LOFT . . : . . ORNL P 1784 TEEFEREE , , way --- MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNI f.1984 Cont-651101-41 NUCLEAR AND FUEL-CYCLE PERFORMANCE OF MOLTEN-SAIT BRIWEDER REACTORS* RELEASED POR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACOS Howard F. Bouman and Paul R. Kasteta Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee DEC 21 1965 Thermal- and intermediate-energy molten-salt reactors appear capable of fuel doubling times in the range of 10 to 20 years, specific inventories of about 1 kg libsile/Mwle), and fuel-cycle costs under 0.4 mi 11/kwhr. Thermal systems (termed MSBR's) are graphite-moderated and fueled with circulating molten salts consisting of the fluorides of uranium, thorium, lithium-7, and beryllium. Intermediate systems? (termed MOSEL reactors) are similar but without graphite moderator. The results presented here are based on 1000-Mw(e) plants having 45% efficiency and 80% plant factor. The calcu- lations were performed with OPTIMERC, an optimization code combined with the MERC multigroup, equilibrium reactor code.” Fluoride Salt Processing IO Molten fluoride salts are promising reactor fuels due to their ability to dissolve thorium and uranium fluorides, their very low corrosion rates in nickel alloy systems, their low vapor pressures at high temperatures, and the ease with which uranium can be recovered from the salt. The latter feature stems from the high volatility of UFG (boiling temperature less than 100°C), and the low volatility of UF, (boiling temperature over 1400°C). The fluorination of UF,- bearing salts (the fluoride volatility process) 18 a well-developed process that can be integrated with a molten-salt reactor to achieve continuous, rapid, and inexpensive fuel reprocessing. vitae Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. For presentation at the American Nuclear Society Meeting, November 15-18, 1965, Washington, D. C. Presidente de munca sex The reactors considered here consist of a core surrounded by a thorium- bearing fertile salt blanket. Typical compositions for fuel and fertile salts are shown in Table 1. Tre fertile salt is processed by fluoride volatility to remove the 'bred uranium; the non-volatile-thorium remains in Table 1. Typical MSBR Fuel and Blanket salt Compositions and Liquidus Temperatures Fuel Salt Blanket Salt MSBR I MSBR II I Liquidus temperature, ec 450 480 565 Composition, mol % Li'F BeF, UFC(11usile) .510 73.0 565 71.0 68.75 31.0 0.25 0.0 71.0 20.0 0.25 8.75 71.0 0.0 5.0 24.0 13.3 2.7 0.0 0.0 29.0 InF4 13.0. the salt, which is simply returned to the blanket. The fuel salt 18 also a sa processed by fluoride volatility. Ninety-five percent of the stripped salt from this process can be recovered by vacuum distillation, which separates the rare-earth fission products; the remaining 5% is discarded to control the buildup of other fission products. The fuel salt 18 reconstituted by adding part of the uranium recovered from the core and blanket, and 18 returned to the i sent reactor. The excess uranium is available for sale. retir eminded mestihämtades per Integrated processing is one of the important bases for the high neutron economy and low fuel-cycle costs of these reactors; others are the absence of structural materials (other than graphite) in the core; the nearly immediate maintensitation and its release of xenon and other fission gases from the fuel stream; and the low neutron leakage associated with a thick blanket. Neutron losses to Pa255 are controlled by either holdup of the fertile stream outside the core for Pa decay, and out their creation mentre side " . or by considering that Pa can be removed from the fertile stream by processing on a very short cycle time. Reactor Concepts There is no less a variety of possible concepte for molten-salt reactors than for soll.d-fueled reactors. . Molten-salt reactors may have a single- stream core, with both fissile and fertile materials in a single salt, or two-stream cores, with f18bile and fertile salts separate ; they may be cooled internally (11ke solid-fueled reactors), externally (by circulating the fuel), or by direct-contact of the fuel with an immiscible coolant; they may be graphite moderated, salt moderated, or unmoderated, etc. The purpose of the calculations presented here is to evaluate the nuclear and economic per- formance of some of these combinations. Taree reactor concepts were considered, all externally cooled. In the first, fissile and fertile materials were naintained in separate streanas within the graphite-moderated core (MSBR-1); in the second, also graphite moderated, the core fissile and fertile materials were combined in one stream (MSBR-2). The third, a variation of the MOSEL concept, had a homogeneous, wamoderated, fluid core containing both fissile and fertile materials. Two versions of the MOSH were evaluated, one direct-contact cooled with molten lead," the other with a conventional heat exchanger. These four conceptual designs are shown in Figs. 1 through 4. In MSBR-I, (Fig. 1), the fuel salt is circulated through the reactor within graphite tubes. The core moderator is supported from the tubes, and 18 immersed in a pool of fertile salt so that no structural barrier separates the core and blanket regions, Fertile salt lills the spaces between moderator LEGAL NOTICE TWI report w propered us an nocount of Government sponsored work. Walther the United States, por the Commission, nor any person nothing on baball of the Commission: A. Makes my warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or unahulord of the laboration contained in the roport, or that the use of any information, apparatu, method, or process dixcloud in this maport may not latriaco printsly owned rights; or B, Asmm.. nay Liabilities with respect to the we of, or for dumugo rumors from the un of way Information, apparstwo, method, or proond dioolond in this report As und in the above, pornon sott a bemalol of the combleston" troludus my on- ployw or contructor of the Commission, or aploys of wool contractor, to the dont that onok væployms or contractor of the Commission, or employme of mal contractor prepares, disseminate, or provides acon. tor any tatartuation parmant to do employment or contrnot with the Commission, or blo saployment with such contractor. 11 * blocks, and circulates through passages provided in the moderator. The MSBR-II (Fg. 2) consists of a cylindrical core tank, of Hastelloy N or niobium, filled with graphite moderator blocks. A fuel salt containing both thorium and uranium Pllls the spaces between the moderator blocks and flows: upward through passages in the moderator. The core 18 surrounded radially by a blanket filled with fertile salt. The metal wall separating the core and blanket regione 18 only 1/8 in. thick, to reduce neutron absorptions, and 18 supported from the wall of this blanket vessel. The MOSHL consists of a sphericai core vessel, containing thorium-bearing fuel salt, but no moderator. 'The core is surrounded by a fertile salt blanket. In the externally cooled version (Fig. 3) the fuel salt 18 pumped tarough a sumber of parallel shell-and-tube heat exchangers. In the direct-contact cooled" version (Fig. 4) the fuel is contacted with a Jet of molten lead, in each of several parallel loops. The jet Aerves botih to cool and circulate the fuel. Calculation Method The calculations were performed with OPTIMERC, a combination of an optimization code with the MERC multigroup, diffusion, equilibrium reactor code. MERC calculates the nuclear performance, the equilibrium concentrations of the various nuclides, including fission products, and the fuel-cycle cost for a given set of conditions. OPTIMERC permits up to twenty reactor parameters to be varied, within limits, in order to determine an optimum, by the method of steepest ascent. The reactors were optimized essentially for minimum fuel- cycle cost, although, in the objective function, minor weight was given to maximizing the annual fuel yield. Typical parameters varied were the reactor dimensions, blanket thickness, fractions of fuel and fertile salts in the core, and fuel and fertile stream processing rates. The economic assumptions followed ..::!. . ;'', . : AEC standards wherever possible. The basic assumptions for these evaluations are given in Table 2. The cross sections were calcužated from modified GAM-THERMOS 11braries." Table 2. Basic Assumptions Employed in the MSBR Evaluations 1000 Reactor power, Mwe Thermal efficiency, % Load factor Cost assumptions Value of u233 and Pa255, $/8 Value of 1235, $/8 Value of thorium, $/kg Value of carrier salt, $/kg Capital charge, annual rate, % Plant Non-depreciating capital, including Pissile inventory Processing cost, $/ft3 salt Fuel (at 10 P43/day) Blanket (at 10 ft3/day) Processing cost scale factor (exponent) Processing losses, fraction of liesile per pass through processing Fission gas removal, % per core pass 0.325 0.001 100 Results A characteristic of externally cooled, fluid-fueled reactors is the large fuel volume required for the heat-removal system, often on the order of five times the fuel volume in the core itself. The influence of external volume on MSBR-I performance is shown ir. Table 3, where case 1 (424 it) represents a nominal external inventory, and case 2 (316 ft)) represents that associated with an advanced system. For comparison, the external fuel volume . Table 3. Influence of External Fuel Inventory on MSBR-1 Performanca Cabe 1 Case 2 424 316 Heat exchange system fuel salt volume, 1t3 Specific inventory, kg fissile/ MW (electrical) Breeding ratio Fuel yield, % per annum Fuel-cycle cost, mills/kwhr 0.68 1.048 5.4 0.34 0.60 1.058 7.2 0.34 in a recent detailed design for such a system was 345 ft". The low-inventory case has a higher annual fuel yield, not only because of the smaller fissile 'Inventory, but also because the optimum conditions shift to a higher breeding ratio. The external fuel volume was even more important in the MOSHL reactors, because the fissile concentration in the fuel stream in these intermediate- spectrum reactors 18 necessarily higher than in the thermal reactors. Table 4 illustrates this by giving the reactor performance for the direct-contact, molten-lead-cooled system, MOSHL(1), (50 ft? external fuel volume), and for the externally cooled MOSH(2), (316 it' external fuel volume). The ruel yield is about four times greater in the lower volume system - a strong incentive for developing high performance heat-exchange systems. In general, the breeding gain of fast reactors is higher for the u_30. Pi259 cycle than for the Th232-0259 cycle. The solubility of plutonium in fluoride fuel salt is limited to about 1 mol %, whereas the nominal fissile concentration for a MOSHL reactor is about 5 mol h; therefore, these reactors normally employ the ucycle. However, they may be operated on a mixed cycle, up to the solubility limit for plutonium. We performed a series of Tahle 4. Influence of External Fue.l. Inventory on MOSEL Reactor Performance Case 1 Case 2 50 316 Heat exchange system fuel salt volume, ft3 Speciric inventory, kg fiskile/ Mw (electrical) Breeding ratio Fuel yield, % per annum Fuel-cycle cost, mills/kwar 3.0 1.1 1.156 10.3 1.094 2.4 0.58 0.14 calculations, substituting u 90 for part of the Th232 in the MOSEL, with the results shown in Table 5. The fertile material can be as much as 17% 0290 without exceeding a 1% plutonium concentration, and the breeding gain 18 increased by nearly two points. However, we made no allowance for the additional cost and complexity of processing a plutonium-bearing fuel. In practice, the straight Th-U233 cycle, with its still very attractive 9.3% yield and 0.17 'mill fuel-cycle cost, may be preferred. more remory. Si Nuri Table 5. Influence of Core uegº Concentration on MOSEL Fuel Cycle Performance for High-Performance Core 1,238 Core Fertile Fraction Plutonium Concentration (mole %) Breeding Ratio Fuel Yield (% per annum) Cost (mills/kwar) 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.59 1.19 1.79 1.140 1.149 1.159 1.168 9.9 10.5 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.12 inand In the MSBR-I, in which the fuel is segregated within fuel tubes, the self-shielding of the fissile isotopes has an important effect on the fissile concentration and inventory, and, indirectly, upon the fissile-to-Perille ratio "Naitwaerd - .. and the fuel yield, as shown in Table 6. Thus, from a wuclear standpoint, ... the fuel tube diameter should be as small as possible; the minimum practical size depends upon engineering considerations. In the MSBR-II (one-stream core), the fuel passages may be cut into the moderatur blocks almost at will, and are readily arranged to minimize self-shielding. . ..-- Table 6. Influence of Fuel Tube Diame'cer on MSBR-1 Performance .---:.ansininen Pan Fuel tube diameter, in. Breeding ratio Fuel yield, % per annum Fuel-cycle cost, mills/kwhr 4.0 1.048 5.4 0.34 - ibuYiTMMIT nie In the two-stream core, neutron losses to protactinium may be controlled by holding up a large volume of fertile material outside the core, to allow the decay of Pa3 to 95 outside the high-flux region. This is not practical when the fissile and fertile materials are in the same stream, because of the prohibitive Inventory charge for holding-up a large amount of fissile material. In the one-stream case (MSBR-II), therefore, a process was proposed for separating protactinium from fuel salt and the processing cost estimated. This case is compared with the MSBR-I in Table 7, and indicates that, 11 Pa losses can be controlled in this manner, the greater homogeneity of the one-stream core can give a significant improvement in the breeding ratio and fuel yield. .. Table 7. Reactor Performance of MSBR-1 and MSBR-2 MSBR-1 MSBR-2 Streams in core Breeding ratio Fuel yield, % per annum Fuel-cycle cost, mills/ kwhr Two-stream 1.048 5.4 One-stream 1.065 7.2 : 0.34 0.33 S TI T ' ' - J ir ". "T , - - - .. The individual compcnents of the fuel-cycle cost for the four reactors are given in Table 8. In general, f1881le Inventory and processing are the major components of the cost. The processing cost is high for MSBR-II, because of the rapid processing for Pa removal. The inventory cost is highest, in the MOSEL reactors, but this is offset, at least in MOSEL(1), by a high production credit for sale of bred fuel. Table 8. Fual-Cycle Cost Cost, mills/lwhr MSDK MSBR II MOSEXL (1) MOSEL (2) Fissile inventory Fertile inventory Salt inventory Fertile replacement Salt replacement Processing 0.133 0.035 0.054 0.015 0.057 0.118 0.133 0.018 0.030 0.005 0:066 0.166 0.207 0.013 0.015 0.002 0.005 0.119 0.565 0.011 0.016 0.002 0.008 0.115 Total costs Production credit Net fuel-cycle cost 0.412 0.070 0.342 0.418 0.085 0.333 0.361 0.224 0.137 0.717 0.137 0.580 · Discussion The breeder reactor criteria of short doubling time and low fuel-cycle cost can be met by all three of the molten-salt concepts. Each requires the solution of somewhat different development problems, however, MSBR-I requires the ability to separate the fertile and fissile salts by graphite tubes under high irradiation conditions. In MSBR-II, the core graphite require- ments are less stringent (minor flaws become unimportant), but inexpensive processes for Pa removal and thorium recovery must be developed. The MOSEL 2 I CITY concept requires no graphite, but tha core tank material must be resistant termome to fast neutron damage, and a high-performance heat-removal system with low fuel inventory 18 essential. The three reactor concepts above are not the only attractive possibilities. The fast molten-salt reactor, employing chloride rather than fluoride salts, has a higher breeding potential than the corresponding fluoride system. It was omitted from this study, not because it lacks merit, but because fluoride salt processing 18 already developed, and the development of comparable chloride salt processing and handling technology would require a major effort. The performance of MSBR-I can be aproved by processing the fertile stream rapidly to remove protactinium. Laboratory scale experiments indicate that this may be done more easily than the corresponding process for the fuel stream, as is proposed for MSBR-II; bot possibilities are under study. The performance of either of the thermal reactors, as well as the MOSEL reactors, can be improved by the development of high performance heat-removal systems, either direct-lead-cooled or conventional. We plan to evaluate these and perhaps other possibilities, and hope to present the results in a future paper. Acknowledgements The cooperation of J. L. Lucius and W. L. Kephart in preparing the OPTIMERC code, and of E. S.Bettis in developing the reactor conceptual designs, is gratefully acknowledged. References 1. R. B. Briggs et al., Molten-Salt Reactor Program Semiann. Prog. Rep. for Period Ending July 31, 1964, USAEC Report ORNL-3708, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, November 1964. 2. Paul R. Kasten, The MOSEL Reactor Concept, Third Geneva Conference, Paper 538, September 1964. 3. T. W. Kerlin, Jr., c. W. Craven, Jr., L. G. Alexander, and J. L. Lucius, The MERC-1 Equilibrium Reactor Code, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-847, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 22, 1964. 4. Proposed by E. S. Bettis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 5. GAM-THERMOS cross sections modified by E. H. Gift, Oak Ridge National. Laboratory. 6. L. G. Alexander, "Molten-Salt Fast Reactors," Proceedings of the Conference on Breeding, Economics and Safety in Large Fast Power Reactors October 7-10, 1963, ANL-6792, p. 553-7, December 1963. A u s t - 2 . - . . .- - .- - . ... - - - . . - ANTIKVITET totale FUEL SALT OUT, 1300°F " FERTILE SALT keliones con men mere om di AL OUT, 1200°F w TUBE, HITE- -BLANKET (UNMODERATED) I FUEL GRAPI CORE (GRAPHITE) MODERATOR BLOCK, GRAPHITE Illi FUEL SALT FERTII PASSA CROSS-SECTION, TYPICAL CORE 'TYPICAL FERTILE SALT PASSAGE FUEL SALT IN, 1000°F FUEL SALT IN, 1100°F (Th232, (U233, Fig. 1. MSBR-I Conceptual Design for a Thermal, Two-Stream Core Reactor. LI . :: :... "... Tara -: -:- 2 .. - - - - - - - - . . . - .. CORE SALT OUT, 1300°F BLANKET SALT OUT, 1200°F; : -BLANKET (UNMODERATED) - .- -- - E============== di CORE !! (GRAPHITE) CORE PASS PARTITION, · INOR-8 OR NIOBIUM. TYPICAL CORE SALT PASSAGE- GRAPHITE- . . . CROSS-SECTION, TYPICAL MODERATOR BLOCK -.- . - . - - . - - . . 4 . - * ... - . .- BLANKET SALT - CORE SALT IN, 1100°F. IN, 1000°F. : (Th<33); (U233 Th) Fig. 2. MSBR-II Conceptual Design for a Thermal, One-Stream Core Reactor. . . . . . -.- . .-. . . . . . . . . . -.--. .-. --- - -- - ORNL-DWG 65-11766 BLANKET SALT OUT, 1200°F FUEL SALT, 1400°F PRIMARY HEAT EXCHANGER (BLANKET (Th SALT) COOLANT SALT. OUT, 1200°F CORE TANK, INOR-8 CORE (FUEL SALT) BLANKET SALT IN, 1100°F 7 COOLANT SALT .. IN, 900°F TYPICAL COOLANT LOOP FUEL SALT 1100°F Fig. 3. MOSHL(1) Conceptual Design for an Intermediate Energy, Externally cooled Reactor. ... incore 1 .com ... ORNL-DWG 11768 : . -.-. ... - :-- • ... .. .. . . BLANKET SALT OUT, 1200°F Pb IN, 900°F CORE TANK, INOR-8- BLANKET: (Th SALT) : CORE (FUEL SALT) -TYPICAL DIRECT CONTACT COOLANT LOOP, NIOBIUM LINED - .- . -..- - w BLANKET SALT IN, 1100°F . CORE SALLE MOLTEN Pb ...Bo Pb OUT, 1200°F Fig. 4. MOSEL (2) Conceptual Design for an Intermediate Energy, Direct- Contact Cooled Reactor. . . i onih antaiata ... sometimes do not payment and co T h UPacana KRAKKARARENRALARINA n tent 4 '. . . . . END .. . -.- _ DATE FILMED 0 / 21 /66 . .