I OFI ORNL P 1742 f 11.25 1.4 1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BURE AU OF STANDARDS -1963 To be submitted to Physics Letters rt, at the town we meteen ORNT-D10 42 PUCH MASTER P 1 nuc LEGAL NOTICE o er gown dolowd that on cont o anton, WV promoting a bit t there are mandar mcy, completament, a wote way tort, sporten, Namen, w malam hari, ser, med et mondhatod uroport tot het uma employment or contract me contratar, Contra, eramphene each employee et contractor of the Commission, or employee et euch contractor prepares, ten muy buerado por talanes with contractus. a Categwa w centrotor n n, er montes non with the C de ka 8.00..65 The Possible Radioactive Natura ou túrdiotr RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMINT J. B. Ball I IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Oak Ridge National Labor tortor Oak Ridge, Tennessee In the region of nuclei up to mass 209, there are presently i known about eleven nuclei capable of beta decay but with half-lives Un NOT APPROVS FOR 1 mong enough to exist in measurable amounts in nature. These nucle}| are listed along with their half lives and abundances'' in Table 1. It is the purpose of this note to suggest that the heaviest naturally, occuring isotope of zirconium also belongs to this group. The results of binding energy calculations performed as part of a shell model study of nuclei in the A ~ 90 region of the periodic | This paper wus nobraitted for publication in the opon literature at least months prior to the instanca date of his Micro- card. Since the U.S.A.L.C. hus no orto dence that it has been published, the pa- per is being distributed to Microard form us a propriat. table,-) exhibit the somewhat disturbing prediction that "zr is unstable with respect to beta decay into Nb. The calculated decay . -- .- . . - ...- .. energy is 0.39 MeV. The rms deviation between calculation and experiment found in the above calculation is 115 keV. The assignment w this as a probable error to each of the calculated masses yields an 96 uncertainty in the calculated decay energy of +0.16 MeV. Thus, a stable ground state for Yºzr would be outside the limits of error for the prediction. It is interesting to note that the nuclear data sheets") show yozr slightly above '°Nb, but list the isotope as stable. This is apparently a reflection of the uncertainties in the mass values available at the time Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. of compilation. This same reference lists two lower limits on the half-life of "zr deduced from the essentially negative results obtained in the course of a search for double beta decay.”, *The accurate mass determinations of Reis, Damerow, and Johnson provide a new experi- mental measure of the available decay energy. When their total nuclear binding energies are used, it is found that Yºzr is in fact unstable with respect to beta decay into *°Nb and the decay energy is 0.19 + 0.05 MeV. Again, a stable ground state for *°Zr would be outside the limits of error for the decay energy. The apparent contradiction of finding Yºzr to be 2.8% abundant in nature might be explained by the properties of the low-lying levels in *°Nb. Unfortunately, almost nothing is known experimentally about these levels. The low-lying levels predicted by the calculation of ref. 2) are shown in Fig. 1 along with the decay energy deduced from ref. 5). Within the limits of error on the decay energy and on the calculated level positions, the only states likely to be available for beta decay are a level with spin and parity 6+ and another of 5+. The decay 15 should thus be at least fourth forbidden and with the small energy avail. able the half-life will be extremely long (104) years or greater). It is interesting to conjecture that yozr is not stable, but in fact a long-lived beta emitter, and that a careful experimental investigation might reveal this radioactivity. The beta activity need not be looked for directly as in ref. 3) and 4). The '°Nb daughter is also a beta emitter and each beta decay is followed by a 0.77 MeV gamma. A possible experimental approach is thus the repeated milking of a largo zirconium sample and the examination of the niobium daughter for a 0.77 MeV gamma with the characteristic 23 hour half-life. of the eleven isotopes listed in Table 1, only ** Ca is an even nucleus. Since there are no remaining adjacent isobars, both of which possess a measured isotopic abundance, the only probable additions to the table are other even nuclei such as "ºzr. An examination of other even isotopic sequences such as Se, Sn, Xe, etc., does not reveal any further likely candidates. Table 1. Long-lived beta emitters with measurable isotopic abundances, Isotope Abundance Decay modo Half-life 1.3 x 10'y jo690 1921 0.012% Bº and K 0.18 >2 x 1016 23 Vio 0.24 Bº and K ~6 x 1014 37R by 27.85 4.7 x 1010 12.26 48 Cd13 >3 x 1015 ay kind of 95.72 6 x 1014 5276 423 0.87 >5 x 1013 57Latie 0.089 Band K 1.1x1011 7 Luos 2.59 Bº and K 3.6 x 1010 7372187 0.012 B' and K >1 x 1013 187 75 Re 112 · 62.93 7 x 1010 Referoncos Il Nuclear Data Sheets, compiled by K. Way ot al., (Prir sing and Publishing Office, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Washington, D. C.) 2) K. H. Bhatt and J. B. Ball, Nuclear Phys. 63 (1965) 286. 3) J. A. McCarthy, Phys. Rev. 90 (1953) 853. 4) M. Awschalom, Phys. Rev. 101 (1956) 1041. 5) R. R. Rios, R. A. Damorow, and W, H. Johnson, Phys. Rev. 132 (1963) 1662. ORNL-DWG 65 - 6253 0.22 0.19 0.16 402756 : 0.19 +0.05 4, No 96 - 23h 1 - . 1. The predicted low-lying levels in *°Nb shown with respect to the ground state of 962r. The decay energy is taken from ref. 5). .. . . . ... . - - * " . ' AvishuvM 4 . 2 * ** ** ** SA * L - *=* e FA194 . A RAW # tor: -- -- -*;. .' * . . - : : : END DATE FILMED 1 / 17 / 67 . S . . WATA 1. 44 2 1 il . 1 : . 1. 1 MAS ti