: * To to 1 . I OFI ORNLP 237 | . : i .. . - - -- $ . I . . .: . :. ce _ --- = - -- .. -- .. . I . . . ! . CLEFEEEE __ 125 LA LA MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 Paper to be presented at the Third International Materials Symposium, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. on June 13-17, 1966. ORAL-B-237 GRAIN BOUNDARY REACTIONS DURING DEFORMATION* Conf.660619-3 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL SEP 2 2 1966 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL L. E. Poteat and c. S. Yust** Metals and Ceramics Division RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT Oak Ridge National Laboratory IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Oak Ridge, Tennessee The intent of this paper is to report microstructural observations H.C. $ - - - - made on specimens of thorium dioxide and uranium dioxide which have ......... CHILI PRICES experienced creep deformation, and to relate the observations to the .04 ; MN creep behavior of these materials. Fine grain polycrystalline specimens 5 in the form of right-circular cylinders were prepared for this study from high-purity powders which were dry pressed and sintered. The test specimens were 97.5% of theoretical density and had an average grain diameter of 10 H, with fine residual porosity distributed uniformly throughout the bodies on grain boundaries. It is necessary, for the sake of clarity, to begin by summarizing the creep data for these specimens. The creep deformation rate of * thoria and urania at several temperatures as a function of stress is *. **.. - presented in Fig. 1; the significant point revealed is that the - - ...*** deformation mode changes as the creep stress increases. At 1770°C, the thoria deformation behavior exhibits three distinct ranges, a completely brittle range at high strain rates, a viscous creep range at low strain *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ORNL - AEC - OFFIN **L. E. Poteat is currently associate professor, Department of Ceramic and Metallurgical Engineering, C?'uson University. C. S. Yust is metallurgist, Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Goveroment sponsored work. Neither the United States, aor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process dlaclosed in this report may not Infringe privately owned rigbts; or B. Assumes any liabilites with respect to the use of, or for dainages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acung on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides accaO to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ORNL - AES. - OFFICIAL I rates, and an intermediate range having a slope of approximately 5. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL t ', - . Specimens deformed in the viscous and intermediate ranges are macro- ...- - . . - scopically ductile, although microscopically it is observed that inter- granular voids form concurrently with the deformation. The slope of approximately 1 for the viscous creep range implies that the transport of material is by a purely diffusional process, the slope of 5 for the intermediate range is indicative of a dislocation climb mechanism of material transport, while in the brittle fracture range only elastic deformation occurs prior to fracture of the specimen. 'The data for thoria at temperatures below 1770°C indicate the beginning of the inter- mediate range at higher stress levels, while the uranium dioxide data presented show the existence of both the viscous and the intermediate ranges, Discussion of the vo, large grain polycrystal and vo, bicrystal data will be presented after some additional remarks. . The microstructures produced by the different deformation modes are surnarized in Fig. 2. The compression axis is vertical with respect to the figure. At the highest strain rate, 3,0 x 10hr, the microstruc- Yo p ' *.. - .- ture is typical of brittle fracture, characterized by the absence of any plastic deformation prior to failure, rupture along the plane of maximum shear stress, and creation of sharp intergrunular cracks. As the strain ' 17. -*- i* rate is lowered, a degree of plastic response is evident prior to failure, * * * and the intergranular voids formed take a more rounded appearance. ! *723 menit Finally, structures are obtained in the viscous creep range, typified by that produced at a strain rate of 2.0 x 10-2 hr-7, in which the inter- granular voids are seen to result from the formation and growth of chains .1 -- interesindenszeniaus teisinda en ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL d me 3 of pores on the grain boundaries. In addition, the creep deformation ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - SEC. Assicure is accompanied by grain boundary sliding, demonstrated in these tests in thoria by the observation of the displacement of a reference mark across grain boundaries. Similar effects are noted in Vos although the tendency to form intergranular voids is greatly diminished. Armstrong and Irvine, reporting on the creep in bending of stoichio- metric Uog, also state that grain boundary sliding occurs during creep. The relationship between boundary void formation and translation of grains along boundaries is therefore of great interest in understand- ing the viscous creep mecanism in these materials. Grain boundary sliding experiments have been performed on speci- mens having a sufficiently large grain size to permit detailed study of tlie boundary processes. Large grained polycrystalline rods of UO, prepared at Oak Ridge National Laboratory by a floating-zone technique, were the source of both large grain polycrystal specimens and bicrystal specimens. The large grain polycrystals typically contained ó to 10 grains. The results of creep tests of several of the large grain specimens are also shown on Fig. 1. At high stresses, where dislocation notion within the grain lattice is indicated as the dominant deformation process, the strain rate response is similar to that for fine grain polycrystalline material. At relatively low stress, where viscous creep' with associated boundary sliding is indicated, very low deforma- tion rates are experienced in t. ' large grain polycrystal as compared to fine grain specimens. Presumably, the small amount of grain boundary area and the inability of the individual boundaries to slide independently due to mutual restraint results in only deformation due to climo of dislo- risvinju.Jj;- iivoo cations. In fine grain polycrystalline naterial, greater deformation by ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 4 . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL grain boundary sliding may be possible because of the much greater amount : OD!!! ...rr.nr:...... of boundary are and consequent smaller sliding requirement of individual grain facets to produce a given deformation. Deformation of a simple bicrystal, however, gives the result indicated on Fig. 1, which approxi- mates that of the fine grain polycrystalline bodies. Apparently, removing the restraints or adjoining grains permits the simple boundary to slide exter.sively by the viscous mechanism active in the polycrystalline speci- mens, and detailed study of kicrystal sliding should yield information concerning the sliding process in the fine grain polycrystal. The boundary of a bicrystal vo, specimen has been examined by electron transmission microscopy prior to sliding and is shown in Fig. 3. The boundary is seen to be straight and free of gross impurities. The appli- cation of compressive stress to a suitably oriented bicrystal results in the generation of shear stress along the boundary, and the creation of voids as a result of displacement along the boundary, Fig. 4. After an amount of sliding small enough to avoid the formation of grain boundary voids, the boundary configuration as seen by electron microscopy is shown inen salvestam . .w in Fig. 5. The stress applied to produce the grain displacement in this specimen vas 4,000 psi, at which stress only diffusional processes should za to?-i farina Tatr contribute to the sliding. Here large ledges are seen with heights of approximately 1700 and 3500 Å, respectively; and the distance between these jogs is about 5000 Å. At lower magnification, a dislocation pattern is seen in the neighborhood of the jogged boundary which is suggestive of the formation of a subgrain structure, Fig. 6. Current concepts of the grain boundary suggest that the boundary can be visualized as containing many atomic-sized ledges due to the fact that ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL - - -- - - - -. X the grain lattices which join to form the boundary are not atomically ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL sinooth. In addition, we may envision the atomic iit of the lattices across a juncture as varying from place to place, being relatively good at some points, poor at others, concepts which are not radical different from the alternating islands or good fit and poor fit visualized by Mott,' or the good-order and less-jell ordered regions pictured by Kft." The application of shear stress to such a configuration creates a shear stress gradient along the boundary and stresses the individual ledges. In many instances, a tensile stress will be generated at the face uſ a ledge which can be relieved by the creation of a vacancy at that point, or more generally, a row of vacancies along the ledge face. Diffusion 0.1 the vacancies into the adjoining grain lattices may occur, the riet effect of this vacancy diffusion being the motion of the ledge along the boundary. Ultimately, coalescence of ledges is possible because of the variation in to na se ledge velocity with ledge height or the interference of other imperfec- meni time on tions; large ledges, such as have been observed in this work, may thus be a formed along the boundary. The dimensions and spacing of the ledges hechos - observed here are consistent with this picture of large jog for ation. . For example, an apparently straight boundary through the region depict d Monte . a Winte insieme izmitin in Fig. 5 would have had to consist of an atom-sized ledge every three o: four atom distances along the boundary to form the ledges observed, assuming most of the coalescence has occurred. This 1 ; not an unreasın- able initial distribution. It has been suggested that jogs may "orm by intersection of slip with the boundary (G: "kins), or tey might be growi. in (Chen and Machlin). Here we observe the formation of large jugs on a boundary between crystals in which significant slip has not occurred, si O?N! - AEC - OFFICIAL but on which they may have existed as small "as grown" jogs. . . . H . - En The generation of tensile stress at the face of a jog as grains UO.. Inxn ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL slide along a common boundary is one of the mechanisms by which the formation of boundary cavities has been explained. McLean' has shown that jobs as small as four atom distances high may form stable pore nuclei. The lecigas observed in to, which are nany times greater in height may therefore easily be the source of boundary pores. Adjoining rains must slide on a common boundary for pores to be created, and we have previously described the translation of grains along a boundary in the following manner.° Referring again to the concept of the boundary as alternating regions of relatively good and relatively poor fit, it is not unreasonable to consider the result of shear stress along the boundary to be the creation of a stress gradient, highest at good-fit regions where the load is sustained. The stress at the good-lit regions is relieved by a viiffusion of vacancies along the boundary which reduce the size of these ri areas. Ultimately, a stress directed local realignment of lattice p.lanes occurs to re-establish a new good-fit area; and the summation of these mu - Recent home, tou local re, ignments over an entire boundary results in motion of one grain lattice with rispect to the other. Vacancies which may be emitted by . e r Siantista **; witamine tone in itine the moving jogs would serve to facilitate the motion of the good-fit areas by diffusing along the boundary. Controversy exists on whether sliding is an elementary process or sve manifestation of another well-established mechanism, such as slip. The electron photomicrographs presented here reveal that some dislocation motion 2.2 the volume adjacent to the grain boundary is associated with vir..rie the sliding process. It is not possible to assess the dislocation role in the sliding mechanism in vo, at this time, but these results indicate ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ... - - - ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL that at least some cooperative deformation of the adjoining lattice ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL accompanies grain boundary sliding. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of L. L. Hall for assistance in the performance of the experimental work, H. R. Gaddis for the metallographic support, and C.K.H. DuBose for the electron microscopy. ت 1 - :( - الذرة ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL REFERENCES ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL l. 1. M. Ar.nstrong and W. R. Irvine, J. Plucl. Mater. 7(2) 133–11 (1962). 2. 7. Garofalo, Fundamentals of Creep and Creep Rupture in Metals, ac lillan Company, New York, 1955, p. 197. 3. E. F. Mott, Proc. Phys. Soc. (Ionkon) 60(4) 391-94 (1948). 4. T. S. Ke', J. Appl. Phys. 20(3) 274-80 (1949). 5. R. C. Gifkins, Acta vet. 4(1) 98 (1956). 6. C. W. Chen and E. S. Machlin, Acta Met. 4(11) 655 (1956). 7. D. McLean, J. Australian Inst. of Metals 8(1) 45-51 (1963). 8. L. E. Poteat and C. S. Yust, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. (in press). . D. Mclear J. Australian Inst. of Metals . ... in t is-i ait. Wh Vitignorieren. Lt. VMHR URINE -M6L-urricTAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL LIST OF FIGURES OPNL-AEC-OFFICIAL Fig. 1. Summary of Deformation Data for Tho, and vo, Polycrystalline and Bicrystal Specimens. Temperature. Trorn left to right the macroscopic deformation behavinr progresses fro:n brittle to very ductile. Fig. 3. Electron Photomicrograph of a Typical vo, Bicrystal Boundary Before Grain Boundary Sliding Occurs. 45,000 X Fig. 4. Voids Produced at a Bicry: val Boundary in vo, by Grain Boundary Sliding. Unetched, 250 X Fig. 5. Jogs in a vo, Bicrystal Foundary After a Small Amount of Grain Boundary Sliding. 69,000 X rib. ó. Array or Dislocations in Vicinity of Jogged Bicrystal Boundary in vog. 13,500 x 1.* . ORNI - AFC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 2 sie Ak .-- .. . . . .* -.Z ::- -. . .. - .. - : . e - leiti is: siz Sit ** 41 je s *3 * ä brittle to very ductile. macroscopic defor.nation behavior progresses from at Constant Temperature. From left to right the Fib. 2. Typical Microstruc-tures oỉ Thoria Bodies Deformed 11 DOMI - Arrrrimin ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 7cmuel ummach op dkgarmatron ota par Th ozanduo line und BisCrystal Specimena .. vila Jedan ORNL-DWG 66-5795 2000 3000 STRESS (psi) 4000 6000 7500 91,000 15,000 ... NIIN Thoz270- 4E. SLOPE = 5.0 2-1790°C 4.1 4.2 _ _ _ X SLOPE = 4.0. 2-1666°C DEFORMATION RATE (hr). No no no no ô no ģ no ô -1600°C -1535°C -1430°C ThO2- 10.-1535°C. VO, BICRYSTAL 1430°C UO2-1430°C TO TFUO 2, LARGE GRAIN POLYCRYSTAL, 1535°C 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 3.6 3.7 3.8 LOG STRESS 12 PHOTO 83760 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ...!!! , copy', 1 : .. miri, Biļ - - - - All -0.007 INCHES 500x Tom 0.007 IMCHES W 500X l é = 3 x 10' hr-- é = 3 x 100 hr- yu NA 1 .. 21 . J.; 9 WY. C ....me amorowerowe - V * - CA . 2 i * - W. A LC 2 MI: . 4. Y ..... . . .! . ...' - - of 11 wo * ' Vui ;, ';: - ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL li 2.007 INCHES 500X Un 9.COM SOOX é = 3 x 10- hr- é = 2 x 10-2 hr-1 T = 1770°C # 13 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ' 41. , X 1: X . " S 1946 . . ..o me imunitet .. . . RE . . 4 . 1 LO AH) ... ta . . 1 . TAY 43 . 70 - S . 2 , 7 . AE . . Sh. *", o T 1 ma NI . 10 A NY 47 Fig. 5. D.lcctzor. Protomicrograph of a Typical. to, Bicrystal sounüary Before Grain Boundary Sliding Occurs. 45,000 X ou - zleconen ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 14 ONI - AEC-osirin! Mily " . doi V 9 . .. * -- - -- • . . - . .. --- -0.016, 110HF.S TRE TOT 1250x TA TT T Fig. 4. Voids Produced at a Bicrystal Eoundary in vo, by Grain Boundary Sliding. Unetched, 250 X ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 24 15 ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL AILY . . NA Itt A . - .. . - Fig. 5. Jogs in a vo, Bicrystal Boundary After a Small Amount of Grain Boundary Sliding. 69,000 X O?:4! - ".FC-;?FFIC!A! ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL R 1.6 ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Wow hy . IP 11 . . to ... "T ? . .. V he 2 x ? 1 . 24 72 2011 . 4 WE XV. hogy W ! . V .. . Www - - - Fig. 6. Array of Dislocations in Vicinity of Joggeå Bicrystal Boundary in uog. 13,500 X - - - - . . * ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ÉR IT. * . JK es 2 AY . . - . :- - LE SK . 2 - - - - - ....nihe men m -: . O END DATE FILMED 29/ € / 1