! A . . 1 I OF L ORNL P 1793 a .. . 1 . s 45 Wit SSO 196 . : MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 Orru-p-1792 cost- 651118-4 MASTER NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS DEC 2 1 1965 RIMEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN MUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS LEGAL NOTICE This roport me prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Walther the United Stalou, wor the Commission, nor any person acting on behall of the commandon: A. Makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or i nabolness of the talormation contained in this report, or that the man ol kay lalormation, apparatu, pothod, or procou Hincloued in this report may not latriage B. Assumes any Habituas with respect to the one of, or for denne rumuding from the un of any information, apparatos, enthod, o procesu diecloud u thuis reporte As used in the abovo, "carma esttag on behalf of the Commission" buchedos ay ako ployee or contractor of the Commiseks, or employw of much contractor, to the actuat that such employm or coatractor of the Commission, or employee ol mucha contractor preparne, disseminatas, or provides accouo to, any lalormation pronunat to his employur. or contract with the Commission, or his omployment with such cooractor. privatoly owned recta; or COULOMB EXCITATION R. L. Robinson Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Coulomb excitation, which is effected by bombarding nuclei with charged particles, results from the electra- magnetic field of the projectile acting on the nucleus. Since this long-range interaction is well understood, the theory has , · been highly developed. The excitation probability predicted by the theory contains a nuclear matrix element which is i- dentical to that appearing in the transition rate of the gamma · ray from the excited state to the ground state. It is this : fact which has made Coulomb excitation a valuable method for ascertaining information about spins and parities of states in stable nuclei. For most studies the probability for excitation of a nucleus in a single encounter with a projectile has been : small. The cross section is then adequately determined by the first order perturbation theor. The cross sections for electric multipole excitation are given by orga = Cipta fl-2 [E - ( A2.) QE]-2 B(En)ex fin (5). (1) The value of the constant ce depends on the mass A, and. charge 2, of the projectile and Ag and Z, of the target nucleus. E and AE are the energies of the projectile and ex- cited state, respectively. To avoid the complication of nuclear interactions, E needs to be kept well below the Coulomb barrier. Values for the function in ) can be found in several references. Its argument & is defined by • 2,22€ (1 11 5=hltet! where V, and ve are the velocities of the projectile before and after excitation of the target nucleus. The reduced E ' - * NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS transition probabillity for excitation, B(ER) , is related to the B(en), of the gamma ray from the excited state, I, to the ground ståte, Ic, by B(ER)ex = 2X+11 B(ER) a (3) The only two unknowiis in Eq. (1) are B(EN), and AE. The latter can easily be determined by a study of the ensuing gamma rays or conversion electrons. Thus, an investigation of the cross section can be used to determine the multipolarity and magnitude of B(ER). The multipole order à in turn pro- vides information about the spins through the relation .. 11.-I/ 515 1.+1. (4) - - Furthermore, knowledge of the multipolarity uniquely relates the relative parity of the ground state and excited state. The cross sections calculated from Eq. (1) for i = 1 to 4 for a hypothetical case are given in Fig. 1. These are for excitation with alpha particles of a state at 500 keV of ap- propriate spin and parity in a nucleus with As = 112 and zo = 48. This figure also contains cross sections predicted for M and M2 excitation. Single-particle values were taken for the reduced transition probabilities. Because of the radiative background encountered experi- mentally, Coulomb excitation of a level is observed only if the cross section is greater than about 10 ub. Then for the example given in Fig. 1, Coulomb excitation would only be dis- cernible for the El, E2, and E3 multipolarities. However, ex- citation via other raultipolarities could also be detected if B(MI), B(M2), and B(E4) were sufficiently enhanced over the single-particle estimates. The enhancement for B(MI) would need to be about 10%. Also ML excitation would compete with El excitation except for the spin sequence of - it and and would generally require a still greater enhance- ment to cause a noticeable change from pure E2 excitation. Thus, investigators involved in Coulomb excitation studies have normally not considered explicitly the Mi mode. The same argument has been applied to M2 and Et excitation. However, neglect of these multipolarities is founded on a possibly fal- lacious assumption that all B(MI)'s, B(M2)'s, and B(E+)'s are not large compared to the single-particle estimate sumption could cause the unusual situation, such as an unheard-of strongly enhanced M transition, to be wrongly terpreted. ................. : : C NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS The vast majority of Coulomb excited states have been populated by the E2 mode. Although the cross section for El excitation is appreciably larger when single-particle values are taken for the BCE 's, only one case of an El excitation has been positively identified. 3 Perhaps this is because El rates are so strongly hindered. This is certainly true for the El rates which have been measured. Another reason may be that few low-lying states, and therefore those which are ac cessible to Coulomb excitation, have a spin which meets the necessary conditions of I 102B(MI).., B(El) > B(El) .ne etc., there are assign- ments based on cotlomb excitation Work which should be re- examined. The author wishes co express his appreciation to Drs. F. K. McGowan and P. H. Stelson for their critical reading of the rianuscript, i ci si References 1. K. Alder, A. Bohr, T. Huus, B. Mottelson, and A. Winther, Revs. Modern Phys. 28, 432 (1956). 2. These are listed in Table I of the reference: P. H. Stelson and F. K. McGowan, fnn. Rev. Nuclear Sci. 13, 163 (1963). R. Sherr, c. W. Li, and R. F. Christy, Phys. Rev. 96, 1258 (26954). 4. B. Elbek, G. Igo, F. S. Sternens, and R. M. Diamond, in Proc. Second Conf. on Reactions between Complex Nuclei, ed. by A. Zucker, F. T. Howard, and E. C. Halbert (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1960), p. 102. R. M. Diamond, B. Elbek, G. Igo, and F. S. Stephens, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Structure, ed. by D. A. Bromley and E. W. Vogt (University of Toronto Press, 1960), p. 563. R. L. Robinson, F. K. McGowan, and P. H. Stelson, Phys. Rev. 134, 567 (1964). Nuclear Data Sheets, Nuclear Data Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. nic i unveri c ilmente 9 NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS 8. F. K. McGowan and P. H. Stelson, Phys. Rev. 106, 522 (1957.. 9. F. K. McGowan and P. H. Stelson, Phys. Rev. 109, 901 (1958). R. L. Robinson, F. K. McGowan, and P. H. Stelson, Phys. Rev. 125, 1373 (1962). P. H. Steilson and F. K. McGowan, Phys. Rev. 12.1, 209 (1961); Phys. Rev. 126, 257 (1962). D. Eccleshall, B. M. Hinds, and M. J. L. Yates, Nucl. Phys. 32, 190' (1962). D. Eccleshall, B. M. Hinds, M. J. I. Yates, and N. MacDonald, Nucl. Phys. 37, 377 (1962). 14. W. Bygrave, D. Eccleshall, and M. J. L. Yates, Nucl. Phys. 53, 385 (1964). F. K. McGowan, R. L. Robinson, P. H. Stelson, and J. L. C. Ford, Jr., Nuci. Phys. 66, 97 (1965), ard private communication. A. E. Litherland and A. J. Ferguson, Can. J. Phys. 39, 788 (1961). . 17. F. 3. Stephens, Jr., R. M. Diamond., and I. Perlman, Phys. Rev. Letters 3, 435 (1959). R. M. Diamond, B. Elbek, and F. S. Stephens, Nucl. Phys. . 43, 560 (1963). K. Alder and A. Winther, Kgl. Danske Videnskab Selskab, Mat.-fys. Meda. 32, No. 8 (1960). K. Alder, Proc. Third Cení. on Reactions between Complex Nuclei, ed. by A. Ghiorsi, R. M. Diamond, and H. E. Conzett (University of California Press, 1963), p. 253. J. de Boer, G. Goldring, and H. Winkier, Phys. Rev. 134, B1032 (1964). Y. Yoshizawa, B. Elbek, B. Herskind, and M. C. Olesen, . Proc. Third Conf. on Reactions between Complex Nuclei, ed. by A. Ghiorsi, R. M. Diamond, and H. E. Conzett (University of California Press, 1963) p. 289. 23. 0. Hansen and 0. Nathan, Nucl. Phys. 42, 197 (1963). 24. D. G. Alkhazov, Yu. P. Gangrskii, I. Kh. Lemberg, and Yu. I. Udralov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz. 28, 232 (1964). Figure Captions Fig. 1. Cross sections predicted by the first order pertur- bation theory with reduced transition probabilities equal to single-particle estimates. Fig. 2. Relative probability for excitation of a 500-keV state with alpha particles. ! NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS Fig. 3. Relative probability for excitation of a 250-keV state with alpha particles. Fig. lt. Relative differer:ial cross sections for the ine- lastic scattering of 9.-MeV alpha particles to a 500-keV state in a nucleus with Zo = 48. Fig. 5. Two schemes which apart from particle parameters will give the same angular distribution. Fig. 6. Relative yields of gamma rays from a thick target following double E2 excitation of a 1000-keV state of spin I. Fig. 7. Comparison of the excitation of rotational states in deformed nuclei with theory (taken from ref. 21). R. is the total de-excitation of the level with spin I as- measured in coincidence with oxygen ions scattered through an average angle of 160°. X depends on the B(E2) for the 0 - 2 excitation and projectile energy. The predictions of the multiple excitation theory are given by dashed lines for 5 = 0,0 = 160°, and continuous lines for 0 = 180°. END . constitu SA DATE FILMED 1 / 20 / 66 .. .