1 . . i 1 OF 1 ORNL P 1786 គេ គឺដ EE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 I . .... ... I err P 17986 Nf.65118-3 III (To be presented at the Conference on Bases for Nuclear Spin-Parity Assignments, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, November 11-13) ORNL - AEC - OFFIC:AL RETTASKD DUR ANIKLOUN VUOSIENI IN MICLIMAR SCIENCE ABSTRACT: DEC 21 m BETA AND GAMMA TRANSITION PROBABILITIES* I : N.B. Gove, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee No Studies of beta transitions sometimes give information on the spin difference and parity difference between two nuclear states. If the transition can be categorized as superallowed, allowed, first-forbidden, second-forbidden, or third-forbidden, then the spin change and parity change are restricted as shown in Table I. The beta tran- sition probability is often given as the "comparative half-life," or log10 ft, where t ies is the half-life in seconds and f depends on nuclear charge, energy available, and type of transition (B™, B+, or €). The definition of f is given in several review papers, e.g., Konopinski and Rosel. Empirical studies of log ft distribution lead to histograms of the type shown in Fig. 1, prepared by Gleit, Tang, and Coryella. The basic data for such histograms are those transitions for which the spin-parity change is known from evidence other than log ft. These establish that the lowest log ft's correspond to allowed and superallowed ce transitions. The addition of cases supported by plausibility arguments plus low log ft does not greatly change the mean and variance of the histogram for allowed transitions2. Figs. 2 and 3 show histograms for different mass regions. These can be used to find whether a given log ft value is rare or common in a given mass region. For example, . *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL SEEK...?! Fig. 3 shows that a first-forbidden log ft of 5.7 would be a surprise in the A = 70 to ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 119 region, but not in the 170 to 219 region. We note some A-dependence in the dis- tribution pattern of first-forbidden log ft's. At log ft = 7.3 there is a local minimum in the partern for A = 70 to 119, but a maximum in the pattern for 120 to 179. For allowed transitions, Fig. 2 shows that the most probably log ft increases steadily as one goes to heavy mass regions. Also, the shape of the distribution pattern changes markedly for the heavy mass regions. This may be due to the fact that at high. A beta decay always involves a change in the major shell. The largest log ft's for allowed transitions be!ong to 152Eu (10.6) and 205B1 (9.5). See Reference 3. In all roass regions there are some high log ft's for allowed transitions. There- fore, observation of a high log ft does not prove that the transition is forbidden. Simi- larly, non-observation of a transition does not prove forbiddenness. Fig. 4 is adapted from Gleit et al. 2 and shows a histogram of log fit for unique first-forbidden transitions where fq is defined as in Reference 1. The log fịt's are nearly all between 8.0 and 9.0. Two unique first-forbidden transitions have been re- .... .. ported with remarkably low log ft values. They are bº transitions from 177 Lu, log . ... fqt = 7.1, Eg = 0.249, Reference 4 and from 175Yb, log fit = 5.8, Eg = 0.217, Refer- ence 5. .... Most transitions with log ft less than 4.0 are superallowed with AJ = 0. Excep- ..: Mik tions are AJ = 1 transitions from 6He (2.9), 10C (3.0), 140 (3.5), 18F (3.6), 18Ne (2.9), r 114in (3.3), and 66Ni (3.9). All are reasonably well established except the case of 1147n. 2 The present collection of data shows no exception to the following statement: Transitions enoterades w with log ft < 4 in odd-A nuclei have AJ = 0 and no parity change. VA ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL as winnaar hui s in - ' . ' . ' -3- Most transitions with iog ft < 6 are allowed or superallowed. Exceptions are ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL listed in Table II. Table II shows there exceptions to the following statement: Beta transitions with log ft < 5.8 from nuclei which are not within one nucleon of a closed shell are allowed or supsrallowed. The exceptions are the 2.30 ߺ from 234pa, 0ºto 0+, log ft = 5.5, the 0.021 B- from 241Pu, 5/2+ to 5/2-, log ft = 5.6, and the 0.387 Bº from 244 Am. There are no known exceptions to the following statement: All transitions with log ft < 10.6 are allowed or first-forbidden. Fig. 5 shows a histogram of log ft's from odd-A nuclei in the rare-earth deformed region. Fig. 6 is similar but only transitions for which a reasonable guess can be made for the Nilsson level quantum numbers for both parent and daughter level. One cannot distinguish between allowed, hindered and first-forbidden, unhindered on the basis of log ft alone. Higher degrees of Alaga hindrance do not always lead to higher log ft's. If states with spins Jy and Jy are connected by a gamms transition of multipole order L, a determination of L can give some information on Ji and J2 since conserva- tion of angular momentum requires that fJ1 - J2/SL SJ1 + J2. The multipolarity of a transition indicates both the spin and parit, change involved. There is a parity change for E1, M2, E3 ... transitions but not for Mi, E2 ... transi- . tions. If the gamma is of mixed multipole order, L and L', the above inequality holds for both L and L'. For example, it follows from the above that two states of JT = 1/2+ cannot be connected by an Mi + E2 transition. The half-lives of a few transitions whose multipolarities are fairly certain are plotted in Figs. 7 to 9 as a function of energy along with the Weisskopf single-particle ORNL - TEC - OFFICIAL half-lives6, computed so that the probability of conversion is included7,8. Gamma tran- ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL sitions above the corresponding single-particle curve are "slow" transitions; those below are "fast." .. ...-.-.--.----- ..---------- The multipolarities on these plots seem rether well scattered. Thus, half-life ORMI - AEC - OFFICIAL alone does not fix the multipolarity. Hindrance and enhancen.ent factors are plotted in Figs. 10 to 16. A value of 10° on these graphs corresponds to the Weisskopf single-particle half-life. Gamma rays from anbound states are not included. For these see Wilkinson, Warburton 10, or Bartholomewii. The most striking feature of E1 transitions in Fig. 10 is that they are all blow by a factor of 100 or more. This statement should be doubly qualified; first because gammas from unbound states, some of which are fast, are not included and second be- cause transitions of unknown half-life are not plotted. (This rather obvious statement applied to all the graphs in this paper but is mentioned hore because haif-lives in the region corresponding to the El single-particle value would be difficult to measure.) Another feature of the E1 transitions is the wide spread of hindrance factors. A hindrance of 108 or more no longer seems unusual. . There are isomeric states in 176Yb, 176Hf, and 180w which decay by gammas of unknown multipolarity. In view of examples such as the 4-second two-quusi-particle state in 178Hf it seems possible that these isomers also decay by El gammas retarded by 1010 or more. In contrast with the E1's, the M1 transitions cluster about a hindrance of 102. The region between 10 times and 10-4 times the Weisskopf half-life encloses all but two points on the graph. Statistically, there is a noticeable trend toward the Weisskopf value as energy increases. The graph of E2 transitions is drawn to cover seven orders of magnitude (as com- pared with fourteen for E1). The majority of E2 gammas are enchanced, but there is OKRENUT - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL an appreciable number, 23, of retarded E2's. There appears, statistically speaking, .--.---................. .. .. . ... ali pa se bo motori pohonem ! 6- ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL a "main stream" of fast E2's whose enhancement decreases from 300 to about 10 as ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL E goes from 50 keV to 1.5 MeV. This trend was noted by Grodzins12 for the 2+ to 0+ 8.8. transitions but appears somewhat washed out when all E2's are included. No exceptions are known to the following statement: E2 enhancement factors are less than 1000. M2 transitions are surveyed by Foucher and de Pinho13. Their finding of fast M2's is not confirmed by the present work. Some of the El + M2 gammas used by Foucher and de Pinho were not used in the present M2 graph because of the large un- certainties in the mixing ratios. E3 gammas cluster around a hindrance of 100. There is a statistical trend toward lower hindrances as E, is increased. M3 transitions are well scattered. The M3 transition in 177Hf is not definite. An 0.385 MeV gamma is known with 18 us half-life. A level at 0.385 seems reasonable and the Nilsson state 1/2[510] is available. The transition to the 7/2 514) ground state is then a A-forbidden M3 with enhancement of 1000. Other M3'8 between the same two Nilsson states are in 175yb (hindered by 10), 179Hf (hindered by 30), and 179w (hindered by 1000). M4 gammas cluster very close to the single-particle value, with two exceptions, in 110 Ag and 182Ta. The most enhanced M4 is perhaps that of 93Nb, but the enhance- ment is uncertain due to the large uncertainty in the conversion coefficient. Graphs for E4 and E5 gammas are not given here. There are about five known cases of each, all fairly close to the Weisskopf half-life. See, for example, Goldhaber and Sunyar14 ORNL-TEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Figs. 1 and 4 were adapted from Gleit, Tang, and Coryell2. The other figures were prepared with the help of A. Artna, W.B. Ewbank, C.S. Han, M.J. Martin, ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL S.C. Panchcli, and K. Way, ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Captions for Figures mmmme ORNA -- AEC - OFFICIAL ... Fig. 1. Trequency Histogram for Log ft Values. From Gleit, Tang, and Coryella. .. mim Fig. 2. Log it's for Allowed Transitions in Different Mass Regions. .:. Fig. 3. Log ft's for First-Forbidden Non-unique Transitions in Different Mass Regions. Fig. 4. Log ft's for Unique First-Forbidden Transitions. Each square represents one case, with proto.n and neutron numbers of parent, transition. energy, and intensity. Adopted from Gleit, Tang, and Coryella. Fig. 5. Log ft's for Rare-Earth Deformad Region. Fig. 6. Log ft'for Transitions Involving Known Nilsson States in Rare- Earth Deformed Region. . Fig. 7. Gamma Transition Half-Lives, 2 < 40. The curves show theo- retical values calculated from the Weisskopf formula and theoretical conversion coefficients. The symbols designate experimental values for different multi- polarities (necessary corrections for any branching from the parent level have been made). . . . . . . . . .. . .. . - Fig. 8. Gamma Transition Half-Lives, 40 < 2 365. The curves show theoretical values calculated from the Weisskopf formula and theoretical con- version coefficients. The symbols designate experimental values for different multipolarities (necessary corrections for any branching from the parent level have been made). - - . - - -. - • Fig. 9. Gamma Transition Half-Lives, 2 > 65. The curves show theo- retical values calculated from the Weisskopf formula and theoretical conversion coefficients. The symbols designate experimental values for different multi- polarities (necessary corrections for any branching from the parent level have been made), Fig. 10. Hindrance and Enhancement Factors of El Gammas. Fig. 11. Hindrance and Enhancement Factors of M1 Gammas. Fig. 12. Hindrance and Enhancement Factors of E2 Gammas. Fig. 13. Hindrance and Enhancement Factors of M2 Gammas. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL WITOJJT INJU .. werden norske tankerne har en liten lite bereid hits To onymity A N Y W J . More thamani hai sommes Jimentalitet som bor het my hart Wi l l ***** Honore at what we Fig. 14. Hindrance and Enhancement Factors of E3 Gammas, ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Fig. 13. Hindrance and Enhancement Factors of M 3 Gammas. Noto scale change. See text for discussion of 177Hf. Fig. 16. Hindrance and Enhancement Factors of M4 Gammas. A base line drawn between the two small triangles would correspond to the Moszkowski single-partiola formula15. -- URNL - ALL - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL OiNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Draft - Gatlinburg Paper References ORHI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL p. 1327 in Alpha-, Beta- and Garama-Ray Spectroscopy, ed. K. Sieg- bahn, North-Holland, Arnsterdam (1966). 2. C.E. Gleit, C.W. Tang, and C.D. Coryell, "Beta-Decay Transition Prob- abilities", Nuclear Data Sheets, 5-5-109. (1963). 3. Nuclear Data Sheets, formerly published by National Academy of Sciences- National Research Council, now published by Academic Press. 4. M.S. El-Nesr and E. Bashandy, Nucl. Phys. 31, 128 (1962). 5. E. Bashandy and M. S. El-Nesr, Arkiv Fysik 21, 65 (1962). 6. J.M. Blatt and V.F. Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, p. 627, Wiley, New York (1952). 7. L.A. Sliv and and I.M. Band, Coefficients of Internal Conversion of Gamma Radiation, Academy of Sciences USSR (1956). 8. M.E. Rose, Internal Conversion coefficients, North Holland, Amsterdam (1958). 9. D.H. Wilkinson, Nuclear Spectroscopy, Part B, p. 852, ed. F. Ajzenberg- Selove, Academic Press, New York (1900). 10. E.K. Warburton, Conference on Electromagnetic Lifetimes and Properties of Nuclear States, p. 180, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Publication 974 (1962). 11. G.A. Bartholomew, Conference on Electromagnetic Lifetimes and Proper- JIGJU JIN – INŽO ties of Nuclear States, p. 209, National Academy of Sciences-National Re- ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL search Council Publication 974 (1962). Draft - Gatlinburg Paper -10- 12. L. Grodzins, Phys. Letters 2, 88, (1962). ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 13. R. Foucher and A. de Pinho, J. Phys. 23, 22 (1962). 14. M. Goldhaber and A.W. Sunyar, "Classification of Nuclear Isomers", p. 931 in Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, od. K. Siegbahn, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1965). 15. 8.A. Moszkowski, "Theory of Multipole Radiation', p. 863 in Alpha., Beta- and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, ed. K. Siegbahn, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1965). ORNL - AEC - OFFICHUU IWDILDO- D M . . FREQUENCY HISTOGRAM FOR Log ft VALUES Superallowed O Allowed 0 First Forbidden (Non-Unique) First Forbidden (Unique) Second Forbidden (Unique and Non-Unique) Third and fourth Forbidden (Unique and Non -Unique) _ N - . Number of Coses S. III II 1 .... -. - WIDIU TI 1 IN III III II IIIIII TITULU - I WITH: MINIMUM * - 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 70 80 90 的二加多HIGHBORE 100 110 120 130 log ft 入国 ​140 15.2 176 °182 190 220 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL -nie-oinen 0 0 BARN Dominate bouwen = AECC=@fifletmele - 1 . . .:. Windo-537-*10 1717131910 2341PINAGO LOG ft HISTOGRAM FOR ALLOWED B DECAY .. . A=170 to 219 Os 5.0 A=120 to 169 280 3.o ao Tse I s'o T.70. T o TNO NOON OOO #NOcoiNooonominado 1= 70 to 119 . Number of Coses ... . 5-0 ! ! - NNNNN WW ! ... · A=20 to 69 20- 18- 16- 14- 12- ONO Tdo 6.0 do 100 ... ONNEMIEC 619 ALL . '5-5-148 (Nov. 1963). OO!SHE RED OACIKUL .... .......... ............ .......... .... ......... : ' . .. o . ... .. . ... .. . ... ... ... 1...'1 Jią.3 O hiblar difor QSHEGIALAS LOG ft HISTOGRAM FOR FIRST FORBIDDEN NON-UNIQUE B DECAY o BNWT ALGEbHiftetet Luther A=170 to 210 g'T idom o ! i20 1.2 . Number of coses A=120 to 169 . 5.0 : 60 100 ILO . 120 13.0 L A = 70 to 119 A= 20 to 69 ! lao 'in'o : izo i " Log in . . 5-5-147 (Nov. 1963) OBAKEARECEDONIACALL ............. -• . . . . .. - .. . ..'.. i . . .... . . " . - .. Beta-Decay Transition Probabilities Yuklo-35-4180- UNIQUE FIRST FORBIDDEN TRANSITIONS 103 • 2, Yes) - . . . . . . . . ... .--- 31.1271 2.38 -0.03 23.120 77.117 0.77€ 2.24. 87 | 68 69-103172.10381.123 1.83.€ 46 212 67.99 69.100 74.181 1.76 1.37. 5.307. | 37 | 2.4 1 0.018 59.85 3.71 63-69m 229. 215. 1.55. 1.3 2011 2 56.8447.64 T62.83) 0.9. 10.79 0.160 € 15 ml 0.0027 51.76 0352m 55.82 1.50- w 20_019(1)-92 53.73 38.53 53.70 10121_271 0.7 47.6339.5151.7453.73] 220.0.52. 0612. 1.25. Loc 0.0172 03.19 44.53 38.52 51.71 47.65 10.8 € 10.544. 1.97. 14.04. -0.0411 100 30.0 | 56 140.53 38.54 0.676 26.61 10.034. 1.463.10607.10.035. 10 Number of Coses ......: :: 10.05"1002 100 39.54 37.91 39.32145.56 90 76 1 99.7 2.2112 63.897 39.50 36.49 37.49 37.47 81:11961.123 0.77 1.631A366766- 1.000 49 10991 19.518.7104914 98 59-83 39.51 33.41 37.4733.4350-75 32.76m 62.1201 2.15. 2.27. 1.36 0908-2.97. 16.96 21001 272 .7 66.4 | 95 11.5 100 61.71 33.41 19.23 35.4933.41 30.73m 47.6577-11 2.75m 0.57.1106€ 13.55. - 12.67. 1.98 |2.46. Dery 019 8232_3.625)) 9818 5.243 1.7 48.67 17.20 17.22 33-4533.3940.53 34.45 T7.11 39.49 0.9 63 17 47 117.4110 3 100 10w.sa7231 47.63 33.38 16.217.9 16.22 1823 19.23 18-21 47.63 21|| 178. 107886 43.033. 3.0. 2.49. 1.71, 6665. 2.63.241361 40 10 | 24 | 8 | 0.9 0.18 100 10.9 I 100 imminen amente 179.119 71.06 6.247. 2 19.21 049 39-47 36.45 3.28€ 0.30 22108 00 9.8 100 M1. 0i m 10025 11.2 106 ... 76 78 8.0 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9.0 9.2 9.4 1 Log fl .... mini .. .. .. .. ..: ..... 14746608T19CM ORNI-AEC-OFFICIAL 3-5-141 (Nov. 1963) ... 」 等 ​。 . I1010-31 - IN10 .111110-3Y.-IN40. .. .. . . IVID110-3Y-INYO ….…… TV13110 - JY-IN10.. . .. : :: “… … … . .. . .. ......… “... . . ... . .... ….…… 的 ​Ro Lu 6 . ....................... . . : . , sot FORBIDDEN ...... 618 Ho} RO 9 ) JRew 6 69188 86 Yo ir ir Ro . … . - -- - .... :: . “.. :: : , .... ·上sgae aganes EgETTEE Sesa E3EE3 . @BEE9%geEas asa回 ​码 ​72 16 Er Ho | 166 162 164 164 1164 1172 61 116 159 188 56 55 189 181 66 | 66 | 10 182 M Ho Ho Ho Er Er Ho To I Gd ir To Eu Ir jw Tm Tm Ho To Lu Eu | 4 168 64 16 16 165 66 16 1152 S IS 152 O 155 52 182 169 {{64 166 153 1177{68 62 168 Im Er IGD Ho Sm Sm Todos lEu Ta Ga lEu Ta Eu Eu To Yo To Ho Go To Tm Eu Tm 四近四EB区5R 個G 68 62 MT Eu Eu Eu . . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 。 。。 ORT-TEC - OFFICIAL THW D1302-739XFANDO **.*. "179971 bloW-7770 . .......... .. ........-- . . . . . . ... . 18FORBIDDEN 1,1,0 ::........... : : 0,1,1 0.0 10,02 0,0,2 10,0,2 0,0,21 10,0,210,0,2 5.0 . 7.0 &.0 2,2,0 ; . 2,2.0 2,2,0 ALLOWED 2,3,1 0,0,21 2,2,3 . PKY. : . 0,0,2 2,3,1 2.2,0 2,2,0 12,2,0 2,3.1|: 12,3,1) 0,1,1 2,2,0 2,4,0 0,1,1 | 12,2,0 2,4,21,1,022,3,1/2,3,1 2,3,1 2,4.2 2,2.00,1,110,11 • 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 ...:.:.: .-.-.. -.-. - .-. -. .- - -. -.. '.-,. .::. ..... .. . IYIOI110-OY - INYO ALAT Puth INDI IYI1310- 33V - INYO LLLLLLLILIITTIIN i ill.ro IlllllllllllllllLLI LILIHIIllllliniull WIUNI MITTITUUTillil DULILLIUM lilil !!!Vollllllll llllllllllll 24HSMITIILIUMINTE GAMMA TRANSITION HALF-LIVES ...... El E2 E3 E4 UND INDOW) : . ... III MBINUNNIT .. MIT HIIHIIHTOLIWIHAPALMA IMAMO DAIMTQADAM DALAHATAT.07m m, TIL tt... . MI M2 M3 M4 ... t t. . ......- ............ ... . Z <40 .. . UUUUUUUUUU! MTIHIIIIIIITUIIIII CumD1TIAKAIAN KUIVilius M illinoihin UUTUMIINIM IIIIIIHII AVVIWWUVASIVUSD tuna WVAVIDA WITHINA LIVADAVAD TIINNITTIIINitinurinn TNINUITETTIIIIIIHDES TUTUITIIIIIIllllllllliniill T ikilllIIlIlllilminini Illlllllll lllllllllll Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllll H I IHIIIIlllllllllllll UUTIOTTUHITINTI Vin ni!!LUIUIUMIMHINI TEATIVITETZ11IPAlisuu DUHAITZITIVNIM MWANLIDIIVUPAIDATI 1125UVAR L AVAM HUTUOTATIS!!10mA 12aWVWZMMOULINE IIIIIIIIITINUT TNOUT HAVAINI CHUTKUN noahwin TINIAN Tin ....... U l lllllllllllllllll ... .. NII Inllll lulinAX IllIU Willi TIITIT WAWILLLII DIUINI TTTTTTII.T ... ... #logo T. (seconds) H. NAANWI Valli WW INU 9. WUVAI WANITY NI .............. 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Ullulitt THTARI UIT Ullll VUNI HIIN MINIDIIDIIDII UMNIITINI DIN I llllllill ITINWill lllllllllllllll UNXIMI Ulluno SULIINIDI INTTIINNIllIIlIIIIIII MINIMIN NUMU Ull RUNUNINNNIIIIIIIIII INIINUOTINIMO LINUXIMINIAT W I NYINIDIKINIIIIIIIII! MITIMINTATUKIN! ! ILLUMINIMO!!! KIVIIMIINIINTINDI! Millil 100MM INVALITURVAN! IIITMIANTIIMI Nuit NU T NIHILUXUDU IMUNIJITINAAVIIDIINA T amilNadia UTII titok ! HHEIMILIN D A WIUN: INSUMIMINIMI T il INUIUIUIDAS 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -10 U II! Uulit naHUT! mennt ! IUDAD III TOT 14 140TH -657 ISMAIL HAUT U LTAN.....! Ullimmmmh l ai mo WIN M ull MULTITU 3 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 7 8 9 0.1 Ey MeV 1.0 • • •- -- ::--- - • - -: .... .... ..... -. -•--•• . - 0.01. Ey MeV &NL - TEC-OFFICIAL LORNL AEC - OFFICIAL OBXWT 4587 OBALL 7 . . " - - ---- - - - - - -- - - --- - --- - - - - -- www. co m mon. --..- -. 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Ogt. 020$ po closer OAT OArsa OTAS 2 3 4 5 6 7 891 102Np 2. 3 4 Ey Mev 5 6 2 7 8 9 1.0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.01. 0.1 &NL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL BAT-15-8WSLIKA - -- - - - ...:) . ius - i.: : 1$Chirk on o еко Hindrance and Enhancement of E3 Gammas o odd A X even a ASUN INIIII o $160p 0111.pt Bácsx 1. 1997 ã 8111 ca 183 of $pd ã LOPAR 19Std Floriosan 2 o'pd 8163 46 ã 10919 lvy xodon 679Br å 44245 26211 I 4,49 €u Bet PAAYEJI Caxix 10 ca 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 4 5 6 7 8 9.1 1:0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.01. - 2 3 Ey Mev 0.1 of thT ASEC CEfficha. ..... OBX8TAIETISF49Uhu- "*.*** **.* ** * . i " ' . . we . werd . no r i . - - * - - - -- - ,... - i...? . ----- - com ...-..-- U ... " - 1.T . . .. .... ... . ... .... 6.7 8 9 m 5 ORANG TAGOOFICIAL 4 3 : Hindrance and Enhancement of M3 Gammas o odd A X even AT Dato 5 6 7 8 94 . 4 ga po 129 W9 3 Ey MeV 2 ACT ( X174, 0.1 5 6 7 8 91. 1x174LU 4 $189 uş · 3 2 Contact OFFICIAL ODOT ASOC SOREIGUAL . Tuis Enhancement 149701190-3YVANDO .. 1 tight EXnoag Xi82 TO Hindrance Enhancement of M4 Gammas o odd A X even Al 1133plo hanno 187Hogyo loft FT 2995pt ha Orisbee boog Bo lo $1434 1970 Soxe Fisse to Op4a3x poder v yo Ndul .- - - ........... 3.15 31 XI.. ............. 아 ​. .. .. 86. 8 Enhancoment 86.blo In ........ HRD_9691 Ho 205.8% 97TC . . dolari . dosted 0855 . PIND . 31.54 03 NOV 3 4 5 6 7 891 0.1 5 6 7 891 1.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.01 Bitter AGECOPIFICIAL Ey MeV. 00 NE-AACEDOFRCNL - -- - - - - - - - ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL TABLE I. Classification of Beta Transitions Beta Transition Spin Change Parity Change 1. Superallowed No 2. Allowed Oor 1 NO 3. First-forbidden (non-unique) O or 1 Yes 4. First-forbidden Unique Yes 5. Second-forbidden 2 or 3 NO 6. Third-forbidden 3 or 4 Yes LEGAL NOTICE The report me pronared as an account of govorimaat sponsored work, Noither the United Maros, nor the Commisslon, nor any person noting on behalf of the Commissions A. Makes my warranty or roprosentation, expressed or implied, with ros, set to the scou racy, completatoua, or wohelnou of the laformation contained in this report, or that the we of any information, apparatu, method, or proceso dosloued in this report may not intrinco privately owned rights or D. Amman may liabludes with thepoot to the use of, or for damage resulting from the un awy Information, spurnu, method, or produs declosed in the report As wand in the above, "porno sotto be all of the Conwaton" include Nya. ployw or controlor of the Commission, or uploys of woh soatriotor, to the antent that euch employs or contractor of the Commission, or omployu of much oontractor propurus, disseminator, or provides soovito, wy Information pursuant to No omployant or contract with the Commlusion, or No onployment with ouola contractor. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . 'N' ROLL .. TABLE II. First-Forbidden Beta Transitions with Log it Less than 6. Main source of data is Referenco 3. Parent Energy, Type Intensity JI-JA Log It ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 100% 6.91 123.in74 186 DJ 100 4.6 B" 0.40 B0 92% 5.9 19004, 20 0.302 1/2" 3/2+ of 10 3/2* 5/2" 1/2" 1/2+ 1/2" 1/2" or 3/2" 70% <100% 6.9 1.65 B- *80H8126 6.3 20171120 0.24 € 34% 8.8 206,51226 1.57 8" 100% 6.2 207.54 226 1.44 ß" 99.89 1/2 1/2" 6.1 20811 2.22 1.032 8" 4.2% 5.7 2087 1.284 B- 25% 5+ 5" 5.3 2087 81"127 81127 1.795 89 50% 5.0 208 12 127 1.5186" 21% 6.8 20951228 1.99 € 100% 5.3 1/27 1/2" or 3/2 9/2* 9/2- 299 Pb 127 0.635 B- 100% 5.6 2100 232Pb 128 0.015 B" 80% 5.3 211,76129 0.278 B" 0.9% 5.5 0.548 B 7.3% 9/27 12" 9/2* 9/2" or 11/2" of 0 . 25226229 252Pb130 5.6 0.34 B 81% 212.pb1.30 0.16 87 5% 5.4 a282 0.150 B™ 0.5% 5 2 p 1 32 0.650 B" 50% 5.0 29 po 1 32 0.710 B- 40% 2.30 87 98% 234p8,43 240NP 247 2410 0.890 B" ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 100% 93 0.021 8° 100% 5/2* 5/22 5.6 - - -- 24 AM 249 0.387 8" 100% . 6" 6. 5.7. END - i 2 ve DATE FILMED 0 / 20 /66 will S7 JA - SRI. V WE D ,! * II. :...* 7- .ang . .