I OFT ORNL P. 1926 . . - . 14.5 EEEEEEEE 11:25 114 1146 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS – 1963 op ORM P-1926 de - 680448- 1968 die tong 9 MASTER ESTIMATED COSTS OF HIGH-LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENI* J. O. Blameke, R. Salmon, J. T. Roberts, R. L. Bradshaw, and J. J. Perona Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee . . . .... RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN MUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTPACTS - A paper for presentation at the Symposium on the Solidification and Long-Term Storage of Highly Radioactive Wastes Richland, Washington .: February 14-18, 1966 : LEGAL NOTICE The report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Nolthor the United Statos, aor the Commission, nor nay person soting on behall of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respoct to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the wo ...of any information, apparatus, mathod, or procon disclosed in this report may not infringe primtely owned righto; or B. Asmun.. any liabilities with respect to the who of, or for damages resulting from the on of any inforslation, apparatus, anthod, or process disclosed la this report. ; Ao wood in the above, person acttog on behalf of the Commission" facludes may on- ploys or contractor of the Commission, or employds of such coatriotor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employme of much contractor preparos, disseminatos, or provides mecs to, any information pursuant to his emaployment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ' 19, .; . . . . + ESTIMATED COSTS OF HIGH-LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENT J. O. Blomeke, R. Salmon, J. T. Roberts, R. L. Bradshaw, and J. J. Perona Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT 'The costs of "perpetual" tank storage of both acid and alkaline wastes were estimated as a function of tank size, tank life, and fission product concentration in the waste for three representative types of financing. For acid wastes, the optimum tank capacity is about a million gallons, and minimum total costs range from 0.0165 to 0.0272 mi21/kwhr. For alkaline wastes, the optimum tank capacity is 2.5 million gallong, and minimum total costs range from 0.0177 to 0.0294 mi11/kwhr. Reducing the volume of wastes, as stored, by doubling the concentration of fission products reduces the total costs between 15 and 30%. - The minimum total costs for management by the series of: operations consisting of interim liquid storage, pot calcina- tion, interim solid storage, shipment, and disposal in salt mines, are estimated to range from 0.017 to 0.020 mi 11/kwhr when carried outs over a 30-year period. 2. INTRODUCTION 1 . All of us who have been associated with any aspect of waste management have become aware that we have been engaged primarily in a quest for safety. Not ; only are we confronted with the need for safety during current operations, but also--and this is particularly true of management of high-level wastes from fuel processing--We are concerned with the necessity for providing safeguards to man- kind and his environment for many future centuries. Of course, at this early . stage of nuclear power development, we are not certain how this can best be done. There is probably no single best way. By providing an increasing number of barriers between the hazardous radionuclides and the environment, we can surely provide an increasingly greater degree of safety, but we can expect to pay more for it. Today, as in the foreseeable future, nuclear power must compete eco- namically with power from other sources. Consequently, it is a matter of very practical interest to know how much we may be obligating ourselves to pay for different management schemes offering either comparable or differing degrees of safety. . ". . 1.... . . .. At As can be seen from Fig. 1, we believe effective management will probably consist of a series of operations, performed over a period of several years. Following their production in a fuel processing plant, the wastes may be sub- jected to such preliminary operations as partial removal of f'ission products, interim (or temporary) storage as liquids in tanks, conversion to solids by a process such as pot calcination, interim storage as solids, arid finally, ship- ment of the solids. Acceptable disposal methods for the solids might be burial in salt mines or storage in concrete vaults. Other possibilities are seen in · the direct disposal of the wastes as liquids by perpetual storage in tanks, in salt formations, or by injection through wells into deep, permeable geological formations. . . - ..-.- Over the past 5 years, we have completed, or nearly completed, economic analyses of the shaded boxes shown on Flis. , and the ORNL report numbers given here refer to published works. In this paper the results of our most recent study of the costs of perpetual storage of wastes in tanks are reviewed and compared with the costs for the alternative and, we trust, safer scheme of management corsisting of interim liquid storage, reduction to jolids, interim 80lid storage, and shipment of the solidified wastes to a salt mine for per- manent disposal. - - ... - - - . - - , 2. BASIS OF STUDY . ...- - - - . . . . . These comparisons are based on a 6-MT/day fuel processiny plant which handles the fuel from an installed nuclear capacity of 22.,400 electrical mega- watts at 32% thermal efficiency (Table 1). Assuming an 80% reactor load factor, 1.565 x 10-21 kwhr of electricity is generated annually. The plant processes 1500 MT/year of uranium converter fuel at a burnup of 10,000 Mwd/MT and 270 MT/year of thorium converter fuel irradiated to 20,000 Mwa./Mr. The wastes, in either acid or alkaline farm, have specific volumes. as indicated, and the Purex and Thorex streams are combined for storage or for additional treatment and disposal. .... - . In all cases the operating life of the processing plant is taken as 20 years. The costs of waste management are computed on the basis of recovering all neces- Bary capital and operating expenses during the 20-year period of waste production. · 3. PERPETUAL TANK STORAGE For' perpetual tank storage, the economics are examined for three representa tive types of financing: government ownership, private ownership, and a combina- ... tion of government and private ownership. The case of government ownership includes only depreciation and interest on the investment capital; whereas, in the case of private ownership, costs reflect a 15% return on equity, as well as allowances for depreciation, insurance, taxes, and interest. In the third case, private ownerships assumed during the 20-year period of waste accumulation, after which the government will assume responsibility for perpetual care of the :: tank farm. In each case, it it assumed that a permanent tax-free fund is .: established during the filling period of such size that the annual tax-free interest will be sufficient to provide for periodic replacement of tanks and for the annual operating expense of the facility, : The tank farms were designed for storing high-level wastes in both acid . and alkaline forms, and in tanks ranging in capacity from 200,000. to 5,000,000 gallons. · Capital costs were estimated for each case and then used in a computer --------- . -----. .. -- -- . - - ... ORNL-LR-DWG 72614 RA ORNL-2873 TANKS ORNL-3357 SALT - . . FISSION PRODUCTS SEPARATION TIITTITUTI DEEP WELLS . .'' 7 . C 1. - FUEL PROCESSING L PLANTS ORNL-3356 SA UUUUUUVO DIT POT CALCINATION INITION IIIIIIIIIIIII TUTTITUIT SHIP SAS SOLID DULUI WUUUUUUUUU ;. 11 . VAULTS: ORNL-319 . . DIO ORNL-TM-664 INTERIM LIQUID STORAGE ORNL-3128 INTERIM SOLID STORAGE ORNL-3355 .. . -, . X *,. -.-. .-X . is Liri1 . . . 7 ht . - V Fig. 1. Management of High-Activity Wastes . 1. 7 . ? 1 SI T : 11 . .... i . . . - . . . Table 1. Basis for Study 22,400 Mw(e) Installed Capacity 32% Thermal Efficiency 80% Reactor Load Factor Uranium Converter Fuel 1500 MT/year 10,000 Mwa/MT 200 gal/M (acia) 600 gal/MT (alkaline) Thorium Converter Fuel · 270 MT/year 20,000 Mwd/MT 200 gal/MT (acid) 1200 ga1/MT (alkaline) - .me * - w e d me comment .. ....No w we receberadaanne. . . , :. . .. en format of thought code to estimate total costs for each method of financing as a function of tank size, tank lifetime, and Pission product concentration in the waste. Although no attempt was made to determine the hazards quantitatively, the concept of double containment of radioactivity was applied throughout, and, in all in- stances, the philosophy of design and operation that was stipulated emphasized safety over any potential savings in costs. Figure 2 shows a conceptual layout of a "completed" tank farm, containing 20 years' accumulation of waste. The farm is divided into two areas, one con- taining tanks of high-level waste and their associated cooling and ventilation facilities, and the other containing tanks of cladding wastes which are not considered in the cost analyses of this paper. In Fig. 2, the high- are stored in 10%-gallon tanks grouped around three sides of an operations building contaj.ning many of the major equipment items of the cooling and ventila- tion systems. A cooling tower and pups, an emergency water storage tank, a water surge tank, and a stack and fans are also located in the high-level waste area. In addition to filled tanks, an empty tank is always maintained "on stand- by" to receive the contents of any tank which may have failed. The tanks are similar in design to those in use at the Savannah River Plant (Fig. 3). They are cylinders having a diameter-to-height ratio of 3, are fabri- cated of 1/2- to l-in.-thick stainless steel plate, and are housed in steel-lined .. vaults with walls 3 to 3-1/2-ft-thick, buried under 20 ft of earth. Heated air 18 circulated through the annular space between the tank and the vault for dehumidification, and the annulus is monitored for both liquid and airborne radioactivity. The tanks have steel-lined, internal columns for support, and are equipped with water-cooling coils which maintain the contents at or below . 140°F during storage. The water in these coils is circulated to heat exchangers ... in the operations building where the heat is transferred to a secondary cooling circuit, and is subsequently dissipated in the cooling tower. A water-cooled :: condenser located in the operations building serves as the secondary means for heat removal, and steam produced from selt-boiling wastes during emergencies is vented to this condenser through a 4-ft-diam off-gas header in the top of the tank. During normal operation, air 18 swept through the vapor space in the tanks to remove radiolytic hydrogen, and it is vented through the off-gas header to fibrous glass filters and the stack. The tanks are provided with instrumenta tion to measure temperature, radiation, liquid levels, etc., and with access ports for introducing the necessary equipment for evacuation of the tanks when this becomes desirable. '',- . . * 5 . :., m . 1 . Operating costs are composed of labor costs, labor overhead, services, maintenance, waste transfer, property taxes, and property and liability insur- ance. Most of these items increase with the size of the tank farm during the 20-year waste accumulation period, then decrease as the fission products decay and the cooling requirements are reduced. Also, taxes and insurance costs are dependent on the type of financing assumed, that is, government, private, or a combination of government and private. - - 1 . . . 9 . To provide for perpetual'care of the waste during the dead period, a per : manent, tax-free fund is established by making annual deposits during the accumulation period. The size of this fund is calculated so that the annual tax-free interest will be sufficient to provide for the periodic replacement of tanks, for the replacement of other necessary equipment at 30-year intervals, and for the annual operating expenses of the facility. The permanent fund also includes a contingency account, equal to the cost of an unscheduled replacerent of one tank, transfer of its contents, and filling the defective tank with concrete. No advantage 18 taken of the accumulation of interest of this part · of the permanent fund, since this account may be expended at any time. : & A . 1 ORNL-DWG 64-9146 . - . . .'. - . . . . OOO Top 01 • . . l 1 . : ht : LEGEND . + 1 . . DING WASTE TANKS 1 - 'r . 1 : 1 1 + 1 1 + . 1 B. COOLING TOWER C. OPERATIONS BUILDING D. HIGH-LEVEL WASTE TANKS E. EMERGENCY WATER STORAGE TANK T . F. WATER SURGE TANK . . : : Wismi Hig. 2. Layout of Waste Storage Tank Farm . . . - -.- .. .. . ORNL-L-DWG 40043 R-3 LIQUID LEVEL IN VAULT THERMOCOLIMES LIQUID LEVEL IN TANK COOLANT TO AND FROM COILS SAMPLER PURGE AR VAPOR DEHUMIDIFYING ACCESS • OFF GAS GRADE AR MONITOR AND FILTER 09 .. . : ,, .' . STEEL LINER -STEEL TANK * * - - .. . . in I " :: . ? . . with . .. . .. 112 . . ... ili .: i. : .. . - 2 wwrotu m usic: onde s Fig. 3. Savannah River Type Waste Storage Tank moni PT 3. . .. : : . 2 . . . . .. . The range of the major incremental costs of perpetual tank storage over all the parameters considered are given in Table 2. This table shows only the orders of magnitude of the costs incurred during the first 20 years. The initial capital expenditures varied from 8 to 16 million dollars, and the total over 20 years ranged from 22 to 61 million dollars. The annual operating ex- penses ranged from 0.3 to 2.0 million dollars. The magnitude of the permanent fund needed for "perpetual care" ranged from 22 to 72 million dollars; and annual payments of from 0.7 to 2.6 million dollars are required to establish this fund. The total costs of perpetual tank storage for acid waste are given in Fig. 4. The total cost, in mills/kwhr of electricity generated, is plotted against tank capacity for tank lifetimes of 25, 50, and 75 years for the three cases of financ- Ing. Minime occur at a tank capacity of about 100 gallons in all cases. These minima range from 0.0165 mill/kwhr to 0.0184 mill/kwhr for Case 1, from 0.0235 to 0.0253 mill/kwhr for Case 2, and from 0.0251 to 0.0272 mill/kwhr for Case 3. , Total costs for alkaline waste storage were generally higher than the equivalent costs for acid storage (Fig. 5). For alkaline wastes, the optimum tank capacity is about 2.5 million gallons, and the minimum total costs are from 0 to 15% higher than those for acid wastes. Sa One of the least certain aspects of the basis used for this study is the degree of fission product concentration that can be tolerated during storage. The concentrations adopted are based on a careful consideration of Savannah River and Hanford experience and are believed to be as great as practical for wastes of this type. To obtain an indication of the effect of fission product concen- tration on costs, a second set of costs was computed as Auming that the wastes are reduced in volume to one-half those of the original design basis. In this instance, acid Purex and Thorex wastes are stored at 50 and 100 gal/ton of fuel, respectively, and alkaline Purex and Thorex wastes are stored at 300 and 600 gal/ton. This reduction in volumes caused a decrease of botween 15 and 30% in total costs. The optimum tank size for acid waste storage remained about 106 gallons, whereas the optimum size for alkaline waste storage dropped from about 2.5 million to 1.5 million gallons. t u-. -- ..-~ ...-A sumine. 4. REDUCTION TO SOLIDS AND DISPOSAL IN SAIT I'm .. ~ . Using the capital and operating costs developed previously for the various operations shown in Fig. 1, costs for interim liquid storage, port calcination, interim solid storage, shipment, and disposal in salt mines were computed as a function of time, or age of the wastes. mas Figure 6 presents the costs, in units of 10-3 mills/kwhr, for interim liquid and solid storage as a function of storage ti Liquid storage costs are based on a model similar to that used for perpetual liquid storage, and a tank lifetime of 50 years was assumed. Tank size was optimized for each storage period, and provisions were made for reuse of tanks when possible. Interim storage of the solidified wastes is carried out in water- filled canals. In both cases, a fund is established for operation during the dead periods following 20 years of waste accumulation, and in the case of liquid storage, for decommissioning the facilities at the conclusion of operations. Interim liquid storage costs ranged from 7.5 x 103 mills/kwhr for 2 years' storage to 13.2 x 109 mills/kwhr for 30 years' storage. There is very little difference in cost between 20 and 30 years! storage because the same total storage capacity is required, and none of the tanks can be reused. Interim solid storage costs are essentially linear between 2 and 30 years, and are only from one-third to one-fifth those for liquid storage. . . .. 8 . . .. . mpw my sme sa rapo r Table 2. Range of Incremental Costs During 20-year Accumulation Period Cost Items Cost Range, $10% Capital Initial Total over 20 years 8-16 22-61 Annual Operating -- During 1st year During 20th year 0.3-0.4 0.5-2.0 Permanent Fund Magni tude Annual deposit 22-72 0.7-2.6 :: -.. - . - - - . DWG 65-6188 A TANK UFE 75 YEARS. . k TANK UFE 50 YEARS C: TANK LIFE 25 YEARS CASE 2: PRIVATE AND GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP TOTAL COST (millwkwher) CASE 3: PRIVATE OWNERSHIP CASE 1: GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP 2012 1x 10° 1:2 1.6 2.0x10° 8 1x10° 1.2 1.6 20-10° · INDIVIDUAL TANK CAPACITY (0) --- . .. - - - - ... - -.-. --- ... Hig. 4. Cost of Acid Waste Storage as a function of Tank Capacity, Tank Life, and Method of Financing for (a) Case 1, Government Ownership; Case 2, Private and Government Ownership; and Case 3, Private Ownership. log : - -- - - -- - ------... .. . .. . . . . . - - - -- - - - www. m -- orenorr-.. F. T ORNI PWG 656189 Qou A: TANK UFE 75 YEARS .k TANK UFE 50 YEARS C: TANK LIFE 25 YEARS . 2010 ' 006 0086 ... CASE 2: GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE OWNERSHIP TOTAL COST (millowher) ja028 ! 024 samo .. CASE 3: PRIVI TE OWNERSHIP CASE 1: GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP Jacob 2016 k10 INDIVIDUAL TANK CAPACITY 601 m .- - : Fig. 5. .. '' . Cost of Alkaline Waste Storage as a Function of Tank Capacity, Tank Life, and Method of Financing for (a) Case 1, Government Ownership; Case 2, Private and Government ownership; and (b) Case 3, Private Ownership. . - . - -- - -- -- : .. . memes - - - " ... "; :"1," : *ve yor ORNL DWG 65-7856 TTTT 12 - LINTERIM LIQUID STORAGE COST (102 mills/KWH) -INTERIM SOLID STORAGE 24 .. 0 _IIIIII 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 INTERIM STORAGE TIME (yr) Hg. 6. Costs of Interim Storage of Acid Wastes as a function of Storage Time . ....... ........................ ................... .... wilson . I WA Figure 7 presents pot calcination and waste shipment costs as a function of age of the waste. Costs were estimated for calcination in cylinders 6, 12, and 24 in. in diameter over the appropriate time intervals for each pot size as determined by the fission product heat generation rate. These costs about 10.7 x 10-3 mills/kwhr for calcination in 6-in. pots at waste ages from 1/3 to 3 years, to about 5.7 x 10-3 mill8/kwhr for calcination in 24-in. pots for wastes 6-1/2 to 30 years old. Costs for 1000-mile shipment of the pots in casks weighing 50 to 90 tons, and without forced convection cooling en route, were from 1 to 2 x 10–3 mills/kwhr at the minimum permissible ages for shipment. These costs decreased with increasing age of the waste because less cask shielding is required. The wavy, vertical line crossing the 6 and 12-in.-diam: pot curve indicates the minimum age for shipment of 12-in. pots. ::: .. Figure 8 presents the estimated costs for disposal of the solidified wastes in a salt mine. These costs are based on burial of the pots in vertical holes in the floor of a mine, 1000 ft below the surface. The pots are spaced so as t sipate the decay heat without raising the temperature of the salt above 200°C at any point. Disposal costs lie in the range, 5.5 to 8.5 x 10~9 millb/kwhr aid are inversely related to pot diameter because heat is dissipated easier fram the smaller vessels and this permits more efficient utilization of space in the mine. It is of interest to note that the minimum age for disposal of 24-in.-diam pots is 30 years. - . . no . - e we ---- - A- - tPr." Using these cost data, we have optimized the schedule of management Opera- tions to yield minimm total costs. Table 3 presents the present worth costs for two cases requiring no interim liquid storage. In both cases, the wastes are calcined immediately in 6-in.-diam pots. In one instance, they are stored. as solide for 3 years, then shipped at this earliest possible time 1000 miles and buried in a salt mine. The total cost is 20.3 x 10~3 mills/kwhr. In the second case, the calcined wastes are stored on-site in canals for 30 years before shipment and disposal. This case results in a total cost of only 17.2 x 103 mills/kwhr. · It is less than the first case because shipment and disposal are postponed an additional 27 years, and the savings reflect the 46% interest. • Table 4 shows that management can be carried out for essentially the same costs in 24-in.-diam pots, but on a different schedule. In the first case, the wastes are calcined in the large vessels after 6-1/2 years liquiů storage, which is the earliest possible time. Since wastes in 24-in.-diam pots cannot be buried in salt according to our criteria at less than 30 years of age, the pots : are stored on-site for 23-1/2 years before shipment and disposal. The total cost for this schedule is 20.0.X 103 mills/kwhr. In the second case, the wastes are stored as liquids in tanks for 30 years, then calcined and shipped immediately to a salt mine. This cost is 17.2 x 10*3 mills/kwhr. - .. . These costs indicate that the least expensive management consists of pro- viding interim liquid or solid storage for 30 years before disposal in salt, and that this could be done for about the same total cost as that for perpetual liquid storage. If for any reason, such as safety, it were desired to carry out the schedule with the least practical delay, we would expect to pay about 20% more. .. 2 . Finally, although the engineering development of the rising-level glass process at ORNL has not been carried as far as has pot calcination, we have used our best data to estimate the costs of management by fixation in glass. These costs are summarized in Table 5. Using & thermal conductivity for glass of 1.5 Btu-ft/hr-ft2- F, fixation could be carried out immediately in 12-in.-diam pots. The glass is stored for 30 years before shipment and disposal in salt. The total cost, 14.6 x 10*mills/kwhr, is the cheapest of any so far estimated; 2. . 13 * * * ORNL DWG 65-7854 ㅜㅜ ​* 2 muudatrakcioni CALCINATION IN 9 . . -6-in. Diam. Pots -12-in. Diam. Pots 24-in. Diam. Pots r 00 , COST (10 mills/KWH) 0 SHIPMENT 1000 MILES -6- and 12-in. Diam. Pots -24-in. Diam. Pots II :.: . . : 0 10 5 15 20 25 AGE OF WASTE (yr) 30 35 ..!'. Fig. 7. Costs of Calcination and Shipment as a function of Age of Waste . - - - - - - ... -. . WI. CL. ORNL DWG 65-7855 12-in. Diam. Pots COST (10*° mills/KWH) 6-in. Diam. Pots- 24-in. Diam. Pots . ctºll. Vidul. POTS . . . . . 30 35 . 10 15 20 25 AGE OF WASTE AT BURIAL (yr) . 1 - - - -- - - K mo... ooo.... . .sedan - Fig. 8. Costs of Disposal in Salt as a function of Age of Waste at Burial S . . . meie Simonsen - odor-iarnevernement - "TE meget . .. Ca S 1 + covery ones Parvepois L . ..... - . - Table 3. Management Costs in Thousandths of a Mill Per Hectrical Kwhr for Acid Purex and Thorex Wastes Interim Solid Storage Time and Age of Waste at Time of Shipment and Disposal in Salt Management Operation 3 Years : 30 Years 10.7 Interim Liquid Storage Pot Calcination in 6-in.-diam Pots Interim Solid Storage Shipment (2000 miles RT). Disposal in Salt 10.7 1.7 · 4,4 0.4 1.7 : 6.2 1.7 Total 20.3 17.2 1. '. m - 1. ... .... - - . . . . . . . ientramento . . * .. - .. . - . *. . ..- - - 1 1 . - i. . iii. . . . Table 4. Management Costs in Thousandths of a Mill Per Electrical Kwhr for Acid Purex and Thorex Wastes --. . Management Operation Interim Liquid Storage Time 6-1/2 Years 30 Years 10.5 13.2 1.8 Interim Liquid Storage Pot Calcination in 24-in.-diam Pots Interim Solid Storage Shipment (2000 miles RT) Disposal in Salt : 4.4 2.9 0.2 0.2 2.0 2.0 Total 20.0 17.2: . integrering on spontano personaggio Table 5. Management Costs in Thousandths of a Mill Per Hectrical Kwhr for Purex and Thorex Glass Management Operation Cost 8.0 4.4 ; Interim liquid storage Fixation in 12-in.-diam pots Interim solid storage 30 years Shipment (2000 miles RT). Disposal in salt Total 14.6 Lotto ones.. din . and.Sc .-. . imam . 28 . . but in all fairness, it is the least certain. Such potential troubles as higher corrosion rates, lower production rates, or lower effective thermal conductivity of the glassy products could affect this cost adversely. In conclusion, I would like to point out that, while we have realized for some time that waste management by these operations, most of which are still in & competitive nuclear power economy, it 18 only recently that we have been able to show that this work can be justified on an economic basis as well as from considerations of safety: BIBLIOGRAPHY R. L. Bradshaw, J. J. Perona, J. T. Roberts, and J. 0. Blomeke, Evaluation of Ultimate Disposal Methods for Liquid and Solid Radioactive Wastes. I. Interim Liquid Storage, USAEC Report ORNL-3128, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, August 1961. - -- - - -- - J. J. Perona, R. L. Bradshaw, J. T. Roberts, and J. 0. Blomeke, Evaluation of Ultimate Disposal Methods for Liquid and Solid Radioactive Wastes. II. Conversion to Solid by Pot Calcination, USAEC Report ORNL-3192, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, September 1961. -- - - - - 3. J. 0. Blomeke, J. J. Perona, H. 0. Weeren, and R. L. Bradshaw, Evaluation of Ultimate Disposal Methods for Liquid and Solid Radioactive Wastes. III. In- terim Storage of Calcined Solid Wastes, USAEC Report ORNL-3355, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, October 1963. 4. J. J. Perona, R. L. Bradshaw, J. 0. Blomeke, and J. T. Roberts, Evaluation of Ultimate Disposal Methods for Liquid and Solid Radioactive Waste8. IV. Ship- ment of calcined Solids, USAEC Report ORNL-3356, Oak Ridge National laboratory, October 1962. . J. J. Perona, J. 0. Blomeke, R. L. Bradshax, and J. T. Roberts, Evaluation of Ultimate Disposal Methods for Liquid and solid Radioactive Wastes. V. Effects of Fission Product. Removal on Costs of Waste Management, USAEC Report ORNL-3357, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, June 1963. , R. L. Bradshaw, J. J. Perona, and J. 0. Blomeke, Evaluation of intimate Diga posal Methods for Liquid and Solid Radioactive Wagtes. VI. Disposal of Solid Wastes in Salt Media, USAEC Report ORNL-3358, in preparation. 7. intended in i the teater J. J. Perona, R. L. Bradshaw, and J. O. Blomeke, Comparative Costs for Final Disposal of Radioactive Solids in Concrete Vaults, Granite, and Salt Forma- tions, USAEC Report ORNI-TM-664, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, October 1963. J. O. Blomeke, E. J. Frederick, R. Salmon, and E. D. Arnold, The Costs of Permanent Disposal of Power-Reactor Fuel-Processing Wastes in Tanks, USABC Report ORNL-2873, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, September 1965. 8. wo m an . . - -- - --- - List of Figures Fig. 1. Management of High-Activity Wastes Fig. 2. Layout of Waste Storage Tank Farm Fig. 3. Savannah River Type Waste Storage Tank Fig. 4. Cost of Acid Waste Storage as a function of Tank Capacity, Tank Life, and Method of Financing for (a) Case 1, Government Ownership; Case 2, Private and Government Ownership; and (b) Case 3, Private Ownership. Cost of Alkaline Waste Storage as a Function of Tank Capacity, Tank Life, and Method of Financing for (a) Case 2, Government Ownership; Case 2, Private and Government Ownership; and (b) Case 3, Private Ownership Costs of Interim Storage of Acid Wastes as a Function of Storage Time Fig. 7. Costs of Calcination and Shipment as a function of Age of Waste 14 0 . Fig. 8. Costs of Disposal in Salt as a function of Age of Waste at Burial 15 SE a n - in meiner . 7 END DATE FILMED 3/ 9 /66 SM