- C 1 Vi I OFL ORNL P 2310 HAS 250 43.2 93.6 a . W 1.25 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 . 1 IP RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT mund ORNCP-2310 MASTER - Pensar sovence ASTROS LH NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS AUG 10 1966 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL that is minder dan SURVEY OF THE V. S. SHIELDING CALCULATIONAL METHODS AND PROGRAMS* S. K. Penny CONF-660143- HC: /.001 Carex siis meminta maailmamei The foremost changes which the field of shielding calculations is experiencing today are being brought about by the rapidly changing field of computer technology. It has long been recognized that the use of a computer is essential in order to perform shielding calcula- tions which harbor any degree of sophistication or complexity. This is strikingly evident when the geometry is complex. It is natural, then, that our field should follow the field of computer technology. e under historia de The rapid access memories and mass-storage devices which are "just around the corner" have brought about a revolution in the design and implementation of calculational methods for radiation shielding. Instead of a computer code and its input, we now think of such notions as "coding systems" and "prototypes," "cross-section systems" and "modules," and even "compilable systems." In order to better understand some of these notions, Let us go back a few years to the time when the IBM-7090 started to replace the IBM-704. At this time the concept of a general purpose code was in vogue. The Monte Carlo technique was becoming increasingly popular and consequently a few general purpose Monte Carlo codes appeared on the scene. -- There were also a few general purpose kernel- integration codes evolving.4-6 The Carlson Sn codes? had not been DANI -"' *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL FICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL - developed to the extent of embodying a disciete-ordinate quadrature and they employed a differential cross-section which was expanded - - - - Cica psicos only to R. The Carlson Scodes were therefore not seriously con- sidered for shielding calculations at this time. However, the United Nuclear Corporation produced a discrete-ordinate code for spherical geometry called NIOBEⓇ which seemed to be an excellent tool for shield- ing calculations. United Nuclear Corporatior. also produced a moments- waethod code for the attenuation of neutrcns in an infinite homogeneous medium called RENUPAKand certainly the National Bureau of Standards rinkiniai had a gamma-ray code for a similar calculation. There were other concepts evolving among which were the method of spherical harmonics" and a United States version of the Spinney-Method (removel-diffusion) which became a code called MAC. . After the onset of this period an interesting change in philosophy began to develop in the design of computer cries for shielding calcu- lations. The concept of the "coding system" was starting to replace the concept of a general purpose code. (I must hasten to apologize at this point for any oversight of U. S. code development during this time period.) Nctable examples among those working in this direction berbandinavia were the General Electric Company at Cincinnati, Ohio, the United Nuclear Corporation, and the Technical Research Group. The General Electric Corporation was in fact ahead of its time in implementing I the coding system by automating cross-section input and other input . data as well as for efficiently using the output data. Loc. It was evident that the codes produced by the United Nuclear Corporationº,9,22,23 and the Technical Research Group24-26 utilized a "cross-section system" . IN . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFIC:AL TABELA . . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL and that the structure of these codes smacked of the "modular" nature. That is to say, the codes were manufactured by including certain simple-purpose subroutines which obviated the chores of "housekeeping" and by writing subroutines which fixed the character and purpose of the code. Of course these subroutines were often commanded by an executive program which did not, vary appreciably from code to code. To give proper credit, I believe that the shielding community probably learned from the reactor community, who employed the notions of cross-section systems and subroutine modules at an earlier date. In short, the general purpose code was in fact limited by computer memory and systems as well as the fixed number of options. Hence the coding system with its cross-section system and subroutine mouules evolved to the present day situation where we see on display the manufactured-product-codes dubbed here as "prototypes." A most popular technique that is employed in the United States today is the Monte Carlo technique. Its popularity stems from the fact that in principie one may incorporate complicated geometric and source configurations into calculations of radiation transport. The energy and angular distributions of radiation which penetrates relatively large thicknesses of material can also be calculated in principle. Moreover, with the advent of simplified programming systems, such as FORTRAN, and fast computers, the Monte Carlo technique is available to many more people today than it was a few years ago. In fact the sterotipe of the Monte Carlo expert, who labors over a sub- routine written in symbolic language to make it extremely efficient, is disappearing. He is still essential, but he works closely with ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 4. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL other members of a programming team which is concerned with the con- ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL struction of a coding system alluded to earlier. The importance of the coding system is seen by observing that a physicist or engineer may be relieved of the burden of the large programming effort in the complete construction of a Monte Carlo code and may restrict his efforts to the writing of a few suvroutine modules to perform the random sampling and scoring techniques peculiar to his purpose. The Monte Carin technique lends itself well to the notion of a coding system. An executive program can easily be con- structed to generally control the inpuc and output land to command the algorithms necessary for generating the life histories of the radiation and for tabulating the score or expected values of these histories. Subroutine modules can be constructed to handle fairly general geometry and to easily implement cross section input. The algorithms governing the generation and scoring of the life histories can be easily arranged in a modular form. Among the Monte Carlo coding systems extant in the United States are the 05Ra nd OGRE<° systems of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, UNC-SAM?9 of United Nuclear Corporation, and 1-0550 of General Dynamics, USAF Nuclear Aerospace Research Facility. There is evidence that others are probably using coding systems a few of which are Technical Operations Research, 32 Atomics International, Radiation Research Associates, 52 and Lockheed-Georgia Company at Marietta. The future course of the evolution of Monte Carlo s ystems is interesting to contemplate. A movement is already afoot to inter- connect the many cross-section systems for both reactor and shielding calculations via ‘a national "hookup." Many installations, which have 1C $ ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . NA . A w .. -5- CNL - AEC - OFFICIAL cross-section data arranged neatly in an automated system, have expressed an interest and a desire to aid in compiling a national cross-section system which many of you may linow as the Evaluated Nuclear Data File or ENDF." The possibilities of sharing data swiftly and automatically have obvious advantages, not the least of which may be economic. Moreover there is the possibility of an inter- national "hookup" with which many of you inay also be familiar. One of the most interesting ideas on the horizon is the "compilable system." The idea is simply that a computer facility may have, as a subsystem, the aforementioned code system ensconsed in mass storage along with subroutine modules which ar likely to be used and perhaps even a special compiler which will more than likely be FORTRAN. This compilable system could then be approached by the physicist or enſineer, who would have a special purpose task to perform, with the minimum of effort and programmang skill so that he could concentrate on the special subroutines he would need for random sampling and scoring. I have said very little about the Munte Carlo techniques them- selves and the reason is that the techniques have not ciianged a great deal, although there are some old notions which are being resurrected. The techniques of survival biassing, Russian Roulette and splitting (based on weight standards), and expected values are commonly used ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL today. There has been little imagination incorporated into scoring techniques and perhaps too much imagination has been brought to bear on sampling techniques. Practically nothing has been done about assessing the statistical errors inherent in the Monte Carlo processes. This situation is rather sad since for larg attenuations it seems intuitive that the distributions will differ appreciably from normal. . T . . 1 . Y II . . . . . 11 + ORNL - AEC - OFFICIA! LEGAL NOTICE The report nus prepared un secowi of Governou opousond work. Neidy che limited Melos, nor the coamustoa, nor way around uting car wil of the wirebon: . Wakus may warruty or reprcinala uon, expressed or implied, mth respect to the accu- racy, dwa pleteness, or we felness of the information contained in this report, or the owe of may lalormethan, apparatu, ai , ar mani daclound this report my har tatring pinkaly owned redus; or 1. Ammus ny liabides with respect to the w ol, or lar d'nayo watter from the Nowy alurudhon, wanatus, method, or mascus decloond to the report. As wood to the abovo, "perHU scting a hotell nad the cominstea" Lozlu y Moyna a contractar a un cumleaton, or mployees are connector, W ed that much wpisyo a contractor of the Counselling a wwwploynd met minister meenee, decolmalar, or por den sena to, any commation present to beli plement or connet vith the countsabou, w komplement mal mah cairan. 6. There are some clean-cut notions regarding the use of importance sampling which are being resurrected today. One should not approach ORNL the technique of importance sampling blindly. All too often reliance on intuition may be a case of "the blind leading the blind." Clearly the use of the exponential transformation as a guide to importance sampling has merit and is used to some cxtent today. The use of a more genera.l transformation, of which the exponential transformation is a special case, is another guide which is being considered. The latter can be associated with the adjoint of the transport equation end there are several groups investigating this concept among which are Coveyou, et al., at Oak Ridge, Kalos now of the MAGI (Mathematical Applications Group, Inc.), and Gelbard et al. at the Westinghouse Bettis Laboratory. It is difficult to give proper credit for these : - - - - - ideas. Herman Kahn's exposition4 on Monte Carlo techniques contains - .-. .- - .- t T * . - - - - -- - - - - in some form almost all, if not all, the techniques that have been used. Goertzelwrote about some of these notions quite early and later Goertzel and Kalos elucidated."Probably the first practical use of the exponential transforzation was by Beach et al. This was followed by the work of Perkins and Burrell." Several others have incorporated the exponential transformation and the most recent appli- cations, and perhaps the most elegant, have been reported by Leimdörfer?9 (if I may intrude upon the European scene), Clark, 4' and Chilton. 41 As I mentioned before, the scoring techniques have not evolved a great deal. It is common practice to use an uncollided flux estimator ilton. 42 - ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL at each collision to calculate a current, & flux in a volume, or a flux. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . .- . . ..- . . --- . . - "ht 1 . - . . '.. * * 1 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL -7- ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL at a point. Kalos* has pointed out that these estimators lead to an infinite variance and he proponed an alternate scheme. It is not clear why his suggestion has not come irito common usage, but it is now seriously being considered by some groups. A novel estimator was used by Amster et al." and again by Trubey** for enother appli- cation. This estimator was based on the first flight from the source. Turning to another fubject, the discrete-ordinate Carlson Sn codes are now being considered as research tools in shielding. The turning point was when Lethrop at Los Alamos applied the technique to gamma- ray shielding problems. Others working concurrently in this area were the groups at General Atomi. 's at Ia Jolla, Atonics Inter- national, Westinghouse Bettis Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The principal change was the expansion of the differential cross-sections to higher orders of Legendre polynonials. It is clear that the one-dimensional codes may readily be used, but there are some unsolved difficulties with the two dimensional versions. One of the problems, namely that of computer storage required, will certainly be resolved with the next generation computers. It is fairly certain that this technique will come into common usage particularly for parametric studies and for the estimation of heating. The advantage of handling multilayered configurations in a fairly ex&ct way makes the technique seem more attractive than that of the point kernel inte- gration. The Carlson S, technique lends itself to the fancy notions ·.:.- -..- . of modularity only to the extent of employing a cross-section system -nes .-.- and perhaps input-output modules. - ie ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL nsero.mano.. . - -- -8. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL The last major topic is that of the point kernel-integration technique. This technique depends on having a goodly supply of attenuation data in infinite homogeneous media or else experimental ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL data in a thick bulk medium. Consequently it is helpful to have at one's disposal codes which are fairly exact in simple geometry namely those empioying the moinenčs-method, the Carlson Sn technique, spherical harmonics, etc. The kernel-integration technique is only an approxi- mation and probably is only applicable to situations where the source is embedded in a bulk shieid. The technique has enjoyed longevity and there are many prescriptions for utilizing the infinite medium data for the case of a multilayered shield.*oger Basically the tech- nique is simply that of ray-tracing in that one compute the distances in each portion of the shield along the ray from a source point to a rield point, uses some formula to arrive at an attenuation rinction, and ultimate.ly integrates over the source volume. There are embellish- ments of this basic technique such as attaching an angular distri- bution as the rays cross the outer surface of the shield and as in .. - the two-component method *' where one not only attaches an angular distribution, but integrates over the surface. By and large the in- plementation of this technique is an art, but is not to be discounted when one is fairly familiar with the shield configuration and when time is of the essence as in parametric studies. This technique lends itself to modularity in the employment of geometry, input-output and perhaps integration modules. There are other techniques which are not commonly used, but should ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL be mentioned. The Spinney-method (removal-diffusion) is probably used ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ile + TWISU . -.-. - - . - E . -9- ONNI - MEC - OFFICIAL only to any great extent by the group at Battelle-Northwest; the ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL code 18 MAC. closely allied with the spinney-Method is the "trans- fusion" technique reported by Trubey." This technique is aimed toward the calculation of low energy neutron fluxes and in principle one uses a transport code to calculate the spatially dependent sources to be introduced into a multigroup diffusion code. The tech- nique of invariant imbedding is being investigated by the Rand Corp. and General Dynamics, USAF Nuclear Aerospace Research Facility. closely related is the transmission matrix technique of Liedtka et al. There are sther computer code applications to shielding problems, but since the main interest is that of attemiation I will not delve into the matter. The future of the shielding calculational techniques in the U. S. lies with the future of computer technology. I expect to see more, and hopefully more censible, Monte Carlo applications. It is almost certain the compilable system will come into being. The use of the discrete-ordinate Carlson Sn technique will increase and perhaps become commonplace. We will always have the kernel-integra- tion technique for it is without doubt the tool of the engincer who must make rapid calculations and who must perform parametric studies. I believe that the Spinney-method will be used to a larger extent especially when the European codes NRN and COMPRASII are introduced into the United States. In any case the future is exciting to contemplate and hopefully will be fruitful. ORNI - ÅEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL - . . . F. . :. . . -10- .. - ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - - REFERENCES . . . . . 1. J. J. Locchler and J. E. MacDonald, Flexible Monte Carlo Programs FMC-N and FMC-G, APEX-706 (April 1961). 2. R. R. Coveyou, et al., "The Oak Ridge Random Research Reactor Routire (05R): A General Purpose Monte Carlo Code for the IBM-704," Neutron Physics Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Sept. 1958, CRNL-2309, p. 87; ani S. K. Penny, "A General Purpose Monte Carlo Gamma- Ray Code," Neutron Phys. Viv. Ann. Progr. Rept. Sepćo 1961, ORNI-3193, p. 314. 3. E. J. Leshan, RBU, Caiculation of Reactor History Including the Details of Isotopic Concentraticn, Part I: The Method, ASAE-34 (Dec. 1958). J. T. Martin, J. P. Yalch, and W. E. Edwards, Shielding Computer 4. 2 Pirograms 14-0 and 14-1, Reactor Shieid Analysis, GE-ANPD, XDC 59-2-16 (January 23, 1959). 5. J. T. Martin, J. F. Yalch, and W. E. Edwards, Shivlding Computer Program 14-2, Reactor Shield Analysis, GE-ANPD, XDC 59-6-173 (June 15, 1939). 6. D. M. Peterson, Shield Penetration Programs, NARF-61-39T, FZK-9-170 (December 29, 1961); and G. E. Miller and C. E. Humphries, General Dynamics N-S Memo 1/348 (March 19, 1962). . 7. B. Carlson, Numerical Solution of Transient and Steady-State 8. 3, S. Prei A am for the Numerical Integration of the ". "IT Neutron Transport Problems, LA-2260 (Oct. 1959). S. Preiser, et al.,A Program for the Numerical Integration of the Boltzmann Transport Equation - NIOBE, ARL Tech. Rept. 60-3.14 (Dec. 1960).. - TE ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL R EX RAS . . -ll- ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 9. J. Certaine, et al., RENUPAK - An IBM-704 Program for Neutron Moment Calculations, UNC-NDA-2120-3 (Dec. 1959). 19. H. Bohl, Jr., et al., PIMG--A One-Dimensional Multigroup Pl Code - . for the IBM-704, WAPD-TM-135 (July 1959); and R. C. Gast, A P-9 Multigroup Method for Solution of the Transport Equation in Slab Geometry, WAPD-232 (itay 1950). 11. E. G. Peterson, MAC--A Bulk Shielding Code, HW-73381 (April 1962). 12. J. P. Yalch and J. E. MacDonald, Program 20-2, A Program for - .- - Approximating Cross Section Dependence on Energy, GEMP-3.13 (June 1962). 13. J. P. Yalch and J. E. MacDonald, Program 20-4, A Program for Aver- aging Differential Scattering Cross Sections, GEMP-115 (June 1962). 14. J. P. Yalch and J. E. MacDonald, Program 20-5, A Program for Preparation of Spectrum Tables from Evaporation Model, GEMP-116 (June 1962). 15. J. P. Yalch and J. E. MacDonald, Program 20-6, A Program for Com- puting Nuclear Excitation and Transition Probabilities from Measured Gamma Ray Intensities, GEMP-117 (June 1962). 15. J. J. Loechler, Flexible Mɔnte Carlo Source Generation, xDC 61-4-52 17./J. E. MacDona (April 1961). 17./ J. E. MacDonald, J. T. Martin and J. P. Yalch, Specialized Reactor- Shield Monte Carlo Program 18-0, GEMP-102 (October 1962). 18. J. E. MacDonald and J. T. Martin, Shielding Computer Program 20-0, APEX-610 (August 1961). ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 22 -12- ORNI - AEC - OFF:CIAL 19. J. P. Yalch and J. E. MacDonald, Program 20-3, A Program for Com- ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL putation of Total Macroscopic Cross Section and Collision Pro- babilities for Specified Material Composition, GEMP-114 (June 1962). 20. J. M. Martin, Shield Region Data Converter Program 20-7, APEX-605 (August 1961). 22. J. P. Yalch and J. E. MacDonald, Program 20-8, A Program for Inter- preting Program 18-0 Source and Escape Particle Tapes, GEMP-123 (July 1962). 22. Burton Eisenman and Elinor Hennessy, ADONIS - An IBM 7090 Monte Carlo Shielding Code which Solves for the Transport of Neutrons or Gamma Rays in Three-Dimensional Rectangular Geometry, UNUCOR- 635 (March 1963). Walter Guber and Martin Shapiro, Advanced Shield Calculational 23. Techniques - Volume III: A Description of the Sane and Sage Pro- grams, UNUCOR-633 (Marci 1963); and Morton R. Fleishman, Advanced Shield Calculational Techniques - Volume IV: A Sane-Sage User's Guide, UNUCOR-634 (March 1963). 24. R. A. Liedtke and H. A. Steinberg, A Monte Carlo Code for Gamma- Ray Transmission through Laminated Slab Shields, WADC-TR-58-80 , (April 1958). 25. H. Steinberg, Monte Carlo Code for Penetration of Crew Compartments : II, TRG-211-3-FR (Dec. 1959). 26. H. Steinberg, et al., Analytic and Monte Carlo Studies of Gamma Ray Shadow Shielding, TRG-215-FR (May 1961.). ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL -. VW -13- ORNI ASC-FFIC!! 27. R. R. Coveyou, v. G. Sullivan, H. P. Carter, D. C. Irving, R. M. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL Freestone, Jr., and F. B. K. Kam, O5R, A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code, ORNL-3622 (February 1965); and W. E. Kinney, Program STATEST, An Application of the Method of Statistical Estimatior to the Calculation of Neutron Flux in Anisotropically Scattering Media by Monte Carlo, ORNL-3715 (November 1964). S. K. Penny, D. K. Trubey, and M. B. Emmett, OGRE--A Monte Carlo 28. System for Gamma-Ray Transport Studies Including an Example (OGRE-P1) for Transmission through Laminated Slabs, ORNL-3805 (April 1966); and D. K. Trubey and M. B. Emmett, OGRE-G, An OGRE System Monte Carlo Code for the Calculation of Gamma-Ray Dose Rate at Arbitrary Points in an Arbitrary Geometry, ORNL-TM-1212 (Ja!.. 1966). 29. B. Eisenman and F. t. Nakache, UNC-SAM, A FORTRÁN Monte Carlo System for the Evaluation of Neutron or Gamma--Ray Transport in Three-Dimensional Geometry, UNC-5093 (Aug. 1964). 30. D. G. Collins, A Monte Carlo Procedure for Calculating Penetra- tion of Neutrons through Straight Cylindrical Ducts, NAKF-61-33T, MR-N-286 (November 24, 1961); and D. G. Collins, A Monte Carlo Multibend Duct Procedure, NARF-62-31T, MR-N-297 (Sept. 15, 1962). 31. Dominic J. Raso, Monte Carlo Codes to Investigate the Reflection and Transmission of Gamma Rays and Neutrons in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Slabs, TO-B 63-82, Vols. I-III (Oct. 1963). ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL --RELAT -14- 32. D. G. Collins, Utilization Instructions for General Application of the L-05 Monte Carlo Procedure, RRA-144 (May 29, 1964). 33. Henry C. Honeck, ENDF, Evaluated Nuclear Data File, Description and Specifications, BNL-8381 (Aug. 1965). 34. H. Kahn, Applications of Monte Carlo, AECU-3259 (April 1954); and H. Kahn, "Random Sampling (Monte Carlo) Techniques in Neutron Attenuation Problems - I and II,"Nucleonics, 6, 27-37 and 60-65 (May 1950). 35. G. Goertzel, Quota Sampling and Importance Functions in Stochastic Solutions of Particle Problems, AECD-2793 (June 1949). 36. G. Goertzel and M. H. Kalos, 'Monte Carlo in Transport Problems," Progress in. Nuclear Energy, Series I, Phys. and Math, Vol. 2 (Pergamon Press, New York, 1958), pp. 315-369. 37. L. A. Beach, et al., Stochastis Estimates of y-Ray Spectral Intensities for Shallow and Deep Penetration, MRI-4412 (1954). 38. J. T. Perkins and M. O. Burrell, 'Efficiency of Some Biased Sam- - - - ww - -- - - ... - - 0 -- - -:. . pling Schemes in Monte Carlo Calculations," Nuclear Engineering and Science Conference, April 6-9, 1969, published by Er.gineers Joint Council. 39. M. Leimdörfer, "A Monte Carlo Method for the Analysis of Gamma - Radiation Transport," Nukleonik, 6, 58-65 (March 1964); and "On the Transtormation of the Transport Equation for Solving Deep Penetration Problems by the Monte Carlo Method," Trans. Chalmers Univ. Technol., Goethenburg, Sweden, No. 286 (1964). - - 2 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL NOM IN . V Jy'. 2. -15- ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL 40. Francis H. Clark, The Exponential Transform as an Importance- Sampling Device--A Review, ORNL-RSIC-14 (January 1966). 41. A. B. Chilton, "A New Variant to the Exponential Transformation Techniques in Monte Carlo Shielding Calculations," Nucl. Sci. Eng., 24, 200-208 (Feb. 1966). 42. M. H. Kalos, "On the Estimation of Flux at a Point by Monte Carlo," Nucl. Sci. Eng., 16, 111-117 (May 1963). 43. H. J. Amster, et al., Euripus-3 and Daedalus--Monte Corlo Density Codes for the IBM-704, WAPD-TM-205 (February 1960). 44. D. K. Trubey and M. B. Emmett, A Comparison of First- and Last- Flight Expectation Values Used in an OSR Monte Carlo Calculation of Neutron Distributions in Water, ORNL-RSIC-3 (May 1965). 45. K. D. Lathrop, 'Use of Discrete-Ordinates Methods for Solution of Photon Transport Problems," Nucl.. Sci. Eng., 24, 381-388 (April 1966); and D. K. Trubey, s. K. Penny, and K. D. Lathrop, A Compari- son of Three Methods used to Calculate Gamma-Ray Transport in Iron, ORNL-RSIC-9 (October 1965). 46. H. Bohl, Jr., et al., P3MG1--A One-Dimensional Multigroup P-3 Program for the Philco-2000 Computers, WAPD-TM-272 (Sept. 1963). 47. R. E. Malenfant, The Code QAD P-5, Los Alamos, Unpublished; and 'J. K. Witthaus, The Code QAD P-R, Aerojet, San Ramon, Unpublisha. 48. W. B. Green, Mortimer, A Modification of the Ratrap Code Which Includes the Two Component Method of Shield Analysis, NAA-SR-9327 (December 1963). ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL - 16- ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL 49. D. X. Trubey, Calculation of Fission-Source Therma l-Neutron ORNI – AEC - CFFICIAL Distrioution in water by the Transfusion Method, ORNL-3487 (Aug. 1964). 50. D. Yarmush, et al., The Transmission Matrix Method for Penetra- tion Problems, WADC-TR-59-772 (Aug. 1960). ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Ny - 1 - END DATE FILMED 9 / 9 /66 . . . . 22 2244 J vo. "W "R HU WAWAN MTAA ' : WAY. WoW Wiwit QUA . 1 114