. - i į a • 1 + in I OF I ORNLP 1787 . . ! . S . ' . 156 E . 86 L25 .4 |L6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNVA 1787 Conf.651101-49 ! Here at CALCULATED FLUXES OF LESS THAN 50-MeV NEUTRONS DIFFUSING BENEATH THE SHIELD OF A MESON PRODUCTION FACILITY* TEC 21 1965 W. E. Kinney Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee RMTASDD FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Introduction: In a facility for producing mesons in large quantities, protons of high energy, e.g. 800 MeV, impinge on a target and the mesons are produced as a result of intranuclear processes. Lower energy protons and neutrons also result from the nuclear interactions. These radiations present a hazard to personnel as well as to equipment and so adequate shielding must be provided. Approximate methods have been used to estimate the fluxes of secondary particles coming through the shiela, , but no such methods exist for esti- mating with much confidence the flux of neutrons which are born beneath the shield and diffuse into experimental areas behind it, thus producing an "earthshine" analogous to skyshine. A Monte Carlo calculation was performed in an attempt to estimate the effect of the earthshine in an idealized but useful shield configuration. This is a difficult problem to solve by straightforward Monte Carlo because of the large numbers of mean free paths the neutrons must traverse. Some crude biasing techniques were employed in an effort to improve the results. In this paper the methods used in the calculation are discussed and some results and conclusions are presented. oa: .........na Methods The idealized problem is illustrated in Fig. 1. An isotropic point source of neutrons is located 5 ft above the surface of a semi-infinite L can insentire , medium of SiO2 and 5 ft from the face of a semi-infinite slab of iron, *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. viewing * ; .1: -I- ORNL-DWG 64-1116-lli FIELD POINTS i 5 w - 10 ft - Fe Plu) = (***) * (***) ; x = LARGEST OF 1+1 RANDOM NUMBERS WEIGHT = oto la..)" The Idealized Calculational Model Indicating the Biased Source Distribution and Weight. Fig. 1 SiO2 ... loss cos ZE=4 Hou (med 5 ft 0.5 SOURCE- 1.0 LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sporsorod work. Noither the United States, por the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with rozpoc racy, complotones, or usofulness of the loformation contained in this report, or that the we of any information, apparatus, mothod, or process diaclosed in this roport may not Infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assunor any liabilities with rospect to the use of, or for dumyces resulting from the use of any information, appartus, method, or procesi dicioned in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes may . ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employoe or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor properes, disseminates, or provides access to any information pursuant to his employd wat or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. . . 10 ft thick, resting on the Sioa. The SiO2 density was assumed to be . 1.8 g/cm3 Neutrons and their resulting secondaries of energy greater than 50 MeV are transported through the configuration by means of NTC, a high-energy nucleon transport code. Nuclear interactions are treated by a subroutine 4. version of Bertini's Intranuclear cascade code* which is itself a nucleon transport code on an intranuclear scale. Secondaries of üll energies up to a large fraction of the incident nucleon energy result from the interactions. Neutrons below 50 MeV are put on a tape to be used as sources for the low- energy neutron transport calculation. Nucleons above 50 MeV are transported until they disappear from the system by interaction, by escape, or, in the case of protons, by slowing down. After a nuclear interaction, the residual nucleus is left with excitation energy which is gotten rid of by evaporation processes. So, in addition to the above direct-interaction secondaries, there are evaporation secondaries of energy below 50 MeV. The evaporation neutrons are added to the source tape for the low-energy calculation. The low-energy 'transport is done by 05R,' a general-purpose Monte Carlo neutron transport code. This code rather than NTC must be used below 50 MeV since below this energy the model for nuclear interactions becomes of doubtful validity and neutron elastic scattering, which is neglected in NTC, becomes an important mechanism for energy loss. A 01 Neutrons were started from the source point with 400-MeV energy. It was felt that the most important source neutrons for producing secondaries which would reach the vicinity of the field points would be those emitted near the line which joins the source and the intersection between the nea CA се rear slab face and the earth and which lies in a plane perpendicular to the slab. Accordingly, the source neutrons were highly biased about this direction by picking up, the cosine of the angle between the above-mentioned line and the direction or emission, from the distribution Plu) = (2) (+), where u is the largest of n+1 ranaon numbers. A value of 32 was used for n. This gives an average cosine of 0.945. Since the source is assumed to be isotropic, a weight must be associated with the source neutrons to compensate . for the source biasing. The weight is easily seen to nl \ l te In addition to the source biasing, neutrons were started always at the SiO2 interface. Those neutrons whoses paths lay through the iron simply had their weights multiplied by the iron attenuation factor ezh, where £ is the iron cross section for nuclear interaction and t is the distance the neutron - traveled in the iron. One further biasing technique was employed in an effort to direct neutrons toward the field points. The intranuclear cascade secondary nucleons were biased according to their direction of emission. There was computed the cosine of the angle between the direction of emission and the line joining the collision site with the point at which the rear slab face and earth intersection meets the plane perpendicular to the slab and containing the source. If the cosine was between 0.5 and 1.0, the secondary was accepted. If the cosine lay between 0 and 0.5, the secondary was accepted with prob- ability 0.1 but with its weight multiplied by 10. If the cosine was negative, the secondary was accepted with probability 0.05 but with 20 times its weight. Nine batches of 2000 primary neutrons each were run. The 2000 neutrons produced approximately 5400 neutrons of energy less than 50 MeV. About one hour of IBM 7090 time was required to run each batch. ' 9 2 iiy ti Y +. . . !: ...V - . 5 In an attempt to save time in running the low-energ" calculation, most of the neutrons on the source tape were discarded as being too far from the field points ever to contribute significant).y to the flux. Only neutrons born at a distance greater than about 6 1/2 ft from the front face of the slab and at a depth less than 5 ft in the earth were run in 05R. Approxi- mately 450 out of the 5400 neutrons satisfied these conditions for each batch. O5R was run on the CDC-1604 computer and required approximately 15 min to run the neutrons to 1 keV and write their histories on magnetic tape. Estimates of the fluxes were made by statistical estimation from each collision point using the 05R collision tape. The total contribution to the flux from each neutron was computed to see how many significant contributors there were to each field point. Approximately ll min was required to estimate the fluxes at each field point. Field points were located on the earth sur- face in a plane perpendicular to the iron slab and containing the source point at distances of 0, 5, and 10 ft behind the slab. Results Although fluxes were estimated in energy intervals over the range i keV to 50 MeV, nearly all the contribution was in the I keV to 1 MeV range. The statistics were so poor that it does not seem worthwhile to -- tabulate any but these results. Table I gives the fluxes at the three field points.as estimated from each of the nine batches and the number of neutrons contributing greater than 1% of the flux. Generally, one neutron was responsible for at least 40% of the flux. The average of the nine batches yields 2.7 x 10-10, 3.6 x 1c-11 and 1.4 x 10-11(neutrons/ cm?:)/(source neutron).::for the flux at 0, 5, and 10 ft, respec cively. --- imertinimo c tar in conta obowy now, time to smanandam meminta :: Table I Fluxes in the 1-key to l-MeV Energy Region and the Number of Neutrons Contributing Greater Than 1% at 0, 5, and 10 ft Behind the Shield for Nine Independent Batches 5 ft - - Oft Number Contributing >1% Number Contributing 10 ft Number Contributing >1% Batch Flux Flux >1% Flux 1.5(-11 5.7(-11) 1.11-10) 6.41-21) 9.30-11) 4.61-10) 4.5(-11) 4.81-10) 4.5(-10) 9.51-10) 6.0(-12) 5.21-11) 9.21(-13) 1.5(-12) 1.91-11) dเก่า) 3.7(-13 01-12 Nu Furacana 1.21-10) 5.71-11) 2.01-11 1.3(-22) 3.31(-ií) 9 3.6(-21) 1.4(-11) Avg. 2.7(-10) *5.7(-11) = 5.7 x 10-11. The uncollided flux at 5 f't is 3.9 x 10-15. A very crude but conservative estimate of the flux of neutrons greater than 50 MeV at Oft gives on the - - - - - ... - - - . - . . . order of 10-11(neutrons cm2 Mev”?)/(source neutron), or a total flux of ~10** (neutrons/cm^)/(source neutron). If one considers the radiation hazard of the earthshine and assumes that ~1015 neutrons/sec are produced due to, say, 1 mamp of beam (6.25 x 2015 protons/sec), then one gets ~105 neutrons cm 2 sec 1 at O ft behind the shield. The average whole-body dose of neutrons of this energy is ~10*8 rads neutronº? cm?, so that one has 10-3 rads /sec = 3.6 r/hr, which is orders of magnitude above the recommended dose to personnel of 7.5 mr/nr for a 40-hr week. . . . . . . .. ... Conclusions This estimate must clearly be regarded as a first attempt at finding a solution to the earthshine problem for neutrons of energy below 50 MeV. , immat Only those few neutrons which the analog process brought near the field points contributed significantly to the fluxes, often only one or two making up most of the flux. mwanamitin The flux estimates are no doubt low, but even so, a radiation hazard exists for the test configuration assuming a source of 1015 neutrons/sec. A more effective biasing technique must be used in the future for deep penetration problems of this type to direct more of the high-energy secon- daries toward the points of interest. References 1. H. B. Knowles, p. 333 in Minutes of the Conrerence on Proton Linear Accelerators Held at Yale University, October 21-25, 1963, TID-7691. 2. R. N. wallace, Muci. Inst. Methods 18/19, 405 (1962). 3. W. E. Kinney, "The Nuclear Transport Code, NTC" ORNL-3610, August, 1964. 4. H. W. Bertini, Phys. Rev. 131, 1801 (1963). 5. R. R. Coveyou et al., "05R, A General Purpose Monte Carlo Neutron Trans- port Code," ORNL-3622, February, 1965. IT . END . . r . TO DATE FILMED 1 / 19 /66 wtry TIC: . 1', ----