydroxide, ammonium sulfate, and cesium sulfate. After the insoluble aluminum hydroxide had been filtered off, the cesium sulfate solution was heated with HNO3 to oxidize the residual NH4*. Hydrochloric acid was added to remove the HNO3 and the Cs2S04 solution was passed through a . . : hydroxide-form anion-exchange column to remove the sulfate ion. The resulting : cesium hydroxide was neutralized with HCl and evaporated to prepare Csci crystals. . . .. . . ,,. il is . . In a later process, 8 cesium alum was converted to cesium chloroplatinate which was recovered and then converted by an aqueous solution of hydrazine hydrate to platinum metal, cesium chloride, and ammonium chloride. The platinum metal was .. removed by filtration, nitric acid was added, and the solution was heated to 3. oxidize the ammonium ion. Hydrochloric acid was then added and the solution heated : : to remove the excess HNO3; the cesium chloride was evaporated to recover the CsCl. Because of the necessity of handling relatively large quantities of HCl and HNO3 .. and the time required for evaporating the acids and recovering the platinum, this method has been replaced by the cesium tetraoxalate process.18 . .. The advantages of the tetraoxalate process are the easy separation of the cesium from aluminum, simple calcination of the tetraoxalate to cesium carbonate, and the ready conversion of the carbonate to usable end-products. The process is amenable to large-scale processing of fission cesium and the soluble fraction of cesium is recycled to the preceding alum process to effect high recoveries of product. : . .: Cesium tetraoxalate, CsHa(C204)2:2H20, can be crystallized from simple salt solu- tions such as those occurring in solvent extraction raffinates or from the :cesium alum procesis. The solubility of cesium tetraoxalate in water and 1.0 M oxalic acid solution at various temperatures is shown in Table 1. Laboratory studies show that cesium is crystallized as cesium tetraoxalate from cesium alum oxalic acid solution, witir little coprecipitation of Al(III) at cesium concentrations of <20 g cesium per liter (Table 2). It was found that the addi- tion of small amounts of NHa* ion increased the yield of cesium tetraoxalate and decreased the percentage of the aluminum that coprecipitated (Table 3). ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . .... . ..... mon . .. :... : . irijisso - DIV-INIO Water Table 1. . Effect of Temperature on Solubility of Cesium Tetraoxalate in Water and in 1.0 M Oxalic Acid Solution Temperature, : CsHg(C204)2•2H20 solubility, g/liter 1.0 M Oxalic acid 2.65 8.8 4.60 13.0 : 5.00 11.7 40.0 67.5 61.6 117.0 83.2 22.6 30.8 AGRO Table 2. Effect of Cesium Alum Concentration on Cocrystallization of Aluminum Oxalate with Cesium Tetraoxalate .. (Temperature 14°C; 1 hr stirring) : Initial cesium Cesium. Al carried, 4 Initial oxalic concentration, crystallized, of initial Al acid concentration, g/liter :: in solution M : 10 <1.0 1.0 1.0: 1.1. 15 20 2.1 i ܐܙܐ WOO90 g 5.2 22.0 .1.2 . 35.0 72.0 83.0 1.25 1.5 1.8 2.9 :00 . . Table 3. Effect of Ammonium Ion on Crystallization of Cesium Tetraoxalate from Cesium Alum and Oxalic Acid Solution (Temperature 14°C; 1 hr stirring; 1.25 M oxalic acid; cooling rate 1°C/min) Cesium Cesium Al carried, % concentration, concentration, crystallized, of initial 'AL g/liter in solution NH+. .. .... 20 0.0 0.05 0.0 0.05 2.5 0.1 5.2 0.2 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL : - - . - ..... . • i " i . In the 137Cs. processing ac FPDI, the cesium alum is converted to cesium tetra- .. oxalate after 200,000 curies of pure cesium alum has been accumulated by crystallization in a 400-liter volume of 1.2 to 1.25 M oxalic acid, 0.05 .. and 15 to 25 g of cesium per liter. The first crystallization is not necessary i for purification but is very useful in the transfer of 157Cs from the cesium alum crystallizers and aids in getting representative samples of the solution for radiochemical analysis. The cesium tetraoxalate is dissolve transferred in 50,000-curie butches to a 100-liter vessel. ORNE - AEC - OFFICIAL .. - : The second crystallization is made in the 100-liter vessel from 1.1 to 1.C M oxalic acid. The solution is cooled to 25°C at a rate of 1°C/min. The cooling rate is halted at 25°C for 15 min and then cooled to 14-16°C at a rate of 0.5°C/min. .: Yields of cesium tetraoxalate are 70% on the first crystallization and 929 a the. .:: second crystallization. The increased yield on the second crystallization is due primarily to the lower concentration of aluminum ions. . :. The soluble cesium in the supernatant fraction is recycled to the alum system ... · for recovery as cesium alum. The integrated cesium process used at FPDL is :. shown in Fig. 4, Preparation of Cesium Carbonate from Cesium Tetraoxalate . Cesium carbonate is easily prepared by heating cesium tetraoxalate to a suffi- . ciently high temperature to volatilize excess oxalic acid and water and decompose the oxalate. to carbonate and carbon monoxide. The calcination is endothermic ..and there is no danger of uncontrolled burning. In laboratory studies of the calcination, cesium tetraoxalate was heated for : different times and temperatures in a shallow nickel tray in a muffle furnace with an air stream passing through. The resulting compounds were assayed for drogen ion, oxalate, and carbonate. From these studies, the reactions in different temperature ranges were determined to be: CsH (C204)2.2H20 105-120°C> CsH (C204)2 + 2H2O .. .. . . CsH3(C204)2 -120-200°C > CsHC204 + H2C204 2CSHC204 200-300°C-> Cs2C204 + H2C204 Cs2C204 300-450°C, Mixture of Cs2003, Cs20, co, and co2 Cs2003 - 3450°C-> Cs20 + CO2 .. .::. When cesium tetraoxalate is heated to 100°C, the crystals melt. Continued heat- ing at 120°C sublimes the excess oxalic acid, leaving cesium acid oxalate, CsHC204. The conversion of CsHC204 to Cs2003 is complete after 2 hr at 300°C. This pro- cedure is used to convert fission-product cesium tetraoxalate to cesium carbonate. The cesium compounds prepared from cesium tetraoxalate are low in Al2O3 and Fezos since oxalic acid complexes both aluminum and ferric iron and keeps these ions in solution. Trace amounts of iron and aluminum (~0.mg/g cesium tetraoxalate) that do cocrystallize with the cesium tetraoxalate are converted to the insoluble oxides at 300°C and are removed by filtration of the dissolved cesium carbonate · ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 10 solution prior to making other cesium compounds. Carbon, which also forms from the calcination of ammonium tetraoxalate, is also removed by the filtration. . The resulting cesium carbonate solution contains no detectable alkaline earth, trivalent metal ions, or armonium ions. . .. Preparation of Cesium Source Compounds from Cesium Carbonate ... Cesium carbonate is used to prepare a variety of source compounds. Cesium chlo. ride is the primary form for radiation sources, but other salts or compounds can be prepared for heat sources or special application. IL Dry powdered 137Csci is prepared in 50,000-curie batches by reacting the filtered Csacos solution with a slight excess of hydrochloric acid. 12-14 The 137Csci solution is again filtered, and the filtrate is evaporated in tantalum equipment to yield the dry salt. The powder is baked with constant stirring at 300°C for 4 hr to remove the last traces of HCl; it is then stored in lots of 10,000 curies in stainless steel cans in water-cooled storage wells. The cesium chloride has an activity concentration of 125 curies 137Cs per gram CsCl, as measured by calorimetric methods;16,17 this varies slightly due to differences in the 18708 isotopic concentration. : : The cesium chloride is pressed 18 into a variety of sizes and shapes such as right : cylinders, square wafers (Fig. 1), or segments of a ring, and then hermetically .. sealed in Type 316 LC stainless steel capsules by fusion welding techniques. 18,2 -- Long-term compatibility studies I have shown fission-product cesium chloride is compatible with Type 316 stainless steel capsules. . Cesium sulfate is prepared by adding a stoichiometric amount of dilute sulfuric acid to the cesium carbonate solution and evaporating to near dryness. An equal volume of ethyl alcohol is added to the concentrate to decrease the solubility of the cesium sulfate, and the crystals are filtered from the solution and dried. This procedure is better than the procedure of evaporating acid cesium sulfate solutions to dryness because the cesium sulfate prepared from cesium carbonate does not contain CSHSO4, which is highly corrosive. .. Several types of cesium glasses23,24 containing 40-45% cesium have been prepared from cesium carbonate. About 100,000 curies of 157Cs gla but experience has shown that fabrication of cesium glass as small rods or special shapes is very difficult. Cesium glass in the form of right cylinders for use as a heat source25 was prepared (Fig. 5). . NL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI MAEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL:::... .. - مهم ماه ۰۰۰۰۰۰ ۱۸-. . . . .... .سمسمسمسمس مع محتمممننننننننننهممتد ار .: :شناختنشتنه وم . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .... .... : :.. . 1 . ... ............... یه : منی . . : . . . . . . . . : : : . ... .. ... ... . . . - - . . :م. من مر ... ج - حرمه ومعجند مه مخ ته .::مج :: | . :م | , , . : : : ".... | ::: :::..: ::: :::::::::: . . . . . . . . . ... .... ..... . ........... . . .. .. .. .. .. صدر مم : : . ته هم م ...... . . نه مه ندخان و . . . نم نم: : .. - ::: من .عد . . . . . . . . . . به . من::... ... ::... ب ی .. مهم . دی ۰۰۰• . . . . - و و ... . مر ..حسم . . ه ..... عمل می . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . ... کند. :: : - -... .. .. .دی .به . . ۰۰:. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . م . . . م . ه ه ه هم . مد مد شد :: :: : :: :::: . . ..' عيدية هامة.۱ ۰م از ختم: ده. د ..... . . بهره منابع مع مسندم : د م. م. م ..همه نه. .. .. .. .. :::. .. .. .::::: يجعلن .. . : ۰۰. م . . °• . - . - :.:. ج . ا. به م . تمعن : الى ده . . . : 1 ا .. .. . .. .. . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ...... . .. . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . .. ::. : ... . . Fig. 5. 28,000 Curies of 137Cs Borosilicate Glass for Use as Heat Source. .. ..12 .. . REFERENCES 1. Food irradiation, Section III, Isotopes and Radiation Technology 3(1): 0 30-48 (1965). ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL I . 2. Process radiation development, Section IV, Isotopes and Radiation Technology 3(1): 49-66 (1965). 3. R. E. Lewis, T. A. Butler, and E. Lamb, Recovery of 137Cs from fission-product wastes and transport by an aluminosilicate ion exchanger, USAEC Rpt. ORNI 3765, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (May 1965). R. E. Lewis, T. A. Butler, and E. Lamb, An aluminosilicate ion exchanger fo recovery and transport of 157Cs from fission-product wastes, Nucl. Sci. Eng. (in press). 1 . :: 5. S. J. Rimshaw, Recovery of cesium values with anmonium alum, U. S. Patent 1 2,925,323 (February 1960). 6. S. J. Rimshaw, Decontamination of fission product wastes, with separation of kilocurie quantities of cesium, strontium, rare earth, and ruthenium, USAEC Rpt. TID-7517, p. 303 (1956). 7. A. F. Rupp, Large-scale production of radioisotopes, Proc. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 1956, Geneva 14: 68-84, UN, New York. ... :: Peaceful 1.8. E. Lamb, H. E. Seagren,' and E. E. Beauchamp, Fission-product pilot plant and other developments in the radioisotopes program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Proc. 2nd UN Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 1958, Geneva 20:. 38-44, UN, New York. 9. A. F. Rupp, Fission product processing, USAEC Rpt. IDO-14363, pp. 777-99 :: (April 1956). 10. A. F. Rupp, Progress in Nuclear Energy Series III, Process Chemistry, vol. I, Pergamon Press, 1956, pp. 345-55. T.' A. Butler, E. Lamb, and A. F. Rupp, New processing techniques for radioiso- topes at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Radioisotopes in the Physical Sciences and Industry, vol. II, p. 407, International Atomic Energy f.gency, Vienna, 1962. 12. C. L. Ottinger, Isotope production and development, Isotopes and Radiation Technology. 1: 35-43 (1963). 13. R. E. Lewis, . Method for conversion of cesium alum to radiation source mate- ... rial, U. S. Patent 3, 124,538 (March 10, 1964) and Canadian Patent 710,349 (May 25, 1965). : N . 14. R. E. Lewis, Development and use of a process for crystallization of cesium tetraoxalate: An intermediate for preparing 137Cs source compounds, USAEC ... Rpt. ORNL-3667, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1964). 7. VIDL140 - 534-100 a .. i . '. .15., J. H. Gillette - Ingrid B. Lane, comp., Review of radioisotopes, USAEC Rpt. .. .ORNL-3802, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (May 1965). . OFFICIAL . 16. J. C. Posey, T. A. Butler, and P. S. Baker, Hot-cell calorimetry for routine determination of thernal power generated by kilocurie sources, Proc. loth Conf. on Hot Laboratory and Equipment, pp. 263-8 (1962). J. C. Posey, Calorimetry in measuring radioactivity, Isotopes and Radiation Technology 1(1): 92-6 (1963). ii., • J. A. Jones, Fabrication of 1970s sources, USAEC Rpt. OF National Laboratory (September 1964). 1 . 19. , E. E. Pierce, Remote welding of stainless steel capsules, USAEC Rpt. ORNL- 2280, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (March 22, 1957). 20. B. F. Early, private communication, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (December 1965). w r. 21. K. W. Haff, Examination of a nine-year-old 137CsCl source capsule, USAEC . Rpt. ORNL-TM-584, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (August 5, 1953). 22. B. F. Warner, Fabrication de sources 1870s, d'un kilocurie, Energie Nucleaire 1: 161-71 (1957). mo C. Quinby, Method of preparing radioactive cesium sources., U. S. Patent 3, 114,716 (December 17, 1963). 24. R. E. Lewis, Source development, Isotopes and Radiation Technology 1(1): '. 84-8 (1963). 25. C. L. Ottinger, E. E. Pierce, and R. W. Schaich,. Preparation of a cesium (137Cs) borosilicate glass power source, USAEC Rpt. ORNL-3669, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (April 1965). Sien .:. ODNI Dericia. E - . . - 1 .. END . .. ; .... . DATE FILMED 3/ 25 / 66 . 12 i. 7 141797 corona internet maramind.