+ 1 . | OF T ORNL P 2328 enero . . : I . - Weer, EEEFEFEE EESEE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 Druh p-7328 MASTER P LEGAL NOTICE SM-72/3 TKS report na praçared u usccount al Goverweni sponsored work. Neither the Unit ham, mor the Communion, nor way person acting an mhall of the Comunicatoa: A. Hakes my warranty or representation, expressed or implied, will respect to the accu. racy, completas, or wafalme of the laboration contained in the report, or that the use ol may laborna tom, amenate, method. or process decloued lan this rogort way ut latringo primately owned risus; or 1. Araw way liabilues with noapect to the wes of, or lor damages roouurs trom the use of any information, mantu, method, or process discloud us we report. As we do the above, "preos sctly on bolall of the countratan" include my on- mogn or contractor of the Comission, or employee ol auch contractor, to the extent that such anploys or contruc or at the Connisolon, os en suya al such contractor preparu, Mosambats, or provides access 60, way information pursuant to Ws engloyarat or coatrat with the Counsston, or Moonployment with such comes setor. 2:00.- 50 AUG 10 1966 DILUTION, DISPERSION, AND MASS TRANSPORT OF RADIONUCLIDES IN THE CLINCH-TENNESSEE RIVERSO, F. L. Parker (ORIL), M. A. Churchill (TVA), R. W. Andrew (USPHSC) B. J. Frederick (USGS), F. H. Carrigan, Jr. (USGS) J. S. Cragwall, Jr. (USGS), S. L. Jones (Tenn. SPCBf) E. G. Struxness (OP.NL), and R. J. Merton (AECC) Health Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee A Abstract . > The comprehensive cooperative study, by state and Federal agencies and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, of the fate of nuclides discharged to the Clinch River has been successfully concluded. Analyses of water samples indicated that the major radionuclides dis- charged to the clinch River in the 20 years, 1944 through 1963, have been Pogr, 1110 curies; +51cs, 660 curies; 10 Ru, 6600 curies; TRE, 1240 curies; and "Ru in Clinch and Tennessee rivers below ORNL has been made, cover- ing a period of 2 years and 160 river miles. Water samples proportional Into Seas, Oceans, and Surface Waters; Vienna, Austria; May 16-20, 1966. "Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Comission under con- tract with the Union Carbide Corporation. "Tennessee Valley Authority. "United States Public Health Service. United States Geological Survey. *Tennessee Stream Pollution Control Board. United States Atomic Energy Commission. RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS BLANK PAGE 1. AU - - . - . to flow have been analyzed for both radioactive and stable chemical ele- ments. A good balance was found in the Clinch River between the input and output of radionuclides, except for +Cs. The negligible quantities stored in the biots and the small quantities in the sediments, except for +5'cs, confirmed the hypothesis that the majority of the nuclides passed out of the Clinch River in the water phase. The Clinch River at mile 5.5 is a slightly basic (pH 7.7), moderately hard (106 ppm), bicarbonate stream, with a low organic content (28 ppm volatile solids at Clinch River Mile 14.5), a nitrate content of 1.5 ppm, and a phosphate content of 0.1 ppm, and an average flow of 5585 cfs. Tracer tests with 1, 90 au, fluorescein, Rhodamine B, and Pontacyl Pink B in the river have shown that dispersion at all flow rates causes practically uniform distribution of the radionuclides in the river water before reaching the water intake of the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (ORGDP), 6.3 miles downstream. Diffusion coefficients have been calculated and a mathematical model formulated for the movement of radioactive mate- rials through the clinch River'. A hydroelectric peaking power plant has been constructed on the Clinch River, 2.3 miles upstream from the point of entry of wastes into the river. By theoretical analyses and field tests, it has been shown that the momen- tary minimum dilution of ORNL wastes in the Clinch River has been recuced to a dilution factor of 54 for summer conditions and 17 for winter condi. tions at ORGDP. These minimum dilutions persist, for very short periods of time. The results of studies of the Clinch River have been compared with those for other streams receiving low-level radioactive westes. For the rivers investigated with low organic content and comparable velocities, it can be concluded that a catastrophic large-scale release of radioactive material already stored in the river system would not occur, even as a re- sult of major changes in flow, in pH, or in oxidation-reduction potential in the river. Purpose The purpose of the comprehensive, cooperative study of the Clinch River below Oak Ridge National Laboratory was to obtain fundamental infor- mation on the physical, chemical, and biological dynamics of a flowing, fresh-water ecosystem which 13 receiving large volumes of low-level radio- active wastes. The information derived from such a compréhensive, broadly conceived, fundamental, and applied research program has important implications for two major world-wide problems resulting from large-scale environmental con- tamination [1]. These are: 1. What is the over-all diluent capacity of freeh-water environments l'or an increasing continuous input of large volumes or low-level radioɛctive wastes? 2. What is the long-tern inäirect impact of radioactive contamination of such environments? The five najor objectives of the Clinch River study were: 1. to determine the fate of radioactive materials currently being dischargeu, 2. to determine and define mechanisus of dispersion of radionuclides released, 3. to evaluate direct and indirect hazards of current disposal practices, 4. to evaluate the capacity of the river for radioactive waste dis- posal toward assurance that no adverse downstream conditions would occur, and 5. to suggest appropriate long-term monitoring procedures. The study was directed by the Clinch River Study Steering Committee, which consisted of representatives of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), U. S. Public Health Service (USPHS), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Tenuessee Fish and Game Commission (TFCC), Tennessee Department of Public Health (TDPH), and Tennessee Stream Pollu- tion Control Board (TSPCB), and as ex officio members, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (USAEC) representatives from the Oak Ridge Operations Office and the divisions of Reactor Development and Biology and Medicine in Wash- ington, D. C. The scientific investigations necessary to meet these objectives were carried out in a coordinated and concentrated effort and were evaluated and directed by subcommittees on water sampling and analysis, bottom sediment sampling and analysis, aquatic biology, and safety evaluation. Reports from three of these sul committees will be presented at this conference. The study was a truly coordinated effort, and members of the various participating agencies worked under a general over-all direction to try to fulfill the objectives of the study. The study period was from 1959 through 1964 with the major sampling program in 1961 and 1962. The primary emphasis or the analysis of releases of radionuclides to the clinch River tili the start of the comprehensive study in 1959 2 had been to determine if the concentrations in the river were below the maxi- mum permissible concentrations (MPC) for drinking water recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) B U and the National Committee on Radiation Protection (NCRP) 551. The Applied Health Physics Group of the Laboratory has been monitoring the river practically from the day the Laboratory was started in 1943. There were even notes in the secret records of the Manhattan District prior to the establishmerit of Oak Ridge about the possiole effect on fish population of discharges of radioactive material into the Clinch River 6). Hydrology The Clinch River, a tributary of the Tennessee River system, rises near Tazewell, Virginia, and flows southwest to join the Tennessee River near Kingsto. Tennessee (Fig. 1). The Clinch River is over 300 miles long and drains an area of approximately 4400 square miles. Below Norris Dain, at Clinch River Mile (CRM) 79.8 (that is, miles upstream from the mouth of the river), and during the major portion of the Study, the river was highly regulated by the flow from the dai and by the flow from and the ele- vation of the water at Watts Bar Dam, located 37.8 miles downastream from the confluence of the Clinch and Tennessee rivers. White Oak Creek, which drains the site of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and thus is the major source of radionuclide input, joins the clinch River at CRM 20.8 (Fig. 2). The backwater pool from Watts Bar Dam extended upstream past White Oak Creek to CRM 28 during the nonflooding season, May to September, and to White Oak Creek during the high flow period of planned minimum pool elevation. The average flow in the Clinch River above White Oak Creek is 4560 cfs with a maximum flow of record and prior to the construction of Norris and Melton Hill dams of 42,900 cfs. ORAL-DNG 65-1TTORE VIRGINIA KENTUCKY CLINCH_RIVER RAIS camere NORRIS DAM TENNESSEE MELTON HILL DAM OAK RIDGE KNOXVILLE Sklo Anna LOUDON FORT LOUDOUN DAM TENNESSEE RIVER NORTH CAROLINA -WATTS BAR DAM CHICKAN.AUGA DA CHATTANOOGA 10 10 20 30 40 GEORGIA MILES Fig. 1. Location Map of Clinch and Tennessee Rivers. K-25 WATER INTAKE MONITORING STATION - WHITE OAK DA MONITORING STATIO TO NORRIS DAM 'CENTERS FÉRRY MELTON HILL DAM MONITORING STATION TO TENNESSEE RIVER, WATTS BAR DAM, CHATTANOOGA Fig. 2. Water Sampling Station Location Map. - -- The work reported in this study took place mainly before the comple- tion of Melton Hill Dam at CRM 23.1 in May 1962. With beginning of oper- ations of Menton Hill Dam, a peaking hydroelectric power plant, in 1962 the river regime changed drastically. Now, tie river from Watts Bar Dam to Melton Hill Dam is practically a reeervoir, and pilsed releases, higher velocities, and lower temperatures occur below Melton Hill Dam. Tracer tests to predict the effect of Melton Hill Dam on pollutant flows in the Clinch River will be discussed later. The Clinch River is used for fishing, swimning, water skiing, drink- ing water, and industrial cooling. The river is also used for navigation, and in the past for coal targes, up to the K-25 steam piant at CRM 13. The use of the river will be materially increased now that Melton Hill Dam has been constructed, The time for water or a wave to move from Norris Dam to CRM 20.8 was variable, depending upon conditions in the river [7] [8]. A flow of 3800 cfs corresponded to one turbine operating at Norris Dam, and 7400 cfs cor- responded to two turbines operating. The electrical output is tied into the TVA power system; and, because of the integrated use of hydroelectric and sterom pover, the flow at Norris Dem through the turbines might be 0, 3800, or 7400 cfs. During flood-control periods, larger quantities of water may be releesed through the gates or sluices. The time of travel of water from Norris Dan to CRM 20.8 was about twice the time for the waves generated by operation of the turbines to travel B. This assumes unstratified flow in the river which is not al- ways the case. In the summer backwaters from Watts Bar Dam are warmer than the Clinch River water released from Norris Dam and caused the Norris water to flow under the ponded Watts Bar water; that is, stratified flow cesulted. 'The "duck-under point" varied, depending upon flow and temperature condi- tions in the river, but commonly occurred at or downstream from CRM 12.6. It is evident that the Clinch River is a highly complex hydraulic system. Radioactive Releases to the River The Oak Ridge National Laboratory releases some radioactive material to White Cak Creek from the waste water treatment plant, earthen seepage pits, and drainage of various reactor facilities. In addition, some radio- active material is leached or exchanged from the bed of White Oak Lake. 7 White Oak Lake from 1943 to 1955 had been used as an impoundment for the wastes released from the Laboratory. This lake covered an area of 35 to 44 acrss and had an average depth of 6 ft. Suse of the wastes flowing from the Laboratory settled in White Oak Lake and were sorbed on the mids and siits. Eventually, equilibrium was reached in the lake between inflow and outflow of radioactive muterials, and the lalie was drained in 1955. The waste waters f?ow in White Oak Creek through the bed of white Oak Lake. The gates at the dan are still operative and were raised again in 1959 to create a small lake. They can be raised further to form a larger lake for temporary storage if wastes of higher level than normal should be discharged accidentally. During the 20 years, 1944 to 1963, a total of almost 14,000 curies was discharged from White Oak Creek into the clinch River 01 (10 (1) , principally the rare earths, bYsr, Yosr, 1970s, and TOC Ru (Table 1). In addition, the white Oak Creek discharges have contained substantial quan- tities of nonradioactive chemicals, particularly nitrates. The Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant and the X-12 Plant also discharge radioactive material to the clinch River, but the wastes from the uranium processing at these plants contain only small quantities of low-activity material and do not materially increase the pollutant load of the river. It was decided at the very start of the study that an Inventory or materials balance of the radionuclides entering, leaving, remaining, or doceying in the river should be established. Only in this way would it be certain that there were no undetected reservoirs of radioactive mate- rials accumulating in the environment. Consequently, water-sampling sta- tions were established, as shown in Fig. 2, on the clinch River at the Oak Ridge water plant, upstream from the point of discharge of Oak Ridge National Laboratory's wastes; at ORNL's discharge point at White Oak Dam; at the point of water intake of the K-25 plant at Gallaher Bridge; upstream from the mouth of Clinch River near Centers Ferry; on the Tennessee River, at Loudon, upstream from the point of confluence of the Clinch and Tennes- see rivers; and downstream from the point of confluence at Watts Bar Dam; and at Chickamauga Dam. The first major use of the Clinch River waters for drinking purposes is located below Chickamauga Dam [12. Table 2 lists the distance downstream of the sampling stations, the frequency and type of sampling, and determinations made. Year Co 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 77 15 1.9 2.2 19 TABLE 1 YEARLY DISCHARGES OF RADIONUCLIDES TO CLINCH RIVER (CURIES) Gross 187Cs 106 Ru Sos TRE(-Ce) Beta 144 Ce 95zr 95Nb 1311 600 500 900 200 494 718 110 150 18 180 191 19 23 38 101 29 4.5 214 9.9 72 26 18 304 6.4 130 110 7.6 384 22 140 437 63 93 150 5.2 5.7 582 170 29 100 140 12 15 397 89 83 110 23 7.1 1.2 544 55 * 381 240 6.0 8.2 937 76 520 60 94 27 2190 31 1900 48 38 45 . 5.3 2230 24 2070 3.7 1440 5.6 1400 9.4 11 1.2 2.2 7.7 0.36 470 3.5 430 7.8 9.4 1.5 0.34 0.71 0.44 15 26 Soon 160 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 14 6.6 46 3.5 60 42 4.8 6.0 8.7 30 0.5 77 2000 4.2 72 31 14 14 Values calculated from data supplied by Applied Health Physics Section, ORNL. ORNL-DWG, 66-2250 TABLE 2 FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF WATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSES - 6 Designation Miles Mile Period of Frequency from Clinch Type of Analyses Collection of Collection River 20.8 [ Clinch River at Oak CRM 41.5 +20.7 Nov. 1960- Weekly Weekly radiochemical, Ridge Water Plant Nov. 1962 proportionate of weekly stable; after May daily sub-sample 1961, monthly stable. 2 White Oak Creek at WOC 0.6 + 0.6 Nov. 1960- Weekly Weekly radiochemical, White Oak Dam Nov. 1962 continuous weekly stable chemical* proportionate after Nov. 1961. sample Clinch River at CRM 14.5 - 6.3 Jan. 1962- Weekly Weekly radiochemical Gallaher Bridge Nov. 1962 proportionate and stable chemical sample of 4 hr sub-samples 4 Clinch River above CRM 5.5 - 15.3 Nov. 1960- Weekly Weekly radiochemical Centers Ferry Nov. 1962 proportionate and stable chemical. sample of daily sub-samples 5 Tennessee River TRM 591.8 Nov. 1960- Monthly Monthly radiochemical and at Loudon Nov. 1962 composites of stable chemical daily sub-samples 6 Tennessee River at TRM 529.9 -58.6 Nov. 1960- Weekly Weekly radiochemical, Watts Bar Dam Nov. 1962 proportionate weekly stable; after of daily May 1961, monthly stable sub-samples 7 Tennessee River at TRM 471.0 -117.5 Nov. 1960- Weekly Weekly radiochemical, Chickamauga Dam Nov. 1962 proportionate weekly stable; after of daily May 1961, monthly stable sub-samples *Applied Health Physics Section continuously monitors this flow. . . . - - - - . Five gallons of the collected samples from each station were sent to the U, S. Public Health Service Laboratory, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, where the suspended sediments (0.7 u) were separated (Prior to April 1961, the entire sample was evaporated.) fron the dissolved material, and both were evaporated to diyness. The Samples were counted on a multi-channel analyzer, and the results sent to a computer for gamma-spectrum analyses. The "Sr and ° Sr were separated by wet chemical processes prior to the final evaporation and counted. One gallon of the collected samples was sent to the Tennessee Department of Public Health for routine stable-chemical analyses. One-gallon samples were also used at ORNL for determination of some of the less common sta- ble chemicals 63. The average concentration of the nuclides was multiplied by the average water flow 014) in the river during the composite period to deter- mine the flux of nuclides passing the sampling point. The cumulative values of the nuclides passing each sampling point were tabulated and plotted. The representativeness of the sampling stations on the Clinch River was determined by river tests using both radioactive and fluorescent tracers at flow rates from 600 cfs to 20,000 cfs. Figure 3 shows a representative curve of the 20,000-cfs flows and the variation in concentration with depth 015]. At all flow rates and river conditions tested the concentra- tion across the clinch River was uniform by the time the first downstream water supply intake (K-25) was reached. Based on the methods developed previously, it was possible to determine the diffusion coefficients in the Clinch River from the concentration time curves, such as shown in Fig. 3 016 17. The variation of the diffusion coefficient at various flows and with distance in the Clinch River is shown in Fig. 4 (18]. The diffusion coefficients were used later to calculate the effects of Melton Hill Dam releases on the movement of nuclides in the river. -.- -.- - r. - 3- - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - Movement of Radionuclides in Clinch River Water Curves showing mass balance analysis of the major nuclides, Yosr, 1970s, bºco, and 100 Ru, introduced into the clinch River are shown in Figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8 (9). There is a loss of 10.8% of 90sr, 5.4% of 100 Ru, and 11 ORNL-LR-OWG 76478 DEPTH OF PROBE-5 ft (EXCEPT AS NOTED) 10 ft CONCENTRATION OF RADIOACTIVITY Iype c/mi) - 15 ft - 2017 12 OQ ° 41:40 om 19:50 om 12:00 12:10 pm 12:20 pm TIME OF OBSERVATION, FEB. 1, 1962 12:30 pm 12:40 pm Fig. 3. Flow-Through Curve of 20,000-cfs Tracer Test at CRM 14.5. ORNL-DWG 64-4670 DATE TO AUG. 61 FEB. *62 ELEVATION DISCHARGE WATTS BAR RES. 7,990 cfs 740.6 ft 20,00 7354 D, DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT (*+/noc) 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 CLINCH RIVER MILE Fig. 4. Diffusion coefficients in the clinch River. ORNL-DWG 65-3192 - - - DAM.... the . INDICATES SAMPLING STARTED AT GALLAHER BRIDGE ------- Chien ACCUMULATED CURIES do .tt .afif WATTS BAR DAM- CENTERS TERRY LOUDON TR GALLANER BRIDGE .fo f - t. DOO . 0 W.O.C.. 41.5 L Sattarts . . WHITE OAK CREEK - - V : ** CENTERS FERRY - - O.R. WATER PLINT 1960 1961 1962 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV? NOV. 16 NOV. 19 NOV. 21 NOV. 30 DEC. 5 to-do--t-- 2.-.p.-.. ......... Fig. 5. Mass Balance Diagram for Strontium-90. 1.-4 .- .- F t- ORALOWG Asus 3500 CHUCKANALEM .. Tis, noul Lola INOICATES SAMLING STARTED L No. + 1.5 J GALLAHER BRIDGE ot Jan TERS EN WITE MK CREEK 3000 m ACCUMULATED CURIES Llor. MTEN AANT "ST" 1900 NOV 16 - 1961 1902 NOV 19 - **Tooc] JANT FED/MARS APRT MAY SUN T TAUGT SEPT OCT NOV DEC JANTFOMAN APR MAY JUNT AUG SEPTOCT MONT NOV 30 NO 2 ELZAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAF DEC . Fig. 6. Mass Balance Diagram for Ruthenium-106. ORUL-OUNG 65-3193 3 6 8 ZONIERS Center INDICATES SAMPLING STARTED AT GALLAMER BRIDGE TEEK CAK Det | | 8 8 8 8 ACCUMULATED CURIES 8 8 8 8 | | f t -t --- | T -tt- 6 5 4 t tot WATER PLANT 8 968 o 1960 1961 1002 NOV NOV 19- DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SOOCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUS, SEP OCT NOV MOV 21- --- -- - --- - -- -- NOV 301... DEC S. NOV 301.-- - ---- - - - - ----.f-f .-t.-.-.- Fig. 7. Mass Balance Diagram for Cobalt-60. ARNOWG 6-10 CENTERS FREY INDKCATES SAMPLING STARTED AT GALLAHER BRIDGE : 8. mer (narus TEOS . CENTERS Sony LLAMER TRIOGE : Ő . ACCUMULATED CURICS . : . CENTERS TERRY SAMPLER NOT, FUNCTIONING PROPERLY 17 CHACKAMAUCA OAM troca WEITE OAK CREEK CA. MATER. LLANT 190 TAUG SEP OCT NOV? now 0 7777777777*A*7 1960 1962 ~ 16 TOEC JANT FEDMAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN NOV 19 NOV 21 NOV 30+ DEC S.. Fig. 8. Mass Balance Diagram for Cesium-137. hit 00 a gain of 5.1% op 60co, and 48.5% of 137c8 in the clinch River from the cumulative combined flow of nuclides at White Oak Dam and the clinch River ut mile 41.5 (46 curies, 90sr; 3370 curies, 106Ru; 55.2 curies, 60co; and 33 curies, 154c8). "The small differences between the input to the clinch River waters and the output, except for 137c8, indicate that radionuclides entering the clinch River in the water phase also leave the clinch River in the water phase. Some discrepancies are to be expected, because the cumula- tive loads are derived by multiplying low concentrations (about 10°45 curie/liter) by high flows (about 104 liters/week) at each station and com- paring the differences. The -Cs concentrations are especially subject to error, because the + Cs energy peaks (0.662 Mev) in gamma ray spectroscopy are masked by the high - Ru concentrations and consequent high - Ru energy peaks (0.518 Mev and 0.624 Mev). The minimum detectable concentrations of these isotopes are shown in Table 3. Concentrations at each of the stations are given in Table 4, and dis- tributions of the major radionuclides in suspended sediments are given in Table 5. The -'Cs determinations would have been improved if the cesium and ruthenium had been separated chemically prior to counting. In spite of the relatively inaccurate +) Cs determinations, however, it is interesting to note that measurements of the total loads of nuclides passing White Oak Dam, based on independent gamma ray spectrum analyses by ORNL and USPHS, are in good agreement (Table 6) 20. The agreement resulted from the rela- tively high concentrations of cesium in the White Oak Lake water, whereas the concentrations further downstream were much lower. The cumulative mass-balance analysis of water-transported nuclides has proved useful to flatten out pulses, to make negligible the differences in travel time, and to provide a portion of the total mass-balance system. The mass changes of radionuclides in the biota and bottom sediments complete the mass-balance analyses. Reservoir of Radioactive Nuclides In Clinch River Biota and Sediments To check the correctness of the information obtained from the cumula- tive nuclide transport curves, that most of the radionuclides entering the Clinch River leave it in the aqueous phase, it is necessary to determine 18 TABLE 3 LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION FOR INDIVIDUAL RADIONUCLIDES (10-12 curie/11ter) 106RU 90gr 1 137C 11 60co 9 45 White Oak Creek White Oak Creek (DS* only) Other Stations Other Stations (DS only) ana i 2 0.03 0.03 *DS = Dissolved Solids. ORNL-DWG-66-2251 TABLE4 CONCENTRATION OF RADIOK UCLIDES AT SAMPLING STATIONS (10° curles/Wor) iCS W R Plow Wow Aled Maximum Mean Conc. conc. 0.71 5.0 Maximum Conc. Maximum Conc. Flow Weighted Mona Conc. 23 Maximum Conc. 223 1,349 17,460 4,005 103,600 Brldre 346 Clinch River at auk Radio Water Plan (CRM 41.5) mille auk Crook at White Out Dam (WOC 0.6) cunch River at Calahor Bridyo (CRM 14.5) Cunch River above Centers Perry (CRM 6.8) TOARE... Ruvor at Loudon, Tennessee (TROM M1.6) Tonmus. Ruror at Watts Bar Dam (TRM 52.0) Teamwe Rawor at Chickamaun Dam 1.0 4.6 1.2 .. 1.6 1.6 6,400 21 36 24 . 11.9 36 2.5 16.6 14.1 345 .12 ... Tonnesso. waito Bar Dam prat Chickamaus Deum 10 s i 2 s 3.3 304,400 789 2,633 386 193 200 296 1.6 1 TABLE 5 PERCENTAGE ACTIVITY IN SUSPENDED SOLIDS Гіпсо со Modian Modian Mean Medan Mean Mean Median 100 44 79 Mean Cunch River at Ouk Rudne Water Plant (CRM 41.8) Waxe auk Crook a white auk Dam (WOC 0.6) Cunch River at Gallaber Bridge (CHM 14.5) Chincha Rinor aboro Canten forry (CRM 6.8) Tonnesowe Pnr a Watte Bu Dum (TRM 399.9) Tonnet me River at Chickamaua Dum 10 (TRM 471.0) 242183 WANO O Croat at White Oak Dari 1 0 A River at Calleber Bridge o nch River above Contors Porn 86 River at Walto Bar Danto o 30 100 5 10 27 30 . 3 100 100 0 100 12 26 25 0 0 29 h 17 16 , 21 21 1 20 TABLE 6 COMPARISON OF CURIES PASSING WHITE OAK DAM ORNL USPHS % Differerice 39.3 25.8 Strontium-90 Cesium-137 Cobalit-60 Ruthenium-106 34.7 22.2 16.3 3530 iii + ерка 51.5 3180 21 the reservoir of radioactive nuclides in the biota and bottom sediments. The total amount of radioactive material concentrated in the biota is dif- ficult to obtain. However, by taking an engineering-type approach, it is possible to obtain a maximum estimate of what the radioactive reservoir nutrient in the Clinch River waters [] and that all of the phosphorus in the water was converted to hiomass. It is recognized that phosphorus coes into the mud and biota quickly, influenced by water composition, form of phosphorus, water velocity, etc.; but for estimating purposes, it was assumed that all f the phosphorus in the water is converted to biomass and that the transport of biomass out of the study reach is slow in com- parison to the water transport. Phosphates in the water were measured to be about 0.2 ppm is dis- cussed in the next section. Phosphorus has also been measured to average about one-half of 1% for marine fish [22, and it is assumed that the same concentration holds for fresh-water biota. The amount of water in the Clinch River is about 109 cu ft or say equivalent to 4 x 10° g of biomass possible in the river. Now, if it is assumed that the maximum concentration factor for strontium in the biomass is 2.0° - which is above the measured levels - then there is a total loading of 1.8 curies in the biomass at any one time, whereas, based on a maximum observed concentration of 43,000 pc/kg [23] , this is only 17 me. The reservoir is, of course, could be a major source of exposure [24]. . The data presented in the paper by R. J. Pickering (25), showing only 200 curies in the bottom sediments, completes the over-all mass balance of the Clinch River and show without any doubt that very little of the ra- dioactive material introduced into the Clinch River remains there in either the bottom sediments or in the biomass. Analysis of releases from other nuclear sites has confirmed the rapid movement of radionuclides out of a stream [26]. However, the work of Gloyna and associates has shown that in a flume with heavy induced organic growth it is possible to have a signifi- cant portion of the radionuclides retained terporarily on the biomass (27). For a continuous input, however, it is not certain whether the organic growth acts as an ion exchange column, allowing a build-up till a breakthrough occurs, or whether new organic growth simulates regeneration of the exchange material. Chemistry of Clinch River Waters Waters in the Clinch and Tennessee rivers and in White Oak Creek re- flect the geology of the area through which they flow. Consequently, in the Clinch River, which drains a limestone region, one would expect to find, and indeed does find, Ca(HCO ), as the major chemical constituent of the water. Though nitrates and sulfates were quite high in White Oak Creek water, 8.2 and 23 ppm, respectively, for the period November 1962 to November 1963, the dilution in the clinch River is so great that the con- centration of nitrates and sulfates downstream were not markedly affected. Except for the radioactive contents, the quality of water in the Clinch River, downstream from Oak Ridge, was essentially the same as that up- stream (Table 7) [28] . The suispended sediments in the Clinch River are quite low due to im- pounaments at Norris Dam during high rainfall and runoff. The average suspended sediment, on a monthly basis at CRM 41.5, was 185 ppm. Further downstream at CRM 5.5, below the "duck-under point," and with Melton Hill Dam partially constructed, the mean suspended sediment on a weekly sampling had been reduced to 55 ppm. This indicates a deposition of 2.5 x 10° lb in the reach or if uniformly distributed less than 2 in. Actual measure- ments of bottom sediments in the river by TVA during a period, June 1961 to June 1962, from CRM 22.8 to CRM 1.3, showed an average deposition of 2.1 in. [29]. The Tennessee River, draining an area underlain by more siliceous types of rock, has a lower hardness than the Clinch and, after passing through a series of dams, has less suspended solids and lower concentra- tions of associated constituents than the clinch River. The higher sodium chloride content of the Tennessee River is due to industrial operations and to the high sodium chloride content of the ground-water drainage into the upper reaches of the Holston River. Water in the Clinch, below Melton Hill Dam, and Tennessee rivers then is a slightly basic, moderately hard water, with relatively low suspended solids. Effects of Melton Hill Dain The effect Melton Hill Dam would have on the movement of nuclides down- stream was not immediately apparent. However, it was recognized that the flow 23 ORNL-DWG, 66-2252 CRM TRM . 53 20 20 117 3 125 5.8 5.1 15 TABLE 7 SUMMARY OF DISCHARGE-WEIGHTED MEAN VALUES OF STABLE-CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF CLINCH AND TENNESSEE RIVER WATERC CRM CRM wode TRM8 TRM 41.5 14.5 5.5 591.4 529.9 471.0 Turbidity 28 17 14 Apparent color 197 114 88 Centrifuged color 23 24 pH 7.8 7.7 7.7 7.8 7.6 Bicarbonate 117 125 125 119 112 Acidity, as Cacos 3 Hardne88, as CaCO, 107 Calcium 27 32 21 Magnesium 9.4 6.0 7.7 5.5 5.5 Chloride 1.6 20 Sulfate 23 11 Nitrate 8.2 2.7 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.5 Iron 3.4 0.08 0.06 1.7 0.5 Phosphate 0.2 0.60 0.22 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 Potassium 1.7 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.3 Sodium 1.4 2.4 2.4 Silicon 2.9 1,7 1.5 2.7 3.5 3.1 3.4 Specific conductance 195 283 216 196 170 177 162 Susrıended solid 185 25.3 55 Dissolved solid 125 129 133 121 112 101 Total solids 310 154 142 126 111 Organic nitrogen 0.7 0.5 0.4 Manganese 0.4 0.1 ~0.0 ~0.0 Chromium Strontium, 0.073i 0.065 0.070 0.069 0.063 Discharge 5088 14 4620 5585 21,419 31,340 38,876 13 12 12 10 12 1.0 ܤ ܚ ܘܝܝܕܘ 1.0 0.6 2.3 9.5 6.8 5.8 22 15 188 0.5 0.1 0.02h Concentrations in parts per million, except pH in pH units, specific conductance in micromhos per cemtimeter, and discharge in cubic feet per second. "Chemical analyses performed on filtered samples for CRM 14.5, White Oak Creek Dam. For other stations, chemical analyses performed on unfiltered (raw) samples. Values for TRM 591.4 are arithmetic averages of monthly samples which were not discharged-weighted when composited, as were samples for other stations. Sample period, Nov. 27, 1960-Dec 1, 1962. Sample period, Nov. 18, 1961-Nov. 30, 1963. Sample period, Nov. 28, 1960-Jan. 8, 1962. Sample period, Aug. 1960-Nov. 1962. Sample period, May 1961-Nov. 1962 only. Sample period, Mar. 19, 1961-Jan.6, 1962 only. Time weighted mean for the total sampling period. 24 regime in the river would be completely changed due to the greater dis- charges, higher velocities, change in location of the "duck-under" region, and lower temperatures. It was reasoned that if water were withdrawn uni- formiy from the clinch River, the radiological effects should be inconsequen- tial, since the radionuclides passing out of the river, averaged over the year, should be approximately the same, and the radiation dose would be unchanged. Averaging the dose over a year is permitted by ICRP recommen- dations [30]. It was felt that water withdrawals on a daily and weekly basis could be quite different and might under the worst imaginable condi- tions make it necessary to restrict time of withdrawals from the river. Since the Melton Hill facility was to serve as a peaking hydroelectric power station, the estimated daily flow would be as high as 18,000 cfs and would alter the flow regime considerably. These high flows would cause the level of water in the Clinch River to rise and would prevent the re- lease of waters from White Oak Creek until the flows were decreased and the Clinch River waters fell. Consequently, the polluted waters in White Oak Creek would be released as a slug. The concentrations downstream at the ORGDP water supply intake were critical. River conditions differ markedly" for summer and winter, as shown in Table 8. To test the effect of these peaking flows, waters were released, through the cooperation of the TVA, by operating the gates of the Melton Hill Dam so as to simulate winter and summer conditions. The turbines were not at that time operable. Temperature measurements in the reservoir behind the dam showed that these waters would behave essentially the same as those that would be released through the turbines. Rhodamine B was chosen on the basis of its safety, detectability, and cost. Based on previous work and knowledge of water conditions, it was assumed that Rhodamine B would move in the Clinch River in a manner similar to the movement of radioactive wastes in the water phase; that is, there would be no interaction between the dye and the bottom and suspended sediments or the biota 031. Tempera- ture corrections would, however, be required. Spot samples for the corre- lation of radionuclide movement with dye movement showed that the dye did indeed simulate the radionuclide movement. Rhodamine B dye was added in the nappe at White Oak Dam and the movement of the dye in White Oak Creek embayment and in the Clinch River was monitored. The first dye test, simulating a 24-hr summer weekday release, showed that the dye ponded in the White Oak Creek embayment during the release of 25 TABLE 8 COMPARISON OF SUMMER AND WINTER FLOW CONDITIONS IN CLINCH RIVER Summer Winter Elevation at Watts Bar Stratification 741 yes 16,000 735 no 18,000 Expected peak flows from Melton Hill Dam Week-end flows Mid-day flows no yes waters from Melton Hill Dam and that the ponded wastes were released dur- ing periods of no flow out of Melton Hill Reservoir 332). Due to complete mixing in the creek embayment and the slow discharge from White Oak Dam, not all the dye released in 24 hr was flushed out of the embayment in the next 24 hr. The rate of release and concentrations were postulated to be those that could be predicted by a modified estuary theory for the case of a one-dimensional well-mixed tidal estuary. The concentrations down- stream in the clinch River could be predicted, based upon pulsed releases and the one-dimensional transport equation. Eddy diffusion coefficients were calculated from previous steady-flow tracer tests. The highest concentrations downstream were predicted for Monday morn- ings following weekend periods of no release, as the outflow from White Oak Dam for 2 days would be ponded in the stagnant Clinch River before being transported downstream by Monday morning's power wave. Summer and winter tests were run with dye injected continuously for 1 week at White Oak Dam, while Melton Hill Dam went through its weekly cycle of flows on weekdays and no flows on weekends. The concentrations of dye ponded in the Clinch River over the weekend were reduced by dispersion according to a two-dimensional diffusion equation. The movement down the river was predicted by a one-dimensional transport equation. The times of arrival and the concentration of the dyes were predicted for the nearest water user, 6. miles downstream (K-25), for summer and winter fïows and were in excellent agreeme.at, as shown in Table 9. Figures 9 and 10 show a typical summer release pattern and the ob- served and predicted concentration downstream 133] B4]. The median daily dilution of White Oak Creek waters with clinch River waters at CRM 20.8 is 570 B5]. The minimum dilution at the peak concen- tration at CRM 14.4 is 54 for summer conditions and 17 for winter condi- tions. These concentrations persist for only short periods of time. The average percentage of the maximum permissible concentrations of radionu- clides in water below ORNL has been about 2% over the last few years. Since the concentrations can be averaged over a year's time for determining the dose, and the total amounts of nuclides released have not increased, it is felt that no additional hazard has been created by the changes in the river regime caused by power releases at Melton Hill Dam. ' ORNL-DWG. 66-2253 .. . v 9.1 TABLE 9 PEAK CONCENTRATIONS AND THEIR TIMES OF ARRIVAL AT OAK RIDGE GASEOUS DIFFUSION PLANT Summer Fiow Conditions Winter Flow Conditions Time of Arrival of Peak Concentration of Peak Times of Arrival of Peak Concentration of Peak (ppb) (ppb) Time Observed Predicted Observed Predicted Date Observed Predicted Observed Predicted Aug. 1963 1964 22 1000 0945 4.5 April 1 1045 1055 25.9 26.9 1145 1130 5.1 15.5 2056 2100 9.8 8.5 0945 0945 21.5 21.5* April 2 ---- 1145 1130 13.0 17.2 ---- April 3 ---- ---- -... 1044 1055 51.3 53.0 ---- 2049 21GO 13.8 11.0 0945 0945 April 5 1049 1055 22.9 15.9 1145 1130 45.0 42.7 1000 0945 34,2 41.2 1130 1130 17.0 22.5 1000 0945 22.5 25.0 1145 1130 14.0 18.0 1000 0945 12.1 14.9 1145 1130 7.7 4.2 0945 1.1 1130 0.4 *Values normalized about this point. 28 April 4 22.6 30 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-DWG 63-4927 16,000 14,000 000*21 . DISCHARGE (cfs) . .. .. 1 - . . 2000 SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT Fig. 9. Melton Hill Dam Estimated Summer Discharge Pattern. 62 ORNL-DWG 65-7052 CONTINUOUS INJECTION OF DYE AT 32 grams per minute INTO WHITE OAK LAKE OUTFLOW OF 6.9 cubic feet per second (RESULTANT DYE CONCENTRATION= 2.73 x 103 ppb) FROM 0100 hours AUG 24 TO 0400 hours AUG 28, 1963 OBSERVED PREDICTED • DYE CONCENTRATION (parts per billion) 30 MW. THU · AUG 22 FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED AUG 23 AUG 24 AUG 25 AUG 26 AUG 27 AUG 28 Fig. 10. Coserved and Predicted Tracer Test Curves. THU AUG 29 FRI AUG 30 Conclusions This coraprehensive coordinated study has shown that a unified multi- disciplined attack on environmental problems is essential. The study also has shown (1) that mass balance techniques are a necessary part of environ- mental studies; (2) that the major fraction of nuclides introduced into the Clinch River leave the clinch River in the aqueous phase; (3) the dissolved phosphorus concentrations in the water can be used to estimate an upper limit for the biomass content and consequently the radionuclide content of the stream; and (4) that a peaking hydroelectric plant on the stream, while changing the distribution in time of the radionuclides in the river,' does not change the average dose over a year's time if water is continuously withdrawn from the stream. G .. . References (1 MORTON, R. J. (ed.), Status Report Nos. I through 6 on Clinch River Study, ORNL-3119, 3202, 3370, 3409, 3721, and 3941, respectively, (1961-1966). (2) PARKER, F. L. , Plan for Clinch River Study, November 1959 (unpublished report). 3) INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION, Report of Commit- tee II on Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation, ICRP Publication 2, Pergamon Press, New York (1959). (47 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION, ICRP Recommenda- tion of the ICRP, ICRP Publication 6, Pergamon Press, New York (1964). (5) NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON RADIATION PROTECTION, Maximum Permissible Amounts of Radioisotopes in the Human Body and Maximum Permissible Concentra- tions in Air and Water, 1953 NBS Handbook 52, 1. COOPER, C. M., COMPTON, A. H., Minutes of Meeting of April 21, 1943, CS-584, 1. WILKINSON, J. H., Translatory Waves in Natural Channels, T. Amer. Soc. of Civil Eng. 72 (2945) 1203-1236. TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY, HYDRAULIC DATA BRANCH, Effect of Acciden- tal Spillage of Radioactive Waste Into Clinch River: Report No. 1, Time of Travel, Probable Flows, and Dispersion (Nov. 10, 1952); Re- port No. 2, Water Control Possibilities and Their Results (April 20, 1953) unpublished. (9) Memorandum from F. L. Parker to D. M. Davis, Estimate of Radioactivity Release to Clinch River for Period 1944 Through 1947 (Dec. 19, 1962). (10) ABEE, H. H., Liquid Waste Monitoring Summary Techniques and Data 1948- 1957 (unpublished). [11] Applied Health Physics Annual Reports, ORNL-2777, 3073, 3159, 3284, 3490, and 3665 (1958-1963). (12: MORTON, R. J. (ed.), Status Report No. 4 on Clinch River Study, ORNL- 3409 (Sept. 11, 1963) 85. (13] MORTON, R. J. (ed.), Status Report No. 2 on Clinch River Study, ORNL- 3202 (March 30, 1962) 7-16. (14) U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Surface Waters Records of Tennessee, 1961, 1962, and 1963. (15) MORTON, R. J. (ed.), Status Report No. 4 on Clinch River Study, ORNL- LO 3409 (Sept. 11, 1963) 66. (16) PARKER, F. L. , Radioactive Tracers in Hydrologic Studies, Transactions Amer. Geophysical Union 39(3) (June 1958) 434-439. (17) PARKER, F. L., Eddy Diffusion in Reservoirs and Pipelines, J. Hydrau- lic Division, Proc. Axier. Soc. of Civil Eng. 2825 (May 1961) 151-171 (18) MORTON, R. J. (ed.), Status Report No. 5 on Clinch River Study, ORNL- 3721 (Oct. 1995) 127. 32 [19] CHURCHILL, M. A., et al., Concentrations, Tota! Stream Loads, and Mass Transport of Radionuclides in the clinch and Tennessee Rivers, ORNL- 3721, Suppl. 1 (Aug. 1965). [0 Ibid., 24-25. [21] HUTCHINSON, G. EVELYN, A Treatise on Limnology, Vol. I, Wiley, New York (1957) 727. [22 KETCHUM, BASTWICK H., "The Effects of the Ecological System on the Transport of Elements in the Sea," Ch. 5, The Effects of Atomic Radia- tion on Oceanography and Fisheries; Publication 551, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council (1957) 55. 23 FRIEND, ALBERT G., et al., Fate of Radionuclides in Fresh Water Environ- ments, Progress Report No. 5, U. S. Public Health Service (1962) 25. [24] COWSER, K. E., et al., Evaluation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radio- nuclides Released to the Clinch River, to be presented at Symposium on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes into Seas, Oceans, and Surface Waters; Vienna, Austria; May 16-20, 1956. 257 PICKERING, R. J., et al., Radioactivity in Bottom Sediment of the Clinch and Tennessee Rivers, to be presented at Symposium on the Dis- posal of Radioactive Wastes into Seas, Oceans, and Surface Water, Vienna, Austria, May 1966. EO) PARKER, F. 1., Nucl. Safety 6(1) (Fall 1964) 93-94. 271 GLOYNA, E. F., AEC Discussions on the Transport of Radionuclides in Fresh Water, University of Texas (April 1965) 115. MORTON, R. J. (ed.), Status Report No. 5 on Clinch River Study, ORNL- 3721 (Oct. 1965) 19. [29) Calculated from Tennessee Valley Authority Sediment Range Data. [30 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION, ICRP Recommenda- tion of the ICRP, ICRP Publication 6, Pergamon Press, New York (1964). FEUERSTEIN, D. L., and SELLECK, R. E., Tracers for Dispersion Measure- ments in Surface Waters, SERL Report No. 63-1, University of California (Feb. 1, 1963). B2] PARKER, F. L., Contaminant Movement in the clinch River, Proc. of Third Annual Sanitary and Water Resources Eng. Conf., Vanderbilt University, Tennessee (May 1964) 78-37. B3] MORTON, R. J. (ed.), Status Report No. 5 on Clinch River Study, ORNL- 3721 (Oct. 1965) 112. [34 MORTON, R. J. (ed.), Status Report No. 6 on Clinch River Study, ORNL- 3941 (1966). [35] MORTON, R. J. (ed.), Status Report No. 3 on clinch River Study, ORNL- 3370 (Dec. 6, 1962) 106. INTEGER LOT the ICR., and Serge Repor F END . M 2 Sesia T. . - P: . " . DATE FILMED 9/ 14 / 66 . +