. TOF ORNL P 1858 EEEEEEE 11:25 .4ILLE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 :os ORNA P-1858 Conf- 6512/0-1 MASILA . . JAN 10 1999 KELDASID FOR ANNOUNCMENT QUANTIFICATION OF SCAN RECORDS C. C. Harris IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Clinical scanning 18 sufficiently valuable that many persons are ex- pressing a desire for scan information in excess of that provided by a qualitative portrayal of the distribution of a radioactive tracer. It 18 becoming quite comuon for a physician interpreting a clinical scan record to ask, "How much less was the counting rate, in the region of this area of depressed activity, compared to its surroundings? I can see that it was less, but how much less was it? Moreover, how did the total activity of the pool compare with a reasonable uptake?" This is a Good Thing. A decade ago, there arose an idea that a scan of a patient's neck, 24 hours after he had been given some radioactive iodine by mouth, could be related quantitatively to the "24-hour thyroid uptake". The concept ran into many objections immediately; it was criticized by many who used words such as "attenuation", "collimator isoresponse plots", "self-absorption", etc. Now, in retrospect, these objections don't make a lot of sense, but at the time they were sufficient to cause many persons to lose interest :. in the idea that scanning with a moving detector could result in a competent quantitative measurement. As a result of this, and of the growing desire for a better "picture", new developments in commercial scanning equipment .. "Research sponsored by the U. 8. Atomic Energy Commission under contract LEGAL NOTICE with Union Carbide Corporation. This report we prepared a an account of Government sponsored work. Malther the United state, sor the Commission, nor may pornou acting on behall at the Commission: A. Yakes may warranty or representation, axproud or implied, will respect to the acou- . i racy, completescue, or wofalnous of the information contained in this report, or that the une of any information, appurata, method, or prooos disclowed in the report may not interno privately owned righto; or D. Agmumu nay llabuhay with respect to the une of, or for damage roouldnt from the un da information, appunts, Bethod, or produse diolandia the report. Ao wood in the abort, "person acting a behall of the Commiaston" Amolados y « į ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employw at much contractor, to the adent that toch employs or contractor of the Commission, or employu o much contractor propers, decontantes, or provides soconto, any taformation parmant to Wo employment or contrast with the commission, or in employment with much contractor. ws DETROA, U .. .." 2 7 .11 . V AL. . . '- - . . . - . 2 . - .. .. : tended to stress qualitative records, with no more than the minimum necessary regard for quantitative results. A scanning "systom" no longer included a scaler that could be used to record total counts, though if it were desired one could count the "dots on the record". Fortunately, the idea did not die out entirely; many persons kept the quantitative aspect alive in their development work in scanning, though ad- mittedly many worried about the competency of the measurement in an absolute sense and tended to regard their data as quantitative only in a relative sense. There is much more to quantitative scanning than use of counting-rate information; the use of total counts and spatial integration shows up remark- ably often in the development work reported at the IAEA's Athens scanning symposium in 1964 (1). The result of this obstinacy on the part of the "scaming fraternity" 18 that now, in 1965, the clinical usefulness of scanning is being greatly enhanced by the return to the concept of scanning as a quantitative measurement. I would like to discuss the relationship between scanning and a static measurement, e.g. a "thyroid uptake", to show that they are equally quanti- tative. Then, it would be useful to consider some of the things, both simple and complicated, that can be done in storage and manipulation of scan data. "Static" Counting of Radioactivity in vivo When we count, with a stationary detector, a pool of radioactivity in vivo, and consider the result an accurate measure of the radioactivity in the pool, we assume that the measurement 18 a proper summation of the couts from each olomeat of volume in the detector's field of view. I the detector 18 a right circular cylinder, the counting rate for each 12- finitesimal volume 18 given with little error, by: :"> 11 . . . . . When .. .. . ---• • . .. - - - 3 - *+ ()(av)(€)() * - (pave) 4(COSO) Eq. 1 16 In this expression, n is the fractional solid angle subtended by the detector as seen from the source; p 18 the emitted photon density in photons per second » per/ unit volume (unit volume chosen small enough that self-absorption 18 not significant); av 18 the elemental volume 3 : 18 the peak efficiency of the detector at the energy of the given photons (we assume here that no scattered photons are recorded); D. 18 the diameter of the crys- tal, x 18 the distance from source to detector; u 18 the linear attoniation coefficient of the source medium (assumed to be essentially homogenous); z 18 the path length, in the attenuating medium, of the photons in escaping outward to the detector; 8 18 the angle between the detector axis and a line from the center of the face of the crystal to the source. To make an accurate measurement of the total activity in a body pool, we must contrive to make the detector sum up the contribution from each elemental source, each having its own X, its own 2, and its ow cos , thus : Total coints = sum of all rates x time - Ert. Die2i cos Eq. 2 I av 16 where n is the number of the elemental sources. In the situation of the usual thyroid uptake measurement, conditions are such that a reasonably proper summation 18 made. Of course, since e le varies considerably, and"... since we really cannot avoid recording some scattered radiation, we make 1 . . . . . . . E . . 4 . this a comparative measurement, and use additional stops to determine the "uptake". (Where the pool 18 not much larger, if any, than the detestor area, and the detector 18 reasonably distant, the quantity cos e can be con- sidered as 1.0. The "B flltor method" compensates for cos 6 offects from extra-thyroidal lodine.) In spite of the impossibility or confirming this by measuring each X, 2, and cos , 1t 18 easy to believe that a properly conducted "thyroid uptake measurement" 18 a quite acceptable quantitative a88essment of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland. Now, consider an upcake-type measurement done with a collimated detec- tor such as the gamma camera of Anger or the Autofluoroscope of Bender, 10- stead of an "open" crystal with only outside collimation. This again re.. sults in a proper summation of responses to activities within the field of view of the detector. It 18 true, of course, that a given region of the detector may be "seeing" only a part of the group of source elements, but counts from all parts of the detector go into the total. It is just the same as using a multiplicity of counting systems, recording la parallel. Thus, the only difference between using conventional thyroid uptake equipe: ment and using a stationary scanner is that in the latter situation we re- quire that the detected photons enter through a sieve (and from this we obtain spatial information). If, instead of a parallel-channel collimated gamma camera or the Auto- fluoroscope, a detector with a focused collimator for moving-detector scanning were to be used, it would also yield a proper summation of responses for the source elements that it could "see". Of course, while stationary it would thus normally see only a small part of a thyroid gland and would thus pro.. vide only part of the desired measurement. The point 18 that it, too, con be considered a multiplicity of detection systems, recording in parallel. . . -.- ancor - - 5 It 16 interesting to compare the expresrions for canting rates from simple sources for the thron systems we have considered. These are given for a point source in air. Open crystal, point source on crystal axis at distance x: . : i . 3 Gamma camera, paralle).-channel collimator, source at distance F from crystal:* p av 161 (T 18 collimator transmission, R 18 resolution radius as defined by Anger (2).) Focused, point source on axis at focus, distance † from crystal: pa Eq. 5 16 .1 (T 18 collimator transmission, assuming that the response of the de- tector 18 the same for photons entering through any hole.) Nomenclature 18 as used in Equations 1 and 2. The transmission" for . the open crystal 18 considered to be one, or 100%. In Eq. 4, R 18 effectively the radius of the area of the crystal illuminated by the source. Thus, these expressions have not only the same form, but the same content as well. * This is a rearrangement of Anger's expression for sensitivity (2), and the conversion 18 shown in reference 3. Crystal diameter does not appear since the derivation required that it be large enough to cover the region seen through the collimator from a point at distance F. * Weronica. din.. .......... ............. .. .. .. .. . .... .. ........... me moment - w .. ... . .. .6. Expressions for counting rates from uniform shoet sources and homogenous volume sources also bear the same resemblance to each other. The Quantitative Nature of Movlag-Detector Scan Data The equivalence of the three systems doscribed, for stationary counting, should now be apparent. If we can believe that a "thyroid uptake" measure- ment with an open crystal can be quantitative, we can also believe that the same measurement with a gamma camera or Autor luoroscope is equally quantita.,. : tive. The thing that might not be as obvious 18 that the moving-detector scanner does the same job; it moves over a pool of radioactivity at . .. i c. ...- ..... - . . in : N ... ... constant linear speed, counts what it sees, and moves on to another region of the pool. . It is true that distance, angles, and attenuation lengths undergo at least moderate changes while a given element of a pool source 18 vibible to the detector, but these can be considered to be changes in detection efficiency Moreover these changes are well-behaved, in that as a moving detector be- gins to see a given source element the efficiency increases, passes through some maximum, then decreases as the source element moves out of the field of view, doing 80 by retracing in reverse the increase that occurred 28 the source came into view. So, as the detector moves over a collection of source elements, the total counts obtained are proportional tu the activity present in exactly the same manner as are the total counts from a stationary scanner, or from a stationary "thyroid counter". . The quantitative value of cowts from a scanner, moving or stationary, 18 reinforced by the fact that, as long as the scan completely covers the target, the total counts recorded are independent of source distance (3). This fact 18 virtually independent of collinator type, mchanged by such things as 1soresponse plots and can be confirmed easily by the reader. This . . . . . 2 1 . - - -9- is very important and one of the things it tells us is that, in a thyroid scan, cach tiny element of the gland will put a certain number of counts on the record, regardless of its distance from the focal plane of the collinator! It an element happens to lie in the path of the focal plane, the counts due to that elemeut will be distributed in an area on the record the size of the resolution circle at focus. If the focal plane 16 pussed above or below the same element, the same number of counts will be recorded, but they will be spread over a larger portion of the record. It would appear that the idea of a decade ago that the total counts in a thyroid could be related to the thyroid uptake" real].y had some merit. If a scanner had some means -- other than dots on the record -- of record- ing total counts, more use could be made of the inherently quantitative nature of scan data. Though we chose here to talk about a thyroid scan (because the thyroid 18 a convenient example of a body pool), the concept 18 extendable to any other type of pool or collection of radioactive sources. ......... . .... Storage of Quantitative Scan Data . dan - So far we have been reassuring ourselves that scan data 1s really quantitative. Once that is done, the next step in quantification of scan records 18 to store the data so that the quantitative nature, which necessar- 1ly includes position data, 18 preserved. The Digital Autofluoroscope comes with this provision built in, and we won't worry about it. At present the gamma camera uses total counts and 4 picture record, but this 1. provides quantitative data (4); in addition some of the methods, for extract- ing quantitative data from scan records from moving-detector scanners can be used with the camera. Therefore the discussion wil1 be confined to the moving-detector scanner - ini t -- erdiri .. . . .. . - 8. Certainly the most alégant (and proper) way to record scan data 16 to record the counts, as they come in, on a coordinate system without any arti- ficial constraint (5). Ideally, each count should have, in this coordinate system, a mique address; furthermore, this address should be identical with the location of the axis of the collimator at acquisition, for niaime pre- prejudice of data. (It is true that some false information 1. recorded by : making the address the same as the location of the collimator axis, but any other way of recording adds even more false information. In this situation , the elegant way 18 also the expensive way, but it will come some day. In the meantime, much clinical scanning can be made more useful with simpler forms of quantitative data storage. Some of the recording or storage means that might be used are: 1. One or more scalers for recording counts from an entire pool... . 2. Recording of discrete counts on the scan "picture". 3. Storage of the number of counts in picture elements, one at.a time. 4. Recording the address of the detector at count acquisition. (The existence of a stored address indicates the presence of a count.) The first of these is easy to do, if there 18 a scaler in the scanning system, and can be clinically very useful. For example, it has been shown that macro-aggregated albumin I-131 scan data can be analyzed to provide a reliable alternative to the more difficult differential oxygen uptake method for estimation of relative pulmonary artery blood flow to each limg ...: (6.7). Recording of such data with scaling equipment can be as simple or as complicated as one chooses. Some persons scan one side of the chest and record total counts, and then do the same for the other side. The scalers, one storing counts from each side of the chest can be programmed .. ::.......... 1 . .. 1... ' - 21 : ir .. . . 1 . - 9 - by the scan motion itself (6). A scaler and line printor can be used to record counts on each scan sweep, from each lung (8). Actually, the recording method in this clinical situation could be any of the four methods listed above, depending on total laformation desired and deponding on equipment availability. The important point is that here to a situation (and there seem to be many others) where analysis of quantitative scan data, in addition to the usual qualitative picture, has been clinically useful. Another impor- tant point 18 that data should be stored in such a manner that the retrieved Information retains enough integrity for the clinical task at hand. In . view of the increasing usefulness of selective integration of regional data (7), it would appear that storage and retrieval methods that retain the maximm information possible will be the methods of choice, in spite of their complexity and expense. The storage of counts in a picture element by punching paper tape (7) or by numerical means on an x-y coordinate system (9) 18 coming in for a certain amount of attention. This method has the disadvantage that it necessarily prejudices the stored data, but if the picture element 18 sufficiently small it is a reasonable compromise between cost and useful retrieval of clinically meaningful data. Observed detail cannot be finer than a picture element, so there is danger in making the element too large. On the other hand, if the element is very small, a larger, composite ele- ment can be constructed by integration as needed. Computers are very adept at this job. Bopefully, as the use of computers increases, even the small constraint of pre-choosing a picture element can be eliminated. It will probably turn out that quite a bit can be done with scan data, even when a scan picture 18 the only record, provided that the recording i - 10 - Itselt 18 reasonably quantitative. The old dot pattern was not the castest record in the world to interpret by eyeball, but it was reasonably quanti- tative. One could always count the dots (spatial integration) wless' necessary Information was missing because of Mackground erase". Of course, the more discrete the appearance of a count, the less Information will be lost in retrieval. To us, a discrete-dot can record (3), 16 interesting because 1t 18 inexpensive, can be made to look as if it were printed with a "gaussian": spot" by viewing it through a $1.00 piece of non-glare glass (10), and it . retains reasonably good quantitative integrity. In addition, from it can be produced quantitative 18ocount contour maps by rescanning (11). Bender and Blau (12) used a discrete-dot record to quantify the dynamics of the passage of Hippuran 1-131 through renal cortex, medulla, and pelvis. Even analog photorecording retains some quantitative properties, when the trouble has been taken to relate density to counting rate, and can be analyzed by densitometer or rescanner. : A survey of the remarkable things that can be accomplished by opera- : tions on scan data that has been retrieved from storage in good order iş beyond the scope of this paper. Kuhl (7) has discussed some of these oper- ations, including smoothing random fluctuations, data bounding, spatial averaging, isocount line generation and differentiation processes :: A subtraction process by Schepers and Winkler (Ref. 1, PP 321-329) 18 very interesting. Summary The information obtained by use of moving-detector and stationary scanners is considerably more quantitatiye than popularly believed over the last decade. The clinical usefulness of scan information can be greatly enhanced by proper storage of these data for subsequent retrieval and Whendevido a . - o ... - 11 - manipulation. The use of computers provides a means of storage, retrieval, and manipulation. Simpler methods are also possible and very useful. The intelligent use of scan information requires the maximum possible use of the quantitative aspect and no means, however simple, should be overlooked. - 1. 4 . Win NT • 12 - . . $ , . . . . .. ::. per References 1. Medical Radioisotope Scanning, Proceedings of a Symposium held by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Athens, April 1964, Vol. I, IAEA, Vienna, 1964. 2. Anger, 1. O., Scintillation camera with multichannel collimators, J. Nuclear Med. 5:515-531, July 1964. 3. Barris, C. C., Satterfield, M. M., Rose, D. A. and Bell, P. R., Recti. linear vs. stationary scanners, (10) A Symposium on Frumdamental Prob- lems in Scanning, Chicago, May 8-9, 1965, Charles C: Thomas, Springfield, Ill., (in press). 4. Myers, W. G., Dynamic studies with a gamma-ray scintillation camera (10) Reference 1, pp 377-390. 5. Bell, P. R., personal communication Dec. 1964. Lopez-Majono, V., Chernick, V., Wagner, H.N. Jr., and Dutton, R. E., Comparison of radioisotope scanning and differential oxygen uptake of the lungs, Radiology, 83:697-698, October 1964. 7. Kuhi, D. E., and Edwards, R. Q., Digital techniques for on-site scan data processing, (in) A Symposium on Fundamental Problems in Scanning, Chicago, May 8-9, 1965, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, n., (in press). 8. Friedman, W., National Institutes of Health, pers. comm. Nov. 1965. 9. . Laughlin, J. 8., Kenney, P. J., Corey, K. R., Greenberg, E., and Weber, D. A., Localization and total body high-energy gamma-ray scanning studies in cancer patients, (10) Reference 1, pp 253-272.. 20. Anger, 8. O., VanDyke, D. C., Gottschalk, A., Yano, Y., and Schaor, L.R., The scintillation camera in diagnosis and research, Nucleonics 23:57-62,*** January 1965. - - -- ........... .................................................................... - 13 - ..: 11. Harris, C. C., Satterfield, M. M., Uchiyama, G., and Kimble, H.E., A "rescanner" with photographic color readout, to be published in J. Nuclear Med.. 12. Bender, M. A., and Blau, M., 'The Autofluoroscope, Nucleonics 21:52-56, October 1963. .. 1 AI ( L ' 1 1 . . AI 1 1 74 1 3 . . . . . 1. . . 43 . TA . ' .. . 1.. . DATE FILMED 2 / 18 /66