w . .. . the 4, :....:6 od ! ! II OFL. ORNL P 2327 ir l : : . . 1 1 to CEEFEFEE . LIISI ' S PL - 后后 ​. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 PAN N CORNV-2329 MASTER CURRENT STATUS OF IRRADIATION TESTING OF THORIUM FUELS AT OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY* CHOTI [POSS A. R. Olsen and J. H. Coobs Metals and Ceramics Division J. W. Ullmann Chemical Technclogy Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 00. Vi AUG 10 1966 2.00; MN_.50 CONF660524-10 INTRODUCTION Knowledge of the irradiation behavior of fuel materials is one of the basic requirements in the design of reactors for economical power production. Evaluation studies?, 2 of existing designs utilizing thorium indicate that only the molten salt converter and gas-cooled reactors currently are competitive with reactors fueled with natural or low enrichment uranium fuels. Other studies3,4 indicate that thorium-base fuels using by-product plutonium from light water power reactors for fissile enrichment, in a heavy water moderated reactor may offer an economic means of establishing : the thorium-233 uranium fuel cycle. The basic material characteristics5 and the irradiation behavior of the thorium alloys anà compounds are strongly dependent on the processing and fabrication techniques used. 1 These characteristics must be defined to provide the designers with the 2 . *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. RELEASED FOR ANNCUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR 5 10:03 ASS FACTS * I la maximum latitude in developing a specific economical design for any of L'it the reactor concepts. --* . Fr . . .-* * The ORNL sol-gel process offers a unique means of providing pure or * .z. * . s. 5 mixed compounds of thorium, uranium, and plutonium as oxides and carbides. 5 . - . These fuels have been combined with fabrication procedures such as vibratory compaction for metal-clad bulk oxide fuels or coating procedures utilizing pyrolytic carbon as a fission-product retention material with and without subsequent incorporation into fueled graphite loadings. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Nallber the Unito Slatos, aor the Como ission, nor say person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, ur that the we of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any labuiues with resrect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behali of the Commission" Includes any sm- ployoo or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to tão extent that such employeo or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides acceso to, any information pursuant to die cmployment or contract with the Commission, or bio employment with such contractor. : . . : . . .. ? . & . Ei 9 . y Thus, the full stange of processing and fabrication techniques are incorporated into a OINI - AEC-OF!!Cini * material for irradiation evaluation. The irradi.ation behavior of solid thorium- base fuels has been under investigation at ORNL for several years. Most of the - - - data have been reported as it developed. - Inis paper will only summarize our findings and establish the current status of the programs. The irradiation testing can be subdivided into the two basic fuel types. Metal-Clad Pulk Oxides A series of noninstrumented fuel rods have been irradiated in the process water of the Materials Test Teactor (MTR), Engineering Test Reactor (ETR), and the Chalk River National Research Experiment Reactor (NRX) during the past six years in the metal-clad bulk oxide program. Two more sophisticated test groups, ANA one with instrumented capsules and one loop bundle, were irradiated in the Oak Ridge Research Reactor (ORR). The programa has been concentrated on the sol.-gel- , derived fuels with low fissile content (approximately 5% UO in Tho,) fabricated into fuel rods by vibratory compaction. Table 1 is a listing of the irradiation tests. While most of the origina). irradiation tests utilized stainless steel cladding, the more recent rods have been fabricated using Zircaloy-2 cladding materials and the tests have been designed to evaluate the effects of semiremote fabrication and different sol- OIHI - AIC - OISICIAL gel calcination atmospheres. Pure thoria without any gel calcination atmospheres. Pure thoria without any initial fissile additive MEDVOMIYI - - - .- - IV121510 - DIY - IMO ?VIDiiso-23V-INIO Table 1 SUMMARY OF THORIUM FUEL CYCLE PROGRAM IRRADIATION OF POWDER-PACKED RODS * Y-65933 Designation No, of Rods Type of Oxide Density (% theor.) Linear Heat Rating (w/cm) Peak Burnup !Mwd/tonne metal) Objective wa A o to MTR-1 7 Arc-fused 86 to 87 390 15,000 to 100,000 Provide base-line data to use in comparing Sol-Gel E sol-gel and arc-fused oxide MTR-II *** 2 Sol-Gel S 88 to 89 600 100,000 Obtain higher heat rating by increasing enrichment MTR-111 *** 6 Soi-Gel 35 86 to 820 100,000 Compare oxide calcining atmospheres and higher heat ratings obtained by increasing diameter ETRA 4 Sol-Gel 35 86 to 89 22,000 Same as for MTR-III NRX- 8 Soi-Gel A & B 86 to 87 160 16,000 Provide base-line data NRX-11 Sol-Gel C 83 to 86 . 210 5,000 Study effect of increased length Arc-fused NRX-111 6 Sol-Gel S 88 to 89 270 23,000 Study effect of increased length NRX-VII Sol-Gel .74 to 76** 260 22,000 Study ThOn-PuO2 oxide and lower packed ThO2-puog density ORR Loop 3 Sol-Gel 26 : 2,100 Study in pressurized wuter at 260°C and 1750 psi ORR Poolside 2 Sol-Gel D 85** 5,000 Measure effec.ive thermal conductivity using a central thermocouple in Na-k at 315 psi, 540 and 705°C 6 BNL-Sol-Gel 90 30,000 to 100,000 Study effects of remote fabrication and oxide recalcining ETR-III 7 Soi-Gel Thoa , 88 770 10,000 to 70,000 Study Thon blanket material with gradually increasing heat rating and provide high Pa low-fission-product material for chemical processing. *All rods were clad with type 304 SS except for Groups ETR II, III, and ORR Loop, which were clad with Zircaloy-2. **Tamp packed, all others vibratorily compacted. odgoriche mit der Basingen ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 500 340 ETRHI 030 is being irradiated in the most recent tests to investigate the effects of increasing power level. The initial objectives on the irradiation program were to compare the characteristics of the chemically produced sol-gel (Thu), fuel with those of arc-fused material and to compare the performance of vibratorily compacted rods with others containing pressed and sintered pellets. The results of these early comparison tests have been favorable. In Table 2, for example, we have listed a group of tests all of which were conducted at, moderate linear heat ratings between 300 and 460 w/cm (10 to 14 kw/ft), which is similar to current water reactor elements using vo, as a fuel. These tests were taken to high burnups where as much as 70% of the fissions occurred in the bred SDU. Even with these burnups, in excess of 100,000 Mwa/Tonne of heavy metal, the fission-gas release rates were generally less than 20%. Estimates of the swelling of the pellet fuels based upon the fact that there was no change in diameter or length of the self-supporting claddings at the high burnup levels indicate the change in volume was less than 0.5% per 102° fissions/cm). The postirradiation examination of vibratorily compacted and pellet fuels showed essentially no difference in the macroscopic appearance after extended irradiations. By comparing Fig. 1 with Fig. 2, where typical cross sections of a pellet rod and a sol-gel vibratorily compacted powder rod are shown, it can be seen that without the titles there is no easy way of . A ES F F ... . . Y-65935 85kr x 1020 Release (%) 2.4 292 7.2 707 267 Tables COMPARATIVE OPERATING CONDITIONS FOR VARIOUS ThO2-UO, FUELS Irradiation Time Maximum Time Averaged Fuel (Reactor Fu!! Burnup Peak Linear kdo 10 Power Days) (fissions/cm) Heat Rating (w/cm) (w/cm) Arc-fused ThO 2-4.5% UO, vicº 110 2.5 33.8 Vic 8.6 • Vic '14.4 Sol-gel ThO2-4.5% O2 Vic 2.9 37.8 Vic 8.2 32.8 ViC. 16.5 34:6 Pressed and sintered 26.4 44.8 ThO 2-4.5% UO2 Pellet 21,1 48.2 Pellet 497 8.1 31.5 Pellet 406 11.0 42.6 6.4 375 0.5 13.2 17.0 Pellet 905 .... 420 22.8 . 660 461 . 270 "Vibratorily compacted to a density 85 to 87% of theoretical. Pellets pressed from coprecipitated powders and sintered to 93% of theoretical density. Gas samples diluted with air in sampling and partially lost. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - - .. .. - - . .. .. ORNOtsexc :?2915851 . ORNL-DWG 65-2476 0.97401 a 27172 mon. 1.013 12111 . .. o 1.440 cm - 4 5 - 3.81 cm + 1.91 cm | 1.27cm 0.64 cm *.72173 1.72174 22190 2.22183 OOD A. METALLOGRAPHY SECTION B. BURNUP SECTION C. LONGITUDINAL SECTION D. NEUTRON ACTIVATION SPECIMEN Pellet Rod No. 712 Macroscopic Views of Selected Section Locations, as Cut. S 2 . ORNL-DWG 65-2480 2012 2210 --28.705 cm - NO. END 18A 1.91cm 2.54 cm 2.54 cm / 4.27 cm ,1.27 cm 4.128 cm * niny 1.2217 Rain min A A. METALLOGRAPHY SECTION B. BURNUP SECTION C. LONGITUDINAL SECTION D. SPARE LONGITUDINAL SECTION E. NEUTRON ACTIVATION SECTION MTR Group I -Capsule Z-8-Macroscopic Views of Selected Section Locations, as Cut. videos1:10; ;;, ! SISTEM separating the initial starting fuel form. Both rods show typical thermally fragmented fue... The current irradiation program is investigating the effects oť process parameters such as semiremote fabrication or the sol-gel calcining atmosphere, and at the same time attempting to establish the maximum fuel performance characteristics. In one group of tests in this series, we have succeeded in developing central voids but with no evidence of melting. Figure 3 shows typical macroscopic sections similar to those of the lower heat rated rods but showing the central voids. Figure 4 is a compilation of radial micrographs from three of the highly rated rods. The rods opereted at peak heat retings in excess of 1000 w/cm, while the time-averaged heat ratings are those shown under each micrograph. In these highly rated rods less than 30% of the fission gas was released from fuels fired in nitrogen or in the siandard reducing atmosphere of argon-4% hydrogen, while approximately 40% was released from the fuels calcined in air. The burnup level on these rods: was 22,000 Mwa/Tonne Th+U. There was no evidence of swelling as determined by post-irradiation measurements of the free-standing cladding. The apparent effect of the firing atmosphere on increased fission-gas release and microstructural changes will not be resolved until other tests using identical fuels but at lower linear heat ratings are examined. These tests are currently under irrandiation and are scheduled to go to approximately , . . . - . Y NKARA E . ORNL-DWG 65-2470 V - 30.505 cm --- NO. END 2.54 cm 2.54 cm 2.54 cm 2.54 cmT 2.54 cm 2.54 cm 17.91cm uz 1 A. METALLOGRAPHY SECTION B. BURNUP SECTION C. LONGITUDINAL SECTION D. SPARE LONGITUDINAL SECTION ETR Group 1 - Capsule 8 - Macroscopic Views of Selected Section Locations, as Cut, حی ،،،،،، - ماء - الهم .. .. .. .. .. .. .- .. .. ۱۰۰ه ان • نجمه مسسه مهمه مما منهم وسعه همه و همه دادم و ، امہ250 .1 ت: 1 :به 2 ة نن خهه ننننننننننننتهاء مجموعتين ۱۰۰۰۰: .،د ... م .... . یونین..؟ ع م : .: : .. إر | :: . ... -: مخمل. سیاه. مههه ههههههه - د .. مه و م ضال. .. .. . . = = الاعضاصف.. مسئله . . . . . . م..مهمه راه هم با ما . .. .. .. . .8e4a ... . منفذ.م. : :ه : .علی اسدی . همه دسته سه دهه مه لهم، مممم ۱۰۰۰ وعده ماه ۰۰۰ سه ماهه 4 n?!! . همه و همه... همه مه....امحه مه مه مهم معه.عمه - e . 100,000 Mwa/Tonne of heavy metal burnup. ORNL - ALC - OFFICIAL Ini A Since only recently has a sol-gel process for Puo, been developed, our irradiation experience with the so-called mixed progeny fuels is limited. Three rods containing sol-gel-derived Tho, mixed, before calcining with precipitated 2 5.2% Pub, were tamp-packed to approximate-y 75% of theoretical density and exposed at a linear heat rating of 200 to 245 w/cm for a peak burnup of 29,000 Mwa/Tonne (Th+Pu). The fission-gas release rates were less than 5% and the microstructures as shown in Fig. 5 were similar to those of Tho -5% vo, exposed under the same conditions. The center temperatures estimated by using a thermal conductivity of 0.017 w/cm, which was the effective thermal conductivity derived in the instrimente: capsule experiments, were approximately 1500°c in rod p-4 and 1300°c in rod P-6. There is some incipient sintering and grain growth in the fuel at the higher heat rating while with rod P-6, except for accentuated distributed porosity in the center, the fuel is essentially unchanged from the preirradiation appearance. Although the data on Tho, -base fuels are still somewhat limited, a preliminary comparison with Uo, fuels is in order. The data presented in Table 3 compare powder-compacted vo, and Thoq-uo, fuels using the fkde values for specific structural changes most commonly used in comparing bulk oxide fuels. The Uo, work 451 ORNIO AEC - OFFICIAL was done as part of the Maritime Reactor Program and was reported previously.10 The INTR-I data were included to provide a value for the Skde for void formation in the ES5 * - 2 11a -- - - - - ! A : +-+ . 3 - - ) ... - - -. * 11131330 - )3 V - INTO Table w COMPARISON OF UO2 AND ThOg-UO, VIBRATORILY COMPACTED FUEL RODS Inside Surface Temperature of Cladding Burnup Mwd/tonne Heavy Element Fuel Material - 85kr Fuel Density Experiment Linear Heat Rating (w/cm) pog reg Js kdo J's kdo (w/cm)_(w/cm) (w/cm) Release (%TD) (°C) (w/cm) (%) _ VO2 434 12.4 ORR Loop 7NI 701 7P1 87.1 87.1 86.9 4,780 5,140 6.290 32.5 34.8 361 465 20.7 21.1 20.0 47.0 72.0 383 566 41.2 347 8N1 801 8P1 85.6 85.8 85.5 4,810 5,040 6,880 351 404 423 578 30.9 31.3 40.8 22.8 21.2 23.9 17.5 16.1 20.3 77.0 25.0 25.0 387 ThO2-6% UO2 85.2 2.3 ORR Loop LIA LIB LIC 84.1 1,600 2,100 1,730 368 381 499 410 30.3 39.7 32,6 No void No void No void 36.6 84.1 17.7 20.7 248 3.9 ETR-1 18 ThO2-5% UO2 211 870 63,0 88.1 89.4 85.1 20,400 20,000 22,000 865 209 218 66.4 61.3 35.8 24.6 28.2 34.7 19.8 25.3 38.0 28.0 21.0 914 quo, fuel was arc-fused crushed and vibratorily compacted; oxygen-to-uranium ratio 2.002:2.003; enriched in 235U 5 to 6%. ThO2-UO2 fuel was sol gel material crushed and vibratorily compacted; U enriched in 2300 to 93%. pºis center to surface of fuel; m is void to surface of fuel; reg is the limit of columnar graingrowth to surface of JS fuel; and 9 is the limit of discernible equiaxed grain growth to surface of fuel. . . : . thoria-base fuels even though the surface temperature of the cladding was 150°C . - > - - " ORNLOAstfi 9021KOSL lower, the loop experiments were run in the same facility. There are uncertainties ..- . -- - - - in the peak-to-average ratios of the heat flux in these experiments. Nevertheless, - - - - . a comparison of the heat ratings to produce similar microstructural changes and . . - - - - fission gas release rates in the vibratorily compacted Thoria base fuels and the - . .. - urania fuels indicates the thoria fuels can accomodate approximately 40% higher heat ratings. Future tests are planned to investigate the sol-gel-derived (Th-Puno, fuels with emphasis on low-energy vibrational compaction of microspheres. In addition, tests utilizing thin-walled claddings which are not free-standing are planned to investigate the swelling characteristics of thoria-base fuels. Coated particles The irradiation program on coated particle · fuels is of more recent origin than the program on bulk oxides. The fuel has all, been in the form of small particles (150-350 H diam) of (Th,U) C, and (Th, u)o, coated with pyrolytic -45 carbon for fission product retention. Both loose beds of coated particles and fueled- graphite elements containing coated particles have been irradiated. Much of the 5.- irradiation testing has been designed to evaluate the effects of changing coating ORHI - AEC - OFFICIAL parameters on the particle behavior as discussed by Prados et al. in another paper wa . M t at this symposium.dIn order to obtain accelerated burnup, high concentrations ...;" ...hr . 21 . 3. V IN of uranium have been used for most of the test with this fuel form. The dicarbide particles have generally been obtained from the carbon bed melting process, while the oxides are from conventional sintering processes or the sol-gel microsphere process. Table 4 is a partial listing of the tests utilizing fuel kernels containing thorium dícarbide. Some properties of these coated particles are given in Table 5. There were no observed coating failures in any of these tests. As can be seen from Table 4, the irradiation test temperature has varied from approximately 1000°c up to a maximum of 1500°C and the heavy metal fissioning has been carried to as high as 27 at. % for the low thorium-to-uranium ratio particles. Testing of the higher thorium to uranium ratios involves longer periods of exposure and only recently have coated fuel particles with the higher thorium-to-uranium ratios of 2.2 and 4.9 been tested at significant levels of fissioning. Preirradiation and postirradiation micrographs of batch GA-314, which has a thorium-to-uranium : ratio of 2.2:1, are shown in Fig. 6. After 8 at.% heavy metal fissioning the two outer layers of the triplex coating appear unchanged, indicating that the porous inner coating has absorbed all direct fission recoil damage and also accommodated any swelling of the fuel particle. Such good behavior would probably be predicted by the mathematical model discussed by Prados -- if detailed properties of the individual layers of the coating were well documented. SA . . Y-65934 ORNL -MEC - OFFICIAL OCENO NOSON OS Vyson og man mano com my haram · B 13007 LS an . If yn in . MLADIATION ASI CONDENONS ANO FISSION OASIAN DAIA FOI QAND IT, UXPunais :. : Shalom :. Y-71303 UNCL LS 13989 1.3.104 C 18 1173 1125 130 1800 - 1000 ind NCC-214 MOC жсю NCC-100 MCC 30 MOC-210 QAJIO A .IT •1710 (V. 12 Duplen 1 0.6 1175 3.6. 10 :. 27 . ir . 0.6 2.2 2.2 Perleben Potphen - 1000 1400 0.3 7.62 10.5 . T - 3.S* 1008 3.8. 104 QAJ14 NCC - Irodated in holod prophite spheres - all other imoderad an unsuppertad. . - - - - . · Tools . TO 3.2 2 SP ill W ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . . 1.2 TATTOOS Table 5. Continued. Particle Batch Member NCC-222 HB-23 OR-182 OR-205 OR-206 Core material 102 Ta02 (ThỄU)O2 3.1 17.8 (Th,U) C2 5.55 25.4 93 (Th, UFO3 3.3 39.8 33.8 36.3 93 97 93 407 500 406 148 243 206 129 128 Uranium content, wt% Thorium content, wt % Enrichment, at. % Particle dimensions, u Total particle, av Core particle, av Coating thickness, av Coating structure Pour density, g/cm3 Particle weight, av (8 x 10-4) Coated-particle density," g/cm3 Crushing load, av (g) Surface contamination, % U x 10-3 Fuel removal by leaching % U X 10-3 Duplex 3 437 214 112 Duplex 1.66 1.15 2.67 1780 8.7 1.7 Triplex 1.54 0.82 2.43 1210 96 Duplex 1.7 1.1 a 1270 20.2 a 100 Duplex 1.8 1.3 2.94 2730 6.7 2.87 3210 - 0.16 3.1 2.3 0.01 275 0.3 2.4 enot measured 'Measured with helium pycnometer ** . _.":11:2 .:' = 4 ry_ Table 5. General Information on Pyrolytic-Carbon-Coated Particles Used in Irradiation Tests 11736-121ECB (U, Th) C2 19.9 12.2. 92.9 93 93 93 93 432 426 200 Particle Batch Number NCC-208 NCC-210 NCC-214 GA-310 GA-314 Core material (U,Th)C2 (U, Th) C2 (U,Th) C2 (U, Th) C2 (U, Th) C2 Uranium content, wt% 19.6 - 23.4 23.0 14.4 18.9 Thorium content, wt% 13.4 13.6 13.4 9.0 38.7 Enrichment, at. % 93 Particle dimensions, u Total particle, av 445 424 470 550 Core particle, av 213 216 218 175 349 coating thickness, av 117 108 103 148 101 Coating structure Duplex Duplex Duplex Triplex Duplex Pour density, g/cm3 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.5 2.2 Particle weight, av (8 x 10-4) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 3.5 Coated-particle density, g/cm3 2.79 2.95 2.80 2.37 3.58 Crushing load, av (8) 1473 1320 1456 1598 1531 Surface contamination, % U x 10-3 1.8 3.9 2.0 1 2.4 7.9 Fuel removal by leaching, % U X 10-3 <0.5 0.5 17.0 0.2 0.? 113 Triplex a a 2.70 1290 : - AR Perhaps the most significant development in the area of coated fuels during the past year has been the excellent performance of pyrolytic-carbon coated sol-gel- derived oxide microspheres. The depos:ition conditions used for coating sol-gel oxide microspheres are given in Table 6, while properties of the coated particles were presented in Table 5. Table 7 is a listing of the irradiation tests on these fuels which have been completed to date. The thorium-to-uranium ratio in the mixed oxide particles has been 12 to 1 and, consequently, the fuel burnup has been restricted. However, the test of fully enriched vo, sol-gel microspheres coated with a thick three-layer coating, which was exposed at 1600°C to a burnup of 25 at. % heavy metal fissioned, clearly shows the excellent performance of the oxide particles. Again there were no observed failures in any of these tests. of greater importance than the lack of any failed particles is the fact that the fission-gas release rates, as defined by the R/B ratios, are as low or slightly lower than those from the coated carbide particles shown in Table 4. We attribute the lower release rates to the reduced coating contamination normally observed with carbon-coated oxide particles. Contamination of the coatings by fuel usually occurs during deposition of the high-density outer coating at high temperatures (31800°c). The fission-gas release rates from many previous experiments have _ indicated a correlation with coating contamination. In a recent series of sweep- capsule irradiations using both coated to, and (Th U)c, particles we were able to RNL - AEC - OFFICIAL - --- . . . iw..... . i R=28857 LS 13991 . • NUR JAION JA-SM: nmix.cOANO MAM MUIG, 2.3:1. AMINO TOTAL COATMO TcMESS: WHO INNAU TANID. -.. - . US - - - . . Fins .. .. II. Y-71302 Y-71 HADIATION TEST CONDITIONS AND PASSION GAS RUAS DATA FOR UPISUPPORTED COATED SOL-GEL OXIOC MICROSIERS om aple Type of fuel Casting - Designation Temperature Hoery Motel la Particle Structure Fliend 01-27 . (Th,U10, Duplex 0.4 OR-706 (th, U10, Duplex 120g 2.7 OR-205 Thon Dupler OH-IR (Th,Uso, Duplex 170 0.23 . HB-23 NO₂ Potetor 1600 2 5 1.0.10.. 120 2.3x 10+ 2.5x 1005 LS 13988 1000 - - Thill rotto in all mined fusto = 12:1. "Not insoared - static experiment. . - TAPE 7. LA 3 & ir ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . 1 : 2010 VR !! . . th Tablo 6. Deposition Conditions of Coatings on Sol-Gel Oxide Microspheres Sample I OR-20% pation OR-206 OR-182 HB-23 (Th, Uloz. Thoz (Th, uloga voz 217 Type of fuel particle Average fuel particle diameter, u First Layer Coating temperature,°c 243 206 148 1400 1400 1400 980-1050 CA4 flow rate, cm°min-1 0.83 0.83 2.3 0.15 54 50 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 2320 1320 Coating thickness, h Second Layer Coating temperature, °C CH_flow rate, cm3 min- cm-2 Coating thickness, Third Layer Coating temperature, °C CH4 flow rate, cm*min-1 0.33 0.17 0.17 1.20 20 1900 cm-2 0.05 Coating thickness, Particles contain 8 wt% , highly enriched "Acetylene was used for inner coating on HB-23 4 : - verify that the observed release is a direct function of the amount of fissiona'yle material in the coatings, as shown in Fig. 7. Such a correlation applics only if no particles are broken. The thermal stability of pyrolytic-carbon coated oxides is remarkably good at temperatures much higher than the irradiation tests listed in Table 7. An extensive series of heat treatments on coated Tho, and vo, particles at 1900°c and 2000°c demonstrated that high-density outer coatings successfully contain CO formed by reaction of the oxides with carbon. Since the reaction is thus inhibited, little or no carbide is formed and migration of fuel into the coating is virtually undetectable. fuel migration The striking difference in/behavior of vo, and UC, with similar coatings is illustrated in Fig. 8 (x-71686). Both types of particles have porous inner coatings (density < 1.0 glcm) deposited from acetylene. The obvious process advantage of being able to handle the uncoated particles without the use of an inert atmosphere, when combined with the lower fuel swelling of the oxide, indicates a potential advantage for these fuels. The basis for predicting reduced swelling as developed from the examination of the bulk oxide fuel has been discussed elsewhere. This same discussion indicates an advantage for thorium-containing fuels over those containing only fissile uranium. These fuel characteristics together with the variety of coating parameters have been . i . included in the model discusseä in the paper by Prados et al, which describes 7 ... Fig. A Relationship Between Fission-Gas Release and Coating- Surface Contamination. Rhil - A{C-OSSICIA ORNL-OWG 65-12343 STTT CCA SULE C1-15, BATCH GA-314, IRRADIATED AT 1400°C — _ CAPSULE 89-26, BATCH OR-354, IRRADIATED AT 1350°C - ď = R/B FOR 88kr, RATIO OF RELEASE RATE TO BIRTH RATE -CAPCULE CI-16, BATCH OR - 343, IRRADIATED AT 1400°C -CAPSULE 89-27, BATCH OR-348, IRRADIATED AT 1500°C fiume. 1000 ) 10-? 1005 - 5 10- 6 2 CONTAMINATION Ig of uranium in coating) BASED ON ALPHA COUNT . 1 ' 4 INTO Vidigo-Do-) Y-71686 - 0.045 INCHES . . . . . ** " ... Pyrolytic-Carbon Coated UO2, Heat Treated 500 hr at 2000°C Pyrolytic-Carbon Coated UCZ, As-Coated at 2000°C (8 hor) Comparison of Euel Migration at 2000 °C. in Payotiy tie Carbon Cartet vos ne uca Parte NL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL L Y? TS AN INW N imit 17 WT . M : 10 the prediction of coated particle performance. A series of noninstrumented capsule 2000 °C. in NL - AEC - OFFICIAL irradiations was recently initiated to test the model. The results of postirradiation examination of the first capsule in the series have been included in that paper. A later experiment in the series is specifically designed to investigate the effects of the thorium-to-uranium ratio on fuel particle behavior. Migration at Euel woty tell Castor Catete vais ad uca Parte Companion of To date, none of our irradiation tests have shown any significant difference - in the performance of dicarbide or oxide fuel particles regardless of thorum content 1 As we have seen in Fig. 6 and as listed in Table 4, there are (Th, U)c, particles with both two- and three- layer coatings that have shown good performance to high burnup levels. A direct comparison of the performance of carbide and oxide fuel particles with and without thorium as part of the fuel is shown in Fig. 9. In this comparison we have chosen the only available experiment for the thorium- uranium dicarbides which had a similar burnup to the thorium-uranium oxide fuels and also a similar inner coating layer. The greater damage to the coated (Th,U), particles must mean that the laminar inner coating on these particles, while similar in appearance and structure, has a lower density. In the case of the W4i mixed-oxide particles, the irradiation experiment in which the coated (Th,U)o, -hot s - particles were tested also contained coated thoria particles. At the burnup level ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL attained, we were unable to distinguish between the uranium-bearing and the pure . thoria particles. W '. د دوا ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL .. . و از . . . ..:- -ة.. ۰ سنتنن .. .. .. : 13992 کا و2885-R | . . . . . . .. ممسسبنننهنننضنلننمنننلسننمنن T به اما ۱۱۰ ۱۱۰ come Marow old.U IVIL PARIKLIS WITH U PARIKIN مه ۱۱ ن تمننننننننننننتني . . .. • بية.ن.:مل ------ . --- . . ..... ... ..... ... .. . . . . . .. .. ORNL - ALC - OFFICIAL Conclusions In summary, then, the irradiation tests on thorium fuels at Oak Ridge ... Natiomal Laboratory closely coupled with process variables and fuel characteri- . zations, indicate that to date: i The metal-clad bulk oxide fuel rods using vibratorily compacted sol-gel derived thoria-base fuels with less than 5% fissile additions will operate at moderate heat ratings to burnups in excess of 100,000 Mwa/Tonne .. of Th+U with no evidence of breakaway swelling or sudden increases in fission- - • gas release, and that linear heat ratings in excess of 2000 w/cm can be accom- modated without central melting or high fission-gas-release rates. Secondly, the coated-particle irradiations show no significant difference in the performance of fuels with and without thorium. Pyrocarbon coated oxide fuels perform as well as, and possibly better, than coated dicarbide fuels at burn up levels as high as 25 atom percent fissioning. . : Dot LE: ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL W ? 1 , IL AY 6 1 . A2 WA 2. 1 11 References 1. Rosenthal, M. W., Adams, R. E., Bennett, L. L., Carter, W. 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Jr., "Properties of Thorium, Its Alloys, and Its Compounds," paper presented at the IAEA Panel on "Utilization of Thorium in Power Reactors," Vienna, Austria, June 14-18, 1965. 6. R. G. Wymer and J. H. Cocbs, "Preparation, Coating, Evaluation, and Irradiation Testing of Sol-Gel Oxide Microspheres", to be published in J. British Ceramics Society. INFO --- . T P 7. Kabin, S. A., Osborne, M. F., Clinton, S. D., and U].lmann, J. W., . "Thorium Fuel Cycle Irradiation Program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory," Proceedings of the Thorium Fuel Cycle Symposium, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, December 5-7, 1962, USAEC Report TID-7650, Bk II, P. 643, AEC Technical Information Division. 8. Olsen, A. R., Trauger, D. B., Harms, W. O., Adams, R. E., and Douglas, D. A., "Irradiation Behavior of Thorium-Uranium Alloys and Compounds," paper presented at the IAEA Panel on "Utilization of Thorium in Power Reactors," Vienna, Austria, June 14-18, 1965. 9. Rabin, S. A., Ullmann, J. W., Long, E. L., Jr., Osborne, M. F., and Goldman, A. E., Irra diation Behavior of High-Bumup Tho, 4.5% VO,_Fuel Rods, USAEC Report ORNL-3837, Oak Ridge National Laboratory October, 1965. 10. Osborne, M. F., and Long, E. L., Jr., Post Irradiation Examination of Maritime-ORR Loop Experiments 5, 7, and 8, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-921, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, October, 1964. 11. Prados, J. W., Beatty, R. L., Beutler, H., Coobs, J. H., Olsen, A. R., and Scott, J. L., "Development of Coated Particle Fuels for Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors, Thorium Symposium, May, 1966. 12. Hamner, R. L., Beatty, R. L., and Beutler, H., "Effects of Heat Treatment on Pyrolytic-Carbon Coated Oxide Particles," pp. 43-50 in GCRP Semiềnn. Progr. Rept., Sept. 30, 1965, USAEC Report, ORNL-3885. . EE T. -. 13. ORNL-TM-1297. NU * 1, .. . JH 1 4 : . piu ' 1.VN WWWWWUW mimit PW 17 1 am ..WIN " h . All KW... W . Tad A Why END DATE FILMED 9 / 15 / 66 ! Liisa M *** 1' MAT: ! ... WOW TU