1. . i 7 X . | OF I ORNL P2357 : al I ' 145 750 96 ........ -- be . * 1. i $ || 1.25 11.4 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 ORNL-P-13575 1 C.ON+-660 120-1 Paper presented and to be published in the Proceedings (limited distri- bution) of the Symposium on Separated Orbit Cyclotrons and Beam-Cavity Interactions, Weston-on-the-Green, Oxfordshire, England, July 6-8, 1966. 9-22-66 MASTER ri Magnet Development for the 50-MeV SOC* H.C. 3 7.00: 4.50 E. D. Hudson, R. S. Lord, J. E. Mann, and F. E. McDaniel Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee We have recently placed a full-scale prototype sector magnet in test operation. The 50-ton unit constitutes one sector of a proposed 12-sector 10-50 MeV machine. The magnet will be tested first with eleven sets of AG lenses; this corresponds to a machine in which the cavity voltage is constant with radius. Later tests will include a system with fourteen lenses or turns, where the corresponding accelerating voltage would increase by about a factor of two from minimum to maxi- mum radius. The characteristics of the 50-MeV SOC are listed in Table 1. 1 Note that the minimum turn separation is now about 11 inches. The aperture is 1.5 in. axially by 3 in. radially. The steel weight is 560 tons. The copper weight is 30 tons, and the associated power loss is 120 kW. A beam current of 75 mA requires 3000 kW of rf power along with 600 kW for the cavity iosses, or a total rf power of 3600 kW. Details of a pair of pole tips are shown in Fig. 1. This draw- ing shows a pair of pole tips and how they are attached to the yoke, the adjustable coupling shims, and the pole tip coils. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS To develop information on the variation of cost with tolerances, price quotations for three levels of machining errors were requested in the yoke bid package. In going from = 0.005 to + 0.002 in. on the gap and parallelism of pole mounting surfaces, the cost quotation in- creased only $2,100 out of $31, 250 or about 7%. Consequently, the tightest tolerances were selected because it was felt that the relatively small additional cost would be more than offset by economies in align- ment procedures. The pole tip costs, in man-hours for 11 sets of tips with a combined length of 20 ft, are summarized as follows: Couplers 500 Tape preparation 500 1,000 Contouring gap surfaces Preparing blank tips Total 2,000 4,000 man-hours The 4000 hours should be reduced about 25% to account for develop- ment, leaving 3000 man-hours to machine 20 ft of pole tip pairs, or 150 man-hours per ft. The maximum carbon content for the yoke was specified at 0.15% because that was our previous practice. The carbon content in the yoke as received is 0.06%. This is of some concern to us because we must consider the probability that the carbon content could be higher in the steel for a run of production magnets. The bottom yoke as installed at ORNL, see Fig. 2, was level to within + 0.001 in. at every point checked, except one point which was low by 0.002 in. It is interesting, if not surprising, that the 23 in. thick yoke is flexible enough to be adjusted several thousandths of an inch (by use of jacks) without affecting other support points. The top yoke was flat to $ 0.001 in. at all measured points when the center was supported by a suitable stanchion. The gap varies from 16.003 to 16.004 in. as measured at some 12 places. The deviation of the gap from the specified 16.000 + 0.002 in. is not considered important. The completed prototype sector magnet with pole-tip pairs in place, is shown in Fig. 3. A close-up view, Fig. 4, shows such de- tails as the yoke, the coupling shim adjustment bolts, the pole tip coils, and a good view of the alternating-gradient pole-tip gaps. The pole tip coils shown here are not required for protons, but are used to convert the field for deuteron operation by making a few hundred gauss change in the gap fields between minimum and maximum radius. Detailed measurements of the physical dimensions of the tips and of their mag- netic properties have not been made; a preliminary check indicates, however, that the gaps are very close to the design value. Before the 50-ton yoke was ready preliminary measurements were made with the full-scale tips mounted in an old magnet yoke. A constant gradient of 785 G/in. over three inches radial extent was ob- tained on the 4.5 in. wide poles when the central field was 7000 gauss, see Fig. 5. This pair of poles has since been checked in its permanent location on the sector magnet and the gradient is 788 G/in. The several stages in shaping the pole-tip section are shown in Fig. 6. From the top curve it is apparent that we did not want to remove too much metal on the first cut. The remaining curves, cor- responding to subsequent cuts, illustrate our procedure for arriving at the final contour. The main portion of the pole contour has remained unchanged; it has the required hyperbolic surface for a gradient of 800 G/in. From the magnetization curve for the full-scale sector magnet, Fig. 7, we obtain an efficiency of 85% at 7000 gauss. When the number of poles is increased from 11 to 14, the flux density in the yoke will in- crease by about 14/11 and the efficiency will drop to about 67%. The variation of field with gap position is shown in Fig. 8. The 250-gauss variation obtained here is somewhat less than was indicated in our earlier model tests because the flux density in yoke is lower, correction. Present thinking is that the 250-gauss variation shown on this slide can be reduced to less than 50 gauss by some redesign of the coupling shims to provide fixed air gaps. They can then be adjusted to give a 50 gauss change for each inch of motion, or 2-1/2 gauss per turn of the positioning bolts. The distribution of the magnetic field of the pro totype sector with 11 pairs of pole tips in place is shown in Fig. 9. Note that the field between adjacent poles increases from less than one kilogauss at the inside radius to two kilogauss at the outside. Fig. 10 shows the variation of B, with z at three radial positions in the gap. These curves illustrate the difficulty of locating the mag- netic median plane. They also imply that the Hall probe does not have to be precisely located vertically to obtain 0.01% data. Summary The prototype sector magnet is complete and preliminary tests have established the magnet efficiency and magnet power for the system. More detailed measurements will establish the effective magnetic length of the elements, including the effects of the transition region at the center and the fringing at the ends. The interaction between the fields in the gaps caused by adjustments of the coupling shims and the pole tip coils will also be studied. It is expected that the procedures developed for these magnet tests will be applicable for similar SOC's operating at higher energies. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United Suates, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commiesion: A. Makes any warranty or representition, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or uscfulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this repori may not Infringe privately owned rights; or B. Algumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. Table 1 - Specifications for the 10-50 MeV SOC Energy range, MeV protons deuterons alpha particles Turns Sectors 10-50 5-35 10-50 14 12 10.6 13,5 131.1 289.0 1.5 in. by 3.0 in. 7000 800 30 . . . . .. Turn separation, max, in. Beam radius, min, in. Beam radius, max, in. Aperture Magnetic field, G Gradient, G/in. Magnet copper, tons Magnet steel, tons Magnet power, kW Harmonic number Frequency, MHz Beam current, mA Power to beam, kW Cavity power loss, kW Total rf power, kW 560 .. . .. . 120 ..... ...... 24 . .. . 50 75 3000 600 3600 . ORNL-DWG 65-5915R3 ADJUSTABLE FIELD-COUPLING SHIMS- . - - - DI :- Eur : --- IT I 1 / III 4 UT III . DIUINI 1 IIIIIIIIII 07 UIT III 2 TUTTE 11 1 CO III III . 1 CN . . . 11 . POLE TIP victlit OUT TI 111 in IIllanviette till SHARE . 11.11'illit!!!!_ 1 . . TRIMMING COIL OS 1:. . . . IU ... : UN III 1 YOKE ; I EŽ the way e 5 10 15 20 CENTIMETERS Fig. 1. Pole-Tip Pair, Assembly Details | | 功 ​1 ,4 se: #!」, :: * F" · , loli ""; // / Try EN: - --- . 1. l : F47 :- ;; ... ^ - - " . … . 、、 "" , . 、、 . "c-- * → * L . - . . 业 ​1. . . . "", "; 、 。 拿书​” 1年​, . * 能 ​中學 ​" 了 ​. .... 五 ​. - 人​, 不是​, ht { 臺 ​tc - , " 94 看过 ​- --- --- , - = , 5 , . 心 ​了​, 也 ​} | r' 1F: | 11, :: : , | 老 ​直到 ​文化事業 ​*: 11 .. 主 ​= .. . , . 《 { . 11 F.. :": : 的 ​: - , . vitriii - : in 15: 是不是​? , 产品集中营 ​, , .. ht 不了 ​, Tir 他是​!” 1 - ||| Lib " " . 常 ​. , i' . , , iii 子 ​, ? 4播​: ” - : 是的​, wu 生于1 i all 售​: “ , , Ell 高中 ​: “ ||| : h. 'il 中 ​費​。 , 了​” - 「T . 此 ​1. | uP .3 二 ​們 ​1:14 NT . - 車 ​了​. . .. 11 *Herki ' , 在等​“书 ​'a 14 - ' ' Im」 , - | 中​, 本人 ​5:11 | 1. | 11 - a片 ​ le O , o' .. ntre el rango . 1 MILF ST - : •: Ze*.-15 .. : ...a. tc. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. . : ter - IT - $ . be . . 'm' ' . . 1 / * .. . " lī Fig. 2. Prototype Sector Magnet, Align- ment Tests - - - - - w - . - - - - --------- 21 = i ;. * .. - 44 V M -,-* . . * . . . . : - - - - - - : : i . - . - . Ali 2-x ' , 学 ​* le " : 1 * 十 ​生 ​” , 主受​。 . : . . - pt- -- 上 ​一事​, ! * ! , " 了自​: || -- .t - - - 一 ​} . ". . 。 . . 4 . Fit 1 事 ​二月 ​。 ”, 事 ​: 行程 ​, Hi 式 ​事事 ​事​。 是 ​“ .. , -r 1 , L ,, T. . 「 主 ​, , 生 ​: 情​: , 5 事 ​一方 ​. - i * * 「 :: . 去年共 ​: . = = . . = || = . .. 。 重​” ... 4 . . 不 ​! “是​。 ht T": 書 ​述​: · 」 : : - . 景 ​- . - - .. --- 作​: 子学 ​- * - -- 在 ​: 準 ​量 ​L. : 中心 ​, A , :: ": "11 " : 4 Flas"}, [f4. 鲁​, # " . 1, . * , yrf , ... * | 号 ​, … :'' : - " - . T “今 ​- - ' ” " .. . "h - 11 量​: 是 ​? ” 三 ​二女一生 ​| | | Alli 書 ​身上有体共有 ​学 ​… 一中 ​Pier/../ : ry - - - : - - . . . . - --SET : 日 ​本 ​中 ​"-"; /** * * 青 ​ps4-AM -- - tyle":": . 2 - - --- -- - - - - ... -- -- - -- . . A ... - - : bit. 111 - . . -. *. * Fig. 3. Sector Magnet With Eleven Pairs of Pole Tips TA . 0 wy PAW IN Se M ' ' Pos A M . . M e . Y MA ? 87 - . - I - --- . . -- - - , - - - - PST - T .- . ' - - - - - . . - t Pole Tips i 3 and 4 Pole Tips Pairs Fig. 4. Details of .. . S 2. . . - . . . . .. .... - . an . 1 + $ - yi' '. . * . . : . . . R . 1 . . 3 . A 7 w : 1 1 . . . S 1. 1 7 men .. $ 12 1 . - Pored ini mi a . . *• . *. oledo.? . . . . . . Jana 4 ORNL-DWG 66-4250 0 0 1 MAGNETIC FIELD (KG) 0 0 GRADIENT (gauss/in.) 45 1 -BEAM APERTURE- A -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 INCHES 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Fig. 5. Magnetic Field and Gradient vs Radius ORNL-DWG 66-6500 - (B-BREF) (gauss) 800 gauss/in. REFERENCE Pole Edge Geometry Produced by Changes in Fig. 6. Field Changes -2.0 -4.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 DISTANCE FROM Ro (in.) 1.0 1.5 2.0 LHYPERBOLIC REFERENCE DISTANCE FROM MEDIAN PLANE (in.) T -2.00 -2.25 HYPERBOLIC REFERENCE -4.75 -4.50 4.50 DISTANCE FROM Ro (in.) 4.75 2.00 2.25 FIELD (KG) o - N W 0 0 0 0 Ô 0 200 100% EFF 400 CURRENT (A) 600 800 9000 ORNL-DWG 66-6388 1200 Fig. 7. Magnetization Curve for 10-50 MeV SOC ORNL-DWG 66-6393 GAP FIELD (KG) 6.8 4 6 6 8 10 12 GAP NUMBER Fig. 8. Magnetic Field Measured at R for Each Gap (smooth curve for reference only) ORNL-DWG 66-6394 FIELD (KG) ON A 0 0 Ò ON A 0 Ò FIELD (KG) 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 V 3V 0 10 20 30 40 50 RADIUS (in.) 60 70 80 90 Fig. 9. Magnetic Field of the Prototype Sector With 11 Pairs of Pole Tips ORNL-DWG 66-6390 Ro-1.5 in. B-Bo (gauss) ABOVE BELOW 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 DISTANCE FROM MEDIAN PLANE (in.) Fig. 10. Vertical Variations of BS . = - : - : F34 ? . ) . . . 1 END DATE FILMED 11 / 29 / 66 . 2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..-